Best Linear Unbiased State Estimation with Noisy and Noise-Free ...

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equality constraint has full row rank, some optimal state es- timation algorithms ... estimation algorithms in the sense of best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) ...
12th International Conference on Information Fusion Seattle, WA, USA, July 6-9, 2009

Best Linear Unbiased State Estimation with Noisy and Noise-free Measurements∗ Zhansheng Duan X. Rong Li Department of Electrical Engineering University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 70148, U.S.A. {zduan,xli} Abstract – Numerous state estimation problems (e.g., under linear or nonlinear equality constraints, with correlated or singular measurement noise) can be formulated as the problem with noisy and noise-free measurements. Under the assumption that the initial state and the noise are jointly Gaussian distributed and the coefficient matrix for linear equality constraint has full row rank, some optimal state estimation algorithms were obtained in the literature. Given only the first two moments and without any assumption on the rank of the measurement matrix for noise-free measurement, optimal batch and two sequential forms of the state estimation algorithms in the sense of best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) are obtained in this paper. Extension to nonlinear measurements is also discussed. Keywords: State estimation, noisy measurement, noisefree measurement, recursibility, BLUE.

1 Introduction Practical measurements are noisy most of the times and uncertainties about the quantities of interest are imposed. One major effort is then the removal of noise and having a better guess of the quantities. For instance, high frequency components are usually treated as noise and different filters are designed to filter them out. The received signals are usually noisy, so denoising tries to recover the signals which are as close to the original signals as possible. As will be shown in the following, however, numerous state estimation problems can be formulated as those with both noisy and noise-free measurements 1 (e.g., state estimation problems under linear or nonlinear equality constraints, with correlated or singular measurement noise). For the case with noise-free measurements only, one heuristic way is to increase the zero diagonal elements of the measurement noise covariance matrix artificially to ∗ Research supported in part by NSFC grant 60602026, Project 863 through grant 2006AA01Z126, ARO through grant W911NF-08-1-0409 and NAVO through Contract # N62306-09-P-3S01. Z. Duan is also with the College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1 A Noise-free measurement is also called a perfect measurement.

978-0-9824438-0-4 ©2009 ISIF

a small positive number, but optimality is lost. Another well established way, the so-called reduced-order filter, assumes that only part of the system state is measured directly and is driven by independent sources of noise [1]. For the case the noise-free measurement is due to equality constraints, numerous results and methods are available [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. For example, the reparameterization method simply reparameterizes the system model so that the equality constraints are not required any more. It has several disadvantages. First, the physical meaning of the reparameterized system state may vary and be different at different time instants. Second, the interpretation of the reparameterized system state is less natural and more difficult [3]. Another popular method of equality constrained estimation is the projection method [3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10], in which the unconstrained estimate is projected onto the constraint subspace. Unfortunately, it has serious problems, as analyzed below. Its main idea is to apply classical constrained optimization techniques to the constrained estimation problem. But there is a significant difference between classical constrained optimization and constrained estimation and this difference seems to be totally ignored in most of the existing work. Some other methods, e.g., maximum probability method and mean square method, were also discussed in [3]. They are not free of the problems and confusion, either. Also, all existing work processes the noisy measurement first and then the equality constraint. Is it the only choice or a good choice? If there are more than one choice, how should the end user choose among them? Unfortunately, such questions have not been answered in theory. As shown later, the state estimation problem with both noisy and noise-free measurements is in essence actually one with singular measurement noise and is not really a big deal in theory itself. What matters is the computational complexity of the solution. So a main focus of this paper is to find computationally efficient ways and analyze their applicapability to different scenarios. The paper is organized as follows. Sec. 2 formulates the problem. Sec. 3 gives some cases with noise-free measurements so as to show our research work in this direction is re-


ally useful. Sec. 4 presents the batch BLUE estimator. Sec. 5 presents two equivalent forms of the sequential BLUE estimator. Sec. 6 discusses extension to nonlinear measurements. Sec. 7 gives concluding remarks.

