bipv report 2013 - SEAC

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After more than 25 years of development, the Building Integrated PV (BIPV) sector is emerging with ..... The new Incell system for roof integration of Solar Fabrik is a certified Innovative system ...... 79 ...
BIPV REPORT 2013 State of the art in Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Authors: Kostas Sinapis, Menno van den Donker

PREFACE With pleasure I present the SEAC BIPV Report 2013. The Solar Energy Application Centre (SEAC) was founded in June 2012 by ECN, TNO and Holland Solar. Our mission is to stimulate the development of the knowledge based economy on Solar Energy Systems and Applications in The Netherlands and neighboring regions ( Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is an emerging product category with a large market potential. A key aspect of BIPV is multifunctionality. Value propositions of BIPV, apart from energy production, may be found in e.g. design, weather protection and shading. This makes the product attractive, also from a financial point of view. Over the past years, we have seen an enormous growth of available BIPV products on the market. Often these products are based on materials that are common in architecture, such as glass or metal, in opaque as well as in semitransparent quality. More recently also some designs based on low weight plastics have been tested. We expect that BIPV will evolve into a highly diversified product portfolio, with a sound economic perspective for a variety of products. As such, we see BIPV as an important business opportunity for the Dutch private sector. This opportunity - as well as other product-market combinations in the field of Solar Systems and Applications - can be addressed and exploited by means of an effective cooperation between companies, knowledge institutes and government. We as SEAC want to play a key role in this cooperation within the “BV Nederland”. The SEAC BIPV Report 2013 presents the BIPV state-of-the-art with more than 80 representative examples. It is our intention to release a yearly update of this report. I am confident that this report will help the reader to better understand BIPV and to get an overview of actual BIPV products and current developments. December 2012 Wiep Folkerts Director SEAC 1

BIPV REPORT 2013 CONTENT Chapter 1: Introduction………………….………………………………………………………..


Chapter 2: BIPV Categories………………………………………………………………………


Chapter 3: BIPV products for pitched roofs 3.1 In-roof systems……………………………………......................................


3.2 Small solar tiles-shingles-slates………………………………………………..


3.3 Large solar tiles-shingles-slates………………………………………………..


3.4 Skylights and semi-transparent roof systems…………….................. 71 Chapter 4: BIPV products for flat and curved roofs 4.1 Flexible laminates……………………………………………………………………..


Chapter 5: BIPV products for façades 5.1 Cladding systems………………………………………………………………………. 89 5.2 Semi-transparent systems……………………………………………………...... 96 5.3 Louver systems…………………………………………………………………………. 102 Company Index…………………………………………………………………………………………. 107 Disclaimer…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 108


Chapter 1: Introduction Solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are getting common in Europe. One of the bigger market segments is roof top PV. The majority of the installed systems consist of solar PV modules and support structures that are mounted on the roof surface. In general the roof top systems are designed in order to optimize performance. Aesthetics are generally not taken into account. Lately this practice is changing by more aware consumers who seek performance and aesthetics for their houses. At the same time the industry is trying to adapt to price pressures from the east by integrating the PV functionality to the building elements in order to decrease the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). After more than 25 years of development, the Building Integrated PV (BIPV) sector is emerging with exciting new products and materials. Many years of development brought to the market diversified products for seamless integration into the building envelope by using a variety of PV technologies and innovative mounting structures. According to SEAC ‘s vision PV applications on and in the built environment span a high potential market for several reasons: • • • •

Multifunctional use of city space Lower LCOE can be achieved with smart BIPV approaches Electricity generation can be closer to the end user contributing to an optimized electricity distribution system Stimulation of the local economy

This report collects a state-of-the-art global product portfolio and categorizes the various applications. The goal is to understand the BIPV developments and to stimulate the market with products and concepts that allow PV to be used as a building product in Europe. There is a wide variation of building practices and regulations for the built environment across Europe. The classification of products in this report intends to contribute to a successful application of BIPV in the various markets. SEAC intends to publish a yearly update with the most recent developments in the BIPV sector. Definition of BIPV Several reports have been made recently regarding BIPV systems, products and definitions. Although there are different opinions in the definition of BIPV and BAPV every report concludes that the BIPV market segment will be growing and evolving. One of the reports originates from the European financed SUNRISE project1. A part of this project was focused at an “overview of the existing products and their fields of application”. In this report definitions of BIPV/BAPV are given including their field of application. Great emphasis has been given to the different levels of building integration which results into certain advantages and disadvantages. Additionally one of the objectives is to give an overview of the products existing commercially today in an effort to guide project developers who may want to be benefit from by the special premium tariffs for BIPV that currently are in effect in France and Italy. 1

BIPV: An overview of the existing products and their field of application. SUNRISE project 2009


A great job has been also done by the Swiss BIPV Competence Center which is a cooperation between the departments of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). SUPSI has listed a variety of BIPV products and applications2. Moreover, they have added criteria for the selection of BIPV products which resemble SEAC’s criteria on BIPV modules. According to SUPSI there are 2 main criteria that independently or combined must come to an agreement in order to qualify for a BIPV product: a) double function of the building element included energy generation and or weather-proof, noise reduction, seamless integration etc. b) homogeneous coverage of the surface. A report published by Pike Research3 examines the expanding global market of BIPV products and foresees a strong growth of up to $5.8 billion revenue till 2016 from $744 million in 2010. An analysis on economics, key industry players and technology is also presented in this report which forecasts a bright future for BIPV applications. Pike Research’s definition about BIPV consist out of the main idea that the PV material replaces the conventional building material but only during the construction phase. In case the PV functionality is added after the construction of the building then the installation is considered as BAPV. This deviates from the SEAC definition of BIPV, as used in the current report. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in the USA released an extensive report on the potential of BIPV systems in comparison with BAPV systems4. NREL examined the cost drivers and performance consideration related to BIPV. The report shows the potential for BIPV to achieve lower installed system prices than rack-mounted PV based on a comparative assessment of unsubsidized LCOE for different PV system cases. The simulation comparison concludes that c-Si shingles might achieve lower LCOE than rack-mounted systems. Overall, findings in this report support the notion that BIPV prices could be lower than residential PV system prices, yet past market experiences suggest that realizing these cost-reductions can be very challenging.

Figure 1a: BAPV system5


Figure 1b: BIPV system6 Building- Integrated Photovoltaics: BIPV and BAPV: Market issues, technology issues, key industry payers and Global market forecasts. 3Q 2010 4 NREL – BIPV in the residential sector: an analysis of installed rooftop system prices, Nov 2011 5 6 3

The definitions that we choose in this SEAC BIPV Report are as follows: Building Applied PV (BAPV) systems are applied on the roof of the building on top of the existing roofing elements (for example tiles, shingles, flat roofing) and they have no additional functionality apart from electricity production. Building Integrated PV (BIPV) systems consist of solar photovoltaic cells and modules that are integrated in the building envelope as part of the building structure, thus replacing conventional building material. BIPV systems can be applied after the completion of the building structure or during the construction phase. BIPV modules are building elements providing at least one additional functionality to the building envelope beside electricity generation, such as: • • • • • •

Weather proofing Aesthetical integration Shadowing/sun protection Thermal insulation Noise protection Safety


Chapter 2: BIPV Categories In this report we categorize the BIPV products taking the installation location on the building as a starting point. We define four main BIPV categories. • • •

