Overview of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology. 1. Vision ...... 1,982. 1,825. 1,759. 1,759. 1,789. 1,749.
Table of Contents Table of Contents i List of Tables iii List of Figures vi Abbreviations vii Foreword ix Preface x Acknowledgements xi Executive Summary xii CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 Introduction 1 Overview of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology 1 Vision 1 Mission 1 Core Values 1 Organization of the Ministry 2 CHAPTER TWO: METHODOLOGY 3 Introduction 3 Validation of Schools List 3 Review of Data Collection Tools 3 Data Collection and Processing 3 Validation of Results 4 Limitations of the Data 4 Estimation for Non Response 4 CHAPTER THREE: HIGHLIGHTS OF 2014 SCHOOLS CENSUS RESULTS 5 Introduction 5 Number of Schools 5 Enrolment by Gender and Level of Education 7 Special Needs Learners and Orphans and Vulnerable Children 9 Basic Education Cycle Schooling Profile 10 Gross Enrolment and Net Enrolment Rates 12 Internal Efficiency Indicators 19 Pupils/Students Teacher Ratios 19 Schools Infrastructure 23 National Examinations Results 26 CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 28 Conclusion 28 Recommendations 29
List of Tables Table 1: Number of Schools and Enrolments, Actual and Adjusted Figures (2014)
Table 2: Number of Schools
Table 3: Enrolment by Gender (‘000) and Gender Parity Index
Table 4: Enrolment by Education Levels, in thousands
Table 5: Special Needs, Orphaned and Vulnerable Children
Table 6: Enrolment in Teacher Training Colleges
Table 7: Schooling Profile Indicators
Table 8: Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Education Levels
Table 9: 2014 Internal Efficiency Indicators for Primary and Secondary Education
Table 10: Teachers and Pupil Teacher Ratios, 2014
Table 11: Status of Classrooms, 2014
Table 12: Pupil/Student Toilets, 2014
Table 13: KCPE Examination Candidature
Table 14: KCPE Examination Results by subject
Table 15: KCSE Examination Results
Table 16: ECDE Centers and Average School Size by County
Table 17: ECDE Enrollment and Enrollment rates by county
Table 18: ECDE Enrolment by Public and Private
Table 19: Public ECDE Enrolment by Levels and Sex
Table 20: Private ECDE Enrolment by Class and Sex
Table 21: ECDE Teachers
Table 22: ECDE Pupil Teacher Ratios
Table 23: Primary Schools and Average School Size
Table 24: Number of Schools by Accommodation Category
Table 25: Number of Schools by Gender
Table 26: Primary Enrollment and Enrollment Rates by County
Table 27: Out Of School Children Based on Primary NER
Table 28: Primary Share of Private Enrolment
Table 29: Primary Enrolment by Residence Total
Table 30: Public Primary Enrolment by Residence
Table 31: Private Primary Enrolment by Residence
Table 32: Primary Enrolment by Classes
Table 33: Primary Boys Enrolment by Class
Table 34: Primary Girls Enrolment by Class
Table 35: Public Primary Enrolment by Class
Table 36: Boys Public Primary Enrolment by Class
Table 37: Girls Public Primary Enrolment by Class
Table 38: Total Private Primary Enrolment by Class
Table 39: Boys Private Primary Enrolment by Class
Table 40: Girls Private Primary Enrolment by Class
Table 41: Primary Repeaters by Class by County
Table 42: Primary Boys Repeaters by Class
Table 43: Primary Girls Repeaters by Class
Table 44: OVCS, Special needs and pupils no desk, Primary
Table 45: Primary Teachers Distribution by County
Table 46: Primary Pupil-Teacher Ratio by School Status
Table 47: Public Primary Schools Text Books
Table 48: Public Primary Schools Text Book Ratios
Table 49: Private Primary Schools Text Books
Table 50: Private Primary Schools Text Book Ratios
Table 51: Primary Schools Text Books
Table 52: Primary Text Book Ratios
Table 53: Public Primary Lower Class Text Books (Class 1-3)
Table 54: Public Primary Lower Class Text Book Ratios (Class 1-3)
Table 55: Private Primary Lower Class Text Books (Class 1-3)
Table 56: Private Primary Lower Class Text Book Ratios (Class 1-3)
Table 57: Public Primary Upper Class Text Books (Class 4-8)
Table 58: Public Primary Upper Class Text Book Ratios (Class 4-8)
Table 59: Private Primary Upper Class Text Books (Class 4-8)
Table 60: Private Primary Upper Class Text Book Ratios (Class 4-8)
Table 61: Primary Classrooms
Table 62: Primary Pupil Toilets
Table 63: Secondary Schools by school status and Average Schools Size
Table 64: Number of Schools by Accommodation Status
Table 65: Number of Schools by Gender
Table 66: Secondary Enrollment and Enrollment rates by County
Table 67: OVCS, Special needs and pupils no desk, Secondary
Table 68: Secondary Enrollment by school status
Table 69: Public Enrolment by Residence
Table 70: Private Enrolment by Residence
Table 71: Total Secondary Enrolment by Residence
Table 72: Public Secondary Enrolment by Class
Table 73: Private Secondary Enrolment by Class
Table 74: Total Secondary Enrolment by Class
Table 75: Public Secondary Repeaters by Class
Table 76: Private Secondary Repeaters by Class
Table 77: Total Secondary Repeaters by Class
Table 78: Table 2.19: Teacher by Status and County for Secondary
Table 79: Secondary Pupil-Teacher Ratio by School Status
Table 80: Public Schools Text Books for Selected Subjects
Table 81: Public Secondary Schools Text Book Ratios for Selected Subjects
Table 82: Private Secondary Schools Textbook for Selected Subjects
Table 83: Private Secondary Schools Text Book Ratios for Selected Subjects
Table 84: Total Secondary Schools Text Book for Selected Subjects
Table 85: Total Secondary Schools Text Book Ratios for Selected Subjects
Table 86: Secondary Classroom Status
Table 87: Secondary Toilets
List of Figures Figure 1: Number of Schools
Figure 2: Schooling Profile I
Figure 3: Schooling Profile II
Figure 4: Schooling Pyramid
Figure 5: ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates
Figure 6: ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by County, 2014
Figure 7: Primary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates
Figure 8: Primary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by County, 2014
Figure 9: Secondary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates
Figure 10: Secondary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by County, 2014
Figure 11: Public Primary Pupil Teacher Ratio, 2014
Figure 12: Public Secondary Pupil Teacher Ratio, 2014
Figure 13: Primary School Connectivity to Electricity, 2014
Figure 14: Secondary School connectivity to Electricity, 2014
Figure 15: Primary Schools Access to Water, 2014
Figure 16: Secondary Schools Access to Water, 2014
Figure 17: KCPE Candidature Proportions
Abbreviations AIDS ASAL
Acqired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Arid and Semi-arid Land
Board of Management
Curriculum Based Establishment
Central Planning and Project Monitoring Unit
Commission for University Education
Directorate of Quality Assurance and Standards
Elder of the Burning Spear
Early Childhood Development Education
Education for All
Education Management Information System
Education Standards and Quality Assurance Council
Free Day Secondary Education
Fellow of the International College of Dentists
Fellow of Kenya National Academy of Sciences
Free Primary Education
Gross Enrolment Rate
Higher Education Loans Board
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Institute for Capacity Development and Training in Africa
Information and Communication Technology
In-Service and Training
Jomo Kenyatta Foundation
Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Kenya Education Management Institute
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development
Kenya Institute for Special Education
Kenya Literature Bureau
Kenya National Commission
Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
Kenya National Examination Council
Millennium Development Goals Ministry of Education Science and Technology
Medium Term Plan
National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya
National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation
National Education Board
Net Enrolment Rate
National Education Sector Plan
Non-Governmental Organizations
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Postal Corporation of Kenys
Pupil Teacher Ratio
Rural Electrification Authority
Semi-Autonomous Government Agency
Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education
Teachers Service Commission
Teachers Training College
Technical, Vocational Education and Training
Technical, Vocational Education and Training Authority
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Children’s Fund
YP Youth Polytechnic
Foreword Data and information is critical in bringing out issues and forms part of the strategic, tactical and operational resource distribution. It gives managers an opportunity to strengthen gains realized and provide remedy to areas of weaknesses it highlights. In this breath, education statistics should present facts to help improve the sector’s performance. This can only be possible if the statistics for the sector are timely, accurately and reliably delivered to intended users. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and other stakeholders in the sector are committed to the provision and utilization of timely, accurate and reliable education data and information. This is made possible through a data management framework that contributes towards improving policy formulation; planning; budgeting; decision making; and program interventions. This will enhance the general performance of the sector and provide an opportunity to address the progress made towards achieving the development objectives of the education sector as stipulated in the strategic objectives in the Medium Term Plan 2013–2017; the National Education Sector Plan and the Strategic Plan 2013–2018; the national development strategies in the Vision 2030; and the Constitution of Kenya 2010. In the past couple of years the Ministry has made several attempts at developing a comprehensive Education Management Information System (EMIS) to deliver timely and reliable education data in support of education planning and management. The attempts have faced a number of challenges which compromised the delivery of timely education statistics. In 2014 the Ministry engaged development partners to help address some of the challenges and deliver the 2014 education statistics. Arising from the support, the Ministry carried out a schools census whose results are presented in this booklet. The Ministry has also established a solid foundation that will facilitate delivery of future education statistics. I would like to assure all education stakeholders that the Ministry is committed to institutionalizing annual data collection culture so that progress on education programs is regularly measured and reported. This will provide a source of useful data and information for planning and policy making in the sector. I wish to therefore call for your continued support and participation to ensure the realization of the sector’s development.
Prof. Jacob T. Kaimenyi PhD, FICD, EBS Cabinet Secretary for Education, Science and Technology
Preface This Education Statistical Booklet is primarily based on the 2014 school census data that was collected from basic education institutions namely Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE), Primary and Secondary. Additional data and information has been generated from existing databases from 2009 to 2012 school censuses. In an effort to increase the reporting rate by schools, the Ministry successfully reviewed its data collection tool. The initial data collection tool was a seventeen page questionnaire which often resulted in under reporting coupled with blank sections. The EMIS team worked out a tool that would collect information that was sufficient for education sector planning based on feedback from the sector stakeholders. The reviewed data collection tool was successfully administered to each of the three levels: ECDE, Primary and Secondary. As you are all aware, the Free Primary Education and the Free Day Secondary Education which began in 2003 and 2008 respectively have seen a huge growth in the enrolment for the school going children. Mainstreaming of Early Childhood Development and education also continues to show impressive progress. The effective and successful implementation of these important programs among others is dependent on timely, accurate and reliable data from learning institutions at these levels. The 2014 Education Statistical Booklet provides an insight into the education sector status for the period and gives data and information on all the basic education levels. A number of critical issues in the sector have been presented including: number of institutions, enrolments, schooling profile, internal efficiency, pupil teacher ratios, school infrastructure, and examination performance among others. This report therefore generates very useful information that will be used by planners, policy makers, educators, parents, the learners, researchers as well as our development partners.
Dr. Belio R. Kipsang Principal Secretary, State Department of Education
Acknowledgements I would like to thank everyone who made this publication a reality. I would like to thank the UNICEF for its strategic partnership with the Ministry through the technical and financial assistance which have reengineered statistical processes in the education sector. The team led by Daniel Baheta has been incredibly helpful and I would like to encourage more of such partnerships within the sector. I am thankful for the overall technical guidance of Ramahatra Andriamamy Rakotomalala in economics of education, education statistics and population fields to the Ministry team. I would also like to convey my special appreciation to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) for the technical support in developing and customizing the StatEduc application that was used in processing data presented in this booklet. I would like to commend the commitment and the dedication of the Central Planning and Project Monitoring Unit of the Ministry under the leadership of the Chief Economist, State Department of Education in the delivery of this publication. In deed the Ministry has affirmed its capacity to respond to the demand for education data in the country. The contribution of the County Directors of Education from all the forty seven counties; Sub County Directors; Quality Assurance and Standards Officers; District EMIS clerks; and teachers from all over the country cannot be overemphasized. This team’s conscious and timely actions helped in delivering the 2014 schools census results in record time. The collaboration of the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) in this process as the institution responsible for the National Statistical System will not escape my acknowledgement. Last but not least I would like to pay a special tribute to the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) for making the distribution of questionnaires all over the country very easy. The logistics of distribution of questionnaires has remained a nightmare to the Ministry but thanks to the PCK, there is a bright future to that process.
Leah K. Rotich (MRS.), MBS Ag. Education Secretary, State Department of Education
Executive Summary The 2014 Education Statistical booklet has been developed as a fulfilment of the Ministry’s function to deliver timely, accurate and reliable data. The booklet largely covers Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE), primary and secondary schools. This is based on the 2014 schools census which was conducted in basic education institutions. The booklet is organized in four key chapters. Chapter one gives the background and overview of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The chapter presents the Vision, Mission and core values of the Ministry as well as its role in promoting and coordinating quality education. The chapter introduces the organization of the Ministry in terms of its directorates and the Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGA) under the Ministry which fulfils some of the specialized roles attributed to the Ministry. Chapter two presents the methodology employed in conducting the 2014 schools census. It highlights the process that delivered the results including validation of schools list; review of the data collection tools; testing the reviewed tools; conducting the schools census; the processing and validation of the collected data. The chapter also presents the limitations of the data Chapter three presents the highlights of the results of the 2014 schools census detailing the validity of the results. The chapter presents the trend of education indicators with the base year being 2009. The details of the chapter include the number of schools and school sizes; enrolments and enrolment rates; schooling profile; internal efficiency measures; teachers and pupil teacher ratios; text books and pupil text book ratios; classrooms and class sizes; and examination results. The chapter also gives cross county variations of selected indicators revealing the unequal phenomena that may be hidden behind national averages. Chapter four presents recommendations and way forward in the institutionalization of data management within the sector. Having faced a myriad of challenges in the past that undermined the delivery of consistent statistics, the Ministry has established a foundation that will ensure delivery of future statistics. The resultant framework should ensure that reported statistics will be reliable, timely and accurate. Finally, the annexes provide comprehensive information of measures and indicators aggregated at county level. These are necessary for education sector planning and monitoring.
CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND INFORMATION Introduction The goal of the Vision 2030 is to transform the country into a globally competitive and a prosperous nation by the year 2030. The vision is founded on the social, economic and political pillars. Within the social pillar, education sector plays a critical role in facilitating the process of inculcating knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for catapulting Kenya to a globally competitive country and acquiring new knowledge in a systematic way with a view to improving products and processes. The sector therefore has a major responsibility of facilitating the process of developing manpower necessary for transforming Kenya into a globally competitive country.
Overview of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, in the current government structure was established through the Executive Order No 2 of May 2013. The order mandated the Ministry to among other functions, manage education and training matters in the country.
Vision The vision of the Ministry is to have a globally competitive education, training, research and innovation system for sustainable development.
Mission To provide, promote and coordinate the delivery of quality education, training and research and enhance integration of Science, Technology and Innovation into national production systems for sustainable development.
Core Values The operational environment is governed by a desired set of core values, which constitute the desired organizational culture. The core values of the Ministry include: 1. Integrity – Committed to acting in an honest, accountable and transparent manner in all our undertakings. 2. Professionalism – Committed to the highest levels of achievement obtainable through competencies and critical skills. 3. Teamwork - Embrace teamwork and collaboration both within the Ministry and with all partners in the provision of education services. 4. Excellence - Committed to world class benchmarking of standards 5. Efficiency- Strive to achieve the highest value of benefit from the deployment of resources, particularly to the learner. 6. Innovativeness and creativity – Committed to setting and maintaining high standards of education and training through continuous improvement of service delivery. 7. Upholding cultural diversity – Education seeks to create a cohesive society where all people live together harmoniously regardless of race, tribe, creed, or geographic area of origin.
Organization of the Ministry The Ministry is comprised of the following directorates: 1. Administration and Planning: The directorate provides shared services to technical directorates. The directorate is further arranged in various units that include Administration, Human Resource Management and Development, Accounts, Finance, Central Planning and Project Monitoring Unit (CPPMU), Information and Communication Technology; Procurement; HIV/AIDS Unit; Gender; and Guidance and Counseling. 2. Directorate of Basic Education: The directorate is responsible for the formulation of pre-primary education policies; implementation of primary education; primary schools teachers training; and Primary Special Needs Education. 3. Directorate of Secondary and Tertiary Education: The directorate co-ordinates secondary education programs as well as pre-service training for diploma secondary school teachers. 4. Directorate of Policy, Partnerships and East Africa Community Affairs: The directorate coordinates overall policy formulation and nurturing partnerships between the Ministry and its development partners within the country and beyond. 5. Directorate of Alternative Provision of Basic Education and Training: The directorate coordinates Adult and Continuing Education programs; provides basic education and training opportunities to adults and out of school youth aged 15 years and above who either missed to join the formal education system in their childhood or dropped out of school before attaining sustainable levels of education. 6. Directorate of Youth Training: The directorate is mandated to revitalize and rehabilitate Youth Polytechnics countrywide. This directorate addresses issues of youth with regard to access of relevant education and training, employment and participation in national development. 7. Directorate of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET): The directorate is mandated to coordinate and implement technical education and training in the country. This includes enhancing access, equity, quality and relevance in technical education and training. The directorate also fosters linkages and collaborations between industry and TVET institutions. 8. Directorate of Higher Education: The directorate collaborates with relevant bodies to formulate and review of policies on Higher Education; expand access and improve quality and relevance of university education; coordinate admission of students to public universities. 9. Directorate of Research Management and Development: The mandate of the directorate includes: formulation of policy for research, science, Technology and Innovation; knowledge management; facilitating and guiding the national research system through policies that rationalize the integration of research and development into overall national economic development; and integrating research into national development. In addition to the directorates, the Ministry has other key sector players which include The Teachers Service Commission (TSC); Semi Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGA); Unions; Civil Societies; and the Kenya Private Schools Association.
CHAPTER TWO: METHODOLOGY Introduction Data and information in any sector is essential in bringing out the issues within that sector. It gives sector managers an opportunity to strengthen depicted gains and provide remedy to areas of weakness. Education statistics should present facts to help improve the sector’s performance. This is only possible if the statistics are timely, accurate and reliable. Flowing from this, all stakeholders in the sector have an increased chance of working on the same goals and objectives. The 2014 schools census was carried out through a series of activities as detailed below.
Validation of Schools List In order to conduct an effective schools census, a valid schools list was found to be very necessary. The EMIS team examined all existing databases in the sector and from them established a working master list of primary and secondary schools. The team manually went through each of the resultant schools removing all possible duplicates. After the first phase of clean-up, the team sent respective sub county lists to each of the sub counties for validation. In validating the lists, Sub County Directors confirmed the existence of schools and their operational status (functional or closed down) as well as adding missing schools.
Review of Data Collection Tools The Ministry felt a critical need for conducting a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) on EMIS. To accomplish this, there was need to review existing seventeen page questionnaire to a more effective data collection tool in effort to increase response rate by schools. The Ministry therefore developed a one page questionnaire taking into account the critical education variables for planning and monitoring purposes. The review was done on the ECDE, primary and Secondary questionnaires. The developed tools were subjected to internal appraisal before piloting in 72 schools (41 ECDE/ Primary and 31 Secondary) drawn from Kajiado, Kiambu and Nairobi counties. The questionnaires were distributed to pilot schools and collected within three days. The response was impressive as 99% of the schools responded to all the fields captured in the questionnaire. After piloting, the data collection tools were finalized taking into account feedback from pilot schools.
Data Collection and Processing The questionnaires were printed and distributed to basic education institutions all over the country. The Sub County Directors of Education took charge of the data collection process during the month of November 2014 and subsequently submitted all the questionnaires to the Ministry in the first week of December 2014. The data entry exercise for the 2014 schools census took place in January 2015 at the Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI). The Ministry invited 100 clerks from the counties to support the national EMIS team in the data entry. The Ministry used the StatEduc application for data entry. StatEduc is an application developed by UNESCO and was customized to conform to the questionnaires used for the 2014 schools census.
Validation of Results Since the tool used in data collection was a self-administered questionnaire, the Ministry carried out checks in about 500 sampled schools to verify that the data provided by schools was accurate. The Ministry dispatched nine teams to visit sampled schools across the country. The validation exercise revealed that the data reported in the schools census exercise was consistent with existing school records and the physical facilities observed.
Limitations of the Data The results from the 2014 schools census were faced with non response from some schools. The standalone ECDE centers lead the non-response. The response for primary and secondary schools was 96.5%. This is based on the validated lists of primary and secondary schools. An additional limitation to the results presented in chapter three is the assumption that there is no inter-county migration of school going age children.
Estimation for Non Response Table 1 presents the numbers obtained from the 2014 schools census. It also indicates the adjusted numbers estimated to 100%. It is evident from this table that there is a huge variation in the ECDE level than in primary and secondary school levels. This is due to the non-response of the stand-alone ECDE centers. At the ECDE level, it was challenging to get a master list due to time factor. The major control available was the number of centres established from the 2007 school mapping exercise and subsequent projections over the years yields an estimate of 40,211 in 2014. As a result the ECDE enrolment is estimated to 3.019 M based on the center sizes established from the 28,477 centers recorded. The primary and secondary figures have been adjusted from a response rate of 96.5% to 100%. Table 1: Number of Schools and Enrolments, Actual and Adjusted Figures (2014) ECDE
Actual from Census Schools Enrolment
Adjusted to 100% Schools Enrolment
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
CHAPTER THREE: HIGHLIGHTS OF 2014 SCHOOLS CENSUS RESULTS Introduction This chapter provides key highlights of selected indicators from 2009 to 2014. The rationale for the selection of the two point years was the in-depth enumeration of persons in 2009 and the comprehensive enumeration of schools in 2014. The two years thus give accurate status of education in the country. The highlights of the results cover number of schools; enrolments; teachers; access and coverage; schooling profile; efficiency indicators, students’ flow indicators; examinations performance; and infrastructure.
Number of Schools Table 2 below indicates the trend of the number of schools. The number of Early Childhood Development and Education Centers increased from 38,247 in 2009 to 40,211 in 2014, representing an annual growth of 1%. Public centers increased at a slightly lower rate of 0.8% compared to private centers that grew at 1.4%. The share of private ECDE centers remained consistent at 38% throughout the same period while the average size of an ECDE center increased from 59 to 75. The increase could be attributed to ECDE mainstreaming drive by the Ministry. Table 2: Number of Schools Level of Education
ECDE Public
Average school size Primary Public Private Total Average school size
Secondary Public Private
Total Average school size Teacher Training Colleges
Public Diploma Total
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
At primary level, the numbers of schools grew at an annual rate of 5.1% between 2009 and 2014. The growth registered by private schools was much higher than that of public schools at 12% and 3.2% respectively. In terms of proportion, private schools increased from 19% in 2009 to 26% in 2014. The average school size at primary level significantly dropped by 63 over the same period and this could be explained by the increase in the number of schools which have come to ease pressure on existing schools. Secondary schools registered the highest annual growth of the three levels of education. The number of schools grew at 8.2% between 2009 and 2014. Public secondary schools grew at 8.9% annually while private schools grew at 3.9% during the same period. The share of private schools dropped from 15% in 2009 to 12% in 2014 and this is attributed to the faster growth of public secondary schools compared to the private. The average size of a secondary schools increased from 250 in 2009 to 283 in 2011 before decreasing to 264 in 2014. Figure 1: Number of Schools
Number of Schools 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000
10,000 5,000 0
Enrolment by Gender and Level of Education Table 3 below shows the trend in enrolments across the three levels of basic education. The ECDE level has witnessed tremendous growth between 2009 and 2014, registering an annual growth of 6.1%. The growth may be attributed to assured transition between ECDE and primary schools as most ECDE centers are hosted in primary schools. The absolute parity index has improved in favor of girls from 2009 to 2014. The national average for the parity index has hidden cross county variations which have been presented in chapter four. Enrolment in ECDE increased by 772,600 pupils over the period between 2009 and 2014 this giving an annual growth rate of 6.1%. The total number of pupils enrolled in Primary Education increased by more than 8% over the period, with about 767,200 additional pupils and an annual growth rate of 1.6%. Secondary Education had the highest increase over the period with about 837,300 additional students that represent almost 57% increase over the period and with 9.4% annual increase. The parity index between girls and boys at ECDE level, increased over the period from 0.95 in 2009 to 1.05 in 2014. Thus there were more boys than girls at the beginning of the period and this changed to having more girls than boys in 2014. In Primary Education, the parity index improved over the period but did not get to parity by 2014 and hence equality is not yet achieved. Despite a real improvement in the gender parity at Secondary Education over the period, the index is still low at 0.92. Thus there are fewer girls than boys at Secondary Education level. Table 3: Enrolment by Gender (‘000) and Gender Parity Index Level of Education
ECDE Boys Girls
Parity index: Girls/Boys Primary
Parity index: Girls/Boys Secondary Boys
Parity index: Girls/Boys
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Table 4 shows evolution of student by education level within the education system, from ECDE to the end of Secondary education over the period of 2009 to 2014. More detailed analysis will be provided later in this section on student flow and schooling profile analysis.
Source: EMIS-Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Table 4: Enrolment by Education Levels, in thousands
Special Needs Learners and Orphans and Vulnerable Children As indicated in table 5, the number of special needs learners was 251, 542 while the number of OVCs was 1,083,472 in 2014. In public primary schools, about 3% of the learners are pupils with special needs while about 12% are OVCs. In public secondary the proportions are lower 0.2% and about 3% respectively. Majority of the special needs and OVCs are in public schools both at primary and secondary level. Table 5: Special Needs, Orphaned and Vulnerable Children Special Needs Learners
Total Percentage
Total Percentage
From table 6 below, the overall enrolment in public primary teacher training colleges grew by 19.5% over the period with an annual growth of 4.9%. In private primary TTCs, there was tremendous growth in enrolment by over 88% during the same period and an annual growth of 22%. In diploma teacher training, there was a growth in enrolment of 66.8% during the period. There were more females enrolling in primary teacher training than males while at diploma level, the number of males were slightly more than their female counterparts. Table 6: Enrolment in Teacher Training Colleges INSTITUTION
Public Primary TTC
Private Primary TTC
Diploma Teachers TOTAL
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Basic Education Cycle Schooling Profile Schooling profiles provides comprehensive information on evolution of enrolments as opposed to cycle averages measured by Gross Enrolment Rates. A schooling profile enables visualization of access and completion rates in a given cycle. Through the schooling profile, one is able to tell the retention rate in a cycle. This helps in understanding how pupils/students are moving within the cycle. Table 7 below presents main schooling profile indicators between 2009 and 2014. As shown in the table, access at grade one moved from 112.7% to 102.1% in 2009 and 2014 respectively. Access rates that exceed 100% indicate that more than one generation is entering the standard one at the same time. This is attributed to a catch up system (multiple cohort entry). The drop from 112.7% to 102.1% can be attributed to the end of the catch up phenomenon. Access at grade six (retention) has improved over the years from 95% in 2009 to 100.2% in 2014 (EFA target). The enrolment at class eight has grown over the same period at an annual rate of 0.6%. However, this rate of growth in the enrolment is lower than the annual growth of the population that is theoretically supposed to be in class 8 (Age 13) over the same period hence the significant drop in the primary completion rate from 86.5% in 2009 to 79.3% in 2014. Under the Education for All Framework, the desire of all countries that ratified the commitment is to attain universal primary education, i.e. all children of school going age to enrol in school and complete the primary cycle as designed. In Kenya there is universal access but after grade six, the system loses children along the way thereby undermining the attainment of universal primary education. Table 7: Schooling Profile Indicators 2009
Primary Access Std1 Access Std6 (EFA target)
Access Std8 (Primary completion)
Transition Primary to Secondary Promotion rate Std8 to Form1
Transition rate Primary to Secondary
Secondary Access Form1
Access Form4
Retention In Primary Std1 to Std6
In Primary Std1 to Std8
In Secondary Form1 to Form4
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Promotion rate is given by the number of new learners in a particular grade relative to the number of learners in the preceeding grade during the previous year. Transition rate is the probability a learner in a particular grade will be in the next grade in the succeeding year. For instance transition to Form1 is the likelihood for learners in Std 8 reaching Form1. The schooling profile shown in figure 2 below shows the overall advancement of students within the education system from standard one to form four and also the change in schooling profile between 2009 and 2014. The graph indicates improvement from the 2009 cross sectional comparison with 2014. The access at grade one has moved closer to universal access over the period. This is an indication that there has been an increased tendency to join school at the right age over the years. Retention to grade six has reached the target that was envisioned under the Dakar Framework of Education for All. Primary to secondary transition has improved and access to secondary is has equally increased.
Figure 2: Schooling Profile I
Schooling profile, 2009 and 2014 120%
% Access
100% 80% 2009
40% 20% 0%
Std1 Std2 Std3 Std4 Std5 Std6 Std7 Std8 Form1 Form2 Form3 Form4
The graph in figure 3 below is similar to the previous one in figure 2 but shows the values of key access point within the education system. As already discussed earlier in the document, access to standard 1 improved from 113% to 102% due to the end of multiple cohort entry during catch-up phase. Figure 3: Schooling Profile II 120%
% Access
102% 87%
100% 79%
80% 60%
Std6 Std8 F1
20% 0%
F4 2009
2014 Year
Access rate to standard 6 reached the EFA objective1. Access to standard eight is the proxy for primary completion in Kenya and decreased by about nine percentage points. The reason is that the number of learners in class eight increased less than the population ages 13 who are theoretically supposed to be at that class.
1 EFA Primary Grade 6 completion
Education level
Figure 4: Schooling Pyramid 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Secondary Education 63
79 95
100 0
The graph provides an overview of the volume in levels of education and also presents the main parameters at different key points of the country’s basic education system. In terms of volume, ECDE, Primary and Secondary education represent 20%, 65% and 15% respectively of the system.
Gross Enrolment and Net Enrolment Rates Early Childhood Development and Education The GER and NER for ECDE have improved significantly between 2009 and 2014. The GER increased by 11.1 percentage points representing an 18% increase while the NER increased by 15.7 percentage points representing a 28% over the same period as shown in Table 8. Table 8: Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Education Levels 2009
Secondary GER
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Figure 5: ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates
Early Childhood Development and Education 80% 70% 60%
62.5% 56.1%
69.4% 62.4%
71.6% 68.7%
50% 40%
20% 10% 0%
As shown in figure 5, the gap between the GER and NER has significantly declined between 2009 and 2014. In 2009, the gap was 6.4 percentage points while in 2014 it was 1.8 percentage points. This indicates that over the period the number of under age and over age children enrolled at ECDE has been declining. Although the GER and NER at national level have shown improvements, there still exist regional disparities. As shown in figure 6, a total of 25 counties recorded GER and NER above the national average while 22 counties recorded rates below the national average. Figure 6 presents the GER and NER across the 47 counties.
ECDE Gross and Net Enrollment rate
Figure 6: ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by County, 2014
Samburu Isiolo Homa Bay Lamu Kisii West Pokot Turkana Migori Nandi Elgeyo Marakwet Nyamira Bomet Kitui Baringo Kirinyaga Kericho Kwale Bungoma Kilifi Taita Taveta Laikipia Busia Nyeri Nairobi Vihiga National Siaya Tharaka-Nithi Kiambu Narok Tana River Kisumu Meru Garissa Kajiado Nakuru Mombasa Kakamega Uasin Gishu Makueni Nyandarua Machakos Trans Nzoia Marsabit Embu Murang'a Wajir Mandera
Primary Education At the primary level, the GER has consistently registered more than 100% over the period under review. The GER greater than 100% indicates existence of overage and underage children enrolled in primary schools. The GER decreased by 4.2 percentage points between 2009 and 2014 representing a decline of 3.9%. The decrease of GER over the period may be the result of reduction of repeaters and reduction of overage students within primary level. Figure 7: Primary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates
Primary Education 120% 100%
107.7% 87.5%
106.8% 87.9%
106.7% 88.0%
106.4% 88.0%
40% 20% 0%
As shown in figure 7, the gap between the primary GER and NER has declined between 2009 and 2014. In 2009, the gap was 20.2 percentage points while in 2014 it was 15.3 percentage points. This indicates that over the period the number of under age and over age pupils enrolled at primary has been declining. The decline in GER and increase in NER indicates a positive trend implying that the Government’s policies on repetition and promotion have impacted positively on access to education. In spite of the impressive national figures on GER and NER, there still exist regional disparities as shown in figure 8. A total of 30 counties recorded GER and NER above the national average while 17 counties recorded rates below the national average. Figure 8 presents primary GER and NER across the 47 counties.
2 The deviation of GER and NER from earlier reported figures is due to the revised projection of the population.
Primary, Gross and Net Enrollment rate
Figure 8: Primary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by County, 2014
Kericho Kisii Nakuru Nyeri Kirinyaga Homa Bay Bomet Murang'a Nandi Kiambu Nyandarua Machakos Busia Embu Tharaka-Nithi Kakamega Migori Siaya Bungoma Makueni Nyamira Elgeyo Marakwet Kisumu Kitui Vihiga Meru Taita Taveta Laikipia Trans Nzoia Lamu National Baringo Narok West Pokot Isiolo Kilifi Uasin Gishu Nairobi Kwale Kajiado Mombasa Marsabit Tana River Samburu Turkana Garissa Wajir Mandera
Secondary Education At the secondary level there has been an upward trend for the GER and NER having recorded 16.4 and 14.3 percentage points increase respectively between 2009 and 2014. The GER increased from 41.9% in 2009 to 58.2% in 2014 while the NER increased from 33.1% to 47.4% over the same period. Figure 9: Secondary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates
Secondary Education 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%
41.9% 33.1%
50.5% 38.8%
58.2% 47.4%
20% 10% 0%
Regional disparities still exist at the secondary level as depicted in figure 10. A total of 27 counties recorded GER and NER above the national average (58.2% and 47.4% respectively) while 20 counties recorded rates below the national average. It is important to note that at this level of education there is high cross county provision of education. In this case students may be enrolled outside their home counties.
