Name in full, in block letters as per degree certificate : .... Write. Examination
passed, if any. 1. 2. 3. 9. Mew#eefCeke¿ ³eesi³eleeDeeW ke¿e y³eesje Details of
Educational Qualifications : keg¿ue Debke¿ .... Particulars of character
Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ ceW HeefjJeer#eeOeerve DeefOekeÀeefj³eeW keÀer Yeleea RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS IN STATE BANK OF INDIA
mecetn ®e®ee& SJeb mee#eelkeÀej keÀe efoveebkeÀ ë DATE OF GROUP DISCUSSION AND INTERVIEW : _______________________________
kesÀvo´/ CENTRE : ____________________________________________________________________ Hewveue veb./ PANEL NO : _______________________________________________________________ jesue veb./ ROLL NO : _________________________________________________________________ veece/ NAME : _______________________________________________________________________ Jeie&/ CATEGORY : __________________________________________________________________
keÀe³ee&ue³e kesÀ GHe³eesie nsleg FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
1) mee#eelkeÀej cesW meefcceefuele nesves keÀe efoveebkeÀ ë Date of appearing in interview : _________________________________________________
Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ STATE BANK OF INDIA kesÀvêer³e Yeleea SJeb HeoesVeefle efJeYeeie CENTRAL RECRUITMENT & PROMOTION DEPARTMENT
Paste a copy of passport size photograph which was pasted on call letter and Bio-data at the time of examination and sign across it in full with date
Òel³eeMeer keÀe DeelcekeÀL³e SJeb mel³eeHeve HeÀece& CANDIDATE'S BIO-DATA-CUM-ATTESTATION FORM
(ke=ÀHe³ee meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ Heæ{ves kesÀ HeM®eele HeÀece& DeHeveer nmleefueefHe ceW Yejs) (Please fill in the form in your own handwriting after reading carefully)
mecetn ®e®ee& SJeb mee#eelkeÀej kesÀ efueS kesÀvê : Centre for Group Discussion and Interview : _________________________________________
efoveebkeÀ / Date : ____________________ Deveg¬eÀceebkeÀ / Roll No. : _______________ Heo keÀe veece ë Yeejleer³e mìsì yeQkeÀ ceW HeefjJeer#eeOeerve DeefOekeÀejer Name of Post : Probationary Officer in State Bank of India