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school facilities is a standard in schools across the country. Appropriate and ... The following list. illustrates the f
Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Table of Contents Technology ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Site Issues .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Sustainable Facilities ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Safety & Security ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Aesthetics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Community Use ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Program Area Space Summaries ........................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Compilation of Space .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Program Area Descriptions: Pre-Kindergarten to 6th Grade Core Academics ............................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Special Education............................................................................................................................................................................ 63 Visual & Performing Arts .................................................................................................................................................................. 87 Physical Education .......................................................................................................................................................................... 99 Library / Media Center .................................................................................................................................................................. 105 Administration ................................................................................................................................................................................ 119 Food Service ................................................................................................................................................................................. 145 Custodial ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 171 7th to 9th Grade Core Academics ........................................................................................................................................................................... 181 Special Education.......................................................................................................................................................................... 213 Visual & Performing Arts ................................................................................................................................................................ 237 Physical Education ........................................................................................................................................................................ 259 Library / Media Center .................................................................................................................................................................. 277 Administration ................................................................................................................................................................................ 291 Food Service ................................................................................................................................................................................. 325 Custodial ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 353 10th to 12th Grade Core Academics ........................................................................................................................................................................... 363 Special Education.......................................................................................................................................................................... 399 Visual & Performing Arts ................................................................................................................................................................ 427 Physical Education ........................................................................................................................................................................ 481 Library / Media Center .................................................................................................................................................................. 515 Administration ................................................................................................................................................................................ 529 Food Service ................................................................................................................................................................................. 569 Custodial ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 593

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards To take advantage of technology, schools need comprehensive staff development programs and training; student access to technology applications; updated hardware and software; wireless access points, updated school wiring and internet access; integration of technology into the academic content standards; home to school access; technical support personnel at the school level; and a security system that encourages use and protects the investment. Technology The technology specifications outlined here should be superseded by the Boise School District Technology Specifications. Today, technology is used extensively to help students learn basic and critical thinking skills. The applications and capabilities of educational and information management technology have increased dramatically. Today, most jobs require at least some technology proficiency and as such, it is expected that students will leave school with the ability to work with and use technology. The implementation of voice, video, and data throughout school facilities is a standard in schools across the country. Appropriate and strategically designed and installed technology will greatly enhance the teaching and learning of basic and advanced skills and position a school to take advantage of technological developments in the future.

All classrooms should be multi-use/multi-purpose with invisible technological support. There should be a seamless web of technology to support the classroom management between administration, teachers, students, and the home. Research suggests that multi-sensory teaching is most effective in mastery of basic skills. Technology supports visual, auditory, and experiential learning; therefore, it is recommended that all instructional spaces have voice, video, and data accessibility. This access enhances the flexibility of the learning environment to respond positively to alterations in the use of space. The wiring and other infrastructure components should be the highest priority, including wireless networks. The facility should have surplus electrical power capacity and network wiring/bandwidth to permit expansion of technology and movement toward one-to-one technology.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards It is important that all students demonstrate technology skills appropriate to their grade level. Students will be expected to possess technology skills, as defined and assessed through authentic learning opportunities and applicable technology. Today’s schools are equipped to support management and instructional applications. Current voice, data and video systems can provide leadership, instruction, data management, internet access, and student services. Technology is becoming increasingly useful and appropriate to the student and the educator. As home and business worlds move into higher levels of technological applications, it is critical for schools to be equipped and play a leadership role in the integration of technology into the teaching, learning, and communication processes. Applications of Technology Technology has five primary applications within the school environment. These applications have the potential to have a positive impact on every aspect of the educational processes found in school. The following list illustrates the five primary applications that interface with each other. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Communication / Productivity Student Services Educational Technology Business Systems Content Acquisition / Resource

Technology & the Learning Environment Technology greatly enhances the learning environment. Technology, in the typical classroom, can support multiple instructional designs. There are a variety of group configurations that might be used for instruction including but not limited to:  Large group – up to 150 students  Whole group – approximately 15 to 20 students  Small group – approximately 6 to 8 students (This includes areas in the classroom and in shared common spaces, which a teacher or another resource person can work with groups.)  Individualized Instruction – 1 to 2 students. This is primarily a computer-based instruction design where students interact with a computer. As all forms of technology become more and more digitized, it is envisioned that these will be multi-media computers that integrate voice, video, and data formats as well as having high-speed Internet access. Technology will comply with accessibility for students with special needs that are included in the classroom. All groups, regardless of size should have access to computer projectors & monitors, interactive white boards, LCD flat panels and various forms of computer display techniques.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Voice: Telephone and voice communications in every classroom and workspace to support internal and external communications Video: Video distribution in every classroom and throughout the building with interactive video capabilities to support large and small group instruction, distance learning, and providing access to a wide range of internal and external resources Voice / Data Combined Network VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol): Data retrieval capabilities in every classroom and throughout the building as well as network capabilities City-wide and to other external resources (i.e. internet) Today’s schools are being wired and equipped to support management and instructional applications. Current voice, data, and video systems can provide leadership, instruction, data management, internet access, and student services which go far beyond the systems in schools previously. Technology is becoming increasingly useful and appropriate to the student and the educator. As home and business worlds move into higher levels of technological applications, it is critical for schools to be equipped and play a leadership role in the integration of technology into the teaching, learning, and communication processes.

Direct Instruction Spaces (Classrooms) All direct instruction spaces (classrooms) should have voice / data, wireless internet, and telepresence. This will enhance the flexibility of the learning environment to respond positively to alterations in the use of space. The wiring and other infrastructure components should be the first priority since terminal devices can be added later except for wireless networking which can be added as the need arises. The facility should have surplus electrical power and cooling capacity to permit expansion of technology. Infrastructure, systems, and cabling are typically funded as capital projects. The following components should be included in each classroom:  Carts or other fixed location/stations to recharge technology devices  One teacher workstation with voice, data, and video  Data drops with network & internet access  Dedicated electric power availability and/or raceway wiring system to support student computers  One video drop with mounted video monitor  One voice / data drop with telephone  Audio classroom enhancements  Wi-Fi coverage  Document readers  Computer projector and retractable screen and / or interactive whiteboard

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Alternative wireless configurations where all staff and students are issued an iPad, or personal computer/multimedia device should also be considered. Office areas have the following needs: • Appropriate voice and fiber/ data drops and/or wireless capability • Electric power availability • Capability to support computer, network, printer, and fax • Telephones (voicemail capability) • Security video system • PA system • Audio system • Capability to support high speed networked copier • Color printer • High speed shredder Conference Conference areas should include: • Voice, video, and data drops with network and internet access • Electric power availability • Capability to support video monitor and video projection • Telephone with conference capability • Document reader that can project document or computer • Projection screen or interactive whiteboard  Telepresence

Telecommunications Room The telecommunications room will house un-interruptible Power Supplies (UPS), communication servers, IP-PBX, video system, network router, and Power over Ethernet (POE) network switches. In addition, this room will have additional cooling systems to maintain a consistent room temperature. This room also should have the capacity for emergency power. Furniture will consist of equipment racks, worktable, and monitor stand. All equipment must be located by ample electricity and have an accessible diameter of 4-5 feet. Wireless Access Points [APs] The following locations contain the recommended number of wireless access points: • Public Areas [information center/library, cafeterias, gymnasium] – At least 2 APs • General classrooms – 1 AP per room • Typical load – 30 users per AP Teacher / Team Planning Rooms The teacher / team planning should have the following equipment: • Portable video projector (PVP), computer, and document reader • Printer/Copier • Telephone • Interactive whiteboard Page 6 of 602

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards   

Site Issues

The Architect of Record for each school will be responsible for locations of the schools on the site as well as site issues including topography, drainage, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, bus drop off and pick up areas, service entry, and safety of playground and play field areas.

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Design Considerations  Main building entrances which are readily identifiable  All other building entrances shall be recessed or covered to minimize direct moisture run off on openings, doors and hardware  Building orientations and configurations which conserve energy and allow for natural day-lighting and ventilation  Utilization of exterior terraces/patios for outdoor learning areas

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Accessibility to all buildings and play areas as per building and ADA requirements Identification and preservation of natural site features such as wooded areas to be used to enhance the curriculum Minimize the building's environmental impact on the site, i.e.: o Run-off control (watershed issue) o Minimize excavation o Protect trees o Minimize grounds maintenance o Provide blacktop area o Provide multi-purpose playfields / playgrounds o Exterior lighting o Emergency vehicle access Aesthetically pleasing fencing around school (where applicable) Service entries Landscaping Use of adjacent properties Location of utility “boxes” such as electrical transformers Building Expansion: The planning for future building expansion shall consider grading, circulation patterns and utility stub outs Canopies and Covered Walkways: Provide overhead canopies at primary building entrances. It is recommended that each loading area have a covered canopy and covered walkway leading into the building. Canopies shall be designed to avoid roosting of birds and animals

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards 

Energy Conservation: Designers shall consider building orientations and configurations that minimize heat loss and facilitate beneficial solar gain during heating season, allow for natural ventilation and promote natural day-lighting of building interior Storage Building: Shall be as per program requirements. Designers are encouraged to use finish materials and colors to match adjacent buildings. Exterior Mechanical Areas: Shall be enclosed with security fencing. Provide reinforced concrete slab with fenced area with proper sized pads/curbs for equipment mounting. Slope slab away from building Site design should follow standards of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CEPTED)

Traffic Flow  Backing up of busses shall not be permitted  Bike Racks: Minimum of two (2) bike racks capable of holding 8 bikes each shall be supplied  Separate o Bus drop/parking from the Parent drop off o Car, bus, and service vehicle traffic o Circulation patterns: Pedestrian from Vehicular traffic o Drop-off for special education buses (site permitting) o Staff parking from student parking  Consider access by fire department emergency vehicles when planning site circulation  Linear sidewalks shall be provided at each loading area with visible or physical “waiting” area  Must accommodate student access to buses queuing, loading and unloading to the student drop off areas  Provide adequate areas for entering and leaving play fields  Provide drive-up access for large items in areas such as Food Service and Custodial/Maintenance  Separate Circulation patterns: Pedestrian from Vehicular traffic  Separate drop-off for special education buses (site permitting)  Snow day removal  Sufficient length in drop-off for bus and car stacking  The discharge/pick-up of students at the loading zones shall be from the side of the vehicle opposite the driver and towards the building

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Parking  Adequate and separate parking facilities should be provided for visitors and staff. It is recommended that there be additional spaces for school events.  Comply with regulations for handicapped access  Consider covered walkways from car and bus dropoff areas  Minimum turning radius of 7 feet shall be provided at both driveways and parking areas  Parking lot medians should contain solid surface pass through for pedestrian traffic  The school site must provide adequate areas for entering and leaving, parking, and play fields Lighting  Flag poles are to be lighted  Include exterior security lighting with motion detectors and/or photo-cell timer for parking lots and exterior of building  Must be easy to maintain and service  Provide appropriate lighting for exterior program delivery spaces such as: courtyard, amphitheater, exterior studio/gallery  Provide appropriate lighting for walkways  Provide lighting that is easy to maintain and secure against vandalism

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Create landscaped areas that are sustainable & minimize use of an irrigation system where possible Create landscaped areas that are sustainable from natural rainfall Design irrigation of play fields Gray water use for landscaping Low-maintenance landscaping plantings Places to rest and read Provide one 30’ flagpole that is ADA accessible per facility Recycling facilities Sufficient green space Trees for shade Trees: Use deciduous trees for summer sun shading, winter sun penetration and use of conifer trees for summer sun shading and winter wind breaks. Xeriscaping taking into consideration precipitation and mud

Sheltered Areas  For inclement weather  Outdoor class work  Waiting for parents  Before/after school activities  Away from noise

Landscaping  Benches around trees  Consider outdoor spaces as an extension of the classroom and opportunities for exploration and education

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Play Fields  Secure and safe playing fields for students with direct access from the building with consideration for adjacency of gymnasium  One large multi-purpose field (minimum)  Equipment: goals & baskets  Playground Equipment: To be installed on an ADA compliant, soft surface. Access to playground equipment shall meet ADA requirements.  Hard surface markings for basketball, four-square, and kick ball Storage for Equipment  After lunch  Attach to building  Multiple, easy access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Sustainable Facilities Sustainable Facilities  When designing new landscape features, integrate native species planting with existing vegetation, considering species that thrive with infrequent rainfall and labor-intensive maintenance.  Evaluate site considerations with sensitivity to their impact on the existing habitats of native plants and animals. Maintain and improve, where possible, the ability of sites to accommodate natural animal habitats.  Consider sitting the new school buildings in ways which strengthen the adjacent neighborhood and community, giving the building an appropriate presence and position within its environment.  Configure new buildings on their sites so that safety of students, parents and staff is given highest priority.

Passive Solar Design – Building Envelope Design  Control unwanted heat gain with effective sunshading and glazing strategies.  Consider using higher levels of insulation use within the building envelope than typically found within “traditional” buildings. Specify sound glazing strategies. At minimum, incorporate the use of low emissivity glass. Consider other glazing qualities such as light transmittance, reflectance, and shading coefficients to determine optimal energy use versus cost conditions.  Use durable, long-lasting building materials for the building skin.  Incorporate operable windows into each room so that natural ventilation is possible when outdoor conditions are favorable.  Consider natural ventilation strategies that allow natural cooling of the building. Energy Use and Daylight  Incorporate the use of day lighting into the overall design of the building, minimizing the need for high levels of artificial light within each space. Consider the use of light shelves or other means to reflect indirect light deep into the building.  Irrespective of the energy source selected, reduce the fossil fuel energy usage relative to current construction standards. Consider the use of alternative energy (wind, sun, earth, and water heat sink) in building design.  Specify compliant non-ozone depleting refrigerants for use in mechanical plants.

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Consider providing more air changes per hour than that required by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers to improve air quality within new buildings, recognizing the relationship between air moved through a building and energy use. By incorporating daylight into the building, reduce the amount of artificial lighting required. Use indirect task and contrast lighting concepts to reduce eye strain and low energy consumption.

Materials Selection  Attempt to specify a high percentage of building materials, which come from one of the following criteria: Re-used materials, recycled material, recyclable material, or derived from certified sustainably-managed resources.  Consider transportation costs when specifying materials. Wherever possible, get building materials and products from local resources or suppliers.  Resist adding layer on layer of building material when detailing a building (where code issues are not a concern). Specify materials whose basic characteristics are pleasing to the eye and do not need to be covered up.  When choosing materials, consider the lifecycle implications of those materials. Evaluate material for their ability to be reused or recycled after they are no longer useful in a building.

Plan to use materials that require little maintenance or regular cleaning. For those materials that do require cleaning, consider the environmental effects of the cleaning methods that will be employed. Avoid materials which substantially “off-gas” during their use. Watch for this issue in adhesives, finish materials like carpet and fabric, paints and clear coatings. Indoor air quality should be a major consideration when planning and environment conducive to learning, human health and productivity.

Waste Minimization  Consider implementing construction debris waste minimization strategies to be enforced during construction, including on-site waste separation for recycling. (40% of landfill waste nationally is comprised of construction debris!).  Integrate a building recycling system into the floor plan of the building so that its inhabitants find it easy to recycle waste products. By incorporating these and other strategies into the design and operation of new and renovated facilities, this school will recognize its responsibility to be sensitive to local and global environmental issues.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards If we deal with the symptoms of the problem, we tend to focus on the active security procedures that can be implemented. If we deal with the cause of the problem, we are likely to address most of these issues through passive or program and building layout solutions. Since the greatest number of discipline problems in a school occurs when students switch classes and must travel from one end of the building to the other, having students spend most their day in one section of the building reduces movement, resulting in fewer discipline problems. Teams of teachers having responsibility for the same students improve the student/teacher relationship and results in greater continuity and monitoring of behavior issues.