Secondary, Gross and Net Enrollment rate
Figure 10: Secondary Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by County, 2014
Nyeri Murang'a Tharaka-Nithi Kirinyaga Makueni Vihiga Machakos Embu Kisii Kiambu Nyandarua Taita Taveta Nyamira Laikipia Siaya Elgeyo Marakwet Meru Kericho Homa Bay Nakuru Kitui Kisumu Bungoma Bomet Kakamega Nandi National Lamu Migori Baringo Trans Nzoia Busia Uasin Gishu Kilifi Kwale Mombasa Kajiado Nairobi Isiolo West Pokot Narok Tana River Samburu Garissa Marsabit Wajir Turkana Mandera
Internal Efficiency Indicators Internal efficiency indicators for primary and secondary including promotion rate, repetition rate and dropout rate for the year 2014 are presented in Table 9. The indicators have been developed from 2013 and 2014. The analysis shows that the promotion rate for primary level remains within the range of 90% for classes 1 to 5 and drops to below 90% for classes 6, 7 and 8. Further analysis shows that promotion rate for girls is higher than that of boys across all classes except class 8. The repetition rates range between 2% and 7.8% with class seven recording the highest while class eight recorded the lowest. Analysis shows that girls posted lower repetition compared to boys across all classes. High dropout rates are observed in the last two classes of the primary cycle with class seven recording 13.6% and class eight recording 23.1%. Table 9: 2014 Internal Efficiency Indicators for Primary and Secondary Education
Std1 Std2 Std3 Std4 Std5 Std6 Std7 Std8 Form1 Form2 Form3 Form4
Boys 89.8% 94.0% 94.1% 90.6% 91.3% 88.0% 78.7% 75.2% 97.6% 98.6% 88.9% 3 N/A
Promotion Rate Girls Total 92.5% 91.1% 94.7% 94.3% 94.7% 94.4% 93.2% 91.9% 93.5% 92.4% 91.8% 89.9% 78.7% 78.7% 74.8% 75.0% 104.3% 100.7% 101.2% 99.8% 91.6% 90.1% N/A N/A
Boys 6.1% 5.5% 5.4% 6.0% 5.5% 5.8% 8.1% 2.2% 0.7% 1.4% 2.7% 4.1%
Repetition Rate Girls 5.2% 4.7% 4.5% 5.1% 4.9% 5.4% 7.4% 1.8% 0.5% 1.1% 1.9% 2.2%
Total 5.7% 5.1% 4.9% 5.5% 5.2% 5.6% 7.8% 2.0% 0.6% 1.2% 2.3% 3.2%
Boys 4.1% 0.5% 0.5% 3.5% 3.2% 6.2% 13.2% 22.7% 1.7% 0.0% 8.4% N/A
Dropout Rate Girls Total 2.3% 3.2% 0.6% 0.5% 0.8% 0.7% 1.7% 2.6% 1.7% 2.5% 2.8% 4.5% 14.0% 13.6% 23.5% 23.1% -4.8% -1.3% -2.2% -1.0% 6.5% 7.5% N/A N/A
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
At secondary level, promotion rates are relatively high with form one recording the highest and form three the lowest (100.7% and 90.1% respectively). Girls recorded better promotion rates than boys in all the classes. The promotion rates above 100% are attributed to re-entry policy for girls at form one and two. The repetition rates range between 0.6% and 3.2% with form four recording the highest while form one recorded the lowest. Male students remain more vulnerable to drop out across all classes of secondary schools compared to the female counterparts. 4The data shows negative dropout rates for girls in form one and two implying that the number of students re-joining the system having left at some point is greater than the number exiting in 2014.
Pupils/Students Teacher Ratios The table 10 shows the number of teachers by level and their employer as well as the pupil teacher ratio. At ECDE level, all the 114,831 teachers were employed by county governments and parents. The total number of teachers at primary school level was 317,477. Of these, 76.2% are in public schools while 23.8% are in private schools. Out of all the teachers in public primary schools, 83.3% are employed by the TSC.
3 Promotion rates at form 4 could not be computed for the two years as students flow into a differen cycle 4 Dropout rates can be computed accurately at the national level. Dropout rate is computed as 1- (Promotion Rate + Repetition Rate)
The Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) for public schools based on TSC teachers stands at 41.5 which compares well with the international norm (40). Considering the teachers employed by the Board of Management (BOM), the PTR at public schools drops to 34.5. Figure 11 and 12 show the PTR across counties and depicts the existence of regional disparities in distribution of teachers. 27 counties lie below the national average while 20 lie above the national average. Table 10: Teachers and Pupil Teacher Ratios, 2014 Public TSC
Private Sub Total
Sub Total
Total TSC
Grand Total
Teachers N/A
A total of 118,608 teachers were recorded at the secondary school level. Of this total, 90.8% were recorded in public schools while 9.2% in private schools. Out of all the teachers in public secondary schools, 33% are employed by BoM. The Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at secondary level stood at 19.5. The public schools PTR was 5.7 points higher than private schools. At this level it is important to note that teacher deployment in public schools is made on the account of Curriculum Based Establishment (CBE). There still exist regional disparities in the distribution of the teachers.
5 There are no ECDE teachers employed by the TSC
Public Primary Pupil Teacher Ratios by Counties, 2014
Figure 11: Public Primary Pupil Teacher Ratio, 2014
Turkana Mandera Wajir Bungoma West Pokot Garissa Narok Busia Kakamega Kilifi Migori Trans Nzoia Kwale Nakuru Kajiado Samburu Marsabit Nairobi Siaya Bomet Homa Bay Kenya
Total Public
Kericho Vihiga Kisumu Mombasa Tana River Nandi Nyandarua Kitui Uasin Gishu Makueni Meru Laikipia Kisii Kiambu Isiolo Machakos Murang'a Nyamira Taita Taveta Kirinyaga Elgeyo Marakwet Lamu Embu Nyeri Tharaka‐Nithi Baringo
TSC Total Public
Public Secondary Student Teacher Ratios by Counties, 2014
Figure 12: Public Secondary Pupil Teacher Ratio, 2014
Migori Turkana West Pokot Kilifi Bomet Trans Nzoia Kwale Bungoma Homa Bay Busia Narok Siaya Kericho Nandi Nyandarua Kitui Makueni Kakamega Tana River Nakuru Vihiga Machakos Kenya Meru Tharaka‐Nithi Kisumu Uasin Gishu Taita Taveta Baringo Kisii Kirinyaga Mandera Elgeyo Marakwet Nyamira Murang'a Lamu Embu Laikipia Nyeri Garissa Kiambu Kajiado Mombasa Wajir Nairobi Isiolo Marsabit Samburu
Schools Infrastructure Classrooms and Average Class Sizes Table 11 presents the status of classrooms in primary and secondary schools. The total number of classrooms in primary schools recoded in 2014 was 304,147 with 230,377 being in public primary schools. Out of the classrooms in public primary schools 80.8% are permanent whereas 68% of classrooms in private schools are permanent. The average class size in public primary schools was 36 while in private schools it stood at 16. Table 11: Status of Classrooms, 2014 Permanent Classrooms in Use
Temporary Classrooms in Use
Total Classrooms in Use
Average Class Size
Primary Public
Total Secondary Public Private Total
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
At secondary level, there were a total of 62,324 classrooms available for learning. A large share of these classrooms (89.1%) was in public schools. In public secondary schools 88.4% of the classrooms were permanent while permanent classrooms in private schools accounted for 81.9%. The class size in public and private secondary schools was 40 and 23 respectively.
Pupils/Students Toilet Ratios As presented in Table 12 the Pupil Toilet Ratio (PToR) in public primary schools was 34:1 and 29:1 for boys and girls respectively and compare favorably with the national norm. In public secondary schools, the ratio was 22:1 for male and 18:1 for female. Table 12: Pupil/Student Toilets, 2014 Number of Toilets
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Schools Access to Electricity Integrating ICT in education as well as making schools learner friendly, the Ministry has made tremendous efforts in connecting schools to power in collaboration with the Rural Electrification Authority (REA). The Ministry has also collaborated with the state department responsible of water and partners implementing school water and sanitation programs to increase the coverage of schools connected to water. Data from the 2014 school census indicate that 43.8% of all primary schools are connected to electricity while 56.2% are not connected. Figure 13 shows that in public primary schools, 39.4% are connected to electricity while in private primary schools, 57.4% are connected. Figure 13: Primary School Connectivity to Electricity, 2014
Public Primary Schools
Private Primary Schools
42.6% 57.4%
Not Connected
Not Connected
At secondary school level, 75.3% of all secondary schools are connected to electricity while 24.7% are not connected. Figure 14 shows that 73.7% of all public secondary schools are connected to electricity while 87.8% of private secondary schools are connected. Figure 14: Secondary School connectivity to Electricity, 2014
Public Secondary Schools
Private Secondary Schools 12.2%
26.3% 73.7%
Not Connected
Not Connected
Schools Access to Water Figure 15 shows access to different water sources in public and private primary schools. Overall 92% of all primary schools have access to a source of water. Tap and borehole recorded the largest share (51.8%), followed by rain water (22.2%) and then river water at 17.8%. The share of schools with no access to water was larger in public schools (9.5%) compared to 4.1% in private schools. Figure 15: Primary Schools Access to Water, 2014
Public Primary Schools Water
Private Primary Schools Water 4.1%
8.5% 9.5% 8.3%
No Water
No Water
Figure 16 shows access to different water sources in public and private secondary schools. At least 94.4% of all secondary schools have access to water source. 66% of all schoosl have access to tap or borehole water; 14.6% harvest their water from rain while 14.4% rely on rivers for their water. Figure 16: Secondary Schools Access to Water, 2014
Public Secondary Schools 5.5%
Private Secondary Schools 6.9%
4.1% 1.4%
15.7% 15.6%
No Water
No Water
National Examinations Results Table 13 highlights the KCPE examination candidature for the period between 2009 and 2014. The total KCPE candidature grew from 727,100 in 2009 to 880, 486 representing an annual growth rate of 3.9%. The data reveals that the candidature of girls has been growing faster with an annual growth rate of 4.8% compared to that of boys at 3.0%. Figure 17 shows that the proportion of girls’ candidature relative to that of boys has been on an increasing trend over the period under review. Table 13: KCPE Examination Candidature Gender Boys
Source: Kenya National Exaination Council
Figure 17: KCPE Candidature Proportions 53.0% 52.0% 51.0% 50.0% 49.0% 48.0% 47.0% 46.0% 45.0%
2011 Boys
As shown in Table 14, the KCPE mean subjects score remained slightly above 50% in the last 5 years. The mean score per subject over the period has been over 50% except for English language, English composition and Kiswahili lugha. Further analysis reveals that Religious education has remained the best performing subject while English composition performed dismally over the period. Table 14: KCPE Examination Results by subject Subject
English Language
English Composition
Kiswahili Lugha
Kiswahili Insha
Social Studies
Religious Education
Mean Subject Score
Source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Over the last five years, the KCSE candidature has increased from 354,341 in 2010 to 482,133 in 2014 representing a growth of 8%. The number of male candidates increased from 196,208 to 258,896 while females increased from 158,133 to 223,237. The number of candidates scoring C+ and above increased from 97,134 to 149,717 representing 27.4% and 31.1% respectively over the same period. This represents 11.4% improvement in the qualification for university entry. The proportion of female candidates scoring C+ and above improved from 38% to 41% relative to their male counterparts over the same period. Table 15 below shows the KCSE results for the period 2010 to 2014. Table 15: KCSE Examination Results KCSE Grade 2010 A 934 A4,425 B+ 8,620 B 11,616 B15,103 C+ 19,502 C+ and Above 60,200 C 24,329 C28,178 D+ 30,497 D 29,532 D20,245 E 3,227 Total 196,208
2011 1,315 6,322 11,150 14,793 18,344 22,474 74,398 27,631 31,955 34,093 32,995 23,741 3,684 228,497
Male 2012 1,277 5,947 11,753 15,962 18,936 22,180 76,055 27,134 31,582 35,655 37,694 26,436 4,263 238,819
2013 1,855 6,276 10,776 15,315 18,216 21,836 74,274 26,492 32,385 37,703 39,672 28,542 3,913 242,981
2014 2,133 7,644 12,606 17,941 21,997 25,978 88,299 30,699 36,015 38,749 37,365 24,542 3,227 258,896
2010 632 2,140 4,117 6,557 9,624 13,864 36,934 19,440 24,232 26,265 27,329 20,962 2,971 158,133
2011 615 2,741 5,240 8,151 11,771 16,742 45,260 22,334 26,890 29,760 31,397 23,532 2,916 182,089
Female 2012 698 3,288 5,977 9,221 12,174 16,291 47,649 21,771 27,166 31,548 35,872 25,997 3,621 193,624
2013 867 3,492 6,237 9,341 12,648 16,515 49,100 22,079 28,378 34,100 38,505 27,251 3,126 202,539
2014 940 4,124 7,208 11,378 16,318 21,450 61,418 27,989 34,662 37,449 36,136 23,174 2,409 223,237
Source: Kenya National Examinations Council KCSE Grade A AB+ B BC+ C+ and Above C CD+ D DE
2010 1,566 6,565 12,737 18,173 24,727 33,366 97,134 43,769 52,410 56,762 56,861 41,207 6,198
2011 1,930 9,063 16,390 22,944 30,115 39,216 119,658 49,965 58,845 63,853 64,392 47,273 6,600
Total 2012 1,975 9,235 17,730 25,183 31,110 38,471 123,704 48,905 58,748 67,203 73,566 52,433 7,884
2013 2,722 9,768 17,013 24,656 30,864 38,351 123,374 48,571 60,763 71,803 78,177 55,793 7,039
2014 3,073 11,768 19,814 29,319 38,315 47,428 149,717 58,688 70,677 76,198 73,501 47,716 5,636
2010 40.4 32.6 32.3 36.1 38.9 41.6 38.0 44.4 46.2 46.3 48.1 50.9 47.9
Proportion of Girls 2011 2012 2013 31.9 35.3 31.9 30.2 35.6 35.7 32.0 33.7 36.7 35.5 36.6 37.9 39.1 39.1 41.0 42.7 42.3 43.1 37.8 38.5 39.8 44.7 44.5 45.5 45.7 46.2 46.7 46.6 46.9 47.5 48.8 48.8 49.3 49.8 49.6 48.8 44.2 45.9 44.4
2014 30.6 35.0 36.4 38.8 42.6 45.2 41.0 47.7 49.0 49.1 49.2 48.6 42.7
Source: Kenya National Examinations Council
About 70% of the candidates have consistently scored between C to D- which qualifies them for admission to middle level colleges. However, about 2% of candidates have been scoring E over the period.
CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion The 2014 schools census results presented in chapter three gives a picture of the system at the ECDE, Primary and Secondary levels of education. The sector having faced a number of challenges in addressing its, data issues, this seen as a greatbreakthrough. There is a lot that remains to be done in assuring the delivery of future statistics but these results must be appreciated. The results from the census were faced with non-response with the stand-alone ECDE centers leading in the non-response. The response for primary and secondary schools was 96.5%. Arising from the analysis presented in chapter three, the sector has recorded significant growth over the years. The number of schools at ECDE, Primary and Secondary levels increased by 16.9 percent between 2009 and 2014 with an average annual increment of 3.2%. Of the three levels, secondary schools recorded the highest annual growth of 8.2% followed by primary at 5.1% and then ECDE at 1.0%. Generally, the demand for education has increased over the years. The relative demand is highest at secondary level of education and is attributed to the ripple effects from FPE and FDSE. Despite the the growth at public primary due to FPE, the sector recorded a very high growth in the number of private primary schools (76.9%) during this period. The increased investiment in private primary school was in response to the pressure created in public primary schools by Free Primary Education programme. Similarly, there was notable increase in the number of private Primary Teachers Training Colleges to address the increased demand for trained teachers by the growing private schools. The average size of secondary schools increased from 250 in 2009 to 283 in 2011 before decreasing to 264 in 2014. This trend could be attributed to a growing demand in the first phase which could have triggered increased investment in secondary schools infrastructure leading to increased supply of schools in the second phase. On gender parity, the sector recorded an improvement across the three levels. However cross county disparities remain evident with arid and semi-arid counties recording the highest levels. According to the 2009 population census, 3.5% of the total population lived with disabilities. From the 2014 schools census, 2.6% of all learners in primary school had special needs implying that about 1% of primary school going age children with special needs were not in school. This situation is much worse at secondary school level of education with about 3.4% of those with special needs at this level being out of school. The number of overage and underage learners at all the three levels has significantly reduced. This is evidenced by the closing in of the gap between the GER and NER during the period. The phenomenon is further supported by the improved Gross Intake Rate at class one which is attributed to enforcement of entry policy at the three levels of education. On teacher pupil ratio, results from the census indicate that there is no teacher shortage in the three levels. The ratio of government employed teachers to enrolled pupils/students is within an acceptable range considering the sector norm. This notwithstanding, there are serious cross county disparities ranging from very high PTR of 101.3 in Turkana to a low of 25.4 in Baringo. At secondary school level, the highest PTR is 41.9 in Migori while the lowest is 17.5 in Samburu.
Recommendations The sector has covered enormous ground in data management over the last couple of months. The sector commits to build a culture of periodic reporting on education by implementing the following key recommendations:
Develop an EMIS policy The Ministry will put in place a framework for management of education statistics. The policy will ensure that education in the sector has a systematic way of production. Statndards will be prescribed so that credibility of data is assured. Having a living system, transitions will be made as smooth as possible from one census to the next. The policy will facilitate annual data collection and reporting.
Increase the scope of reporting In 2014, the Ministry focused on the first three levels of education i.e. ECDE, Primary and Secondary. This, as mentioned earlier was informed by the limited time for the 2014 process. Going forward, the Ministry will increase the scope of production of education statistics to span ECDE all the way to the TVET level in 2015. In addition, the Ministry will lay necessary framework for reporting by universities. In addition to this booklet, the inistry will publish schools report cards as feedback to the data that was submitted to schools. The report cards will also be used as an accountability mechanism.
Strengthen partnerships with the KNBS The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics is responsible for the National Statistical Sysyem and its contribution to the harnessing of credible statistics in the sector is very critical. As the Ministry looks forward to processing of statistics at devolved levels, there is need to strengthen the collaboration that the Ministry and the KNBS have. This will ensure that the County Statistics officers can offer their services to the County Director of Education in the processing of statistics.
Improve ECDE Data According to the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the delivery of ECDE is a devolved function. However, policy formulation and standards setting remains a function of the National Government. To ensure viable policies are developed, quality data has to be made use of. In this regard, the Ministry will work closely with county Governments to ensure that the stand alone ECDE centers are brought into the reporting framework.
Carry out an Education Sector Analysis The last time a comprehensive education sector analysis was carried out in the country is over two decades ago. Having collected comprehensive data in 2014, the Ministry will make use of the results of the schools census as well as further qualitative study to carry out a sector analysis. This is expected to establish the strengths and the weaknesses of the sector as well as to examine the investments undertaken by the Ministry whether they are viable or not; whether they are efficient or not. The sector analysis will also evaluate the internal efficiency of the education system.
Use of School Unique Codes One of the steps taken towards delivery of 2014 schools census results was the validation of schools list and subsequent development of a unique code. The Ministry will make the code an official identifier. Each and every existing school will be notified of their number to be used in all official reporting. Schools under registration will have new codes generated and supplied to them upon registration.
Strengthen Partnerships The Ministry would like to thank its development partners for the incredible work they did in coming together and choosing to deliver as one family. The Ministry will continue to strengthen this approach and facilitate the establishment of necessary frameworks to sustain the same. The Ministry recommends that its partners make use of this booklet to inform their programming in various areas of interest.
ANNEXES ANNEX I: DEFINITION OF INDICATORS This section gives results from the 2014 schools census as they were responded to by schools. The results are aggregated at county administration level. This chapter has made no adjustment to the raw data collected in the census. For indicators that are computed as composite of more than one measure, definitions of such indicators are provided below. Access:
The total number of new entrants in a given grade of an education cycle, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the official theoretical age expected to be in that grade.
Gross Intake Rate:
The total number of new entrants in the first grade of a cycle of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the official theoretical school-entrance age.
Gross Enrolment Rate: Total enrolment in a specific level of education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the eligible official school-age population corresponding to the same level of education in a given school year. Net Enrolment Rate:
Enrolment of the official age group for a given level of education expressed as a percentage of the corresponding population.
Gender Parity Index:
Ratio of female to male values of a given indicator.
Promotion Rate:
Proportion of pupils from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at a given school year who study in the next grade in the following school year.
Repetition Rate:
Proportion of pupils from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at a given school year who study in the same grade in the following school year.
Drop Our Rate:
Proportion of pupils from a cohort enrolled in a given grade at a given school year who are no longer enrolled in the following school year.
Completion Rate:
The number of new entrants (enrolment minus repeaters) in the last grade of an education cycle regardless of age, divided by the population expected to be in that grade.
Transition Rate:
The number of pupils (or students) admitted to the first grade of a higher level of education in a given year, expressed as a percentage of the number of pupils (or students) enrolled in the final grade of the lower level of education in the previous year.
Pupil Teacher Ratio:
Average number of pupils (students) per teacher at a specific level of education in a given school year.
Out of Schools Children: Children in the official primary school age range who are not enrolled in either primary or secondary schools. Pupil Textbook Ratio:
Average number of pupils (students) per text book at a specific level of education in a given school year.
Pupil Toilet Ratio:
Average number of pupils (students) per toilet at a specific level of education in a given school year.
ANNEX II: EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION Table 16: ECDE Centers and Average School Size by County COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Public 708 705 834 488 419 411 210 991 121 423 1,011 565 552 602 223 753 692 1,518 448 317 118 981 1,018 217 175 807 689 110 550 213 771 826 666 464 390 443 163 744 287 182 470 373 411 498 427 235 548 24,768
Schools Private 172 392 458 247 101 236 137 460 62 388 502 489 963 469 377 632 275 308 152 192 70 357 194 62 79 630 381 586 443 1,841 694 348 251 295 346 392 31 150 123 40 187 308 77 313 132 53 48 15,443
Total 880 1,097 1,292 735 520 646 347 1,451 183 811 1,513 1,054 1,514 1,071 599 1,386 968 1,827 600 509 188 1,338 1,212 279 255 1,436 1,070 696 993 2,055 1,465 1,174 917 759 736 835 194 894 411 222 657 681 488 811 559 288 597 40,211
Public 47,584 56,150 110,335 56,111 32,789 15,920 17,272 91,853 12,135 29,973 100,769 43,868 36,906 72,361 15,226 84,420 53,531 90,731 54,354 22,527 7,172 41,073 44,832 27,522 12,580 56,861 81,435 8,030 23,387 14,793 70,714 60,104 65,412 40,058 20,953 21,092 31,322 56,477 14,926 18,119 21,077 34,014 98,025 39,049 32,925 18,530 63,365 2,068,659
Enrollment Private 10,567 15,099 25,114 13,126 5,035 7,318 37,493 26,710 5,348 24,631 24,307 24,134 62,157 32,001 18,946 40,571 17,065 7,264 8,446 9,232 4,017 14,048 4,974 1,903 4,738 32,489 26,291 46,846 14,856 177,977 40,598 14,028 12,919 14,526 12,071 20,094 2,001 8,474 6,259 2,285 5,134 17,285 19,278 19,455 8,242 3,310 2,541 951,206
Total 58,151 71,249 135,449 69,237 37,824 23,238 54,765 118,563 17,483 54,604 125,076 68,003 99,063 104,362 34,172 124,991 70,596 97,995 62,800 31,759 11,189 55,121 49,805 29,425 17,318 89,350 107,725 54,876 38,244 192,770 111,312 74,131 78,331 54,584 33,024 41,186 33,323 64,952 21,185 20,403 26,211 51,300 117,304 58,504 41,166 21,841 65,906 3,019,866
Average school size Public Private Total 67 62 66 80 39 65 132 55 105 115 53 94 78 50 73 39 31 36 82 275 158 93 58 82 100 87 96 71 64 67 100 48 83 78 49 64 67 65 65 120 68 97 68 50 57 112 64 90 77 62 73 60 24 54 121 56 105 71 48 62 61 57 59 42 39 41 44 26 41 127 31 106 72 60 68 71 52 62 118 69 101 73 80 79 42 34 39 69 97 94 92 59 76 73 40 63 98 51 85 86 49 72 54 35 45 48 51 49 193 65 172 76 57 73 52 51 52 99 58 92 45 27 40 91 56 75 239 250 240 78 62 72 77 62 74 79 63 76 116 52 110 84 62 75
