are free. Plan on scheduling 30 minutes for consultation, and you will need to ....
ing Tai Chi since 2005 and has had experience ...... Non-ice-smoothie recipes.
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Our Services Contents
8 Modalities
Acupuncture & Moxabustion* Herbalism & Detoxification Tuina & Tai Chi/Qi Gong Guasha & Fire-Cupping* What to Expect
8 Programs
4 5 6 7 8
KY Stop Smoking Program Blue Lotus Pro-Fertility Program Chronic Pain Schedule Business Stress Reduction Plan Appalachian Outreach & Community Style Acupuncture Parties Chinese Medicine Mentoring Family Plans & Registration for Services
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Luxury Style Labs & Tests Travel Options Available Detoxification & Herbal Supplementation Diet Moderation (step by step how to) A General, Family Practice Horse Herbalism Demonstrations & Lectures
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Our Unique Services...
How to use this document: Click a section to move to a page quickly; click a page number to move back to this page automatically. Look for links throughout the document whenever you hover over them. Call 859.533.0914 or email if you have any troubles, questions, or just plain wish to say “hi” and schedule an appointment.
About Us
The Owners Berea Location Payment Options & Insurance Privacy & HIPAA State & Fed Regulations. Customer Service Standards General Information Payment Policies Legal Information Sales Opportunities Referrals and Solicitations Testimonials
* We do NOT perform bleeding cupping, moxa on the needle, nor scarring moxa
26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Acupuncture & Moxa W M Traditional Chinese Medicine
e have 2,600-3,500 years of empirical evidence and human trials, and 50 years of clinical trials, 20 years of Randomly Controlled Trials (placebo tested), and all of it has confirmed that biomedically acupuncture: » Releases endorphins, which are 4x more powerful than morphine in relieving pain. » Regulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic (stress nervous systems) nerve pathways to lower blood pressure, reduce headache, improve sleep, and calm anxiety or aid depression. » Increases or balances the hormonal or endocrine system: insuline, melatonin, seratonin, all of which have been shown to be directly influenced by CAM, especially acupuncture (but not limited to).
The bottom line is that acupuncture is a safe, effective, and healthy way to treat both acute and chronic disorders. You name the condition, we can probably treat it. oxabustion is the application of heat either directly or indirectly through the burning of Artemsia Vulgaris (Mugwort). Although a bit stinky, it is essential in the treatment of: » Cold Qi (from hypothermic conditions) » Chronic injury (related to excessive icing) » Anemia » Certian dermatological conditions » Crohn’s and colitis » Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autoimmune conditions In the case of direct Moxa, there is a burn creme used preventatively and applied to the skin to buffer the moxa. We rarely use direct moxa, but never use scarring moxa (burning) OR moxa-on-the-needle.
Various Types of Moxa
People often say, “needles hurt.” The above shows how many of our needles can fit in a hypodermic.
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Regardless of whether you prefer Acupuncture, acupressure, or moxa, all have profound effects on the body through stimulation of the 365+ acupoints and channels found throughout the body. Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Herbalism TCM
erbalism is a great way to enhance your quality of life cheaply. The initial appointment is $30 (does not include other modalities) but all follow-up appointments to check the tongue and pulse are free. Plan on scheduling 30 minutes for consultation, and you will need to bring your forms the same as acupuncture or moxa.
You can live anywhere in the United States and be an herbal patient. Remember, you’re paying for the herbs online so it is very convenient! Go to our site and watch an embedded video on how to pick up your herbs: here
Q: What about drug-herb interactions? A: We have the most comprehensive text, “Integrated Pharmacology,” for use as reference in such cases. It is your responsibility to provide us with an accurate list of all meds and supplements. In only a few cases is there ANY documented evidence of drug-herb interactions, such as Warfarin/Coumadin and lithium, and some statins. By an large almost all drugs are actually improved through synergistic use of herbs. We are more than happy and insist that we be able to co-manage your herbal case with your doctor if you are on several prescriptions.
A: Normally, no. Commonly, people report a ‘cleansing’ period of 1-2 days; beyond that, call us. If you have any cramping pains, headaches, swelling, rashes, or nausea, call us immediately at 859-533-0914.
There are many methods of delivery: Pill Powder Raw Alcohol-tincture External Liniments Zheng Gu Shui or custom Wines
In China they inject herbs in hospitals; we do not do that here.
Sometimes a traditional formula uses animal product. We do not (cannot) use any rare, endangered animals. If you are vegan, Jewish, or Muslim please let us know you may have special requirements.
: Are there any side-effects?
: How do they taste?
A: It’s no secret that most cooked herbs are ‘funky’ for Americans’ sweet palate. However, if one cannot stomach the most effective “raw” form of herbs, we have also tinctures, pills, granules, plasters, wines, and liniments with which to administer herbs. The most important thing is that you take them; if you cannot abide the taste, tell us and we’ll go to a more convenient form of herbal infusion. : Are they expensive?
A: Most herbs are very cheap, especially considering long-term benefit. $10 of herbs might prevent up to 3 or 4 common colds and flus and possibly following bronchitis attacks from those diseases. That’s very cost-effective. Long-term “tonification” (supplementation) will be more of an investment, anywhere from $30-$75 a month depending on the formula and ingredients.
Tuina & Therapeutic Tai Chi TCM
ai chi (taijiquan) is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. During the practice of Tai Chi, the focus is on uniting body movements with breath. No special equipment is required and the forms may It is performed with clothes REMAINING be done in any space you have to work with. ON; you will not be asked to disrobe, though if you have already disrobed for acupuncture it The many variations of Tai Chi ensure that it may be performed by people of all ages and may be performed using an oil. It is a very calming massage, but the emphasis abilities. is on dispersion of knots and tightness, and in According to Mayo Clinic, along with reducmany cases will be ‘intensely sensational.’ ing stress, anxiety and tension, Tai Chi offers Great for: many potential benefits, such as reducing » Stress relief depression, improving balance, flexibility and » Ortho or neuro conditions muscle strength, reducing falls in older adults, » Sports injuries improving sleep quality, lowering blood pres» Trauma, sprains, strains, bruises sure, improving cardiovascular fitness in older » Fractures adults, relieving chronic pain, increasing en» Insomnia ergy, endurance and agility, improving overall » Common Cold feelings of well-being. » Constipation In addition, Tai Chi has been shown in clini» Abdominal pain cal studies to positively reduce the effects of » Gynecological issues osteoporosis. » Back & neck pain, whiplash » Frozen shoulder “Sf. Ramon Careaga is a nationally certified » Arthritis acupuncturist, herbalist, and a 3rd degree black » Foot, knee, or hip pain belt in the martial arts. He has been practic» Anxiety, mild depression ing Tai Chi since 2005 and has had experience » Longevity and prevention of disease teaching since 2007. He teaches his students to Massage is highly recommended as an adjunc- move with intention and to breathe with mindfulness. He enjoys working with students of all tive in almost every other disease. ages and abilities.” This service is charged by the hour, flat rate ~Sm. Arwen Careaga for everyone $80 per treatment. his ancient form of massage is unique and always involves a harmonization, dispersion, and balancing portion of treatment.
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Guasha & Fire-Cuppung O TCM
ccasionally, actually frequently, we use guasha and cupping to break up stagnation associated with emotional upset, back or neck pain, and headaches.
perhaps as much as once a month or as little as every four months.