2 Problem formulation Consider the following generic dynamic system xk = Fk−1 xk−1 + Gk−1 wk−1


with zero-mean white noise wk with cov(wk ) = Qk ≥ 0 and xk ∈ Rn , E [x0 ] = x¯0 , cov(x0 ) = P0 . Assuming that two types of measurements of the system state are available at the same time. The first type is the noisy measurement (1)



zk = Hk xk + vk (1)

(2) (1)


with zero-mean white noise vk with cov(vk ) = Rk > 0 (1) and zk ∈ Rm1 . hwk i, hvk i and x0 are uncorrelated with each other. (1) The assumption Rk > 0 is explained in great detail later. The second type of measurement is noise-free: (2)


zk = Hk xk



where zk ∈ Rm2 . (2) One may think that zk is always random since it is a measurement of the state. As shown later, this is not necessarily the case. In this paper, given only the first two moments, we try to obtain the optimal state estimation in the sense of BLUE with both noisy and noise-free measurements. That is,   BLUE ∆ = E ∗ xk |z k = arg xˆk|k


x ˆk|k =ak +Bk Zk

MSE x ˆk|k


z k = {z1 , · · · , zk } , Zk = [z1′ , · · · , zk′ ] (1)


zk = [(zk )′ , (zk )′ ]′  MSE x ˆk|k = E[(xk − x ˆk|k )(xk − x ˆk|k )′ ]


and ak , Bk do not depend on Zk .

3 Noise-free measurements Before getting into the details about how to obtain the optimal state estimation, let us discuss some cases with both types of measurements to show that our work is not only theoretical meaningful but also useful for applications.

3.1 Linear equality constraints In this case, a linear equality constraint is placed on the estimand (quantity to be estimated): Dxk = dk


where matrix D and vector dk are both known. Let (2) (2) zk = dk , Hk = D It can be easily seen that the above linear equality constraint is exactly a noise-free measurement. So state estimation with linear equality constraint is indeed a special case of the problem with both noisy and noise-free measurements. This case has already been widely studied [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Several assumptions were made in the derivation of their results. For example, except for [4], they all made the Gaussian assumptions. Under the Gaussian assumption, the result in [2] was claimed to be optimal in the sense of generalized maximum likelihood (GML) in which the correlation between the pseudo measurement noise and the estimand was totally ignored; the result in [7] and the maximum probability method in [3] were claimed to be optimal in the sense of maximum a posterior probability (MAP); the mean square method in [3] was claimed to be optimal in the sense of minimum mean-squared error (MMSE). Necessary conditions need to be satisfied by a constrained linear system, and one way to construct a homogeneously constrained linear system based on the information of an unconstrained linear system was introduced in [6]. [5, 6] formulated the problem with the Gaussian assumption just to be in accordance with the assumptions in the standard Kalman filtering. [8] provided a geometric interpretation of the results in [3], so the Gaussian assumption was maintained. Since our optimality criterion is BLUE, we only assume the first two moments to be known, which is the same as in [4]. Another common assumption is that D has full row rank, because when D does not have full row rank, we can make it full row rank by simply removing linearly dependent rows. But to obtain the rank of D and find its linearly dependent rows may not be trivial. In addition, why did they need this assumption? What is the advantage by doing so? This will be analyzed later. Comparatively, we do not have any restric(2) tions on the rank of Hk . There were several common problems in the derivations of most existing results. First, the objective functions are inconsistent before and after the using of linear constraints, although some of the results are the same as form 1 of our sequential BLUE filter. Specifically, the objective function before using the linear constraints is MSE (in the average sense), while afterwards it becomes fitting error in the leastsquares sense, in which the estimate was treated as data. One hard question in theory is in what sense the final estimate is optimal. Second, there seems to be a confusion between constrained Bayesian estimation and traditional constrained optimization, although it is well known that estimation is a special type of optimization. Their difference lies in the way the constraints are treated. In the traditional constrained optimization, constraints limit the search space to the constraint subspace. In constrained estimation, constraints are also useful posterior information about the estimand and can be treated as a special type of measurement, as shown above, so constraints should also be put in the conditioning. Condi-


tioning is important and critical since our estimand (system state) is random and what we are estimating is actually the characteristics of its posterior distribution. Also in both constrained estimation and constrained optimization, we need to double check whether the final result really satisfies the constraints.