Table 17: ECDE Enrollment and Enrollment rates by county COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Enrollment by ender Boys Girls Total 29,344 28,807 58,151 35,993 35,256 71,249 63,280 72,169 135,449 34,299 34,938 69,237 19,244 18,580 37,824 12,082 11,156 23,238 30,441 24,324 54,765 58,592 59,970 118,563 8,921 8,563 17,483 28,493 26,111 54,604 62,675 62,401 125,076 34,273 33,729 68,003 50,116 48,946 99,063 53,059 51,303 104,362 17,711 16,462 34,172 63,365 61,626 124,991 35,673 34,923 70,596 50,398 47,597 97,995 32,079 30,720 62,800 16,404 15,356 31,759 5,701 5,488 11,189 28,490 26,631 55,121 25,535 24,271 49,805 20,042 9,383 29,425 9,229 8,089 17,318 45,874 43,476 89,350 53,244 54,481 107,725 28,696 26,179 54,876 19,791 18,453 38,244 101,604 91,166 192,770 54,337 56,976 111,312 37,744 36,388 74,131 40,929 37,402 78,331 27,117 27,467 54,584 17,200 15,823 33,024 20,906 20,280 41,186 17,639 15,684 33,323 31,813 33,139 64,952 10,780 10,405 21,185 10,616 9,787 20,403 13,537 12,673 26,211 25,923 25,377 51,300 63,320 53,984 117,304 30,086 28,419 58,504 20,877 20,290 41,166 12,271 9,570 21,841 33,741 32,165 65,906 1,543,482 1,476,383 3,019,866
Gross Enrollment rate GER) Boys Girls Total 87.7% 85.3% 86.5% 87.8% 87.1% 87.4% 77.7% 87.9% 82.8% 79.5% 79.7% 79.6% 90.5% 87.8% 89.1% 52.1% 49.5% 50.8% 83.4% 57.3% 69.4% 104.3% 108.9% 106.6% 113.1% 102.6% 107.7% 72.7% 66.0% 69.4% 67.9% 65.5% 66.7% 85.4% 84.1% 84.7% 71.2% 71.1% 71.2% 79.8% 82.8% 81.2% 88.3% 81.5% 84.9% 101.8% 99.8% 100.8% 69.1% 70.4% 69.7% 89.4% 85.1% 87.2% 83.2% 84.2% 83.7% 82.2% 77.7% 79.9% 111.3% 97.9% 104.3% 54.3% 51.8% 53.0% 55.7% 54.7% 55.2% 31.1% 12.1% 20.7% 57.1% 46.4% 51.5% 70.7% 68.5% 69.6% 89.4% 97.3% 93.2% 72.5% 61.5% 66.8% 50.5% 49.0% 49.7% 82.3% 70.5% 76.2% 66.0% 68.7% 67.3% 91.5% 88.2% 89.8% 74.2% 66.6% 70.4% 83.8% 92.0% 87.8% 55.6% 53.3% 54.5% 77.8% 78.6% 78.2% 119.7% 106.3% 113.0% 72.3% 74.7% 73.5% 83.4% 77.1% 80.2% 72.8% 67.3% 70.1% 76.1% 70.6% 73.3% 52.9% 52.4% 52.7% 109.8% 86.3% 97.6% 62.8% 58.8% 60.8% 76.2% 71.5% 73.8% 32.0% 20.4% 25.6% 100.6% 97.1% 98.9% 75.7% 71.6% 73.6%
Net Enrollment rate (NER) Boys Girls Total 84.5% 82.5% 83.5% 81.8% 81.2% 81.5% 72.7% 82.4% 77.6% 76.7% 76.6% 76.6% 87.9% 84.8% 86.3% 48.9% 46.0% 47.5% 79.2% 54.4% 65.9% 94.6% 89.7% 92.2% 98.6% 97.5% 98.0% 71.4% 64.6% 68.0% 64.8% 62.0% 63.4% 81.9% 80.6% 81.3% 70.2% 70.0% 70.1% 77.6% 80.6% 79.0% 85.1% 78.2% 81.6% 98.6% 96.4% 97.5% 67.9% 69.1% 68.5% 86.4% 82.4% 84.4% 80.9% 81.4% 81.2% 80.8% 76.3% 78.6% 93.6% 91.7% 92.6% 52.0% 49.3% 50.7% 52.5% 51.0% 51.8% 29.1% 11.0% 19.2% 55.8% 45.5% 50.5% 66.7% 64.1% 65.4% 86.1% 94.1% 90.0% 71.3% 60.9% 65.9% 48.6% 47.1% 47.8% 80.8% 68.8% 74.6% 64.5% 67.2% 65.9% 88.9% 85.2% 87.0% 70.8% 63.3% 67.0% 81.5% 89.0% 85.1% 54.2% 51.8% 53.0% 76.4% 77.3% 76.9% 59.4% 75.5% 67.5% 70.3% 72.5% 71.4% 81.3% 75.2% 78.1% 71.6% 66.4% 69.0% 71.4% 66.4% 68.9% 49.3% 48.6% 48.9% 84.9% 78.3% 81.5% 61.8% 57.6% 59.7% 73.4% 69.3% 71.3% 29.6% 19.0% 23.7% 82.1% 78.9% 80.5% 73.4% 70.4% 71.8%
Table 18: ECDE Enrolment by Public and Private COUNTY Boys Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Public Girls
23,780 23,804 47,584 28,281 27,869 56,150 50,251 60,085 110,335 27,705 28,406 56,111 16,630 16,159 32,789 8,311 7,609 15,920 9,974 7,298 17,272 44,948 46,905 91,853 6,114 6,020 12,135 15,751 14,222 29,973 50,188 50,580 100,769 22,045 21,824 43,868 18,394 18,511 36,906 36,451 35,911 72,361 7,899 7,327 15,226 42,635 41,785 84,420 26,990 26,541 53,531 46,599 44,132 90,731 27,732 26,622 54,354 11,641 10,887 22,527 3,596 3,576 7,172 21,172 19,900 41,073 22,952 21,880 44,832 18,999 8,523 27,522 6,618 5,962 12,580 29,174 27,688 56,861 39,850 41,585 81,435 4,252 3,778 8,030 12,043 11,344 23,387 7,753 7,040 14,793 33,475 37,239 70,714 30,622 29,482 60,104 34,160 31,251 65,412 19,941 20,117 40,058 10,919 10,034 20,953 10,818 10,274 21,092 16,585 14,737 31,322 27,524 28,954 56,477 7,573 7,353 14,926 9,387 8,732 18,119 10,958 10,118 21,077 17,009 17,005 34,014 52,668 45,357 98,025 19,906 19,144 39,049 16,251 16,674 32,925 10,416 8,114 18,530 32,419 30,946 63,365 1,049,359 1,019,301 2,068,659
Boys 5,564 7,712 13,029 6,594 2,615 3,771 20,467 13,644 2,806 12,742 12,486 12,229 31,722 16,608 9,812 20,730 8,684 3,799 4,348 4,763 2,105 7,317 2,583 1,043 2,611 16,700 13,394 24,444 7,748 93,851 20,862 7,122 6,768 7,176 6,282 10,088 1,054 4,289 3,207 1,229 2,579 8,913 10,652 10,180 4,626 1,855 1,321 494,124
Private Girls 5,003 7,387 12,084 6,532 2,421 3,548 17,026 13,066 2,542 11,889 11,821 11,905 30,435 15,392 9,135 19,841 8,381 3,465 4,099 4,469 1,912 6,731 2,391 860 2,128 15,789 12,896 22,402 7,109 84,126 19,736 6,906 6,151 7,350 5,790 10,006 947 4,185 3,052 1,056 2,555 8,372 8,626 9,275 3,616 1,455 1,219 457,083
Total 10,567 15,099 25,114 13,126 5,035 7,318 37,493 26,710 5,348 24,631 24,307 24,134 62,157 32,001 18,946 40,571 17,065 7,264 8,446 9,232 4,017 14,048 4,974 1,903 4,738 32,489 26,291 46,846 14,856 177,977 40,598 14,028 12,919 14,526 12,071 20,094 2,001 8,474 6,259 2,285 5,134 17,285 19,278 19,455 8,242 3,310 2,541 951,206
Boys 19% 21% 21% 19% 14% 31% 67% 23% 31% 45% 20% 36% 63% 31% 55% 33% 24% 8% 14% 29% 37% 26% 10% 5% 28% 36% 25% 85% 39% 92% 38% 19% 17% 26% 37% 48% 6% 13% 30% 12% 19% 34% 17% 34% 22% 15% 4% 32%
% Private Girls 17% 21% 17% 19% 13% 32% 70% 22% 30% 46% 19% 35% 62% 30% 55% 32% 24% 7% 13% 29% 35% 25% 10% 9% 26% 36% 24% 86% 39% 92% 35% 19% 16% 27% 37% 49% 6% 13% 29% 11% 20% 33% 16% 33% 18% 15% 4% 31%
Total 18% 21% 19% 19% 13% 31% 68% 23% 31% 45% 19% 35% 63% 31% 55% 32% 24% 7% 13% 29% 36% 25% 10% 6% 27% 36% 24% 85% 39% 92% 36% 19% 16% 27% 37% 49% 6% 13% 30% 11% 20% 34% 16% 33% 20% 15% 4% 31%
Table 19: Public ECDE Enrolment by Levels and Sex COUNTY
Boys Baby Class Nursery Baringo 7,943 8,151 Bomet 9,487 12,326 Bungoma 15,537 16,784 Busia 7,954 9,708 Elgeyo Marakwet 5,333 5,707 Embu 1,325 5,072 Garissa 1,805 3,957 Homa Bay 17,296 14,335 Isiolo 1,381 2,303 Kajiado 4,619 5,903 Kakamega 12,191 16,923 Kericho 5,695 8,794 Kiambu 2,924 7,239 Kilifi 10,372 14,094 Kirinyaga 1,224 4,120 Kisii 15,626 13,366 Kisumu 9,135 8,813 Kitui 7,042 18,780 Kwale 7,378 10,622 Laikipia 2,758 4,089 Lamu 1,087 1,398 Machakos 3,294 8,962 Makueni 2,115 9,674 Mandera 864 5,540 Marsabit 684 3,650 Meru 5,493 11,876 Migori 12,973 13,517 Mombasa 1,267 1,532 Murang’a 1,025 6,458 Nairobi 1,083 2,094 Nakuru 9,154 11,408 Nandi 9,438 9,951 Narok 10,065 12,204 Nyamira 5,779 6,912 Nyandarua 2,399 4,012 Nyeri 1,819 4,148 Samburu 5,273 6,248 Siaya 8,635 8,989 Taita Taveta 2,239 2,638 Tana River 2,852 3,529 Tharaka-Nithi 2,484 4,516 Trans Nzoia 4,180 5,562 Turkana 14,216 21,368 Uasin Gishu 6,836 6,204 Vihiga 3,924 5,700 Wajir 995 4,945 West Pokot 8,677 12,272 Kenya 275,875 386,393
Girls Pre Unit Baby Class Nursery 7,686 9,078 7,446 6,468 9,693 12,113 17,930 24,175 17,341 10,043 8,407 9,838 5,590 5,251 5,554 1,915 1,346 4,619 4,211 1,225 2,903 13,317 17,472 14,347 2,431 1,426 2,235 5,229 4,347 5,366 21,075 12,699 17,142 7,556 5,803 8,604 8,231 3,176 7,335 11,985 10,609 14,037 2,555 1,187 3,789 13,643 13,888 13,765 9,042 8,921 8,768 20,777 6,522 18,097 9,732 7,249 10,157 4,794 2,589 3,920 1,111 1,118 1,360 8,916 3,257 8,440 11,162 2,170 8,997 12,595 584 3,781 2,284 695 3,240 11,805 5,728 11,345 13,360 13,761 14,021 1,453 1,081 1,367 4,560 1,002 6,127 4,576 678 2,123 12,913 10,800 13,038 11,232 9,375 9,586 11,892 9,208 10,952 7,250 5,843 7,091 4,508 2,175 3,719 4,851 1,736 4,172 5,063 4,664 5,672 9,900 8,741 10,304 2,697 2,234 2,562 3,006 2,669 3,422 3,958 2,272 4,249 7,267 4,558 5,456 17,085 12,911 18,381 6,865 6,529 5,878 6,627 4,221 5,801 4,475 919 4,143 11,470 8,486 11,495 387,091 282,481 374,098
Total Pre Unit Baby Class Nursery Pre Unit 7,281 17,021 15,597 14,966 6,063 19,180 24,439 12,532 18,568 39,712 34,125 36,498 10,161 16,361 19,545 20,205 5,354 10,584 11,261 10,944 1,644 2,671 9,690 3,559 3,170 3,030 6,860 7,381 15,085 34,768 28,682 28,403 2,359 2,807 4,538 4,789 4,509 8,966 11,269 9,739 20,739 24,890 34,064 41,814 7,417 11,498 17,398 14,973 8,000 6,100 14,575 16,230 11,264 20,981 28,131 23,249 2,350 2,411 7,909 4,905 14,132 29,514 27,131 27,775 8,852 18,056 17,581 17,893 19,513 13,564 36,877 40,290 9,216 14,626 20,779 18,948 4,378 5,347 8,009 9,171 1,098 2,204 2,758 2,210 8,203 6,551 17,402 17,119 10,712 4,285 18,672 21,874 4,158 1,448 9,321 16,753 2,026 1,380 6,890 4,310 10,615 11,221 23,221 22,419 13,803 26,734 27,538 27,163 1,329 2,348 2,899 2,782 4,216 2,027 12,584 8,776 4,238 1,762 4,217 8,814 13,402 19,954 24,445 26,315 10,521 18,813 19,537 21,753 11,091 19,272 23,156 22,983 7,183 11,621 14,003 14,433 4,140 4,574 7,730 8,648 4,366 3,555 8,320 9,216 4,401 9,937 11,921 9,464 9,908 17,376 19,293 19,808 4,473 5,200 5,253 2,556 2,641 5,522 6,951 5,646 3,597 4,756 8,765 7,556 6,991 8,738 11,018 14,259 14,065 27,127 39,748 31,150 6,736 13,366 12,082 13,601 6,652 8,145 11,501 13,279 3,052 1,915 9,088 7,527 10,964 17,163 23,768 22,434 362,722 558,356 760,491 749,813
Table 20: Private ECDE Enrolment by Class and Sex COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Baby Class 1,923 2,998 4,759 2,372 780 1,361 1,096 5,111 855 3,940 4,293 3,849 10,377 5,280 2,759 7,214 3,158 1,004 1,538 1,742 705 2,289 898 85 321 5,075 4,645 7,509 1,863 34,226 7,274 2,344 2,594 2,327 2,316 3,483 406 1,647 1,094 507 803 3,145 1,350 3,614 1,380 258 481 159,045
Boys Girls Total Nursery Pre Unit Baby Class Nursery Pre Unit Baby Class Nursery Pre Unit 1,861 1,780 1,682 1,704 1,617 3,605 3,565 3,397 2,913 1,801 2,789 2,741 1,857 5,787 5,654 3,657 4,248 4,022 4,307 4,025 3,752 9,066 8,273 7,775 2,227 1,994 2,332 2,124 2,076 4,704 4,351 4,070 883 951 772 846 803 1,552 1,729 1,754 1,483 927 1,337 1,393 818 2,698 2,876 1,745 4,402 14,969 877 3,743 12,406 1,973 8,145 27,376 4,458 4,075 4,992 4,067 4,007 10,103 8,526 8,082 1,069 882 720 1,017 805 1,575 2,086 1,687 4,479 4,323 3,634 4,034 4,220 7,574 8,513 8,543 3,896 4,297 4,071 3,758 3,992 8,364 7,654 8,289 4,190 4,190 3,756 4,266 3,883 7,605 8,456 8,073 10,902 10,443 10,026 10,172 10,236 20,404 21,074 20,680 6,338 4,990 4,870 5,760 4,762 10,150 12,098 9,752 3,994 3,058 2,643 3,535 2,957 5,403 7,529 6,015 6,872 6,644 7,149 6,455 6,237 14,363 13,327 12,882 2,765 2,761 2,986 2,748 2,647 6,144 5,513 5,408 1,397 1,398 906 1,219 1,339 1,910 2,616 2,738 1,421 1,389 1,444 1,369 1,286 2,982 2,790 2,675 1,417 1,603 1,663 1,365 1,441 3,406 2,782 3,044 850 551 645 685 582 1,350 1,535 1,133 2,710 2,318 2,214 2,360 2,157 4,504 5,070 4,475 695 989 779 624 987 1,678 1,320 1,976 414 545 83 348 429 167 762 974 1,162 1,128 260 1,021 847 581 2,182 1,975 6,233 5,393 4,863 5,779 5,147 9,938 12,011 10,539 4,408 4,342 4,563 4,233 4,100 9,207 8,641 8,442 9,287 7,648 6,773 8,451 7,177 14,282 17,739 14,825 3,539 2,346 1,774 3,106 2,229 3,637 6,645 4,575 29,363 30,262 27,996 28,212 27,919 62,222 57,575 58,180 6,708 6,879 6,600 6,532 6,604 13,874 13,240 13,483 2,271 2,507 2,269 2,297 2,339 4,613 4,568 4,847 2,171 2,004 2,295 2,013 1,842 4,889 4,184 3,846 2,553 2,297 2,509 2,472 2,369 4,836 5,025 4,666 1,951 2,015 1,888 1,886 2,015 4,204 3,837 4,030 3,385 3,220 3,325 3,509 3,172 6,808 6,894 6,392 320 329 328 352 267 734 671 596 1,353 1,289 1,571 1,330 1,284 3,218 2,683 2,573 2,144 2,109 2,006 1,079 1,034 1,050 1,030 973 387 335 394 368 293 902 756 627 1,045 731 836 998 720 1,639 2,043 1,451 2,829 2,940 2,951 2,621 2,800 6,096 5,450 5,740 2,304 6,998 1,242 2,183 5,202 2,591 4,487 12,200 3,205 3,361 3,179 2,992 3,104 6,794 6,196 6,465 2,071 1,175 1,317 1,140 1,159 2,697 3,212 2,333 853 744 234 659 562 491 1,513 1,306 408 432 429 413 378 910 821 810 164,770 170,308 145,328 153,956 157,799 304,373 318,727 328,107
Table 21: ECDE Teachers COUNTY Male Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
411 700 890 173 249 137 173 576 69 355 295 440 374 206 109 474 152 392 256 137 46 276 215 324 122 296 1,172 30 86 123 1,827 232 671 189 104 116 206 151 79 98 188 121 440 241 469 242 618 15,250
Public Female 1,754 1,866 2,400 1,016 974 451 106 1,991 238 612 2,464 1,457 1,487 1,479 379 1,695 1,398 2,522 1,092 608 220 1,361 1,516 154 148 1,567 2,542 249 725 430 3,506 1,839 1,228 919 638 746 269 1,343 652 268 667 715 246 1,227 1,364 100 699 51,327
2,165 2,566 3,290 1,189 1,223 588 279 2,567 307 967 2,759 1,897 1,861 1,685 488 2,169 1,550 2,914 1,348 745 266 1,637 1,731 478 270 1,863 3,714 279 811 553 5,333 2,071 1,899 1,108 742 862 475 1,494 731 366 855 836 686 1,468 1,833 342 1,317 66,577
137 308 408 180 64 105 214 239 36 419 308 303 586 276 571 517 105 94 101 92 51 165 34 62 39 427 340 410 216 1,628 348 179 284 216 145 327 41 86 77 88 98 207 438 293 83 62 36 11,443
Private Female 457 728 908 553 256 379 282 1,067 184 1,208 1,107 1,192 2,923 1,168 1,170 1,337 776 403 330 361 171 694 280 37 96 1,350 901 1,932 700 5,841 1,674 661 451 597 514 1,111 48 346 221 70 256 615 221 812 309 55 59 36,811
594 1,036 1,316 733 320 484 496 1,306 220 1,627 1,415 1,495 3,509 1,444 1,741 1,854 881 497 431 453 222 859 314 99 135 1,777 1,241 2,342 916 7,469 2,022 840 735 813 659 1,438 89 432 298 158 354 822 659 1,105 392 117 95 48,254
548 1,008 1,298 353 313 242 387 815 105 774 603 743 960 482 680 991 257 486 357 229 97 441 249 386 161 723 1,512 440 302 1,751 2,175 411 955 405 249 443 247 237 156 186 286 328 878 534 552 304 654 26,693
Total Female 2,211 2,594 3,308 1,569 1,230 830 388 3,058 422 1,820 3,571 2,649 4,410 2,647 1,549 3,032 2,174 2,925 1,422 969 391 2,055 1,796 191 244 2,917 3,443 2,181 1,425 6,271 5,180 2,500 1,679 1,516 1,152 1,857 317 1,689 873 338 923 1,330 467 2,039 1,673 155 758 88,138
Total 2,759 3,602 4,606 1,922 1,543 1,072 775 3,873 527 2,594 4,174 3,392 5,370 3,129 2,229 4,023 2,431 3,411 1,779 1,198 488 2,496 2,045 577 405 3,640 4,955 2,621 1,727 8,022 7,355 2,911 2,634 1,921 1,401 2,300 564 1,926 1,029 524 1,209 1,658 1,345 2,573 2,225 459 1,412 114,831
Table 22: ECDE Pupil Teacher Ratios COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Public 47,584 56,150 110,335 56,111 32,789 15,920 17,272 91,853 12,135 29,973 100,769 43,868 36,906 72,361 15,226 84,420 53,531 90,731 54,354 22,527 7,172 41,073 44,832 27,522 12,580 56,861 81,435 8,030 23,387 14,793 70,714 60,104 65,412 40,058 20,953 21,092 31,322 56,477 14,926 18,119 21,077 34,014 98,025 39,049 32,925 18,530 63,365 2,068,659
Enrolment Private 10,567 15,099 25,114 13,126 5,035 7,318 37,493 26,710 5,348 24,631 24,307 24,134 62,157 32,001 18,946 40,571 17,065 7,264 8,446 9,232 4,017 14,048 4,974 1,903 4,738 32,489 26,291 46,846 14,856 177,977 40,598 14,028 12,919 14,526 12,071 20,094 2,001 8,474 6,259 2,285 5,134 17,285 19,278 19,455 8,242 3,310 2,541 951,206
Total 58,151 71,249 135,449 69,237 37,824 23,238 54,765 118,563 17,483 54,604 125,076 68,003 99,063 104,362 34,172 124,991 70,596 97,995 62,800 31,759 11,189 55,121 49,805 29,425 17,318 89,350 107,725 54,876 38,244 192,770 111,312 74,131 78,331 54,584 33,024 41,186 33,323 64,952 21,185 20,403 26,211 51,300 117,304 58,504 41,166 21,841 65,906 3,019,866
Public 2,165 2,566 3,290 1,189 1,223 588 279 2,567 307 967 2,759 1,897 1,861 1,685 488 2,169 1,550 2,914 1,348 745 266 1,637 1,731 478 270 1,863 3,714 279 811 553 5,333 2,071 1,899 1,108 742 862 475 1,494 731 366 855 836 686 1,468 1,833 342 1,317 66,577
Teachers Private 594 1,036 1,316 733 320 484 496 1,306 220 1,627 1,415 1,495 3,509 1,444 1,741 1,854 881 497 431 453 222 859 314 99 135 1,777 1,241 2,342 916 7,469 2,022 840 735 813 659 1,438 89 432 298 158 354 822 659 1,105 392 117 95 48,254
Total 2,759 3,602 4,606 1,922 1,543 1,072 775 3,873 527 2,594 4,174 3,392 5,370 3,129 2,229 4,023 2,431 3,411 1,779 1,198 488 2,496 2,045 577 405 3,640 4,955 2,621 1,727 8,022 7,355 2,911 2,634 1,921 1,401 2,300 564 1,926 1,029 524 1,209 1,658 1,345 2,573 2,225 459 1,412 114,831
Public 22.0 21.9 33.5 47.2 26.8 27.1 61.9 35.8 39.5 31.0 36.5 23.1 19.8 42.9 31.2 38.9 34.5 31.1 40.3 30.2 27.0 25.1 25.9 57.6 46.6 30.5 21.9 28.8 28.8 26.8 13.3 29.0 34.4 36.2 28.2 24.5 65.9 37.8 20.4 49.5 24.7 40.7 142.9 26.6 18.0 54.2 48.1 31.1
PTR Private 17.8 14.6 19.1 17.9 15.7 15.1 75.6 20.5 24.3 15.1 17.2 16.1 17.7 22.2 10.9 21.9 19.4 14.6 19.6 20.4 18.1 16.4 15.8 19.2 35.1 18.3 21.2 20.0 16.2 23.8 20.1 16.7 17.6 17.9 18.3 14.0 22.5 19.6 21.0 14.5 14.5 21.0 29.3 17.6 21.0 28.3 26.7 19.7
Total 19.9 18.2 26.3 32.5 21.3 21.1 68.7 28.1 31.9 23.1 26.9 19.6 18.8 32.6 21.0 30.4 27.0 22.9 30.0 25.3 22.5 20.7 20.9 38.4 40.8 24.4 21.6 24.4 22.5 25.3 16.7 22.9 26.0 27.0 23.3 19.2 44.2 28.7 20.7 32.0 19.6 30.9 86.1 22.1 19.5 41.2 37.4 25.4
ANNEX III: PRIMARY EDUCATION Table 23: Primary Schools and Average School Size COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Public 601 618 730 427 367 361 184 868 107 372 883 496 476 526 195 691 607 1,318 392 278 103 852 894 189 169 709 604 96 481 197 674 723 587 406 345 391 142 652 252 159 413 324 364 437 380 204 477 21,718
Schools Private 86 200 230 124 51 121 68 221 34 196 253 248 472 231 190 318 140 158 79 96 36 187 103 31 40 321 194 301 181 934 351 179 126 150 171 189 16 69 63 19 94 154 45 155 67 27 25 7,742
Total 687 818 961 551 418 481 252 1,089 141 567 1,135 744 947 758 385 1,009 747 1,476 471 374 139 1,038 997 220 209 1,030 798 397 662 1,131 1,025 902 713 556 516 580 158 721 314 178 507 478 408 593 447 231 501 29,460
Public 131,717 202,158 480,088 238,348 109,419 105,909 51,866 285,697 28,185 115,720 515,627 190,579 225,798 268,420 84,711 267,772 236,755 326,838 164,148 82,128 24,030 262,510 269,367 82,699 49,386 277,324 269,357 66,519 180,974 182,370 361,594 210,369 228,788 128,260 130,776 112,691 45,468 247,213 63,130 46,895 90,586 208,624 159,946 167,392 165,105 59,258 156,974 8,359,488
Enrollment Private Total 15,627 147,344 33,158 235,316 39,274 519,362 16,660 255,008 11,200 120,619 17,332 123,241 72,637 124,503 36,798 322,495 7,778 35,963 42,344 158,064 41,480 557,107 44,331 234,910 100,972 326,770 41,587 310,007 31,640 116,351 53,310 321,082 26,995 263,750 19,184 346,022 14,018 178,166 16,896 99,024 3,386 27,416 27,452 289,962 13,499 282,866 8,866 91,565 9,625 59,011 53,860 331,184 38,574 307,931 74,246 140,765 27,229 208,203 286,384 468,754 74,225 435,819 25,168 235,537 21,425 250,213 24,993 153,253 24,651 155,427 34,147 146,838 2,542 48,010 9,928 257,141 6,310 69,440 2,773 49,668 9,467 100,053 32,901 241,525 45,636 205,582 29,937 197,329 9,853 174,958 6,974 66,232 3,986 160,960 1,591,258 9,950,746
Average school size Public Private Total 219 182 214 327 166 288 657 171 541 558 134 463 298 218 289 294 144 256 282 1,066 494 329 166 296 263 232 256 311 217 279 584 164 491 384 179 316 475 214 345 510 180 409 435 167 302 388 167 318 390 193 353 248 122 234 419 177 378 296 176 265 233 95 198 308 147 279 301 131 284 438 283 416 293 239 282 391 168 322 446 198 386 693 247 355 376 150 315 926 307 414 537 212 425 291 141 261 390 170 351 316 167 276 379 144 301 288 181 253 319 162 304 379 143 357 251 101 221 296 146 280 219 101 197 643 213 505 440 1,021 503 383 193 333 435 147 392 290 260 287 329 162 321 385 206 338
Table 24: Number of Schools by Accommodation Category COUNTY Day Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total6
535 600 685 404 313 277 144 841 93 320 844 469 456 510 187 655 588 1,236 369 262 98 809 845 142 118 660 570 87 467 178 642 663 509 386 333 380 94 624 243 148 360 311 268 422 369 166 360 20,040
Public Boarding 4 5 12 4 8 49 6 14 5 2 6 12 7 6 6 18 4 12 12 2 3 20 8 7 12 19 19 4 2 12 15 5 13 8 1 3 6 16 1 1 19 3 29 1 4 2 11 438
Day & Boarding 56 7 26 15 42 31 32 4 8 46 24 10 8 5 0 11 9 57 7 11 1 14 32 38 37 23 9 4 7 5 10 48 59 8 8 4 41 5 5 8 30 7 63 10 3 34 101 1,023
Day 66 105 167 99 18 87 59 162 25 135 189 149 324 185 134 256 115 73 66 49 32 114 47 27 36 193 138 250 105 763 209 98 71 117 97 91 12 54 50 16 53 96 33 95 55 24 15 5,354
Private Boarding 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 2 4 3 2 3 0 8 0 1 0 9 8 1 0 3 1 1 5 7 9 1 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 94
Day & Boarding 11 74 35 12 27 21 2 35 3 38 36 71 94 19 34 26 10 60 5 36 0 44 37 0 0 91 35 18 52 66 96 61 38 16 54 75 2 8 6 1 30 42 4 44 5 0 6 1,480
Day 601 705 852 503 331 364 203 1,003 118 455 1,033 618 780 695 321 911 703 1,309 435 311 130 923 892 169 154 853 708 337 572 941 851 761 580 503 430 471 106 678 293 164 413 407 301 517 424 190 375 25,394
Total Boarding 4 5 16 4 9 49 6 15 7 4 7 14 11 9 8 21 4 20 12 3 3 29 16 8 12 22 20 5 7 19 24 6 17 9 3 6 6 16 1 1 20 3 32 1 4 2 12 532
Day & Boarding 67 81 61 27 69 52 34 39 11 84 60 81 102 24 34 37 19 117 12 47 1 58 69 38 37 114 44 22 59 71 106 109 97 24 62 79 43 13 11 9 60 49 67 54 8 34 107 2,503
6 This total is based on the number of schools tha responded to this particular field.
Table 25: Number of Schools by Gender COUNTY Boys Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total7
1 3 4 8 2 2 3 2 2 1 6 2 0 0 0 12 2 12 2 0 3 0 1 0 2 4 0 7 1 3 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 0 3 2 1 4 2 111
Public Girls 0 2 5 11 0 2 5 1 3 2 6 1 0 0 3 3 5 0 0 1 2 1 1 3 6 1 3 6 0 4 3 1 3 2 0 1 1 8 0 0 1 0 11 1 1 6 5 121
Mixed 594 607 714 404 361 353 174 856 101 365 862 488 471 521 190 669 594 1,293 386 274 97 842 883 184 159 697 595 82 475 188 660 714 577 398 342 386 140 634 249 156 406 321 346 430 374 192 465 21,269
Boys 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 4 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 28
Private Girls 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 25
7 The Grand Total is based on the number of schools tha responded to this particular field.
Mixed 77 179 205 111 46 108 59 198 28 173 224 221 422 206 168 284 125 141 71 85 32 165 91 28 36 286 173 267 158 829 309 158 112 133 152 166 14 61 56 17 84 138 36 139 59 23 22 6,875
Boys 1 3 5 8 2 2 4 2 3 1 8 3 0 0 2 13 2 12 2 0 3 1 1 0 2 4 1 8 4 7 7 2 1 2 0 1 0 4 0 1 2 0 5 2 2 4 2 139
Total Girls 0 2 5 11 0 2 6 1 4 4 6 1 0 1 3 3 5 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 6 2 3 7 1 7 5 2 4 3 1 3 1 8 0 0 1 0 13 1 1 7 5 146
Mixed 671 786 919 515 407 461 233 1,054 129 538 1,086 709 893 727 358 953 719 1,434 457 359 129 1,007 974 212 195 983 768 349 633 1,017 969 872 689 531 494 552 154 695 305 173 490 459 382 569 433 215 487 28,144
Table 26: Primary Enrollment and Enrollment Rates by County COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
BOYS 75,584 119,266 257,850 126,798 60,476 61,805 75,761 163,956 18,215 80,276 275,446 118,827 164,539 156,841 58,268 161,217 131,383 175,099 90,711 50,327 14,055 148,186 143,941 58,123 31,003 163,145 156,144 70,357 106,469 229,810 220,100 118,389 130,386 76,465 78,961 75,203 26,276 128,593 35,339 25,935 49,834 119,877 116,209 98,574 85,817 39,757 82,796 5,052,389
Enrolment GIRLS Total 71,760 147,344 116,050 235,316 261,512 519,362 128,210 255,008 60,143 120,619 61,436 123,241 48,742 124,503 158,539 322,495 17,748 35,963 77,788 158,064 281,661 557,107 116,083 234,910 162,231 326,770 153,166 310,007 58,083 116,351 159,865 321,082 132,367 263,750 170,923 346,022 87,455 178,166 48,697 99,024 13,361 27,416 141,776 289,962 138,925 282,866 33,442 91,565 28,008 59,011 168,039 331,184 151,787 307,931 70,408 140,765 101,734 208,203 238,944 468,754 215,719 435,819 117,148 235,537 119,827 250,213 76,788 153,253 76,466 155,427 71,635 146,838 21,734 48,010 128,548 257,141 34,101 69,440 23,733 49,668 50,219 100,053 121,648 241,525 89,373 205,582 98,755 197,329 89,141 174,958 26,475 66,232 78,164 160,960 4,898,357 9,950,746
Boys 102.3% 117.4% 116.9% 120.8% 116.7% 113.8% 94.0% 117.0% 104.6% 92.7% 120.7% 120.2% 105.9% 106.8% 120.9% 110.6% 108.6% 121.5% 106.5% 114.2% 124.2% 118.3% 117.0% 40.9% 86.8% 107.4% 111.9% 80.5% 115.9% 84.3% 114.0% 122.5% 107.0% 100.9% 109.0% 119.4% 80.7% 117.5% 123.8% 80.5% 118.2% 110.8% 91.2% 93.2% 117.8% 46.9% 111.8% 105.6%
GER Girls 96.3% 115.8% 117.6% 120.2% 116.5% 116.5% 52.0% 115.4% 96.3% 89.1% 119.5% 117.4% 106.8% 111.9% 119.6% 110.5% 113.9% 119.6% 108.5% 111.6% 108.0% 115.5% 116.6% 19.6% 72.7% 113.1% 115.7% 74.9% 115.3% 83.7% 111.0% 121.2% 96.7% 109.8% 109.9% 118.5% 66.7% 116.5% 114.5% 73.9% 117.9% 113.7% 64.7% 92.6% 118.1% 25.6% 106.8% 101.4%
Total 99.3% 116.6% 117.2% 120.5% 116.6% 115.1% 71.4% 116.2% 100.3% 90.9% 120.1% 118.8% 106.3% 109.3% 120.2% 110.5% 111.2% 120.6% 107.5% 112.9% 115.7% 116.9% 116.8% 29.2% 79.5% 110.2% 113.7% 77.6% 115.6% 84.0% 112.5% 121.8% 101.8% 105.2% 109.5% 119.0% 73.7% 117.0% 119.0% 77.2% 118.0% 112.3% 77.4% 92.9% 118.0% 35.2% 109.4% 103.5%
Boys 87.2% 98.4% 96.0% 96.0% 95.6% 94.1% 74.5% 98.2% 87.3% 75.2% 97.9% 99.7% 95.7% 81.4% 98.4% 99.0% 93.2% 94.7% 74.1% 93.0% 93.4% 96.9% 95.0% 35.3% 71.3% 91.1% 93.2% 70.8% 97.1% 77.7% 99.6% 97.9% 88.5% 92.5% 95.5% 98.5% 64.8% 95.3% 95.7% 64.0% 95.2% 90.7% 67.5% 83.5% 93.1% 35.6% 85.5% 90.0%
NER Girls 83.8% 97.5% 95.2% 96.8% 94.5% 98.3% 42.9% 98.4% 82.2% 74.8% 94.1% 99.0% 98.2% 86.5% 98.5% 99.5% 96.7% 94.2% 78.3% 93.8% 83.9% 96.4% 95.7% 17.1% 60.6% 96.1% 98.7% 66.7% 98.7% 77.9% 98.4% 97.0% 81.7% 98.0% 98.1% 98.8% 55.5% 96.1% 91.2% 61.2% 96.9% 94.5% 50.8% 83.9% 94.3% 20.4% 84.1% 86.4%
Total 85.5% 98.0% 95.6% 96.4% 95.0% 96.2% 57.5% 98.3% 84.7% 75.0% 96.0% 99.3% 96.9% 83.9% 98.5% 99.2% 94.9% 94.4% 76.1% 93.4% 88.5% 96.7% 95.3% 25.3% 65.8% 93.6% 95.9% 68.7% 97.9% 77.8% 99.0% 97.5% 85.1% 95.1% 96.8% 98.7% 60.1% 95.7% 93.4% 62.6% 96.0% 92.6% 58.8% 83.7% 93.7% 27.2% 84.8% 88.2%
Table 27: Out Of School Children Based on Primary NER COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya 8
Boys 9,445 1,581 8,829 4,228 2,305 3,201 20,552 2,530 2,212 21,432 4,724 330 6,685 27,298 749 1,506 8,172 7,645 22,045 3,100 747 3,860 6,125 92,085 10,248 13,464 9,515 25,533 2,650 60,889 759 2,031 13,998 5,677 3,225 913 11,452 5,094 1,218 11,583 2,020 10,010 41,404 17,478 5,033 54,598 10,742 580,921
Girls 12,096 2,530 10,649 3,361 2,828 908 53,453 2,263 3,275 21,973 13,953 1,027 2,747 18,491 723 766 3,849 8,338 17,515 2,706 1,986 4,425 5,142 141,809 15,166 5,782 1,649 31,265 1,126 63,182 3,190 2,885 22,659 1,426 1,296 715 14,504 4,291 2,614 12,463 1,337 5,865 68,010 17,188 4,340 82,331 11,659 711,754
Total 21,541 4,111 19,478 7,589 5,133 4,109 74,005 4,793 5,487 43,405 18,677 1,358 9,432 45,788 1,473 2,272 12,021 15,983 39,561 5,806 2,733 8,285 11,268 233,895 25,415 19,245 11,163 56,798 3,776 124,072 3,948 4,916 36,656 7,103 4,521 1,628 25,956 9,384 3,831 24,046 3,358 15,875 109,414 34,665 9,373 136,929 22,401 1,292,675
8 NB: The computation is based on Primary NER. About 1.3 million of 6 to 13 year old children are just out of Primary schools. The total number of outof-school at that age group is slightly less than that number as some are in secondary.