Flash cupping requires the use of fire; but it does not burn. Guasha is a “sand-scraping” technique and can best be described as ‘sensational.’ The thing is you will feel better afterBoth techniques leave a form of mild ecchymosis (bruising) that does not hurt and resem- wards, and it is well worthwhile. However it requires the use of oils. bles red dots on the back. If you are allergic to In some severe cases paany oils please inform tients have purple or darker us in your chart so that stagnation indicating how it is known beforehand. bad the condition had been. We also often employ liniments, which contain Your aftercare will deterherbs from China; if you mine how long these painare averse to this, you less ‘bruises’ remain: days must say so explicitly or weeks. If you have an at the time of treatment event that requires back or in your chart. These exposure, such as ballroom include Po Sum On, dancing or beauty contests, Zheng Gu Shui, White it is your responsibility to Flower, and Woodlock let us know at treatment oil, as well as any other time. common western oil like lavender. These oils can These techniques do often Above: Sha or “sand” stain on occasion; please make you more tired (and Think it looks bad on the outside? wear appropriate clothrelaxed) the first time you Imagine what it’s doing to you on the inside! ing. get them so we ask patients to avoid partying, swimWe do NOT use these techniques on children ming, or eating fatty, spicy, or oily foods and unless parents request them; but since we hope alcoholic beverages for 24 hours after treatparents will use these technique, we will be ment. glad to teach them. We DO provide notes to These techniques often need regular repeating, teachers and schools explaining the marks.
What to Expect TCM
On the first visit...
cess. But some work will be required.
lease do not eat more than 4 hours or less than 1 hour before coming; and do not brush your tongue less than 4 hours before treatment.
lease have your Case Managment form filled out and be prepared to come 15 minutes early for us to review them (30 minutes early if you are filling them out in office). » Case Management Regarding Tai Chi » Arbitration & Informed Consent » Consent to Release (for minors) Therapeutic Tai Chi involves the movements » New Patient Checklist (acknowledgement) and exercises associated with Tai Chi studies. It is not a sash or belt system, and martial arts Every patient gets a 10-minute appointment is not emphasized; Therapeutic Qi Gong is “window” during which time you are not included in this modality. considered late if occasionally you are a bit behind schedule, and likewise you can expect Regarding Cupping and Guasha at times to have to wait a few minutes.
lease do not make it a habit to be 10 minutes late each time. All non-herbal appointments are set to one hour unless otherwise requested/notified. We will be setting up your account with us, and you will be able to receive any brochures/ information that you need. Your vitals will be taken, tongue, pulse, and asked a few questions; you will likely receive acupuncture, tuina, or cupping. You most likely will not receive herbs or moxa, e-stim, or weight loss advice on your first visit... but you might likely receive some basic homework. We view ourselves as your health consultants. You are your best healthcare provider. We are here to teach, augment, and guide the pro-
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Guasha (gwah-shah) is a scraping technique (athletes may be familiar with Grasten); the tool used is beveled and not sharp. The oil applied is usually hypoallergenic massage oil unless therapeutically there is another reason to use a Chinese oil. It will leave some marks; some maybe more than others. Occassionally a person may feel
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
cont’d & Aftercare TCM
tender afterwards and is therefore advised to eat more potassium, drink more water, and possibly take an Epsom salt bath. It is simply lactic acid. Guasha as well as cupping leave various types of sha marks depending on the condition. The image to the left may be of interest for people trying to figure out why different spots look different. Cupping and guasha both release: toxicity, coldness, myofacial adhesions (scar tissues), and pathogenic Qi (which leads to colds and flus and rashes).
Regarding Tuina (tway-nah) Tuina is an ancient bone-setting and therapeutic massage style. Although we cannot perform chiropractic services, occassionally a bone will set itself through muscle release. If a person wishes to combine Tuina with their chiropractic we whole-heartedly agree, and encourage the tuina (or cupping, guasha, or acupuncture) to come first so that muscles are relaxed for the bones to remain set longer. It is a very powerful style, not commonly performed, and it is done face up and down, head to toe (as time permits), and it builds upon itself.
for Moxa - though our location and renter’s liability insurance may limit our ability to apply it in office. We can always provide moxa in more open settings.
Regarding Acumoxa Therapy Acupuncture and Moxabustion come in a wide variety of styles, lineages, locations, methods, and for many different purposes. If one style or method is not working, we may try another or you may request another style. There is no one “right” style; whatever works is what is right. We highly recommend you read Shifu’s article, “How Acupuncture Works.” As for comparing acupuncture styles, there are generally two types: structural-functional and energetic. Energetics includes reflexology, maps, auricular and scalp, channels, and more. Structural-functional includes the treatment of joints, muscles, and nerves through use of needles and possibly with electrostimulation. E-stim is like TENS but more powerful, yet it does not hurt. Typically a person can expect a throbbing or tingling sensation that goes away.
Regarding Moxa Moxa smells familiar and iffy, but it is just artemesia vulgaris or “mugwort.” Moxa feels really good; do not hesitate to ask
Ky Stop Smoking! Programs
his is a 4-stage process with the support you need to take the edge off of those cravings and adjust your lifestyle. Perfect for those with COPD, Beurger’s Disease, Thromboangitis Obliterans, or other current or future conditions. Don’t let smoking drain you slowly, kick the habit today.
pretty weak. You will need Therapeutic Tai Chi or Qi Gong, and you will be asked to provide: 1) a food and exercise journal, 2) proof of regular doctor’s checks. Don’t worry, we’ll help you with this.
Part 4: Recommended Detoxification
We will launch you on a detoxification regimen. There are 2 basic routes to choose from: dietary or herbal. Why? The columnar cells in your lung have been inundated with TOXICITY and more than 300 chemical poisons for years, maybe decades... Part 1: Acupuncture when they are replaced after quitting, there is a chance for mutation. We want the new cells to be The NADA protocol is a Randomized Controlled Trial-proven method to help reduce addictions and as clean and healthy as possible. You will need to clear out: metals, tar, and other cravings, and make it easier to quit smoking (and chemicals lining the mucous membranes throughother addictions). It involves auricular (ear) acuout your respiratory and GI system. puncture; for 45min, 2-3 times a week minimum. In the beginning the treatments will lose effect vs. If you’re tired of trying and trying on your own to quit... maybe you need help. Now is the time, your cravings after 2-3 days. Treatments build on Kentucky. Let Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture each other over time. help you do that. With obesity, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and back pain, who has time for the problems that come with smoking? Plus it’s expensive! Let Chinese Medicine help you to kick the habit...
Part 2: Nutritional Support
When it comes to lungs, one bad cell can ruin the bunch because of the potential for mutation. To help your immune system get rid of pre-cancerous cells, you must have strong anti-cancerous nutrition. You will be eating a 5 Element diet of only REAL foods, taking herbs, and you will be especially eating foods proven to get rid of excessive vein formations (angiogenesis) and get rid of free-radical damage. You may be asked to take the 5 Element Seminar during your protocol.
Part 3: Lifestyle Change We’re not judging you. Life’s hard, and you gotta work. BUT... you have probably lost a lot of lung tissue and your cardiovascular health is likely
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Cost One thing people start to worry about here is the cost. Although we cannot make you follow the protocol, one thing we’d like you to remember is that your health and financial toll from smoking over the next 10, 20, 30 years will be much more catastrophic than the money you spend here and now. It’s your money, your health, your time. We only want to use these resources if you’re in the right frame of mind to make a change. Please be honest with yourself about your a) your motivations and b) the earnestness of your commitment. It WILL work if you put the energy and effort in, and take the time to heal and change. All habits take at least 21 days to change, and some addictions never go away. But you CAN stop smoking with this program. -Shifu Ramon
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Blue Lotus’ Pro-Fertility P P Programs
rior to any treatment, patients will receive one free 30 minute consultalease note that we are not doulas, and any tion to discuss their case and the optreatment during the birth is not covered by tions before them, including risks and possible the hospital and must be paid for hourly. benefits. Nothing here or in said consultation The cost is $95 every other week, then hourly should be construed as a replacement for West- rates apply. ern medical care or a guarantee of success. It is the body’s choice whether to accept help or Post-Partum Care not. How: moxa and herbs; occasionally motor Infertility for Men & Women point acupuncture to release low back pain What: pro-lactation, helping to expel lochea How: acumoxa, herbs, Tai Chi/Qi gong, and in (placental clots), prevention of Bai He Bing some cases massage “Lily Affliction” (of which one symptom can What: low sperm count, irregular menstruabe post-partum depression). tion, low basal body temperatures, cysts, and muscular-emotional irregularities (anxiety for We do NOT treat infants. All pediatric care instance) must be at 12 months or older. We cannot How much? Usually most patients are placed make recommendations for vaccination or on the chronic schedule, the exception being if circumcisions, all such questions should be a person is normally able to get pregnant and directed to your pediatrician. just wants to enhance the possibility of conception. One aspect of our post-partum care program is that BLHA does offer placental encapsulaNOTE - BLHA may require hormonal test- tion. ing to set a baseline (for men or women) and get measurable results. Women will To do this you must instruct your hospital and also be performing BBT charting at home. nurses to give you release forms to be sent to the labs requesting that you keep the placenta Hormone testing kits are available from our “for consumption.” website. The placenta will come in a container, keep Suggested Reading: it refrigerated.A time will be arranged within the first 4 days after birth for Shifu to come by acupuncture.htm and prepare the placenta. You will receive a set instructions at that time. This is herbal care. and-fertility-statistics.php Helpful for: low energy, lethargy, low immuniPro-birthing Treatments ty, headaches, improving general healing rates and can help prevent post partum depression. How: acupuncture, herbs and teas, Yoga, massage, and acupuncture during early labor. What: only when a patient is 16 weeks pregnant or more, up through the birth.
