Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia No. 02/01/ON/I/2017, Januari 2017
Profile of Zakat Community Development Beneficiaries in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
Zakat Community Development (ZCD) is a community development program that comprehensively integrate the social aspects (education, health, religion, environment, and other social aspects) and economic aspects using zakat, infaq, and sadaqah fund to create a prosperous and independent society. With the principles of community-based, Islamic sharia, participation, usefulness, continuity, and synergy, the expected society are empowered in four empowerment areas called “Caturdaya Masyarakat”. 79.9 percent of ZCD in NTB beneficiaries are males and most of them are husbands. Whereas, the females who join the program are about one-fifth, where most of them, that is 54 of 79 beneficiaries, are wives. 375 of 393 beneficiaries are in productive age, while the rest are the elderly people whose age are over 64 years. Almost eighty percent of the beneficiaries are those who still have spouses, while the other 18.58 percent are single parents. The beneficiaries of ZCD in NTB are varied in terms of educational background. 138 of 393 beneficiaries work as sellers, while the other 49 people work in agriculture. The other 144 beneficiaries do other jobs. 83.21 percent of beneficiaries have one to four members in the family while only 16.79 percent beneficiaries which have more than seven members in the family. The proportions of beneficiaries who have a household income ranged below Rp 2 million, between Rp 2 million – Rp 5 million, between Rp 5 million – Rp 10 million, and above Rp 10 million are 30.53, 36.90, 20.61, and 11.96 respectively. The highest number of household expenditure is ranged between Rp 1.000.001 - Rp 2.000.000 (148 people or 38 percent). While the lowest number is ranged between Rp 3.000.001 – Rp 4.000.000 (34 people or 8.65 percent). The highest expenditure is the daily consumption which reached 55.02 percent of total household expenditure, while the third lowest expenditures are house rent, entertainment, and others which only reached 0.33 percent, 0.10 percent, and 0.05 percent, respectively. In West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), the ZCD is implemented in the form of capital assistance of IDR 500,000 for mustahik to open or do a business.
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia
General Description of ZCD
Zakat Community Development (ZCD) is a community development program that comprehensively integrate the social aspects (education, health, religion, environment, and other social aspects) and economic aspects using zakat, infaq, and sadaqah fund to create a prosperous and independent society. The main objective of ZCD is "realization of a prosperous and independent society". As for the specific purpose of ZCD are: 1. Fostering awareness and concern of mustahik/beneficiaries on a life of quality. 2. Fostering participation toward community independence. 3. Fostering social economic community networking. 4. Creating a sustainable development program in achieving prosperity and independence of society. ZCD includes community development activities in various aspects of life to realize a community that has the empowerment in education, health, economic and religious life called "Caturdaya Masyarakat". Caturdaya Masyarakat in ZCD is a key element and intertwined each other. Therefore, people can be categorized as a prosperous and independent society if it fulfills the four aspects of Caturdaya Masyarakat.
The prosperous and independent society
Figure 1 Caturdaya Masyarakat
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia ZCD has six principles that must exist in the concept and phase of the program as well as ingrained in the managers and program participants. ZCD six principles include CommunityBased, Islamic Shariah, Participation, Usefulness, Sustainability, and Synergy. The significance of each of the principles are as follows: 1. Community-based: ZCD aimed at mustahik/beneficiaries who are collected in a geographical area or a place for special conditions and in various forms of mutually agreed activities. 2. Islamic Shariah: ZCD is implemented under the provisions of Islamic law in the distribution (tasharruf) of zakat. 3. Participation: Implementation of ZCD involve mustahik/beneficiaries directly from the planning stage to implementation. Mustahik/beneficiaries are the actor (subject) and not the object of the program. 4. Usefulness: Providing material and non-material value added as much as possible to the mustahik/beneficiaries. 5. Sustainability: ZCD is implemented gradually over a period of time through some interrelated activities to achieve program goals. 6. Synergies : ZCD is a program that is open to all parties to involve both in funding and in management as a form of cooperation in virtue and piety (ta'awun 'alal birri wa taqwa).
Figure 2 Principles of ZCD
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia In West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), the ZCD is implemented in the form of capital assistance of IDR 500,000 for mustahik to open or do a business. The business is varied based on the ability of each beneficiary. By being the beneficiary of this program, each of them have to deposit IDR 10,000/month to the community savings. The savings are then used to replenish the capital for the beneficiaries who need it.