Pitched roofs Flat and curved roofs Façades

A wide range of BIPV residential applications exists today. Pitched roofs in Europe usually are built with tiles, shingles or slates. A tile is a manufactured piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramics, stone, metal, or even glass. Shingles are a roof covering material usually consisting out of asphalt and fiber glass. These elements are typically flat rectangular shapes laid in rows from the bottom edge of the roof up, with each successive higher row overlapping the joints in the row below. Slate is a fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous rock which is used for roofing. In a strict sense, a slate is a type of tile. In analogy to the terms tile, shingle and slate, the terms “solar tile”, “solar shingle” and “solar slate” are used in publications and in marketing. A solar tile is a PV module that can be combined with roof tiles offering added functionality including energy production and a good aesthetic result. A solar shingle is a PV module that can be combined with roof shingles offering added functionality including energy generation and a good aesthetic result. A solar slate is a PV module that can be combined with roof slates offering added functionality including energy generation and a good aesthetic result. However, as in the original definition of tile, shingle and slate, the material of the elements is a distinguishing factor, as soon as we consider PV module products, this distinguishing factor vanishes. Therefore it makes sense to define two categories for the solar tile-shingle-slate, based on size of the element. A small solar tile-shingle-slate is smaller than 0.5 m2 (a typical size of 0.4 x 0.6 = 0,24 m2) A large solar tile-shingle-slate is larger than 0.5 m2 (a typical size of 0.6 x 1.5 = 0.9 m2)


This leads us to the following categorization: 1. Pitched roofs 1.1. In-roof systems. These systems use standard PV modules. The value is in the smart mounting systems, that enable the panels to be mounted instead of and in between the original roofing elements (e.g. tiles).

Figure 2a,b Typical in-roof system with conventional solar modules7-8

1.2. Small solar tiles-shingles-slates. The form factor resembles the original tiles-shingles-slates. They are made from a variety of materials such as clay, plastic etc. and they also have a similar size. Usually a PV laminate of a few solar cells is adhered on a substrate that resembles a tile, shingle or slate.

Figure 3a,b Tiles with integrated solar cells for pitched roof9-10

7 9 10 8

1.3. Large solar tiles-shingles-slates. A system developed with building elements and a construction and connection technology. Size of the modules is usually 2-4 times the width of a normal tile-shingle-slate, they can be glass- or foil-based. Usually the solar tile or shingle replaces conventional tiles or shingles. The construction system may involve overlapping or in-plane roof filling. The system usually allows for full roof-filling and may include the application of dummies.

Figure 4 a, b Large solar shingles and tiles11 1.4. Prefab Solar roofs. A roof which is wholly or partly assembled off-site. The objective of prefabrication is to improve the installation quality and shorten the installation time thus lowering the cost of the system.

Figure 5 Prefab solar roof



1.5 Skylights and semi-transparent roof systems. These structures usually combine glassglass laminates with adjustable light transmission and they stimulate the architectural design of light and shadow.

Figure 6 Greenhouse in Munich12 2. Flat and Curved roofs In-roof systems (1.1) and systems for skylights and semi-transparent roofs (1.5) in many cases can also be applied to flat roofs. In that case we categorize them under “Pitched Roofs”. 2.1 Roofing products based on flexible laminates. There are a number of manufacturers of flexible thin film PV products. The major technology families are: thin film silicon, thin film CI(G)S and thin film organic-PV (OPV). In most cases the flexible product comes encapsulated and only has to be attached to the existing flat or curved roof. In few cases the PV manufacturer supplies a nonencapsulated functional PV laminate on a metal or plastic carrier foil. The manufacturer of the roofing product encapsulates the product in the building element (flexible or non-flexible) or applies encapsulation on the complete roof.

Figure 7a Membrane Evalon Solar13

12 14 www, 13

Figure 7b BIOSOL thin film plate14

3. Façades 3.1 Cladding systems. These solar modules can be integrated into the building walls like a conventional cladding element used in façades such as granite or marble. Usually a void is created between the cladding element and the walls offering temperature insulation for the building and improved efficiency for the modules because of the ventilation.

Figure 8 Cladding systems15

3.2 Semi-transparent façade-systems. These products feature glass laminates of crystalline silicon with adjusted cell spacing or amorphous thin film laser grooved silicon which provides filtered vision.

Figure 9a BIPV transparent façade Aalst, Belgium16

Figure 9b Semi-transparent façade a-Si17

15 17 16


3.3 Louver systems. A louver or “louvre” , is a window blind or shutter with horizontal slats that are angled to admit light and air, but to keep out rain, direct sunshine, and noise. The angle of the slats may be adjustable, usually in blinds and windows, or fixed. Solar cells can be easily laminated in this construction offering a perfect way to utilize the shadow function with electricity production.

Figure 10a Outrigger PV shading 18

Figure 10b Glass louver system19

3.4 Construction Integrated façade systems. These are systems where the PV is integrated into the construction (carrying part) of the façade. We did not yet find examples of this approach in our survey. However, in the future we expect that new BIPV façade constructions will become available. ***** In the following chapters, we present a general overview of companies and the BIPV products that they present. Most of the products listed here are commercially available. Others are in a stage of development close to market introduction. Every page consists of a short description of the company and the product, with key information on location of the company, size of the product and technology. Additionally photos of the product and of an application are included and data sheets if applicable. At the end of the paragraphs 3.1 , 3.2 and 3.3, an overview table has been added with some key figures.

18 19

Chapter 3: BIPV products for pitched roofs

3.1 Pitched roofs: In-roof systems. 3.1.1 SOLON SOLITAIRE20 This fully integrated in-roof system shows off its strengths when it comes to assembly. All modules come delivered with synthetic frames as well as all screws and seals. Each module is screwed directly to the roof battens, eliminating the need for costly additional substructures. As opposed to other systems, SOLON SOLitaire requires no additional aluminum rails or module clamps, thanks to the integrated assembly sleeves. The mounting is possible between 10° and 60°, starting from 22° on, you don’t need any additional waterproofing, as the modules themselves create the water-bearing layer. Intelligent water channel flow and high-quality polyurethane synthetic frames guarantee continuous 100% waterproofing. Due to practical ventilation, heat-related power losses can be avoided. Location: Germany Concept: conventional glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1783mm x 1044mm



3.1.2 Schott Solar21 The fourth generation InDaX® Solar elements replace traditional roof materials and take over a double function: provision of clean, solar energy and a safe roof covering. A specially developed frame was optimized for module ventilation – of each individual module – and condensation drainage. This guarantees high energy yields. SCHOTT Solar provides a 25-year linear guarantee for these glass-foil solar modules. Location: Germany Concept: conventional glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1769mm x 999mm


3.1.3 Scheuten Solar22 Multisol® Integra Vitro Portrait is the next generation of Scheuten’s Integra(in-roof) solution, suited for almost any sloped roof. This new generation Integra Vitro features the full glass-glass Multisol® Vitro laminate, resulting in superior strength (5400Pa) and an even better durability of the module. Next to the landscape option this aesthetically pleasing PV in-roof installation portrait system enables better matching on the roof form factors and saves up to 30% of the systems ‘width. Location: Germany / Netherlands Concept: glass-glass laminate Technology: multi-Si, 54 cells Size of building blocks: 1520mm x 1038mm



3.1.4 Conergy23 Conergy SolarDelta is mounted right onto the existing roof battens, requires no rails and, with QuickStone technology, the modules are quick and easy to attach. Special adapters ensure optimum ventilation. Thanks to its substructure, Conergy Solar Delta fulfills the same requirements as a conventional roof in terms of waterproofing. Location: Germany Concept: conventional glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1651mm x 986mm