Chronic Pain & Anxiety Programs
n China, patients are treated every day or every other day for these types of conditions. To help make this more reasonable, we offer Chronic Plans for our programs and chronic pain patients, with a reduced payment scale per treatment Chronic pain includes all of the following conditions: » DJD/DDD/stenosis » Cervical Stenosis related to whiplash » Hip pain » Knee pain » Migraines and cluster headaches » Sinus Headaches (allergies) » Ostearthritis » Rheumatoid Arthritis » Lupus/Sjogren’s » Fibromyalgia » Cushing’s Disease » Low thyroid function » Rotator Cuff injuries » PCOS/fibroids » Fibrocystic breasts » Plantar fascitis/heel spurs » Shin splints » Carpal Tunnel and TOS
NOTE - You may be interested to know that Zheng Gu Shui or a custom liniment, applied externally to your joints and muscles will help move blood, relieve pain, and facilitate cell regrowth and healing. Also, the Wu Yang Patches can provide stronger relief than Icy Hot.
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n certain situations, mental conditions and illnesses may be helped, controlled, or at least aided in management (with pharmaceuticals) by acupuncture and other modalities.
The reason that acupuncture is effective has to do with certain chemicals released by the brain during acupuncture (as proven by western biomedical research): Endorphins (4x stronger than morphine) Opiod Peptides Adenosine (an anti-inflammatory) Dopamine Seratonin These chemicals have a down-regulating effect on the Sympathetic Nervous System, which roughly corresponds with the TCM function of moving stagnant liver qi. When the Sympathetic nervous system is engaged (fight or flight), there is a spasmodic reaction in golgi tendon reflexes in skeletal and smooth muscle, raising blood pressure and creating shallow breathing. The intestines also spasm. Engaging the Parasympathetic NS will reverse this, relax the body, and encourage the release of other control hormones and chemicals that help the body heal and the mind to relax. The NIH has noted that among many conidtions, acupuncture is useful in treating anxiety, chronic, mild, or severe depression, insomnia, nervousness, various neuroses and addictions.
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Business Stress Reduction O Programs
ffice stressed out? Low team morale? Excessive (ineffective) multi-tasking? Do the employees have cramped up necks, shoulders, and backs? Or get tension headaches that send them home for the day or even days? How about the environment they are sitting in - have you made it greener, cleaner, and more conducive to healthier living? These are all issues that affect the productivity of your team and your company or office. It is not uncommon for high stress environments to take a toll on even veteran employees and affect their ability to finish projects, or make deadlines on time. On top of that we are more “wired in” than ever. It seems like the more connected we are, the less connected to reality and each other we become. What can Acupuncture do? ◊ Studies show that relaxed employees are happier and more productive. ◊ Acupuncture removes energetic, physical, or even mental blocks that hinder the capacities and latent potential of otherwise fantastic talent. ◊ Relaxation, and the ability to put away worry about life’s cares and outside-thework place issues can increase the FOCUS of an employee. Because treatments are community style, the team can be IMPROVED by a chance to relax and talk about social events, office ideas, feel free to brainstorm or allow their consciousness to leave the “tunnel vision” behind and open up to new, intuitive, and often brilliant solutions to complex problems. Following the relief of neck tension and headache, the individual will be able to sit comfortably & work their hours without having to abandon the desk as often, and will be less likely to spend time complaining and more
time focusing on their work.
The fact is that work requires a certain amount of ENERGY and FOCUS. Distractions such as pain and stress threaten a business’ ability to provide the right environment. Wouldn’t you like to be able to give your employees more vacation time? If on average you spent $660 per employee per year in lost time, plus all the productivity lag, suppose that were regained. Could you give your employees better vacation or family time, better hours, or just in general pay them better? What about helping them FEEL healthier? Wouldn’t that save on your health costs? Imagine what it would do for your team’s MORALE if you could give them something back. Sure, you give a lot as an employer, but employees give every day, trading precious moments of life with family and friends. YOU do the same thing, so you can understand their thinking. What if you could earn those hours back through increased productivity, would you be able to give back MORE? Below are two options that you can use to get our acupuncture Stress Relief Program in your office or business workplace.
Option 1) Buy us out: Your office pays us in two hour increments to set up shop in a spare room or other area; you send us employees, we treat as many as possible. Cost: $720 per two hour time slot per acupuncturist needed Option 2) Per employee: You provide the space, you or the employees pay $50 per person, due at time of treatment The business must guarantee up to $600 in sales, or cover the remainder; and agrees to pay for mileage ourside of Lexington. See the Registration Page for details.
Appalachian Outreach H Programs
phone # is included.
ello all, Arwen will be following up with each of you personally, but I am writing to inform you of the steps to becoming a managed case.
(1) go to and download/edit and print the links from the top of the home page; you will also need to print and sign the Informed Consent portion of the second form. You should read/review the Privacy Practices; but you need not print it except if you want it.
We will be contacting you individually once we have these materials, and we will also email this list again when we know where the next acupuncture session will be held.
(2) Please fill out/ draw/comment upon the following form, especially the side with images on it. (3) Fill these out with detail, and send them along with a photograph/Polaroid in sunlight of your tongue. That is useful diagnostics. You can actually email the photo digitally if you have a digital camera. But do NOT send the other forms digitally. Make sure that your
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#4 Mail to: Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture 624 Wellington Way, Ste. C Lexington, KY 40503
#5 This is an open invitation to anyone and everyone with a chronic condition, especially weight or heart or diabetes related. You may forward this email as an invitation to others to become herbal and acupuncture patients. Thank you for a wonderful day, I enjoyed meeting each of you. ~Shifu Careaga
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Acupuncture Parties Programs
hether you’re an individual, a business or you’re throwing an MLM Wellness meeting, it may interest you to know that you can provide a unique, fun AND relaxing event at your gathering. Hire Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture to come in the afternoon or after-hours and set up a few Zero-Gravity Chairs and perform Community Style Acupuncture Option 1: Paid by Host - $800 per three hour reservation; Minimum party size: 8 Option 2: Paid by Guests - $100 host minimum plus $20 per guest, for up to two hours; Maximum party size: 12 Whether it’s a black tie event, a wedding, or a fun and loose social mixer, acupuncture can give a fun talking point, a unique and memorable experience, and provide the de-stressing required to make a party really reach that smooth as elixir experience. All Customers Agree to abide by the terms and conditions in the Registration Form.
TCM Mentoring Programs
f. Ramon Careaga is offering a chance to learn the medicine in the traditional way, through following a mentor and witnessing the system. You will work hard and get hands-on experience in acupuncture, herbology, tuina and more. This program is for one-on-one training in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
lease note, at this time NCCAOM only accepts Herbal Apprenticeship Credits, this program will not transfer to Acupuncture School. It also does not accept credits from this until 2017, and requires a minimum number of hours. owever, in KY there is no regulation or requirement for NCCAOM certification to practice herbal medicine.
