BA: Sociology

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Behavioral Sciences 2012-2013. BA: Sociology. Freshman Year - 1 st. Semester. 16CR. PSYC180 Dealing with Your Mind. 3CR. RELT100 God & Human Life.
Behavioral Sciences 2012-2013

BA: Sociology Freshman Year - 1st Semester PSYC180 Dealing with Your Mind RELT100 God & Human Life ENGL115 English Composition I LANG Elementary Language PHIL224 Introduction to Philosophy

16CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 4CR 3CR

Freshman Year – 2nd Semester INFS120 Foundations of Information Technology MATH145 Reasoning with Functions LANG Elementary Language COMM104 Communications Skills SOCI119 Principles of Sociology

16CR 3CR 3CR 4CR 3CR 3CR

Sophomore Year – 1st Semester ENGL215 English composition II BHSC230 Research Methods I PSYC432 Research Methods II Choose one Intermediate Language HIST117 Civilizations and Ideas I

16CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 4CR 3CR

Sophomore Year – 2nd Semester FMST201 Personal Relationships BHSC220 Contemporary Social Issues SOCI433 Research Methods III SOCI434 Research Methods IV HIST118 Civilizations & Ideas II HLED120 Fit for Life

16CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 1CR

Junior Year – 1st Semester RELT340 Religion & Ethics in Modern Society PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology Choose 3 credits of Sociology Substantive courses (found in Bulletin) Choose one Physical Science GE course (found in Bulletin) BHSC100 Philosophy of Service FTES Fitness Education

16CR 3CR 3CR 3CR 4CR 2CR 1CR

Junior Year – 2nd Semester ANTH200 Cultural Anthropology Choose any Religion Choose 6 credits of Sociology Substantive courses (found in Bulletin) Choose one Life Sciences GE course (found in Bulletin)

16CR 3CR 3CR 6CR 4CR

Senior Year – 1st Semester RELP400 Senior Seminar: Health Professions Choose two Sociology electives SOCI474 Social Thought & Theory ECON225 Macroeconomics FTES Fitness Education

16CR 3CR 6CR 3CR 3CR 1CR

Senior Year – 2nd Semester PSYC450 Social Psychology BHSC300 Service Fieldwork Choose any Religion course Choose a Fine Arts/Humanities GE course (except PHIL224) FTES Fitness Education Choose 6 credits of Sociology Substantive courses (found in Bulletin)

16-18CR 3CR 0-2CR 3CR 3CR 1CR 6CR