Safety and Security There is a high interest in maintaining an inviting and deinstitutionalized environment, while simultaneously providing a safe environment for students, staff, and community who use the facility and adjacent support services. The organization of a building will have a major impact on student behavior and safety concerns. Building security can be addressed in an active or a passive manner: active security is based on security systems; passive security is based on program design, building layout, and community participation. Schools should be based on passive concepts with applied active concepts where necessary.

The problems and their causes are multi-dimensional: some issues can be addressed, while others cannot. Causes include, but are not limited to, family problems, lack of sense of belonging, lack of identity, lack of communication, lack of accountability, and lack of student/teacher relationships. Passive programs and building layout should be the primary focus and active security systems the secondary focus.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Passive Security Concepts Building Layout  Avoid blind spots, corners, and cubby holes [inside or outside]  Locate administrative and teacher preparation with good visual contact of major circulation and gathering areas [i.e., corridors, cafeteria/gymnasium, bus drop-off, parking]  Develop spatial relationships in such a manner that there are natural transitions from one location to another  Locate restrooms near classrooms  Design restrooms to balance the need for privacy with the ability to supervise  Locate areas likely to have significant community use [after school] close to parking and where these areas can be closed off from the rest of the building  Provide for natural integration of students and staff  Ability to partition unused portions of building  Avoid easy access to roofs

This example illustrates a learning community complex approach in an elementary school. Having teacher workrooms, commons area, restrooms, and storage integral to the complex, reduces traffic and increases safety and security.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Types of Building Materials  Use durable wall surfaces that are easy to clean so graffiti can be removed  Incorporate pitched roofs which inhibit roof entry and are aesthetically pleasing  Limit size of windows – use multiple smaller windows rather than one large window  Use safety glass or glass bricks  Install non-slip floors at point of entry

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Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic  Separate bus drop-off area from other vehicular traffic  Separate staff and community parking area, located in appropriate areas  Separate student [pedestrian] traffic flow  Protect playgrounds from vehicular traffic and parking Uses of Technology For instructional and administrative purposes, the new school should have extensive technology systems. These same infrastructures and technology components can be used to enhance building security:  Phones in every instructional and support area  Building-wide all-call designed to be heard throughout the school and on the play fields when needed  Motion or infrared detectors, which can also be configured to conserve lighting costs  Smoke and heat detectors located throughout the building

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Wiring for CCTV in all hallways, offices, classrooms, and parking area For access control into the building, there are alternatives to keys, such as access control cards. These are plastic “swipe cards” and proximity cards, both of which can be used as identification cards. The swipe card is placed in a machine, while the proximity card simply has to be used close [usually three to seven inches] to the reader to unlock a door. The cards are coded to allow entry to appropriate doors at selected times. Only one card is required for multiple entry points. Used in conjunction with the card is the controller, which monitors alarms, and the software, which is customized for the application [establishes parameters, maps input-output points, enters phone numbers for dial-up site]. Other approaches include a battery-operated lock that requires a numerical code on a keypad Panic buttons located in reception Securable lobby area

Landscaping, Play and Practice Fields, Site, and Lighting  Use high trees and low bushes (less than three feet high) to deter hiding  Use aesthetically pleasing fencing around perimeter of the building where applicable  Place some buildings or a tree buffer along the perimeter of the property to avoid extensive fencing, where feasible  Non-intrusive lighting of all areas  Emergency lighting/power in hallways, stairwells, and rooms

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Provide security lighting around building and parking lots with photo cell timer with on/off capacity Recess building on site to avoid vehicular and pedestrian conflicts

Landscaping Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Security Principles 1. Natural Surveillance Create and maintain visually open spaces to keep potential intruders under observation and give potential witnesses a clear view of criminal activity. People and property are safer if they can be seen by potential witnesses. 2. Natural Access Control The use of walkways, fencing, lighting, signage and landscape to clearly guide people and vehicles to proper entrances. The goal is not necessarily to keep intruders out, but to decrease the opportunity for intrusion and increase the perception of risk to offenders. 3. Territorial Reinforcement Clearly distinguish public areas from private ones. Creating a “sphere of influence” through which the caretakers of a property develop a sense of responsibility over it. Potential trespassers perceive this control and are discouraged.

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4. Maintenance It is critical to maintain a “pride in ownership” image over a property. Sending the message that there are people responsible for the property. Those who take care of the property will challenge those who come onto it to commit crimes. This will deter undesirable behavior.

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Variety of Instructional / Learning Spaces Ongoing assessment of student progress will require facilities to be able to adapt with a changing program. Multi-use of buildings should be the norm. Spaces should allow for a wide variety of specialized instructional and hands-on learning experiences. Today, students do not just work in groups of 20-25. As technology continues to advance, students are becoming more involved in extensive individual learning activities that are supplemented by small group (2-6 students), moderate group (10-20 students), and large group (50-150 students) activities. Space should be provided for students to plan, work independently and collaboratively, give and/or receive tutoring as well as accept instruction. Aesthetics The indoor and outdoor structures and spaces where students go to school need to be aesthetically pleasing and healthful. The facility should be inviting to the students, making them feel that the space is special, and therefore emphasizing that everyone is important. Aesthetics that affirm the value of the individual must be stressed, with spaces for the admiration of the accomplishments of self and others. The school should resemble a place for academic success, high self-esteem, social interaction, and physical safety. The facility layout should be especially easy to comprehend and reflect how classes relate to one another. Spaces should be provided for socialization among students and with teachers. Spaces should also be provided to display student work.

Staffing Patterns The predominant staffing pattern is composed of teachers, supplemented with paraprofessionals and specialists. As the programs and groupings change, a more differentiated staffing pattern may emerge with lead or master teachers and more specialists and paraprofessional facilitators.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Indoor and Outdoor Learning Environments By rethinking spaces, better use of the facilities can be made. Some ideas include: use gardens instead of pavement and use hallways as art galleries or museum strips. Creativity and functionality should work together. Color, greenery, building materials, and furniture should be selected carefully to develop a pleasing and inviting atmosphere.

The learning environment should be student-centered and designed for "hands-on learning," promoting student autonomy and independence. Space for active participation should be incorporated with modular, flexible classrooms providing opportunities for integrating disciplines and easy access to tools of exploration. The outdoor site should serve as a pro-active learning environment as well. There will be a balance between making the environment not only cost-effective but also aesthetically pleasing, friendly, and student-centered. Learning from Others Modern office environments provide greater insights into flexibility than current school environments. Many of their concepts should be taken into consideration:  Non-load bearing wall systems  Raceways, cable trays  More generic space that can be adapted to specialized uses  Attention to sun patterns  Office entry area – natural light, welcoming, feeling accessible through use of glass and double doors  Office – wall of windows, security helpful  Elements of a house/home, wood accents for example to bring nature inside

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Planning Principles Following are planning principles employed when developing the site:  Good signage – marquee board (with directions on how to find entrance and location within the facility)  Electronic signs outside and art detail  Dumpster and recycling bin not visible  Separate access road for deliveries if possible  Pleasing, inviting and soothing colors  Cove lighting and arched ceilings in corridors  Lighting: natural, skylights, energy efficient  Student art work – several showcases around school (including tack strips to display work)  Plants – artificial and real, bringing nature inside  Create easy access for parents/community  Welcoming area by front door  Opportunities for murals at entrance, cafeteria, etc.  Floor covering is environmentally/health friendly, and gives a warm feeling through color and texture  Compliments the overall community and other surrounding structures  Materials used in construction should be easily / locally obtainable and environmentally friendly – e.g. recycled materials such as rock layers, coal vein  All areas need to be designed for maximum flexibility in use (by staff, students, parents, community)  Student designed spaces – murals, garden areas, tiles, mosaic, flooring, exposed aggregate – texture, color, shape

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Integrate historical themes and community / school antiquities / elements into facades

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards School districts and governmental agencies are beginning to realize that cooperation is needed, especially considering shrinking budgets and the diverse needs of the community. Community involvement in education can take a variety of forms before, during, and after the school day. Based on limitations established for the size of school facilities and budget constraints, most of the community uses will need to focus on shared space that is used primarily for school programs during the school day and community uses during non-school hours. However, a goal might be to have access to the facility year round, 24 hours per day, and 7 days per week. Community Use Schools are an important focal point of the community that they serve and can support the needs of a community. Communities provide important family and community facilities such as parks, auditoriums, and playing fields. As resources such as water and energy become more expensive, the opportunity to create joint use facilities is becoming more valuable. The school district may partner with communities by allowing community facilities to be built on school grounds and then sharing operational costs with a community. Alternately, a district may be able to justify a facility for joint use with a community that by itself could not be financially justified.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards The following is a partial list of potential community uses:  After School Youth Enrichment  Board of Education Meetings  Child Care [staff and community]  Community Meetings and Public Hearings  Cub & Girl Scouts  Health Department: o Blood Drive o Diabetic Education o Flu Shot Clinics o Substance Abuse Intervention o Other Screenings  Mentoring Programs  Open House Activities  Parental Involvement  PTA meetings  Recreation Programs  School/Business Partnerships  Senior Citizen Programs  Special Seminars  Sports Programs and tournaments  Voting

To appropriately accommodate community use of facilities the following might have special consideration in the design:      

The areas in schools that have the greatest possibility for community usage include:  Auditorium  Cafeteria  Conference Rooms  Gymnasium  Library/Media Center  Parking Lots  Playfields

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Disaster and emergency use Configure and zone facility and site to enhance parking and circulation, safety & security, and energy conservation Adequate signage to assist community members with identifiable entrances and to control access Storage Shared costs of utilities, facility maintenance, insurance, and other associated community use costs After-hours lighting for parking areas

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Program Area Summaries Core academics delivers curriculum in a 21st century, Future Ready manner. We value student-centered learning, problembased inquiry, experiential and interdisciplinary instruction. Spaces that aid in delivering this instruction include flexible learning spaces, small group areas, and opportunities for classrooms that accommodate more than one classroom of students. We see the importance of fully equipped STEM labs at all grade levels, active spaces for students to access technology, and a lecture hall that is flexible and useable in many different manners. Bringing in natural lighting, sustainability, and student-sensory friendly atmospheres is important. We are proponents of soft, sound-damping floor surfaces that students can use to meet in groups and spread out.

EXCEL/DHH/Visual Impairment These programs need an adjacent room in a 200-square foot room for recovery, meetings between two students, processing something with a student. These programs need to be near administration and special service providers. Special education needs to be adjacent to the cafeteria and gymnasium. Resource Room/ELL/Title 1 These need to be a regular classroom with extra room for storage. Conference Room Special education needs its own conference in addition to those in the main office / administration area. Sensory Room This space allows for sensory therapies as well as space for students to separate from the activity in the larger spaces to decrease sensory stimulation temporarily.

Special education is an integrated part of the school and is going to change as the needs and population of the students change. It should not be an afterthought and should be viewed as holistic piece of the learning environment.

Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) The facility considerations for this space are the same as a typical core academic classroom, but are set aside for these atypical populations.

ERR/SLC/STEP/Severe and Profound These all require self-contained classrooms. The students are here most the day. Many need life skills and privacy to take care of personal needs. Sometimes going to the nurse’s office is not the best option due to privacy. These programs need to be near administration and special service providers. Special education needs to be adjacent to the cafeteria and gymnasium. The STEP program is at the high school level for 18 to 20+ ages for those students who need additional education and life skills before launching into independent living.

Life Skills Classroom This spaces allows for students to learn skills such as home maintenance like dishwashing, clothes washing, cooking, etc. This space should not only look like but operate like a home or apartment.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Visual and Performing Arts The Boise School District strives to provide a comprehensive liberal arts education to every student grades K-12. To that end we offer a wide array of music and art offerings all of which need adequate space and equipment to meet curricular demands as well as district and state guidelines. Our goals in the Visual and Performing Arts are to provide artistic outlets to budding artists and to prepare them to continue and contribute to the aesthetic world that we live in. Adequate facilities are essential to meeting those goals. Music: In our elementary schools, we offer general music to all students grades K-6. This program requires a well-equipped, large space for movement as well as instrument storage. Music programs/concerts are presented to the public in our gymnasiums. We do not desire stages built into our gyms, but gyms need to be large enough to hold many performers and seating for their parents. We also offer band and orchestra in the 5th and 6th grades. This requires teaching spaces that are removed from the academic areas of the school due to sound issues and have space for instrument storage and large floor space. Our Junior High and High Schools offer very similar programs with multiple bands, choirs and orchestras at every school, which are thriving. Secure instrument storage in the classrooms and large open spaces for rehearsal are essential. Piano labs are often included in the choral rooms, requiring even more square footage. At the high schools, we offer a music technology course and music theory which need a specific lab environment with keyboards and computers. We also need an outdoor space specifically designed for marching band rehearsal. An auditorium at the high school is essential to provide an aesthetic environment to perform and observe performance.

Theatre & Dance: A Black Box theatre that can also function as the theatre classroom is necessary to provide a small performance space. The black box space needs lighting equipment and flexible seating. Adequate storage space for sets, props and costumes is essential. A Dance studio with mirrored walls is necessary to provide dance instruction. Visual Arts: All schools offer a wide range of offerings which require space to create in 2D and 3D mediums. Ceramics requires storage, a kiln and effective ventilation. Photography requires computer labs for digital photo studies. General classrooms need ample table space and storage space for their work. Physical Education Elementary: The gymnasium in an elementary school is the primary gathering area for nearly every whole school function. Aside from being used for physical education during the school day, the gymnasium is used for basketball games, school assemblies, music programs, and occasional after-school fairs. Adequate space would allow for students in physical education classes to move and participate in motor development. The gymnasium should have easy access to outside fields. Flooring should be multipurpose, allowing for indoor court games, but also appropriate for assemblies and music programs. The acoustics in the gymnasium should have appropriate acoustics to allow for sporting events and programs. Wireless microphones and a public-address system with multiple jacks (preferably on all four walls) should be included. A set of boys and girls restrooms, adequate storage, and a physical education office adjacent to the gymnasium are required. Adjustable lighting in the gymnasium is required.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards As of this writing, October 2016, two schools in Boise currently have effective floorplans: Grace Jordan Elementary and Morley Nelson Elementary. Space on both sidelines of the basketball court should accommodate at least three full rows of folding chairs for teams and audience. The gymnasium should have at least two exits to main hallways and ideally a direct exit outside. Junior High/High School: The gymnasium in both secondary settings should be built to accommodate seating for 1.5 times the size of the student body in the main gyms and half the student population in the auxiliary gymnasiums. Retractable bleachers should be placed on both sides of the gym. Separate athlete and physical education locker room facilities should be centrally located near the main gymnasium and the auxiliary gymnasium. Ideally, the two gyms would be adjacent to each other with the locker rooms and offices attached on the exterior. Separate rooms for wrestling, cardio fitness, dance/cheer and weight rooms would best serve students. Ideally, outside athletic fields would be adjacent or located near the main gym with multiple double-door entrances. Acoustics and adjustable lighting in the main gym should be built to accommodate large crowds at state level sporting events. The Library Media Center is a dynamic, flexible learning space that is the central hub of the school. This interactive, technology rich space is designed with project and tutoring rooms to allow individuals and small groups to collaborate without interrupting whole class instruction or quiet work.