What will I learn? » Chinese medicine theory, at an herbal level - this will more than cover acupressure and channel theories. » Tuina, a form of acupressure from China, it is a therapeutic style, and also very relaxing.* » Cupping and guasha; the proper techniques. » There will be assigned readings and examinations. » You will be assisting Shifu in the treatment of acupuncture and herbal patients part to full time.
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How much does it cost?
The first quarter is only $500 Afterwards $1000 per quarter (unless otherwise listed) 11 weeks a quarter. This program is great for: Those who are interested in becoming complete, reputable herbalists in one of the world’s oldest, and certainly the largest herbal systems.
* *
Individuals looking to decide whether Acupuncture or Massage is for them before they commit to a full college program (a Master’s in Acupuncture can run from $40,000 to $65,000 + expenses).
Martial Arts students interested in the details of Qi Gong, channel theory, and pressure points.
NOTE This program is not a massage certification. Please contact Lexington Healing Arts Academy or Spencerian College for KY Massage board certified and licensed programs.
For more information
Read the NCCAOM Certification Handbook and Application Call 859-533-0914 or send an email to Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Family Plans Programs
hronic Pain Family Addons
e understand that the average family cannot pay full price for everyone in it, though the entire family or a couple may want to come together. In light of this we are offering substantial discounts for families and couples. We also pro-rate for expected missed weeks, holidays, and unexpected emergencies!
B *
asic Pay Schedule Patients receive discounts off their rate, to the tune of 4 treatments a month per person. NOTE: treatments must be used by the end of the month, they do not carry over first month is non-refundable. A 1.5% service fee on credit card or Paypal may be applied. You may upgrade, and Four or more may include 1 friend (or up to six students), or any extended family member! » Couple’s Plan - 8 treatments/month or $80/treatment ($640/month) 15.7% off (a savings of $120*) » Three’s Company - 12 treatments/month $75/treatment ($900/month) 21.9% off! (a savings of $252) » Family of Four - 16 treatments/month or $60/treatment ($960/month) 37.5% off!!(a savings of $576) » Five or More -20 treatments/month or $55/treatment ($1100/month) 42.7% off!!! (a savings of $820)
» Twice a week +1 $840/month for a total of 12 treatments for two people » Thrice a week +1 $960/month for a total of 16 treatments for two people » Twice a week +2 $1080/month for a total of 16 treatments for three people » Thrice a week+2 $1180/month for a total of 20 treatments for three people » 2x Twice a Week Plans $1000/month for a total of 16 treatments for two people » 3x Twice a Week Plans $1440/month for a total of 24 treatments for three people » 2x Thrice a Week Plans $1240/month for a total of 24 treatments for two people » 3x Thrice a Week Plans $1820/month for a total of 36 treatments for three people or for 6 students » Stop Smoking Addon > Diet Detox & Diet Monitoring, Lung Detox, 5 Element Diet manual&diet monitoring, Qi Gong lessons for $100 off = $225 once » Fertility Addon > 5 Element Diet Program included;4 Hormone Test saliva test;Pro-delivery acupuncture;Blood Detox = $432 once
*savings calculated vs. normal 30min ~$95 treatment, not included taxes/service fees
Luxury Style Our Unique Services...
uxury Treatment and Stress Relief Schedule The difference in this is more one-on-one face time with the practitioner, treatments that last as long as YOU need them to last, whether they are 45 minutes or two hours. They are also held in a more relaxed environment and there is time for intellectual discussion, and learning more about the medicine, if interested. Saturdays only by special appointment - only four patients per Saturday accepted. Scheduling only available starting Wednesdays through Fridays.* A flat $100 an hour, calculated from the time the patient arrives or - if a home visit - from the time the practitioner begins driving to location. Home visits only available within Fayette county.
NOTE - emergency calls taken on any evening after 10 pm are charged $120 per hour; the exception being herbal patients with questions about the formula. Most calls take less than 5 minutes or about $20.
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Labs & Testing Uniqueness
s of January 15, 2013 Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture is equipped and registered with LabCorp and prepared to help you order blood-work. We do this for three reasons only, as a policy. (1) We suspect a condition that has been missed and it is faster and more convenient to order through us than to get an appointment with your GP or a specialist.
KY Medical Board certified/licensed practitioner.
Please do not ask for a blood panel simply because you read on WebMD, Dr. Oz, Dr. Sears, or Dr. Mercola’s sites somewhere a series of conditions and symptoms that you suspect is something serious. Let a qualified professional make that recommendation. We are certified under the Kentucky Medical Board and have over 1,000 hours of western training as well as NCCAOM Biomed certification.
(2) We see the results of previous lab-work and want more information; We also will be able to provide urine screening in some cases more than others think is neces- for UTI/stone/infection starting January 21, 2013 sary. We do this to ensure you get the highest quality treatment possible. (3) You suspect a condition and have no GP or specialist that you can get to in a reasonable amount of time; have no insurance and wish to pay out of pocket; and you have exhausted these resources previously: » Urine Screening » Pregnancy Testing » Saliva Hormone Testing (if cheaper or more convenient) » Xrays and other imaging services » OTC Glucose monitoring devices » Physical exam/Second Opinion of another
We’ll come to You! Uniqueness
f you live within the surrounding counties of Fayette, or in Martin County, Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture will actually come to your location and treat you (or a family member). What is required is first to fill out the registration form on the website at www.bluelotushealth. com/register
lease note that we charge for any mileage over 10 miles at a rate of $5 + $1/mile over 10 miles. So 11 miles is $6.
You would book a 1.5 hour slot (assuming 30min travel time)... then you get a 30min treatment. That retains the $95 cost (plus travel). If the appointment goes over the 1.5 hour allotment (for to and from travel time), then you simply pay per 15min interval at a rate of $100/hr. So every 15minutes is $25 more. Example case: Visit to Winchester ~45min drive, so this requires a 2 hour slot. The mileage to Winchester is 27miles, or $23. So the final estimate is $168.
lease note that if paperwork is not filled out when we arrive, the time to fill it out counts as treatment time.
Please be aware that most concerns require repeat visitations. Such a patient might be interested in our Chronic plans; but for this we must require 2 months advance payment since we will be forced to use 1.5 to 2 hours of time slots, twice a week. However, it could save the patient a lot of money in the end. In the above case, a single visit would only run $118; so 8 visits a month would be $944; while 4 regular vists would still be $672. The patient is getting twice as many visits, but saving $400/month (after totalling 8 treatments). Moxa, tuina, and acupuncture are available. Our treatments can cover basically anything that is covered in the treatment rooms here at Blue Lotus Health; however we cannot treat/cure Cancer, Alzheimer’s (treat yes, cure no), AIDS, or Emphysema. The reason for not treating emphysema is simply related to the hyperinflation of the lungs which increases the risk of puncture. Such a case is herbal only.
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Detoxification & Supplementation Uniqueness
n the clinic we keep the following herbal supplements in stock: Cold Quell - for colds generally Gui Zhi Tang - for cold and flu in the first 12 hours Yin Qiao San - for sore throat; the primary ingredient of Airborne Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan - treats 6 types of headache Bao He Wan - for glomus & abdominal distension or food stagnation Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang - for phlegm and cough Zhi Sou San - for rough/dry cough with little phlegm Astragalus & Astragalus Tea - for building WBC count and immunity Loquat Syrup - tasty and cheap; for sore throat/cough Lung Qi Jr. - treatment and prevention of child’s colds Chest Qi Jr. - for childhood colds and asthma Allerease - for allergies and asthma Various pediatric formulas (in tincture) Burn Cream for topical application (amazing!) Baxyl - 100% pure hyaluronan (the lubricant in joints that decreases with age).