3.2 Nonlinear equality constraints In this case, a nonlinear equality constraint is placed on the estimand: c (xk ) = 0 where c (·) is some vector-valued nonlinear function. Let (2) (2) zk = 0, hk (xk ) = c (xk )


As can be seen, the original noisy measurement zk is now noise-free with respect to (w.r.t.) the augmented state xak . As such, we only have noise-free measurements. It was argued in, e.g., [11, 12], that due to the increased state dimension and zero measurement noise, numerical problems may arise if we still use inverse as we did in the standard Kalman filtering, which is undesirable. That is also why the “difference measurement” method is popular for this case. But if the inverse is replaced by the MP inverse in the singular cases, the optimal state estimation can still be obtained based on this augmented noise-free form. Also one bonus is that we will have the optimal estimate of the measurement noise at the same time.

3.4 Singular measurement noise

We can easily see that state estimation with nonlinear equality constraint is indeed a special case of the problem with nonlinear measurement model (see the section “extension to nonlinear measurements” for detail). This case has also been widely studied [2, 3, 9, 10, 8]. Under the Gaussian assumption and linerization based on a first-order taylor series expansion (TSE), the result in [2] was claimed to be approximately optimal in the sense of GML. [3] extended their state estimation results with linear equality constraints to the case with nonlinear equality constraints. Under the Gaussian assumption, a second-order TSE was utilized in [10, 8] to get better estimation results. [9] even put constraints on the statistics of the distribution of the estimate, and a two-step projection method was proposed therein. The same problems mentioned in the above subsection exist in most of these results.

3.3 Autocorrelated measurement noise Suppose that only noisy measurements are available for the dynamic system (1) as follows (2)

zk = Hk xk + vk

Suppose that there are only noisy measurements for the dynamic system (1): zk = Hk xk + vk


where Rk =cov(vk ) ≥ 0. How to get the optimal state estimate in this case? One answer is as follows. If Rk ≥ 0, it follows that rank (Rk ) = m1 < m = dim (vk ) It then follows from singular value decomposition (SVD) that there must exist a unitary matrix Uk such that   ¯ (1) R 0m1 ×(m−m1 ) ′ k Uk Rk Uk = 0(m−m1 )×m1 0(m−m1 )×(m−m1 ) ¯ (1) is an m1 × m1 diagonal matrix and R ¯ (1) > 0. where R k k (1) That is also why we assume Rk > 0 in our problem formulation. Let z¯k = Uk zk

where the measurement noise vk is autocorrelated instead of white: vk+1 = Bk vk + vkw

It follows from Eq. (6) that

with zero-mean white vkw , uncorrelated with hwk i and x0 , and cov(vkw ) = Rkw > 0. A “brute force” solution to the optimal state estimation problem in this case is as follows. Let    ′ Fk 0 xak = x′k vk′ , Fka = 0 Bk    ′ Gk 0 Gak = , wka = wk′ (vkw )′ 0 I   a Hk = Hk Im2 ×m2