Charging stations, genius bars, comfortable seating areas filled with natural light draw students and staff alike to the area. The library collection is easily navigated and up-to-date. Visually appealing displays throughout the library highlight and promote literacy and self-directed information seeking. Food service at the elementary level requires a cafeteria which accommodates breakfast and lunch service. Classes come in, typically by grade level, one at a time. Some of the elementary schools need space for breakfast in the classroom, which requires extra storage. There also needs to be a staging area for delivery of items and return of items. Even though high schools have more students, some junior highs and elementary schools could use larger cafeterias since the students are not allowed to leave campus. Food service at junior high requires multiple serving lines up to 4 or for breakfast, break, and lunch. The cafeteria should have ample space between the serving area and seating for traffic flow. Junior high lunch service is split in two to accommodate seating. Even though high schools have more students, some junior highs and elementary schools could use larger cafeterias since the students are not allowed to leave campus. Food service at the high school level requires serving areas for multiple lines up to 5. Areas for salad and soup bars and a BBQ space are preferred. Serving times are breakfast, break, and lunch, which requires a larger cafeteria space. Even though high schools have more students, some junior highs and elementary schools could use larger cafeterias since the students are not allowed to leave campus.

Classes use the Library Media Center for a variety of research projects, multi-media projects, group projects, literature circles, etc. Students also use the library for independent reading and information seeking. The Library Media Center is a central component of developing life-long learners. Page 24 of 602

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Core Academics PK-6 Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Kindergarten and 1st Grade Classrooms 2nd and 3rd Grade Classrooms 4th to 6th Grade Classroom Flex Computer Lab (Adjacent to Media Center Maker Space) STEM Wet /Dry Lab Small Group Tutor Room Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Spaces Storage (distributed) (calculated as 2.5% of total core )

Page 25 of 602

SF 850 850 850 850 1,250 1,250 225 850 174

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Core Academics 7-9 7th to 9th Grade Classrooms STEM Wet / Dry Lab STEM Wet / Dry Lab Prep Room / Storage Flex Lab (Adjacent to Media Center Maker Space) Video Broadcasting Lab (Studio, Sound, Project) Journalism Classroom / Yearbook Computer Lab Pre-Engineering Classroom & Lab Family and Consumer Science Classroom Cooking Lab Sewing Lab Teacher/Team Planning/Conference Room Lecture Hall / Learning Theatre / Mini Auditorium Small Group Tutor Room Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Storage (distributed) (calculated as 2.5% of total core )

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SF 850 1,100 225 3,000 400 800 800 1,000 850 1,275 1,275 850 minimum 2,000sf or 6sf/student 300 850 339

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Compilation of Space Core Academics 10-12 10th to 12th Grade Classrooms Science Labs Science Prep / workroom Flex Lab (Adjacent to Media Center Maker Space) Video Broadcasting Lab (Studio, Sound, Project) Journalism Classroom / Yearbook Computer Lab Pre-Engineering Classroom & Lab Family and Consumer Science Classroom Cooking Lab Fundamentals of Health Professions Classroom Lab JROTC: Classroom / Air Rifle Range Combined Classroom General Storage / Supply Room Instructor's Office Arms Room Lecture Hall / Learning Theatre / Mini Auditorium Teacher/Team Planning/Conference Room Small Group Tutor Room Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Storage (distributed) (calculated as 2.5% of total core )

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SF 850 1,200 300 3,000 400 800 800 1,000 850 1,275 850 1,275 1,600 1,000 500 200 250 minimum 2,000sf or 6sf/student 850 450 1,800 481

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Special Needs PK-6 Self contained classrooms* Resource / pull out classroom Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy Sensory room Speech & Language Therapy Instruction / Office Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title 1) Office(s) Conference room Storage

SF 1,000 500 850 100 500 850 125 300 225

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*Severe and profound - Pre-school ERR (Extended Resource Room) SLC - Autism Program Excel - Emotional / Behavioral Program DHH - Deaf & Hard of Hearing Visual Impairment

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Special Needs 7-9 Self contained classrooms* Resource / pull out classroom Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy Sensory room Speech & Language Therapy Instruction / Office Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title 1) Office(s) Conference room Storage

SF 1,000 500 850 100 500 850 125 300 225

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*Severe and profound - Pre-school ERR (Extended Resource Room) SLC - Autism Program Excel - Emotional / Behavioral Program DHH - Deaf & Hard of Hearing Visual Impairment

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Special Needs 10-12 Self contained classrooms* Life Skills classroom STEP: Ages 18-21 Transition Program Resource / pull out classroom Occupational Therapy / Physical Therapy Sensory room Speech & Language Therapy Instruction / Office Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title 1) Office(s) Conference room Storage

SF 1,000 1,500 1,500 500 850 100 500 850 125 300 225

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*Severe and profound - Pre-school ERR (Extended Resource Room) SLC - Autism Program Excel - Emotional / Behavioral Program DHH - Deaf & Hard of Hearing Visual Impairment

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Visual & Performing Arts PK-6 General Music Classroom Instrumental Music Classroom Music Storage Visual Arts Classroom Visual Arts Storage Kiln

SF 1,100 1,100 450 1,100 225 100

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Visual & Performing Arts 7-9 MUSIC Band classroom Choir classroom Drama classroom Music Storage Practice and/or Ensemble Rooms VISUAL ARTS Visual Arts Classroom Digital Media (Adjacent to Core Academics & Media Center / Flex Lab & Maker Space) Visual Arts Storage Kiln Room Teacher Offices (Planning, Collaboration, Work, Copy)

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SF 3,000 2,000 2,000 900 125 1,275 850 225 100 425

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Visual & Performing Arts 10-12 PERFORMANCE Lecture Area: Auditorium Seating Auditorium Stage & Wing Space Black Box / drama classroom Performance Support Ticket booth / concessions Sound booth & equipment Lighting booth Laundry room Green Room Make up / Dressing Room Prop & Costume Storage Scene Design & Construction MUSIC Band classroom Choir classroom Orchestra/Strings classroom Music Tech Lab (Piano keyboard / Music Theory / Composition Lab) Storage Ensemble Rooms Practice Rooms VISUAL ARTS Drawing and Painting Lab 3-D Lab Digital Media (Adjacent to Core Academics & Media Center / Flex Lab & Maker Space) Visual Arts Storage Kiln Room Teacher Offices(Planning, Collaboration, Work, Copy)

Page 33 of 602

SF minimum 4,200sf or 8sf/student 1/3 size of seating area same size as stage 225 125 125 125 225 850 1,350 1,700 3,000 2,000 2,000 900 1,350 450 125 1,350 1,350 850 300 225 900

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Physical Education PK-6 Gymnasium Office / Bathroom: Physical Education Teachers Storage

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SF 6,000 225 900

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Physical Education 7-9


Gymnasium Main Gymnasium - each court = 6,500 Main Gymnasium Bleachers (900 capacity *1.5)*4 square feet Auxiliary Gymnasium - each court = 6,500 Auxiliary Gymnasium Bleachers (900 capacity/2)* 4 square feet Weight Room / Fitness Center - high ceiling, rubber floor ventilation Wrestling Room Health Classroom Storage Locker Room Teachers' & Coaches Office / Bathroom Laundry Room

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6,500 5,400 6,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 850 3,000 1,000 225 225

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Physical Education 10-12


Gymnasium Main Gymnasium - each court = 6,500 Main Gymnasium Bleachers (1,600 capacity *1.5)*4 square feet Auxiliary Gymnasium - each court = 6,500 Auxiliary Gymnasium Bleachers (1,600 capacity/2)* 4 square feet Storage Wrestling Room Fitness Center Weight Room Dance Studio / Life style fitness lab, etc. Locker Room Sports Medicine Classroom / Lab_Training Room with Hydrotherapy Team Media Room Health Classroom Teachers' & Coaches Office / Bathroom Athletic Director Office Laundry Room Ticket booth / concessions

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6,500 9,600 6,500 3,200 3,000 3,500 2,500 2,500 1,500 1,450 1,275 850 850 225 225 225 300

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Media Center PK-6


Reading Room Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Circulation Desk Small Group Project Rooms Maker Space / Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Office Storage

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2,600 225 125 225 850 125 450

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Media Center 7-9


Reading Room Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Circulation Desk Small Group Project Rooms Maker Space / Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Office Storage

Page 38 of 602

3,600 225 125 125 1,350 125 450

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Media Center 10-12


Reading Room Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Circulation Desk Small Group Project Rooms Maker Space / Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Office Storage

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4,500 225 125 125 1,350 125 450

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Administration & Guidance PK-6 Reception/Secretarial Area / Attendance Office Principal's Office w conference space and restroom Assistant Principal Office Conference / Collaboration Room Mail/Work/Copy Room / Kitchenette Administrative Storage Restrooms Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Records Room Lockable / Testing Storage Guidance Counselor's Office Itinerant Offices Psychology Office / Testing Room Staff Dining

Page 40 of 602

SF 425 225 125 300 425 100 50 425 225 125 125 125 900

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Administration & Guidance 7-9 Reception/Secretarial Area Principal's Office w conference space and restroom Assistant Principal Office Conference / Collaboration Room Mail/Work/Copy Room / Kitchenette Administrative Storage / Rewards/Testing Vault Restrooms Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Records /Testing Vault Storage Guidance Counselor's Office Psychology Office / Testing Room Social Worker Office Attendance / Registrar Office In School Suspension Security office Itinerant Offices Staff Dining

Page 41 of 602

SF 750 250 150 425 700 425 50 425 225 150 125 125 125 425 125 125 900

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Administration & Guidance 10-12 Reception/Secretarial Area / Attendance Office Principal's Office w conference space and restroom Assistant Principal's Office Conference Room Mail/Work/Copy Room / Kitchenette Administrative Storage / Records Room / Testing Storage Restroom Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Guidance Counselor's Office Bookkeeper's Office (Vault) / Business Manager Registrar Office Career Center In School Suspension Resource Officer's Office Itinerant Offices Psychology Office / Testing Room Security Office Career Counselor Staff Dining Associated Student Body (ASB) Room

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SF 1,350 250 150 450 900 450 50 675 150 125 125 450 675 150 125 125 125 125 900 300

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Enter PK-6 STUDENT CAPACITY Here


KITCHEN=sum of preparation, serving, dry food storage, cooler/freezer area, & ware washing PREPARATION=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*35% SERVING=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*35% DRY GOODS STORAGE=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% COOLER/FREEZER=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% WARE WASHING=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% Food Service PK-6 Kitchen (2,100 minimum) - see calculation above Preparation Area Serving Area Dry Goods Storage Cooler/Freezer Ware Washing Staff Rooms

2,100 735 735 210 210 210 SF


Kitchen Mgr. Office Unisex Restroom Lockers Chemical Closet Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Stage (1000 minimum) (one-third size of cafeteria) Cafeteria (3,000 minimum) = Capacity * 15SF / 3 serving periods Table & Chair Storage

75 75 75 100 125 1,000 3,000 300

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards Compilation of Space Enter 7-9 STUDENT CAPACITY Here


KITCHEN=sum of preparation, serving, dry food storage, cooler/freezer area, & ware washing PREPARATION=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*35% SERVING=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*35% DRY GOODS STORAGE=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% COOLER/FREEZER=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% WARE WASHING=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% Food Service 7-9 Kitchen (2,100 minimum) - see calculation to the right Preparation Area Serving Area Dry Goods Storage Cooler/Freezer Ware Washing Staff Rooms

3,150 1103 1103 315 315 315 SF


Kitchen Mgr. Office Unisex Restroom Lockers Chemical Closet Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Stage (1000 minimum) (one-third size of cafeteria) Cafeteria (3,000 minimum) = Enrollment * 15SF / 3 serving periods Table & Chair Storage Club Area

100 100 100 100 225 1,500 4,500 350 350

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Enter 10-12 STUDENT CAPACITY Here


KITCHEN=sum of preparation, serving, dry food storage, cooler/freezer area, & ware washing PREPARATION=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*35% SERVING=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*35% DRY GOODS STORAGE=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% COOLER/FREEZER=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10% WARE WASHING=(student capacity * 3.5 SF/student)*10%

5,600 1960 1960 560 560 560

Food Service 10-12 Kitchen (2,100 minimum) - see calculation to the right Preparation Area Serving Area Dry Goods Storage Cooler/Freezer Ware Washing Staff Rooms Kitchen Mgr. Office Unisex Restroom Lockers Chemical Closet Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Cafeteria (3,000 minimum) Club Area



100 100 100 100 350 6,933 350

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Compilation of Space Custodial PK-6 Custodial Closets (Distributed) Storage Locker Room Office/Planning/Meeting Area Exterior Storage: Lawn Equipment & Propane

SF 75 425 225 225 425

Custodial 7-9 Custodial Closets (Distributed) Storage Locker Room Office/Planning/Meeting Area Exterior Storage: Lawn Equipment & Propane

SF 75 850 225 225 500

Custodial 10-12 Custodial Closets (Distributed) Storage Locker Room Office/Planning/Meeting Area Exterior Storage: Lawn Equipment & Propane

SF 75 850 225 225 500

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold and hot water in classroom Toilet in classroom Water fountain in classroom Electrical Safe plate auto outlets Charging station Pod outlets above counter space Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Natural light wherever possible

Special Needs Classrooms Outdoor area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Floor to ceiling bookshelf in one corner Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Floor to ceiling closets for storage space along wall Shelving Locking closets with shelving Bookshelves Locker for student storage

Doors With view panel- frosted windows Windows With blinds to exterior Use natural light wherever possible Flooring Hard surface- tiled carpet (linoleum) Area rugs as needed Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Wireless Network Intercom- PA system accessible from multiple places in building Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Kindergarten and 1st Grade Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold and hot water in classroom Toilet in classroom Water fountain in classroom Electrical Safe plate auto outlets Pod outlets above counter space Charging station Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Sustainable lighting Natural lighting wherever possible

Special Needs Classrooms Outdoor area Small groups areas

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Kindergarten and 1st Grade Classroom Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Place to keep book bags out of aisles between desks Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Floor to ceiling bookshelf in one corner Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Floor to ceiling closets for storage space along wall Shelving Locking closets with shelving Bookshelves Lockers for student storage

Doors With view panel- frosted windows Windows With blinds to exterior Small group areas visible through a window in EVERY classroommust be able to see students in those shared spaces Use natural light wherever possible Flooring Hard surface- tiled carpet (linoleum) Area rugs as needed Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Wireless Network Intercom- PA system accessible from multiple places in building Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: 2nd and 3rd Grade Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 26 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Independent work space

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Flexible Learning Area Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms Bathrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: 2nd and 3rd Grade Classroom Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Windows to small group areas- must be able to see students in those shared spaces Flooring

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Floor to ceiling closets for storage space along wall Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Hard surface with area rugs- mixture of hard surface and carpet Floor drain near sink Walls Movable walls between classrooms- soundproof 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom- PA system accessible from multiple places in bldg. Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network- no dead spots Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: 4th to 6th Grade Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 26 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Independent work space

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Sustainable Use natural light as much as possible

Flexible Learning Area Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms Bathrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: 4th to 6th Grade Classroom Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Standing desks for particular students/teachers Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Floor to ceiling closets for storage space along wall Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Window to small group/flexible areas from every classroom- need to be able to see students in those shared spaces Flooring Hard surface with area rugs- mixture of hard surface and carpet Floor drain near sink Walls Movable walls between classrooms- soundproof 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom- PA system accessible from multiple places in bldg. Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network- no dead spots Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: STEM Wet/Dry Lab Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of science learning strategies and educational applications as well as scientific experiments. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 40 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Computer instruction and research Science experiments Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Outside/courtyard Flexible Learning Area

Mechanical Exhaust fan Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water in classroom with sliding lockable covers Electrical 220v outlets GFCI outlets Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Acid resistant surfaces Direct outdoor secure access, first floor preferable Bar to hang things from Large tables for poster board and projects Project/under table storage Enlarge to 1,300 sq. ft. Scratch resistant surfaces

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: STEM Wet/Dry Lab Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student seating (maybe stools) Teacher demonstration desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker / white boards Bulletin boards First aid kit (s) Goggle sanitizer (s) Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves Storage space for kits

