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This Policy:
Is endorsed by the school staff Is available to staff in hardcopy Policy Folder and electronically on the staff server. Was updated October 2014 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED AT ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL There is a Hands-Off Expectation for every student at St Joseph’s.
Rationale The Behaviour Management policy at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is placed within the context of our Pastoral Care Policy. We are committed to promoting the dignity of each person and respect the rights of all. We seek to embrace the example of Jesus and the teaching of the Gospel, especially in relation to faith, hope, love, forgiveness, justice and freedom. Effective behaviour management in a school flows from good relationships between all members of the school community, when rules are few, but fair and enforced, and when expectations are clear. As a staff we are aware of being good role models for our students and an emphasis is placed on positive and affirmative action. In dealing with students in general, it is important to focus on the behaviour rather than the student, conscious of maintaining the child’s dignity and self-esteem. Expectations centre on behaviour that is respectful, responsible and safe. It is through these three expectations that students are encouraged to reach academic and social success. The expectations are explicitly taught in classes and students are rewarded for positive behaviour choices. A school-wide behaviour matrix clearly states the expected behaviours in all areas of our school (See Appendix 1).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Students are to be adequately supervised at all times Students will be informed of the school's expectations regarding behaviour both within and outside the classroom The classroom teacher takes responsibility for behaviour management in the classroom as far as is possible The teacher on playground duty takes responsibility for behaviour management on the playground as much as possible All staff members will maintain a commitment to justice when dealing with incidents Action on incidents should be taken as soon as is practicable Corporal punishment is expressly prohibited at St Joseph's as in all Catholic schools
Behaviour Management Policy
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Basic Expectations: All students are expected to behave in a manner that demonstrates the following ethos:
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be safe
Reinforcement of Positive Behaviours The following approaches are used to reinforce appropriate behaviour, build self-esteem and inspire confidence: 1. Use of verbal encouragement 2. Awarding of weekly Merit Certificates 3. Classroom reward systems Playground behaviour: Inappropriate behaviour choices are classified into two main categories: minor and major Minor behaviours Lying Running Out of Bounds Cheating Littering
Inappropriate Language Accidental Property Damage Dress Code Violation Defiance (low Level) Disrespect (low level)
Playing in Toilets
Playing Inappropriate Games
Major behaviours Bullying/Harassment Off school grounds Disrespect (high level)
Vandalism Aggressive Behaviour Repeated Defiance
Breaking of the Hands Off expectation (high level)
Breaking of the Hands Off expectation (low level)
Please refer to the Managing Inappropriate Behaviours flowchart as to how these behaviours are dealt with on the playground (See Appendix 2). Major Behaviour Issues: All major behaviours are dealt with in the following manner: All students involved are spoken to by the Assistant Principal or Principal to ascertain what has happened and why. If a student has physically harmed another student deliberately by punching or kicking, the student’s parents will be contacted and the student may be sent home from school. All major behaviour issues are recorded in the Behaviour Management Record kept in the Assistant Principal’s office (See Appendix 3).
Appendix 1
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Expe ctati ons
St Joseph’s School Behaviour Expectation Matrix Canteen
To be respectful we:
To be respectful we:
Respect the need for others’ privacy Use quiet voices Wait quietly and patiently outside until our partner is finished
Use our manners and say please and thank you Wait in line patiently for our turn
To be responsible we:
Place our rubbish in the bin
To be safe we:
Be Safe
Face forward when lining up Stand still when lining up
Areas Assemblies Lining Up
Office To be respectful we: Wait to be spoken to by office staff Use our manners: say good morning, excuse me, please and thank you
To be respectful we: Face the adult speaking, make eye contact and listen Join in prayer reverently Stand still, face the flag and sing the National Anthem Wear our school uniform with pride
To be respectful we:
To be responsible we:
To be responsible we:
To be responsible we:
To be responsible we:
Flush the toilets Use toilet paper appropriately Report any incidents or damage to a teacher To be safe we: Wash our hands thoroughly Do not take food into the toilets Always walk in the toilets as the floor may be slippery Do not play in the toilets
Use quiet voices Are calm