In the future we may also provide various antioxidant, vitamin, and supplement products at
MSRP for patients who do not wish to become members of different distributorships but wish to have access to the same quality products. Currently we have no affiliations with any particular companies. All future products sold as such will be purchased from Blue Lotus Health & Wellness, a wellness cooperative.
etoxification is an interesting topic to many patients that come through our doors. We offer all of the following methods for detoxification: Colon cleansing - Through a “Cheng Qi Tang” Lung Detox - Through Bai He Gu Jin Tang or other custom formula Diet Detox - a 28-day detox plan that comes free with your purchase of the 5 Element Diet Non-ice-smoothie recipes Transformations 360 - for Diabetes/glycemia patients
Additionally, most herbs have a detox effect, which is enhanced by guasha and cupping.
If you have a skin eruption disorder, such as psoriasis, cystic acne, or eczema, we highly recommend purchasing three cupping sessions where we will encourage the lymphatic system to forcefully remove toxic buildup fromt he outer layers of the body.
Diet & Exercise Moderation Uniqueness
s a part of our weight loss and diabetes programs, we highly encourage the purchase of the 5 Element Diet manual. It comes with all of the following » Velo-bound manual describing the main philosophies of the ‘diet’ » 7 day menu with alternates, snacks, and deserts for weight loss the Dietary Ketosis way (not ketoacidosis or protein only) » Food Journal moderation » Exercise moderation » Copy of Tao of Nutrition for reference (for duration of diet) » $25 off the seminar should it become available in your area.
Why the 5 Element Diet? Because it’s not a fad... it’s a lifestyle.
How To Setup MyFitnessPal Food Journal Moderation
1. Go to or download the app for your phone/ tablet. 2. Create an account - use a password you will remember in a year! 3. Open your settings: Profil Privacy Settings 4. Sharing with Shifu Careaga... Option 1: Make viewable for “Everyone,” copy link and send to with Subject line “Diary”
It’s easy to do; anyone after age 5 can learn it! It’s effective at diversifying your nutritional intake while minimizing your anxiety. You can be omnivorous or vegetarian/vegan. It helps you stay healthy, disease-free, and great looking.
Option 2: Share to ShifuC @ 5. Now begin logging your calories and be ready to discuss in your session!
It is the only simple way to eat for longevity without buying a store-full of supplements.
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
A Family Practice.... B Uniqueness
lue Lotus is a general practice but most importantly it is a Family Practice. We use herbs, acupuncture, moxa, tuina, cupping, and guasha on ourselves and our own children, and have seen amazing results. Whether it is removing a wart from our child’s finger, or healing a sunburn with herbal burn creams and Aloe, we enjoy providing a holistic lifestyle for the entire family. Our journey didn’t start by being “alternative”... far from it. We grew up on the same AllAmerican diet and lifestyle as the rest of you. But through trial and error, research, reading, and the Medicine, we came to see the value of giving our children their best chances to grow. Did you know the the brain doesn’t stop folding until near to age five? This is also around the same time that the immune system is finally strong enough to fend for itself.
Chinese Medicine’s approach to treating children is two-fold... support the Qi (and blood) through nutrition; such as breastmilk and whole foods... and expel pathogenic Qi.
It is our belief that Pathogenic Qi contracted in childhood is responsible for most adult diseases. The invasion of pathogens that are then quelled with cold antibitiocs or damp steroids (especially creams) causes heat to become trapped in children. This causes changes from behavioral to physical. Most cases of ADHD or ADD are the resulting heat trapped and eventually leading to weakness due to constant battling internally latent pathogens. With muscle relaxing tuina, and then other interventions, children have a good opportunity to heal and grow into their best, active, healthy selves.
Nationwide & Equine Herbalist Uniqueness
symptoms, or “leaves;” ancient herbalism focuses primarily on the tree itself, which is a erbalism is both an ancient and con- constellation of signs and symptoms that go temporary practice. The entire world has been from the karmic and elemental levels right up to specific signs and symptoms. practicing herbal medicine since at least the 4th century BC. Yet even today pharmaceutiBecause herbalism requires facial, eye, and cal companies take their cues from plant derivatives (such as Ephedra Hb. or Ma Huang). tongue diagnosis (along with a thorough intake), Shifu Careaga is able to prescribe custom, accurate herbal remedies for patients Meanwhile, herbalism has also become huge hundreds, even thousands of miles away. This business in the supplement industry, which now is equally comprised of vitamins/minerals is all due to pattern identification and a highly and plant or organic compounds that supply a codified system and approach provided rich amount of anti-oxidants and other healby the Chinese modings compounds. el and ancient texts going right back to This has led to a resurgence in interest in traditional herbalism; whether it be western or 220 AD when the world’s first mediEastern. cal text on colds and flus was collected. About Eastern herbalism... Additionally, Shifu is working with local Veterinary Equine Acupuncturist Dr. Martha Rodgers to provide herbal preNevertheless, both systems exemplify the most scriptions for equine empirically proven and time-tested approaches (and other) cases. to herbal practice: differential diagnosis with a To start with this service, first contact her @ basis on pattern identification. (859) 266-8075 Whereas pharmaceuticals and western herbalism (even Cherokee herbalism) focus on There are two codified systems that are each over 2000 years old. One is Ayurveda (Science of Life) from India and the other is Traditional Chinese Herbalism, which of the two is probably more well known and more widely used.
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Shifu Careaga’s Specialties Uniqueness
hifu has a number of prepared topics and lectures ready to be provided if there is a general interest. Don’t hesitate to ask:
◊ Learning the 5 Element Diet (see previous) ◊ Tai Chi Demostrations & Seminars ◊ I Ching, Feng Shui, Bazi ◊ Taoist, Buddhist, Confucianist Philosophy; [Neidan et al...] ◊ The Bagua Dharma(c) Lecture This lecture has to do with How the Universe Works from a psycho-metaphysical and scientifics perspective, looking at Quantum-relativity, Taoism, Mathematics, and in general the lessons of the Universe’s 8 Laws and ThreePlanes (spirit, mind, body) ◊ What is Health and what is “Complimentary/Alternative Health?” ◊ How to Run a Successful Acupuncture Practice
Photo by Kim R. Blackburn Photography 859-333-8176
The Team About Us
hifu Ramon Careaga @ShifuC Ramon Careaga is a native of Lexington, KY. He graduated from Tates Creek High School with a Commonwealth Diploma and 4.0. Afterwards he attended UK from 2001-2005, and worked with the Department of Defense. He also holds a 3rd degree Black Belt in Shaolin-Do, most recently testing on May 29th, 2010. He teaches gung fu and nei fa privately; he is accepting students in the Herbal medicine and TCM training privately, contact us to apply. At any rate, in an effort to introduce the West to Chinese culture, Shifu endeavors to also represent the medicine as it is: a first rate system of comprehensive health-care (minus surgery). On top of this Shifu Careaga offers courses in personal growth and development such as Bagua Dharma, 5 Element Theory and Diet, Self-defense for women, and therapeutic Qi Gong.
rs. Arwen Careaga Arwen is from Beauty, KY, just outside Inez in Martin County. She attended Berea College and majored in Elementary Education. She also holds a 1st degree Black Belt.