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Floor drains near sinks Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner Interactive Flat Panel Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Intercom Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Small Group Tutor Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 1-10 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Independent work space

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level/Multi-level/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Flexible Learning Area Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Small Group Tutor Room Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Windows looking into surrounding classrooms Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls Movable walls between classrooms Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Purpose: WHY? Mechanical No special requirements Serves as an informal presentation and learning activity space. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Large and small group instruction Breakout area Meetings Reading presentations Demonstrations Media utilization Research and planning Individual work spaces

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Natural Overhead Motion detecting Adjustable/Multi-level

Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Cafeteria (for students to work during lunch)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Furniture Doors Mobile seating & work surfaces (tables, countertops, desks) With view panels into classrooms Soft, comfortable, flexible, durable Windows Equipment Operable with blinds Magnetic white marker board Bulletin board Flooring Tile Casework Mobile Walls Display areas Shelving Mobile to allow for flexible arrangement of space Mobile Locking closets with shelving Technology Built-in bookshelves Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Soft Phone Speakers VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Speakers (or necessary equipment for hearing impaired students Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Acoustical: to mitigate sound transfer to/from classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Storage (distributed) Purpose: WHY? To provide storage for equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Teacher Center Copy Room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Duplex outlets each wall Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CORE ACADEMICS: Storage (distributed) Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows

Casework Overhead cabinets Base cabinets under countertop

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Utility

Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for 1:1 student devices daily; 1 safe room per school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Severe & Profound / ERR / SLC Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/dryer Shower- wheelchair accessibility Floor drains

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Severe & Profound / ERR / SLC Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs with arms Two doors Teacher desk & chair Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Magnetic marker/white boards Flooring Tack boards Bulletin boards Hard surface with area rugs Shredder Floor drains near sinks and toilets Convention oven Walls Burners Refrigerator 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Microwave Technology Casework Amplification capabilities Mobile Carts or charging stations Overhead cabinets Data drops Countertop over base cabinets Interactive Flat Panel Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Intercom Marker/tack boards and associated technology Speakers Soft Phone Minimum of 8' of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Power at countertop for appliances Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Shelving Special Considerations Mobile As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Bathroom with changing area (counter/diapers) space to help a child

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Excel- Emotional/Behavioral Program Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/dryer

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Processing space Proximity to sensory rooms Proximity to counselor and psychologist

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Excel- Emotional/Behavioral Program Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs with arms Two doors Teacher desk & chair Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Magnetic marker/white boards Flooring Tack boards Bulletin boards Hard surface with area rugs Shredder Floor drains near sinks and toilets Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8' of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Walls Sound proofing 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel/ smart board Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Bathroom with changing area (counter/diapers) space to help a child Include a cool down area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs with arms Two doors Teacher desk & chair Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Magnetic marker /white boards Flooring Tack boards Shredder Hard surface with area rugs Bulletin boards Floor drains near sinks and toilets Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Bathroom with changing area (counter/diapers) space to help a child

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Visual Impairment Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students.

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Visual Impairment Furniture Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) Student chairs with arms Teacher desk & chair

Doors With view panel Two doors Windows With blinds to exterior

Equipment Magnetic marker/white boards Tack boards Bulletin boards

Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drains near sinks and toilets

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Bathroom with changing area (counter/diapers) space to help a child

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Flexible Learning Area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) Furniture Student tables Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker/white boards Bulletin boards Computers/mobile carts Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) File cabinets Built-in bookshelves Mobile Locking, extra large closets with shelving

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Resource Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Flexible Learning Area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Resource Room Furniture Student tables Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker/white boards Bulletin boards Computers/mobile carts Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) File cabinets Built-in bookshelves Mobile Locking, extra large closets with shelving

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Purpose: WHY? To service children with fine and gross motion needs To assess the hearing ability of students Space for staff to provide direct instruction to students Sensory room for therapy Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? OT - 1 PT - 1 Possibly up to 4 children at any given time Audiologists - 2 Reading Specialist Parents 2-3 Students Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Itinerant staff Aides

Mechanical As needed for sensory equipment Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Servicing children Evaluating children Documentation Assess hearing Plan Direct Instruction Parent meetings Teacher collaboration Large enough to accommodate gross and fine motor needs Phone calls Space for sensory or therapeutic needs Adjacencies: WHERE? Close to gym Bathroom Central to other related service providers Front of school Extended learning area Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Furniture Small tables and chairs For storage - balls (Small and therapy) Audiology booth Front desk/reception Teacher and student workstations Kidney table, 4-5 chairs Floor swing (A frame) Other sensory furniture Equipment Hooks for suspended equipment (4) for storage climbing structure slides, stairs Hooks in opposing walls < 6 " from floor to tether rope below for scooter board activities

Doors Locking doors to hallway and/or gym handicap access Windows Windows to outdoors observation window Blinds (operable) Flooring Rubber flooring or square room for therapy mats Carpet Hard surface with area rugs Walls Partitioned space (moveable) Solid

Sensory equipment Casework Built in cabinets for equipment, storage Countertops and cabinets Locking file cabinets Large 2 door cabinets Closed storage for toys, mats, beanbags Shelving Built in for gross motor games/activities and fine motor tools, toys, games Closed, tall shelving units

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Wheelchair Accessible Need a separate or side small waiting area for families Acoustical privacy Large open space for equipment Can share as long as space is large enough to accommodate various equipment needs and wheelchairs Acoustical privacy Calming Adhere to guidelines and regulations Structural beam for swing

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Sensory Room Purpose: WHY? Sensory room for therapy

Mechanical As needed for sensory equipment

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Itinerant staff Aides

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Space for sensory or therapeutic needs

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Extended learning area Classrooms

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Sensory Room Furniture Floor swing (A frame) Other sensory furniture Equipment Sensory equipment Casework Closed storage for toys, mats, beanbags Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Blinds (operable) Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Acoustical privacy Calming Adhere to guidelines and regulations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Speech & Language Therapy / Office Purpose: WHY? To assess the hearing ability of students Space for staff to provide direct instruction to students Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Possibly up to 4 children at any given time Speech Language Pathologist - 1-4 Audiologists - 2 Reading Specialist Parents 2-3 Activities: WHAT & HOW? Servicing children Evaluating children Documentation Assess hearing Plan Direct Instruction Parent meetings Teacher collaboration Phone calls

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Bathroom Central to other related service providers Front of school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Speech & Language Therapy / Office Furniture Small tables and chairs Audiology booth Front desk/reception Teacher and student workstations Kidney table, 4-5 chairs Equipment No special requirements Casework Countertops and cabinets Locking file cabinets Large 2 door cabinets Shelving Closed, tall shelving units

Doors Locking doors to hallway and/or gym handicap access Windows Windows to outdoors observation window Flooring Carpet Walls Partitioned space (moveable) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Wheelchair Accessible Need a separate or side small waiting area for families Acoustical privacy Can share as long as space is large enough to accommodate various equipment needs and wheelchairs

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Offices Purpose: WHY? Office space Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Paraprofessionals Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference/Meeting room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Offices Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Conference / Meeting Room Purpose: WHY? Conference room Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Itinerant staff Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Other Itinerants as needed Max of 20 adults Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Phone Calls Documentation Planning

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets In tables Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Main office or by grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Conference / Meeting Room Furniture Conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic white board Bulletin board Casework File cabinets Shelving Mobile

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Soft surface Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Storage Purpose: WHY? To provide storage for equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Teacher Center Copy Room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Duplex outlets each wall Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 SPECIAL NEEDS: Storage Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows

Casework Overhead cabinets Base cabinets under countertop

Flooring Tile

Shelving Utility

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for 1:1 student devices daily; 1 safe room per school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Music Classroom Purpose: WHY? General Music, Band, Orchestra & Guitar instruction Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? General music Band, orchestra & guitar instruction Adjacencies: WHERE? Close to stage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Natural Adjustable/Multi-level Special Considerations Appropriate acoustical treatment Recording & playback capability

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Music Classroom Furniture Musician ergonomic chairs and stands Portable music stand storage Desk and chair Equipment Magnetic marker board Bulletin board Instrument storage cabinets Keyboard lab tables Moveable teaching cart [portable] Piano Casework Music storage cabinets, lockable 4 tall storage cabinets with shelving, drawers, and lockable doors Adjustable/multi-level height bookshelves

Doors No special requirements Windows No windows Flooring Slip resistant flooring - acoustically appropriate Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Wireless Network PA system Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

Shelving Chair and riser storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Instrumental Music Classroom Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a No special requirements variety of learning strategies and educational application related to instrumental music. Plumbing Drinking fountain Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Instrument playing Rehearsals Recording Listening activities

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level full-spectrum lighting Spotlighting (Adjustable/Multi-level in center of room to pull down), or flood lights on stands

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Loading dock Access to outdoor amphitheater Media Center Music classroom Music storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Instrumental Music Classroom Furniture Doors Locking cabinets No special requirements Tables and stools Windows Music posture student chairs (stackable) Music stands Blinds or black out shades Conductors podium Flooring Risers Acoustical considerations Equipment Walls Recording and playback equipment Speakers Flat with acoustical tiles Acoustically treated Moveable magnetic marker board with musical staff on one section Piano Casework Moveable shelves Instrument storage Shelving For music library

Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel PA system Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Natural lighting Access to outside High ceilings with acoustical panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Music Storage Purpose Storage Users Students Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies IN music classroom

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Music Storage Furniture PK-6 : Wood cabinets with Adjustable/Multi-level shelving File cabinets for music Cabinet with tote trays Equipment No special requirements Casework White board Shelving For Orff instruments (for elementary) Non Orff instrument storage Book storage Poster storage

Doors No special requirements Windows No windows Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Classroom Purpose: WHY? Studio use Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers

Mechanical Spray box Ventilation for control of dust & heavy metal airborne glazes Plumbing Hot and cold water Floor drains with sediment traps

Activities: WHAT & HOW? IB, AP, 2D, 3D, Digital Lab, Glass Blowing, Painting, Airbrush, Painting, Clay Sculpture, Jewelry, Photography, Textiles, Sculpture, Ceramics Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Loading dock Access to outdoor amphitheater Media Center

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level full-spectrum lighting Spotlighting (Adjustable/Multi-level in center of room to pull down), or flood lights on stands Safe light at each dark room station

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Classroom Furniture Locking cabinets Tables and stools Easels for 5' x 7' canvases minimum Wedging table Drying racks Mobile work tables with heavy flat surfaces and chairs Equipment Base cabinets with countertops Overhead cabinets above base cabinets Printer and table Light tables Large wall area Whiteboards and bulletin boards Casework Acid and heat resistant countertops with sink, base, and wall cabinets with Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Bookcases with Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Cubbies with slide out trays - no doors Light box tables Moveable shelves Shelving Horizontal open shelves Vertical open shelves Cubbies for drawing boards

Doors No special requirements Windows Blinds or black out shades Flooring Hard surface Floor drains by sinks & potters wheels Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel PA system Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Natural lighting Access to outside Design space for ease in clean-up Surface for high temperature work area - designated for heat related work

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Storage Purpose To provide storage for art equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users Students Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies Art Classroom Kiln

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Storage Furniture Fireproof cabinet Cabinet with tote trays Equipment No special requirements Casework Various storage types including chemicals and equipment accommodations Shelving Utility shelving Paper storage Built-in bookshelves - Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Moveable shelves

Doors Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Kiln Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a safe place for firing of 3-D clay projects.

Mechanical Ventilation

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Firing and storage of clay projects

Electrical 220v outlets GFCI outlets Quad outlets

Adjacencies: WHERE? Art room Exterior

Lighting Overhead Motion

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Kiln Room Furniture No special requirements Equipment Drying shelves - metal Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility shelving Metal bookshelves Kiln shelf storage Kiln furniture storage

Doors Solid & lockable To withstand high temperatures Windows No windows Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Gymnasium Purpose: WHY? To serve as a physical education facility during the school day, as practice and recreation area during non-school hours, and to serve the community. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Protected with cages Natural lighting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Regular standards-based PE lessons and activities Interscholastic competition Community use Large group meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? PE Resource Room Direct exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Gymnasium Furniture No special requirements Equipment Sound system Mobile baskets Bulletin boards Mobile magnetic marker boards Portable mats Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Doors Double doors to corridor, exterior, storage Windows No special requirements Flooring Synthetic flooring Walls Acoustical consideration Technology Data drops PA system Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to isolate from the rest of the school for after hours activities Adaptable for special education

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Office / Bathroom: Physical Education Teachers Purpose: WHY? Mechanical No special requirements Teacher and staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings. To provide a space for staff to dine and hold small meetings. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Lesson planning Scheduling of conferences and appointments Team meetings Teacher planning and collaboration Preparation of materials Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Resource Staff Restroom Storage

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet Water fountain Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Office / Bathroom: Physical Education Teachers Furniture Doors Conference tables and chairs No special requirements Individual workstations (desks) and chairs Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Magnetic marker / whiteboards Flooring White boards Hard surface Casework Walls Mobile Large, glass window into gymnasium Shelving Technology Mobile Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Storage Purpose: WHY? Store physical education equipment & materials

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Electrical Duplex outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Exterior Fitness Area

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Storage Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility Hanging racks Rolling ball carts

Doors Double, solid Lockable Windows No Windows Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separation for materials for upper grade levels and lower grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Purpose Various groups to work/whole group instruction/multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Community Activities Web based learning for students Virtual learning Faculty meetings Collaborative space Community meetings Support student research Students engaged in project based learning Teacher training for new technologies Support learning with personal mobile devices

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink in library workroom Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Charging stations Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting (with override capabilities) Natural Overhead Light switches in several spots

Adjacencies Library Computer lab (PreK-6 Only) - Leveled library storage room Restroom Centralized

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Furniture Mobile Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Mobile shelves Equipment Projector - interactive Whiteboards Document camera Big video screens/ TVs in several places Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile shelving to provide space for large-group activities

Doors Glass doors with walls to be able to create larger rooms Windows Ability to darken classroom Flooring Mixed hard and soft surface Walls Mobile walls to subdivide space for small activities Glass for visual observation/teachers Technology Carts and charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Multifunction Copier/Printer Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes Space for quiet study Display areas- lots of them

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Purpose Mechanical No special requirements Various groups to independently work while instruction continues, multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Independent research / reading

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library (PK-6 Only) - Leveled library storage room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Furniture Doors Mobile No special requirements Integrated power in chairs and tables Windows Soft, durable seating Furniture to promote independent space With blinds to exterior Equipment No specific requirements

Flooring Soft

Casework Mobile

Walls Mobile

Shelving Mobile

Technology Carts or charging stations Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Circulation Desk Purpose Various groups to independently work. Central location for book circulation Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Questions and answers Tech device and trouble shooting Circulation Inventory / equipment checkout

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No Special Requirements Electrical Integrated in desk 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library (PreK-6 Only) - Leveled library storage room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Circulation Desk Furniture Mobile Semi-circle or circle desk Integrated book drop Regular desk height on the other side Counter height on one side Equipment Integrated power in desk Casework Lockable storage / at least some drawers or part of casework Shelving No special requirements

Doors No special requirements Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Laptops Computer for inventory and book circulation 1:1 devices Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Multi Function Printer/Scanner/Copier Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Small Group Project Rooms Purpose Various groups to independently work while instruction continues, multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Small group projects Individual research Instruction Research Multipurpose

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Power for charging multiple devices 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Small Group Project Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs for 6 Tables facilitate multimedia group work Ability to write on tables Multimedia projection table capability

Doors Glass doors with walls to be able to create larger rooms Windows No special requirements

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above

Flooring No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Walls Ability to be seen by adjacent spaces

Shelving Mobile or around perimeter

Technology Interactive flat panel with projector Multimedia projection capability - connect wireless to devices and projection screen or tables Data drops VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Maker Space adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Purpose Mechanical 3D printers may require special ventilation Allow students to create using tools, equipment and technology Users Students Teachers Small groups of 6-10 Administrators Clubs, CTE, STEM, Robotics Activities Physical mashup of home economics / art and science lab Create, solve problems and develop critical thinking Projects DIY 3D printing projects