It can be rewritten as

z¯k = Uk Hk xk + Uk vk

¯ k xk + v¯k z¯k = H where

then the above dynamic system can be rewritten as


¯ k = [(H ¯ (1) )′ , (H ¯ (2) )′ ]′ = Uk Hk H k k (1)


v¯k = [(¯ vk )′ , (¯ vk )′ ]′ = Uk vk (1)


z¯k ∈ Rm1 , z¯k ∈ Rm2 ¯ (1) ∈ Rm1 ×n , H ¯ (2) ∈ Rm2 ×n H k k (1)

a a xak = Fk−1 xak−1 + Gak−1 wk−1


z¯k = [(¯ zk )′ , (¯ zk )′ ]′


v¯k ∈ Rm1 , v¯k ∈ Rm2 , m2 = m − m1


(1) (1) (2) (2) ¯ (1) , cov(¯ cov(¯ vk ) = R vk , v¯k ) = 0, v¯k = 0 a.s. k

zk = Hka xak


Since Uk is a unitary matrix, which is certainly invertible, z¯k = Uk zk is sufficient in the sense that the BLUE based on zk is equivalent to the BLUE based on z¯k . That is, the original noisy measurements only equation (6) is equivalent to the following: (1)



¯ xk + v¯ z¯k = H k k (2) z¯k

5 Sequential BLUE To reduce the computational complexity of batch BLUE, it is proved in the following that two optimal sequential forms can be obtained which process the noisy and noise-free measurements sequentially and thus can save computation.

5.1 Form 1

¯ (2) xk =H k

which is exactly in the form of our formulation.

4 Batch BLUE With the augmented notation for zk in Eq. (4), the stacked measurement equation can be written as # "   (1) (1) Hk vk x + zk = k (2) 0m2 ×1 Hk

Theorem 1 (Sequential BLUE, form 1). Given x ˆk−1|k−1 = E ∗ [xk−1 |z k−1 ], Pk−1|k−1 = MSE(ˆ xk−1|k−1 ) and zk , one form of the sequential BLUE estimate of xk is: Prediction: Same as in batch BLUE. Update by the noisy measurement: (1)








Pk|k = Pk|k−1 − Pk|k−1 (Hk )′ (Sk )−1 Hk Pk|k−1 (1)

vk =


· (zk − Hk xˆk|k−1 )

Define Hk =


ˆk|k−1 + Pk|k−1 (Hk )′ (Sk )−1 x ˆk|k = x




Sk = Hk Pk|k−1 (Hk )′ + Rk

(1) (2) [(Hk )′ , (Hk )′ ]′ (1) [(vk )′ , 0′m2 ×1 ]′


Update by the noise-free measurement: (1)









(2) (1)

xˆk|k = x ˆk|k + Pk|k (Hk )′ (Sk )+ (zk − Hk xˆk|k ) (9)

Then the equation becomes



Pk|k = Pk|k − Pk|k (Hk )′ (Sk )+ Hk Pk|k

zk = Hk xk + vk where zk ∈ Rm1 +m2 , vk is zero-mean white noise with (1) cov(vk ) = Rk = diag{Rk , 0m2 ×m2 } and uncorrelated with hwk i and x0 . Given x ˆk−1|k−1 = E ∗ [xk−1 |z k−1 ], Pk−1|k−1 = MSE(ˆ xk−1|k−1 ) and zk , it is well known (see, e.g., [13, 14]) that the batch BLUE estimator of xk is: Prediction: x ˆk|k−1 = E ∗ [xk |z k−1 ] = Fk−1 x ˆk−1|k−1

(2) Sk



(2) (2) (1) Hk Pk|k (Hk )′



Proof: Given zk , the updated BLUE estimate (7)-(8) (1) (1) (1) follows directly from x ˆk|k = E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ] and Pk|k = (1)

MSE(ˆ xk|k ). Since the BLUE estimator E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ] always has the quasi-recursive form [14], (1)

Pk|k−1 = MSE(ˆ xk|k−1 ) ′ = Fk−1 Pk−1|k−1 Fk−1 + Gk−1 Qk−1 G′k−1


x ˆk|k = E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ] = E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk , zk ] (1)