3.1.5 Centrosolar24 The mounting system S-Class Integration (Deluxe) replaces conventional roofing of pitched roofs and is used on a slope of more than 10 degrees. It is built on the existing roof battens and is suitable for old and new buildings. The mounting system S-Class Integration (Deluxe) is well ventilated and provides a good backside cooling for the solar panels because of the arrangement of the system battening. In cooperation with the panels, the system forms an optically homogeneous waterbearing area, which makes the roof a real eye-catcher. Location: Germany Concept: conventional glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1651mm x 986mm



3.1.6 MegaSol25 High performance modules meet the fastest installation system worldwide. The most dense integrated roof available starting with a slope of 3 degrees. The floating modules offer optimum ventilation improving performance. No overhanging frames which equals with no dirt residues which helps further in the performance of the modules. The system is composed of two main components: the solar modules and the vertical support rails serving as flumes. Location: Switzerland Concept: conventional glass-foil frameless Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1593mm x 832mm


3.1.7 MecoSun26 The MV3 system was designed to facilitate roof integration of all photovoltaic modules onto metallic, wooden or concrete roof structures. This system perfectly fits into a traditional roof, with water tightness guarantee. The MV3 system enables covering of large scale buildings, from industrial buildings to agricultural buildings and office buildings. Location: France Concept: conventional glass-foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1640mm x 990mm



3.1.8 Gehrlicher Solar27 The installation of the Intra roof-integrated system is particularly economical thanks to fewer system components and the ergonomic system installation from top to bottom. The modules are installed easily and quickly, without tools. The water-tightness of the roof is ensured by conducting water away at the module level. Ventilation and the drainage of condensation are incorporated in the profile. The whole system is in line with state-specific permits and certificates and offers proven functional and structural safety: The water-tightness testing has been successfully completed in acc. with prEN 15601 and the fire protection testing with DIN ENV 1187. The mounting system has obtained certification by TÜV. The in roof system can host First Solar CdTe and silicon modules. Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si, Cd Te Size of building blocks: 1200mm x 600 mm, Innotech Solar 1650mm x 1000 mm


3.1.9 RenuSol28 The innovation of the IntraSole CL system is the so-called “rotational anchors”. As a variable mounting solution on the roof laths, the rotational anchors enable, in the easiest possible manner, by turning, to achieve the perfect height compensation, e.g., in the case of irregular roof constructions or for adjustment to the remaining roofing. Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 60 cell laminate



3.1.10 Roto Sunroof29 Sunroof photovoltaic is a modular system and can be tailored to every individual wish. Integrated ventilation and solar safety glass ensure optimal efficiency of the modules. Through its manifold possibilities Roto Sunroof photovoltaic ideally suited for renovation. Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks:



22° - 90°



Grösse m²


Gewicht kg


Nennleistung Wp





Solarkabel 4 mm2

Hersteller Zelle

Q.Cells (Deutschland)

Hersteller Laminat

Q.Cells (Deutschland)

Max Schneelast

5400 Pascal

Max. Windlast

2400 Pascal*

3.1.11 SolarWatt30 In the Easy-In system the aluminum frame encloses three sides of the module, which is installed in portrait orientation. Each side has a different shape and the installer can hook the module into the support rail by the upper edge before sliding it into the correct position. This places the support rail flush with the roof battens. The side frame sections of adjacent elements interlock using the tongue and groove principle, thereby forming horizontal rows of modules. Vertically, the modules are superimposed like shingles with the projecting glass edge resting on the rubber seal of the row below. The unframed bottom edge allows rainwater to drain off freely. Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1764mm x 1035mm



3.1.12 IRFTS31 Easy roof is a revolutionary system. It is based on an overlapping mounting with no seal, no cut. A plastic frame is the only mechanism allowing water to drain. It is ideal for all kinds of roofs with tiles. The system can host various standard solar modules based on crystalline and thin film technology. Location: France Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 7 sizes


3.1.13 Schüco32 The Schüco in roof mounting system can be used for pitched roofs starting from 15-65 degrees. The system statics allow for a maximum height from 0-20m. Mounting must be over a waterproof membrane according to building regulations. Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 2156mm x 1256mm



3.1.14 Solar Fabrik33 The new Incell system for roof integration of Solar Fabrik is a certified Innovative system with rear ventilation technology which ensures high energy yields. Quick planning and easy installation which can be combined with virtually all types of roof tile. For roofs with pitches between 15° and 65° Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1394mm x 1023, 1710mm x 1023mm


3.1.15 Aleo Solar34 The Solrif system is suited to nearly all roof types, and can be installed simply on new and existing roofs. The hidden frame construction gives the shiny module surface a particularly sophisticated appearance. The design of the facing panels may also be individually adjusted depending on customer requirements and local practices. Water and snow simply drip off the seamless module surface. Placing an additional tarpaulin under the modules will make the Solrif system even more rain-resistant than conventional roofing tiles. Location: Germany Concept: in roof glass-back foil Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1704mm x 1016mm



3.1.16 Heliosphera35 The Venus series is designed to replace building components and make a waterproof construction. The aluminum frame is fixed to the rear glass of the module, using a proven adhesive from the structural glazing industry. Location: Greece Concept: in roof Technology: amorphous-Si Size of building blocks: 1306mm x 1106mm


3.1.17 Win Win Precision Technology Co., Ltd.36 With in-roof or complete roof solutions, the standard roof covering – such as tiles or corrugated sheeting – is replaced by frameless photovoltaic modules (so-called laminates). Regardless of whether individual roof sections or the entire roof area is to be covered, the laminates are installed such that Location: Taiwan Concept: in-roof Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks:



3.1.18 SCX Solar37 SCX Solo Roof ™ is a mounting system (patent pending) for integration of solar panels in the roof of buildings, greenhouses and with an angle which is between 5 and 45 degrees. The solar panels with special mounting profiles form a watertight roof. Location: Netherlands Concept: in-roof Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1000mmx1500mm, 1000mmx1650mm, 1000mmx1950mm


Pitched roofs: In-roof systems overview table Company

Country Product name

Solon Schott Solar Scheuten Solar Conergy CentroSolar MegaSol MecoSun Gehrlicher Solar Gehrlicher Solar RotoSunroof Renusol SolarWatt IRFTS Schüco Solar-Fabrik Aleo Solar Heliosphera Win Win Precision Technology SCX Solar



Solitaire Indax Integra Vitro SolarDelta S Class mv3 GehrTec Intra GehrTec Intra Sunroof SRP IntraSole CL Easy-In Easy roof MSE-500 Incell Solrif Venus

Weight (kg/m2)

Height [mm]

Width [mm]

13,2 12,1 15,92 12,2 12,6 12,8 13,8 20 11 11,5

Power density (Wp/m2) 139 137 140 148 155 151 140 137 145 144 90 135

1044 999 1038 986 831 832 600 1000 1035 1256 1023 1016 1106 673 1000

1783 1769 1520 1651 1663 1593 1200 1650 1764 2156 1710 1704 1306 1498 1650





Solo Roof


3.2 Pitched roofs: Small solar tiles-shingles-slates 3.2.1 DOW POWERHOUSE38 The DOW POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingle system installs and protects like a typical asphalt shingle while offering electricity production. Installation is easy just like asphalt shingles nailed on the roof. The solar shingle consists out of flexible CIGS cells with high transmission tempered glass suitable for wind, snow and hail. The product holds all certifications for roof shingles and additionally certified according to IEC for solar modules. Location: USA Concept: Solar Shingle Technology: flexible CIGS Size of building blocks: 579mm x 254mm