Plumbing Sink in space required Electrical Electrical source in ceiling 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Next to media center (PreK-6 Only) - Leveled library storage room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Maker Space adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Furniture Doors Tables / durable surfaces for building With view panel Mobile tables Windows Organized storage solution Chairs No special requirements Equipment Whiteboard

Flooring Hard surface

Casework Shelving along one perimeter wall

Walls Ability to be seen by adjacent spaces

Shelving Secured storage solution

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Office Purpose Space to allow METI to perform administrative duties / collaborate with teachers Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Small group projects Individual research Instruction Research Multipurpose

Mechanical As needed for required technology equipment (e.g. laminator) Plumbing No Special Requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Media Center

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Office Furniture Mobile Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Lockable filing cabinets Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Mobile Shelving Some fixed

Doors Lockable for secure storage Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Special Considerations Glass walls provide opportunity to maintain visual of entire media center floor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Storage Purpose Secure mobile devices & other equipment

Mechanical No special requirements

Users METI's

Plumbing No Special Requirements

Activities Storage

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies Media Center

Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 MEDIA CENTER: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Locking doors

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Fixed shelving along walls

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Locking storage system Open shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for devices that lock and charge - tablets

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Reception / Secretarial Area / Attendance Office Purpose: WHY? Perform administrative duties Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Clerks Secretaries Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Telephone calls Assist Administrators Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Vestibule for safety Nurse Office Mail/Copy room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Reception / Secretarial Area / Attendance Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Chairs Equipment Bulletin boards Clock Casework Mobile Locking file cabinets Shelving Locked shelving Bookshelves

Doors No special requirements Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Soft surface Walls Glass Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops All in one - Copier/Printer/Scanner Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Televisions Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Principal's Office with Conference Space and restroom Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Principal office No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Principal Administrators Staff Students Teachers Parents

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers (motion detecting)

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Planning Meetings In house suspension room

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Assistant Principal's office Conference Room Secretary/Reception

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Principal's Office with Conference Space and restroom Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Door with view panel and blinds Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelf and cabinets Display shelving

Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Projector Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Assistant Principal's Office Purpose: WHY? Assistant Principal Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Assistant Principal Administrators Staff Students Teachers Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Planning Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Conference Room In-house suspension- individual. cubbies, but not in main office Secretary/Reception

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Assistant Principal's Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelf and cabinets Display shelving

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Conference / Collaboration Room Purpose: WHY? Variety of meetings, including, but not limited to: parent and staff Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Conference / Collaboration Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls Glass into corridor and reception area with blinds Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector or Chromecast/Apple TV Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Video conferencing capability Wireless Network

Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Mail / Work / Copy Room Purpose: WHY? Collaboration and planning, staff mail room Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Mail room Work room Planning

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference room Kitchenette Secretary

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Mail / Work / Copy Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate work tables

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Clock

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Base cabinets under countertop Overhead cabinets

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Wireless Network Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Storage Purpose: WHY? Storage Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? To store folders and supplies

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Mail / Work / Copy room Conference room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Storage Furniture Lockable file cabinets Equipment No special requirements Casework Lockable Shelving Utility shelving

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows Flooring No special requirements Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Fireproof Only need one storage area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Restroom (Staff, Public, Clinic, ISS) Purpose: WHY? Personal hygiene Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Students Paraprofessionals Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Adjacencies: WHERE? Reception Nurse's Area

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers (motion detecting) Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Restroom (Staff, Public, Clinic, ISS) Furniture End table

Doors No special requirements

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Sanitary waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) with Cots & Bathroom Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Serve student health needs No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Nurse Students Teachers

Plumbing Male and female bathroom and sink with hot and cold water in the clinic

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Health Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Administrative offices

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Shower stall and drain

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) with Cots & Bathroom Furniture (1 office spaces) Doors Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Solid, lockable Equipment Refrigerator Cots Curtains Linens Clock Casework Base cabinets under countertop Overhead cabinets Shelving Lockable cabinets with doors

Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Special Considerations Hazardous waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Records Room Lockable / Testing Storage Purpose: WHY? Storage

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Administrator's offices Storage Secretary

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Records Room Lockable / Testing Storage Furniture Lockable file cabinets Equipment No special requirements Casework Lockable Shelving Utility shelving

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows Flooring No special requirements Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Fireproof

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Guidance Counselor's office Purpose: WHY? Guidance Counselor Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Counselors Teachers Parents Administrators Students Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Classrooms Counseling area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Guidance Counselor's office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Career Center workstations

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable

Walls No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring No special requirements

Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Itinerant Offices Purpose: WHY? Office space Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Itinerant Offices Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Psychology Office / Testing Room Purpose: WHY? Psychologist Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings, testing

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Conference Room Counselor office

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Psychology Office / Testing Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Staff Dining Purpose: WHY? Staff to meet, eat, and rest.

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Volunteers

Plumbing For sink and ice maker

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Eating Relaxation

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code GFCI outlets for refrigerator and stove

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria Kitchen

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 ADMINISTRATION: Staff Dining Furniture Ergonomic tables and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Kitchen appliances: refrigerator, stove, microwave, coffee maker, etc.

Windows With blinds to exterior

Sink Projector screen

Walls No special requirements

Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - some lockable

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless access

Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring No special requirements

Special Considerations Not too close to kitchen/cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Preparation Area Purpose Prepare food Users Kitchen staff Deliveries Activities Cooking Baking Adjacencies Cafeteria At end of school for expansion possibilities Loading dock access Dumpster access

Mechanical AC in storeroom and in kitchen Hood Plumbing No touch sink with hot and cold water No touch soap & towel dispensers Waste disposal Floor sinks and drains Hose reel Garbage disposal and pre-rinse- 4 compartment Electrical 220v outlets UDS under hood UDS on serving lines Lighting Overhead, LED Motion detecting Safety/emergency Good lighting in fridge/freezer

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Preparation Area Furniture Stainless furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Equipment Grease traps Casework Mobile Shelving Utility Wall shelving Mobile Wire shelving

Doors Double doors to storage Doors with windows from serving to kitchen Separate door to each walk-in (no access from cooler to freezer) Windows No windows Flooring Sensitive to standing for long periods of time Non slip *No grouted floors Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Sound barrier to cafeteria Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Fly fan Doorbell with speaker Plenty of room for personnel, carts, boxes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Serving Area Purpose Serving food Users Students Faculty Kitchen staff Activities Serving food Adjacencies Cafeteria

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Floor drains Hose reel Electrical 220v outlets UDS or knee wall to provide power/network Lighting Overhead Bright to accent food

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Serving Area Furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Food serving Steam tables- 4 wells Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Shelving Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Doors Doors with windows into kitchen Windows No windows Flooring Floor drains Epoxy-no tile Walls Solid Technology Cash register / computers for food check out, POS Wireless connection Special Considerations Multi lane serving area Plenty of counter space on both sides of line Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Dry Goods Storage Purpose Storage of canned & dry foods, paper products, and equipment Users Kitchen staff Activities Storage Adjacencies Prep and serving area Back dock

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Safety

Canned food rotation rack

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Dry Goods Storage Furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Racks Step ladder

Doors Solid Lockable Double

Equipment Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Windows No windows

Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Flooring Concrete

Shelving Rust resistant 24" deep shelving Canned storage rack Mobile utility shelving floor to ceiling Canned food rotation rack

Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Cooler / Freezer Purpose Storage of refrigerated & frozen foods

Mechanical Separate condensing units for each box, separate doors

Users Kitchen staff

Plumbing Freezer-heated condensate

Activities Storage

Electrical No special requirements

Adjacencies Preparation area

Lighting Overhead (very bright) Motion detecting Emergency lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Cooler / Freezer Furniture Walk in cooler and freezer Racks Dunnage- back corners

Doors View panel, heated Lockable Safety latch Triple door hinge

Equipment Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Reach in refrigerator units on the line

Windows No windows

Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Flooring Stainless steel

Shelving Stainless shelving, 18' deep with additional 24" deep dunnage racks (no overlapping racks)

Walls Stainless steel Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Ramp into cooler / freezer Air curtain - no vinyl curtain in cooler Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input No ice on floors- no dripping condensate

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Ware Washing Purpose: WHY? Dish and equipment washing Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Dishwashing Sanitizing Adjacencies: WHERE? Located close to exit on end of serving line Storage

Mechanical Exhaust fan Plumbing Overhead extendable sprayers, 2 4 Compartment sinks Large, industrial garbage disposal, 1 No touch soap & towel dispensers Foot pedal sink Electrical 220v outlets Lighting Bright Overhead Motion detecting Emergency lights LED

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Ware Washing Furniture No special requirements

Doors No special requirements

Equipment Industrial dishwasher / sanitizer / sterilizer

Windows No special requirements

Casework Shelving

Flooring Epoxy floor

Shelving Stationary worktables Intake, Stainless Output with overhead shelf (long enough for multiple racks) Rustproof shelving Drying racks

Walls Block with epoxy paint Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Drop off tray slot/area Entrance/exit doors on opposite sides of cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Kitchen Manager Office Purpose Plan & coordinate food service & student dining operations

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Kitchen staff / manager

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities Paperwork storage Computer work Telephone calls

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall- several

Adjacencies Restroom Kitchen

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

Shelving Shelving

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Kitchen Manager Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate desk and chairs Under desk lockable filing cabinets Safe Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin board Clock First aid kit Casework Locking closets File cabinets Shelving Shelving

Doors Door with view panel Windows Windows on 1-2 walls for kitchen view Flooring Epoxy Walls Solid Technology Data drops Intercom Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Speakers Telephone with speaker mount to hear in kitchen VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Unisex Restroom Purpose: WHY? Restrooms Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen prep Off of staff lockers and washer

Mechanical No special requirements Exhaust fan Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Unisex Restroom Furniture Mirrors

Doors Locking

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Epoxy

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Sanitary waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Lockers Purpose Storage and safety for kitchen staff Users Kitchen staff Activities Storage Adjacencies Restrooms

Mechanical Exhaust fan No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 220v outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Lockers Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework Mirrored cabinet over sink Shelving No special requirements

Doors Solid Hooks for coats and other personal items Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Epoxy Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Enough room for all staff Not in bathroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Chemical Closet Purpose: WHY? Store chemicals Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Chemical Closet Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door: lockable, solid

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving Perimeter shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separate from food storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Purpose: WHY? A place to meet, eat, rest, and break for Kitchen staff.

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Break space Lunch space

Electrical No special requirements

Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Furniture Tables and chairs Equipment Microwave Refrigerator Coffee maker Casework Base and upper cabinets w/ countertop Shelving No special requirements

Doors Lockable Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Wireless connection Telephone Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Stage Purpose: WHY? Used only in Elementary Schools: Utilize as extra seating in cafeteria as necessary Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Staff Guest speaker Activities: WHAT & HOW? Seating Performances

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria Platform Storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Stage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology Wireless access Special Considerations Not wood Accessible per ADA standards

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria Purpose Dining

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Students Administrators Kitchen staff Volunteers Paraprofessionals

Plumbing Recessed water fountains with bottle filling capacity

Activities Student dining Meeting Gathering

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 220v outlets No special requirements

Adjacencies Kitchen

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria Furniture Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken

Equipment Built-in PA system

Windows Windows with blinds

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls Partial glass Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Table & Chair Storage Purpose: WHY? Store tables and chairs

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodian Kitchen staff Staff Students Volunteers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code

Adjacencies: WHERE? Platform storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 FOOD SERVICE: Table & Chair Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Closets (distributed) Purpose: WHY? Cleaning equipment storage Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Activities: WHAT & HOW? Store and maintain indoor cleaning equipment Adjacencies: WHERE? Distributed

Mechanical Dust collection or exhaust Plumbing Slop sink and floor Floor drain Eye wash station Washer/Dryer for towel/mop cleaning Electrical 2 guard outlets 120V outlets 2 quad 120 outlets Lighting Overhead Additional lighting for work bench Adjustable / Multi-level

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Closets (distributed) Furniture Work bench with vise- multi level adjustable

Doors One double wide door

Equipment Auto scrubber Floor machine, hand electric tools Vacuum Brooms and Mops

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Walls Concrete Block

Shelving One 8' by 4' by 1' Shelf 2 8' tall by 4' wide by 1' deep

Technology No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Storage Purpose Storage Users Custodians Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Distributed

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors One double wide door

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Floor drains Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Climate and humidity control - separately controlled from the rest of the building

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Locker Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a space for staff to change and personal hygiene Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Maintenance staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Changing clothes Adjacencies: WHERE? No special requirements

Mechanical Exhaust fans Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water Showers Toilets Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets GFCI outlets Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Task lighting over mirrors

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Locker Room Furniture Benches Lockers Equipment Mirrors Hand dryers Paper towel dispensers

Doors Solid Windows No special requirements Flooring Non-slip with floor drains

Casework No special requirements

Walls Solid

Shelving No special requirements

Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Privacy Security Acoustical treatments

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Office / Planning / Meeting Area Purpose: WHY? Staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings.

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodial staff Maintenance staff

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Water fountain

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Planning Meetings Office work

Electrical Quad outlets

Adjacencies: WHERE? No special requirements

Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Office / Planning / Meeting Area Furniture Lockers Conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards Refrigerator with ice maker Microwave oven Casework Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Adequate countertop space to allow for small appliances (paper cutters, etc.)

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Exterior Storage - Lawn Equipment & Propane Purpose Storage for lawnmowers and other outdoor equipment and flammable substances Users Custodians Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Outdoors

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards PK-6 CUSTODIAL: Exterior Storage - Lawn Equipment & Propane Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility shelving units

Doors One double wide door Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Floor drains Hard surface Walls Attached to structure (Indoor room with outdoor access) Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: 7th to 9th Grade Classrooms Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research 1-to-1 technology Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Mechanical Temperature control Plumbing Sink Electrical Quad outlets Charging station Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Use natural lighting as much as possible Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Space between work areas for safe traffic flow

Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms Water fountain Small group areas Bathrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: 7th to 9th Grade Classrooms Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Mobile seating & work surfaces (tables, countertops, desks) Soft, comfortable- DURABLE Ample storage for student materials (books, bags, etc.) Standing desks for particular students and teachers Place to keep book bags out of aisles between desks

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Windows in every classroom if possible Flooring Hard surface

Equipment Magnetic marker /white boardsBulletin boards

Walls Solid More wall/whiteboard than bulletin board-space to accommodate posted student work and décor

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Floor to ceiling closets for storage space along wall

2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel- not placed over usable whiteboard space

Shelving Lockable storage


Large-space flat storage for posters, projects and other décor items

Intercom- PA system accessible from multiple places in building

Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Small group areas need to be visible through a window in every surrounding classroom Must be able to see students in shared spaces Keep clock visible (not covered by screen/projector) Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: STEM Wet/Dry Lab Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of science learning strategies and educational applications as well as scientific experiments. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 40 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Computer instruction and research Science experiments Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Outside/courtyard Flexible Learning Area Close to classrooms and other science grade levels

Mechanical Exhaust fan Floor drains Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water in classroom with sliding lockable covers Electrical 220v outlets? GFCI outlets Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Acid resistant surfaces Direct outdoor secure access, first floor preferable Scratch resistant surfaces

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: STEM Wet/Dry Lab Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student seating (maybe stools) Teacher demonstration desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards- multiple Bulletin boards First aid kit (s) Goggle sanitizer (s) Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior- light proof if possible Flooring Hard surface Floor drains near sinks Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner Interactive Flat Panel Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Intercom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: STEM Wet/Dry Lab Prep Room/ Storage Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of science learning strategies and educational applications as well as scientific experiments. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Computer instruction and research Science experiments Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Extended Learning Area Flexible Learning Area Special Needs Classrooms Water fountain

Mechanical Fume hood Gas hookups at each station Exhaust fan Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water in classroom with sliding lockable covers Access to water, air, electric and gas at each station with master emergency shut off Electrical 220v outlets GFCI outlets Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Acid resistant surfaces Direct outdoor secure access, first floor preferable

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: STEM Wet/Dry Lab Prep Room/ Storage Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student seating (maybe stools) Teacher demonstration desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards First aid kit (s) Goggle sanitizer (s) Fire blanket(s) Chemical storage locker Eye wash station (s) Emergency shower (s) Casework Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets

Doors With view panel Windows Operable with blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Floor drains near sinks, eye wash, and emergency shower(s) Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Wireless Network

Shelving Built-in bookshelves

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Journalism Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications.