∗ =x ˆk|k + C1,2 Cz˜+∗ z˜2|1 2|1

Update: where

x ˆk|k = E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ]




∗ z˜2|1 = zk − E ∗ [zk |z k−1 , zk ]

=x ˆk|k−1 + Pk|k−1 Hk′ Sk+ (zk − Hk x ˆk|k−1 ) Pk|k = MSE(ˆ xk|k ) = Pk|k−1 − Pk|k−1 Hk′ Sk+ Hk Pk|k−1 Sk = Hk Pk|k−1 Hk′ + Rk


(2) (1)



ˆk|k ) = z k − Hk x ˆk|k = Hk (xk − x

Here A+ stands for the unique Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (MP inverse for short) of matrix A. Compared with the standard Kalman filtering, nothing is different except that the inverse, if not exist, is now replaced by the MP inverse. Since Rk ≥ 0 in general, the batch BLUE estimator with both noisy and noise-free measurements needs to calculate the MP inverse Sk+ , which is (m1 + m2 ) × (m1 + m2 ). (1) Even if x0 , wk and vk are jointly Gaussian, vk will be singular Gaussian in this case. Since the singular Gaussian density is not defined, the MAP estimate of xk does not exist. This is also one of the reasons why we choose BLUE as our optimality criterion.

and thus (2)






∗ ∗ ) = Hk Pk|k (Hk )′ = Sk Cz˜2|1 = cov(˜ z2|1 (1)

∗ ) = Pk|k (Hk )′ C1,2 = cov(˜ xk|k , z˜2|1

Thus, (9) follows. Also,  (1) ′ Pk|k = MSE xˆk|k = Pk|k − C1,2 Cz˜+∗ C1,2 2|1


(1) Pk|k

(2) (2) (2) (1) (1) Pk|k (Hk )′ (Sk )+ Hk Pk|k

 Remark: This sequential BLUE estimator needs to cal(1) culate an m1 × m1 inverse (Sk )−1 and an m2 × m2 MP



inverse (Sk )+ , respectively. This is surely less demanding than computing the (m1 + m2 ) × (m1 + m2 ) MP inverse Sk+ in the batch BLUE estimator. (2) (1) Remark: If Pk|k > 0 and Hk has full row rank, then (2)


(Sk )+ can be replaced by (Sk )−1 and this sequential BLUE will be exactly the same as the one in [3] for a linear equality constrained state estimation problem. But there is still a significant difference. This sequential BLUE is optimal with constraints also in the conditioning and is free of the problems of the existing results discussed above. (2) Remark: If Hk has full row rank, a nice equivalent weighted average form of the BLUE estimate of xk was presented in [4]: (2)



x ˆk|k = (I − Jk )ˆ xk|k + Jk (Hk )+ zk where






Jk = Pk|k (Hk )′ (Sk )+ Hk

This can also be easily proved from our sequential BLUE (2) (2) since Hk (Hk )+ = I. This weighted average form does provide a better understanding of the mathematical mean(1) ing behind xˆk|k , which is a weighted average of x ˆk|k and (2)


(Hk )+ zk (a particular solution to the linear equality constraint equation in (5)). But computationally, this form is not preferred for two reasons. First, the BLUE estima(2) tor (12) requires two MP inverses, one being (Hk )+ = (2) (2) (2) (2) (Hk )′ (Hk (Hk )′ )−1 and the other (Sk )+ . Our se(2) quential BLUE only needs one MP inverse (Sk )+ . Sec(2) ond, the BLUE estimator (12) is valid only when Hk has full row rank, but our sequential BLUE does not have this limitation.