3.2.2 Atlantis Energy Systems39 Atlantis Energy Systems was founded in 2002 on the principle that quality construction materials and methods should be the standard. Except the Sunslate product Atlantis is offering BITERS (Building Integrated Thermal Electric Roofing System) a combination of photovoltaic and solar thermal roof element. Location: USA Concept: solar slate Technology: 6 x mono-Si Size of building blocks: 300mm x 400mm



3.2.3 Panotron Energy Systems40 Panotron is a new innovative company combining solar electricity generation with solar thermal. Traditional roof tiles are mounted on the roof battens. With Panotron system the battens are installed in a horizontal direction by aluminum profiles. The aluminum profile introduces water-glycol mixture, thus generating solar thermal energy. Additionally the tiles have a variety of colors in order to contribute to the aesthetic design. Location: Switzerland Concept: Solar Tiles Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: -


3.2.4 SMARTROOF N.V41 RenoSolPan and NeoSolPan have been made from high quality synthetic materials which are recyclable and do not require much energy during production. The built-in channels in RenoSolPan and NeoSolPan lead to extra cooling of the photovoltaic elements, resulting in an important efficiency and lifetime increase. Location: Belgium Concept: Solar Tiles Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 468mm x 356mm



3.2.5 Solus Engineering42 Solus Engineering LLC offers a variety of tiles that form the solution in clean energy generation for the residential housing market without being aesthetically distressing. The portfolio of products is big with a variety of products and sizes. Location: Belgium Concept: Solar Tiles Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: -

Power density: 88Wp/m2 Weight: 14 kg/m2 Total 5,5 tiles per m2 Self cooling roof tiles PDS wind lock systems Weather resistant -40°C to +85°C UV resistant color and fire proof Available colours: black, brown coming soon TUV and IEC certified by TUV Rheinland Laboratories Köln Building material lab tested Mono-Si solar cells guaranteed 20 years Made of recyclable material


3.2.6 LUMETA43 Whether it is a flat or sloped roof, Lumeta has a roof integrated product that maximizes energy efficiency. Each Lumeta Solar S Tile displaces approximately three traditional concrete or clay tiles, so the tiles designs are customized to fit exactly the dimensions of major tile manufacturers. The actual solar laminate is a standard glass superstrate, with EVA encapsulation and TPT™ (Tedlar®/ Polyester /Tedlar®) substrate construction, and utilizes monocrystalline cell technology. The Lumeta Solar S Tiles are designed to be installed as the matching profiled tile roof system is being installed. The electrical connections are housed in grooves in the bottom side of the Tiles, hiding all connections from view. Tiles are daisy-chain connected using standard connectors, thus limiting the number of penetrations to one or two per solar array. The result is an integrated look that does not compromise the aesthetics of concrete or clay profiled tile roofs. Location: USA Concept: Tiles Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: 968mm x 432mm



3.2.7 Tegola fotovoltaica44 Giellenergy tile is made of thermoplastic resin. The PV module is set inside the thermoplastic resin structure and is composed of two standard 156mm EVA encapsulated mono crystalline cells, covered with textured and tempered low-iron high transmittance (>92%) glass. Giellenergy tile is designed to optimize solar light exposure, as tiles are specifically shaped to prevent the chance of any shadow zone irrespectively of solar inclination. Location: Italy Concept: Tiles Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: 360mm x 203mm


3.2.8 LOF Solar45 LOF Solar developed the higher efficiency colored solar cells. Now, the option is no longer limited to cold blue. Spanish style fired-clay red solar tile can blend seemingly into the rooftop. The rooftop can remain warm and attractive. For re-roofing or restoration, the renaissance French-roof gray tile can mingle intimately into the traditional architectural design. Location: Taiwan Concept: solar tile Technology: colored c-Si Size of building blocks: custom



3.2.9 SolarDachStein46 The SRT is quickly and easily installed. A qualified roofer and electrician will have no difficulty to complete the task in a single day. The simple roof tile does not require any alteration to the existing roof structure. The SRT is unique in design and function. The embedded Photovoltaic cells (pv) give you the luxury of producing your own power, preserving the beauty of your home and landscape, no ugly solar roof panels. STEPdesign, is in full compliance with preservation order regulations. Polymatrix is a specially designed man made material. It can be formed into most models of roof tiles. Polymatrix is manufactured from recycled plastics, but PVC free, it is light, unbreakable and naturally weather proof. Polymatrix also comes with a 30 year guarantee. Location: Italy Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si (100mm x 100mm cells) Size of building blocks: unknown


3.2.10 Star Unity47 ENERGY tiles gets the electricity directly from sunlight without moving parts, totally silent and maintenance-free. A sophisticated plug-in system allows for the flexible interconnection of the assembled bricks in the easiest way. The product obtained from the sun stream through the system directly piped into the house, either through an inverter to normal 230V power supply (gridconnected system), or a charge controller to the energy-storing batteries. This concept allows you to realize the smallest, expandable system from a few watts to large systems of 3 kW and more. Location: Switzerland Concept: solar tile Technology: mono-Si, amorphous Size of building blocks: 440mm x 260mm



Pitched roofs: Small solar tiles-shingles-slates overview table Company


Product name



Atlantis Energy Systems Panotron Energy System Smartroof Smartroof Solus Engineering LUMETA Tegola fotovoltaica LOF Solar SolarDachStein Star Unity


Powerhouse Solar Shingle SunSlate Roof Tile Solar-F


Neosolpan Renosolpan Roof tile Solar S tile Giellenergy True steel SRT Energy tiles


Weight (kg/m2)

Cell efficiency (%) 10

Power density (Wp/m2) 39

Height [mm]

Width [mm]





120 75 88 66 80 65



432 245 600

968 415 1100









40,3 74 16 17 14 14,5


3.3 Pitched roofs: Large solar tiles-shingles-slates 3.3.1 Synroof48 is a Dutch company that emphasizes at the aesthetic part of solar roofs. For fulfilling their target they have developed a BIPV module that can be connected with normal roof tiles in order tohave a pleasant result in terms of aesthetics including 12 x mono-Si cells per tile. Location: The Netherlands Concept: Solar tile Technology: 12 x mono-Si per shingle Size of building blocks: 480mm x 932mm



3.3.2 Romag-Fath Solar49 Romag is a leading glass processor based in County Durham in the North East of England. Serving the PV market since 2004 by producing solar panels. Now they offer BIPV products presenting the “total roof” solution. Moreover, solar panels can be designed at any dimensions giving a solution for specific requirements. The products are certified according to IEC standards and holds a 25 year guarantee. Location: England-Germany Concept: solar tile -shingle Technology: 12 x poly-Si + 32 x poly-Si Size of building blocks: 375mmx 1036mm + 692mm x 1352mm



Solar Century50

C21 solar electric roof tiles, plain tiles and roof slates are fully integrated photovoltaic roofing products, designed for new buildings and re-roofing projects. C21e are designed as construction products in their own right and have undergone the same wind, fire and weather testing as the roofing products they replace. Solarcentury has designed a range of pre-engineered systems ready for installation, including all of the on roof and electrical components a roofer will need. Solarcentury has been awarded a Queens Award for Enterprise for excellence in innovation for its ‘C21e solar electric roof tile and slate’. Solar Century provides 2 solutions including solar tiles and solar slates. Solar slates are compatible with natural slates across a wide range of standard sizes. Location: England Concept: Solar Tile+Slate Technology: 18 x mono-Si +18 x mono-Si Size of building blocks: 1220mm x 420mm + 1210mm x 445mm