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Intercom with adjustable volume

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Teachers

Plumbing Close to bathrooms Men and women's restroom in suite

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Computer work Lecture Small group Individual work Student presentations

Electrical Floor outlets 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Business classroom Marketing classroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Journalism Classroom Furniture Mobile, ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Teacher podium - presentation enabled Teacher desk with chair Equipment Audio / visual Clock Bulletin boards Smart board Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Storage for 50+ blazers Storage for ties and scarves Cubbies for students and coat hooks Shelving For classroom set of books and student notebooks Student organization Competition materials and examples

Doors Door with view panel Windows High on walls so walls can still be utilized Flooring Rubber Walls Lots of bulletin boards and white boards 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to one devices (iPads/laptops for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Wireless connection Large screen TV for presentation area Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Studio Purpose: WHY? Video production Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? News casting Live broadcast Interviews Commercials Filming PSAs

Mechanical Lighting racks Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? TV Broadcast classroom TV Broadcast control room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Studio Furniture Newscast desk Couch Love seat Director's chair Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Video cameras, 4 - 3 CCD Cameras, HD Tri-pods, 3 Casework Locking cabinets Lockable anvil cases for equipment Shelving No special requirements

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken Windows Glass window No outside windows Flooring Hard surface such as vinyl tile or polished concrete Walls No special requirements Technology Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations CAT 7 data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Sound Purpose: WHY? Video Production Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Radio recording Radio shows Audio mixing Adjacencies: WHERE? Studios Classrooms Control rooms

Mechanical Everything needed for sound Plumbing Water fountain Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

JH CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Sound Furniture Long tables for computers Roll Chairs with fabric or leather covering Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Hand held recorders Wireless live broadcasting Headphones Wired microphones Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken Windows Glass window Outside view Flooring Hard surface such as vinyl tile or polished concrete Walls No special requirements Technology 27 inch iMac computers Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations CAT 7 data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones Wireless connection Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Project Purpose Manage video broadcasts Users Campus groups Students Administrators Teachers Activities Assist with performances and presentations Adjacencies Classrooms and studios

Mechanical Everything needed for sound and lighting Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 220v outlets Wired for lights and sound on mobile stage Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

JH CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Project Furniture Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken

Equipment Everything needed for mechanical, electrical and lighting

Windows Glass window

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface such as vinyl tile or polished concrete

Shelving Small set

Walls Partial glass Technology CAT 7 data drops Carts or charging stations Ceiling mounted projector Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Wireless connection Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Pre-Engineering Classroom and Lab Purpose: WHY? To provide students with a basic understanding of the field of engineering Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Professionals Volunteers Parents Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Computer instruction and research Experiments Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Core classrooms Outdoor area

Mechanical Exhaust fan Floor drains Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water in classroom with sliding lockable covers Electrical 220v outlets? GFCI outlets Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Acid resistant surfaces Direct outdoor secure access, first floor preferable Scratch resistant surfaces

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Pre-Engineering Classroom and Lab Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student seating (maybe stools) Teacher demonstration desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards- multiple Bulletin boards First aid kit (s) Power tools 3D printer Extension cord reels Casework Lockable storage cabinets Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior- light proof if possible Flooring Hard surface Floor drains near sinks Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner Interactive Flat Panel Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Intercom Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Family and Consumer Science Classroom Purpose: WHY? Instruction Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? 1 instructor Up to 20 students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Academic instruction Adjacencies: WHERE? Instruction kitchen to view Production kitchen Sewing lab

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Plumbing Water fountain Electrical 5 student drops Smart board 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Teacher station Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Family and Consumer Science Classroom Furniture Modular flip top tables Stackable chairs Teacher chair - counter pneumatic height Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Telephone Audio / visual Clock Smart board Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Cubbies for students and coat hooks Shelving Bookshelves

Doors From hall to classroom From classroom to kitchen Windows Large view window between classroom and instruction kitchen Flooring No carpet Absorbs sound, low noise, durable Walls Solid walls on 2 sides 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology SMART board w/ projection and screen Teacher computer and phone Student computers/technology Wi-Fi access point in classroom Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Maximum visibility into kitchen and office using windows

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: FCS: Cooking Lab Purpose: WHY? Instruction Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? 1 Instructor Up to 20 students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Academic Instruction Adjacencies: WHERE? Next to all storage and production kitchen Dock FCS classroom

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water No touch soap & towel dispensers Waste disposal Floor sinks and drains Electrical Teacher Station Drops to tables Smart Board 220v outlets GFCI outlets to be installed in all kitchen, restrooms, laundry rooms, garages, science rooms, exterior spaces and any other space where the outlet might come into contact with water Lighting "Dimmable" Lights Bright, overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: FCS: Cooking Lab Furniture Modular Flip Top Tables Stackable Chairs Teacher Chair - counter pneumatic height Stainless standing worktables all with under storage and above shelf with power, 8 Equipment Telephone Tack Strip 8" tall, 10' long Ceiling Fans 6 burner ovens, 7 Large Hobart mixer, 1 Steamer cabinet, 1 Large reach in cooler, 2 Large proofer/warming cabinet, 1 Convection oven, 1 Overhead pot racks, 2 Small equipment racks overhead, 2 Casework Locking bookcase Locking cage cabinet, 1 Shelving Built-in Shelving Counter Height 8' rolling stainless racks, 10-15

Doors From hall to classroom From classroom to kitchen Windows Large view window between classroom and instruction kitchen Flooring No carpet Absorbs sound, low noise, durable Walls Solid walls on 2 sides Curved baseboards Technology SMART board w/ projection and screen Teacher computer and phone Student computers/technology Wi-Fi access point in classroom Sound system for teaching with microphone Special Considerations Maximum visibility into kitchen and office using windows 6 student stations each with commercial oven and work table 3 shared compartment sinks (2 stations/sink)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: FCS: Sewing Lab Purpose: WHY? Instruction Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? 1 instructor Up to 20 students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Academic instruction Adjacencies: WHERE? FCS classroom

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Plumbing Water fountain Electrical 5 student drops Smart board 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Teacher station Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: FCS: Sewing Lab Furniture Modular flip top tables Stackable chairs Teacher chair - counter pneumatic height Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Individual sewing stations Fitting booth Equipment Telephone Audio / visual Clock Smart board Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Sewing machines Cutting stations Pressing stations Casework Cubbies for students and coat hooks Storage cabinets

Doors From hall to classroom Windows No special requirements Flooring No carpet Absorbs sound, low noise, durable Walls Solid walls on 2 sides Technology SMART board w/ projection and screen Teacher computer and phone Student computers/technology Wi-Fi access point in classroom Special Considerations No special considerations

Shelving Bookshelves

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Teacher / Team Planning / Conference Room Purpose: WHY? Teacher and staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings. To provide a space for staff to work and hold small meetings. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Lesson planning and grading Scheduling of conferences and appointments Team meetings Teacher planning and collaboration Preparation of teaching materials

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical Quad outlets Power for copiers Lighting Overhead Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Staff Restroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Teacher / Team Planning / Conference Room Furniture Conference tables and chairs Individual workstations (desks) and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards Paper cutter Copiers Hole punch Casework Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Adequate countertop space to allow for small appliances (paper cutters, etc.,)

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel- TV Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy Big enough for offices for traveling teachers or work offices for teachers who can't use room on their prep period

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Lecture Hall Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Resource Professionals Guest speakers Trainings Activities: WHAT & HOW? Demonstrations Socratic seminar Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets In floors or tables Floor outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Overhead Motion detecting Bank lighting Stage lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Lecture Hall Furniture Auditorium with fold over desks or theatre style with tables Teacher podium Half permanent seating Half flexible seating Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Reflective mirror to show demonstrations Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Operable with blinds to exterior Flooring Acoustically appropriate Walls Solid Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Wireless Network Wireless microphones Projection- close and far Recording devices Special Considerations Acoustics As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Furniture that promotes collaboration

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Small Group Tutor Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 1-10 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Independent work space

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Flexible Learning Area Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Small Group Tutor Room Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker/white boards Bulletin boards Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Windows looking into surrounding classrooms Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls Movable walls between classrooms Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Serves as an informal presentation and learning activity space. No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Large and small group instruction Breakout area Meetings Reading presentations Demonstrations Media utilization Research and planning Individual work spaces

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Natural Overhead Motion detecting Adjustable/Multi-level

Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Classrooms Media Center Near cafeteria for student work at lunch

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Furniture Doors Mobile seating & work surfaces (tables, countertops, desks) With view panels into classrooms Soft, comfortable, flexible, durable Windows Equipment Operable with blinds Magnetic white marker board Flooring Bulletin board Tile Casework Walls Mobile Display areas Shelving Mobile to allow for flexible arrangement of space Mobile Technology Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Soft Phone Speakers VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Mobile lab Speakers Necessary equipment for hearing impaired students Special Considerations Acoustical: to mitigate sound transfer to/from classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Storage (distributed) Purpose: WHY? To provide storage for equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Teacher Center Copy Room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Duplex outlets each wall Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CORE ACADEMICS: Storage (distributed) Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows

Casework Overhead cabinets Base cabinets under countertop

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Utility

Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for 1:1 student devices daily; 1 safe room per school Adequate for number of teachers- book room, supplies per department, science labs, PE equipment, Athletic storage, mobile lab storage space, media center, tech classrooms, flex space storage area.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Severe and Profound / ERR / SLC Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/Dryer Full service bathroom

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Sensory rooms School Psychologist and counselor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Severe and Profound / ERR / SLC Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs Windows Teacher desk & chair With blinds to exterior Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Hard surface with area rugs Bulletin boards Floor drains near sinks and toilets Kitchenette Walls Shredder Smart boards Sound proofing Convention oven 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Burners Technology Refrigerator Microwave Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Casework Data drops Mobile Interactive Flat Panel Overhead cabinets Intercom Countertop over base cabinets Speakers Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Soft Phone Marker/tack boards and associated technology VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Power at countertop for appliances Special Considerations Shelving As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Mobile Processing space Extra storage Two doors- an entrance and an exit

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Excel- Emotional/Behavioral Program Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/Dryer Full service bathroom

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Sensory rooms School Psychologist and counselor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Excel- Emotional/Behavioral Program Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs Windows Teacher desk & chair With blinds to exterior Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Hard surface with area rugs Bulletin boards Floor drains near sinks and toilets Kitchenette Walls Shredder Smart board Sound proofing 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Casework Technology Mobile Overhead cabinets Amplification capabilities Countertop over base cabinets Carts or charging stations Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Data drops Marker/tack boards and associated technology Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Speakers Power at countertop for appliances Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Shelving Wireless Network Mobile Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Processing space Extra storage Include a cool down area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Sensory rooms School Psychologist and counselor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs Windows Teacher desk & chair With blinds to exterior Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Hard surface with area rugs Bulletin boards Floor drains near sinks and toilets Shredder Walls Casework Sound proofing Mobile 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Overhead cabinets Technology Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Amplification capabilities Marker/tack boards and associated technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Interactive Flat Panel Power at countertop for appliances Intercom Speakers Shelving Soft Phone Mobile VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Processing space Extra storage Include a cool down area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Visual Impairment Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students.

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Sensory rooms School Psychologist and counselor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Visual Impairment Furniture Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) Student chairs Teacher desk & chair

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior

Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Bulletin boards Kitchenette

Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drains near sinks and toilets

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Walls Sound proofing 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Processing space Extra storage Include a cool down area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Resource Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 19-26 Teacher - 1 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Media center Flexible Learning Area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Resource Room Furniture Student tables Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Computers /mobile carts Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) File cabinets Shelving Locking, extra large closets with shelving Mobile

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Purpose: WHY? To service children with fine and gross motion needs To assess the hearing ability of students Space for staff to provide direct instruction to students Sensory room for therapy Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? OT - 1 PT - 1 Possibly up to 4 children at any given time Audiologists - 2 Reading Specialist Parents 2-3 Students Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Itinerant staff Aides

Mechanical As needed for sensory equipment Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Servicing children Evaluating children Documentation Assess hearing Plan Direct Instruction Parent meetings Teacher collaboration Large enough to accommodate gross and fine motor needs Phone calls Space for sensory or therapeutic needs Adjacencies: WHERE? Close to gym Bathroom Central to other related service providers Front of school Extended learning area Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Furniture Small tables and chairs For storage - balls (Small and therapy) Audiology booth Front desk / reception Teacher and student workstations Kidney table, 4-5 chairs Floor swing (A frame) Other sensory furniture

Doors Locking doors to hallway and/or gym handicap access Windows Windows to outdoors observation window Blinds (operable) Flooring Rubber flooring or square room for therapy mats Carpet Hard surface with area rugs

Equipment Hooks for suspended equipment (4) for storage climbing structure slides, stairs

Walls Partitioned space (Moveable) Solid

Hooks in opposing walls < 6 " from floor to tether rope below for scooter board activities Sensory equipment Casework Built in cabinets for equipment, storage Countertops and cabinets Locking file cabinets Large 2 door cabinets Closed storage for toys, mats, beanbags Shelving Built in for gross motor games / activities and fine motor tools, toys, games Closed, tall shelving units

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Wheelchair Accessible Need a separate or side small waiting area for families Acoustical privacy Large open space for equipment Can share as long as space is large enough to accommodate various equipment needs and wheelchairs Acoustical privacy Calming Adhere to guidelines and regulations Overhead structural beams for swing

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Sensory Room Purpose: WHY? Sensory room for therapy

Mechanical As needed for sensory equipment

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Itinerant staff Aides

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Space for sensory or therapeutic needs

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Extended learning area Classrooms

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Sensory Room Furniture Floor swing (A frame) Other sensory furniture Equipment Sensory equipment Casework Closed storage for toys, mats, beanbags Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Blinds (operable) Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Acoustical privacy Calming Adhere to guidelines and regulations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Speech & Language Therapy Purpose: WHY? To assess the hearing ability of students Space for staff to provide direct instruction to students Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Possibly up to 4 children at any given time Speech Language Pathologist - 1-4 Audiologists - 2 Reading Specialist Parents 2-3 Activities: WHAT & HOW? Servicing children Evaluating children Documentation Assess hearing Plan Direct Instruction Parent meetings Teacher collaboration Phone calls

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Bathroom Central to other related service providers Front of school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Speech & Language Therapy Furniture Small tables and chairs Audiology booth Front desk/reception Teacher and student workstations Kidney table, 4-5 chairs Equipment No special requirements Casework Countertops and cabinets Locking file cabinets Large 2 door cabinets Shelving Closed, tall shelving units

Doors Locking doors to hallway and / or gym handicap access Windows Windows to outdoors observation window Flooring Carpet Walls Partitioned space (Moveable) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Wheelchair Accessible Need a separate or side small waiting area for families Acoustical privacy Can share as long as space is large enough to accommodate various equipment needs and wheelchairs

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 19-26 Teacher - 1 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Media center Flexible Learning Area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) Furniture Student tables Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Computers /mobile carts Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) File cabinets Shelving Locking, extra large closets with shelving Mobile

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Offices Purpose: WHY? Office space Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Paraprofessionals Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference / Meeting room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Offices Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Conference / Meeting Room Purpose: WHY? Conference room Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Itinerant staff Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Other Itinerants as needed Max of 20 adults Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Phone Calls Documentation Planning