Table 28: Primary Share of Private Enrolment COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Boys 67,489 102,205 238,460 118,148 54,546 53,078 31,751 145,619 14,277 59,657 254,328 95,914 113,943 135,916 42,451 133,823 117,886 165,400 83,559 41,899 12,282 134,090 137,124 53,123 25,923 136,450 136,483 32,775 92,544 88,871 182,035 105,702 119,481 64,419 66,380 57,973 25,003 123,691 32,021 24,493 45,194 103,490 89,983 83,478 80,873 36,097 80,789 4,241,116
Public Girls Total 64,228 131,717 99,953 202,158 241,628 480,088 120,200 238,348 54,873 109,419 52,831 105,909 20,115 51,866 140,078 285,697 13,908 28,185 56,063 115,720 261,299 515,627 94,665 190,579 111,855 225,798 132,504 268,420 42,260 84,711 133,949 267,772 118,869 236,755 161,438 326,838 80,589 164,148 40,229 82,128 11,748 24,030 128,420 262,510 132,243 269,367 29,576 82,699 23,463 49,386 140,874 277,324 132,874 269,357 33,744 66,519 88,430 180,974 93,499 182,370 179,559 361,594 104,667 210,369 109,307 228,788 63,841 128,260 64,396 130,776 54,718 112,691 20,465 45,468 123,522 247,213 31,109 63,130 22,402 46,895 45,392 90,586 105,134 208,624 69,963 159,946 83,914 167,392 84,232 165,105 23,161 59,258 76,185 156,974 4,118,372 8,359,488
Boys 8,095 17,061 19,390 8,650 5,930 8,727 44,010 18,337 3,938 20,619 21,118 22,913 50,596 20,925 15,817 27,394 13,497 9,699 7,152 8,428 1,773 14,096 6,817 5,000 5,080 26,695 19,661 37,582 13,925 140,939 38,065 12,687 10,905 12,046 12,581 17,230 1,273 4,902 3,318 1,442 4,640 16,387 26,226 15,096 4,944 3,660 2,007 811,273
Private Girls Total 7,532 15,627 16,097 33,158 19,884 39,274 8,010 16,660 5,270 11,200 8,605 17,332 28,627 72,637 18,461 36,798 3,840 7,778 21,725 42,344 20,362 41,480 21,418 44,331 50,376 100,972 20,662 41,587 15,823 31,640 25,916 53,310 13,498 26,995 9,485 19,184 6,866 14,018 8,468 16,896 1,613 3,386 13,356 27,452 6,682 13,499 3,866 8,866 4,545 9,625 27,165 53,860 18,913 38,574 36,664 74,246 13,304 27,229 145,445 286,384 36,160 74,225 12,481 25,168 10,520 21,425 12,947 24,993 12,070 24,651 16,917 34,147 1,269 2,542 5,026 9,928 2,992 6,310 1,331 2,773 4,827 9,467 16,514 32,901 19,410 45,636 14,841 29,937 4,909 9,853 3,314 6,974 1,979 3,986 779,985 1,591,258
Boys 11% 14% 8% 7% 10% 14% 58% 11% 22% 26% 8% 19% 31% 13% 27% 17% 10% 6% 8% 17% 13% 10% 5% 9% 16% 16% 13% 53% 13% 61% 17% 11% 8% 16% 16% 23% 5% 4% 9% 6% 9% 14% 23% 15% 6% 9% 2% 16%
%Private Girls 10% 14% 8% 6% 9% 14% 59% 12% 22% 28% 7% 18% 31% 13% 27% 16% 10% 6% 8% 17% 12% 9% 5% 12% 16% 16% 12% 52% 13% 61% 17% 11% 9% 17% 16% 24% 6% 4% 9% 6% 10% 14% 22% 15% 6% 13% 3% 16%
Total 11% 14% 8% 7% 9% 14% 58% 11% 22% 27% 7% 19% 31% 13% 27% 17% 10% 6% 8% 17% 12% 9% 5% 10% 16% 16% 13% 53% 13% 61% 17% 11% 9% 16% 16% 23% 5% 4% 9% 6% 9% 14% 22% 15% 6% 11% 2% 16%
Table 29: Total Primary Enrolment by Residence COUNTY
Urban/Semi-Urban Rural Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Baringo 4,861 4,816 9,677 68,713 65,056 133,769 73,574 69,872 143,446 Bomet 3,382 3,467 6,849 111,649 108,549 220,198 115,031 112,016 227,047 Bungoma 19,480 22,725 42,205 233,557 233,804 467,361 253,037 256,529 509,566 Busia 10,901 10,822 21,723 113,750 115,381 229,131 124,651 126,203 250,854 Elgeyo Marakwet 3,192 2,890 6,082 55,812 55,932 111,744 59,004 58,822 117,826 Embu 2,715 2,647 5,362 56,923 56,633 113,556 59,638 59,280 118,918 Garissa 29,107 18,361 47,468 35,729 23,207 58,936 64,836 41,568 106,404 Homa Bay 17,459 18,140 35,599 141,945 135,773 277,718 159,404 153,913 313,317 Isiolo 2,584 2,450 5,034 14,653 14,336 28,989 17,237 16,786 34,023 Kajiado 16,885 16,396 33,281 58,273 55,947 114,220 75,158 72,343 147,501 Kakamega 19,662 19,410 39,072 250,541 257,147 507,688 270,203 276,557 546,760 Kericho 5,880 6,211 12,091 107,259 104,504 211,763 113,139 110,715 223,854 Kiambu 44,633 44,577 89,210 107,345 105,029 212,374 151,978 149,606 301,584 Kilifi 34,499 33,475 67,974 117,147 114,512 231,659 151,646 147,987 299,633 Kirinyaga 3,399 3,798 7,197 50,943 50,320 101,263 54,342 54,118 108,460 Kisii 10,751 11,765 22,516 143,666 141,605 285,271 154,417 153,370 307,787 Kisumu 32,826 34,235 67,061 95,207 94,749 189,956 128,033 128,984 257,017 Kitui 5,975 5,819 11,794 166,717 162,726 329,443 172,692 168,545 341,237 Kwale 4,566 4,408 8,974 84,369 81,327 165,696 88,935 85,735 174,670 Laikipia 10,303 10,312 20,615 37,931 36,261 74,192 48,234 46,573 94,807 Lamu 2,223 2,450 4,673 11,391 10,507 21,898 13,614 12,957 26,571 Machakos 13,620 13,373 26,993 131,066 125,056 256,122 144,686 138,429 283,115 Makueni 2,672 2,489 5,161 139,577 134,762 274,339 142,249 137,251 279,500 Mandera 15,456 10,207 25,663 41,427 22,266 63,693 56,883 32,473 89,356 Marsabit 879 744 1,623 28,863 26,125 54,988 29,742 26,869 56,611 Meru 7,341 7,303 14,644 149,176 153,927 303,103 156,517 161,230 317,747 Migori 20,303 20,519 40,822 130,960 126,528 257,488 151,263 147,047 298,310 Mombasa 59,459 59,597 119,056 1,569 1,622 3,191 61,028 61,219 122,247 Murang’a 2,221 1,943 4,164 100,791 96,457 197,248 103,012 98,400 201,412 Nairobi 193,562 201,169 394,731 1,261 1,322 2,583 194,823 202,491 397,314 Nakuru 56,964 55,632 112,596 153,686 151,026 304,712 210,650 206,658 417,308 Nandi 2,119 2,225 4,344 113,121 111,795 224,916 115,240 114,020 229,260 Narok 6,818 7,801 14,619 120,862 109,389 230,251 127,680 117,190 244,870 Nyamira 922 930 1,852 72,553 72,613 145,166 73,475 73,543 147,018 Nyandarua 1,269 1,235 2,504 74,568 72,206 146,774 75,837 73,441 149,278 Nyeri 9,703 8,996 18,699 61,223 58,399 119,622 70,926 67,395 138,321 Samburu 4,186 4,311 8,497 21,773 17,106 38,879 25,959 21,417 47,376 Siaya 9,637 9,784 19,421 117,740 117,504 235,244 127,377 127,288 254,665 34,514 33,352 67,866 Taita Taveta 5,163 5,004 10,167 29,351 28,348 57,699 Tana River 620 609 1,229 24,958 22,791 47,749 25,578 23,400 48,978 Tharaka-Nithi 1,666 1,770 3,436 47,017 47,239 94,256 48,683 49,009 97,692 Trans Nzoia 13,152 13,471 26,623 102,657 104,038 206,695 115,809 117,509 233,318 Turkana 13,504 11,843 25,347 96,194 72,666 168,860 109,698 84,509 194,207 Uasin Gishu 14,095 14,263 28,358 80,731 80,773 161,504 94,826 95,036 189,862 Vihiga 267 301 568 84,323 87,610 171,933 84,590 87,911 172,501 Wajir 9,569 8,004 17,573 29,280 17,640 46,920 38,849 25,644 64,493 West Pokot 5,420 5,520 10,940 76,878 72,147 149,025 82,298 77,667 159,965 755,870 748,217 1,504,087 4,095,125 3,954,660 8,049,785 4,850,995 4,702,877 9,553,872 Kenya9 9 This is based on the schools that responded to this field in the questionnaire
Table 30: Public Primary Enrolment by Residence COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Urban/Semi-Urban Rural Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 3,159 3,234 6,393 64,330 60,994 125,324 67,489 64,228 131,717 2,467 2,614 5,081 99,738 97,339 197,077 102,205 99,953 202,158 15,019 18,177 33,196 223,441 223,451 446,892 238,460 241,628 480,088 8,683 8,790 17,473 109,465 111,410 220,875 118,148 120,200 238,348 2,109 1,929 4,038 52,437 52,944 105,381 54,546 54,873 109,419 1,254 1,282 2,536 51,824 51,549 103,373 53,078 52,831 105,909 8,457 5,561 14,018 23,294 14,554 37,848 31,751 20,115 51,866 13,627 14,274 27,901 131,992 125,804 257,796 145,619 140,078 285,697 1,641 1,670 3,311 12,636 12,238 24,874 14,277 13,908 28,185 8,488 7,931 16,419 51,169 48,132 99,301 59,657 56,063 115,720 15,623 15,516 31,139 238,705 245,783 484,488 254,328 261,299 515,627 2,266 2,771 5,037 93,648 91,894 185,542 95,914 94,665 190,579 22,818 22,946 45,764 91,125 88,909 180,034 113,943 111,855 225,798 24,067 23,279 47,346 111,849 109,225 221,074 135,916 132,504 268,420 1,137 1,580 2,717 41,314 40,680 81,994 42,451 42,260 84,711 5,002 6,232 11,234 128,821 127,717 256,538 133,823 133,949 267,772 26,792 28,123 54,915 91,094 90,746 181,840 117,886 118,869 236,755 3,775 3,636 7,411 161,625 157,802 319,427 165,400 161,438 326,838 2,064 1,961 4,025 81,495 78,628 160,123 83,559 80,589 164,148 7,701 7,721 15,422 34,198 32,508 66,706 41,899 40,229 82,128 1,566 1,826 3,392 10,716 9,922 20,638 12,282 11,748 24,030 8,677 8,895 17,572 125,413 119,525 244,938 134,090 128,420 262,510 1,784 1,679 3,463 135,340 130,564 265,904 137,124 132,243 269,367 12,668 7,976 20,644 40,455 21,600 62,055 53,123 29,576 82,699 332 245 577 25,591 23,218 48,809 25,923 23,463 49,386 3,571 3,593 7,164 132,879 137,281 270,160 136,450 140,874 277,324 13,546 14,258 27,804 122,937 118,616 241,553 136,483 132,874 269,357 32,184 33,159 65,343 591 585 1,176 32,775 33,744 66,519 1,489 1,429 2,918 91,055 87,001 178,056 92,544 88,430 180,974 88,551 93,200 181,751 320 299 619 88,871 93,499 182,370 40,981 40,400 81,381 141,054 139,159 280,213 182,035 179,559 361,594 1,825 1,916 3,741 103,877 102,751 206,628 105,702 104,667 210,369 4,158 5,168 9,326 115,323 104,139 219,462 119,481 109,307 228,788 26 18 44 64,393 63,823 128,216 64,419 63,841 128,260 1,254 1,222 2,476 65,126 63,174 128,300 66,380 64,396 130,776 6,338 5,876 12,214 51,635 48,842 100,477 57,973 54,718 112,691 3,503 3,630 7,133 21,500 16,835 38,335 25,003 20,465 45,468 8,923 9,100 18,023 114,768 114,422 229,190 123,691 123,522 247,213 32,021 31,109 63,130 3,365 3,411 6,776 28,656 27,698 56,354 620 609 1,229 23,873 21,793 45,666 24,493 22,402 46,895 1,374 1,383 2,757 43,820 44,009 87,829 45,194 45,392 90,586 8,546 8,930 17,476 94,944 96,204 191,148 103,490 105,134 208,624 6,487 6,981 13,468 83,496 62,982 146,478 89,983 69,963 159,946 9,224 9,447 18,671 74,254 74,467 148,721 83,478 83,914 167,392 187 197 384 80,686 84,035 164,721 80,873 84,232 165,105 7,721 6,246 13,967 28,376 16,915 45,291 36,097 23,161 59,258 4,995 5,039 10,034 75,794 71,146 146,940 80,789 76,185 156,974 450,044 455,060 905,104 3,791,072 3,663,312 7,454,384 4,241,116 4,118,372 8,359,488
Table 31: Private Primary Enrolment by Residence COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya 10
Urban/Semi-Urban Boys Girls Total 1,702 1,582 3,284 915 853 1,768 4,461 4,548 9,009 2,218 2,032 4,250 1,083 961 2,044 1,461 1,365 2,826 20,650 12,800 33,450 3,832 3,866 7,698 943 780 1,723 8,397 8,465 16,862 4,039 3,894 7,933 3,614 3,440 7,054 21,815 21,631 43,446 10,432 10,196 20,628 2,262 2,218 4,480 5,749 5,533 11,282 6,034 6,112 12,146 2,200 2,183 4,383 2,502 2,447 4,949 2,602 2,591 5,193 657 624 1,281 4,943 4,478 9,421 888 810 1,698 2,788 2,231 5,019 547 499 1,046 3,770 3,710 7,480 6,757 6,261 13,018 27,275 26,438 53,713 732 514 1,246 105,011 107,969 212,980 15,983 15,232 31,215 294 309 603 2,660 2,633 5,293 896 912 1,808 15 13 28 3,365 3,120 6,485 683 681 1,364 714 684 1,398 1,798 1,593 3,391 0 0 0 292 387 679 4,606 4,541 9,147 7,017 4,862 11,879 4,871 4,816 9,687 80 104 184 1,848 1,758 3,606 425 481 906 305,826 293,157 598,983
Boys 4,383 11,911 10,116 4,285 3,375 5,099 12,435 9,953 2,017 7,104 11,836 13,611 16,220 5,298 9,629 14,845 4,113 5,092 2,874 3,733 675 5,653 4,237 972 3,272 16,297 8,023 978 9,736 941 12,632 9,244 5,539 8,160 9,442 9,588 273 2,972 695 1,085 3,197 7,713 12,698 6,477 3,637 904 1,084 304,053
10 This is based on the schools that responded to this field in the questionnaire
Rural Girls 4,062 11,210 10,353 3,971 2,988 5,084 8,653 9,969 2,098 7,815 11,364 12,610 16,120 5,287 9,640 13,888 4,003 4,924 2,699 3,753 585 5,531 4,198 666 2,907 16,646 7,912 1,037 9,456 1,023 11,867 9,044 5,250 8,790 9,032 9,557 271 3,082 650 998 3,230 7,834 9,684 6,306 3,575 725 1,001 291,348
Total 8,445 23,121 20,469 8,256 6,363 10,183 21,088 19,922 4,115 14,919 23,200 26,221 32,340 10,585 19,269 28,733 8,116 10,016 5,573 7,486 1,260 11,184 8,435 1,638 6,179 32,943 15,935 2,015 19,192 1,964 24,499 18,288 10,789 16,950 18,474 19,145 544 6,054 1,345 2,083 6,427 15,547 22,382 12,783 7,212 1,629 2,085 595,401
Boys 6,085 12,826 14,577 6,503 4,458 6,560 33,085 13,785 2,960 15,501 15,875 17,225 38,035 15,730 11,891 20,594 10,147 7,292 5,376 6,335 1,332 10,596 5,125 3,760 3,819 20,067 14,780 28,253 10,468 105,952 28,615 9,538 8,199 9,056 9,457 12,953 956 3,686 2,493 1,085 3,489 12,319 19,715 11,348 3,717 2,752 1,509 609,879
Total Girls Total 5,644 11,729 12,063 24,889 14,901 29,478 6,003 12,506 3,949 8,407 6,449 13,009 21,453 54,538 13,835 27,620 2,878 5,838 16,280 31,781 15,258 31,133 16,050 33,275 37,751 75,786 15,483 31,213 11,858 23,749 19,421 40,015 10,115 20,262 7,107 14,399 5,146 10,522 6,344 12,679 1,209 2,541 10,009 20,605 5,008 10,133 2,897 6,657 3,406 7,225 20,356 40,423 14,173 28,953 27,475 55,728 9,970 20,438 108,992 214,944 27,099 55,714 9,353 18,891 7,883 16,082 9,702 18,758 9,045 18,502 12,677 25,630 952 1,908 3,766 7,452 2,243 4,736 998 2,083 3,617 7,106 12,375 24,694 14,546 34,261 11,122 22,470 3,679 7,396 2,483 5,235 1,482 2,991 584,505 1,194,384
Table 32: Primary Enrolment by Classes COUNTY Std1 Std2 Std3 Std4 Std5 Std6 Std7 Baringo 19,637 17,986 17,994 19,752 18,571 18,975 19,680 Bomet 31,793 30,390 30,428 30,612 29,064 29,107 32,067 Bungoma 68,314 67,990 69,109 69,955 68,286 68,630 68,309 Busia 37,041 35,390 34,774 34,964 33,577 32,283 28,921 Elgeyo Marakwet 15,567 14,919 14,752 15,554 15,182 16,269 16,764 Embu 14,963 15,069 15,597 16,226 16,126 16,351 16,346 Garissa 27,525 24,002 19,724 13,812 11,828 11,136 8,958 Homa Bay 43,976 43,883 43,777 43,877 42,669 41,593 37,355 Isiolo 5,867 5,117 4,936 4,696 4,399 4,098 3,894 Kajiado 21,439 21,047 21,560 22,408 20,299 19,480 17,215 Kakamega 77,579 76,675 76,117 76,485 72,901 71,166 63,973 Kericho 31,104 30,473 29,962 30,671 29,442 29,107 30,529 Kiambu 38,333 39,084 40,334 42,575 42,239 42,272 42,358 Kilifi 40,696 39,819 39,938 41,900 40,419 39,313 37,722 Kirinyaga 13,505 13,641 13,969 15,402 15,593 15,915 15,695 Kisii 43,769 42,350 42,266 43,633 41,741 40,507 39,955 Kisumu 36,080 35,150 34,870 35,281 33,533 33,057 33,002 Kitui 47,523 44,425 44,363 46,512 44,410 42,592 41,566 Kwale 27,001 24,426 23,704 23,813 22,284 21,310 20,212 Laikipia 12,669 12,651 12,867 12,756 12,522 12,387 12,450 Lamu 4,206 3,711 3,586 3,674 3,466 3,221 3,071 Machakos 36,521 35,475 36,099 38,728 37,086 37,459 38,196 Makueni 36,629 33,940 33,640 37,608 37,119 36,817 37,582 Mandera 17,207 15,387 14,549 12,241 10,665 9,084 7,685 Marsabit 10,024 8,931 8,364 8,259 7,050 6,598 5,921 Meru 48,964 45,538 44,696 44,850 42,008 39,433 37,934 Migori 42,543 42,502 42,036 42,476 40,359 38,751 35,787 Mombasa 17,072 17,453 17,877 18,103 17,953 17,723 17,726 Murang’a 25,102 24,425 24,483 26,973 27,122 28,012 28,185 Nairobi 61,126 61,059 62,841 63,394 60,881 57,952 53,545 Nakuru 56,215 55,973 56,026 57,343 55,595 54,952 54,700 Nandi 32,384 31,439 30,757 32,549 29,874 29,432 28,504 Narok 37,870 35,714 35,562 35,030 31,968 30,306 27,344 Nyamira 20,439 19,439 19,277 20,814 19,958 19,760 19,248 Nyandarua 17,660 18,112 18,974 19,856 20,416 20,467 21,108 Nyeri 16,377 16,407 17,147 17,952 19,054 19,964 20,583 Samburu 8,395 7,318 7,429 6,572 5,598 4,914 4,482 Siaya 36,081 34,581 33,936 34,595 33,355 32,387 30,600 Taita Taveta 8,685 8,482 8,637 8,734 8,796 8,649 9,149 Tana River 8,271 7,092 6,913 6,725 6,036 5,433 5,346 Tharaka-Nithi 13,777 12,414 12,728 13,604 13,487 12,903 12,050 Trans Nzoia 32,551 32,415 32,261 33,012 31,007 30,657 30,381 Turkana 48,850 36,618 31,700 25,768 20,477 18,324 15,639 Uasin Gishu 24,494 24,729 24,654 25,934 25,686 26,035 26,245 Vihiga 25,037 24,102 23,418 23,791 22,604 21,896 19,432 Wajir 13,123 11,520 10,317 8,452 7,148 6,075 5,176 West Pokot 28,589 25,482 23,220 21,675 18,775 17,076 16,559 Kenya 1,382,573 1,324,745 1,312,168 1,329,596 1,268,628 1,239,828 1,199,149
Std8 14,749 21,855 38,769 18,058 11,612 12,563 7,518 25,365 2,956 14,616 42,211 23,622 39,575 30,200 12,631 26,861 22,777 34,631 15,416 10,722 2,481 30,398 29,531 4,747 3,864 27,761 23,477 16,858 23,901 47,956 45,015 20,598 16,419 14,318 18,834 19,354 3,302 21,606 8,308 3,852 9,090 19,241 8,206 19,552 14,678 4,421 9,584 894,059
Total 147,344 235,316 519,362 255,008 120,619 123,241 124,503 322,495 35,963 158,064 557,107 234,910 326,770 310,007 116,351 321,082 263,750 346,022 178,166 99,024 27,416 289,962 282,866 91,565 59,011 331,184 307,931 140,765 208,203 468,754 435,819 235,537 250,213 153,253 155,427 146,838 48,010 257,141 69,440 49,668 100,053 241,525 205,582 197,329 174,958 66,232 160,960 9,950,746
Table 33: Primary Boys Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 10,356 16,480 33,985 18,613 8,071 7,815 15,781 22,084 2,989 10,851 39,007 16,138 19,582 21,029 7,057 22,266 18,220 24,323 13,915 6,479 2,267 18,818 19,147 10,761 5,239 24,920 21,378 8,517 13,073 30,231 29,052 16,667 19,795 10,379 9,257 8,631 4,524 18,293 4,492 4,347 7,073 16,326 26,444 12,407 12,679 7,648 14,725 712,131
Class 2 9,431 15,837 33,855 17,737 7,664 7,950 14,085 22,183 2,635 10,762 38,554 15,688 19,802 20,031 7,013 21,425 17,512 23,013 12,533 6,468 1,960 18,571 17,621 9,625 4,618 23,079 21,210 8,686 12,667 30,329 28,577 16,105 18,712 9,746 9,344 8,297 3,882 17,424 4,415 3,612 6,341 16,307 19,951 12,558 12,286 6,776 13,015 679,892
Class 3 9,313 15,648 34,695 17,574 7,519 8,110 11,887 21,831 2,506 10,925 38,719 15,383 20,452 20,257 7,177 21,623 17,614 23,230 12,173 6,568 1,780 18,987 17,434 9,154 4,409 22,840 21,210 9,049 12,523 30,921 28,557 15,785 18,559 9,754 9,716 8,960 3,943 17,231 4,414 3,721 6,464 16,223 17,556 12,506 11,761 6,034 11,785 674,480
Class 4 10,201 15,747 34,749 17,235 7,856 8,352 8,679 22,171 2,298 11,492 37,948 15,612 21,709 21,199 7,722 21,983 17,464 23,981 12,017 6,593 1,912 20,201 19,591 7,681 4,188 22,342 21,455 9,073 13,948 31,160 29,005 16,637 17,950 10,378 10,241 9,225 3,572 17,309 4,443 3,507 6,758 16,669 14,431 13,133 11,811 5,087 11,201 677,916
Class 5 9,383 14,507 33,876 16,427 7,599 8,084 7,439 21,712 2,165 10,327 35,862 14,718 21,372 20,019 7,717 20,617 16,470 22,465 11,180 6,254 1,704 18,955 18,984 6,833 3,657 20,550 20,205 9,007 13,739 30,106 28,110 14,788 16,403 9,920 10,469 9,915 3,119 16,613 4,508 3,092 6,633 15,316 11,975 12,769 11,016 4,337 9,549 640,465
Class 6 9,551 14,450 34,084 15,802 8,041 7,833 7,106 21,112 2,060 9,572 34,387 14,662 21,223 19,547 7,814 20,218 16,349 21,000 10,556 6,322 1,606 18,700 18,421 5,843 3,507 18,959 19,569 8,746 14,284 28,283 27,362 14,524 15,496 9,706 10,216 10,306 2,725 15,981 4,335 2,761 6,309 15,040 11,169 12,824 10,528 3,719 8,768 621,376
Class 7 9,865 15,725 33,430 14,241 8,064 7,659 5,759 19,325 2,048 8,807 30,843 15,008 20,901 19,044 7,651 19,723 16,476 20,236 10,431 6,244 1,578 18,867 18,362 5,063 3,171 17,706 18,738 8,920 14,144 25,784 27,097 13,918 14,364 9,526 10,370 10,065 2,594 14,964 4,629 2,881 5,847 14,664 9,652 12,793 9,090 3,240 8,672 598,179
Class 8 7,484 10,872 19,176 9,169 5,662 6,002 5,025 13,538 1,514 7,540 20,126 11,618 19,498 15,715 6,117 13,362 11,278 16,851 7,906 5,399 1,248 15,087 14,381 3,163 2,214 12,749 12,379 8,359 12,091 22,996 22,340 9,965 9,107 7,056 9,348 9,804 1,917 10,778 4,103 2,014 4,409 9,332 5,031 9,584 6,646 2,916 5,081 447,950
Total 75,584 119,266 257,850 126,798 60,476 61,805 75,761 163,956 18,215 80,276 275,446 118,827 164,539 156,841 58,268 161,217 131,383 175,099 90,711 50,327 14,055 148,186 143,941 58,123 31,003 163,145 156,144 70,357 106,469 229,810 220,100 118,389 130,386 76,465 78,961 75,203 26,276 128,593 35,339 25,935 49,834 119,877 116,209 98,574 85,817 39,757 82,796 5,052,389
Table 34: Primary Girls Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 9,281 15,313 34,329 18,428 7,496 7,148 11,744 21,892 2,878 10,588 38,572 14,966 18,751 19,667 6,448 21,503 17,860 23,200 13,086 6,190 1,939 17,703 17,482 6,446 4,785 24,044 21,165 8,555 12,029 30,895 27,163 15,717 18,075 10,060 8,403 7,746 3,871 17,788 4,193 3,924 6,704 16,225 22,406 12,087 12,358 5,475 13,864 670,442
Class 2 8,555 14,553 34,135 17,653 7,255 7,119 9,917 21,700 2,482 10,285 38,121 14,785 19,282 19,788 6,628 20,925 17,638 21,412 11,893 6,183 1,751 16,904 16,319 5,762 4,313 22,459 21,292 8,767 11,758 30,730 27,396 15,334 17,002 9,693 8,768 8,110 3,436 17,157 4,067 3,480 6,073 16,108 16,667 12,171 11,816 4,744 12,467 644,853
Class 3 8,681 14,780 34,414 17,200 7,233 7,487 7,837 21,946 2,430 10,635 37,398 14,579 19,882 19,681 6,792 20,643 17,256 21,133 11,531 6,299 1,806 17,112 16,206 5,395 3,955 21,856 20,826 8,828 11,960 31,920 27,469 14,972 17,003 9,523 9,258 8,187 3,486 16,705 4,223 3,192 6,264 16,038 14,144 12,148 11,657 4,283 11,435 637,688
Class 4 9,551 14,865 35,206 17,729 7,698 7,874 5,133 21,706 2,398 10,916 38,537 15,059 20,866 20,701 7,680 21,650 17,817 22,531 11,796 6,163 1,762 18,527 18,017 4,560 4,071 22,508 21,021 9,030 13,025 32,234 28,338 15,912 17,080 10,436 9,615 8,727 3,000 17,286 4,291 3,218 6,846 16,343 11,337 12,801 11,980 3,365 10,474 651,680
Class 5 9,188 14,557 34,410 17,150 7,583 8,042 4,389 20,957 2,234 9,972 37,039 14,724 20,867 20,400 7,876 21,124 17,063 21,945 11,104 6,268 1,762 18,131 18,135 3,832 3,393 21,458 20,154 8,946 13,383 30,775 27,485 15,086 15,565 10,038 9,947 9,139 2,479 16,742 4,288 2,944 6,854 15,691 8,502 12,917 11,588 2,811 9,226 628,163
Class 6 9,424 14,657 34,546 16,481 8,228 8,518 4,030 20,481 2,038 9,908 36,779 14,445 21,049 19,766 8,101 20,289 16,708 21,592 10,754 6,065 1,615 18,759 18,396 3,241 3,091 20,474 19,182 8,977 13,728 29,669 27,590 14,908 14,810 10,054 10,251 9,658 2,189 16,406 4,314 2,672 6,594 15,617 7,155 13,211 11,368 2,356 8,308 618,452
Class 7 9,815 16,342 34,879 14,680 8,700 8,687 3,199 18,030 1,846 8,408 33,130 15,521 21,457 18,678 8,044 20,232 16,526 21,330 9,781 6,206 1,493 19,329 19,220 2,622 2,750 20,228 17,049 8,806 14,041 27,761 27,603 14,586 12,980 9,722 10,738 10,518 1,888 15,636 4,520 2,465 6,203 15,717 5,987 13,452 10,342 1,936 7,887 600,970
Class 8 Total 7,265 71,760 10,983 116,050 19,593 261,512 8,889 128,210 5,950 60,143 6,561 61,436 2,493 48,742 11,827 158,539 1,442 17,748 7,076 77,788 22,085 281,661 12,004 116,083 20,077 162,231 14,485 153,166 6,514 58,083 13,499 159,865 11,499 132,367 17,780 170,923 7,510 87,455 5,323 48,697 1,233 13,361 15,311 141,776 15,150 138,925 1,584 33,442 1,650 28,008 15,012 168,039 11,098 151,787 8,499 70,408 11,810 101,734 24,960 238,944 22,675 215,719 10,633 117,148 7,312 119,827 7,262 76,788 9,486 76,466 9,550 71,635 1,385 21,734 10,828 128,548 4,205 34,101 1,838 23,733 4,681 50,219 9,909 121,648 3,175 89,373 9,968 98,755 8,032 89,141 1,505 26,475 4,503 78,164 446,109 4,898,357
Table 35: Public Primary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Baringo 17,265 15,792 15,914 17,590 16,502 17,010 17,986 Bomet 27,332 26,084 26,056 26,232 24,787 25,045 28,058 Bungoma 62,141 62,364 63,746 64,681 63,479 63,938 64,006 Busia 33,873 32,702 32,342 32,711 31,530 30,494 27,665 Elgeyo Marakwet 14,263 13,570 13,297 14,037 13,670 14,709 15,323 Embu 12,481 12,806 13,294 13,967 14,032 14,402 14,034 Garissa 10,015 8,517 7,183 6,325 5,609 5,239 4,858 Homa Bay 38,431 38,672 38,530 38,855 38,003 37,341 33,528 Isiolo 4,575 3,946 3,845 3,666 3,449 3,154 3,129 Kajiado 14,972 14,918 15,368 16,443 15,077 14,817 13,209 Kakamega 70,948 70,458 70,421 71,006 67,690 66,483 59,876 Kericho 24,463 24,574 24,128 24,791 23,798 23,882 25,510 Kiambu 23,804 25,003 26,452 28,810 29,631 30,819 31,818 Kilifi 34,216 33,854 34,040 36,370 35,320 34,440 33,500 Kirinyaga 9,341 9,611 9,974 11,233 11,499 11,915 11,792 Kisii 35,245 34,445 34,730 36,677 35,470 34,813 34,365 Kisumu 31,497 30,925 30,921 31,677 30,411 30,230 30,328 Kitui 45,217 42,267 42,202 44,074 41,824 39,816 38,966 Kwale 24,472 22,383 21,746 21,998 20,563 19,762 18,914 Laikipia 10,385 10,395 10,650 10,577 10,498 10,321 10,460 Lamu 3,380 3,162 3,109 3,273 3,094 2,941 2,785 Machakos 32,611 31,903 32,737 35,233 33,524 34,027 34,885 Makueni 35,132 32,571 32,297 35,973 35,194 34,747 35,602 Mandera 15,995 14,105 13,214 10,941 9,528 7,991 6,784 Marsabit 8,377 7,432 6,883 6,803 5,848 5,507 5,173 Meru 40,683 37,838 37,005 37,195 35,040 33,308 32,656 Migori 36,537 36,680 36,467 37,226 35,329 34,289 32,244 Mombasa 6,430 6,952 7,665 8,260 8,733 9,151 9,963 Murang’a 21,557 21,064 21,148 23,624 23,734 24,464 24,802 Nairobi 16,797 18,872 21,386 24,125 25,359 26,079 25,723 Nakuru 45,700 45,806 46,297 47,664 46,171 45,874 46,208 Nandi 28,862 27,960 27,513 29,208 26,656 26,475 25,632 Narok 34,578 32,469 32,234 32,057 29,255 27,758 25,353 Nyamira 16,892 15,948 15,814 17,635 17,011 16,935 16,345 Nyandarua 14,452 15,071 15,794 16,487 17,167 17,353 18,179 Nyeri 12,148 12,373 13,057 13,931 14,771 15,284 15,743 Samburu 7,963 6,889 7,034 6,235 5,267 4,639 4,269 Siaya 34,187 32,916 32,277 33,153 32,252 31,462 29,894 Taita Taveta 7,577 7,491 7,704 7,840 8,086 7,941 8,568 Tana River 7,769 6,678 6,482 6,369 5,681 5,096 5,095 Tharaka-Nithi 12,286 10,970 11,309 12,234 12,341 11,931 11,186 Trans Nzoia 27,519 27,721 27,715 28,506 26,962 26,927 26,843 Turkana 39,583 28,897 24,382 19,277 15,506 13,633 12,469 Uasin Gishu 20,044 20,391 20,468 22,061 22,050 22,523 22,982 Vihiga 23,311 22,489 22,038 22,529 21,401 20,805 18,604 Wajir 12,044 10,450 9,286 7,442 6,261 5,305 4,495 West Pokot 27,957 24,934 22,658 21,174 18,264 16,623 16,108 Grand Total 1,135,307 1,093,318 1,088,812 1,118,175 1,073,327 1,057,698 1,035,915
Class 8 13,658 18,564 35,733 17,031 10,550 10,893 4,120 22,337 2,421 10,916 38,745 19,433 29,461 26,680 9,346 22,027 20,766 32,472 14,310 8,842 2,286 27,590 27,851 4,141 3,363 23,599 20,585 9,365 20,581 24,029 37,874 18,063 15,084 11,680 16,273 15,384 3,172 21,072 7,923 3,725 8,329 16,431 6,199 16,873 13,928 3,975 9,256 756,936
Total 131,717 202,158 480,088 238,348 109,419 105,909 51,866 285,697 28,185 115,720 515,627 190,579 225,798 268,420 84,711 267,772 236,755 326,838 164,148 82,128 24,030 262,510 269,367 82,699 49,386 277,324 269,357 66,519 180,974 182,370 361,594 210,369 228,788 128,260 130,776 112,691 45,468 247,213 63,130 46,895 90,586 208,624 159,946 167,392 165,105 59,258 156,974 8,359,488
Table 36: Boys Public Primary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 9,153 14,075 30,884 17,018 7,378 6,539 5,916 19,289 2,308 7,713 35,668 12,584 12,255 17,721 4,899 17,819 15,888 23,198 12,599 5,359 1,744 16,836 18,393 10,095 4,334 20,780 18,353 3,058 11,287 8,426 23,605 14,833 18,062 8,652 7,589 6,460 4,307 17,374 3,915 4,088 6,335 13,833 21,579 10,148 11,798 7,060 14,419 585,626
Class 2 8,282 13,602 31,046 16,327 6,958 6,724 4,952 19,543 2,014 7,732 35,344 12,615 12,709 17,077 4,986 17,438 15,389 21,908 11,479 5,364 1,667 16,746 16,907 8,944 3,836 19,205 18,270 3,417 10,975 9,398 23,418 14,301 17,051 8,003 7,790 6,250 3,665 16,617 3,884 3,393 5,636 13,942 15,900 10,395 11,452 6,225 12,722 561,498
Class 3 8,253 13,376 32,004 16,330 6,754 6,927 4,303 19,198 1,935 7,881 35,777 12,391 13,508 17,293 5,202 17,747 15,668 22,098 11,158 5,449 1,550 17,228 16,745 8,382 3,635 19,010 18,409 3,849 10,852 10,510 23,593 14,153 16,876 8,094 8,125 6,834 3,737 16,409 3,920 3,475 5,735 13,982 13,475 10,370 11,031 5,517 11,495 560,243
Class 4 9,056 13,414 32,192 16,047 7,058 7,147 3,873 19,743 1,802 8,576 35,185 12,510 14,720 18,326 5,704 18,344 15,700 22,695 11,073 5,466 1,718 18,442 18,750 6,995 3,463 18,605 18,723 4,109 12,271 11,860 23,995 14,933 16,454 8,815 8,464 7,114 3,404 16,604 3,973 3,322 6,053 14,354 10,782 11,192 11,179 4,543 10,950 569,698
Class 5 8,324 12,372 31,536 15,342 6,788 7,012 3,522 19,383 1,711 7,765 33,236 11,762 15,016 17,410 5,727 17,358 14,927 21,152 10,310 5,223 1,536 17,166 18,001 6,167 3,017 17,082 17,672 4,359 12,052 12,486 23,264 13,141 15,036 8,521 8,781 7,731 2,951 16,069 4,149 2,922 6,101 13,342 9,014 10,933 10,431 3,881 9,294 540,975
Class 6 8,493 12,359 31,755 14,907 7,211 6,843 3,296 19,040 1,586 7,347 31,911 11,975 15,512 17,075 5,820 17,261 14,922 19,585 9,803 5,260 1,462 16,951 17,405 5,202 2,930 15,914 17,249 4,464 12,428 12,620 22,742 13,054 14,196 8,348 8,682 7,897 2,589 15,498 3,961 2,584 5,833 13,190 8,046 11,049 9,980 3,323 8,541 528,099
Class 7 9,012 13,815 31,314 13,581 7,288 6,729 3,184 17,437 1,662 6,876 28,804 12,538 15,687 17,031 5,672 16,967 15,138 18,960 9,795 5,282 1,449 17,152 17,412 4,518 2,755 15,124 16,930 4,983 12,344 12,250 22,763 12,519 13,389 8,147 8,905 7,857 2,486 14,613 4,324 2,763 5,455 12,952 7,456 11,162 8,682 2,899 8,460 516,521
Class 8 Total 6,916 67,489 9,192 102,205 17,729 238,460 8,596 118,148 5,111 54,546 5,157 53,078 2,705 31,751 11,986 145,619 1,259 14,277 5,767 59,657 18,403 254,328 9,539 95,914 14,536 113,943 13,983 135,916 4,441 42,451 10,889 133,823 10,254 117,886 15,804 165,400 7,342 83,559 4,496 41,899 1,156 12,282 13,569 134,090 13,511 137,124 2,820 53,123 1,953 25,923 10,730 136,450 10,877 136,483 4,536 32,775 10,335 92,544 11,321 88,871 18,655 182,035 8,768 105,702 8,417 119,481 5,839 64,419 8,044 66,380 7,830 57,973 1,864 25,003 10,507 123,691 3,895 32,021 1,946 24,493 4,046 45,194 7,895 103,490 3,731 89,983 8,229 83,478 6,320 80,873 2,649 36,097 4,908 80,789 378,456 4,241,116
Table 37: Girls Public Primary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 8,112 13,257 31,257 16,855 6,885 5,942 4,099 19,142 2,267 7,259 35,280 11,879 11,549 16,495 4,442 17,426 15,609 22,019 11,873 5,026 1,636 15,775 16,739 5,900 4,043 19,903 18,184 3,372 10,270 8,371 22,095 14,029 16,516 8,240 6,863 5,688 3,656 16,813 3,662 3,681 5,951 13,686 18,004 9,896 11,513 4,984 13,538 549,681
Class 2 7,510 12,482 31,318 16,375 6,612 6,082 3,565 19,129 1,932 7,186 35,114 11,959 12,294 16,777 4,625 17,007 15,536 20,359 10,904 5,031 1,495 15,157 15,664 5,161 3,596 18,633 18,410 3,535 10,089 9,474 22,388 13,659 15,418 7,945 7,281 6,123 3,224 16,299 3,607 3,285 5,334 13,779 12,997 9,996 11,037 4,225 12,212 531,820
Class 3 7,661 12,680 31,742 16,012 6,543 6,367 2,880 19,332 1,910 7,487 34,644 11,737 12,944 16,747 4,772 16,983 15,253 20,104 10,588 5,201 1,559 15,509 15,552 4,832 3,248 17,995 18,058 3,816 10,296 10,876 22,704 13,360 15,358 7,720 7,669 6,223 3,297 15,868 3,784 3,007 5,574 13,733 10,907 10,098 11,007 3,769 11,163 528,569
Class 4 8,534 12,818 32,489 16,664 6,979 6,820 2,452 19,112 1,864 7,867 35,821 12,281 14,090 18,044 5,529 18,333 15,977 21,379 10,925 5,111 1,555 16,791 17,223 3,946 3,340 18,590 18,503 4,151 11,353 12,265 23,669 14,275 15,603 8,820 8,023 6,817 2,831 16,549 3,867 3,047 6,181 14,152 8,495 10,869 11,350 2,899 10,224 548,477
