battalion - Townnews

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Learn basic journalism: Writing, editing, photography, videography, audio, social media and graphics. Gain leadership sk





Staff Application More than a job, it’s a commitment — to learning, to service, to excellence. Learn basic journalism: Writing, editing, photography, videography, audio, social media and graphics Gain leadership skills through in The Battalion Internship Program Serve the Texas A&M community — Who knows? You may find a career. Applicant name: Are you a full-time student in good standing at Texas A&M? [ ] yes [ ] no Student Identification number: Major: Classification: Expected Graduation Date: Phone: ( ) E-mail: How many hours per week would you be available for work at The Battalion?


APPLICANTS: Please type your responses on a separate piece of paper, and attach a resume. 1) Why do you want to work at The Battalion, and what do you hope to accomplish? 2) Give three specific story ideas you believe The Battalion should cover. Be sure to include reasoning as to why each would be important to the student body. When you interview: Bring samples of your work.

Please check the position(s) for which you are interested. __ News Reporter Covers such topics as campus issues and happenings, breaking news, investigative projects and more. __ Life & Arts Reporter Covers such topics as student, faculty and staff profiles, student life, human interest pieces, art and more. __ Science & Technology Reporter Covers campus research, and A&M’s science and engineering colleges. __ Sports Reporter __ Photographer __ Video / Audio Producer __ Social Media Producer / Animator __ Graphic Artist / Editorial Cartoonist

I am enrolled as a full-time student at Texas A&M University and will continue to maintain my full-time enrollment during my tenure on staff. I certify that the information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. This document is executed in good faith. Applicant signature


Deadline: Continuous deadline for staff positions. Turn in applications at The Battalion newsroom in Suite L400 of the Memorial Student Center.

Desk Editor signature

Editor in Chief / Managing Editor signature