Remark: If the noise-free measurement is due to some linear equality constraint (5), this form of the sequential BLUE estimator is really contrary to the convention of processing the constraints later. Remark: Form 1 and form 2 of the sequential BLUE filter have the same computational complexity. (2) Remark: If Hk has full row rank, then a nice equivalent (2) weighted average form of x ˆk|k is (2)











· (zk − Hk x ˆk|k−1 ) (2)


Pk|k = Pk|k−1 − Pk|k−1 (Hk )′ (Sk )+ Hk Pk|k−1 (2)

and for sequential BLUE form 2, we have (2)

xˆ2k|k = x ˆk|k−1 , Pk|k = Pk|k−1 (2)

Proof: If the noise-free measurement zk is from a linear equality constraint as in Eq. (5), then it will be deterministicly known. If x ˆ0|0 = x ¯0 , P0|0 = P0 , it then follows that in sequential BLUE form 1 (2)














Proof: Parallel to that of Theorem 1.

(2) (1)



zk = E ∗ [zk |z k−1 ] = Hk xˆk|k−1

(1) (2)

The theorem can then be easily shown.


Pk|k = Pk|k − Pk|k (Hk )′ (Sk )−1 Hk Pk|k (2)


and in sequential BLUE form 2

ˆk|k ) x ˆk|k = xˆk|k + Pk|k (Hk )′ (Sk )−1 (zk − Hk x (1)


zk = E ∗ [zk |z k−1 , zk ] = Hk x ˆk|k


Update by the noisy measurement:



xˆk|k = x ˆk|k , Pk|k = Pk|k

Sk = Hk Pk|k−1 (Hk )′

Sk = Hk Pk|k (Hk )′ + Rk


which can be easily proved from the sequential BLUE (form (2) (2) 2) from Hk (Hk )+ = I. The same remarks as for form 1 can be made here. Remark: Since both forms of the sequential BLUE estimator are equivalent to the batch BLUE estimator, it follows clearly that the sequential BLUE estimator does not depend (1) (2) on the order of zk and zk being processed. And the two forms of the sequential BLUE filters have exactly the same performance. If the noise-free measurement is from a linear equality constraint as in Eq. (5), and the BLUE estimator is initialized by x¯0 and P0 , the following theorem shows that the update by the noise-free measurement in both forms of the sequential BLUE can be simply skipped without performance loss. That is, both forms of the sequential BLUE reduces to one single form which only has the update by the noisy measurement. Theorem 3. If the noise-free measurement is from a linear equality constraint as in Eq. (5), and x ˆ0|0 = x ¯0 , P0|0 = P0 , then for sequential BLUE form 1, we have (1)

x ˆk|k = xˆk|k−1 + Pk|k−1 (Hk )′ (Sk )+



Lk = Pk|k−1 (Hk )′ (Sk )+ Hk

5.2 Form 2 Theorem 2 (Sequential BLUE, form 2). Given x ˆk−1|k−1 = E ∗ [xk−1 |z k−1 ], Pk−1|k−1 = MSE(ˆ xk−1|k−1 ) and zk , an alternative form of the sequential BLUE estimator of xk is: Prediction: Same as in batch BLUE. Update by the noise-free measurement:


xk|k−1 + Lk (Hk )+ zk x ˆk|k = (I − Lk )ˆ

 Remark: It should be noted that the conclusion in Theorem 3 is obtained under the assumption that the constrained BLUE estimates can be obtained optimally. In practical


application, this optimality can not be guaranteed due to the presence of model-mismatch (e.g., in target tracking) or nonlinearity in the system model, so the update by the noisefree measurement should still be kept in order to better improve estimation performance. Note also that if the noisefree measurement is random, the conclusion in Theorem 3 does not hold in general. Due to space limitation, numerical examples to show these points will not be provided. If the noise-free measurement is from a linear equality constraint as in Eq. (5), then we need to double check whether the estimate really satisfies the constraints. The following theorem shows that all estimates really do so. Theorem 4. For estimates from all forms, we have (2)


(2) (2)

(2) (1)