Class 5 8,178 12,415 31,943 16,188 6,882 7,020 2,087 18,620 1,738 7,312 34,454 12,036 14,615 17,910 5,772 18,112 15,484 20,672 10,253 5,275 1,558 16,358 17,193 3,361 2,831 17,958 17,657 4,374 11,682 12,873 22,907 13,515 14,219 8,490 8,386 7,040 2,316 16,183 3,937 2,759 6,240 13,620 6,492 11,117 10,970 2,380 8,970 532,352
Class 6 8,517 12,686 32,183 15,587 7,498 7,559 1,943 18,301 1,568 7,470 34,572 11,907 15,307 17,365 6,095 17,552 15,308 20,231 9,959 5,061 1,479 17,076 17,342 2,789 2,577 17,394 17,040 4,687 12,036 13,459 23,132 13,421 13,562 8,587 8,671 7,387 2,050 15,964 3,980 2,512 6,098 13,737 5,587 11,474 10,825 1,982 8,082 529,599
Class 7 8,974 14,243 32,692 14,084 8,035 7,305 1,674 16,091 1,467 6,333 31,072 12,972 16,131 16,469 6,120 17,398 15,190 20,006 9,119 5,178 1,336 17,733 18,190 2,266 2,418 17,532 15,314 4,980 12,458 13,473 23,445 13,113 11,964 8,198 9,274 7,886 1,783 15,281 4,244 2,332 5,731 13,891 5,013 11,820 9,922 1,596 7,648 519,394
Class 8 Total 6,742 64,228 9,372 99,953 18,004 241,628 8,435 120,200 5,439 54,873 5,736 52,831 1,415 20,115 10,351 140,078 1,162 13,908 5,149 56,063 20,342 261,299 9,894 94,665 14,925 111,855 12,697 132,504 4,905 42,260 11,138 133,949 10,512 118,869 16,668 161,438 6,968 80,589 4,346 40,229 1,130 11,748 14,021 128,420 14,340 132,243 1,321 29,576 1,410 23,463 12,869 140,874 9,708 132,874 4,829 33,744 10,246 88,430 12,708 93,499 19,219 179,559 9,295 104,667 6,667 109,307 5,841 63,841 8,229 64,396 7,554 54,718 1,308 20,465 10,565 123,522 4,028 31,109 1,779 22,402 4,283 45,392 8,536 105,134 2,468 69,963 8,644 83,914 7,608 84,232 1,326 23,161 4,348 76,185 378,480 4,118,372
Table 38: Total Private Primary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 2,372 4,461 6,173 3,168 1,304 2,482 17,510 5,545 1,292 6,467 6,631 6,641 14,529 6,480 4,164 8,524 4,583 2,306 2,529 2,284 826 3,910 1,497 1,212 1,647 8,281 6,006 10,642 3,545 44,329 10,515 3,522 3,292 3,547 3,208 4,229 432 1,894 1,108 502 1,491 5,032 9,267 4,450 1,726 1,079 632 247,266
Class 2 2,194 4,306 5,626 2,688 1,349 2,263 15,485 5,211 1,171 6,129 6,217 5,899 14,081 5,965 4,030 7,905 4,225 2,158 2,043 2,256 549 3,572 1,369 1,282 1,499 7,700 5,822 10,501 3,361 42,187 10,167 3,479 3,245 3,491 3,041 4,034 429 1,665 991 414 1,444 4,694 7,721 4,338 1,613 1,070 548 231,427
Class 3 2,080 4,372 5,363 2,432 1,455 2,303 12,541 5,247 1,091 6,192 5,696 5,834 13,882 5,898 3,995 7,536 3,949 2,161 1,958 2,217 477 3,362 1,343 1,335 1,481 7,691 5,569 10,212 3,335 41,455 9,729 3,244 3,328 3,463 3,180 4,090 395 1,659 933 431 1,419 4,546 7,318 4,186 1,380 1,031 562 223,356
Class 4 2,162 4,380 5,274 2,253 1,517 2,259 7,487 5,022 1,030 5,965 5,479 5,880 13,765 5,530 4,169 6,956 3,604 2,438 1,815 2,179 401 3,495 1,635 1,300 1,456 7,655 5,250 9,843 3,349 39,269 9,679 3,341 2,973 3,179 3,369 4,021 337 1,442 894 356 1,370 4,506 6,491 3,873 1,262 1,010 501 211,421
Class 5 2,069 4,277 4,807 2,047 1,512 2,094 6,219 4,666 950 5,222 5,211 5,644 12,608 5,099 4,094 6,271 3,122 2,586 1,721 2,024 372 3,562 1,925 1,137 1,202 6,968 5,030 9,220 3,388 35,522 9,424 3,218 2,713 2,947 3,249 4,283 331 1,103 710 355 1,146 4,045 4,971 3,636 1,203 887 511 195,301
Class 6 1,965 4,062 4,692 1,789 1,560 1,949 5,897 4,252 944 4,663 4,683 5,225 11,453 4,873 4,000 5,694 2,827 2,776 1,548 2,066 280 3,432 2,070 1,093 1,091 6,125 4,462 8,572 3,548 31,873 9,078 2,957 2,548 2,825 3,114 4,680 275 925 708 337 972 3,730 4,691 3,512 1,091 770 453 182,130
Class 7 1,694 4,009 4,303 1,256 1,441 2,312 4,100 3,827 765 4,006 4,097 5,019 10,540 4,222 3,903 5,590 2,674 2,600 1,298 1,990 286 3,311 1,980 901 748 5,278 3,543 7,763 3,383 27,822 8,492 2,872 1,991 2,903 2,929 4,840 213 706 581 251 864 3,538 3,170 3,263 828 681 451 163,234
Class 8 1,091 3,291 3,036 1,027 1,062 1,670 3,398 3,028 535 3,700 3,466 4,189 10,114 3,520 3,285 4,834 2,011 2,159 1,106 1,880 195 2,808 1,680 606 501 4,162 2,892 7,493 3,320 23,927 7,141 2,535 1,335 2,638 2,561 3,970 130 534 385 127 761 2,810 2,007 2,679 750 446 328 137,123
Total 15,627 33,158 39,274 16,660 11,200 17,332 72,637 36,798 7,778 42,344 41,480 44,331 100,972 41,587 31,640 53,310 26,995 19,184 14,018 16,896 3,386 27,452 13,499 8,866 9,625 53,860 38,574 74,246 27,229 286,384 74,225 25,168 21,425 24,993 24,651 34,147 2,542 9,928 6,310 2,773 9,467 32,901 45,636 29,937 9,853 6,974 3,986 1,591,258
Table 39: Boys Private Primary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 1,203 2,405 3,101 1,595 693 1,276 9,865 2,795 681 3,138 3,339 3,554 7,327 3,308 2,158 4,447 2,332 1,125 1,316 1,120 523 1,982 754 666 905 4,140 3,025 5,459 1,786 21,805 5,447 1,834 1,733 1,727 1,668 2,171 217 919 577 259 738 2,493 4,865 2,259 881 588 306 126,505
Class 2 1,149 2,235 2,809 1,410 706 1,226 9,133 2,640 621 3,030 3,210 3,073 7,093 2,954 2,027 3,987 2,123 1,105 1,054 1,104 293 1,825 714 681 782 3,874 2,940 5,269 1,692 20,931 5,159 1,804 1,661 1,743 1,554 2,047 217 807 531 219 705 2,365 4,051 2,163 834 551 293 118,394
Class 3 1,060 2,272 2,691 1,244 765 1,183 7,584 2,633 571 3,044 2,942 2,992 6,944 2,964 1,975 3,876 1,946 1,132 1,015 1,119 230 1,759 689 772 774 3,830 2,801 5,200 1,671 20,411 4,964 1,632 1,683 1,660 1,591 2,126 206 822 494 246 729 2,241 4,081 2,136 730 517 290 114,237
Class 4 1,145 2,333 2,557 1,188 798 1,205 4,806 2,428 496 2,916 2,763 3,102 6,989 2,873 2,018 3,639 1,764 1,286 944 1,127 194 1,759 841 686 725 3,737 2,732 4,964 1,677 19,300 5,010 1,704 1,496 1,563 1,777 2,111 168 705 470 185 705 2,315 3,649 1,941 632 544 251 108,218
Class 5 1,059 2,135 2,340 1,085 811 1,072 3,917 2,329 454 2,562 2,626 2,956 6,356 2,609 1,990 3,259 1,543 1,313 870 1,031 168 1,789 983 666 640 3,468 2,533 4,648 1,687 17,620 4,846 1,647 1,367 1,399 1,688 2,184 168 544 359 170 532 1,974 2,961 1,836 585 456 255 99,490
Class 6 1,058 2,091 2,329 895 830 990 3,810 2,072 474 2,225 2,476 2,687 5,711 2,472 1,994 2,957 1,427 1,415 753 1,062 144 1,749 1,016 641 577 3,045 2,320 4,282 1,856 15,663 4,620 1,470 1,300 1,358 1,534 2,409 136 483 374 177 476 1,850 3,123 1,775 548 396 227 93,277
Class 7 853 1,910 2,116 660 776 930 2,575 1,888 386 1,931 2,039 2,470 5,214 2,013 1,979 2,756 1,338 1,276 636 962 129 1,715 950 545 416 2,582 1,808 3,937 1,800 13,534 4,334 1,399 975 1,379 1,465 2,208 108 351 305 118 392 1,712 2,196 1,631 408 341 212 81,658
Class 8 568 1,680 1,447 573 551 845 2,320 1,552 255 1,773 1,723 2,079 4,962 1,732 1,676 2,473 1,024 1,047 564 903 92 1,518 870 343 261 2,019 1,502 3,823 1,756 11,675 3,685 1,197 690 1,217 1,304 1,974 53 271 208 68 363 1,437 1,300 1,355 326 267 173 69,494
Total 8,095 17,061 19,390 8,650 5,930 8,727 44,010 18,337 3,938 20,619 21,118 22,913 50,596 20,925 15,817 27,394 13,497 9,699 7,152 8,428 1,773 14,096 6,817 5,000 5,080 26,695 19,661 37,582 13,925 140,939 38,065 12,687 10,905 12,046 12,581 17,230 1,273 4,902 3,318 1,442 4,640 16,387 26,226 15,096 4,944 3,660 2,007 811,273
Table 40: Girls Private Primary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Class 1 1,169 2,056 3,072 1,573 611 1,206 7,645 2,750 611 3,329 3,292 3,087 7,202 3,172 2,006 4,077 2,251 1,181 1,213 1,164 303 1,928 743 546 742 4,141 2,981 5,183 1,759 22,524 5,068 1,688 1,559 1,820 1,540 2,058 215 975 531 243 753 2,539 4,402 2,191 845 491 326 120,761
Class 2 1,045 2,071 2,817 1,278 643 1,037 6,352 2,571 550 3,099 3,007 2,826 6,988 3,011 2,003 3,918 2,102 1,053 989 1,152 256 1,747 655 601 717 3,826 2,882 5,232 1,669 21,256 5,008 1,675 1,584 1,748 1,487 1,987 212 858 460 195 739 2,329 3,670 2,175 779 519 255 113,033
Class 3 1,020 2,100 2,672 1,188 690 1,120 4,957 2,614 520 3,148 2,754 2,842 6,938 2,934 2,020 3,660 2,003 1,029 943 1,098 247 1,603 654 563 707 3,861 2,768 5,012 1,664 21,044 4,765 1,612 1,645 1,803 1,589 1,964 189 837 439 185 690 2,305 3,237 2,050 650 514 272 109,119
Class 4 1,017 2,047 2,717 1,065 719 1,054 2,681 2,594 534 3,049 2,716 2,778 6,776 2,657 2,151 3,317 1,840 1,152 871 1,052 207 1,736 794 614 731 3,918 2,518 4,879 1,672 19,969 4,669 1,637 1,477 1,616 1,592 1,910 169 737 424 171 665 2,191 2,842 1,932 630 466 250 103,203
Class 5 1,010 2,142 2,467 962 701 1,022 2,302 2,337 496 2,660 2,585 2,688 6,252 2,490 2,104 3,012 1,579 1,273 851 993 204 1,773 942 471 562 3,500 2,497 4,572 1,701 17,902 4,578 1,571 1,346 1,548 1,561 2,099 163 559 351 185 614 2,071 2,010 1,800 618 431 256 95,811
Class 6 907 1,971 2,363 894 730 959 2,087 2,180 470 2,438 2,207 2,538 5,742 2,401 2,006 2,737 1,400 1,361 795 1,004 136 1,683 1,054 452 514 3,080 2,142 4,290 1,692 16,210 4,458 1,487 1,248 1,467 1,580 2,271 139 442 334 160 496 1,880 1,568 1,737 543 374 226 88,853
Class 7 841 2,099 2,187 596 665 1,382 1,525 1,939 379 2,075 2,058 2,549 5,326 2,209 1,924 2,834 1,336 1,324 662 1,028 157 1,596 1,030 356 332 2,696 1,735 3,826 1,583 14,288 4,158 1,473 1,016 1,524 1,464 2,632 105 355 276 133 472 1,826 974 1,632 420 340 239 81,576
Class 8 523 1,611 1,589 454 511 825 1,078 1,476 280 1,927 1,743 2,110 5,152 1,788 1,609 2,361 987 1,112 542 977 103 1,290 810 263 240 2,143 1,390 3,670 1,564 12,252 3,456 1,338 645 1,421 1,257 1,996 77 263 177 59 398 1,373 707 1,324 424 179 155 67,629
Total 7,532 16,097 19,884 8,010 5,270 8,605 28,627 18,461 3,840 21,725 20,362 21,418 50,376 20,662 15,823 25,916 13,498 9,485 6,866 8,468 1,613 13,356 6,682 3,866 4,545 27,165 18,913 36,664 13,304 145,445 36,160 12,481 10,520 12,947 12,070 16,917 1,269 5,026 2,992 1,331 4,827 16,514 19,410 14,841 4,909 3,314 1,979 779,985
Table 41: Primary Repeaters by Class by County COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Std1 1,402 2,445 3,631 2,330 968 1,022 378 2,167 414 1,151 5,972 2,073 497 2,151 463 1,192 1,965 3,753 1,907 371 233 2,586 2,607 305 737 3,676 2,081 174 1,236 473 1,458 2,403 2,776 570 566 697 677 2,807 416 535 920 1,886 2,560 1,332 2,219 187 2,306 74,675
Std2 1,328 2,241 3,466 2,256 947 834 230 1,958 334 988 5,734 2,042 535 2,085 485 1,073 1,713 2,821 1,682 382 141 2,060 2,017 268 625 3,044 1,832 186 1,138 358 1,349 2,195 2,391 492 541 513 509 2,439 314 310 679 1,689 1,803 1,301 1,880 175 1,745 65,128
Std3 1,273 2,401 3,554 2,066 933 773 278 1,966 279 1,034 5,530 2,008 528 1,879 489 1,144 1,597 2,681 1,576 416 118 1,991 1,916 194 606 2,648 1,783 193 945 519 1,359 2,252 2,545 435 627 521 524 2,298 280 282 613 1,699 1,534 1,334 1,654 186 1,538 62,999
Std4 1,805 2,543 3,714 2,292 1,111 840 168 2,084 323 1,222 5,929 2,176 575 2,402 572 1,319 1,980 3,142 1,810 422 187 2,507 2,577 227 652 2,636 1,852 273 1,167 460 1,559 2,758 2,631 553 692 549 446 2,617 318 319 707 2,016 1,191 1,495 1,742 142 1,516 70,218
Std5 1,491 2,364 3,691 2,017 1,033 822 132 1,843 267 972 5,450 1,996 641 2,381 553 1,180 1,746 2,728 1,529 362 146 2,196 2,196 158 503 2,262 1,878 247 1,119 479 1,388 2,277 2,354 412 718 594 271 2,389 253 235 582 1,761 875 1,429 1,672 112 1,194 62,898
Std6 1,642 2,592 4,003 2,175 1,183 758 138 1,973 260 900 5,967 2,032 673 2,366 648 1,273 1,986 2,715 1,575 433 165 2,289 2,299 94 564 2,358 1,910 269 1,235 492 1,431 2,315 2,276 476 725 708 274 2,591 335 272 581 2,068 783 1,621 1,767 80 1,096 66,366
Std7 2,217 3,717 6,384 2,764 1,620 992 185 2,569 278 846 6,387 2,899 881 2,665 735 1,463 2,877 3,197 1,860 531 187 2,873 3,112 103 568 2,785 2,415 312 1,362 484 2,104 2,912 2,760 562 927 998 298 2,937 644 379 657 2,628 864 2,056 1,696 77 1,735 83,502
Std8 594 1,029 844 224 368 251 127 543 32 142 483 752 377 542 198 217 372 886 318 214 38 728 575 22 78 706 480 84 473 332 495 306 566 115 313 604 109 375 157 85 145 414 189 334 234 20 340 16,830
Total 11,752 19,332 29,287 16,124 8,163 6,292 1,636 15,103 2,187 7,255 41,452 15,978 4,707 16,471 4,143 8,861 14,236 21,923 12,257 3,131 1,215 17,230 17,299 1,371 4,333 20,115 14,231 1,738 8,675 3,597 11,143 17,418 18,299 3,615 5,109 5,184 3,108 18,453 2,717 2,417 4,884 14,161 9,799 10,902 12,864 979 11,470 502,616
Table 42: Primary Boys Repeaters by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Std1 801 1,367 1,966 1,293 555 612 210 1,163 215 653 3,211 1,162 292 1,191 259 675 1,075 2,114 1,057 212 132 1,458 1,481 177 389 1,993 1,160 104 719 275 782 1,315 1,604 291 329 444 378 1,495 273 285 515 1,059 1,561 737 1,182 93 1,247 41,561
Std2 730 1,319 1,813 1,204 526 512 128 1,060 192 566 3,086 1,144 320 1,126 261 563 936 1,543 915 223 86 1,186 1,164 170 335 1,618 1,011 99 641 213 751 1,175 1,417 286 317 310 268 1,329 182 167 353 893 1,100 703 1,021 95 947 36,004
Std3 696 1,357 1,877 1,075 540 442 163 1,060 146 618 3,017 1,117 314 1,034 279 627 870 1,497 876 228 71 1,130 1,090 120 312 1,481 969 99 531 293 729 1,276 1,455 233 354 304 311 1,265 173 140 357 943 967 739 906 99 812 34,992
Std4 1,001 1,392 1,998 1,194 632 495 105 1,109 174 681 3,227 1,189 350 1,257 311 713 1,062 1,730 991 237 111 1,459 1,445 134 327 1,515 986 148 654 267 851 1,479 1,446 311 368 312 245 1,472 173 160 371 1,063 759 824 927 65 850 38,570
Std5 792 1,293 1,990 1,044 534 471 72 1,014 149 521 2,814 1,089 363 1,163 314 605 961 1,527 810 193 80 1,194 1,150 99 249 1,175 966 135 583 276 730 1,211 1,233 210 390 368 142 1,263 136 123 297 937 545 781 871 67 658 33,588
Std6 865 1,366 2,109 1,136 622 405 90 1,049 149 500 3,024 1,070 400 1,196 344 679 1,035 1,395 812 225 91 1,241 1,165 52 297 1,275 1,041 149 670 297 758 1,200 1,214 251 378 379 143 1,338 180 138 299 1,035 483 807 925 48 617 34,942
Std7 1,218 1,939 3,359 1,425 863 490 119 1,401 158 456 3,229 1,493 509 1,357 406 786 1,514 1,626 1,005 272 106 1,482 1,551 61 311 1,452 1,352 164 694 265 1,088 1,515 1,563 298 466 499 183 1,509 328 194 333 1,329 551 1,051 789 56 996 43,811
Std8 328 606 445 120 181 137 70 325 19 78 239 397 229 353 114 129 216 488 166 108 29 425 292 15 45 359 302 52 261 187 263 165 373 49 153 307 69 222 77 48 71 215 142 159 78 17 193 9,316
Total 6,431 10,639 15,557 8,491 4,453 3,564 957 8,181 1,202 4,073 21,847 8,661 2,777 8,677 2,288 4,777 7,669 11,920 6,632 1,698 706 9,575 9,338 828 2,265 10,868 7,787 950 4,753 2,073 5,952 9,336 10,305 1,929 2,755 2,923 1,739 9,893 1,522 1,255 2,596 7,474 6,108 5,801 6,699 540 6,320 272,784
Table 43: Primary Girls Repeaters by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Std1 601 1,078 1,665 1,037 413 410 168 1,004 199 498 2,761 911 205 960 204 517 890 1,639 850 159 101 1,128 1,126 128 348 1,683 921 70 517 198 676 1,088 1,172 279 237 253 299 1,312 143 250 405 827 999 595 1,037 94 1,059 33,114
Std2 598 922 1,653 1,052 421 322 102 898 142 422 2,648 898 215 959 224 510 777 1,278 767 159 55 874 853 98 290 1,426 821 87 497 145 598 1,020 974 206 224 203 241 1,110 132 143 326 796 703 598 859 80 798 29,124
Std3 577 1,044 1,677 991 393 331 115 906 133 416 2,513 891 214 845 210 517 727 1,184 700 188 47 861 826 74 294 1,167 814 94 414 226 630 976 1,090 202 273 217 213 1,033 107 142 256 756 567 595 748 87 726 28,007
Std4 804 1,151 1,716 1,098 479 345 63 975 149 541 2,702 987 225 1,145 261 606 918 1,412 819 185 76 1,048 1,132 93 325 1,121 866 125 513 193 708 1,279 1,185 242 324 237 201 1,145 145 159 336 953 432 671 815 77 666 31,648
Std5 699 1,071 1,701 973 499 351 60 829 118 451 2,636 907 278 1,218 239 575 785 1,201 719 169 66 1,002 1,046 59 254 1,087 912 112 536 203 658 1,066 1,121 202 328 226 129 1,126 117 112 285 824 330 648 801 45 536 29,310
Std6 777 1,226 1,894 1,039 561 353 48 924 111 400 2,943 962 273 1,170 304 594 951 1,320 763 208 74 1,048 1,134 42 267 1,083 869 120 565 195 673 1,115 1,062 225 347 329 131 1,253 155 134 282 1,033 300 814 842 32 479 31,424
Std7 999 1,778 3,025 1,339 757 502 66 1,168 120 390 3,158 1,406 372 1,308 329 677 1,363 1,571 855 259 81 1,391 1,561 42 257 1,333 1,063 148 668 219 1,016 1,397 1,197 264 461 499 115 1,428 316 185 324 1,299 313 1,005 907 21 739 39,691
Std8 266 423 399 104 187 114 57 218 13 64 244 355 148 189 84 88 156 398 152 106 9 303 283 7 33 347 178 32 212 145 232 141 193 66 160 297 40 153 80 37 74 199 47 175 156 3 147 7,514
Total 5,321 8,693 13,730 7,633 3,710 2,728 679 6,922 985 3,182 19,605 7,317 1,930 7,794 1,855 4,084 6,567 10,003 5,625 1,433 509 7,655 7,961 543 2,068 9,247 6,444 788 3,922 1,524 5,191 8,082 7,994 1,686 2,354 2,261 1,369 8,560 1,195 1,162 2,288 6,687 3,691 5,101 6,165 439 5,150 229,832
Table 44: OVCS, Special needs and pupils no desk, Primary COUNTY
Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Urban/Semi-Urban Rural Streams Overload OVCS/ S. Streams Overload Desks Needs Desks 340 371 653 5,128 10,279 220 541 734 6,995 10,602 1,156 4,819 6,224 11,731 80,098 672 3,159 4,370 5,851 30,147 202 191 648 3,665 7,390 209 290 307 4,034 12,014 832 2,118 6,454 1,267 5,637 1,105 2,908 10,605 8,751 26,660 139 543 681 987 4,195 1,193 933 3,002 3,779 11,837 1,064 2,788 6,904 13,620 57,121 436 141 608 6,578 10,389 3,155 4,262 8,050 6,691 13,119 1,925 6,959 9,125 6,094 55,468 300 310 303 3,468 5,717 882 692 2,447 8,747 18,072 1,658 3,897 12,831 5,643 16,859 465 176 1,522 11,507 34,677 309 518 797 4,625 34,012 657 705 2,484 2,562 5,637 138 167 322 880 2,476 911 874 2,605 8,408 20,341 171 296 562 8,773 21,130 475 5,002 4,751 1,413 12,728 49 93 195 1,537 5,820 528 722 1,910 9,645 24,706 1,193 3,920 7,187 7,284 32,837 3,678 7,295 17,226 135 30 164 178 398 6,450 9,627 11,356 28,566 47,532 71 251 3,147 9,750 10,516 8,506 20,493 141 46 439 7,665 14,264 489 861 967 6,471 20,792 84 0 158 5,209 9,550 73 397 362 4,859 10,483 641 703 916 4,403 5,800 219 1,447 1,463 1,131 6,146 518 2,114 3,967 6,800 24,893 332 318 883 1,909 3,812 28 66 266 1,486 14,211 136 91 327 3,959 10,032 796 2,005 3,796 5,435 25,463 433 8,925 4,601 3,102 84,897 918 1,911 3,697 5,140 13,477 40 72 153 5,034 17,909 434 2,934 3,828 1,186 10,425 298 740 1,211 4,051 35,915 44,309 115,814 198,987 242,665 908,438
OVCS/ S. Streams Needs 14,838 5,468 14,760 7,215 71,770 12,887 42,807 6,523 8,982 3,867 10,268 4,243 9,686 2,099 78,405 9,856 6,997 1,126 12,017 4,972 83,358 14,684 12,703 7,014 23,451 9,846 32,557 8,019 5,898 3,768 35,507 9,629 54,177 7,301 31,201 11,972 18,897 4,934 7,024 3,219 3,010 1,018 34,693 9,319 45,585 8,944 16,802 1,888 10,265 1,586 33,636 10,173 59,237 8,477 505 3,813 14,744 6,614 223 11,427 26,446 11,653 19,128 7,806 17,667 6,960 25,951 5,293 10,720 4,932 9,188 5,044 8,460 1,350 58,254 7,318 7,104 2,241 6,817 1,514 14,942 4,095 24,175 6,231 31,856 3,535 16,106 6,058 37,187 5,074 10,288 1,620 17,735 4,349 1,136,027 286,974
Total Overload OVCS/ S. Desks Needs 10,650 15,491 11,143 15,494 84,917 77,994 33,306 47,177 7,581 9,630 12,304 10,575 7,755 16,140 29,568 89,010 4,738 7,678 12,770 15,019 59,909 90,262 10,530 13,311 17,381 31,501 62,427 41,682 6,027 6,201 18,764 37,954 20,756 67,008 34,853 32,723 34,530 19,694 6,342 9,508 2,643 3,332 21,215 37,298 21,426 46,147 17,730 21,553 5,913 10,460 25,428 35,546 36,757 66,424 7,325 17,731 9,805 15,142 28,817 47,755 30,243 36,962 14,310 19,567 21,653 18,634 9,550 26,109 10,880 11,082 6,503 10,104 7,593 9,923 27,007 62,221 4,130 7,987 14,277 7,083 10,123 15,269 27,468 27,971 93,822 36,457 15,388 19,803 17,981 37,340 13,359 14,116 36,655 18,946 1,024,252 1,335,014
Table 45: Primary Teachers Distribution by County COUNTY TSC Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
5,188 4,787 8,327 4,659 3,511 3,684 902 6,788 834 2,567 10,150 4,636 6,521 5,424 2,646 7,706 5,820 8,581 3,456 2,314 827 7,778 7,466 1,042 1,157 7,811 5,548 1,644 5,436 4,278 7,919 5,373 4,111 3,975 3,368 4,070 1,026 5,809 1,969 1,162 3,273 4,344 1,579 4,474 4,020 938 2,724 201,622
Public SMC 562 1,706 1,593 978 718 546 213 1,401 99 1,066 2,010 1,228 546 950 178 917 1,063 2,634 791 338 121 1,358 1,399 170 162 1,247 1,091 180 525 766 1,654 1,688 1,731 540 706 437 69 1,085 275 118 1,006 460 652 941 748 285 1,498 40,449
Total 5,750 6,493 9,920 5,637 4,229 4,230 1,115 8,189 933 3,633 12,160 5,864 7,067 6,374 2,824 8,623 6,883 11,215 4,247 2,652 948 9,136 8,865 1,212 1,319 9,058 6,639 1,824 5,961 5,044 9,573 7,061 5,842 4,515 4,074 4,507 1,095 6,894 2,244 1,280 4,279 4,804 2,231 5,415 4,768 1,223 4,222 242,071
Private Private
TSC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
809 1,851 2,156 900 547 1,071 1,498 1,872 387 2,276 2,349 2,405 5,402 2,164 1,635 2,800 1,322 1,245 645 848 161 1,531 789 341 308 2,865 1,795 3,492 1,538 11,295 3,390 1,492 1,119 1,326 1,440 1,894 135 531 366 100 652 1,396 649 1,620 561 237 201 75,406
Total 809 1,851 2,156 900 547 1,071 1,498 1,872 387 2,276 2,349 2,405 5,402 2,164 1,635 2,800 1,322 1,245 645 848 161 1,531 789 341 308 2,865 1,795 3,492 1,538 11,295 3,390 1,492 1,119 1,326 1,440 1,894 135 531 366 100 652 1,396 649 1,620 561 237 201 75,406
TSC 5,188 4,787 8,327 4,659 3,511 3,684 902 6,788 834 2,567 10,150 4,636 6,521 5,424 2,646 7,706 5,820 8,581 3,456 2,314 827 7,778 7,466 1,042 1,157 7,811 5,548 1,644 5,436 4,278 7,919 5,373 4,111 3,975 3,368 4,070 1,026 5,809 1,969 1,162 3,273 4,344 1,579 4,474 4,020 938 2,724 201,622
Total SMC/ Private 1,371 3,557 3,749 1,878 1,265 1,617 1,711 3,273 486 3,342 4,359 3,633 5,948 3,114 1,813 3,717 2,385 3,879 1,436 1,186 282 2,889 2,188 511 470 4,112 2,886 3,672 2,063 12,061 5,044 3,180 2,850 1,866 2,146 2,331 204 1,616 641 218 1,658 1,856 1,301 2,561 1,309 522 1,699 115,855
Total 6,559 8,344 12,076 6,537 4,776 5,301 2,613 10,061 1,320 5,909 14,509 8,269 12,469 8,538 4,459 11,423 8,205 12,460 4,892 3,500 1,109 10,667 9,654 1,553 1,627 11,923 8,434 5,316 7,499 16,339 12,963 8,553 6,961 5,841 5,514 6,401 1,230 7,425 2,610 1,380 4,931 6,200 2,880 7,035 5,329 1,460 4,423 317,477
Table 46: Primary Pupil-Teacher Ratio by School Status COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Public TSC 25.4 42.2 57.7 51.2 31.2 28.7 57.5 42.1 33.8 45.1 50.8 41.1 34.6 49.5 32.0 34.7 40.7 38.1 47.5 35.5 29.1 33.8 36.1 79.4 42.7 35.5 48.6 40.5 33.3 42.6 45.7 39.2 55.7 32.3 38.8 27.7 44.3 42.6 32.1 40.4 27.7 48.0 101.3 37.4 41.1 63.2 57.6 41.5
Total public 22.9 31.1 48.4 42.3 25.9 25.0 46.5 34.9 30.2 31.9 42.4 32.5 32.0 42.1 30.0 31.1 34.4 29.1 38.7 31.0 25.3 28.7 30.4 68.2 37.4 30.6 40.6 36.5 30.4 36.2 37.8 29.8 39.2 28.4 32.1 25.0 41.5 35.9 28.1 36.6 21.2 43.4 71.7 30.9 34.6 48.5 37.2 34.5
Private Total 19.3 17.9 18.2 18.5 20.5 16.2 48.5 19.7 20.1 18.6 17.7 18.4 18.7 19.2 19.4 19.0 20.4 15.4 21.7 19.9 21.0 17.9 17.1 26.0 31.3 18.8 21.5 21.3 17.7 25.4 21.9 16.9 19.1 18.8 17.1 18.0 18.8 18.7 17.2 27.7 14.5 23.6 70.3 18.5 17.6 29.4 19.8 21.1
Total Primary 22.5 28.2 43.0 39.0 25.3 23.2 47.7 32.1 27.2 26.7 38.4 28.4 26.2 36.3 26.1 28.1 32.1 27.8 36.4 28.3 24.7 27.2 29.3 59.0 36.3 27.8 36.5 26.5 27.8 28.7 33.6 27.5 35.9 26.2 28.2 22.9 39.0 34.6 26.6 36.0 20.3 39.0 71.4 28.0 32.8 45.4 36.4 31.3
Table 47: Public Primary Schools Text Books COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 94,163 140,163 214,988 109,714 61,311 71,357 21,655 314,123 13,972 61,061 266,115 133,190 135,392 159,214 56,379 184,945 128,092 179,080 86,554 55,105 16,438 185,441 178,889 32,406 23,625 358,384 146,914 44,716 127,685 145,074 227,022 122,512 123,861 90,198 80,857 78,649 17,565 119,951 42,124 28,922 62,212 114,211 55,773 100,768 72,440 20,126 225,850 5,329,186
Kiswahili 90,911 127,117 199,000 99,806 59,591 71,772 20,175 131,501 12,411 55,982 257,950 122,602 123,130 144,183 50,754 177,339 116,396 166,424 76,645 50,470 13,592 158,698 165,100 31,400 21,944 166,823 126,886 31,396 254,239 124,513 206,637 116,347 118,950 84,761 71,193 1,105,187 16,791 110,638 37,332 24,025 58,360 105,355 51,860 94,697 66,497 18,902 205,629 5,741,911
Maths 101,302 128,204 200,431 102,095 62,041 70,006 21,110 135,522 13,447 57,521 244,297 214,564 131,455 155,504 52,455 175,365 117,048 168,326 85,038 52,086 14,455 162,536 165,957 31,737 23,552 261,637 133,620 35,826 115,758 132,496 212,881 118,359 121,652 84,203 73,212 72,912 17,645 113,910 39,848 30,806 59,900 108,230 54,430 98,508 71,591 19,851 212,490 4,875,819
Science 74,457 101,204 141,302 76,748 48,593 57,881 245,133 108,369 11,571 51,679 197,505 98,066 102,941 120,590 42,261 147,281 93,384 124,835 64,632 43,060 11,306 124,043 136,487 29,939 18,662 143,732 98,041 27,466 92,927 104,423 171,249 95,498 95,839 72,838 56,912 61,366 13,952 91,932 33,191 19,086 48,438 84,191 38,464 80,560 55,108 17,069 188,171 3,962,382
Social Studies 80,844 107,051 146,805 79,725 52,634 62,885 25,857 116,065 11,820 55,134 214,879 101,673 113,091 128,929 52,135 158,061 106,621 135,901 65,095 50,713 12,859 142,495 145,122 31,796 19,289 157,987 108,228 27,435 102,992 116,460 194,735 101,210 110,835 81,366 64,321 76,421 46,799 97,596 36,648 19,691 54,015 90,171 38,880 86,850 55,698 18,312 200,667 4,104,796
Total 441,677 603,739 902,526 468,088 284,170 333,901 333,930 805,580 63,221 281,377 1,180,746 670,095 606,009 708,420 253,984 842,991 561,541 774,566 377,964 251,434 68,650 773,213 791,555 157,278 107,072 1,088,563 613,689 166,839 693,601 622,966 1,012,524 553,926 571,137 413,366 346,495 1,394,535 112,752 534,027 189,143 122,530 282,925 502,158 239,407 461,383 321,334 94,260 1,032,807 24,014,094
Table 48: Public Primary Schools Text Book Ratios COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.4 1.4 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.5 2.4 0.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.4 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 2.6 2.1 0.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.6 1.4 2.6 2.1 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.8 2.9 1.7 2.3 2.9 0.7 1.7
Kiswahili 1.4 1.6 2.4 2.4 1.8 1.5 2.6 2.2 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 2.6 2.3 1.7 2.1 2.1 0.7 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.8 0.1 2.7 2.2 1.7 2.0 1.6 2.0 3.1 1.8 2.5 3.1 0.8 1.9
Maths 1.3 1.6 2.4 2.3 1.8 1.5 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 0.9 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 2.6 2.1 1.1 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.8 1.5 2.6 2.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.9 2.9 1.7 2.3 3.0 0.7 1.8
Science 1.8 2.0 3.4 3.1 2.3 1.8 0.2 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.6 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.5 2.6 2.5 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.8 2.6 1.9 2.7 2.4 1.9 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.4 1.8 2.3 1.8 3.3 2.7 1.9 2.5 1.9 2.5 4.2 2.1 3.0 3.5 0.8 2.3
Social Studies 1.6 1.9 3.3 3.0 2.1 1.7 2.0 2.5 2.4 2.1 2.4 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.7 2.2 2.4 2.5 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.9 2.6 2.6 1.8 2.5 2.4 1.8 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.1 1.6 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 1.7 2.4 1.7 2.3 4.1 1.9 3.0 3.2 0.8 2.1
Table 49: Private Primary Schools Text Books COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 4,718 10,272 11,696 4,583 3,135 6,536 19,681 14,317 4,828 20,152 12,395 17,185 57,772 13,938 11,286 16,157 12,039 8,457 5,136 7,338 1,452 9,820 5,137 2,467 1,930 22,513 10,585 20,451 14,157 131,325 34,470 9,538 9,250 10,656 11,324 16,424 1,148 3,028 2,593 487 4,058 9,385 10,695 13,649 6,927 2,570 1,312 628,972
Kiswahili 4,688 10,341 11,397 4,428 3,169 6,421 17,627 13,466 4,866 19,831 12,171 16,747 55,802 13,276 11,109 15,868 11,791 8,453 5,026 7,228 1,439 9,387 4,993 2,366 1,901 23,154 9,855 19,733 14,230 105,525 34,376 9,320 7,026 10,570 10,227 15,545 1,130 2,937 2,420 477 4,009 9,205 10,940 13,109 6,006 2,517 1,326 587,428
Maths 4,724 10,383 11,179 4,379 3,140 6,326 18,830 14,057 4,733 19,528 11,971 24,411 55,127 13,302 10,969 16,077 12,119 12,948 5,272 6,944 1,462 9,379 5,121 2,509 1,896 22,539 10,529 20,500 13,699 99,814 33,784 9,392 7,069 12,177 10,716 16,263 934 2,985 2,383 460 3,922 9,403 10,600 12,806 6,653 2,627 1,272 597,313
Science 5,883 7,289 8,268 3,319 2,335 5,536 16,137 11,492 4,762 18,423 9,445 13,763 54,686 12,817 10,457 13,583 10,446 7,536 4,375 6,297 1,391 8,214 4,278 2,106 1,712 20,066 8,545 19,172 13,007 101,255 28,766 7,521 5,865 9,519 9,415 15,407 882 2,427 2,229 473 3,751 7,274 8,253 11,186 3,834 2,153 948 526,498
Social Studies 4,136 7,450 8,375 3,361 2,307 5,556 15,062 12,089 5,291 18,781 9,084 13,358 52,541 12,943 10,658 13,333 10,814 7,505 4,649 6,330 1,358 8,417 4,436 2,111 1,649 20,151 8,345 19,487 12,760 92,442 30,426 10,971 5,694 9,036 9,094 15,057 1,331 2,347 2,496 462 4,567 7,395 7,594 10,948 4,712 2,033 913 519,855
Grand Total 24,149 45,735 50,915 20,070 14,086 30,375 87,337 65,421 24,480 96,715 55,066 85,464 275,928 66,276 54,479 75,018 57,209 44,899 24,458 34,137 7,102 45,217 23,965 11,559 9,088 108,423 47,859 99,343 67,853 530,361 161,822 46,742 34,904 51,958 50,776 78,696 5,425 13,724 12,121 2,359 20,307 42,662 48,082 61,698 28,132 11,900 5,771 2,860,066
Table 50: Private Primary Schools Text Book Ratios COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya11
English 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.6 2.7 3.7 2.6 1.6 2.1 3.3 2.6 1.7 3.0 2.8 3.3 2.2 2.3 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.6 3.6 5.0 2.4 3.6 3.6 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.2 3.3 2.4 5.7 2.3 3.5 4.3 2.2 1.4 2.7 3.0 2.8
Kiswahili 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.8 3.5 2.7 4.1 2.7 1.6 2.1 3.4 2.6 1.8 3.1 2.8 3.4 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.3 2.4 2.9 2.7 3.7 5.1 2.3 3.9 3.8 1.9 2.7 2.2 2.7 3.0 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 3.4 2.6 5.8 2.4 3.6 4.2 2.3 1.6 2.8 3.0 2.9
Maths 3.3 3.2 3.5 3.8 3.6 2.7 3.9 2.6 1.6 2.2 3.5 1.8 1.8 3.1 2.9 3.3 2.2 1.5 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.9 2.6 3.5 5.1 2.4 3.7 3.6 2.0 2.9 2.2 2.7 3.0 2.1 2.3 2.1 2.7 3.3 2.6 6.0 2.4 3.5 4.3 2.3 1.5 2.7 3.1 2.9
Science 2.7 4.5 4.8 5.0 4.8 3.1 4.5 3.2 1.6 2.3 4.4 3.2 1.8 3.2 3.0 3.9 2.6 2.5 3.2 2.7 2.4 3.3 3.2 4.2 5.6 2.7 4.5 3.9 2.1 2.8 2.6 3.3 3.7 2.6 2.6 2.2 2.9 4.1 2.8 5.9 2.5 4.5 5.5 2.7 2.6 3.2 4.2 3.4
Social Studies 3.8 4.5 4.7 5.0 4.9 3.1 4.8 3.0 1.5 2.3 4.6 3.3 1.9 3.2 3.0 4.0 2.5 2.6 3.0 2.7 2.5 3.3 3.0 4.2 5.8 2.7 4.6 3.8 2.1 3.1 2.4 2.3 3.8 2.8 2.7 2.3 1.9 4.2 2.5 6.0 2.1 4.4 6.0 2.7 2.1 3.4 4.4 3.4
11 The book ratios are based on text books stocked in private schools. Most pupils have personal books and thus the ratios may just be for books available for library studies.
