Dr. P.L. Sharma. 2. Father's Name. : Shri R. D. Sharma. 3. Permanent ... Two
more books written by me entitled "Applied Mathematics -I, Applied. Mathematics
1. Name 2. Father’s Name 3. Permanent Address 4. E-mail Address
: Dr. P.L. Sharma : Shri R. D. Sharma
: :
House No. 51, Roura Sector -2, Bilaspur (HP) Pin-174001
[email protected] ,
[email protected]
5. Own Web site Address:
6. Place of Birth
: Bilaspur (Himachal Pradesh), India
7. Date of Birth
: 09-10-1964 (Ninth October One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Four)
8. Present Designation 9. Department
: Mathematics
: Associate Professor
10. Institution
: Himachal Pradesh University Shimla-5
11. Contact No
12. Area of Specialization : 13. Qualification
01978-223066 (R), 94180-03066 (M)
Optimizations, Rhotrices, Finite Fields, Cryptography.
: M.Phil., Ph. D.[Mathematics], MCA.
REMARKS: All the blocks of higher education i.e. Graduation, Post Graduation, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Mathematics are passed concurrently with my Govt. regular job responsibilities and after getting the degree of Ph.D. I also did CIC and 3 years Master Degree of “Master in Computer Application” (MCA) along with same condition of my Govt. regular job responsibilities. Qualified Departmental Examination in Financial Administrations conducted by Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration, Fairlawn, Shimla. 1
28 years as on 31st December 2011.
Eleven years as Basic Teacher in Govt. School on regular basis.
Three years as Lecturer in Mathematics (School cadre) in Govt. School for which I was selected through HP Public Service Commission Shimla Himachal Pradesh.
Twelve years as Lecturer in Mathematics (college cadre) in Govt. college since 20th November 1997 to 23rd Feb. 2010 for which again I was selected through HP Public Service Commission, Shimla H.P.
Joined on 24th February,2010 as Reader in the Department of Mathematics, H.P. University Shimla-5 and presently working as an Associate Professor.
Achievements during the tenure of college (20th November,1997 to 23rd February, 2010) 1. 2
Guided six M.Phil. Mathematics students successfully. Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Theoretica l & Applied Sciences (ISSN No. 0975-1718) 3. A book entitled “IIT-JEE Mathematics” written by me was released in the month of March 2006. 2nd edition is available in market. 4. Another book entitled “Mathematics for AIEEE” is written by me was released in November 2008; Second edition is available in market. 5. Two more books written by me entitled "Applied Mathe matics -I, Applied Mathematics –II” for Engineering to the IASE University. 6. One section of GATE Book published by “Satya Prakashan” is
written by me.
7. Awarded as the best IGNOU Counsellor by IGNOU Learners Association. 8. Attended one Refresher Course in Mathematics at University of Kerala. 9. Attended one Orientation Programme and one Refresher course on ICT in HP University, Shimla Himachal Pradesh. 10 Attended National Seminar on Mathematics in NIT Hamirpur (HP) 2
A workshop on National Mission on Education Through ICT was attended in HP University Shimla. 12 I was convener of the UGC-Cell of the college and had submitted a proposal to ICSSR for a seminar entitled “Human Rights: Issues and proble ms” and the same was organized under my convener ship. 13 I remained the founder Coordinator of BCA & PGDCA Department of the Govt. P.G. College Bilaspur. 14 I Organized two days seminar of the BCA & PGDCA students of the college and helped the students of BCA Final year to develop the college website namely www.gpgcollegebilaspur.in 15 I performed the responsibility of Time Table Inchargeship of the college for many years. 16 Result of UG classes in Mathematics which are taught by me always remained above the University percentage. 17 More than five Mathematics students of mine were selected for Mathematics Training and Talent Search (MTTS) for various levels. 18 I had organized Free Coaching Classes to the college students for State Bank of India (SBI) Clerical Examination 2009.
Unique Achievements: 1. I am the first and the only Author of Himachal Pradesh to write the book for IIT-JEE Mathematics.