Characteristics of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries
Characteristics of BAZNAS NTB ZCD beneficiaries includes gender, status in family, age, marital status, educational background, occupation, number of family members, total household income, and total household expenditures. 1. Gender and Status in Family Table 1. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Gender
Gender Male Female Total
Total 314 79 393
% 79.90 20.10 100.00
Table 2. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Status in Family
Status in Family Husband Wife Child Sibling Parent Other Total
% 76.84 13.74 1.27 1.02 5.85 1.27 100.00
Status in Family
100% 1% 1%6% 1% 14%
79 80% 60% 40%
Total 302 54 5 4 23 5 393
314 77%
20% 0% Male
Figure 3. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Gender
Figure 4. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Status in Family
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia The tables and figures above show that most of the beneficiaries are the householders. The tables and figures above show that 79.9 percent of ZCD in NTB beneficiaries are males and most of them are husbands. Whereas, the females who join the program are about onefifth, where most of them, that is 54 of 79 beneficiaries, are wives. The other beneficiaries, which are less than one-tenth of the total beneficiaries, are children, siblings, parents, or those who have other relationships in the family. 2. Age Table 3. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Age
Age Productive Age (15-64) Elderly (above 64) Total
Total % 375 95.42 18 4.58 393 100.00
Age 5%
Productive Age
Figure 5. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Age
One of ZCD principles is participation. The beneficiaries are involved directly in the program, or it can be said that they are the subjects of the program instead of being the object of it. Therefore, the ZIS fund they received is used to do productive things. Based on their age, the beneficiaries of ZCD in NTB can be classified into productive age and elderly. The productive ones are those who are between 15-64 years old. Most of them, that are 375 of 393 beneficiaries, are in this group, while the rest are the elderly people whose age are over 64 years.
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia 3. Marital Status Table 4. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Marital Status
Marital Status Unmarried Married Widow(er) Total
Total % 9 2.29 311 79.13 73 18.58 393 100.00
Most beneficiaries of ZCD in NTB are people who have married. Almost eighty percent of the beneficiaries are those who still have spouses, while the other 18.58 percent are single parents. Only 2.29 percent beneficiaries are those who have not married.
Marital Status 2% 19%
Figure 6. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Marital Status
4. Educational Background Table 5. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Educational Background
Educational Background Uneducated Elementary Junior High Scool Senior High School Diploma College Others Total
Total 53 112 51 101 11 64 1 393
% 13.49 28.50 12.98 25.70 2.80 16.28 0.25 100.00
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia Table 5 show that beneficiaries of ZCD in NTB are varied in terms of educational background. 28.5 percent of the total beneficiaries are educated to elementary level. The senior high school graduates reach 25.7 percent of the total beneficiaries. The third highest proportion is the university graduates by 16.28 percent. Precisely right below that proportion is the proportion of the uneducated ones which reach 13.49 percent of the total beneficiaries. Slightly below it is the junior high school graduates by 12.98 percent. Meanwhile, 2.8 percent of the total beneficiaries are diploma graduates, and the least proportion, that is 0.25 percent or 1 of 393 people, is a person who has nonformal educational background.
Educational Background 16%
3% 30% 26% 13% Uneducated
Junior High School
Senior High School
Figure 7. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Educational Background
5. Occupation Table 6. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Occupation
Occupation Unemployed Housewife Seller Farmer Employee Others Total
Total 19 1 138 49 42 144 393
% 4.83 0.25 35.11 12.47 10.69 36.64 100.00
5% 0% 37%
Figure 8. Proportion of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries based on Occupation
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia Since the program is run to empower the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries make a living by doing productive jobs, which are varied depend on the skill they have or the jobs they already done before. 138 of 393 beneficiaries work as sellers, while the other 49 people work in agriculture. The other 144 beneficiaries do other jobs. Interestingly, the program not only promote those who already have business, but also develop 42 employee, a housewife, and even 19 unemployed people. 6. Number of Family Members Table 7. Number of Family Members
Number of Family Members 5-7 members 1-4 members Total
Number of Family Members
66 327 393
16.79 83.21 100.00
5-7 members
1-4 members
Figure 9. Number of Family Members
The number of family members on zakat productive program in Lombok is categorized into two groups; five to seven, and one to four members. Both Table 7 and Figure 9 show that 83.21 percent of beneficiaries have one to four members in the family while only 16.79 percent beneficiaries which have more than seven members in the family. 7.