Table 51: Primary Schools Text Books COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 98,881 150,435 226,684 114,297 64,446 77,893 41,336 328,440 18,800 81,213 278,510 150,375 193,164 173,152 67,665 201,102 140,131 187,537 91,690 62,443 17,890 195,261 184,026 34,873 25,555 380,897 157,499 65,167 141,842 276,399 261,492 132,050 133,111 100,854 92,181 95,073 18,713 122,979 44,717 29,409 66,270 123,596 66,468 114,417 79,367 22,696 227,162 5,958,158
Kiswahili 95,599 137,458 210,397 104,234 62,760 78,193 37,802 144,967 17,277 75,813 270,121 139,349 178,932 157,459 61,863 193,207 128,187 174,877 81,671 57,698 15,031 168,085 170,093 33,766 23,845 189,977 136,741 51,129 268,469 230,038 241,013 125,667 125,976 95,331 81,420 1,120,732 17,921 113,575 39,752 24,502 62,369 114,560 62,800 107,806 72,503 21,419 206,955 6,329,339
Maths 106,026 138,587 211,610 106,474 65,181 76,332 39,940 149,579 18,180 77,049 256,268 238,975 186,582 168,806 63,424 191,442 129,167 181,274 90,310 59,030 15,917 171,915 171,078 34,246 25,448 284,176 144,149 56,326 129,457 232,310 246,665 127,751 128,721 96,380 83,928 89,175 18,579 116,895 42,231 31,266 63,822 117,633 65,030 111,314 78,244 22,478 213,762 5,473,132
Science 80,340 108,493 149,570 80,067 50,928 63,417 261,270 119,861 16,333 70,102 206,950 111,829 157,627 133,407 52,718 160,864 103,830 132,371 69,007 49,357 12,697 132,257 140,765 32,045 20,374 163,798 106,586 46,638 105,934 205,678 200,015 103,019 101,704 82,357 66,327 76,773 14,834 94,359 35,420 19,559 52,189 91,465 46,717 91,746 58,942 19,222 189,119 4,488,880
Social Studies 84,980 114,501 155,180 83,086 54,941 68,441 40,919 128,154 17,111 73,915 223,963 115,031 165,632 141,872 62,793 171,394 117,435 143,406 69,744 57,043 14,217 150,912 149,558 33,907 20,938 178,138 116,573 46,922 115,752 208,902 225,161 112,181 116,529 90,402 73,415 91,478 48,130 99,943 39,144 20,153 58,582 97,566 46,474 97,798 60,410 20,345 201,580 4,624,651
Grand Total 465,826 649,474 953,441 488,158 298,256 364,276 421,267 871,001 87,701 378,092 1,235,812 755,559 881,937 774,696 308,463 918,009 618,750 819,465 402,422 285,571 75,752 818,430 815,520 168,837 116,160 1,196,986 661,548 266,182 761,454 1,153,327 1,174,346 600,668 606,041 465,324 397,271 1,473,231 118,177 547,751 201,264 124,889 303,232 544,820 287,489 523,081 349,466 106,160 1,038,578 26,874,160
Table 52: Primary Text Book Ratios COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.5 1.6 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.6 3.0 1.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.6 2.3 0.9 2.0 2.2 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.7 1.5 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.5 2.0 3.1 1.7 2.2 2.9 0.7 1.8
Kiswahili 1.5 1.7 2.5 2.4 1.9 1.6 3.3 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.2 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 2.7 2.5 1.7 2.3 2.8 0.8 2.0 1.8 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.9 0.1 2.7 2.3 1.7 2.0 1.6 2.1 3.3 1.8 2.4 3.1 0.8 2.0
Maths 1.4 1.7 2.5 2.4 1.9 1.6 3.1 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 1.0 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.7 2.3 1.2 2.1 2.5 1.6 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.9 1.6 2.6 2.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.1 3.2 1.8 2.2 2.9 0.8 1.9
Science 1.8 2.2 3.5 3.2 2.4 1.9 0.5 2.7 2.2 2.3 2.7 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.0 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.9 2.9 2.0 2.9 3.0 2.0 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.5 1.9 2.3 1.9 3.2 2.7 2.0 2.5 1.9 2.6 4.4 2.2 3.0 3.4 0.9 2.4
Social Studies 1.7 2.1 3.3 3.1 2.2 1.8 3.0 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.6 1.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.8 1.9 2.6 3.0 1.8 2.2 1.9 2.1 2.1 1.7 2.1 1.6 1.0 2.6 1.8 2.5 1.7 2.5 4.4 2.0 2.9 3.3 0.8 2.2
Table 53: Public Primary Lower Class Text Books (Class 1-3) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 35,309 58,698 89,276 46,037 22,620 26,337 10,206 57,656 6,124 23,748 107,897 53,308 49,084 67,634 18,501 69,450 52,638 70,023 37,734 20,235 7,042 72,554 63,166 15,743 10,095 250,162 63,282 14,664 46,105 52,907 86,606 47,907 52,385 34,454 28,638 24,621 8,106 47,665 16,288 13,282 22,343 45,576 26,497 38,956 28,980 9,730 97,190 2,147,459
Kiswahili 34,451 48,961 82,879 41,574 22,030 23,827 8,998 51,604 5,365 22,214 113,062 47,677 41,073 60,760 16,824 67,861 49,128 68,731 32,147 18,658 5,579 58,991 58,029 15,045 9,321 67,376 50,812 12,531 40,914 46,580 79,853 45,743 50,236 31,453 23,658 21,762 7,730 43,338 14,652 11,152 21,051 42,856 24,531 36,668 27,244 9,106 86,737 1,800,772
Maths 44,006 49,951 82,060 42,622 22,319 24,982 9,934 54,606 5,803 22,843 103,774 139,904 42,565 67,884 16,986 67,188 47,847 65,411 38,285 19,004 6,278 61,408 58,153 15,278 10,339 157,668 54,315 13,990 39,672 48,804 83,106 45,966 50,808 32,245 24,221 22,416 8,406 45,596 15,684 12,393 21,783 43,699 26,242 40,432 27,861 9,616 96,599 2,040,952
Science 27,833 39,947 56,548 32,010 18,062 19,871 11,200 42,353 5,212 17,656 79,488 38,230 35,436 50,666 13,029 55,173 38,883 47,837 27,516 15,129 4,765 44,515 44,895 14,023 7,998 55,979 39,031 10,803 31,735 38,976 65,482 36,521 40,848 27,435 18,466 18,678 6,483 37,270 12,787 8,814 16,789 33,391 18,668 31,278 23,490 8,160 84,702 1,454,061
Social Studies 30,002 40,665 57,051 33,195 19,557 20,845 16,372 48,247 5,190 19,787 79,682 38,651 34,917 54,936 15,030 58,841 43,153 50,983 27,970 17,383 5,185 48,669 47,013 14,802 8,152 60,823 42,626 10,738 32,975 41,785 72,284 38,081 46,312 31,083 20,592 22,793 6,569 38,239 13,659 8,737 18,071 35,430 18,631 32,566 23,428 8,630 75,891 1,536,221
Grand Total 171,601 238,222 367,814 195,438 104,588 115,862 56,710 254,466 27,694 106,248 483,903 317,770 203,075 301,880 80,370 318,513 231,649 302,985 163,652 90,409 28,849 286,137 271,256 74,891 45,905 592,008 250,066 62,726 191,401 229,052 387,331 214,218 240,589 156,670 115,575 110,270 37,294 212,108 73,070 54,378 100,037 200,952 114,569 179,900 131,003 45,242 441,119 8,979,465
Table 54: Public Primary Lower Class Text Book Ratios (Class 1-3) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.4 1.4 2.1 2.1 1.8 1.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.6 2.8 2.2 0.5 1.7 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.4 1.6 1.5 2.7 2.1 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.8 3.5 1.6 2.3 3.3 0.8 1.8
Kiswahili 1.4 1.6 2.3 2.4 1.9 1.6 2.9 2.2 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.1 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.7 2.9 2.4 1.7 2.2 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.9 1.7 2.8 2.3 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.9 3.8 1.7 2.5 3.5 0.9 2.0
Maths 1.1 1.6 2.3 2.3 1.8 1.5 2.6 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.0 0.5 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.8 2.2 0.7 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.9 1.7 2.6 2.2 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.9 3.5 1.5 2.4 3.3 0.8 1.8
Science 1.8 2.0 3.3 3.1 2.3 1.9 2.3 2.7 2.4 2.6 2.7 1.9 2.1 2.0 2.2 1.9 2.4 2.7 2.5 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.2 3.1 2.8 2.1 2.8 1.9 2.0 1.5 2.1 2.3 2.4 1.8 2.5 2.0 3.4 2.7 1.8 2.4 2.1 2.5 5.0 1.9 2.9 3.9 0.9 2.4
Social Studies 1.6 2.0 3.3 3.0 2.1 1.9 1.6 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.7 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.8 2.2 2.5 2.5 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.9 2.8 1.9 2.6 2.0 1.9 1.4 1.9 2.2 2.1 1.6 2.2 1.6 3.3 2.6 1.7 2.4 1.9 2.3 5.0 1.9 2.9 3.7 1.0 2.2
Table 55: Private Primary Lower Class Text Books (Class 1-3) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1,885 4,419 5,048 2,272 1,156 2,454 9,097 5,655 1,989 8,731 5,223 7,050 23,118 6,037 4,275 6,737 5,395 2,845 2,220 3,037 709 4,199 1,692 1,139 873 9,976 4,542 8,459 5,393 70,012 13,593 3,558 3,533 4,294 4,155 5,073 547 1,537 1,155 255 1,931 3,933 4,966 5,673 2,727 1,065 522 274,154
Kiswahili 1,857 4,212 4,839 2,191 1,165 2,586 8,045 5,267 2,097 8,554 5,350 6,951 22,336 5,692 4,207 6,652 5,276 2,806 2,140 2,931 697 3,902 1,590 1,099 863 9,932 4,401 8,196 5,431 48,958 13,922 3,559 3,530 4,230 3,874 4,799 546 1,502 1,036 233 1,898 3,910 4,815 5,790 2,642 1,033 538 248,080
Maths 1,901 4,221 4,881 2,222 1,173 2,343 8,700 5,423 2,148 8,406 5,179 7,061 22,222 5,810 4,174 6,580 5,346 2,898 2,198 2,927 711 3,849 1,699 1,182 879 10,002 4,626 8,464 4,961 43,921 13,479 3,617 3,517 5,944 3,945 5,029 459 1,540 1,011 272 1,847 4,012 5,063 5,584 2,428 1,087 517 245,458
Science 1,589 3,067 3,645 1,572 914 2,102 7,588 4,293 2,095 7,914 4,028 5,302 23,251 5,454 3,898 5,410 4,590 2,433 1,808 2,457 673 3,406 1,301 975 764 8,752 3,659 7,909 4,951 41,645 11,613 2,701 2,898 3,717 3,540 4,566 428 1,193 933 246 1,718 3,016 3,199 4,959 1,496 921 330 214,919
Social Studies 1,671 3,096 3,610 1,520 873 2,050 7,299 4,421 2,359 7,891 3,742 5,415 21,057 5,459 3,947 5,325 4,545 2,427 1,947 2,503 643 3,314 1,371 944 771 8,555 3,532 7,885 4,815 40,499 11,457 3,404 2,788 3,554 3,311 4,505 672 1,123 1,298 241 1,787 3,003 2,844 4,822 1,882 883 306 211,366
Grand Total 8,903 19,015 22,023 9,777 5,281 11,535 40,729 25,059 10,688 41,496 23,522 31,779 111,984 28,452 20,501 30,704 25,152 13,409 10,313 13,855 3,433 18,670 7,653 5,339 4,150 47,217 20,760 40,913 25,551 245,035 64,064 16,839 16,266 21,739 18,825 23,972 2,652 6,895 5,433 1,247 9,181 17,874 20,887 26,828 11,175 4,989 2,213 1,193,977
Table 56: Private Primary Lower Class Text Book Ratios (Class 1-3) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya12
English 3.5 3.0 3.4 3.6 3.6 2.9 5.0 2.8 1.8 2.2 3.6 2.6 1.8 3.0 2.9 3.6 2.4 2.3 2.9 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.5 3.4 5.3 2.4 3.8 3.7 1.9 1.8 2.2 2.9 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 3.4 2.6 5.3 2.3 3.6 4.9 2.3 1.7 3.0 3.3 3.0
Kiswahili 3.6 3.1 3.5 3.8 3.5 2.7 5.7 3.0 1.7 2.2 3.5 2.6 1.9 3.2 2.9 3.6 2.4 2.4 3.1 2.3 2.7 2.8 2.6 3.5 5.4 2.4 4.0 3.8 1.9 2.6 2.2 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.4 2.6 2.3 3.5 2.9 5.8 2.3 3.7 5.0 2.2 1.8 3.1 3.2 3.1
Maths 3.5 3.1 3.5 3.7 3.5 3.0 5.2 3.0 1.7 2.2 3.6 2.6 1.9 3.2 2.9 3.6 2.4 2.3 3.0 2.3 2.6 2.8 2.5 3.2 5.3 2.4 3.8 3.7 2.1 2.9 2.3 2.8 2.8 1.8 2.4 2.5 2.7 3.4 3.0 5.0 2.4 3.6 4.8 2.3 1.9 2.9 3.4 3.0
Science 4.2 4.3 4.7 5.3 4.5 3.4 6.0 3.7 1.7 2.4 4.6 3.5 1.8 3.4 3.1 4.4 2.8 2.7 3.6 2.8 2.8 3.2 3.2 3.9 6.1 2.7 4.8 4.0 2.1 3.1 2.6 3.8 3.4 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.9 4.4 3.2 5.5 2.5 4.7 7.6 2.6 3.2 3.5 5.3 3.7
Social Studies 4.0 4.2 4.8 5.5 4.7 3.4 6.2 3.6 1.5 2.4 5.0 3.4 2.0 3.4 3.1 4.5 2.8 2.7 3.4 2.7 2.9 3.3 3.1 4.1 6.0 2.8 4.9 4.0 2.1 3.2 2.7 3.0 3.5 3.0 2.8 2.7 1.9 4.6 2.3 5.6 2.4 4.8 8.5 2.7 2.5 3.6 5.7 3.7
12 The book ratios are based on text books stocked in private schools. Most pupils have personal books and thus the ratios may just be for books available for library studies.
Table 57: Public Primary Upper Class Text Books (Class 4-8) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 58,854 81,465 125,712 63,677 38,691 45,020 11,449 256,467 7,848 37,313 158,218 79,882 86,308 91,580 37,878 115,495 75,454 109,057 48,820 34,870 9,396 112,887 115,723 16,663 13,530 108,222 83,632 30,052 81,580 92,167 140,416 74,605 71,476 55,744 52,219 54,028 9,459 72,286 25,836 15,640 39,869 68,635 29,276 61,812 43,460 10,396 128,660 3,181,727
Kiswahili 56,460 78,156 116,121 58,232 37,561 47,945 11,177 79,897 7,046 33,768 144,888 74,925 82,057 83,423 33,930 109,478 67,268 97,693 44,498 31,812 8,013 99,707 107,071 16,355 12,623 99,447 76,074 18,865 213,325 77,933 126,784 70,604 68,714 53,308 47,535 1,083,425 9,061 67,300 22,680 12,873 37,309 62,499 27,329 58,029 39,253 9,796 118,892 3,941,139
Maths 57,296 78,253 118,371 59,473 39,722 45,024 11,176 80,916 7,644 34,678 140,523 74,660 88,890 87,620 35,469 108,177 69,201 102,915 46,753 33,082 8,177 101,128 107,804 16,459 13,213 103,969 79,305 21,836 76,086 83,692 129,775 72,393 70,844 51,958 48,991 50,496 9,239 68,314 24,164 18,413 38,117 64,531 28,188 58,076 43,730 10,235 115,891 2,834,867
Science 46,624 61,257 84,754 44,738 30,531 38,010 233,933 66,016 6,359 34,023 118,017 59,836 67,505 69,924 29,232 92,108 54,501 76,998 37,116 27,931 6,541 79,528 91,592 15,916 10,664 87,753 59,010 16,663 61,192 65,447 105,767 58,977 54,991 45,403 38,446 42,688 7,469 54,662 20,404 10,272 31,649 50,800 19,796 49,282 31,618 8,909 103,469 2,508,321
Social Studies 50,842 66,386 89,754 46,530 33,077 42,040 9,485 67,818 6,630 35,347 135,197 63,022 78,174 73,993 37,105 99,220 63,468 84,918 37,125 33,330 7,674 93,826 98,109 16,994 11,137 97,164 65,602 16,697 70,017 74,675 122,451 63,129 64,523 50,283 43,729 53,628 40,230 59,357 22,989 10,954 35,944 54,741 20,249 54,284 32,270 9,682 124,776 2,568,575
Grand Total 270,076 365,517 534,712 272,650 179,582 218,039 277,220 551,114 35,527 175,129 696,843 352,325 402,934 406,540 173,614 524,478 329,892 471,581 214,312 161,025 39,801 487,076 520,299 82,387 61,167 496,555 363,623 104,113 502,200 393,914 625,193 339,708 330,548 256,696 230,920 1,284,265 75,458 321,919 116,073 68,152 182,888 301,206 124,838 281,483 190,331 49,018 591,688 15,034,629
Table 58: Public Primary Upper Class Text Book Ratios (Class 4-8) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.4 1.5 2.3 2.2 1.8 1.5 2.3 0.7 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.4 2.0 1.5 1.9 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.6 1.4 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.7 2.2 2.6 0.6 1.7
Kiswahili 1.5 1.6 2.5 2.4 1.8 1.4 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.6 1.5 2.1 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.6 2.4 2.1 1.6 2.1 2.4 0.5 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.5 1.8 0.1 2.6 2.2 1.8 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.8 2.5 2.8 0.7 1.9
Maths 1.4 1.6 2.5 2.3 1.7 1.5 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.2 1.6 1.7 1.9 1.6 1.5 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.6 2.4 2.0 1.6 2.0 2.1 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.5 2.6 2.2 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.9 2.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 0.7 1.8
Science 1.8 2.0 3.4 3.1 2.2 1.8 0.1 2.6 2.5 2.1 2.6 2.0 2.2 2.4 1.9 1.8 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.8 2.2 2.1 1.8 2.5 2.5 1.8 2.7 2.7 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.4 1.8 2.2 1.8 3.2 2.7 2.0 2.5 1.8 2.5 3.4 2.2 3.1 3.1 0.8 2.2
Social Studies 1.6 1.8 3.3 3.0 2.1 1.6 2.8 2.5 2.4 2.0 2.2 1.9 1.9 2.2 1.5 1.6 2.3 2.3 2.6 1.5 1.9 1.8 1.7 2.3 2.4 1.7 2.4 2.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.4 0.6 2.5 1.8 2.4 1.6 2.3 3.3 2.0 3.0 2.8 0.7 2.1
Table 59: Private Primary Upper Class Text Books (Class 4-8) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 2,833 5,853 6,648 2,311 1,979 4,082 10,584 8,662 2,839 11,421 7,172 10,135 34,654 7,901 7,011 9,420 6,644 5,612 2,916 4,301 743 5,621 3,445 1,328 1,057 12,537 6,043 11,992 8,764 61,313 20,877 5,980 5,717 6,362 7,169 11,351 601 1,491 1,438 232 2,127 5,452 5,729 7,976 4,200 1,505 790 354,818
Kiswahili 2,831 6,129 6,558 2,237 2,004 3,835 9,582 8,199 2,769 11,277 6,821 9,796 33,466 7,584 6,902 9,216 6,515 5,647 2,886 4,297 742 5,485 3,403 1,267 1,038 13,222 5,454 11,537 8,799 56,567 20,454 5,761 3,496 6,340 6,353 10,746 584 1,435 1,384 244 2,111 5,295 6,125 7,319 3,364 1,484 788 339,348
Maths 2,823 6,162 6,298 2,157 1,967 3,983 10,130 8,634 2,585 11,122 6,792 17,350 32,905 7,492 6,795 9,497 6,773 10,050 3,074 4,017 751 5,530 3,422 1,327 1,017 12,537 5,903 12,036 8,738 55,893 20,305 5,775 3,552 6,233 6,771 11,234 475 1,445 1,372 188 2,075 5,391 5,537 7,222 4,225 1,540 755 351,855
Science 4,294 4,222 4,623 1,747 1,421 3,434 8,549 7,199 2,667 10,509 5,417 8,461 31,435 7,363 6,559 8,173 5,856 5,103 2,567 3,840 718 4,808 2,977 1,131 948 11,314 4,886 11,263 8,056 59,610 17,153 4,820 2,967 5,802 5,875 10,841 454 1,234 1,296 227 2,033 4,258 5,054 6,227 2,338 1,232 618 311,579
Social Studies 2,465 4,354 4,765 1,841 1,434 3,506 7,763 7,668 2,932 10,890 5,342 7,943 31,484 7,484 6,711 8,008 6,269 5,078 2,702 3,827 715 5,103 3,065 1,167 878 11,596 4,813 11,602 7,945 51,943 18,969 7,567 2,906 5,482 5,783 10,552 659 1,224 1,198 221 2,780 4,392 4,750 6,126 2,830 1,150 607 308,489
Grand Total 15,246 26,720 28,892 10,293 8,805 18,840 46,608 40,362 13,792 55,219 31,544 53,685 163,944 37,824 33,978 44,314 32,057 31,490 14,145 20,282 3,669 26,547 16,312 6,220 4,938 61,206 27,099 58,430 42,302 285,326 97,758 29,903 18,638 30,219 31,951 54,724 2,773 6,829 6,688 1,112 11,126 24,788 27,195 34,870 16,957 6,911 3,558 1,666,089
Table 60: Private Primary Upper Class Text Book Ratios (Class 4-8) COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya13
English 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.6 3.6 2.5 2.6 2.4 1.5 2.1 3.2 2.6 1.7 2.9 2.8 3.1 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.4 2.1 3.0 2.7 3.8 4.7 2.4 3.5 3.6 1.9 2.6 2.1 2.5 2.0 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.1 3.2 2.3 6.1 2.4 3.4 3.7 2.1 1.2 2.5 2.8 2.7
Kiswahili 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.7 3.5 2.7 2.8 2.5 1.5 2.1 3.4 2.6 1.7 3.1 2.8 3.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.4 2.1 3.0 2.7 4.0 4.8 2.3 3.9 3.7 1.9 2.8 2.1 2.6 3.3 2.3 2.4 2.0 2.2 3.3 2.4 5.8 2.4 3.5 3.5 2.3 1.5 2.6 2.8 2.8
Maths 3.2 3.2 3.5 3.9 3.6 2.6 2.7 2.4 1.6 2.1 3.4 1.5 1.8 3.1 2.9 3.1 2.1 1.2 2.4 2.5 2.0 3.0 2.7 3.8 4.9 2.4 3.6 3.6 1.9 2.8 2.2 2.6 3.3 2.3 2.2 1.9 2.7 3.3 2.4 7.6 2.5 3.5 3.9 2.3 1.2 2.5 3.0 2.8
Science 2.1 4.7 4.8 4.8 5.0 3.0 3.2 2.9 1.6 2.2 4.2 3.1 1.9 3.2 3.0 3.6 2.4 2.5 2.9 2.6 2.1 3.5 3.1 4.5 5.3 2.7 4.3 3.8 2.1 2.7 2.6 3.1 3.9 2.5 2.6 2.0 2.8 3.8 2.5 6.3 2.5 4.4 4.2 2.7 2.2 3.1 3.6 3.2
Social Studies 3.6 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.9 2.9 3.5 2.7 1.4 2.2 4.3 3.3 1.9 3.1 2.9 3.7 2.3 2.5 2.8 2.6 2.1 3.3 3.0 4.3 5.7 2.6 4.4 3.7 2.1 3.0 2.3 2.0 4.0 2.6 2.6 2.1 2.0 3.8 2.7 6.5 1.8 4.2 4.5 2.8 1.8 3.3 3.7 3.2
13 The book ratios are based on text books stocked in private schools. Most pupils have personal books and thus the ratios may just be for books available for library studies.