2. I am the first and the only Author of Himachal Pradesh to write the book for AIEEE Mathematics
DETAILS OF ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN TEACHING w. e. f. February 2010 to 20 th August 2012 [1] LECTURES DELIVERED : {1} Two Lectures on 30th November, 2010 for Mathematics Lecturer in SCERT Solan, H.P. {2} Two Lectures on 22nd December,2010, for Mathematics Lecturer in SCERT Solan, H.P. {3} Two Lectures on Groups & Rings in Mathematics Refresher course on 3rd January ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana. {4} Two Lectures on Modules &Vector Spaces in Mathematics Refresher 3
course on 4th January ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana. {5} Two Lectures on Semirings & Smarandache Semirings in Mathe matics Refresher course on 5th January ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana {6} Two Lectures on(i) How a teacher should be? And (ii) How teaching can be effective? In Orientation Programe on 6th January ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana. {7} One Lecture in Orientation programe on 28 th April 2011 at Academic Staff College H.P.University Shimla. {8} Two Lectures on 3rd May,2011, for Mathematics Lecturer in SCERT Solan, H.P. {9} Two Lectures on(i) Challenges and Prospects of Higher Education And (ii) How a teacher should be? In 8th Orientation Programe on 23rd June ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana {10} Two Lectures on(i) Impact of ICT on Society And (ii) How to create your own website, In Refresher Course of Information Technology on 24th June ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana {11} Two Lectures on(i) Challenges and Prospects of Higher Education And (ii) How a teacher should be? In 7th Orientation Programe on 25th June ,2011 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana. {12} Two Lectures on topics (i) Co-scholastic activities and their importance in Mathematics and (ii) innovations and Creativity in Teaching of Mathematics on 29th June,2011 at JNV Theog Distt. Shimla For TGT [Maths] Of Chandigarh Region. {13} Two Lectures on topics (i) Mathematics in day to day life and (ii) General Mathematical Techniques on 1st July,2011 at JNV Theog Distt. Shimla For TGT [Maths] Of Chandigarh Region. {14} One Lecture in Mathe matics Refresher course on 19th July ,2011 at Academic Staff College H.P.University Shimla. {15} One Lecture in Mathe matics Refresher course on 23rd July ,2011 at Academic Staff College H.P.University Shimla. {16} Two Lectures on(i) How the teaching of a teacher can be effective (ii) Human Software and Computer Software In 11 th Orientation Programe on 30th May ,2012 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana. {17} One Lecture on “Power of Human Mind” Refresher Course in Pharmaceutical Sciences on 30th May,2012 at Academic Staff College BPS Mahila Vishwavidylaya Khanpur [Sonipat] Haryana. {18} Two Lectures on topics (i) Symmetric Key Cryptography (ii) Public Key Cryptography
on 22nd June 2012 at Rayat Bahara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hoshiarpur (Punjab) for Teachers in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) Sponsored by PTU.
{19} Two Lectures on topics (i) Quadratic Sieve (ii) Cryptography – RSA on 20th July, 2012 and 30th July, 2012 respectively in a Refresher Course of Mathematics in UGC-ASC H. P. University Shimla organized w. e. f. 16-07- 2012 to 04-08-2012.
WORK SHOP ATTENDED: {1} A Workshop on Symbolic Computation and use of Mathematica in Continuum Mechanics and Algebra (15th to 20th March,2010)conducted by Department of Mathematics & Statistics Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5. {2} A Workshop on Analytical Techniques for research from 10th May, 2011 to 16th May 2011 organized by the UGC- ASC-BPS-Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat ) Haryana. {3} ATML on Number Theory held at Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) Allahabad (UP)from 22nd December2011 to 6th January,2012.
PAPERS PRESENTED /DELIVERED INVITED TALK/CHAIRED TECHNICAL SESSION IN CONFERENCES /SEMINARS : {1} A paper entitled “ An application of Lagrange Multiplier and Karush Kuhan Tucker(KKT) methods” is presented in 55th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and applied Mechanics [An inte rnational Meet ] , Department of Mathematics ,NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh on 20 th December 2010 . {2} A paper entitled “Problems in Higher Education” is presented on 5th March,2011 in a National Seminar conducted by Management & B.Ed institute Ghanatti Distt. Shimla Himachal Pradesh. {3} A paper entitled “ Power Means with Lagrange Multiplier” is presented On 27th March 2011 in a National Seminar conducted by Department of Mathematics , H. P. University Shimla-5 from 26-29 March 2011. {4} Delivered an invited talk on“ Formulation of Some Standard Inequalities as Optimization Problems” in "National Conference on Role of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in Engineering and Technology” in Karanprayag [Uttrakhand] ,October 21-22, 2011. 5
{5} Chaired a Paper Presentation(M-2) session in the "National Conference on Role of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in Engineering and Technology” in Karanprayag [Uttrakhand] on October 21, 2011. {6} A paper entitled “Constrained Multivariables Optimization and Inequalities Involving Moments” is presented in the International Conference on Advances in Modeling, Optimization and Computing (AMOC-2011) organized by the Department of Mathematics , IIT Roorkee,held on December 5-7,2011. {7} A paper entitled “Some Applications of Lagrangean & Karush-Kuhn-Tucker methods and Inequalities between them” is presented in 1 st International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications at India International Centre, New Delhi on 18th December 2011. {8} A paper entitled “Optimization Problems in Mathematical Statistics” is presented in National Conference on February 4-6,2012 organised by D.A.V. Jalandhar(Punjab).