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olly Christiansen Holly Christiansen is a Certified Acupuncturist who has also practiced in California and Washington state. She received a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, California. She completed her undergrad degree with a primary focus on Spanish and Latin American studies. She is also 200 RYT Power Yoga Teacher Certified. While resonating strongly with the holistic approach of Chinese medicine, Holly appreciates integrating Eastern and Western medical knowledge when assisting her patients. She has previously worked side by side with Western physicians and staff at San Diego Hospice, San Diego Cancer Center (UCSD Medical Center) and the Geriatric Free Clinic in downtown San Diego. Holly also annually treated active duty and retired veterans during Stand Down San Diego. Holly’s approach to treatment is adaptive to the needs of each individual patient. She believes in enhancing health by prompting the body’s own ability to heal itself and subsequently building upon that with nutritional and lifestyle modifications, and is honored to assist patients in achieving their unique wellness goals.” Learn more here: Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
The Education About Us
hey enrolled in Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, the nation’s most prestigious in 2008, and graduated in 2012. They have Master’s of Science degrees in Traditional Oriental Medicine.
acific College of Oriental Medicine was founded in 1986 to provide Oriental medical and body therapy education to students from around the world. Since its inception, the College has been at the forefront of educating students and working in conjunction with lawmakers and medical professionals to advance the standards of both the profession and the College’s curriculum.
hifu Ramon Careaga, C.Ac., NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine, uses all of the modalities, with a particular interest in herbology and Pacific has received awards tuina acupressure, for its curriculum and clinical and teaches Theratraining, as well as research peutic Tai Chi. His grants from the National Instiinterests are acute tutes of Health. Alumni have infections, gerongone on to be successful in the tology, injuries, field and are currently sought ‘shen’ therapy, and after as both teachers and practitioners in the health consultation (diet, weight, etc...) U.S. today.” Additionally, Sf. Careaga has a B.S.E.E from the University of Kentucky and is a member of >> the UK Alumni Association.
rs. Arwen Careaga, C.Ac (Diplomate of Acupuncture) also uses all the modalities with major interests in auricular acupuncture, cupping, and gua sha. Her specialties are in family/pediatrics, pregnancy, dermatology and autoimmune disorders.
>>Consumer Information >>MSTOM Entrance Pre-requisites >>Accreditation Information >>Shifu’s Case Study @ PCOM
Berea Location About Us
ew and exciting news for Central KY, Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture has acquired Acupuncture Berea ( and will now be able to provide treatment for all of the following residents:
exington ichmond
lay City
eorgetown inchester
icholasville ersailles anville
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Payment Options About Us
e accept payments through all of the following: ash & personal or business check, money orders & Traveler’s Cheques
arter & trade; dollar-for-dollar on services and goods as needed (just ask!) redit cards
aypal send to: ealth Savings Account Should be as easy to use as your credit card
ttention Veterans: Did you know that you may be covered for acupuncture care by the VA? All you need is a referral to us which begins with a discussion with your primary care doctor. If you have any questions about this process, feel free to give us a call!
lex Spending Account Yes: we will provide receipts & justifications
uperbills provided for insurance reimbursements remitted directly to you from: Blue Cross Blue Shield & Humana; if you have a request for another company to be added, please provide their contact information we’d be glad to let them know our NPI identification # and EIN (IRS ID). n some cases, insurance may cover acupuncture. We will be happy to check to see if this applies in your case. Please call 859.533.0914 with the following information: Your name, date of birth, Member ID number and the phone number for “member services” or “provider services” from your insurance card. We will get the information and call you with an update as soon as we know! ALSO please fill out the online form for pre-approval and email it in.
Privacy Practices Section About Title Us
atients should fully review and read the entire Notice of Privacy Practices @
» If you have any questions about this Notice please contact our Privacy Officer who is Mrs. Arwen L Careaga » The Notice of Privacy Practices describes how we may use and disclose your personal health information (PHI). » It also describes your rights to access and control your protected health information. » Upon your request, we will provide you with any revised Notice of Privacy Practices. You may request a revised version by accessing our website. » Treatment: We will use and disclose your protected health information to provide, coordinate, or manage your health care and any related services. This includes the coordination or management of your health care with another provider. We will also disclose protected health information to other physicians who may be treating you. In addition, we may disclose your protected health information from timeto-time to another physician or health care provider (e.g., a specialist or laboratory) who, at the request of your physician, becomes involved in your care by providing assistance with your health care diagnosis or treatment to your physician. » Health Care Operations: We may use or disclose, as needed, your protected health information in order to support the business activities of your physician’s practice. These activities include, but are not limited to, quality assessment activities, employee review activities, training of medical students, licensing, fundraising activities, and conducting or arranging for other business activities.
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Other Permitted and Required Uses and Disclosures That May Be Made Without Your Authorization or Opportunity to Agree or Object We may use or disclose your protected health information in the following situations without your authorization or providing you the opportunity to agree or object. These situations include, but are not limited to: » Required By Law: We may use or disclose your protected health information to the extent that the use or disclosure is required by law. You will be notified, if required by law, of any such uses or disclosures » Public Health: We may disclose your protected health information for public health activities and purposes to a public health authority that is permitted by law to collect or receive the information. » Communicable Diseases: We may disclose your protected health information, if authorized by law, to a person who may have been exposed to a communicable disease or may otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading the disease or condition. » Abuse or Neglect: We may disclose your protected health information to a public health authority that is authorized by law to receive reports of child abuse or neglect. In addition, we may disclose your protected health information if we believe that you have been a victim of abuse, neglect or domestic violence to the governmental entity or agency authorized to receive such information. In this case, the disclosure will be made consistent with the requirements of applicable federal and state laws. » Legal Proceedings: We may disclose protected health information in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding, in response to an order of a court or administrative tribunal (to the extent such disclosure is expressly authorized), or in certain conditions in response to a subpoena, discovery request or other lawful process. » Law Enforcement: We may also disclose protected health information, so long as applicable legal re-
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
& HIPAA About Us
quirements are met, for law enforcement purposes. » Military Activity and National Security: When the appropriate conditions apply, we may use or disclose protected health information of individuals who are Armed Forces personnel We may also disclose your protected health information to authorized federal officials for conducting national security and intelligence activities, including for the provision of protective services to the President or others legally authorized. » Workers’ Compensation: We may disclose your protected health information as authorized to comply with workers’ compensation laws and other similar legally-established programs. Uses and Disclosures of Protected Health Information Based upon Your Written Authorization
Other uses and disclosures of your protected health information will be made only with your written authorization, unless otherwise permitted or required by law as described below. You may revoke this authorization in writing at any time. If you revoke your authorization, we will no longer use or disclose your protected health information for the reasons covered by your written authorization. Please understand that we are unable to take back any disclosures already made with your authorization. Other Permitted and Required Uses and Disclosures That Require Providing You the Opportunity to Agree or Object We may use and disclose your protected health information in the following instances. You have the opportunity to agree or object to the use or disclosure of all or part of your protected health information. If you are not present or able to agree or object to the use or disclosure of the protected health information, then your physician may, using professional judgement, determine whether the disclosure is in your best interest.
Others Involved in Your Health Care or Payment for your Care: Unless you object, we may disclose to a member of your family, a relative, a close friend or any other person you identify, your protected health information that directly relates to that person’s involvement in your health care. If you are unable to agree or object to such a disclosure, we may disclose such information as necessary if we determine that it is in your best interest based on our professional judgment. Your Rights » Following is a statement of your rights with respect to your protected health information and a brief description of how you may exercise these rights. You have the right to inspect and copy your protected health information. » You have the right to request a restriction of your protected health information. You may request a restriction by submitting a signed letter stating the restriction prior to date of applied restriction of authorization, effective immediately upon receipt. » You have the right to request to receive confidential communications from us by alternative means or at an alternative location. » You may have the right to have your physician amend your protected health information. » You have the right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures we have made, if any, of your protected health information. » You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice from us, upon request » In the state of Kentucky, you have a right to receive one free copy of your chart, upon request, within 30 days.