Table 61: Primary Classrooms
19 19 20 19 23 17 68 19 25 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 21 16 21 20 15 18 18 31 31 19 21 22 17 26 22 17 20 19 17 18 19 18 17 18 14 24 84 19 17 28 21 22
3,122 4,193 7,934 5,077 2,908 3,916 2,151 7,142 951 4,404 10,936 5,813 10,347 6,646 3,772 9,475 5,982 10,628 4,003 2,040 949 8,719 8,842 1,561 1,431 7,803 6,420 4,471 6,913 10,545 8,857 6,071 4,045 4,798 4,208 5,017 988 5,904 2,195 1,436 3,411 4,298 2,164 5,236 4,550 1,471 2,646 236,389
3,247 3,927 2,694 689 1,381 931 269 2,724 308 1,313 1,994 2,080 1,963 1,419 830 1,306 1,546 1,829 602 1,530 280 1,130 395 344 158 4,066 1,445 371 1,041 4,538 3,433 2,847 2,930 1,088 1,254 1,290 363 918 324 254 1,353 1,228 812 1,421 272 243 1,378 67,758
Average Class Size
Temporary Classrooms
457 914 782 246 270 263 144 902 99 647 800 1,051 1,305 440 592 597 540 175 86 303 106 223 61 61 42 1,214 604 236 392 4,098 999 683 608 426 600 478 43 270 50 28 209 492 288 588 90 33 105 23,640
Average Class Size
361 851 1,209 652 221 729 932 1,013 215 1,508 1,390 1,255 4,061 1,713 1,182 2,303 731 1,029 592 561 124 1,288 705 224 271 1,571 1,200 3,116 1,220 6,812 2,417 829 464 891 869 1,435 92 280 325 126 489 872 253 960 489 214 86 50,130
Total Permanent Classrooms
24 32 56 49 29 27 39 36 30 32 48 34 33 45 30 34 38 29 42 30 24 31 32 51 39 31 44 45 29 44 41 28 39 28 33 26 37 39 29 31 22 50 66 33 39 40 41 36
Temporary Classrooms
2,790 3,013 1,912 443 1,111 668 125 1,822 209 666 1,194 1,029 658 979 238 709 1,006 1,654 516 1,227 174 907 334 283 116 2,852 841 135 649 440 2,434 2,164 2,322 662 654 812 320 648 274 226 1,144 736 524 833 182 210 1,273 44,118
Permanent Classrooms
2,761 3,342 6,725 4,425 2,687 3,187 1,219 6,129 736 2,896 9,546 4,558 6,286 4,933 2,590 7,172 5,251 9,599 3,411 1,479 825 7,431 8,137 1,337 1,160 6,232 5,220 1,355 5,693 3,733 6,440 5,242 3,581 3,907 3,339 3,582 896 5,624 1,870 1,310 2,922 3,426 1,911 4,276 4,061 1,257 2,560 186,259
Private Average Class Size
Temporary Classrooms
Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot National
Public Permanent Classrooms
23 29 49 44 28 25 51 33 29 28 43 30 27 38 25 30 35 28 39 28 22 29 31 48 37 28 39 29 26 31 35 26 36 26 28 23 36 38 28 29 21 44 69 30 36 39 40 33
Table 62: Primary Pupil Toilets COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot National
Male 2,138 2,973 4,571 2,546 1,903 2,458 739 3,281 548 1,621 6,364 3,339 4,482 2,789 2,047 3,975 2,739 5,873 2,043 1,703 410 4,714 4,887 692 638 5,450 2,546 607 5,107 2,127 5,563 3,655 2,750 2,505 2,787 3,195 550 3,118 1,086 637 2,466 2,084 827 2,740 2,639 594 1,490 123,996
Public PToR Female 32 2,556 34 3,404 52 5,429 46 2,804 29 2,370 22 3,179 43 585 44 3,673 26 621 37 1,757 40 7,503 29 3,693 25 5,292 49 3,092 21 2,453 34 4,443 43 3,193 28 6,201 41 2,185 25 2,002 30 413 28 5,090 28 5,622 77 526 41 753 25 6,515 54 2,870 54 697 18 5,918 42 2,835 33 6,578 29 4,224 43 3,105 26 2,761 24 3,305 18 4,090 45 577 40 3,655 29 1,283 38 657 18 2,748 50 2,439 109 946 30 3,155 31 3,205 61 541 54 1,720 34 142,663
PToR 25 29 45 43 23 17 34 38 22 32 35 26 21 43 17 30 37 26 37 20 28 25 24 56 31 22 46 48 15 33 27 25 35 23 19 13 35 34 24 34 17 43 74 27 26 43 44 29
Male 285 717 859 339 222 444 641 622 146 870 924 978 2,126 698 801 1,104 470 512 229 458 62 630 365 70 124 1,577 619 1,220 923 3,576 1,893 607 435 598 931 1,012 57 190 147 51 322 532 181 723 225 82 76 30,673
Private PToR Female 28 303 24 766 23 903 26 355 27 238 20 498 69 537 29 669 27 165 24 967 23 977 23 1,089 24 2,439 30 769 20 909 25 1,176 29 747 19 559 31 261 18 496 29 66 22 647 19 425 71 71 41 124 17 1,738 32 622 31 1,314 15 911 39 4,079 20 1,947 21 679 25 470 20 695 14 978 17 1,167 22 60 26 190 23 150 28 53 14 354 31 605 145 204 21 786 22 284 45 73 26 82 26 33,597
PToR 25 21 22 23 22 17 53 28 23 22 21 20 21 27 17 22 18 17 26 17 24 21 16 54 37 16 30 28 15 36 19 18 22 19 12 14 21 26 20 25 14 27 95 19 17 45 24 23
ANNEX IV: SECONDARY EDUCATION Table 63: Secondary Schools by school status and Average Schools Size COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Public 147 214 293 143 111 166 25 294 17 71 383 182 271 132 135 338 219 374 73 100 22 331 358 40 27 354 226 36 285 77 294 213 105 187 150 212 20 217 75 20 135 179 30 149 146 39 71 7,686
Schools Private 12 6 13 9 1 11 22 18 6 53 25 11 94 46 10 23 23 10 5 20 3 59 17 4 4 18 23 68 22 158 101 10 6 4 47 22 4 4 6 1 8 11 6 16 2 5 1 1,048
Total 159 220 306 151 112 177 47 313 24 124 408 193 365 178 144 360 242 383 79 121 25 390 375 44 31 372 249 104 307 235 395 223 112 191 197 233 24 221 82 21 142 190 37 165 148 45 72 8,734
Public 33,289 51,131 103,364 40,743 29,545 39,141 8,723 72,217 3,663 18,004 112,632 52,321 105,987 40,502 40,301 106,613 64,532 73,385 25,191 26,807 5,568 86,897 88,229 11,746 4,603 83,972 60,455 15,472 92,209 44,981 93,237 49,141 24,865 47,970 44,149 64,368 5,101 63,850 20,140 5,663 38,143 48,581 10,626 39,480 51,552 9,660 16,287 2,175,036
Enrollment Private Total 1,786 35,075 1,120 52,251 1,622 104,986 589 41,332 205 29,750 1,776 40,917 6,033 14,756 2,236 74,453 811 4,474 6,705 24,709 4,100 116,732 2,100 54,421 10,379 116,366 6,508 47,010 1,007 41,308 3,860 110,473 2,294 66,826 867 74,252 548 25,739 2,313 29,120 364 5,932 8,035 94,932 1,955 90,184 1,220 12,966 530 5,133 3,170 87,142 2,611 63,066 12,070 27,542 3,633 95,842 24,953 69,934 16,788 110,025 1,300 50,441 1,477 26,342 641 48,611 5,298 49,447 3,103 67,471 602 5,703 406 64,256 636 20,776 119 5,782 1,473 39,616 1,297 49,878 3,471 14,097 3,481 42,961 277 51,829 854 10,514 38 16,325 156,661 2,331,697
Average school size Public Private Total 227 151 221 239 174 237 352 126 343 286 68 273 267 191 267 236 165 232 347 281 316 245 122 238 214 126 190 252 127 199 294 166 286 288 195 283 391 111 319 308 141 264 299 104 286 316 171 307 295 102 277 196 90 194 343 102 327 267 113 241 252 113 234 263 136 244 247 114 241 292 284 291 170 123 163 237 173 234 267 116 254 428 178 265 323 169 312 581 158 297 317 166 278 231 134 227 236 229 235 257 149 254 295 112 251 304 144 289 254 140 234 294 94 290 267 99 254 282 111 273 283 196 279 272 121 263 353 538 385 266 216 261 354 129 351 247 159 236 228 35 225 283 149 267
Table 64: Number of Schools by Accommodation Status COUNTY Day Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
52 40 52 16 62 34 14 30 5 31 40 42 56 18 28 35 21 69 16 12 3 60 50 22 16 76 26 3 50 26 32 64 38 22 21 45 14 34 12 6 32 29 26 25 23 22 32 1,482
Public Boarding 72 131 149 97 39 107 6 199 10 29 275 115 187 92 98 222 156 248 38 71 16 196 177 13 11 245 138 31 196 38 235 114 40 107 102 128 6 158 35 8 69 119 3 88 98 13 26 4,751
Day & Boarding 22 42 91 29 9 24 5 64 2 11 66 24 27 21 8 79 41 55 19 17 3 73 129 5 0 31 61 2 38 13 26 34 27 57 26 38 0 24 28 6 33 30 1 35 24 4 13 1,417
Day 5 4 2 0 1 7 0 4 2 30 5 3 37 7 7 5 3 5 1 13 2 27 9 0 4 13 5 1 13 13 38 5 3 2 18 12 4 1 3 0 6 2 2 6 1 0 0 331
Private Boarding 5 0 3 3 0 1 18 5 2 6 5 4 26 21 1 8 12 3 4 1 0 4 2 4 0 0 8 48 4 105 27 0 0 0 9 3 0 1 1 1 0 2 3 3 1 4 0 358
Day & Boarding 1 2 7 5 0 2 2 8 2 13 13 3 24 15 1 8 6 1 0 5 1 24 5 0 0 4 8 14 3 29 29 4 3 2 17 5 0 2 2 0 1 6 1 6 0 1 1 286
Day 57 44 54 16 63 41 14 34 7 61 45 45 93 25 35 40 24 74 17 25 5 87 59 22 20 89 31 4 63 39 70 69 41 24 39 57 18 35 15 6 38 31 28 31 24 22 32 1,813
Total Boarding 77 131 152 100 39 108 24 204 12 35 280 119 213 113 99 230 168 251 42 72 16 200 179 17 11 245 146 79 200 143 262 114 40 107 111 131 6 159 36 9 69 121 6 91 99 17 26 5,109
Day & Boarding 23 44 98 34 9 26 7 72 4 24 79 27 51 36 9 87 47 56 19 22 4 97 134 5 0 35 69 16 41 42 55 38 30 59 43 43 0 26 30 6 34 36 2 41 24 5 14 1,703
Table 65: Number of Schools by Gender COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Grand Total
Boys 17 16 32 13 20 13 10 16 2 12 22 18 31 11 11 20 14 29 4 6 1 17 25 16 7 33 17 11 22 21 12 20 7 9 7 18 6 18 10 3 10 14 13 11 11 16 11 683
Public Girls 17 23 47 23 26 19 9 32 2 12 60 31 43 16 21 20 25 38 10 8 2 25 36 10 6 46 26 10 27 22 19 36 10 20 10 28 6 21 11 2 17 28 8 15 15 7 16 961
Mixed 112 174 213 106 64 133 6 245 13 47 299 132 196 104 102 296 179 305 59 86 19 287 295 14 14 273 182 15 235 34 262 156 88 157 132 165 8 177 54 15 107 136 9 122 119 16 44 6,006
Boys 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 2 5 3 1 13 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 8 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 11 10 0 0 0 1 4 2 0 1 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 95
Private Girls 3 2 2 1 1 6 2 5 2 19 4 4 28 5 6 1 1 3 2 7 1 12 8 0 1 12 2 2 10 14 28 2 2 2 9 7 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 224
Mixed 5 3 10 7 0 3 15 12 2 25 16 5 46 37 2 18 18 5 2 10 2 35 6 4 1 4 19 60 7 122 56 7 4 2 34 9 0 3 4 1 3 9 5 10 2 5 1 656
Boys 20 17 32 13 20 14 13 16 4 17 25 19 44 12 12 22 16 30 5 8 1 25 27 16 9 34 17 12 25 32 22 20 7 9 8 22 8 18 11 3 13 14 14 14 11 16 11 778
Total Girls 20 25 49 24 27 25 11 37 4 31 64 35 71 21 27 21 26 41 12 15 3 37 44 10 7 58 28 12 37 36 47 38 12 22 19 35 8 22 12 2 18 29 8 17 15 7 16 1,185
Mixed 117 177 223 113 64 136 21 257 15 72 315 137 242 141 104 314 197 310 61 96 21 322 301 18 15 277 201 75 242 156 318 163 92 159 166 174 8 180 58 16 110 145 14 132 121 21 45 6,662
Table 66: Secondary Enrollment and Enrollment rates by County COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Boys 18,296 27,906 56,662 22,703 14,300 21,238 10,271 42,847 2,667 12,918 59,075 28,677 57,915 26,123 18,991 58,963 34,208 37,066 13,344 14,834 3,462 47,776 45,594 9,045 2,997 41,398 36,309 15,207 46,031 37,461 56,351 25,198 15,467 24,954 23,933 32,975 3,613 34,807 10,205 3,744 19,359 26,548 9,410 20,794 25,756 7,258 8,610 1,213,266
Enrollment Girls Total 16,779 35,075 24,345 52,251 48,324 104,986 18,629 41,332 15,450 29,750 19,679 40,917 4,485 14,756 31,606 74,453 1,807 4,474 11,791 24,709 57,657 116,732 25,744 54,421 58,451 116,366 20,887 47,010 22,317 41,308 51,510 110,473 32,618 66,826 37,186 74,252 12,395 25,739 14,286 29,120 2,470 5,932 47,156 94,932 44,590 90,184 3,921 12,966 2,136 5,133 45,744 87,142 26,757 63,066 12,335 27,542 49,811 95,842 32,473 69,934 53,674 110,025 25,243 50,441 10,875 26,342 23,657 48,611 25,514 49,447 34,496 67,471 2,090 5,703 29,449 64,256 10,571 20,776 2,038 5,782 20,257 39,616 23,330 49,878 4,687 14,097 22,167 42,961 26,073 51,829 3,256 10,514 7,715 16,325 1,118,431 2,331,697
Gross Enrollment Rate (GER) Boys Girls Total 56.5% 51.4% 53.9% 70.3% 62.2% 66.3% 71.9% 60.8% 66.3% 54.4% 43.9% 49.1% 69.5% 75.4% 72.5% 94.7% 90.3% 92.5% 29.1% 10.9% 19.3% 78.8% 59.3% 69.2% 35.0% 22.4% 28.5% 34.1% 30.8% 32.4% 66.2% 62.5% 64.3% 73.9% 66.3% 70.1% 85.1% 87.8% 86.4% 40.6% 34.8% 37.8% 97.9% 114.1% 106.1% 97.9% 86.2% 92.1% 68.5% 68.0% 68.2% 67.9% 68.7% 68.3% 35.8% 35.1% 35.5% 76.8% 74.7% 75.7% 69.8% 45.6% 57.2% 94.1% 94.7% 94.4% 102.8% 103.8% 103.3% 14.5% 5.2% 9.4% 19.2% 12.7% 15.8% 66.0% 74.5% 70.2% 63.0% 49.4% 56.4% 39.7% 30.0% 34.7% 121.3% 136.7% 128.8% 31.3% 26.0% 28.6% 70.7% 66.8% 68.8% 63.1% 63.2% 63.2% 29.0% 20.0% 24.5% 79.7% 81.9% 80.8% 80.0% 88.8% 84.3% 126.8% 138.2% 132.4% 25.3% 14.6% 20.0% 81.7% 68.6% 75.1% 81.6% 81.0% 81.3% 26.5% 14.5% 20.5% 112.5% 116.6% 114.6% 56.0% 49.8% 52.9% 16.9% 7.7% 12.1% 44.9% 47.4% 46.2% 97.2% 94.9% 96.0% 19.5% 7.2% 12.8% 26.5% 24.1% 25.3% 61.5% 56.0% 58.7%
Net Enrollment Rate (NER) Boys Girls Total 47.0% 43.6% 45.3% 57.7% 51.9% 54.8% 58.2% 50.0% 54.1% 43.9% 35.9% 39.9% 58.9% 64.0% 61.5% 73.1% 73.8% 73.4% 18.0% 7.4% 12.3% 65.5% 50.5% 58.1% 28.7% 18.9% 23.6% 27.2% 25.4% 26.3% 53.0% 51.2% 52.1% 61.0% 56.2% 58.6% 75.6% 79.5% 77.6% 27.6% 24.3% 26.0% 82.1% 98.0% 90.1% 85.8% 77.1% 81.5% 57.7% 58.5% 58.1% 54.4% 55.8% 55.1% 25.2% 25.5% 25.3% 61.1% 61.9% 61.5% 51.7% 34.4% 42.7% 78.4% 80.4% 79.4% 84.5% 86.4% 85.5% 11.2% 4.1% 7.3% 15.7% 10.2% 12.9% 54.0% 61.0% 57.5% 50.7% 41.0% 46.0% 31.5% 24.6% 27.9% 86.1% 88.3% 87.2% 27.5% 23.2% 25.3% 60.5% 58.5% 59.5% 50.0% 51.3% 50.7% 23.4% 16.5% 19.9% 69.8% 73.0% 71.4% 68.3% 77.8% 73.0% 84.0% 88.3% 86.1% 19.2% 11.6% 15.4% 67.7% 57.6% 62.6% 63.2% 64.3% 63.8% 21.0% 11.9% 16.5% 86.3% 96.3% 91.4% 44.4% 40.2% 42.3% 11.9% 5.8% 8.7% 36.7% 39.8% 38.2% 80.2% 79.5% 79.9% 14.1% 5.4% 9.3% 19.5% 18.3% 18.9% 49.6% 45.2% 47.4%
Table 67: OVCS, Special needs and pupils no desk, Secondary COUNTY OVCs Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
61 44 572 161 87 483 438 111 718 307 37 604 625 23 283 673 252 46 270 20 720 172 135 79 183 608 754 228 3,486 1,069 74 205 69 370 105 82 89 16 118 240 14 139 49 62 0 14,881
Private Special Desk OVCs Needs Overload 2 24 3,271 0 0 3,008 95 183 11,211 48 4 7,133 0 0 2,512 1 0 2,716 93 92 1,670 37 0 19,305 4 0 726 7 12 1,289 9 4 14,381 0 0 3,802 33 68 7,128 3 0 5,246 0 0 2,351 44 0 12,501 16 70 17,515 6 0 7,708 0 0 2,070 15 0 2,036 2 0 365 101 45 9,606 12 0 8,725 13 0 1,667 0 0 645 1 12 6,948 62 3 12,868 51 51 1,645 1 0 5,243 352 307 4,779 307 0 8,710 8 29 3,295 5 0 1,577 39 0 5,792 1 115 2,600 1 205 3,539 0 0 853 2 0 12,974 0 0 2,517 0 0 858 2 4 2,857 5 0 5,556 15 0 1,605 8 0 2,639 0 0 7,590 3 0 1,392 0 38 1,234 1,404 1,266 245,658
Public Special Desk Needs Overload 258 868 227 765 733 3,880 422 1,654 74 614 223 518 31 464 484 2,096 17 145 77 244 553 4,910 330 617 768 829 294 2,670 67 279 1,162 2,775 654 1,051 154 1,720 37 821 161 649 25 245 290 1,254 431 1,531 173 689 18 67 618 1,554 457 2,306 148 292 248 922 226 87 449 1,711 273 960 81 683 234 2,672 116 870 335 259 33 55 402 2,266 45 760 10 783 139 377 233 2,414 38 606 509 1,346 185 1,001 112 356 140 890 12,694 54,525
OVCs 3,332 3,052 11,783 7,294 2,512 2,803 2,153 19,743 837 2,007 14,688 3,839 7,732 5,871 2,374 12,784 18,188 7,960 2,116 2,306 385 10,326 8,897 1,802 724 7,131 13,476 2,399 5,471 8,265 9,779 3,369 1,782 5,861 2,970 3,644 935 13,063 2,533 858 2,975 5,796 1,619 2,778 7,639 1,454 1,234 260,539
Total Special Needs 260 227 828 470 74 224 124 521 21 84 562 330 801 297 67 1,206 670 160 37 176 27 391 443 186 18 619 519 199 249 578 756 281 86 273 117 336 33 404 45 10 141 238 53 517 185 115 140 14,098
Desk Overload 892 765 4,063 1,658 614 518 556 2,096 145 256 4,914 617 897 2,670 279 2,775 1,121 1,720 821 649 245 1,299 1,531 689 67 1,566 2,309 343 922 394 1,711 989 683 2,672 985 464 55 2,266 760 783 381 2,414 606 1,346 1,001 356 928 55,791
Table 68: Secondary Enrollment by school status COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Boys 17,388 27,574 55,974 22,411 14,300 20,863 5,992 41,996 2,293 10,318 56,766 27,835 53,546 22,734 18,738 56,930 33,046 36,600 13,105 14,055 3,333 43,962 44,951 8,318 2,674 40,586 34,970 8,876 44,335 25,009 49,404 24,717 14,716 24,854 21,944 31,592 3,294 34,658 9,904 3,685 18,799 25,892 6,643 18,655 25,597 6,778 8,599 1,139,209
Public Girls 15,901 23,557 47,390 18,332 15,245 18,278 2,731 30,221 1,370 7,686 55,866 24,486 52,441 17,768 21,563 49,683 31,486 36,785 12,086 12,752 2,235 42,935 43,278 3,428 1,929 43,386 25,485 6,596 47,874 19,972 43,833 24,424 10,149 23,116 22,205 32,776 1,807 29,192 10,236 1,978 19,344 22,689 3,983 20,825 25,955 2,882 7,688 1,035,827
Total 33,289 51,131 103,364 40,743 29,545 39,141 8,723 72,217 3,663 18,004 112,632 52,321 105,987 40,502 40,301 106,613 64,532 73,385 25,191 26,807 5,568 86,897 88,229 11,746 4,603 83,972 60,455 15,472 92,209 44,981 93,237 49,141 24,865 47,970 44,149 64,368 5,101 63,850 20,140 5,663 38,143 48,581 10,626 39,480 51,552 9,660 16,287 2,175,036
Boys 908 332 688 292 0 375 4,279 851 374 2,600 2,309 842 4,369 3,389 253 2,033 1,162 466 239 779 129 3,814 643 727 323 812 1,339 6,331 1,696 12,452 6,947 481 751 100 1,989 1,383 319 149 301 59 560 656 2,767 2,139 159 480 11 74,057
Private Girls 878 788 934 297 205 1,401 1,754 1,385 437 4,105 1,791 1,258 6,010 3,119 754 1,827 1,132 401 309 1,534 235 4,221 1,312 493 207 2,358 1,272 5,739 1,937 12,501 9,841 819 726 541 3,309 1,720 283 257 335 60 913 641 704 1,342 118 374 27 82,604
Total 1,786 1,120 1,622 589 205 1,776 6,033 2,236 811 6,705 4,100 2,100 10,379 6,508 1,007 3,860 2,294 867 548 2,313 364 8,035 1,955 1,220 530 3,170 2,611 12,070 3,633 24,953 16,788 1,300 1,477 641 5,298 3,103 602 406 636 119 1,473 1,297 3,471 3,481 277 854 38 156,661
% Private Boys Girls Total 5% 5% 5% 1% 3% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 1% 0% 1% 1% 2% 7% 4% 42% 39% 41% 2% 4% 3% 14% 24% 18% 20% 35% 27% 4% 3% 4% 3% 5% 4% 8% 10% 9% 13% 15% 14% 1% 3% 2% 3% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 5% 11% 8% 4% 10% 6% 8% 9% 8% 1% 3% 2% 8% 13% 9% 11% 10% 10% 2% 5% 4% 4% 5% 4% 42% 47% 44% 4% 4% 4% 33% 38% 36% 12% 18% 15% 2% 3% 3% 5% 7% 6% 0% 2% 1% 8% 13% 11% 4% 5% 5% 9% 14% 11% 0% 1% 1% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 2% 3% 5% 4% 2% 3% 3% 29% 15% 25% 10% 6% 8% 1% 0% 1% 7% 11% 8% 0% 0% 0% 6% 7% 7%
Table 69: Public Enrolment by Residence COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka- Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Urban/Semi-Urban Boys Girls Total 1,730 1,444 3,174 208 1,008 1,216 8,855 7,774 16,629 3,585 3,415 7,000 1,094 1,044 2,138 2,080 1,612 3,692 2,512 1,508 4,020 4,891 2,389 7,280 767 488 1,255 2,071 946 3,017 7,422 8,636 16,058 4,883 2,252 7,135 12,881 12,438 25,319 7,383 3,605 10,988 1,207 1,556 2,763 8,422 7,283 15,705 8,288 7,475 15,763 3,425 1,288 4,713 2,209 1,342 3,551 3,502 3,072 6,574 576 195 771 1,562 1,918 3,480 1,500 2,132 3,632 4,040 2,060 6,100 534 105 639 2,372 2,481 4,853 8,533 4,272 12,805 8,657 6,238 14,895 2,891 1,756 4,647 24,776 19,785 44,561 18,682 15,444 34,126 475 1,263 1,738 2,922 2,376 5,298 1,924 2,082 4,006 144 216 360 3,447 4,023 7,470 0 1,208 4,400 5,608 2,475 877 3,352 0 2,923 1,996 4,919 6,429 5,894 12,323 4,186 1,407 5,593 3,857 2,865 6,722 2,935 642 3,577 2,008 1,074 3,082 101 2,180 2,281 196,572 158,256 354,828
Boys 15,495 27,108 46,595 18,616 13,072 18,520 3,425 36,712 1,505 8,151 48,812 22,691 40,164 15,138 17,356 48,016 24,449 32,832 10,774 10,434 2,726 41,989 43,030 4,200 2,115 37,834 26,109 136 41,029 0 30,261 24,010 11,656 22,697 21,594 27,849 3,263 33,126 7,337 3,651 15,701 19,221 2,394 14,624 22,422 4,706 8,418 931,963
Rural Total Girls Total Boys Girls Total 14,308 29,803 17,225 15,752 32,977 22,328 49,436 27,316 23,336 50,652 39,174 85,769 55,450 46,948 102,398 14,746 33,362 22,201 18,161 40,362 14,058 27,130 14,166 15,102 29,268 16,562 35,082 20,600 18,174 38,774 1,197 4,622 5,937 2,705 8,642 27,548 64,260 41,603 29,937 71,540 869 2,374 2,272 1,357 3,629 6,668 14,819 10,222 7,614 17,836 46,725 95,537 56,234 55,361 111,595 22,004 44,695 27,574 24,256 51,830 39,512 79,676 53,045 51,950 104,995 13,997 29,135 22,521 17,602 40,123 19,806 37,162 18,563 21,362 39,925 41,936 89,952 56,438 49,219 105,657 23,717 48,166 32,737 31,192 63,929 35,153 67,985 36,257 36,441 72,698 10,630 21,404 12,983 11,972 24,955 9,560 19,994 13,936 12,632 26,568 2,019 4,745 3,302 2,214 5,516 40,615 82,604 43,551 42,533 86,084 40,741 83,771 44,530 42,873 87,403 1,411 5,611 8,240 3,471 11,711 1,806 3,921 2,649 1,911 4,560 40,498 78,332 40,206 42,979 83,185 20,974 47,083 34,642 25,246 59,888 296 432 8,793 6,534 15,327 45,670 86,699 43,920 47,426 91,346 0 0 24,776 19,785 44,561 27,977 58,238 48,943 43,421 92,364 22,932 46,942 24,485 24,195 48,680 7,678 19,334 14,578 10,054 24,632 20,817 43,514 24,621 22,899 47,520 21,782 43,376 21,738 21,998 43,736 28,446 56,295 31,296 32,469 63,765 1,790 5,053 3,263 1,790 5,053 24,519 57,645 34,334 28,919 63,253 9,812 10,141 19,953 9,264 16,601 1,960 5,611 3,651 1,960 5,611 17,167 32,868 18,624 19,163 37,787 16,583 35,804 25,650 22,477 48,127 2,539 4,933 6,580 3,946 10,526 17,766 32,390 18,481 20,631 39,112 25,071 47,493 25,357 25,713 51,070 1,781 6,487 6,714 2,855 9,569 5,436 13,854 8,519 7,616 16,135 868,036 1,799,999 1,128,535 1,026,292 2,154,827
Table 70: Private Enrolment by Residence COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Urban/Semi-Urban Boys Girls Total 116 92 208 0 0 0 98 388 486 53 89 142 0 0 0 208 0 208 1,459 860 2,319 120 295 415 88 324 412 1,363 2,426 3,789 670 723 1,393 0 123 123 2,890 2,809 5,699 2,124 2,213 4,337 175 346 521 519 404 923 769 821 1,590 0 80 80 211 149 360 206 721 927 113 92 205 1,760 1,793 3,553 64 70 134 630 430 1,060 0 0 0 407 1,224 1,631 701 780 1,481 5,784 5,271 11,055 0 142 142 11,063 11,156 22,219 4,024 6,816 10,840 0 153 153 653 399 1,052 56 53 109 230 62 292 1,167 424 1,591 0 0 0 73 170 243 113 93 206 59 60 119 0 0 0 287 235 522 1,783 376 2,159 1,155 884 2,039 0 0 0 53 38 91 0 0 0 41,244 43,584 84,828
Boys 784 328 583 236 0 163 2,781 723 282 1,213 1,618 834 1,437 1,233 75 1,494 381 462 25 565 16 2,018 574 91 319 397 626 487 1,680 1,273 2,881 477 92 44 1,740 204 317 76 184 0 554 364 959 963 159 423 11 32,146
Rural Girls 778 781 537 205 204 1,388 877 1,077 109 1,641 1,051 1,123 3,145 876 401 1,406 300 317 157 798 140 2,389 1,229 59 206 1,111 480 414 1,777 1,231 2,950 659 321 484 3,215 1,281 279 83 238 0 904 401 321 445 118 332 27 38,265
Total 1,562 1,109 1,120 441 204 1,551 3,658 1,800 391 2,854 2,669 1,957 4,582 2,109 476 2,900 681 779 182 1,363 156 4,407 1,803 150 525 1,508 1,106 901 3,457 2,504 5,831 1,136 413 528 4,955 1,485 596 159 422 0 1,458 765 1,280 1,408 277 755 38 70,411
Boys 900 328 681 289 0 371 4,240 843 370 2,576 2,288 834 4,327 3,357 250 2,013 1,150 462 236 771 129 3,778 638 721 319 804 1,327 6,271 1,680 12,336 6,905 477 745 100 1,970 1,371 317 149 297 59 554 651 2,742 2,118 159 476 11 73,390
Total Girls 870 781 925 294 204 1,388 1,737 1,372 433 4,067 1,774 1,246 5,954 3,089 747 1,810 1,121 397 306 1,519 232 4,182 1,299 489 206 2,335 1,260 5,685 1,919 12,387 9,766 812 720 537 3,277 1,705 279 253 331 60 904 636 697 1,329 118 370 27 81,849
Total 1,770 1,109 1,606 583 204 1,759 5,977 2,215 803 6,643 4,062 2,080 10,281 6,446 997 3,823 2,271 859 542 2,290 361 7,960 1,937 1,210 525 3,139 2,587 11,956 3,599 24,723 16,671 1,289 1,465 637 5,247 3,076 596 402 628 119 1,458 1,287 3,439 3,447 277 846 38 155,239
Table 71: Total Secondary Enrolment by Residence COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Urban/Semi-Urban Boys Girls Total 1,846 1,536 3,382 208 1,008 1,216 8,953 8,162 17,115 3,638 3,504 7,142 1,094 1,044 2,138 2,288 1,612 3,900 3,971 2,368 6,339 5,011 2,684 7,695 855 812 1,667 3,434 3,372 6,806 8,092 9,359 17,451 4,883 2,375 7,258 15,771 15,247 31,018 9,507 5,818 15,325 1,382 1,902 3,284 8,941 7,687 16,628 9,057 8,296 17,353 3,425 1,368 4,793 2,420 1,491 3,911 3,708 3,793 7,501 689 287 976 3,322 3,711 7,033 1,564 2,202 3,766 4,670 2,490 7,160 534 105 639 2,779 3,705 6,484 9,234 5,052 14,286 14,441 11,509 25,950 2,891 1,898 4,789 35,839 30,941 66,780 22,706 22,260 44,966 475 1,416 1,891 3,575 2,775 6,350 1,980 2,135 4,115 374 278 652 4,614 4,447 9,061 0 0 0 1,281 4,570 5,851 2,588 970 3,558 59 60 119 2,923 1,996 4,919 6,716 6,129 12,845 5,969 1,783 7,752 5,012 3,749 8,761 2,935 642 3,577 2,061 1,112 3,173 101 2,180 2,281 237,816 201,840 439,656
Boys 16,279 27,436 47,178 18,852 13,072 18,683 6,206 37,435 1,787 9,364 50,430 23,525 41,601 16,371 17,431 49,510 24,830 33,294 10,799 10,999 2,742 44,007 43,604 4,291 2,434 38,231 26,735 623 42,709 1,273 33,142 24,487 11,748 22,741 23,334 28,053 3,580 33,202 7,521 3,651 16,255 19,585 3,353 15,587 22,581 5,129 8,429 964,109
Rural Total Girls Total Boys Girls Total 15,086 31,365 18,125 16,622 34,747 23,109 50,545 27,644 24,117 51,761 39,711 86,889 56,131 47,873 104,004 14,951 33,803 22,490 18,455 40,945 14,262 27,334 14,166 15,306 29,472 17,950 36,633 20,971 19,562 40,533 2,074 8,280 10,177 4,442 14,619 28,625 66,060 42,446 31,309 73,755 978 2,765 2,642 1,790 4,432 8,309 17,673 12,798 11,681 24,479 47,776 98,206 58,522 57,135 115,657 23,127 46,652 28,408 25,502 53,910 42,657 84,258 57,372 57,904 115,276 14,873 31,244 25,878 20,691 46,569 20,207 37,638 18,813 22,109 40,922 43,342 92,852 58,451 51,029 109,480 24,017 48,847 33,887 32,313 66,200 35,470 68,764 36,719 36,838 73,557 10,787 21,586 13,219 12,278 25,497 10,358 21,357 14,707 14,151 28,858 2,159 4,901 3,431 2,446 5,877 43,004 87,011 47,329 46,715 94,044 41,970 85,574 45,168 44,172 89,340 1,470 5,761 8,961 3,960 12,921 2,012 4,446 2,968 2,117 5,085 41,609 79,840 41,010 45,314 86,324 21,454 48,189 35,969 26,506 62,475 710 1,333 15,064 12,219 27,283 47,447 90,156 45,600 49,345 94,945 1,231 2,504 37,112 32,172 69,284 30,927 64,069 55,848 53,187 109,035 23,591 48,078 24,962 25,007 49,969 7,999 19,747 15,323 10,774 26,097 21,301 44,042 24,721 23,436 48,157 24,997 48,331 23,708 25,275 48,983 29,727 57,780 32,667 34,174 66,841 2,069 5,649 3,580 2,069 5,649 24,602 57,804 34,483 29,172 63,655 10,109 10,472 20,581 9,502 17,023 1,960 5,611 3,710 2,020 5,730 18,071 34,326 19,178 20,067 39,245 16,984 36,569 26,301 23,113 49,414 2,860 6,213 9,322 4,643 13,965 18,211 33,798 20,599 21,960 42,559 25,189 47,770 25,516 25,831 51,347 2,113 7,242 7,190 3,225 10,415 5,463 13,892 8,530 7,643 16,173 906,301 1,870,410 1,201,925 1,108,141 2,310,066
Table 72: Public Secondary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Boys Form 1 4,976 7,949 15,702 6,537 4,142 6,091 1,596 11,869 663 2,996 16,186 8,078 14,400 6,734 5,154 15,128 9,043 10,958 3,569 3,911 837 12,650 12,708 2,463 736 11,618 10,448 2,367 12,420 6,279 14,218 7,021 4,254 6,630 6,410 8,615 956 9,974 2,703 1,006 5,479 7,929 2,126 5,253 7,269 2,113 2,806 322,970
Form 2 4,695 7,512 15,383 6,049 3,833 5,734 1,542 11,627 581 2,825 15,369 7,476 14,119 5,911 5,216 15,223 8,971 10,103 3,234 3,729 964 12,106 12,091 2,179 714 10,977 9,883 2,438 11,540 6,671 13,507 6,751 4,082 6,597 5,945 8,273 846 9,322 2,788 1,045 5,042 7,041 1,791 4,967 6,708 1,886 2,386 307,672
Girls Form 3 4,072 6,597 13,928 5,222 3,360 5,079 1,525 10,259 559 2,424 13,662 6,446 13,358 5,312 4,482 15,365 8,155 8,554 3,245 3,411 901 10,693 10,663 1,996 690 9,530 8,194 2,170 10,535 6,458 11,803 5,759 3,491 6,590 5,082 7,756 834 8,296 2,383 902 4,486 6,200 1,556 4,404 6,204 1,573 1,899 276,063
Form 4 3,645 5,516 10,961 4,603 2,965 3,959 1,329 8,241 490 2,073 11,549 5,835 11,669 4,777 3,886 11,214 6,877 6,985 3,057 3,004 631 8,513 9,489 1,680 534 8,461 6,445 1,901 9,840 5,601 9,876 5,186 2,889 5,037 4,507 6,948 658 7,066 2,030 732 3,792 4,722 1,170 4,031 5,416 1,206 1,508 232,504
Form 1 4,660 7,384 14,682 5,808 4,595 5,415 838 9,261 384 2,440 17,094 7,536 14,517 5,606 5,885 14,442 9,538 11,409 3,366 3,824 624 12,735 12,682 975 539 13,242 8,174 1,841 13,490 5,221 12,882 7,439 3,232 6,522 6,525 8,947 581 8,746 2,813 644 5,756 7,470 1,375 6,021 7,727 1,016 2,586 308,489
Form 2 4,409 6,793 13,063 5,140 4,260 5,017 695 8,533 350 2,166 15,623 6,817 13,889 4,770 5,993 13,901 8,684 10,498 3,161 3,493 661 11,937 11,836 932 554 11,705 7,369 1,774 12,630 5,429 12,457 6,848 2,744 6,481 6,003 8,704 495 8,309 2,935 544 5,144 6,425 1,109 5,787 7,095 800 2,094 286,056
Form 3 3,638 5,303 11,481 4,145 3,383 4,231 691 7,008 345 1,657 12,715 5,548 12,942 3,970 4,941 13,176 7,255 8,212 2,830 2,939 547 10,015 10,292 879 504 10,108 5,830 1,572 11,507 4,965 10,097 5,468 2,398 5,970 5,245 7,895 418 6,643 2,357 476 4,703 5,112 844 4,707 6,029 590 1,726 243,307