3.3.4 SunPower51 The SunTile constists out of 22 back contact high efficient solar cells with optimal placement to reduce shading losses. Suntiles blend seamlessly into roofs while generating clean energy. The Suntile has all necessary certifications and withstands up to 110 miles per hour winds. Location: USA Concept: Shingle Technology: 22 x mono-Si back contact Size of building blocks: 1449mm x 432mm


3.3.5 Sharp52 High-power module (62W) using 155mm square poly-crystal silicon solar cells. These solar roof shingles are quick and easy to integrate into the roof in the same manner as common, flat concrete tiles No additional framing materials or extra roof penetrations are required because the module brackets screw to the existing roof battens. Compatible with most roof tiles used in new residential construction, like Eagle and Monier, each solar roof module replaces five concrete tiles. Sharp’s advanced surface texturing process increases light absorption and efficiency while providing a more subdued, “natural” look. Non-reflective white tempered glass, EVA resin, weatherproof film and black double-anodized aluminum frame for extended outdoor use Sharp modules are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities 25-year limited warranty on power output. Location: Japan Concept: Shingle Technology: 18 x poly-Si Size of building blocks: 1499mm x 396mm





Each PV Tile has been engineered to integrate perfectly with Redland’s most popular tiles for the house building market – Cambrian Slate, DuoPlain, Mini Stonewold and MockBond Mini Stonewold, Grovebury and Landmark Double Pantile, 50 Double Roman and Landmark Double Roman – making Redland the first company in the UK to offer a fully-integrated PV solution for slate, plain tile and profile appearance roofs. Location: England Concept: Tiles Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: 1827mm-1985mm x 301mm-472mm


3.3.7 PowerSlates LLC54 The module is extremely easy to install in the place of normal tiles, guaranteeing a cascade installation with waterproofing of the roof even without the use of sheathing, provided that channels are installed to collect and evacuate rainwater to the eaves. The rails with brackets are inserted between also make it extremely easy to install the tiles by simply applying them on the existing infrastructure. The use of a thin 3 mm ceramic back sheet and an encapsulate 5 times harder and 100 times more resistant than those normally used (EVA, PVB) guarantees unparalleled durability and reliability. (LAMINAM tech) Location: USA Concept: slates Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: 1010mm x 755mm



3.3.8 Systaic Solar55 This is an internationally innovation compatible with all types of cell technology. These square units with their light, long lasting polyurethane frames, are interlocked depending on the roof surface, without the need for cables, and make up the SYSTAIC energy field on the roof. This active energy component with integrated, transformer-free inverters can achieve a significantly improved energy yield compared to conventional products. Location: Germany Concept: solar slates Technology: multiple cell technologies Size of building blocks: 1045mm x 1045mm


Insolvency proceedings opened on 01-03-2011



The QUICK STEP-Solar PV system has succeeded in integrating ecological solar energy production and modern roofing architecture. Solar modules are adhered directly onto individual QUICK STEP panels using a transparent high tech adhesive. The production of these solar panels is thus realized using progressive technology. The result is a durable flexible connection of RHEINZINK® and glass, which meets the specific requirements pertaining to light penetration, weather and aging resistance perfectly. When subjected to moist or dry conditions, cold or extreme heat – the adhesive strip maintains its performance. Durable ageing-resistance was established in extensive lab tests as well as in the field. Location: Germany Concept: Tiles, flat roofs and façades Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 2000mm x 365mm

Dimensions: 2000 mm x 365 mm Weight: 19.10 kg Module area: 0.73 m2 Module output: 68 Wp ± 10 % Operating voltage: VMPP = ca. 14.20 V Operating current: IMPP = ca. 4.80 A Open circuit voltage: VOC = 17.10 V Short circuit current: ISC = 5.12 A Connection: MC- box, 600 mm wire included



3.3.10 Saint Gobain Solar57 SunLap is the proposition of SG Solar in the BIPV sector. It has been characterized for its aesthetic design with unframed module and good performance up to 145W/m2. Installation is easy like conventional roof tiles. With special provided hooks the SunLap can be installed easy directly on the roof battens offering water tightness and electric power generation. Water tightness is guaranteed because of the 12cm overlap of the solar tiles providing also ventilation for ultimate performance. The SunLap is available in mono and multi-Si modules and two sizes. Location: France Concept: Tiles, Technology: mc-Si, mono-Si Size of building blocks: 962mm x 1296mm, 980mm x 1120mm


3.3.10 Helvetic Energy58 Aldo+Voltaic is a solar module for roof integration. Can be combined with the Aldo+ solar thermal module and provide solar heat and solar electricity. Waterproof ness is guaranteed because of the edge sealing and the special adhesive technology used. Location: Switzerland Concept: Tiles Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: 2250mm x 1098mm



3.3.11 New Roof Hybrid59 NewRoof Hybrid is installed instead of traditional tiles with the same installation technique and without modifying and altering the structure of the roof, while keeping the visual impact at a minimum and the respect for architectural design at a maximum. The connecting material for the tiles is an aluminum cover painted and laminated in ductile and eco-compatible alu. Alternatively the connecting material for the tiles in resin painted with the same geometric pattern of the tiles, different or specific for the various types of tiles. Different colors are available for all the tiles in concrete and clay. Location: Italy Concept: tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 500mm x 2000mm

Photovoltaic laminate with 4mm glass, black or brown backsheet Thermal insulation with 10mm thick NANOtech material 70 wp photovoltaic cell + 10% performance, thanks to thermoregulation Thermal: 0,2 Kwr – 0,4 Kwt Quick clutch brass collectors with special VITON gaskets 5" monocrystalline cells 0,5 mt MCT4 connectors Aluminium absorber with selective coating Laser welded to a 10 mm copper pipe Solar captation surface: 0,50 m2 Occupied surface: from 0,60 m2 to 0,74 m2 Dimensions: 0,5 X 2,00 x 0,28 mt (overlap: 100-170 mm) stagnation temperature: 200°C.


3.3.12 Eternit Solar60 The Integral Plan photovoltaics modules have been specifically tuned for the Eternit Integral Plan roof system. The exact adjustment to the grid pattern of the roof panels provides an aesthetic solution and reducing the number of interfaces and transitions. The modules are integrated into the roof into a landscape and they have uniform appearance. The modules are frameless, black color and they prevent the accumulation of dirt on the edges. Special tempered glass of 6mm is used. Location: Switzerland Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 2500mm x 1200mm



3.3.13 Swiss Solar Systems AG61 MegaSlate® Plus Energy solar roof system can cover either the entire roof area or be partially integrated, replacing traditional roof slates. It is TÜV-certified and tested for durability against wind snow and hail, providing optimum protection against the weather. The frameless MegaSlate® elements are laid like conventional roof tiles. They are supplied with a sub-structure consisting of drainage profiles (GRP profiles) and three hooks for each element. The elements are arranged vertically and overlapping, whereby the GRP profiles act both as support rails for the MegaSlate® elements and as water drainage channels. 5mm tempered glass. Location: Switzerland Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1300mm x 875mm


3.3.15 Solstis62 The Solstis photovoltaic tile −is suitable for a wide variety of pitched roofs, whether for an applica^on in a single-family house or an industrial building. Mounting the panels is quick and easy. Based on the principle of laying tiles, the profiled sections interlock horizontally. They are held together by metal brackets attached to the roof battens. Using this mounting configuration, each panel can be individually removed and replaced. The shape of the profiled sections also helps snow to slide off and rainwater to flow off quickly. Location: Switzerland Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1337-1583mm x 792-991mm