Hk x ˆk|k = zk , Hk xˆk|k = zk


Hk x ˆk|k = zk , Hk xˆk|k−1 = zk

Proof: Since the batch BLUE and two forms of sequential BLUE are equivalent, only form 1 of the sequential BLUE (2) (2) is used to show that Hk x ˆk|k = zk for simplicity. It follows from Eq. (9) that (2)






z k − Hk x ˆk|k = (I − Sk (Sk )+ )Hk (xk − x ˆk|k ) and thus, by the unbiasedness, (2)


E[zk − Hk x ˆk|k ] = 0 (2)


cov(zk − Hk x ˆk|k ) (2)







= (I − Sk (Sk )+ )Sk (I − (Sk )+ Sk ) = 0 So we can see that zk = Hk x ˆk|k almost surely. (2) (2)


Hk x ˆk|k = zk (2)

(2) (1)

can be proved similarly. Hk xˆk|k =



zk and Hk x ˆk|k−1 = zk then follow from Theorem 3.  (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Remark: Hk x ˆk|k = zk and Hk x ˆk|k = zk actually

6 Extension to nonlinear measurements Although the batch BLUE estimator is optimal, due to its heavier computational burden, it is not preferred. The batch form processes everything in one shot, which is conceptually much clearer. It is the same as the standard Kalman filtering except that the inverse is now replaced by the MP inverse. If the computational burden is really an issue, the sequential forms are preferred. Both forms of the sequential BLUE estimator are equivalent to the batch BLUE estimator and they have the same performance and computational complexity. Since form 1 is already simple enough, what is the specific reason or advantage to adopt and derive form 2? What is the benefit to have these two forms? How should the end user choose between them? There should be no preference between these two forms if only linear measurements are involved. But if one (1) (2) or both of zk and zk are nonlinear, there is a preference. That is, with only linear measurements, the performance is (1) (2) independent of the order of zk and zk being processed. (1) (2) With nonlinear measurements, the order of zk and zk really matters. As was demonstrated in [15, 16], for nonlinear filtering, sequential processing can not only lead to smaller computational complexity but also improve the performance (accuracy). This is because that when the measurement with lower nonlinearity is processed first, the measurement with higher nonlinearity processed later will have a better reference point for function approximation based nonlinear filtering techniques [17], e.g., extended Kalman filtering (EKF) and DD2 [18], and sigma points or quadrature points for moment approximation based nonlinear filtering techniques [17], e.g., unscented filtering [19] and Gaussian Hermite filter [20]. This will be used as our guideline for sequential processing in nonlinear filtering.

6.1 Nonlinear noisy measurements In this case, the noisy measurement is nonlinear


hold for all noise-free measurement cases, e.g., when zk is random (if the noise-free measurement is not from a linear equality constraint as in Eq. (5)). Since xˆk|k is the BLUE estimate of xk given z k and Pk|k is the corresponding MSE matrix, they have the following properties: • x ˆk|k is an unbiased estimate of xk : E[xk − x ˆk|k ] = 0. (1)





ˆk|k = xk|k ) ≤ Pk|k−1 since x • Pk|k ≤ Pk|k = MSE(ˆ (1)

E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ]. (2)

ˆk|k = xk|k ) ≤ Pk|k−1 since x • Pk|k ≤ Pk|k = MSE(ˆ (2)

E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ].




zk = hk (xk , vk )


while the noise-free measurement is still linear. Since the noise-free measurement is still linear, we should (2) (2) use it first for update. The update xˆk|k and Pk|k by using the noise-free measurement following the prediction right away will be optimal. Then the update by using noisy measurement should have better accuracy than if the noise-free measurement is used after the noisy one. For one cycle of nonlinear filtering, the prediction and update by noise-free measurement are exactly the same as in Theorem 2, and the update by noisy measurement can be obtained as follows: (2)

∗ x ˆk|k = x ˆk|k + C2,1 Cz˜+∗ z˜1|2

(1) vk

• If x0 , wk and are jointly Gaussian distributed, x ˆk|k and Pk|k are also optimal in the sense of MMSE.