State & Federal Regulation More Information
y law requires all acupunctursits be certified by the Kentucky Medical Board, effective 2006. Here is a copy of the KRS statues which apply: 311.671 Applicability of KRS 311.671 to 311.686. In order to protect the life, health, and safety of the public, any person practicing or offering to practice as an acupuncturist shall be certified as provided in KRS 311.671 to 311.686. After July 12, 2006, it shall be unlawful for any person not certified under KRS 311.671 to 311.686 to practice acupuncture in this state, or to use any title, sign, card, or device to indicate that he or she is an acupuncturist. The provisions of KRS 311.671 to 311.686 are not intended to limit, preclude, or otherwise interfere with the practice of other healthcare providers, working in any setting and certified or licensed by appropriate agencies or committees of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, whose practices and training may include elements of the same nature as the practice of a certified acupuncturist. 311.672 Definitions for 311.671 to 311.686. In KRS 311.671 to 311.686, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) “Acupuncturist” means an individual certified to practice acupuncture by the board; (2) “Board” means the State Board of Medical Licensure; (3) “Committee” means the Acupuncture Advisory Committee under the State Board of Medical Licensure; (4) “Certification” means certification by the board to practice acupuncture; and (5) “Practice of acupuncture” means the insertion of acupuncture needles, with or without accompanying electrical or thermal stimulation, at certain acupuncture points or meridians on the surface of the human body for purposes of changing
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the flow of energy in the body and may include acupressure, cupping, moxibustion, or dermal friction. The practice of acupuncture shall not include laser acupuncture, osteopathic manipulative treatment, chiropractic adjustments, physical therapy, or surgery. Effective: July 12, 2006 History: Created 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 249, sec. 2, effective July 12, 2006. Legislative Research Commission Note (7/12/2006). 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 249, sec. 2, subsec. (3), read: “”Council” means the Acupuncture Advisory Council under the State Board of Medical Licensure.” However, 2006 Ky. Acts ch. 249, sec. 3, created the Acupuncture Advisory Committee, not the Acupuncture Advisory Council. The Reviser of Statutes has changed the references to “Council” to “Committee” in codifying this statute, under the authority of KRS 7.136(1)(h). Members of the KY Medical Board of Acupuncture: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Dinah Blue, C.Ac., Georgetown Nga T.N. Collard, M.D., Elizabethtown Joseph Fiala, Ph.D., Frankfort Kathleen A. Fluhart, C.Ac., Lexington Randel C. Gibson, D.O., Mayfield Martha Graziano, C.Ac., Chair, Louisville Shiela Mathew, M.D., Louisville Marie T. Tagher, C.Ac., Walton
Other Regulating Bodies: HIPAA - Notice of Privacy Practices, Pg. 34 » OSHA - regulates the safety of our facility » LFUCG Board of Health » NCCAOM - the accredidation body that regu» lates our national license and diplomacy FDA - regulates supplements and herbs; » classified currently as foods which require certain handling, GMP, and other standards of delivery to customers.
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Customer Service Standards More Information
e hope to:
» Earn your repeat-business and trust by helping you achieve your health goals. » Have great Google and Yelp Reviews from you because you’re so happy with our service. We aim to acquire your positive reviews, referrals, and loyalty by: ◊ Always treating you as a person rather than as a machine or commodity. ◊ Giving office-hours consultations by phone or in-person, but also being available after hours for special needs cases. ◊ Counseling you through difficult or trying times and making sure you feel supported. ◊ Using quality service lists to ensure you’ve been treated equitably and fairly, given every chance to avoid “falling through the cracks” as often happens in modern day healthcare. ◊ Giving you open, honest, and accurate health forecasting, prognosis, and treatment plans.
◊ Providing easy access to information, technology, and a complete list of our services and vendors. ◊ Providing excellent referrals to doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapy; so that the people you see by extension of us conduct themselves with the same level of integrity and personal regard as we expect from ourselves. ◊ Giving you multiple avenues of acquiring our services. ◊ Reaching out to you in your community as much as we possibly can. ◊ Maintaining adequate and yet noninvasive contact - because we know life is busy and that makes it hard to manage your health; and we also know you do not like to be ‘forgotten.’ These standards we do hereby acclaim as our solemn vow to you, the patient, business, or host.
Shifu Ramon Careaga, President Mrs. Arwen Careaga, Manager
General Information IT A More Section Information Title
Insert text
nsert text
he following is the complete list of Western Biomedical Conditions considered treatable by acupuncture alone (to say little of TCM altogether) according to the World Health Organization: » Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy » Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever) » Biliary colic » Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke) » Dysentery, acute bacillary » Dysmenorrhoea, primary » Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastrospasm) » Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders) » Headache » Hypertension, essential » Hypotension, primary » Induction of labour » Knee pain » Leukopenia » Low back pain » Malposition of fetus, correction of » Morning sickness » Nausea and vomiting » Neck pain » Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction) » Periarthritis of shoulder » Postoperative pain » Renal colic » Rheumatoid arthritis » Sciatica » Sprain » Stroke » Tennis elbow
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dditionally it may of interest to note that all of the following persons or entities have used acupuncture for health, healing, or performance enhancement: » United States and Chinese Olympic Teams » Robert Downey Jr. » Oprah Winfrey » Katie Couric » Elle Macpherson » Gwyneth Paltrow » Jim Carrey » Helen Hunt » Sarah Michelle Gellar » Madonna » Cher » Jennifer Anniston » Celine Dion » Mariah Carey » Lucy Liu » Sandra Bullock » Matt Damon » Dwayne Wade » Numerous horse owners/farms employ it for their prized horses » Many dog and cat owners seek it out for difficult chronic conditions and pet anxieties If an animal, athlete, or celebrity deserves to be pampered and taken care of... don’t you since you work just as hard or harder than they do??
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Payment Policies Legal
ate Payments As all payments are either due at the end of treatment at the latest, late payments are considered “rent” of time. For the first week, the account will be charged a 5% fee, returnable if payment is received the same week of treatment. Each following day there is an increased fee of 2% per day on delinquent accounts. Accounts delinquent by two months will be considered in default and the clinic reserves the right to turn the bill over to a collection agency or to take the patient to court to receive payment, and to close the account and discharge the patient. Exceptions can be made in the event of illness, death, or other adverse conditions, though the patient may be required to provide proof of the situation. Managers are not authorized to curtail fees.
ancellations and Late/No Shows
Cancellations, so long as they are within scheduling requirements (see above), will not be charged any fees. Late cancellations in excess of two in a row or three total will be charged $50 (or the highest for their rate) to the account in lieu of lost revenue for unbooked appointments. Another infraction will mean a full charge at their normal rate. Another infraction means possible probation of the account (on top of the fees), and at the discretion of the Practitioner, a discharge from services. Patients arriving late in excess of 20 minutes may be charged $10, and 30 minutes is considered a late cancellation. They may be allowed one grace period per year; this includes all gift certificates and vouchers. No show patients are treated as late cancellations. If a patient does not make contact, it may be considered “malicious” meaning that they are more likely than those that make contact to be discharged from
service or placed on probation of services. Starting 4/13/13 No call/no show patients who do not re-schedule will be sent a bill for a full half of the normal rate of their treatment scheduled in lieu of lost revenue. This policy shall apply retroactively for all returning patients starting 4/15/13. Prior acknowledgment of these Practices will apply without notice.
Patients may receive, upon request, discounts to their accounts in the following three ways: Patients that refer a new patient to the clinic » will receive a one time 50% discount for themselves or another account (in the form of a gift). There is no limit to this usage. The new patient must receive a full treatment and pay for it. To take advantage one must make a verbal request; the clinic is not responsible for cataloging these referrals. For each subsequent month of patronage, a » patient can receive 5% off their normal rate (not to exceed 66% their normal rate).* For each subsequent year of patronage, patients » may receive 2% off (3 months of recent treatment required) from their normal rate (not to exceed 2/3 their rate).*
#2 and 3 only apply to Basic Pay Schedule; request for discount must be made by patron at time of payment.
Cessation of patronage for 2 months or » more will return account status to normal rates.