3.3.16 System Photonics63 Replaces or becomes a part of traditional roof coverings, while maintaining and improving their insulation and protective properties. Photovoltaic tiles, size 1000 x750 mm, power 95Wp. Suitable for cascade tiling, these units ensure complete vertical waterproofing. They can be installed easily on a wooden frame or on concrete beams with or without protective sheathing, and in ordinary conditions they do not require additional bolts or fastening devices. Available with back-sheets in a variety of colors, they can be combined with plain tiles of the same color, size and material. Location: Italy Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1000mm x 750mm


3.3.17 Tenesol64 Tenesol offers a wide range of structures to meet the requirements of any of your projects for electrical grid connection. Tenesol’s structures range is adapted to your buildings: industrial sites, farm buildings, individual housing, architectural work, etc., our structures will meet the architectural objectives of your projects. Tenesol’s structures are reliable, durable and tough; they are guaranteed for 10 years, and hardly tested. Location: France Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1510mm x 700mm



3.3.18 Stafier BV65 Stafier Solar Systems has been involved in the development, applications and production of buildingintegrated Photovoltaic panels since 2001. Mounting of the modules is made directly onto the roof battens without modifying the roof. The products from Stafier hold a TUV BIPV certificate and they have been tested for mechanical durability and stability. Location: Netherlands Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1780mm x 335mm


3.3.19 Suntechnics AG66 The SUNJOULE Panel is composed of a special glass surface. The cells are grouped under this glass tile. Behind comes the cell-wiring and as last follows a tedlar-film as concluding protection. These four shifts are being fused in a so-called laminator under both high pressure and high temperatures. The module has 18 cells and provides 45 Wp. Not the whole glass surface is equipped with cells but only the part that remains visible after a scaled and overlapping arrangement of the modules on the roof. Location: Switzerland Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si (125mm x 125mm cells) Size of building blocks: 1218mm x 420 mm



3.3.20 Soltecture67 With its Pallium roof-integrated system, Soltecture offers the perfect combination of aesthetics and efficiency. The roof-integrated solar solution enhances the building as its homogenous black glass surface and black frames meet the most demanding architectural demands. The integrated roof system is based on Soltecture’s thin-film modules provide maximum efficiency thanks to the CIGSe absorbers. Unobstructed drainage and smooth cover glass ensures excellent self-cleaning and minimizes system losses. Location: Germany Concept: solar tile Technology: Size of building blocks: 1302mm x 681mm


3.3.21 Creaton68 The system fits perfectly with the design of the roofing. The aluminium frame is fitted to the covering grid of the respective burnt-clay roofing tiles and thus allows for a visually appealing overall impression. The ventilation layer integrated in the CREATON system draws the heat accumulation off via the sub-roof structure. The individual modules are mounted on the roof battening by means of suspension lugs and fastened at the top using screws manufactured of stainless steel. Simple plugtype connections allow for a quick and safe cabling. Location: Germany Concept: solar tile Technology: mono-Si Size of building blocks: 335mm x 1778mm



3.3.22 Solarday 69 The MegaSlate® solar elements are of a standardized size. If required, customized elements can be produced to suit shape and size of any roof. MegaSlate® solar roof system can cover either the entire roof area or can be partially integrated, replacing traditional roof tiles. The product has been tested for durability against wind, snow and hail, providing optimum protection against the weather. Location: Italy Concept: solar slate Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 875mm x 1300mm


3.3.23 Solaire70 The photovoltaic tiles are attached to the underlying load-bearing structure using specially designed watertight fixings. The tiles’ mutual overlapping and elastic suspension prevents the roof being affected by the longitudinal, lateral, transversal and vibratory movements of the framework. On the edge of the roof, dummies (edging tiles) are used to ensure a clean finish to the roof. Location: France Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 870mm x 870mm



3.3.24 BIPV Inc71 Sun Energy Tiles are designed to install in much the same way as concrete tile roofing, saving time and money. Sun Energy Tiles use high-efficiency poly-crystalline solar cells to deliver more watts per square foot than regular roof mounted solar panels and BIPV products based on thin-film solar technology. Location: USA Concept: solar tile Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1194mm x 432mm


3.3.25 Solarion72 Solarion strives for technological leadership in the industrial production of CIGS thin-film solar cells on flexible substrates. Now Solarion introduces the Metal Roof Shingle. This shingle is directly laminated onto colored aluminum and it is unbreakable and light weight. The product will be commercially available on the second half of 2013. Location: Germany Concept: solar shingle Technology: CIGS Size of building blocks: 1300mm x 630mm



Pitched roofs: Large solar tiles-shingles-slates overview table Company

BIPV inc Creaton Eternit Solar Helvetic Energy Monier Monier Monier Monier Monier New RooF Hybrid PowerSlates Rheinzink Romag Romag Romag Saint Gobain Solar Saint Gobain Solar Sharp Solar Century Solar Century Solarday Solaire Solarion Solstis Solstis Soltecture Stafier Sunpower Suntechnics Swiss Solar Systems Synroof Systaic Solar System Photonics Tenesol Average

Country Product name


Sun Energy Tile Solecia Integral Plan Voltaic DuoPlain Double Roman Grovebury Mini Stonewold Cambrian PV laminate Powerslates roof collection quick step Powerglaz Powerglaz Powerglaz Sunlap SLP150 Sunlap SLM142 ND62RU1F C21e Slate C21e Tile Suntile Metal Roof Shingle Oryon Oryon noir Pallium solar tile SunTile SunJoule MegaSlate Kingston W23 solarpan PV tile

Weight Cell Power Height Width (kg/m2) efficiency density [mm] [mm] (%) (Wp/m2) 12 15 14

16 14

104 123 116 120 120 146 146 137 90 70 135 97 123 128 136 120 118 115 131 124 139 125 83 144 180 112 150 110 90 140 100 127 118 137

430 335 1200 1098 301 473 472 469 362 500 755 365 375 375 692 962 990 396 445 420 875 870 630 991 792 681 335 425 420 875 480 1045 750 700

1200 1778 2500 2250 1973 1827 1827 1940 1985 2000 1010 2000 1036 1510 1352 1296 1220 1499 1210 1220 1300 870 1300 1337 1583 1302 1780 1475 1218 1300 932 1045 1000 1510





21,8 18,6 18,6 16,8 16,4

17 17 17 17 17


13,9 13,9 19,7

17,7 17,7

19,5 4 13 12,8 16,3 17,8 25,2


15 23,3


3.4. Skylights and semi-transparent roof systems 3.4.1 Canadian Solar73 BIPV modules use double sided low iron tempered glass with solar cells laminated in between. BIPV modules are ideal for roofs, skylights and/or façades. Based on a glass-glass concept the laminate can host multi or mono-Si solar cells. 5 or 6 inches cells can be used with various densities according to the transparence needed. Location: Canada, China Concept: glass-glass Technology: mc-Si, mono-Si (5 or 6 inches cells) Size of building blocks: 100mm x 100mm – 2000mm x 3000mm



3.4.2 ET SOLAR74 BIPV modules which can be installed on a wide variety of building structures including roofs, skylights, façades, shade, etc. BIPV modules can be integrated to new buildings and retrofitted onto existing buildings. While the equipment and installation cost of BIPV products are now largely comparable to the cost of the traditional building materials, their ability to power the building makes compelling economic sense. A module with transparent backsheet material and a glass-glass module complete the portfolio of ET Solar. Location: China Concept: transparent back sheet laminate, glass-glass Technology: mc-Si, mono-Si (5 or 6 inches cells) Size of building blocks:

Transmission rate 20%


3.4.3 Shenzhen Golden Glass BIPV Technologies Limited75 PVB encapsulated double glazed BIPV modules for various building integrations. Custom is the key word for Shenzhen. Color, shape, size, thickness are all customizable in order to fulfill all the building requirements such as: roofs, façades, shading. Location: China Concept: glass-glass, Technology: mc-Si, mono-Si (5 or 6 inches cells), many colors, opaque amorphous Si Size of building blocks: 300mm x 300mm – 2300mm x 3600mm



3.4.4 Scheuten Solar76 Multisol® Vitro is the first crystalline glass-glass product for a broad range of applications. The module offers outstanding wind and snow loads and an excellent fire tolerance. Improved functional and aesthetical PV solutions: roof-applied, roof-integrated and façade-integrated. Location: Germany - Netherlands Concept: glass-glass laminate Technology: multi-Si Size of building blocks: 1647mm x 998mm


3.4.5 Tenesol77 Optimization of light transmittance by modifying the number of cells in the module and choice of dimensions of the modules for variety of BIPV applications with the TE Lumix Design. Large choice of glass type and thickness, Heat-Soaked Tempered glasses for safety (HST), Modules designed to comply with shock resistance requirements (1200 Joules test). Optimization of energy balance of buildings allowing to meet the RT2012 objectives. Location: France Concept: glass-glass laminate Technology: multi-Si Size of building blocks: custom



3.4.6 Siliken78 Cell composition from 40 to 60 cells. Multicrystalline and monocrystalline modules, with powers ranging from 150 Wp to 260 Wp. Location: Spain Concept: glass-glass laminate Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1634mm x 984mm


3.4.7 Kinmacsolar79 Glass/glass modules with high production standards for skylight applications. Cell spacing can be customized according to clients. Location: Taiwan Concept: glass-glass laminate Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 1634mm x 984mm



3.4.8 Mage Sunovation80 Mage Sunovation introduces 2 new modules for architectural integration. These modules are offered as glass|glass (eFORM Crystal) or as glass|plastic modules (eFORM Hybrid). Both types imply the embedding of the cells into a permanently elastic multicomponent layer. Contrary to the laminated glass modules commonly seen in the market, which are rigidly laminated, the layers of the eFORM modules are flexibly connected to each other in a cold filling process (Si gel). This does not only save energy for warming up the glass, but also enables much more varieties with regard to cell coverage and module geometry. The technology has been piloted in a soccer stadium in Bremen. Location: Germany Concept: skylight Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 3500mm x 940mm


Chapter 4: Products for flat and curved roofs 4.1 UniSolar81 UNI-SOLAR® is the world’s largest producer of flexible solar panels. And, thanks to the combined technological know-how of UNI-SOLAR and parent company. The solar cells are made of 11 triple junction amorphous silicon solar cells connected in series and have 11–13% in conversion efficiency. The laminate encapsulation material is durable ETFE high light-transmissive polymer. Location: USA Concept: Shingle Technology: triple junction amorphous Silicon Size of building blocks: -


On February 14, 2012 Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. and its subsidiaries, United Solar Ovonic LLC and Solar Integrated Technologies, Inc. filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan


4.2 Rheinzink82 The QUICK STEP-Solar PV system has succeeded in integrating ecological solar energy production and modern roofing architecture. Solar modules are adhered directly onto individual QUICK STEP panels using a transparent high tech adhesive. The production of these solar panels is thus realized using progressive technology. The result is a durable flexible connection of RHEINZINK® and glass, which meets the specific requirements pertaining to light penetration, weather and aging resistance perfectly. When subjected to moist or dry conditions, cold or extreme heat – the adhesive strip maintains its performance. Durable ageing-resistance was established in extensive lab tests as well as in the field. Location: Germany Concept: flexible laminate Technology: triple junction amorphous Silicon Size of building blocks: 2848mm x 394mm

„Click Roll Cap System“ Cell type Triple Junction solar cells made of thin-film silicon PV-module 394 mm x 2848 mm Nominal output 68 Wp ± 5 % Operating voltage VMPP 16.5 V Nominal current IMPP 4.13 A No-load voltage VOC 23.10 V Short circuit current ISC 5.10 A Certificate IEC 61646 (CEC 701) Protection class 2 (TÜV Rheinland) Connection MC-box, including 800 mm cable


4.3 Alwitra83 A system of technically and technologically integrated product groups, which have proven themselves in practice, for multifunctional roofing solutions including all flashings, capping and roof penetration details, which ensures permanent and reliable resistance to all impacts and loads on the roof sealing and serves for direct conversion of solar energy into electric power. The system ensures reliable and quick laying, application and installation by the roofer and the electrician. It provides maximum freedom of design for new build and refurbishment works and is extraordinary durable and economical. Location: Germany Concept: flexible laminate Technology: triple junction amorphous Silicon Size of building blocks: 2848mm x 394mm



4.4 SoloPower84 Copper Indium Gallium di Selenide (CIGS) semiconductor material is deposited on a flexible stainless steel substrate and encapsulated in a state-of-the-art moisture barrier laminate. The SF1 module is easily configured for multiple adhesive applications, enabling rapid installation and low-cost system integration with a wide variety of metal substrates. Location: Germany Concept: flexible laminate Technology: CIGS Size of building blocks: 398mm x 2197mm


4.5 Global Solar85 Global Solar’s high efficiency CIGS solar modules are designed for rooftops. The flexible module fits all roof shapes, is lightweight, and requires no roof perforations or mounting hardware. Location: USA Concept: flexible laminate Technology: CIGS Size of building blocks: 492mm x 5745mm



4.6 Ascent Solar86 Ascent Solar WaveSol™ Light provides a new way to integrate lightweight, flexible solar modules into building materials to achieve cost-effective, high-performance solar power. WaveSol™ Light modules deliver the highest power density available on thin-film plastic substrates. WaveSol™ Light modules laminate onto roofing, shading and building surfaces to decrease energy costs and provide a clean, renewable source of energy. Location: USA Concept: flexible laminate Technology: CIGS Size of building blocks: -


4.7 Xunlight87 Xunlight’s offers a line of lightweight and mechanically flexible photovoltaic modules. The products are specifically designed for rooftop installations. Xunlight currently offers four widths of products, the XR (for TPO and EPDM membrane roofs), XRS (for 24″ standing seam roofs), XRU (for 16″ standing seam roofs) and XRN series (for 12″ standing seam roofs). These products all use the bandgap-tuned triple-junction thin-film silicon solar cells, manufactured by Xunlight at its Toledo, Ohio, USA factory. Location: USA Concept: flexible laminate Technology: triple junction thin film silicon Size of building blocks: various sizes



4.8 Kalzip88 Kalzip AluPlusSolar sheets provide a lightweight and fully roof-integrated renewable power generation source. The system utilises a robust yet flexible triple-junction amorphous thin-film photovoltaic (PV) laminate that is factory-bonded directly onto the Kalzip aluminium standing seam sheet’s outer surface thereby blending unobtrusively into the roof profile and becoming a creative feature. Sheets can be straight, concave curved or convex curved which allows for a wide variety of roof designs to be achieved Location: Germany Concept: flexible laminate Technology: triple junction thin film silicon (unisolar) Size of building blocks: various sizes


4.9 HyET Solar89 HyEt Solar has developed a unique process for the production of flexible silicon thin film solar cells based on a roll to roll process. Flexible, light-weight and unbreakable is ideal for integration at the building envelope as a roofing or façade element. Location: The Netherlands Concept: flexible laminate Technology: tandem thin film silicon Size of building blocks: 5930mm x 325mm