Handle books carefully Follow adults’ instructions Return all resources promptly
Stand silently Wait patiently in line
Use quiet voices Finish eating and drinking before entering the library
Church To be respectful we: Make eye contact and listen to Father Respond during Mass Follow adults’ instructions Genuflect when entering and exiting Church
To be respectful we: Follow adults’ instructions Speak nicely to others Encourage others to follow the behaviour expectations Show good sportsmanship
To be responsible we:
To be responsible we: Put rubbish in the bin Use equipment appropriately Play by the rules Call for a teacher if someone needs assistance
Are quiet Go to the toilet before going to Church
To be safe we: Stand where we can be seen
To be safe we: Stand still and face forward or sit with legs crossed Always wear our hat Walk to lines when first bell rings Walk to our classroom quietly and calmly
To be safe we: Always walk Push in our chairs Place bags in a single line along the outside window
To be safe we:
Walk quietly into Church
To be safe we: Wear our school hat Stay where we can be seen Walk on the cement playground Keep hands and feet to ourselves Play safe games
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
To be respectful we:
To be respectful we:
To be respectful we:
Follow adults’ instructions Raise our hand to speak Actively listen Respect other people’s belongings, opinions and space Speak politely Allow others to work undisturbed
Wear our uniform with pride
Follow adults’ instructions Are considerate of other people when in public
To be responsible we:
To be responsible we:
To be responsible we
Be Safe
Are always honest Take pride in our work Do our personal best Co-operate with others Care for school equipment and personal belongings Are on time and prepared for lessons
Always wear the correct uniform Look after our uniform
Are calm at all times Always speak politely to others Always use our manners
To be safe we:
To be safe we:
To be safe we:
Keep our work area tidy Push in chairs Walk in the classroom Sit with our legs crossed and hands in laps
Wear our school hat Wear appropriate footwear with laces tied Wear the appropriate jewellery
Walk at all times Stay where adults can see us Use the footpath and keep to the left
Appendix 2
Managing Inappropriate Behaviour Playground Behaviour Management Flow Chart/Process Teacher Observes Inappropriate Behaviour
Teacher cautions/conferences with student(s) about the inappropriate behaviour and refers the student(s) to the expected behaviour for the particular area
Teacher decides if the inappropriate behaviour is Minor or Major? Minor Major Management of minor behaviour is dealt with by playground teacher.
Playground teacher sends the student to the Office to wait for the Assistant Principal or Principal.
Student walks with playground teacher for a period of time Student sits in a designated area for a short period of time Community service Teacher speaks with student to remind them of behaviour expectations and student returns to playground.
If the student continues to display inappropriate behaviour(s), the playground teacher may decide that the behaviour is now ‘Major’.
Minor Inappropriate Behaviours: Lying Inappropriate Language Running Accidental Property Damage Out of Bounds Dress Code Violation Cheating Defiance (low Level) Littering Disrespect (low level) Playing in Toilets Playing Inappropriate Games Breaking of the Hands Off Rule (low level)
If student refuses to go to the Office, teacher is to send a ‘Behaviour Assistance Required’ card to the office. A leadership team member will respond.
Leadership Team Member manages the situation, documents the incident and informs parents as required.
Major Inappropriate Behaviours: Bullying/Harrassment Vandalism Off school grounds Aggressive Behaviour Disrespect (high level) Repeated Defiance Breaking of the Hands Off Rule (high level)
No Hat No Play: K- 6 – Silver Seats
Appendix 3
Behaviour Management Record Date/ Time
Parent Notified
Rough Play Physical Fight Inappropriate and Disrespectful Language Flight Bullying Other:_____________ Rough Play Physical Fight Inappropriate and Disrespectful Language Flight Bullying Other:_____________
Classroom Playground Transition Other _______ Classroom Playground Transition Other _______
Low Medium High
Time away from class Time away from playground Other:_____________ ____________________
Yes No
Low Medium High
Time away from class Time away from playground Other:_____________ ____________________
Yes No
Rough Play Physical Fight Inappropriate and Disrespectful Language Flight Bullying Other:_____________ Rough Play Physical Fight Inappropriate and Disrespectful Language Flight Bullying Other:_____________ Rough Play Physical Fight Inappropriate and Disrespectful Language Flight Bullying Other:_____________
Classroom Playground Transition Other _______ Classroom Playground Transition Other _______ Classroom Playground Transition Other _______
Low Medium High
Time away from class Time away from playground Other:_____________ ____________________
Yes No
Low Medium High
Time away from class Time away from playground Other:_____________ ____________________
Yes No
Low Medium High
Time away from class Time away from playground Other:_____________ ____________________
Yes No
Optional Comment