′ Pk|k = Pk|k − C2,1 Cz˜+∗ C2,1 1|2





∗ z˜1|2 = zk − E ∗ [zk |z k−1 , zk ]



6.2 Nonlinear noise-free measurements

Remark: Due to the nonlinearity of zk or zk or both, we do not have an elegant analytical form for (j) (i) (j) ∗ , Cx E ∗ [zk |z k−1 ], E ∗ [zk |z k−1 , zk ], Cz˜j∗ , Cz˜i|j ˜k|k−1 z˜j∗ and Cj,i in general, but they can be approximated by EKF, UF, DD2, GHF and even from the original definition of BLUE as in [21].

In this case, the noisy measurement is still linear while the noise-free measurement is nonlinear:

7 Conclusions


∗ ∗ = cov(˜ z1|2 ) Cz˜1|2

C2,1 =


(2) ∗ ) cov(˜ xk|k , z˜1|2




zk = hk (xk )


Since the noisy measurement is still linear, we should use (1) (1) it first for update. The update x ˆk|k and Pk|k by using the linear noisy measurement following the prediction right away will be optimal. Then the update by using noise-free measurement should have better accuracy than if the noisy measurement is used after the noise-free one. For one cycle of nonlinear filtering, the prediction and update by noisy measurement steps are exactly the same as in Theorem 1, and the update by noise-free measurement can be obtained as follows: (1)

∗ x ˆk|k = xˆk|k + C1,2 Cz˜+∗ z˜2|1



Pk|k =

(1) Pk|k

′ C1,2 Cz˜+∗ C1,2 2|1



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∗ = zk − E ∗ [zk |z k−1 , zk ] z˜2|1 (1)

∗ ∗ ∗ ) ), C1,2 = cov(˜ xk|k , z˜2|1 = cov(˜ z2|1 Cz˜2|1

Remark: If the noise-free measurement is from a nonlinear equality constraint and the BLUE estimator is initialized by x ˆ0|0 = x ¯0 , P0|0 = P0 , it can be easily shown as in Theorem 3 that the update by the noise-free measurement can be skipped.

6.3 Nonlinear noisy and noise-free measurements In this case, both the noisy measurement (13) and the noise-free measurement (19) are nonlinear. In this case, we need to first measure the nonlinearity of (i) (j) hk (·) and hk (·), i, j = 1, 2, i 6= j, respectively. If the (j) (i) nonlinearity of hk (·) is lower than that of hk (·), we can use the following general equations to obtain the sequential BLUE of the system state. For one cycle of nonlinear filtering, the prediction step is exactly the same as in Theorems 1 or 2, and the update by (j) zk can be obtained as: (j)


xˆk|k = E ∗ [xk |z k−1 , zk ] = xˆk|k−1 + Cx˜k|k−1 z˜j∗ Cz˜+∗ z˜j∗ j

(j) Pk|k


= Pk|k−1 − =

(j) zk


Cx˜k|k−1 z˜j∗ Cz˜+∗ Cx˜′ k|k−1 z˜j∗ j (j) [zk |z k−1 ]

Cz˜j∗ = cov(˜ zj∗ ), Cx˜k|k−1 z˜j∗ = cov(˜ xk|k−1 , z˜j∗ ) (i)

This paper targets the state estimation problem with both noisy and noise-free measurements. This more general framework has numerous real supports, e.g, state estimation problems under linear or nonlinear equality constraints, with autocorrelated or singular measurement noise. Although the state estimation with both noisy and noise-free measurements is not a big deal in theory itself, computationally efficient ways should be preferred. So two sequential forms of the BLUE estimator which are equivalent to the batch BLUE estimator have been proposed in this paper. How to extend the results to the nonlinear measurement case and how to make choices between the two sequential forms have also been discussed.

The update by zk can be obtained as (14) through (18).

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