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets In tables Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Main office or by grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Conference / Meeting Room Furniture Conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic white board Bulletin board Casework File cabinets Shelving Mobile

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Soft surface Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Storage Purpose: WHY? Store instructional materials Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Para professionals Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Special needs classrooms

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH SPECIAL NEEDS: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Solid

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Mobile

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Utility shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Band Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational application related to instrumental music. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Drinking Fountain Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Group interaction Instrument playing Rehearsals Instruction Recording Listening activities Adjacencies: WHERE? Stage Music Storage Music Classroom Outdoor fields

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Band Classroom Furniture Music Posture Student chairs Teacher desk and chair Music stands Conductors podium Concert band / orchestra risers Equipment Recording & playback equipment Speakers Microphones Moveable Magnetic marker board with Musical staff on one section Two Pianos Casework Instrument storage Shelving Mobile For Music Library

Doors Double with view panel and removable center bar Windows No special requirements Flooring Acoustical considerations Walls Acoustical considerations Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations High ceilings with acoustical panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Choir Classroom Purpose Choir practice Users Students Teachers Paraprofessionals Activities Rehearsal Meet before concert or trip Listening Reading music Singing / smaller practice groups

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Band, orchestra Practice room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Choir Classroom Furniture Music Posture Chairs Choral Risers Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand Piano Equipment Music stands Moveable Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section Microphones Speakers Digital recording and playback system Casework Folio for student music Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Double door with view panels and removable middle pole Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls Flat to project sounds Acoustically treated Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations High Ceilings Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Drama Classroom Purpose: WHY? Classroom & Performance Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Teaching Performing Adjacencies: WHERE? Stage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Natural Adjustable/Multi-level Ceiling mounted Theatrical lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Drama Classroom Furniture Mobile furnishings that can be configured in a theatre style

Doors With view panel

Equipment Moveable Magnetic marker board

Windows Operable and ability to darken

Casework Storage cabinets with shelving, drawers, and lockable doors

Flooring Slip resistant flooring - acoustically appropriate

Adjustable/Multi-level height bookshelves

Walls Acoustic

Shelving Extensive space for theatrical props Extensive space for costume storage

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Appropriate acoustical treatment

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Musical Instrument (Band, Orchestra, Choral Music) Purpose Mechanical Storage No special requirements Users Students Administrators Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies Performance spaces IN music classrooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Musical Instrument (Band, Orchestra, Choral Music) Furniture Doors Large, lockable instrument cages Double door with no middle bar Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Various storage types

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Ensemble Rooms Purpose Medium sized groups (20-25 students) Users Students Teachers Activities Practice Rehearsal Adjacencies Band, strings, choir

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Ensemble Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate chairs Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand Equipment Metronome Tuner Music stands Moveable Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section Microphones Speakers Digital recording system Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Double door with view panels and removable middle pole Windows Blinds Flooring Soft surface Walls Acoustic Technology Intercom Wireless Network Special Considerations Ceiling height Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Practice Rooms Purpose Medium sized groups 2-4 students) Users Students Teachers Activities Practice Rehearsal Adjacencies Band, strings, choir

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Practice Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate chairs Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand

Doors Double door with view panels and removable middle pole

Equipment Metronome Tuner Music stands Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section Microphones Speakers Digital recording system Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Windows With blinds Flooring Carpet tiles Walls Acoustic Flat with acoustical tiles Technology Intercom Wireless Network Special Considerations Ceiling height Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Classroom Purpose: WHY? Studio use Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers

Mechanical Spray box Ventilation for control of dust & heavy metal airborne glazes Plumbing Hot and cold water Floor drains with sediment traps

Activities: WHAT & HOW? IB, AP, 2D, 3D, Digital Lab, Glass Blowing, Painting, Airbrush, Painting, Clay Sculpture, Jewelry, Photography, Textiles, Sculpture, Ceramics Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Loading dock Access to outdoor amphitheater Media Center

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level full-spectrum lighting Spotlighting (Adjustable/Multi-level in center of room to pull down), or flood lights on stands Safe light at each dark room station

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Classroom Furniture Locking cabinets Tables and stools Easels for 5' x 7' canvases minimum Wedging table Drying racks Mobile work tables with heavy flat surfaces and chairs Equipment Base cabinets with countertops Overhead cabinets above base cabinets Printer and table Light tables Large wall area Whiteboards and bulletin boards Casework Acid and heat resistant countertops with sink, base, and wall cabinets with Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Bookcases with Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Cubbies with slide out trays - no doors Light box tables Moveable shelves Shelving Horizontal open shelves Vertical open shelves Cubbies for drawing boards

Doors No special requirements Windows Blinds or black out shades Flooring Hard surface Floor drains by sinks & potters wheels Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel PA system Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Natural lighting Access to outside Design space for ease in clean-up Surface for high temperature work area - designated for heat related work

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Digital Media Classroom - 2-D / Computer Lab w/ Critique Wall Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Digital media classroom No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Teaching Small group work Adjacencies: WHERE? Close to recording studio

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Natural Adjustable/Multi-level

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Digital Media Classroom - 2-D / Computer Lab w/ Critique Wall Furniture Doors Demonstration area No special requirements Tables Windows Desk and chair No windows Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker board Bulletin board Slip resistant flooring - acoustically appropriate Keyboard lab tables Walls Moveable teaching cart [portable] Acoustic Casework Technology Cabinets with shelving, drawers, and lockable doors Adjustable/Multi-level height bookshelves Carts or charging stations Data drops Shelving Interactive Flat Panel No special requirements Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network High end workstations for video editing with software Special Considerations Appropriate acoustical treatment

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Storage Purpose To provide storage for art equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users Students Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies Art Classroom Kiln

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Storage Furniture Fireproof cabinet Cabinet with tote trays

Doors Lockable Windows No windows

Equipment No special requirements Casework Various storage types including chemicals and equipment accommodations Shelving Utility shelving Paper storage Built-in bookshelves - Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Moveable shelves

Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Kiln Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a safe place for firing of 3-D clay projects.

Mechanical Ventilation

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Firing and storage of clay projects

Electrical 220v outlets GFCI outlets Quad outlets

Adjacencies: WHERE? Art room Exterior

Lighting Overhead Motion

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Kiln Room Furniture No special requirements Equipment Drying shelves - metal Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility shelving Metal bookshelves Kiln shelf storage Kiln furniture storage

Doors Solid & lockable To withstand high temperatures Windows No windows Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Teacher Offices (Planning, Collaboration, Work, Copy) Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Teacher work room No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Planning Meetings Prep Adjacencies: WHERE? Rehearsal rooms Art classrooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall GFCI outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Teacher Offices (Planning, Collaboration, Work, Copy) Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Door with view panel Bulletin boards Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Clock Flooring Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Laminating machine Hard surface Casework Base cabinets over countertop Overhead cabinets Lockable storage Paper storage Countertop over cabinets Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Color & BW Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Main Gymnasium Purpose: WHY? To serve as a physical education facility during the school day, as practice and recreation area during non-school hours, and to serve the community. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Protected with cages Natural lighting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Regular standards-based PE lessons and activities Interscholastic competition Community use Large group meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? PE Resource Room Direct exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Main Gymnasium Furniture Bleachers, fully retractable

Doors Double doors to corridor, exterior, storage

Equipment Scoreboards Sound system Curtains

Windows No special requirements

Adjustable / Multi-level baskets from ceiling with glass backboards Mobile magnetic marker boards Safety wall mats Portable mats Raised track Remote control clock Blue tooth remote Wireless microphones Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Flooring Hardwood Walls Acoustical consideration Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) PA system Speakers Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to isolate from the rest of the school for after hours activities

High Schools: Make sure to switch to the larger court size of 94 feet (collegiate dimensions) High School: Bleacher seats for entire student body

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Auxiliary Gymnasium Purpose: WHY? To serve as a physical education facility during the school day, as practice and recreation area during non-school hours, and to serve the community. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Protected with cages Natural clerestory or skylights

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Regular standards-based PE lessons and activities Interscholastic competition Community use Large group meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? PE Resource Room Direct exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Auxiliary Gymnasium Furniture Bleachers

Doors Double doors to corridor, exterior, storage

Equipment Scoreboards - remote control with clock Sound system blue tooth remote Curtains

Windows No special requirements

Adjustable / Multi-level baskets from ceiling with glass backboards Bulletin boards Mobile magnetic marker boards Safety wall mats Portable mats Wireless microphones Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Flooring Hardwood Walls Acoustical consideration Technology PA system Speakers Wireless Network Telephone/Intercom Special Considerations Ability to isolate from the rest of the school for after hours activities

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Weight Room / Fitness Center Purpose: WHY? To provide a space for weight training and cardiovascular activities. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Staff Coaches Activities: WHAT & HOW? Physical fitness Weight training Aerobics Cardiovascular training Team training

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Floor plugs Lighting Overhead Motion Detecting Natural Adjustable / Multi-level

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Locker room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Weight Room / Fitness Center Furniture No special requirements

Casework Mobile

Equipment Racks for fitness balls TRX straps Safety wall mats BOSU balls and storage rack Treadmills / elliptical Stationary bikes Floor mats Dumbbell racks Heart rate monitors with track screens Clock with remote Portable sound system with wireless mic and Bluetooth TVs with Kinect gaming systems Body resistance equipment mounted to walls Clock with remotes Normal plates, dumbbells Weight benches and equipment "Power Racks" for lifting (15 with attached platforms) Bluetooth sound system Olympic weights Bumper plates

Shelving Mobile Doors Double with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Rubberized surface Walls Solid Mirrored Technology Intercom Speakers Wireless Network Telephone/Intercom Heart rate monitors with tracking screens PA System Special Considerations Open floor space for group exercise activities

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Wrestling Room Purpose: WHY? Wrestling Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Coaches Volunteers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Wrestling practice Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Locker rooms

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Heat Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical No special requirements Lighting Overhead Motion Detecting Natural

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Wrestling Room Furniture No special requirements

Doors Double with view panel

Equipment Two 42' x 42' mats

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring All padded

Shelving Cabinets at one end of room

Walls Padded Technology Intercom Speakers Wireless Network Telephone/Intercom Heart rate monitors with tracking screens Data drops Projector Special Considerations Open floor space for group exercise activities

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Health Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Extended Learning Area Gymnasium

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Health Classroom Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Operable with blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: PE Storage Purpose: WHY? Store physical education equipment & materials

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Electrical Duplex outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Exterior Fitness Area

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: PE Storage Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility Hanging racks Rolling ball carts

Doors Double, solid Lockable Windows No Windows Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separation for materials for upper grade levels and lower grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Locker Room Purpose: WHY? To provide one locker room for females and one for males for physical education classes. To provide a space for students, home and visiting athletic teams, and community members to change.

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Changing clothes Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium

Mechanical Exhaust fans Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water Showers Toilets Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets GFCI outlets Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Task lighting over mirrors

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Locker Room Furniture Benches Lockers Equipment Mirrors (shatterproof) Hand dryers Paper towel dispensers

Doors Double solid doors Windows No special requirements Flooring Non-slip with floor drains

Casework No special requirements

Walls Solid

Shelving No special requirements

Technology Wireless network Special Considerations Privacy Security Acoustical treatments

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teachers' & Coaches' Office / Bathroom Purpose: WHY? Teacher and staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings. To provide a space for staff to dine and hold small meetings. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Itinerant staff Coaches Activities: WHAT & HOW? Lesson planning Scheduling of conferences and appointments Team meetings Teacher planning and collaboration Preparation of materials

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Shower and toilet Water fountain Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Resource Staff Restroom Storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teachers' & Coaches' Office / Bathroom Furniture Conference tables and chairs Individual workstations (desks) and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards TV & Satellite

Doors No special requirements Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface

Casework Mobile

Walls Solid

Shelving Mobile

Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Laundry Room Purpose Launder team uniforms

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Staff

Plumbing Utility Sink For washer and dryer

Activities Laundry Adjacencies Gymnasium Locker Rooms

Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Laundry Room Furniture Tables and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Industrial washer Industrial dryer

Windows No special requirements

Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile

Flooring Hard surface with floor drain Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Purpose Various groups to work/whole group instruction/multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Community Activities Web based learning for students Virtual learning Faculty meetings Collaborative space Community meetings Support student research Students engaged in project based learning Teacher training for new technologies Support learning with personal mobile devices Rich text environment Dynamic activities

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink in workroom Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Charging everywhere (in floor) Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting (with override abilities) Natural- windows, skylights Overhead Light switches in several spots

Adjacencies Library Computer lab Restroom Centralized

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Furniture Mobile (instant desk/workstation- side table that folds out) Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Mobile shelves Tables on wheels that have white board tops Equipment Projector - interactive White boards Document cameras Big video screens in several places- Smart TV Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile shelving to provide space for large-group activities

Doors Glass doors with walls to be able to create larger rooms Windows Ability to darken room Flooring Mixed hard and soft surface Walls Mobile walls to subdivide space for small activities Glass for visual observation/teachers Technology Carts and charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panels Multifunction Copier/Printer Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes Space for quiet study Display areas- lots of them

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Purpose Mechanical No special requirements Various groups to independently work while instruction continues, multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Independent research / reading

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Furniture Doors Mobile No special requirements Integrated power in chairs and tables Soft seating Windows Furniture to promote independent space With blinds to exterior Equipment No special requirements

Flooring Soft

Casework Mobile

Walls Mobile

Shelving Mobile

Technology Carts or charging stations Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room Circulation Desk Purpose Various groups to independently work, Central location for book circulation Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Questions and Answers Tech device and trouble shooting Circulation Inventory / equipment checkout

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Integrated in desk 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room Circulation Desk Furniture Mobile Semi-circle or circle desk Integrated book drop Regular desk height on the other side Counter height on one side Equipment Integrated power in desk Casework Lockable storage/at least some drawers or part of casework Shelving No special requirements

Doors No special requirements Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Laptops Computer for inventory and book circulation 1:1 devices Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Multi Function Printer/Scanner/Copier Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Small Group Project Rooms Purpose Various groups to independently work while instruction continues, multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Small group projects Individual research Instruction Research Multipurpose

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Power for charging multiple devices 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Small Group Project Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs for 6 Tables facilitate multimedia group work Ability to write on tables Multimedia projection table capability

Doors Glass doors with walls to be able to create larger rooms Windows No special requirements

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above

Flooring No special requirements

Casework None

Walls Ability to be seen by adjacent spaces

Shelving Mobile or around perimeter

Technology Interactive flat panel with projector Multimedia projection capability - connect wireless to devices and projection screen or tables Data drops VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Maker Space / Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Purpose Mechanical 3D printers may require special ventilation Allow students to create using tools, equipment and technology Users Students Teachers Small groups of 6-10 Administrators Clubs, CTE, STEM, Robotics Activities Physical mashup of home economics, art, and science lab Create, solve problems and develop critical thinking Projects DIY 3D printing projects

Plumbing Sink in space required Electrical Electrical source in ceiling 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Next to media center

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Maker Space / Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Furniture Doors Tables / durable surfaces for building With view panel Mobile tables Organized storage solution Windows chairs No special requirements Equipment Whiteboard

Flooring Hard surface

Casework Shelving along one perimeter wall

Walls Ability to be seen by adjacent spaces

Shelving Secured storage solution

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Office Purpose Space to allow METI to perform administrative duties / collaborate with teachers Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Small group projects Individual research Instruction Research Multipurpose

Mechanical As needed for required technology equipment (e.g. laminator) Plumbing No Special Requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Media Center

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Office Furniture Mobile Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Lockable filing cabinets Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Mobile Shelving Some fixed

Doors Lockable for secure storage Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Special Considerations Glass walls provide opportunity to maintain visual of entire media center floor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Storage Purpose Secure mobile devices & other equipment

Mechanical No special requirements


Plumbing No Special Requirements

Activities Storage

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies Media Center

Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH MEDIA CENTER: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Locking doors

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Fixed shelving along walls

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Locking storage system Open shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for devices that lock and charge - tablets

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Reception / Secretarial Area Purpose: WHY? Perform administrative duties

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Clerks Secretaries

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Telephone calls Assist Administrators Adjacencies: WHERE? Vestibule for safety Nurse Office Mail/Copy Room

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Reception / Secretarial Area Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin boards Clock Casework Mobile Locking file cabinets Shelving Locked shelving Bookshelves

Doors No special requirements Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Soft surface Walls Glass Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops All in one - Copier/Printer/Scanner Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Televisions Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels Need privacy in secretarial areas so their work/computers are not accessible to people from every direction.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Principal's Office with Conference Space and Restroom Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Principal office No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Principal Administrators Staff Students Teachers Parents

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Planning

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Assistant Principal's office Conference Room Secretary/Reception

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Principal's Office with Conference Space and Restroom Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Door with view panel and blinds Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelf and cabinets Display shelving

Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Projector Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Assistant Principal's Office Purpose: WHY? Assistant Principal Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Assistant Principal Administrators Staff Students Teachers Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Planning

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Conference Room In-house suspension Secretary/Reception

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Assistant Principal's Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelf and cabinets Display shelving

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Conference / Collaboration Room Purpose: WHY? Variety of meetings, including, but not limited to: parent and staff Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Collaboration space for students/teachers

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Conference / Collaboration Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls Glass into corridor and reception area with blinds Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector or Chromecast or Apple TV Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Video conferencing capability Wireless Network Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Mail / Work / Copy Room / Kitchenette Purpose: WHY? Collaboration and planning, staff mail room

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Parents

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Mail room Work room Planning Eating

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall GFCI outlets for refrigerator and stove

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference room Secretary

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Mail / Work / Copy Room / Kitchenette Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, chairs, and work tables

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Clock

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Base cabinets under countertop Overhead cabinets Kitchen appliances: refrigerator, stove, microwave, coffee maker, etc.