Chapter 5: Products for Façades 5.1 Façade cladding systems 5.1.1 Solar Century90 Cladding a building in solar creates a high-tech aesthetic, and can be cheaper than other prestige cladding materials such as marble or bronze. Solarcentury have developed effective solutions for cable management and panel mounting which work with typical façade systems. Quick installation – off-site assembly and pre-fabrication of cladding elements can deliver rapid installation times. Location: England Concept: façade cladding Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: various sizes



5.1.2 Soltecture91 The design of the production hall reinterprets the conventional »industrial façade« for use with solar modules. Solar elements integrated in the horizontally laid corrugated sheet cladding on the exterior offer a double function, providing not just energy but also an attractive visual feature. The number of solar elements can be changed as required in accordance with the orientation. Location: Germany Concept: façade cladding Technology: CIS Size of building blocks: various sizes


5.1.3 Ruuki92 Liberta Solar panel is standard size and part of the Ruukki Design Palette architectural claddings family, allowing for greater flexibility in design options when completing façade colours for the entire building. To achieve a unified glass façade, Liberta Glass panels provide a visually consistent, freesized complementary solution for corners and openings. Location: Finland Concept: façade cladding Technology: CIGS Size of building blocks: 638mm x 1198mm



5.1.4 Schüco93 Schüco offers a variety of systems (FW 50+S) , which allow even the most innovative façade concepts to be realized supremely well architecturally: from window façades with a perfect appearance to impressive structural glazing and high-tech synergy façades. Location: Germany Concept: façade cladding Technology: a-Si Size of building blocks: 1120mm x 1131mm


5.1.5 Ertex Solar94 Ertex solar offers cladding facades and many other BIPV solutions designed for architects that want to include energy generation at the building envelope. Location: Austria Concept: façade cladding Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: 2000mm x 1000mm (max size)



5.1.6 Bisem95 The BISEM-Wall is a flexible aluminum chassis that will also seamlessly incorporate electrochromic glass and super high R-Value glass. The system can be easily installed by any qualified glazier. It has been developed with German performance standards and with USA building standards. The system utilizes micro-inverter technology. Location: USA Concept: façade cladding Technology: c-Si, amorphous-Si Size of building blocks: -


5.1.7 MGT-esys96 MGT has developed a cladding façade with an invisible mounting system. In cooperation with the customized glass solar modules an aesthetic result can be achieved. With this type of fastening, a mechanical anchoring of the glass elements is ensured with no external supports. By combining various color films, almost infinite number of colors can be realized in combination with photovoltaic. Size and shape of the modules are individually adapted to the local conditions. Location: Austria Concept: cladding facade Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom



5.2 Semi-transparent Façade systems 5.2.1 Schott Solar97 The semi-transparent ASI® THRU, ASI OPAK modules are known for their light intensity and are available as laminated safety glass or insulating glass elements. This opens up a multitude of functionalities and offers all of the structural-physical advantages of conventional glass façades. ASI® BIPV elements can be installed using a variety of different mullion-transom constructions to form wall claddings. Location: Germany Concept: semi-transparent façade Technology: a-Si Size of building blocks: 1120mm x 1131mm


5.2.2 SolarNova98 Glass-glass solar modules can be made with insulation glazing for integration in glass façades or roof areas over heated rooms. Here, the insulation glass solar module even takes on structural, acoustic, thermal and weather proof functions. Solutions with the triple insulation glass structure comply with the German passive house standards. Location: Germany Concept: semi-transparent façade Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom

98 97

5.2.3 Yohkon Energia99 High-performance photovoltaic modules YE6140M GG, based on monocrystalline cells and specifically designed for building integration photovoltaics (BIPV) such as façades, porches, greenhouses, rooftops, etc. Location: Spain Concept: semi-transparent façade Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom


5.2.4 SunTech100 The standard glass laminate, measuring 980mm x 950mm comes in 1%, 5% or 10% transparency and 10.5mm or 13.5mm thickness. A variety of custom sizing options are also available and the unit can be fabricated into insulating glass units when a lower U-value is desired. Location: China Concept: semi-transparent façade Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom



5.2.5 Naps Systems101 The GG laminates may include an insulationg window unit with almost any type of glass package in the inner side, like a safety laminate or bullet proof glass. The laminates offer the possibility of tailoring the light transmission to a desired level by adjusting the gaps between the solar cells. Location: Finland Concept: semi-transparent façade Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom


5.2.6 Smile Solar102 See through amorphous Silicon modules specially designed for transparent façades. Transparency can be customized according to customer´s needs. Location: Taiwan Concept: semi-transparent façade Technology: amorphous-Si Size of building blocks: custom



5.3 Louver Systems 5.3.1 Miso Design103 BIPV Louver systems are the excellent shading system for buildings by offering shading and at the same time renewable energy thus having a double role in the building envelope. Location: England Concept: Louver systems Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom


5.3.2 Colt International104 Colt Shadovoltaic is a fixed or controllable external glazed solar shading system that may be installed either vertically or horizontally in front of the façade. Photovoltaic cells are integrated into the glass so as to generate electricity. Location: England Concept: Louver systems Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom



5.3.3 NACO105 NACO is a manufacturer of jalousie and louver systems based on glass, aluminum, wood and PVC. NACO supplied a system with integrated Photovoltaic cells for a building of ECN Petten.

Location: Italy Concept: Louver systems Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom


5.3.4 Solarnova106 Moving slat systems are used for sunshading and to support daylight illumination. The shading systems with photovoltaic slats are designed to track the course of the sun and are a top quality, multifunctional type of solar integration. The fully variable tracking system permits all-day glare-free shading with optimum daylight yield and high solar power generation. Solarnova realized in Mühlenscharrn a PV sunshade system with automatic position tracking. .

Location: Germany Concept: Louver systems Technology: c-Si Size of building blocks: custom




Company Alantis Energy Systems Aleo Solar Alwitra Ascent Solar BIPV Inc Bisem Canadian Solar CentroSolar Colt International Conergy Creaton Dow Powerhouse Ertex Solar ET Solar Eternit Solar Gehrlicher Solar Global Solar Heliosphera Helvetic Energy Hyet Solar IRFTS Kalzip Kinmac Solar LOF Solar LUMETA Mage Sunovations Mecosun Megasol MGT-esys Miso Design Monier NACO Naps Systems New Roof Hybrid Panotron Enrgy Systems PowerSlates Renusol Rheinzink Romag Roto Roof

page 35 29 81 84 68 94 71 19 103 18 65 34 93 72 57 22 83 30 55 87 26 86 77 41 39 78 21 20 95 102 50 104 100 56 36 51 23 53, 80 46 24

Company Ruuki Saint Gobain Scheuten Schott Schüco SCX Solar Sharp Shenzhen Golden Glass Siliken Smartroof Smile Solar Solaire Solar Fabrik Solarcentury SolarDachStein Solarday Solarion SolarNova SolarWatt Solon SoloPower Solstis Soltecture Solus Engineering Stafier Solar Star Unity SunPower SunTech SunTechnics Swiss Solar Systems Synroof Systaic Solar Systems Photonics Tegola Fotovoltaika Tenesol UniSolar Win Win precision Xunlight Yokhon Energia

page 91 54 17, 74 16, 96 27, 92 32 49 73 76 37 101 67 28 47, 89 42 66 69 97, 105 25 15 82 59 64, 90 38 62 43 48 99 63 58 45 52 60 40 61, 75 79 31 85 98


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