Sep 10, 2013 ... Winter garden / Kristin Hannah (AV F. HAN). The purpose driven life / Richard
War- ren (AV 248.4 WAR). Video/DVD: Firefly : the complete ...
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. ~Maya Angelou
September 2013 vol.9, no. 9
Library Calendar
B o o k la u n c h f o r J e a n e t t e Hu n t e r Jeanette will have copies of her book available for purchase and autographing. She also invites the public to bring a copy of their favourite column, and she'll be happy to autograph that as well.
Sept. 10 - Oct. 17 Storytime Destination Jungle September 18 Author visit Jeanette Hunter October National Library Month October 14 Thanksgiving Library closed October 15-22 Saskatchewan Library Week October 19 Library Foundation Fall Booksale
Produced by the Program staff of Lloydminster Public Library All library programs are free and open to the public.
Lloydminster Public Library
The Library is holding a book launch for local writer Jeanette Hunter's new book, Spreading Joy, a collection of her columns previously published in Lloydminster Source, on Wednesday, September 18 at 7:00pm in the Ken Burke Meeting Room.
In addition to her writing, Jeanette also paints and she's promised to bring along a slideshow of her recent paintings. It promises to be a great evening and, who knows... You may get a start on your Christmas shopping!
Tu m b le Bo o k s n o w a v a ila b le You and your children can now Wishinsky, Mark Twain & Robert read from the TumbleBooks library Munsch. online using your computer, iPad or Android device. In addition to picture books, TumbleBooks includes videos, The TumbleBook Library is an puzzles & games, language online collection of animated, learning resources, read-alongs, talking picture books which teach and nonfiction titles. young children the joys of reading in a format they'll love. To start reading and learning with TumbleBooks, visit www. The library includes books from some of our most popular online and click on one of the children's authors including Frieda TumbleBooks icons.
September 2013
We have an a p p f o r t h a t Apps used to be used to refer to appetizers, those tasty munchies served before the meal, usually eaten with your fingers. Today apps means applications, whether on your phone, tablet or computer. A number of our online services require an app to be installed and now we have gathered these apps all in one place on our website. Simply visit to find the apps for Library2go & Mango languages for a number of mobile devices. Check back regularly as we add new services and new apps.
Boo k Revi ew - C o m e F a l l b y A.C.E. Ba u e r ( J BAU) Lu Zimmer’s best friend moved away last summer. Salman Page is the new kid in school. Blos Pease takes everything literally. Three kids on the fringe of the middle school social order find each other and warily begin to bond. Then, through no fault of their own, Salman and Lu become pawns in a game of jealous one-upmanship between Oberon and Titania, the King and Queen of Faery. The mischievous Puck with the help of a magical crow tries to keep the peace, but at what cost to the kids?. Why I picked it up: I'm a fan of Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern are Dead which tells the story of minor characters in Shakepseare's Hamlet, and liked the idea of a story involving a minor character from another Shakespearean play, in this instance A Midsummer Night's Dream. Why I finished it: The three main characters are all engaging and Bauer switches points of view between them and Puck which keeps the story interesting. I cared about Lu, Salman, and Blos and wanted them to continue their friendship and overcome the challenges posed by both the real world and the world of Faery. Who I would give it to: The new kid in school, the child who feels like an outsider and anyone who has ever felt like he/she doesn't fit in. By Michele
September 2013
Storyti m e
Po p u la r Re a ds
From one continent to the other from the city to the equatorial forest, young readers have jungles within their reach-- a universe containing nature’s wonders. This is a discovery they can make by exploring the shelves of their public library.
From September 10 to October 17 join us for Destination Jungle. No registration is required and the program is free. For more information email programs@ or call Denielle or Michele at 780-875- 0850. Storytime runs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings starting at 10:30 am for ages 2 to 5 and includes stories, fingerplays and a simple craft or activity.
All of our local television, radio and newspaper outlets who promoted our events and even came out to some of them.
Children’s fiction: Tales from a not-so-fabulous life / Rachel Renee Russell (J RUS DOR 1) Children’s nonfiction: The wizardology handbook / Dugald A. Steer (J 133.43 STE) Young adult fiction: The burning bridge / John Flanagan (YPB FLA RAN 2) Fiction: Victims : an Alex Delaware novel / Jonathan Kellerman (M KEL) Nonfiction: Let's explore diabetes with owls / David Sedaris (814.54 SED)
G O : Thanks & A c k n o w l e d g e me n t s Lloydminster Public Library would like to thank the following for helping us have a successful summer program:
Picture books/Easy reads: First 100 machines (JB FIR MAC)
TD Bank Financial Group, Library and Archives Canada, Toronto Public Library and Ottawa Public Library for sponsoring the TD Summer Reading Club with promotional materials and program ideas.
Large print: Until the end of time / Danielle Steel (LP STE) Soldier dogs / Maria Goodavage (LP 355.424 GOO) Audiobooks: Winter garden / Kristin Hannah (AV F HAN) The purpose driven life / Richard Warren (AV 248.4 WAR) Video/DVD: Firefly : the complete series (F FIR) Nanny McPhee Returns (J NAN RET)
Library Hours
Contact Information
Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Sundays & Holidays
General Inquiries Reference Desk Facsimile
10am-9pm 10am-6pm 10am-5pm Closed
A book drop is available 24 hours a day at the main (South) entrance to Atrium Centre
780-875-0850 780-875-0877 780-875-6523
Reference Desk
[email protected] Programs
[email protected] Renewal/Reserve
[email protected] 5010 - 49 Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 0K2
September 2013
Onli n e s e r vi c e s
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All these and much more can be found by visiting our website:
Did y o u k n o w. . . Vladimir Nabokov’s novel Lolita was so controversial that only Olympia Press was willing to publish his book in 1955. Putnam in the United States changed its mind in 1958, after the novel became a hit.