Form 4 3,194 4,077 8,164 3,239 3,007 3,615 507 5,419 291 1,423 10,434 4,585 11,093 3,422 4,744 8,164 6,009 6,666 2,729 2,496 403 8,248 8,468 642 332 8,331 4,112 1,409 10,247 4,357 8,397 4,669 1,775 4,143 4,432 7,230 313 5,494 2,131 314 3,741 3,682 655 4,310 5,104 476 1,282 197,975
Table 73: Private Secondary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Boys Form 1 240 55 193 104 0 119 1,331 221 92 729 550 231 1,017 929 21 381 300 133 86 172 29 912 184 202 109 209 348 1,672 492 3,052 1,790 157 231 30 403 313 138 41 70 26 178 153 1,098 495 37 130 5 19,408
Form 2 228 76 176 47 0 88 1,002 238 122 680 572 203 1,038 861 72 341 288 111 35 178 28 961 153 216 88 197 248 1,618 439 3,195 1,696 153 234 15 452 362 122 33 76 14 162 153 971 590 47 132 6 18,717
Girls Form 3 239 84 154 55 0 82 1,207 197 82 622 578 209 1,146 837 97 509 276 111 54 212 30 997 149 155 69 204 310 1,456 366 3,115 1,738 115 153 23 601 362 33 35 80 12 125 157 454 544 41 125 0 18,200
Form 4 201 117 165 86 0 86 739 195 78 569 609 199 1,168 762 63 802 298 111 64 217 42 944 157 154 57 202 433 1,585 399 3,090 1,723 56 133 32 533 346 26 40 75 7 95 193 244 510 34 93 0 17,732
Form 1 233 244 272 115 46 474 526 423 119 1,105 420 347 1,414 920 195 327 340 107 136 400 62 1,092 385 153 76 730 348 1,556 507 3,147 2,749 321 229 146 923 438 93 67 80 30 305 197 298 307 24 113 13 22,552
Form 2 213 210 252 61 64 339 410 387 141 1,068 466 274 1,458 808 157 394 269 139 72 379 62 1,117 350 137 46 614 293 1,500 534 3,241 2,427 239 238 140 827 475 71 63 84 10 253 154 214 397 28 111 14 21,200
Form 3 222 157 226 51 51 286 510 324 118 1,063 508 325 1,648 776 209 457 251 94 62 355 43 1,046 306 101 47 528 308 1,400 528 3,119 2,405 158 153 134 864 437 56 69 86 15 181 140 124 329 29 65 0 20,364
Form 4 210 177 184 70 44 302 308 251 59 869 397 312 1,490 615 193 649 272 61 39 400 68 966 271 102 38 486 323 1,283 368 2,994 2,260 101 106 121 695 370 63 58 85 5 174 150 68 309 37 85 0 18,488
Table 74: Total Secondary Enrolment by Class COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
Boys Form 1 5,216 8,004 15,895 6,641 4,142 6,210 2,927 12,090 755 3,725 16,736 8,309 15,417 7,663 5,175 15,509 9,343 11,091 3,655 4,083 866 13,562 12,892 2,665 845 11,827 10,796 4,039 12,912 9,331 16,008 7,178 4,485 6,660 6,813 8,928 1,094 10,015 2,773 1,032 5,657 8,082 3,224 5,748 7,306 2,243 2,811 342,378
Form 2 4,923 7,588 15,559 6,096 3,833 5,822 2,544 11,865 703 3,505 15,941 7,679 15,157 6,772 5,288 15,564 9,259 10,214 3,269 3,907 992 13,067 12,244 2,395 802 11,174 10,131 4,056 11,979 9,866 15,203 6,904 4,316 6,612 6,397 8,635 968 9,355 2,864 1,059 5,204 7,194 2,762 5,557 6,755 2,018 2,392 326,389
Girls Form 3 4,311 6,681 14,082 5,277 3,360 5,161 2,732 10,456 641 3,046 14,240 6,655 14,504 6,149 4,579 15,874 8,431 8,665 3,299 3,623 931 11,690 10,812 2,151 759 9,734 8,504 3,626 10,901 9,573 13,541 5,874 3,644 6,613 5,683 8,118 867 8,331 2,463 914 4,611 6,357 2,010 4,948 6,245 1,698 1,899 294,263
Form 4 3,846 5,633 11,126 4,689 2,965 4,045 2,068 8,436 568 2,642 12,158 6,034 12,837 5,539 3,949 12,016 7,175 7,096 3,121 3,221 673 9,457 9,646 1,834 591 8,663 6,878 3,486 10,239 8,691 11,599 5,242 3,022 5,069 5,040 7,294 684 7,106 2,105 739 3,887 4,915 1,414 4,541 5,450 1,299 1,508 250,236
Form 1 4,893 7,628 14,954 5,923 4,641 5,889 1,364 9,684 503 3,545 17,514 7,883 15,931 6,526 6,080 14,769 9,878 11,516 3,502 4,224 686 13,827 13,067 1,128 615 13,972 8,522 3,397 13,997 8,368 15,631 7,760 3,461 6,668 7,448 9,385 674 8,813 2,893 674 6,061 7,667 1,673 6,328 7,751 1,129 2,599 331,041
Form 2 4,622 7,003 13,315 5,201 4,324 5,356 1,105 8,920 491 3,234 16,089 7,091 15,347 5,578 6,150 14,295 8,953 10,637 3,233 3,872 723 13,054 12,186 1,069 600 12,319 7,662 3,274 13,164 8,670 14,884 7,087 2,982 6,621 6,830 9,179 566 8,372 3,019 554 5,397 6,579 1,323 6,184 7,123 911 2,108 307,256
Form 3 3,860 5,460 11,707 4,196 3,434 4,517 1,201 7,332 463 2,720 13,223 5,873 14,590 4,746 5,150 13,633 7,506 8,306 2,892 3,294 590 11,061 10,598 980 551 10,636 6,138 2,972 12,035 8,084 12,502 5,626 2,551 6,104 6,109 8,332 474 6,712 2,443 491 4,884 5,252 968 5,036 6,058 655 1,726 263,671
Form 4 3,404 4,254 8,348 3,309 3,051 3,917 815 5,670 350 2,292 10,831 4,897 12,583 4,037 4,937 8,813 6,281 6,727 2,768 2,896 471 9,214 8,739 744 370 8,817 4,435 2,692 10,615 7,351 10,657 4,770 1,881 4,264 5,127 7,600 376 5,552 2,216 319 3,915 3,832 723 4,619 5,141 561 1,282 216,463
Table 75: Public Secondary Repeaters by Class COUNTY
Boys Form 1
Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
9 64 137 13 3 181 2 39 2 18 73 137 49 39 22 161 33 63 7 21 6 58 64 5 0 60 54 20 93 83 163 26 18 10 18 45 7 30 7 8 292 23 2 43 21 0 9 2,238
Form 2 34 88 233 38 21 264 10 125 5 41 106 138 102 87 34 194 83 156 18 63 8 127 153 15 4 118 101 24 194 101 164 44 38 21 49 72 3 84 11 22 312 37 7 66 57 1 21 3,694
Girls Form 3 44 247 482 53 34 282 9 268 10 36 276 204 161 97 98 678 178 227 40 101 5 240 319 13 12 236 211 18 405 89 209 67 91 188 149 173 6 162 13 16 277 104 5 73 120 10 54 6,790
Form 4 105 291 550 156 51 273 3 358 13 19 463 246 205 41 202 1,292 162 150 21 136 7 330 363 28 5 366 378 6 650 97 272 108 88 568 229 211 0 205 7 7 360 119 3 123 158 2 65 9,492
Form 1 13 48 57 7 15 60 3 24 0 14 50 51 58 32 19 30 23 68 10 15 5 61 44 5 13 59 43 11 115 4 70 27 14 8 28 40 5 25 7 3 33 21 3 9 42 0 5 1,297
Form 2 39 68 113 27 10 69 5 84 1 62 113 83 88 50 48 107 56 118 16 44 7 151 104 8 18 130 98 20 162 23 84 48 20 17 47 55 4 86 17 9 58 55 3 20 43 0 12 2,500
Form 3 40 130 231 51 38 55 9 137 2 22 183 161 122 48 69 389 90 180 22 68 3 163 231 7 10 195 130 8 272 19 140 62 44 171 78 95 2 76 22 10 102 84 1 38 68 0 28 4,106
Form 4 56 99 269 51 33 70 2 235 1 8 202 105 95 12 95 552 63 56 10 37 1 105 133 22 11 326 88 2 294 16 100 59 30 249 105 144 1 110 15 2 149 56 0 61 66 29 35 4,260
Table 76: Private Secondary Repeaters by Class COUNTY
Boys Form 1
Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
0 4 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 2 61 0 6 17 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 12 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 27 0 3 1 10 0 188
Form 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 4 88 0 16 31 0 8 9 0 5 0 0 27 0 0 0 2 2 7 8 23 12 0 0 0 7 8 3 1 3 0 1 7 15 0 1 13 0 309
Girls Form 3 2 7 4 0 0 0 7 1 1 9 94 0 11 32 0 21 7 4 10 4 0 37 0 0 0 4 4 18 9 32 38 1 0 0 17 13 1 1 10 0 0 27 15 2 1 22 0 466
Form 4 7 7 2 6 0 1 45 3 1 32 104 0 17 29 0 34 4 3 0 21 0 25 4 0 0 1 24 11 27 55 89 0 6 5 12 14 0 4 0 0 2 41 1 12 1 7 0 657
Form 1 0 5 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 23 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 7 1 0 9 2 1 4 7 9 12 0 0 1 7 3 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 6 0 117
Form 2 0 4 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 10 16 0 2 8 0 0 1 2 16 3 0 3 3 0 5 15 15 22 0 0 2 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 8 0 168
Form 3 1 7 8 0 0 6 1 0 0 13 8 0 12 22 2 16 9 2 0 3 2 18 3 0 3 3 2 9 20 24 24 2 1 7 18 12 0 0 3 1 3 2 0 1 1 12 0 281
Form 4 2 1 10 1 0 1 11 1 0 7 12 2 20 7 7 16 3 0 1 21 0 20 1 0 0 5 7 9 13 63 52 3 3 4 11 10 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 5 0 1 0 333
Table 77: Total Secondary Repeaters by Class COUNTY
Boys Form 1
Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
9 68 144 20 3 181 2 39 2 20 134 137 55 56 22 162 36 64 7 21 6 70 64 5 0 60 55 24 94 95 164 26 18 10 22 46 7 30 8 8 293 50 2 46 22 10 9 2,426
Form 2 34 88 237 38 21 264 13 126 5 45 194 138 118 118 34 202 92 156 23 63 8 154 153 15 4 120 103 31 202 124 176 44 38 21 56 80 6 85 14 22 313 44 22 66 58 14 21 4,003
Girls Form 3 46 254 486 53 34 282 16 269 11 45 370 204 172 129 98 699 185 231 50 105 5 277 319 13 12 240 215 36 414 121 247 68 91 188 166 186 7 163 23 16 277 131 20 75 121 32 54 7,256
Form 4 112 298 552 162 51 274 48 361 14 51 567 246 222 70 202 1,326 166 153 21 157 7 355 367 28 5 367 402 17 677 152 361 108 94 573 241 225 0 209 7 7 362 160 4 135 159 9 65 10,149
Form 1 13 53 60 8 15 63 3 24 0 15 50 51 60 55 19 30 25 68 10 15 6 68 45 5 22 61 44 15 122 13 82 27 14 9 35 43 7 25 9 3 35 22 3 9 42 6 5 1,414
Form 2 39 72 116 27 10 73 5 84 1 62 118 83 98 66 48 109 64 118 16 45 9 167 107 8 21 133 98 25 177 38 106 48 20 19 58 59 4 86 17 9 58 57 6 20 44 8 12 2,668
Form 3 41 137 239 51 38 61 10 137 2 35 191 161 134 70 71 405 99 182 22 71 5 181 234 7 13 198 132 17 292 43 164 64 45 178 96 107 2 76 25 11 105 86 1 39 69 12 28 4,387
Form 4 58 100 279 52 33 71 13 236 1 15 214 107 115 19 102 568 66 56 11 58 1 125 134 22 11 331 95 11 307 79 152 62 33 253 116 154 1 110 16 2 150 57 0 66 66 30 35 4,593
Table 78: Table 2.19: Teacher by Status and County for Secondary COUNTY TSC Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
1,172 1,379 2,946 1,182 1,087 1,491 347 2,069 180 753 3,558 1,551 4,288 1,081 1,478 3,863 2,213 2,292 710 1,029 210 2,849 2,765 432 233 2,819 1,429 648 3,455 2,035 3,015 1,473 723 1,786 1,355 2,501 288 1,861 707 183 1,295 1,340 255 1,361 1,668 408 431 72,194
Public SMC 608 1,261 1,745 903 454 678 80 1,566 31 210 2,139 1,119 882 893 508 1,283 1,062 1,544 414 289 85 1,405 1,449 104 50 1,470 1,375 175 951 416 1,387 1,170 472 668 644 640 42 1,196 300 75 601 971 144 766 863 68 368 35,524
Total 1,780 2,640 4,691 2,085 1,541 2,169 427 3,635 211 963 5,697 2,670 5,170 1,974 1,986 5,146 3,275 3,836 1,124 1,318 295 4,254 4,214 536 283 4,289 2,804 823 4,406 2,451 4,402 2,643 1,195 2,454 1,999 3,141 330 3,057 1,007 258 1,896 2,311 399 2,127 2,531 476 799 107,718
Private Private
TSC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
135 69 122 62 16 124 346 171 68 558 286 110 870 439 76 259 220 81 49 176 29 582 193 50 36 229 196 770 261 1,641 1,110 87 65 52 412 233 38 39 48 14 86 89 96 225 23 45 4 10,890
135 69 122 62 16 124 346 171 68 558 286 110 870 439 76 259 220 81 49 176 29 582 193 50 36 229 196 770 261 1,641 1,110 87 65 52 412 233 38 39 48 14 86 89 96 225 23 45 4 10,890
1,172 1,379 2,946 1,182 1,087 1,491 347 2,069 180 753 3,558 1,551 4,288 1,081 1,478 3,863 2,213 2,292 710 1,029 210 2,849 2,765 432 233 2,819 1,429 648 3,455 2,035 3,015 1,473 723 1,786 1,355 2,501 288 1,861 707 183 1,295 1,340 255 1,361 1,668 408 431 72,194
Total SMC/ Private 743 1,330 1,867 965 470 802 426 1,737 99 768 2,425 1,229 1,752 1,332 584 1,542 1,282 1,625 463 465 114 1,987 1,642 154 86 1,699 1,571 945 1,212 2,057 2,497 1,257 537 720 1,056 873 80 1,235 348 89 687 1,060 240 991 886 113 372 46,414
Total 1,915 2,709 4,813 2,147 1,557 2,293 773 3,806 279 1,521 5,983 2,780 6,040 2,413 2,062 5,405 3,495 3,917 1,173 1,494 324 4,836 4,407 586 319 4,518 3,000 1,593 4,667 4,092 5,512 2,730 1,260 2,506 2,411 3,374 368 3,096 1,055 272 1,982 2,400 495 2,352 2,554 521 803 118,608
Table 79: Secondary Pupil-Teacher Ratio by School Status COUNTY
TSC + BoM Teachers
Elgeyo Marakwet
Homa Bay
Taita Taveta
Tana River
Trans Nzoia
Uasin Gishu
West Pokot
Table 80: Public Schools Text Books for Selected Subjects COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 23,979 32,938 69,454 26,714 19,858 28,227 6,868 41,708 2,003 11,455 79,463 37,836 78,670 33,384 29,921 79,469 40,638 49,581 19,489 23,227 3,063 56,671 58,012 8,788 4,252 50,530 35,619 14,653 76,965 40,360 66,004 34,786 14,970 46,691 35,413 55,458 2,865 41,538 15,615 3,152 23,790 36,680 7,275 31,555 38,518 6,190 8,719 1,553,014
Kiswahili 22,189 32,914 70,412 25,028 19,262 27,285 6,878 41,707 1,721 12,701 76,932 33,834 78,393 30,045 28,998 74,629 37,214 48,169 18,299 22,256 3,602 57,059 55,198 9,189 3,681 53,239 34,355 13,579 72,693 38,920 63,129 33,244 14,901 46,001 31,484 55,888 3,050 39,728 15,598 3,027 22,931 35,408 7,328 30,477 37,141 5,905 9,014 1,504,635
Maths 22,962 32,509 63,901 24,805 19,347 25,638 7,039 40,126 2,460 11,873 72,281 43,399 80,328 29,070 29,403 75,338 35,831 51,202 18,398 21,619 3,092 54,262 55,040 7,549 3,824 48,577 35,104 13,063 71,148 37,288 62,924 32,187 14,165 46,634 30,383 55,873 2,691 38,355 16,069 3,495 22,574 33,191 7,099 29,716 36,613 5,911 8,632 1,482,988
Biology 19,359 25,741 48,640 19,471 17,754 20,559 6,426 30,981 1,920 9,498 58,165 27,304 64,183 26,157 25,200 58,758 29,476 38,764 14,866 17,589 2,641 42,121 44,234 6,972 3,473 41,506 27,536 12,740 59,180 32,634 52,919 28,259 11,426 35,341 23,753 46,734 2,235 29,318 13,586 2,682 19,502 27,036 5,946 26,573 29,579 5,395 7,377 1,201,509
Chemistry 19,620 26,737 50,903 19,154 16,700 21,323 6,372 31,639 1,672 10,480 58,968 28,909 69,848 25,361 27,715 59,202 29,550 38,289 14,403 18,452 2,391 45,319 46,946 7,493 2,765 41,485 28,239 12,972 64,193 35,951 57,105 26,888 11,537 38,303 25,384 51,429 2,400 29,992 13,657 2,429 19,162 29,078 6,195 27,739 28,065 5,194 7,014 1,244,622
Physics 19,849 21,897 34,878 14,230 11,747 15,064 3,239 23,736 1,261 7,495 43,573 23,125 49,395 19,646 20,019 42,517 21,707 28,473 11,205 12,499 1,983 31,550 34,924 3,118 2,026 26,586 20,232 10,247 47,051 27,019 39,786 21,616 8,863 28,176 19,036 34,158 1,417 23,372 10,420 1,867 14,398 21,005 3,863 19,749 20,531 3,485 5,873 907,906
Total 127,958 172,736 338,188 129,402 104,668 138,096 36,822 209,897 11,037 63,502 389,382 194,407 420,817 163,663 161,256 389,913 194,416 254,478 96,660 115,642 16,772 286,982 294,354 43,109 20,021 261,923 181,085 77,254 391,230 212,172 341,867 176,980 75,862 241,146 165,453 299,540 14,658 202,303 84,945 16,652 122,357 182,398 37,706 165,809 190,447 32,080 46,629 7,894,674
Table 81: Public Secondary Schools Text Book Ratios for Selected Subjects COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.9 1.4
Kiswahili 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.7 1.6 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.4
Maths 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.9 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.9 1.5
Biology 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.9 1.4 2.3 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.7 1.3 2.0 2.2 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.8 1.7 2.2 1.4 1.9 1.4 2.3 2.2 1.5 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.2 1.8
Chemistry 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.4 2.3 2.2 1.7 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.3 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.1 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.2 1.3 1.7 1.3 2.1 2.1 1.5 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.3 1.7
Physics 1.7 2.3 3.0 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.0 2.9 2.4 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.8 2.8 2.5 3.8 2.3 3.2 3.0 1.5 2.0 1.7 2.3 2.3 2.8 1.7 2.3 1.9 3.6 2.7 1.9 3.0 2.6 2.3 2.8 2.0 2.5 2.8 2.8 2.4
Table 82: Private Secondary Schools Textbook for Selected Subjects COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1,330 1,083 935 232 204 1,193 3,671 1,218 743 5,416 2,573 1,515 7,714 3,548 581 2,110 1,605 589 442 1,788 166 5,611 1,634 498 465 2,408 1,625 6,466 3,763 12,726 13,999 589 1,097 696 3,858 3,095 429 250 322 30 825 690 961 2,749 391 152 20 104,005
Kiswahili 1,302 1,156 910 215 204 1,399 2,783 1,181 741 5,380 2,256 1,386 7,681 3,424 582 2,177 1,606 515 423 1,819 156 5,594 1,629 446 465 2,450 1,647 6,685 3,773 12,558 13,622 623 1,138 621 3,831 2,978 481 202 327 26 781 656 1,300 2,679 370 163 20 102,361
Maths 1,490 1,052 882 244 204 1,258 2,710 1,162 779 5,305 2,008 1,418 7,636 3,272 593 2,247 1,263 532 354 1,386 184 5,203 1,543 465 464 2,427 1,673 5,015 4,469 11,693 13,460 608 1,078 597 5,101 2,874 458 172 291 29 805 584 950 2,808 525 125 20 99,416
Biology 1,078 860 770 176 204 1,134 2,357 836 622 4,637 1,558 1,172 6,561 2,514 520 1,806 1,149 435 349 1,216 92 4,349 1,311 441 395 1,994 1,336 4,075 3,109 9,160 10,257 358 943 329 2,870 2,609 436 112 243 7 715 427 629 2,406 314 109 20 79,000
Chemistry 1,086 857 785 172 204 929 2,102 748 662 4,790 1,665 1,158 6,561 2,712 551 1,919 1,062 508 319 1,191 148 4,631 1,357 428 406 2,150 1,305 4,277 3,591 10,315 10,957 342 933 391 3,245 2,630 408 130 367 7 681 423 495 2,398 309 100 20 82,425
Physics 935 709 739 118 204 699 1,584 563 377 3,722 1,267 1,047 5,272 1,839 347 1,263 855 478 291 996 123 4,021 1,196 278 320 1,435 950 3,170 2,825 7,732 8,816 209 703 274 1,948 1,962 264 81 156 7 572 292 752 1,753 258 84 20 63,506
Total 7,221 5,717 5,021 1,157 1,224 6,612 15,207 5,708 3,924 29,250 11,327 7,696 41,425 17,309 3,174 11,522 7,540 3,057 2,178 8,396 869 29,409 8,670 2,556 2,515 12,864 8,536 29,688 21,530 64,184 71,111 2,729 5,892 2,908 20,853 16,148 2,476 947 1,706 106 4,379 3,072 5,087 14,793 2,167 733 120 530,713
Table 83: Private Secondary Schools Text Book Ratios for Selected Subjects COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.3 1.0 1.7 2.5 1.0 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 2.2 1.4 1.2 2.4 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.9 1.0 2.0 1.2 2.2 1.3 0.9 1.4 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.0 4.0 1.8 1.9 3.6 1.3 0.7 5.6 1.9 1.5
Kiswahili 1.4 1.0 1.8 2.7 1.0 1.3 2.2 1.9 1.1 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.7 1.3 1.3 2.3 1.4 1.2 2.7 1.1 1.3 1.6 1.8 1.0 2.0 1.2 2.1 1.3 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.9 4.6 1.9 2.0 2.7 1.3 0.7 5.2 1.9 1.5
Maths 1.2 1.1 1.8 2.4 1.0 1.4 2.2 1.9 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.5 1.4 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.7 2.0 1.5 1.3 2.6 1.1 1.3 1.6 2.4 0.8 2.1 1.2 2.1 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.4 2.2 4.1 1.8 2.2 3.7 1.2 0.5 6.8 1.9 1.6
Biology 1.7 1.3 2.1 3.3 1.0 1.6 2.6 2.7 1.3 1.4 2.6 1.8 1.6 2.6 1.9 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.6 1.9 4.0 1.8 1.5 2.8 1.3 1.6 2.0 3.0 1.2 2.7 1.6 3.6 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.2 1.4 3.6 2.6 17.0 2.1 3.0 5.5 1.4 0.9 7.8 1.9 2.0
Chemistry 1.6 1.3 2.1 3.4 1.0 1.9 2.9 3.0 1.2 1.4 2.5 1.8 1.6 2.4 1.8 2.0 2.2 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.5 1.7 1.4 2.9 1.3 1.5 2.0 2.8 1.0 2.4 1.5 3.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.5 3.1 1.7 17.0 2.2 3.1 7.0 1.5 0.9 8.5 1.9 1.9
Physics 1.9 1.6 2.2 5.0 1.0 2.5 3.8 4.0 2.2 1.8 3.2 2.0 2.0 3.5 2.9 3.1 2.7 1.8 1.9 2.3 3.0 2.0 1.6 4.4 1.7 2.2 2.7 3.8 1.3 3.2 1.9 6.2 2.1 2.3 2.7 1.6 2.3 5.0 4.1 17.0 2.6 4.4 4.6 2.0 1.1 10.2 1.9 2.5
Table 84: Total Secondary Schools Text Book for Selected Subjects COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 25,309 34,021 70,389 26,946 20,062 29,420 10,539 42,926 2,746 16,871 82,036 39,351 86,384 36,932 30,502 81,579 42,243 50,170 19,931 25,015 3,229 62,282 59,646 9,286 4,717 52,938 37,244 21,119 80,728 53,086 80,003 35,375 16,067 47,387 39,271 58,553 3,294 41,788 15,937 3,182 24,615 37,370 8,236 34,304 38,909 6,342 8,739 1,657,019
Kiswahili 23,491 34,070 71,322 25,243 19,466 28,684 9,661 42,888 2,462 18,081 79,188 35,220 86,074 33,469 29,580 76,806 38,820 48,684 18,722 24,075 3,758 62,653 56,827 9,635 4,146 55,689 36,002 20,264 76,466 51,478 76,751 33,867 16,039 46,622 35,315 58,866 3,531 39,930 15,925 3,053 23,712 36,064 8,628 33,156 37,511 6,068 9,034 1,606,996
Maths 24,452 33,561 64,783 25,049 19,551 26,896 9,749 41,288 3,239 17,178 74,289 44,817 87,964 32,342 29,996 77,585 37,094 51,734 18,752 23,005 3,276 59,465 56,583 8,014 4,288 51,004 36,777 18,078 75,617 48,981 76,384 32,795 15,243 47,231 35,484 58,747 3,149 38,527 16,360 3,524 23,379 33,775 8,049 32,524 37,138 6,036 8,652 1,582,404
Biology 20,437 26,601 49,410 19,647 17,958 21,693 8,783 31,817 2,542 14,135 59,723 28,476 70,744 28,671 25,720 60,564 30,625 39,199 15,215 18,805 2,733 46,470 45,545 7,413 3,868 43,500 28,872 16,815 62,289 41,794 63,176 28,617 12,369 35,670 26,623 49,343 2,671 29,430 13,829 2,689 20,217 27,463 6,575 28,979 29,893 5,504 7,397 1,280,509
Chemistry 20,706 27,594 51,688 19,326 16,904 22,252 8,474 32,387 2,334 15,270 60,633 30,067 76,409 28,073 28,266 61,121 30,612 38,797 14,722 19,643 2,539 49,950 48,303 7,921 3,171 43,635 29,544 17,249 67,784 46,266 68,062 27,230 12,470 38,694 28,629 54,059 2,808 30,122 14,024 2,436 19,843 29,501 6,690 30,137 28,374 5,294 7,034 1,327,047
Physics 20,784 22,606 35,617 14,348 11,951 15,763 4,823 24,299 1,638 11,217 44,840 24,172 54,667 21,485 20,366 43,780 22,562 28,951 11,496 13,495 2,106 35,571 36,120 3,396 2,346 28,021 21,182 13,417 49,876 34,751 48,602 21,825 9,566 28,450 20,984 36,120 1,681 23,453 10,576 1,874 14,970 21,297 4,615 21,502 20,789 3,569 5,893 971,412
Total 135,179 178,453 343,209 130,559 105,892 144,708 52,029 215,605 14,961 92,752 400,709 202,103 462,242 180,972 164,430 401,435 201,956 257,535 98,838 124,038 17,641 316,391 303,024 45,665 22,536 274,787 189,621 106,942 412,760 276,356 412,978 179,709 81,754 244,054 186,306 315,688 17,134 203,250 86,651 16,758 126,736 185,470 42,793 180,602 192,614 32,813 46,749 8,425,387
Table 85: Total Secondary Schools Text Book Ratios for Selected Subjects COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot Kenya
English 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.7 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.9 1.4
Kiswahili 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.5
Maths 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.8 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.0 1.4 1.1 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.9 1.5
Biology 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.9 1.7 2.3 1.8 1.7 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.2 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.3 2.0 2.2 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.4 2.1 2.2 1.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 1.8
Chemistry 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.7 2.3 1.9 1.6 1.9 1.8 1.5 1.7 1.5 1.8 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 2.3 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.1 1.3 1.7 1.2 2.0 2.1 1.5 2.4 2.0 1.7 2.1 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.3 1.8
Physics 1.7 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.1 2.7 2.2 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.2 2.0 2.5 3.0 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.8 2.7 2.5 3.8 2.2 3.1 3.0 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.8 1.7 2.4 1.9 3.4 2.7 2.0 3.1 2.6 2.3 3.1 2.0 2.5 2.9 2.8 2.4
Table 86: Secondary Classroom Status
Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot National
774 1,143 2,081 971 604 864 223 1,663 80 424 2,602 1,098 2,280 957 935 2,579 1,445 1,776 600 624 129 1,885 2,188 241 127 1,959 1,207 315 2,189 853 1,904 1,188 594 1,270 1,007 1,498 125 1,276 501 127 861 1,005 205 925 1,209 243 350 49,104
101 189 251 53 98 222 5 164 19 59 118 161 171 81 160 109 132 241 25 105 34 316 76 53 2 182 229 94 78 212 307 66 47 106 54 130 1 219 125 11 119 188 1 82 18 11 20 5,245
38 38 44 40 42 36 38 40 37 37 41 42 43 39 37 40 41 36 40 37 34 39 39 40 36 39 42 38 41 42 42 39 39 35 42 40 40 43 32 41 39 41 52 39 42 38 44 40
61 28 58 21 8 54 176 88 32 286 161 32 475 235 26 142 100 50 22 85 15 353 72 19 18 102 109 403 119 780 578 51 42 27 244 139 18 23 23 5 26 40 45 118 10 25 0 5,544
12 6 12 9 4 6 2 14 1 92 6 22 93 25 33 4 17 4 0 33 6 37 25 19 0 31 23 33 36 258 158 1 3 1 29 7 2 0 8 0 23 7 15 9 2 0 2 1,130
24 33 23 20 17 30 34 22 25 18 25 39 18 25 17 26 20 16 25 20 17 21 20 32 29 24 20 28 23 24 23 25 33 23 19 21 30 18 21 24 30 28 58 27 23 34 19 23
835 1,171 2,139 992 612 918 399 1,751 112 710 2,763 1,130 2,755 1,192 961 2,721 1,545 1,826 622 709 144 2,238 2,260 260 145 2,061 1,316 718 2,308 1,633 2,482 1,239 636 1,297 1,251 1,637 143 1,299 524 132 887 1,045 250 1,043 1,219 268 350 54,648
113 195 263 62 102 228 7 178 20 151 124 183 264 106 193 113 149 245 25 138 40 353 101 72 2 213 252 127 114 470 465 67 50 107 83 137 3 219 133 11 142 195 16 91 20 11 22 6,375
Average Class Size
Temporary Classrooms
Permanent Classrooms
Total Average Class Size
Temporary Classrooms
Permanent Classrooms
Private Average Class Size
Temporary Classrooms
Public Permanent Classrooms
37 38 44 39 42 36 36 39 34 29 40 41 39 36 36 39 39 36 40 34 32 37 38 39 35 38 40 33 40 33 37 39 38 35 37 38 39 42 32 40 38 40 53 38 42 38 44 38
Table 87: Secondary Toilets COUNTY Baringo Bomet Bungoma Busia Elgeyo Marakwet Embu Garissa Homa Bay Isiolo Kajiado Kakamega Kericho Kiambu Kilifi Kirinyaga Kisii Kisumu Kitui Kwale Laikipia Lamu Machakos Makueni Mandera Marsabit Meru Migori Mombasa Murang’a Nairobi Nakuru Nandi Narok Nyamira Nyandarua Nyeri Samburu Siaya Taita Taveta Tana River Tharaka-Nithi Trans Nzoia Turkana Uasin Gishu Vihiga Wajir West Pokot National
Male 780 1,172 2,120 861 775 1,456 234 1,371 108 442 2,244 1,345 2,369 707 959 2,346 1,236 1,790 392 675 108 2,250 2,402 221 155 2,471 1,245 304 2,528 1,192 2,175 1,215 667 1,281 1,097 1,837 151 1,223 438 109 1,021 1,074 242 827 1,001 149 276 51,041
Public PToR Female 22 913 24 1,129 26 2,203 26 690 18 804 14 1,323 26 108 31 1,259 21 103 23 494 25 2,895 21 1,419 23 3,328 32 747 20 1,454 24 2,227 27 1,364 20 2,148 33 598 21 760 31 95 20 2,474 19 2,798 38 123 17 130 16 2,755 28 1,081 29 263 18 2,960 21 1,252 23 2,459 20 1,436 22 622 19 1,370 20 1,436 17 2,498 22 113 28 1,213 23 575 34 103 18 1,497 24 1,126 27 172 23 1,041 26 1,201 45 105 31 392 22 57,256
PToR 17 21 22 27 19 14 25 24 13 16 19 17 16 24 15 22 23 17 20 17 24 17 15 28 15 16 24 25 16 16 18 17 16 17 15 13 16 24 18 19 13 20 23 20 22 27 20 18
Male 38 20 45 14 0 50 135 63 37 217 175 33 324 215 25 112 92 35 21 121 6 343 53 19 45 78 73 278 101 748 571 33 35 10 241 156 9 14 28 3 52 29 34 116 14 21 1 4,883
Private PToR Female 24 63 17 58 15 67 21 19 0 10 8 161 32 103 14 81 10 39 12 535 13 153 26 64 13 521 16 253 10 106 18 95 13 80 13 37 11 17 6 168 22 21 11 501 12 165 38 16 7 35 10 308 18 107 23 285 17 135 17 824 12 1,106 15 71 21 50 10 57 8 379 9 189 35 48 11 22 11 28 20 3 11 44 23 37 81 30 18 133 11 14 23 17 11 1 15 7,256
PToR 14 14 14 16 21 9 17 17 11 8 12 20 12 12 7 19 14 11 18 9 11 8 8 31 6 8 12 20 14 15 9 12 15 9 9 9 6 12 12 20 21 17 23 10 8 22 27 11
ANNEX V: WORKING GROUPS This booklet has been compiled by the members of a technical working team which included:
Steering Team Dr. Belio R. Kipsang’ Principal Secretary State Department of Education Isaac G. Kamande, Director Projects and Programs, Ministry of Devolution and Planning Daniel Baheta, Chief of Education UNICEF Kenya Office
Technical Working Team Agnes Koori, Deputy Chief Economist, State Department of Education Samuel Nthenge, Deputy Chief Economist, State Department of Education Evelyn Anupi, Principal Economist, State Department of Education Mutetei Kavali, Senior Economist, State Department of Education Polycarp O. Otieno, Statistician, State Department of Education
Principal Consultant-UNICEF Ramahatra Andriamamy Rakotomalala, United Nations Children’s Fund