[4] BOOKS : {1} Lessons Book for BCA-III Mathematics-III is submitted to the Director, ICDEOL, H.P.University, Shimla-5, on 18th October, 2011. {2} A book on UGC—CSIR- NET Mathematics is published in January, 2012 with Satya Prakashan Publication ,New Delhi . ISBN: 81-7684-696-1.
Research Paper ISSN "A Mathematical Theorem in Rotatory Thermohaline Convection" Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application in USA California. 189,3510022-247X 361 (1995). [ With Prof. M.B. Banerjee]
" On Howard's Conjecture in Heterogeneous Shear flows instability 0019-5588 of modified s-Waves" Indian J. pure app. Math 28 (6): 825-834 June 1997. [ With Prof. M.B. Banerjee]
Sharma, P.L. and Sharma, R., A note on inequalities between the moments, International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences, 2(2), P. 30-33, (2010). 0975-1718
Sharma, P.L. and Sharma, R ., some optimization problems related with inequalities between the moments, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Volume 30 E (Math &
Stat.) Issue (No.1) P. 135-144,(2011). 5.
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., A note on relationship between invertible rhotrices and associated invertible matrices, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Volume 30 0970-6577 6
E (Math & Stat.) Issue (No.2) P. 333-339, (2011).
Sharma, P.L. and Sharma, R ., Some optimization problems involving moments of discrete random variables, International Journal of Theoretical & Applied 0975-1718 Sciences, 3(2), P. 88-90,(2011).
Sharma, P.L. and Sharma, R., On optimization problems and inequalities involving three moments , International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and 2230-9888 Applications Vol. 2,No 1, P. 245-249, Jan.(2012).
Sharma, P.L., Sharma, R. and Thakur, A., A note on inequalities involving moments of a discrete random variable, International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. 0973-9424 (IJMSEA),Vol. 6 No. II, P. 133-143, (March, 2012)
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., On inner product space and bilinear forms over rhotrices, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Volume 31 E (Math & Stat.) Issue 0970-6577 (No.1) P. 109-118, (2012).
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., Adjoint of a rhotrix and its basic properties,
International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.11, No.3-4, P.337-343, 0972-754X (2012). 11.
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., The Cayley-Hamilton theorem for rhotrices,
International Journal Mathematics and Analysis, Vol.4, No.1, P.171-178, 0973-3604 (2012). 12.
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., An overview of the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, American. J. of Mathematics and Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2,P.249-256,July 2012,
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., A note on the arithmetic function (n) , International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA), [Accepted for Publication in September,2012]
Sharma, P.L. and Kanwar, R.K., On Involutory and Pascal rhotrices,
[6] M.PHIL. STUDENTS GUIDED/ UNDER GUIDANCE : [6] (1) Sanjay Kumar , Dissertation entitled “On Semirings with decending chain condition and without nilpotent elements” from H.P.University, October,2010. (2) Manju Devi, Dissertation entitled “ Public Key Cryptography based on 7
Simple Modules Over Simple Rings.” from Vinayaka Mission University , Salem ,Tamilnadu , April , 2011. (3) Shabnam Sharma, Dissertation entitled “On Finite Fields and their Algebraic Properties” Department of Mathematics, H.P.University, Shimla-5, October,2011. (4) Minaxi , Dissertation entitled “ On RSA Algorithm in Cryptography” Department of Mathematics, H.P.University, Shimla-5, October,2011. (5) Nitu Dhiman, Department of Mathematics, H.P.University, Shimla-5. (6) Paridhi Sharma, Department of Mathematics, H.P.University, Shimla-5.
[7] Ph.D. STUDENTS UNDER GUIDANCE : [4] (1) (2) (3) (4)
Raj kumar kanwar, Associate Professor, Govt.College Hamirpur,H.P. Satish kumar, Assistant Professor, Govt.College Kullu ,H.P. Mansi Rehan, Department of Mathematics, H.P.University, Shimla-5. Sanjay Kumar, Department of Mathematics, H.P.University, Shimla-5.
[8] PROJECT : Submitted the project to the UGC entitled “ A study on number of Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields” .
[9] UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENTS : (1) Performed the duties of Hostel Warden from 21st February, 2011 to 21st June, 2011.
Performed the duties of Organizing Secretary in the “ National Conference in Algebra” conducted by Department of Mathematics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5 on 27-28th March 2012. (3) Performed the duties of Member Coordinating Team in RC-254 (Refresher Course in Mathematics and Statistics) w.e.f. 16th July to 4th August 2012, conducted by UGCASC, H .P. University, Shimla-5.
[11] ACADEMIC ASSIGNMENTS: (1) Member, Editorial Board “International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Sciences” ISSN No. 0975-1718. (2) Member, Editorial Board “Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences E (Math & Stat.)” ISSN No. 0970-6577. (3) Syllabus framed for M.Phil. Mathematics Paper in Cryptography which is submitted to the Board of Studies(PG) on 19th July,2012.