Other Regs & Policies R R Legal
egarding Informed Consent:
KRS 311.678 Required disclosure to patients -- Informed consent. An acupuncturist shall obtain informed consent from each patient in a manner consistent with the acceptable and prevailing standards of practice within this Commonwealth and, at a minimum, the acupuncturist shall disclose to the patient the following written information prior to or during the patient’s initial visit: (1) The acupuncturist’s qualifications, including his or her education, certification information, and the definition and scope of the practice of acupuncture in the Commonwealth; and (2) Possible outcomes of the treatment to be given, including any pain, bruising, infection, needle sickness, or other side effects that may occur.
dditionally, please understand that our malpractice insurance provider, American Acupuncture Council requires that every patient sign and date an acknowledgement of Informed Consent and Arbitration Agreement, which they provide. A copy for your review may be found on our website or a paper copy may be provided.
egarding Continuing Education:
KRS 311.682 Continuing education requirements. (1) The board shall, by administrative regulation, prescribe continuing education requirements not to exceed thirty (30) hours biennially, as a condition for renewal of a certificate. All education programs that contribute to the advancement, extension, or enhancement of professional skills and knowledge related to the practice of acupuncture, whether conducted by a nonprofit or profit-making entity, are eligible for approval. The continuing professional education requirements must be in acupuncture or oriental medicine subjects, including but not limited to anatomy, biological sciences, adjunctive therapies, sanitation and sterilization, emergency protocols, and diseases. (2) The board shall have the authority to set a fee for each continuing education provider. (3) The certified practitioner shall retain in his or her records the certificates of completion of continuing professional education requirements to prove compliance with this section. (4) All national and state acupuncture and oriental medicine organizations and acupuncture and oriental medicine schools are approved to provide continuing professional education in accordance with this section. Effective: July 12, 2006
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Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Sales & Employment Q&A
lue Lotus Health & Acupuncture and Blue seminars. A person with lots of connections can keep Lotus Health & Wellness are always active- the calendar very busy. ly looking for Salesmen/Account Managers: A call should take no more than a couple minutes to Current Job Offer: Scheduling and Account Managers conclude. In ten calls you should be able to get an ap20+%* of gross for all sales made at location + bopointment. Great reps can get 3/10. In this way a rep nuses and free treatment at BLHA** can make an amazing hourly rate and have lots of time left for other interests. Great for stay at home careers, Prereq: High School Diploma, Associate’s Preferred, musicians, artists, or others looking to pursue a second sales or secretary experience a plus; must own your career. own phone; must be interested/willing to train in Chinese Medicine in order to understand the sale. lease note: You will not be in the employ of the company (yet).
Skills: Must be able to convey an outgoing, friendly personality through phone conversation and quickly gain access to a location for Mr. & Mrs. Careaga; must be capable of learning to use internet applications (site training provided); must be willing to work 10-20 hrs per week minimum depending on how effective you are. Technically speaking you are just setting an appointment, and WE are making the sale on site.
*Small businesses and offices earn a 20% commission, middle sized (20-50 employees earn 30%, large businesses earn 40%, very large and repeat businesses can earn 50%! Commissions are paid after BLHA is paid, and it is paid per visit and not one time only.)
Job details: This is entry level for a more permanent position. You may work out of your own home, part time. Your job will be: Call/cold call businesses, government and corporate offices, hospitals, clinics, factories, schools, etc... Convince HR/managers to allow representatives access to a room or open area on location and distribute information about TCM to employees in order to encourage them to seek chronic pain/stress relief. Supply all necessary contact info, materials, and especially forms to HR to distribute; we pay for materials and much of it is on the internet for them to print. Get logistical and parking information and add the appointment to the clinic Calendar via your gmail account with all pertinent details (training provided) In addition, you are able to earn commission for patient referrals and sales ofall of our programs and
ther Compensation: Job bonuses will be paid out for excellent jobs, Christmas, and as the job progresses the pay will increase due to taking on more advanced/difficult details.
**Other than free acupuncture and other TCM healthcare, there are no specific benefits.
This is the only position currently open. Please continue to check back periodically for updates.
Referrals & Solicitors Q&A
ur official Referral Map (updated 5/10/2013): Insert text nsert text
olictors: We receive a lot of solicitations, and we appreciate these. Here are some tips, however, that may make your job as a salesperson a little easier:
» Know all about our Programs and Services. » Read a little about Chinese Medicine, so you understand our concerns, needs, and desires. Do you know who our suppliers are? Do you know about Shifu’s work as an advocate for the medicine and for Green Issues? » If you have a marketing, web, or graphics design pitch, show us something. Show us you have thought about the medicine, our patients, our needs, and show us your imagination. » Read About Us and learn what it is that makes us tick. Know how to spell and pronounce our names, for example. » If you are in advertising, we absolutely will not buy unless we have an exact cost per month and estimate of leads (or at least reach and then some way of determining leads). We calculate ROI and without these numbers you will find it hard to sell us » If you want us to demo view your software, the best time for that is not during the week when we have patients, but on a Saturday morning or Monday morning. We are interested in your software, but just not at our busy times. » Before asking for a meeting, ask yourself, “Have I done my homework?” We buy from companies and people who show a passionate care for our medicine, patients and our business.
One of the best ways to help us afford anything new is to refer to us. Loyalty sells.
Copyright (c) 2013 AAP
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture
Testimonials Finally...
ow Back Pain I went to see Shifu for lower back pain. I felt noticeably better after just the first treatment! He was very patient, knowledgeable and caring. Highly recommended. ~Jeremy O.
lood Pressure Sf. Ramon Careaga is a professional, compassionate and highly knowledgeable TCM provider. I’ve had endocrine and high blood pressure issues for the pass 5 years. With the treatment and guidance of Mr. Careaga, my blood pressure has decreased by 20 points. And, I have lost weight, which has been a battle for the past 5 years. My overall energy level, physical health and emotional well-being has improved. I am very grateful for his care and time. ~Lesley K
nee Pain, treated by Arwen I have had bad knees my whole life, ever since I was a little kid. As time has gone on my knees have gotten worse. I have had surgery and been to physical therapy many time to keep them functioning. Prior to going in I had given up the idea of playing basketball due to the deterioration of my knees. After my second visit my knee was noticeably stronger and years of wear and tear were taken off. Now I can play basketball, not every day but I am able to play a couple of times a month. Occasionally when I would go in to take care of my knees Arwen would work on other things, like tendinitis in my wrist. Worked on that one day I went in, hasn’t bothered me since, which was in October. If you are looking for an acupuncturist and have an opportunity to go see them you definitely should! ~Amir J
hronic Pain, Scoliosis, and sinus issues “I originally sought out acupuncture after living with unexplained pain for nearly 10 years. I was immediately impressed by how willing Ramon and Arwen were to explore different treatment approaches. More importantly I was relieved to finally begin getting answers as to what was causing my symptoms and know that it could be treated. There have been multiple occasions that I arrived to an
appointment in pain and left with complete relief of my symptoms. I am also thrilled to say that my greatest area of pain has been relieved and has yet to return. Even when I dont have a specific “symptom” to address, I have enjoyed the stress relief and overall positive energy building that I receive from acupuncture at Blue Lotus and will continue to incorporate treatments as part of maintaining my health in all areas of life.” ~Arin D
eel Spur and Fascitis I’ve had pain in my feet for over 2 years, with the pain increasing with time. The pain had altered my quality of life. I tried so many new shoes & shoe inserts. I’d done physical therapy which gave me some improvement but after 8 months my doctor suggested to stop the PT because the improvements had slowed down & the cost of PT was too great. My doctor started injecting steroids into my feet which caused so much pain during the shot I would be off work a week & couldn’t walk. While the shot would settle my pain for 2 months, I would hear my doctor suggesting another painful shot & surgery would be his next step. This is when I tried something I would never have dreamed I would try: ACUPUNCTURE! Thank you Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture for giving me my life back! My pain had become so great it was affecting all my relationships, my husband is glad to see ME again, my children enjoy the new me also. My feet feel wonderful, even after a hard days work. I highly recommend anyone visiting with the good folks at Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture! ~ Michelle H
ibromyalgia When I first came to Blue Lotus, I had tried everything for my fibromyalgia and nothing was working. After my first session of acupuncture, I began to feel relief. I have received open and honest communication about my health and treatment from the beginning. I have been treated with respect and have left each session feeling confident and refreshed. I have been amazed at the results I am seeing and feeling. This has been a fantastic experience and I look forward to continuing. ~Alison H.
Copyright (c) 2013 AAP
Blue Lotus Health & Acupuncture