Total Household Income Table 8. Range of Household Income
Range of Household Income < Rp 2.000.000 Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 5.000.000 Rp 5.000.001 - Rp 10.000.000 > Rp 10.000.000 Total
Total 120 145 81 47 393
% 30.53 36.90 20.61 11.96 100.00
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia
Range of Household Income
12% 30% 21%
< Rp 2.000.000
Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 5.000.000
Rp 5.000.001 - Rp 10.000.000
> Rp 10.000.000
Figure 10. Range of Household Income
The household income of these beneficiaries comes from their income plus business profit. Most of the beneficiaries received the zakat fund to improve their business performance. Out of 393 beneficiaries, 37 percent of beneficiaries (145 people) have a household income ranged between Rp 2 million – Rp 5 million. Meanwhile, there are 120 people (30.53 percent) whose income below Rp 2 million, 20.61 percent (81 people) whose income between Rp 5 million – Rp 10 million, and 12 percent (47 people) whose income above Rp 10 million. In these data, it can be seen that this program is not only distributed to the low income people but also to some people who have a relatively high income. However, these high income people are the ones who have been productively used the fund since the beginning of the program while they were poor. Now, these people still receive the fund as it could attract other potential beneficiaries to join this zakat productive program. 8.
Total Household Expenditure Table 9. Range of Household Expenditure
Range of Household Expenditure Rp 0 - Rp 1.000.000 Rp 1.000.001 - Rp 2.000.000 Rp 2.000.001 - Rp 3.000.000 Rp 3.000.001 - Rp 4.000.000 > Rp 4.000.000 Total
Total 77 148 98 34 36 393
% 19.59 37.66 24.94 8.65 9.16 100.00
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia
Range of Household Expenditure
9% 9%
25% 38%
Rp 0 - Rp 1.000.000
Rp 1.000.001 - Rp 2.000.000
Rp 3.000.001 - Rp 4.000.000
> Rp 4.000.000
Rp 2.000.001 - Rp 3.000.000
Figure 11. Range of Household Expenditure
Table 9 and Figure 11 illustrate the range of household expenditure of zakat productive program beneficiaries in Lombok. The highest number of household expenditure is ranged between Rp 1.000.001 - Rp 2.000.000 (148 people or 38 percent). While the lowest number is ranged between Rp 3.000.001 – Rp 4.000.000 (34 people or 8.65 percent). Table 10. Total Average of Household Expenditure of BAZNAS NTB ZCD Beneficiaries (Monthly)
No. Expenditure Daily Consumption 1. Pocket money (for children) 2. Transportation 3. Cigarette 4. Installment/Credit Repayment 5. Electricity & Water 6. School Tuition 7. Communication 8. Debt 9. 10. Clothes 11. Medical Drugs 12. Medical Consultation 13. House Rent 14. Entertainment 15. Others Total Household Expenditure
Nominal (Rp) 1,141,679 247,150 169,761 135,229 110,178 74,412 71,985 39,916 35,244 20,289 11,298 7,977 6,870 2,061 1,107 2,075,156
% 55.02 11.91 8.18 6.52 5.31 3.59 3.47 1.92 1.70 0.98 0.54 0.38 0.33 0.10 0.05 100.00
Center of Strategic Studies The National Board of Zakat, The Republic of Indonesia In this survey, the household expenditure consists of fifteen categories, namely: house rent, electricity and water, daily consumption, school tuition, pocket money (for the children), transportation, communication, medical drugs, medical consultation, clothed, cigarette, entertainment, debt, installment/credit repayments, and others. Table 10 depicts the monthly average of household expenditure of zakat productive program beneficiaries in Lombok. The highest expenditure is the daily consumption which reached 55.02 percent of total household expenditure, followed by the pocket money, transportation, cigarette, and installment/credit repayment which amounted to 11.91 percent, 8.18 percent, 6.52 percent, and 5.31 percent, respectively. On the other hand, the third lowest expenditures are house rent, entertainment, and others which only reached 0.33 percent, 0.10 percent, and 0.05 percent, respectively. Based on Table 10 and Figure 12, it is interestingly revealed that the money spent on cigarette far exceeds the allocation to some important expenditures like school tuition, health (medical consultation & medical drugs), and electricity and water.
Communication 2% School Tuition 3% Electricity & Water 4% Installment/Credit Repayment 5%
Debt 1% 2% Clothes 1%
Consultation 0%
House Rent Entertainment 0% 0% Others 0%
Cigarette 7%
Daily Consumption 55%
Transportation 8%
Pocket money (for children) 12% Figure 12. Total Household Expenditure