Flooring No special requirements

Sink Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Wireless Network Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: General Administrative Storage Purpose: WHY? Storage Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? To store folders and supplies Storage of confidential student materials

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Mail / Work / Copy room Conference room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: General Administrative Storage Furniture Lockable file cabinets Equipment Immovable safe Casework Lockable Shelving Utility shelving

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows Flooring No special requirements Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Fireproof Only need 1 storage area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Restrooms Purpose: WHY? Personal hygiene Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Students Paraprofessionals Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Adjacencies: WHERE? Reception

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Restrooms Furniture End table

Doors No special requirements

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Sanitary waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Purpose: WHY? Serve student health needs

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Nurse Students Teachers

Plumbing Male and Female Bathroom and sink with hot and cold water in the clinic

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Health Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Administrative offices

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Shower stall and drain

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Furniture (1 office spaces) Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Refrigerator Cots Curtains Linens Clock Casework Base cabinets under countertop Overhead cabinets Shelving Lockable cabinets with doors

Doors Solid, lockable Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Special Considerations Hazardous waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Records /Testing Vault Storage (lockable, fireproof) Purpose: WHY? Storage

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Administrator's offices Secretary

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Records /Testing Vault Storage (lockable, fireproof) Furniture Lockable file cabinets Equipment No special requirements Casework Lockable Shelving Utility shelving

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows Flooring No special requirements Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Fireproof

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Guidance Counselor's office Purpose: WHY? Guidance Counselor Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Counselors Teachers Parents Administrators Students Itinerant staff Graduation Coach Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Classrooms OR counseling area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Guidance Counselor's office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Career Center workstations

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable

Walls No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring No special requirements

Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Psychology Office / Testing Room Purpose: WHY? Psychologist Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Graduation Coach Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Conference Room OR in counseling area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Psychology Office / Testing Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Social Worker Office Purpose: WHY? Social Worker Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Graduation Coach Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Social Worker Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Closet space - homeless student closet, hygiene products, etc. Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Attendance / Registrar Office Purpose: WHY? Attendance / Registrar Professional Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Attendance / Registrar Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels Privacy for registrar as they also serve as bookkeeper.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: In School Suspension Purpose: WHY? In School Suspension

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily work space for students in ISS

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: In School Suspension Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Security Office Purpose: WHY? Security Officer Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Security officer Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Monitor building security Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Security Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate desk and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Solid door - lockable Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Printer Monitors Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Emergency protocol control Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Itinerant Offices Purpose: WHY? Office space

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Conference room

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Itinerant Offices Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin boards Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Staff Dining Purpose: WHY? Staff to meet, eat, and rest

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Volunteers

Plumbing For sink and ice maker

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Eating

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria Kitchen

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH ADMINISTRATION: Staff Dining Furniture Ergonomic tables and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Projector screen

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Overhead cabinets - some lockable

Walls No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless access

Flooring No special requirements

Special Considerations Not too close to kitchen/cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Preparation Area Purpose Prepare food Users Kitchen staff Deliveries Activities Cooking Baking Adjacencies Cafeteria At end of school for expansion possibilities Loading dock access Dumpster access

Mechanical AC in storeroom and in kitchen Hood Plumbing No touch sink with hot and cold water No touch soap & towel dispensers Waste disposal Floor sinks and drains Hose reel Garbage disposal and pre-rinse- 4 compartment Electrical 220v outlets UDS under hood UDS on serving lines Lighting Overhead, LED Motion detecting Safety/emergency Good lighting in fridge/freezer

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Preparation Area Furniture Stainless furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Equipment Grease traps Casework Mobile Shelving Utility Wall shelving Mobile Wire shelving

Doors Double doors to storage Doors with windows from serving to kitchen Separate door to each walk-in (no access from cooler to freezer) Windows No windows Flooring Sensitive to standing for long periods of time Non slip Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Sound barrier to cafeteria Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Fly fan Doorbell with speaker Plenty of room for personnel, carts, boxes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Serving Area Purpose Serving food Users Students Faculty Kitchen staff Activities Serving food Adjacencies Cafeteria

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Floor drains Hose reel Electrical 220v outlets UDS or knee wall to provide power/network Lighting Overhead Bright to accent food

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Serving Area Furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Food serving Steam tables- 4 wells Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Shelving Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Doors Doors with windows into kitchen Windows No windows Flooring Floor drains Epoxy-no tile Walls Solid Technology Cash register / computers for food check out, POS Wireless connection Special Considerations Multi lane serving area Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Plenty of counter space on both sides of line

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Dry Goods Storage Purpose Storage of canned & dry foods and paper products and equipment Users Kitchen staff Activities Storage Adjacencies Prep and serving area Back dock

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Safety

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Dry Goods Storage Furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Racks Step ladder

Doors Solid Lockable Double

Equipment Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Windows No windows

Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Flooring Concrete

Shelving Rust resistant 24" deep shelving Canned storage rack Mobile utility shelving floor to ceiling Canned food rotation rack

Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Cooler / Freezer Purpose Storage of refrigerated & frozen foods

Mechanical Separate condensing units for each box, separate doors

Users Kitchen staff

Plumbing Freezer-heated condensate

Activities Storage

Electrical No special requirements

Adjacencies Preparation area

Lighting Overhead (very bright) Motion detecting Emergency lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Cooler / Freezer Furniture Walk in cooler and freezer Racks Dunnage- back corners

Doors View panel, heated Lockable Safety latch Triple door hinge

Equipment Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Reach in refrigerator units on the line

Windows No windows

Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Flooring Stainless steel

Shelving Stainless shelving, 18' deep with additional 24" deep dunnage racks (no overlapping racks)

Walls Stainless steel Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Ramp into cooler / freezer Air curtain - no vinyl curtain in cooler Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input No ice on floors- no dripping condensate

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Ware Washing Area Purpose: WHY? Dish and equipment washing Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Dishwashing Sanitizing Adjacencies: WHERE? Located close to exit on end of serving line Storage

Mechanical Exhaust fan Plumbing Overhead extendable sprayers, 2 4 Compartment sinks Large, industrial garbage disposal, 1 No touch soap & towel dispensers Foot pedal sink Electrical 220v outlets Lighting Bright Overhead Motion detecting Emergency lights LED

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Ware Washing Area Furniture No special requirements

Doors No special requirements

Equipment Industrial dishwasher / sanitizer / sterilizer

Windows No special requirements

Casework Shelving

Flooring Epoxy floor

Shelving Stationary worktables Intake, Stainless Output with overhead shelf (long enough for multiple racks) Rustproof shelving Drying racks

Walls Block with epoxy paint Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Drop off tray slot/area Entrance/exit doors on opposite sides of cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Kitchen Manager Office Purpose Plan & coordinate food service & student dining operations

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Kitchen staff / manager

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities Paperwork storage Computer work Telephone calls

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall- several

Adjacencies Restroom Kitchen

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Kitchen Manager Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate desk and chairs Under desk lockable filing cabinets Safe Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin board Clock First aid kit Casework Locking closets File cabinets Shelving Shelving

Doors Door with view panel Windows Windows on 1-2 walls for kitchen view Flooring Epoxy Walls Solid Technology Data drops Intercom Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Speakers Telephone with speaker mount to hear in kitchen VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Unisex Restroom Purpose: WHY? Restrooms Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen prep Off of staff lockers and washer

Mechanical No special requirements Exhaust fan Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Unisex Restroom Furniture Mirrors

Doors Locking

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Epoxy

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Sanitary waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Lockers Purpose Storage and safety for kitchen staff Users Kitchen staff Activities Storage Adjacencies Restrooms

Mechanical Exhaust fan No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 220v outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Lockers Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework Mirrored cabinet over sink Shelving No special requirements

Doors Solid Hooks for coats and other personal items Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Epoxy Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Enough room for all staff Not in bathroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Chemical Closet Purpose: WHY? Store chemicals Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Chemical Closet Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door: lockable, solid

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving Perimeter shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separate from food storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Purpose: WHY? A place to meet, eat, rest, and break for kitchen staff

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Break space Lunch space

Electrical No special requirements

Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Furniture Tables and chairs Equipment Microwave Refrigerator Coffee maker Casework Base and upper cabinets w/ countertop Shelving No special requirements

Doors Lockable Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Wireless connection Telephone Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Stage Purpose: WHY? Utilize as extra seating in cafeteria as necessary

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Staff Guest speaker

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Seating Performances

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria Platform Storage

Electrical No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Stage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology Wireless access Special Considerations Not wood Accessible per ADA standards

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria Purpose Dining

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Students Administrators Kitchen staff Volunteers Paraprofessionals

Plumbing Recessed water fountains with bottle filling capacity

Activities Student dining Meeting Gathering

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 220v outlets No special requirements

Adjacencies Kitchen

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria Furniture Mobile, ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken

Equipment Built-in PA system

Windows Windows with blinds

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls Partial glass Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Table & Chair Storage Purpose: WHY? Store tables and chairs

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodian Kitchen staff Staff Students Volunteers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code

Adjacencies: WHERE? Platform storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Table & Chair Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Club Area Purpose: WHY?


Area for school clubs to gather and meet.

Quiet air conditioning




No special requirements

Students Volunteers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings

Electrical/Lighting Quad outlet at each data port Overhead lighting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH FOOD SERVICE: Club Area Furniture/Equipment Tables and chairs

Doors & Windows Door with view panel

Tall lockable storage cabinets

Windows to outdoors with blinds for lighting control

Bulletin board White board

Flooring Vinyl Technology Data ports Wireless access points Special Considerations Climate control

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Closets (distributed) Purpose: WHY? Cleaning equipment storage Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Activities: WHAT & HOW? Store and maintain indoor cleaning equipment Adjacencies: WHERE? Distributed

Mechanical Dust collection or exhaust Plumbing Slop sink and floor Floor drain Washer/Dryer Eye wash station Electrical 2 guard outlets 120V outlets 2 quad 120 outlets Lighting Overhead Additional lighting for work bench Adjustable / Multi-level

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Closets (distributed) Furniture Work bench with vise- multi level adjustable

Doors One double wide door

Equipment Auto scrubber Floor machine, hand electric tools Vacuum Brooms and Mops

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Walls Concrete Block

Shelving One 8' by 4' by 1' Shelf 2 8' tall by 4' wide by 1' deep

Technology No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Storage Purpose Storage Users Custodians Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Distributed

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors One double wide door

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Floor drains Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Climate and humidity control - separately controlled from the rest of the building

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Locker Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a space for staff to change and personal hygiene Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Maintenance staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Changing clothes Adjacencies: WHERE? No special requirements

Mechanical Exhaust fans Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water Showers Toilets Electrical Quad outlets GFCI outlets Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Task lighting over mirrors

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Locker Room Furniture Benches Lockers Equipment Mirrors Hand dryers Paper towel dispensers

Doors Solid Windows No special requirements Flooring Non-slip with floor drains

Casework No special requirements

Walls Solid

Shelving No special requirements

Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Privacy Security Acoustical treatments

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Office / Planning / Meeting Area Purpose: WHY? Staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings.

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodial staff Maintenance staff

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Water fountain

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Planning Meetings Office work

Electrical Quad outlets

Adjacencies: WHERE? No special requirements

Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards JH CUSTODIAL: Office / Planning / Meeting Area Furniture Lockers Conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards Refrigerator with ice maker Microwave oven Casework Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Adequate countertop space to allow for small appliances (paper cutters, etc.,)

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards CUSTODIAL: Exterior Storage - Lawn Equipment & Propane Purpose Storage for lawnmowers and other outdoor equipment and flammable substances Users Custodians Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Outdoors

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards CUSTODIAL: Exterior Storage - Lawn Equipment & Propane Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility shelving units

Doors One double wide door Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Floor drains Hard surface Walls Attached to structure (Indoor room with outdoor access) Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: 10th to 12th Grade Classrooms Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research 1 to 1 technology Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Mechanical SLSI, Inc. World Languages lab (drop down) Plumbing Water dispenser Electrical Quad outlets Charging stations Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Sustainable lighting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms Small group areas- visible through window in every surrounding classroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: 10th to 12th Grade Classrooms Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Mobile seating & work surfaces (tables, countertops, desks) Standing desks for particular students/teachers Place to keep bookbags out of aisles between desks Soft, comfortable Ample storage for student materials (books, bags, etc.)

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid More wall/whiteboard than bulletin board-space to accommodate posted student work and décor

Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards

Mobile to allow for flexible arrangement of space- only if extremely sound proof

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Floor to ceiling closets for storage space along wall Countertop over base cabinets

2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops


Interactive Flat Panel- not placed over usable whiteboard space

Large-space flat storage for posters, projects and other décor items Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves Storage space can be mobile

Intercom- P.A. system accessible from multiple places in building Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements More open space for room Space between work areas for safe traffic flow Keep clock visible (not covered by screen/projector) Teachers must be able to see students in shared spaces

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Science Labs Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications.

Mechanical Special ventilation, air flow, & air conditioning Plumbing


Sinks with hot and cold water


Floor drains


Eyewash station


Safety shower

Parents Volunteers


Specialists Resource Professionals

Maximum code allowable electrical outlets Emergency shower Eye wash station Adjustable lighting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research 1-to-1 technology Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Engineering labs need enhanced electrical access for power tools

Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms Science labs located near each other Outside accessible

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Science Labs

HS CORE ACADEMICS: Science Labs Furniture/Equipment Heat & acid resistant / flame retardant student work tables Comfortable ergonomic student chairs that allow movement Countertop over base cabinets

Doors & Windows Windows (with blinds): Operable to outside Door with vision panel: to corridor Opening to storage & prep area

Lockable overhead cabinets Magnetic marker board

Engineering labs need a garage type roll up door to exterior of building


Adequate natural lighting

Clock Locking storage cabinet with outlet


Flexible or multiple display surfaces

Tile or vinyl floor

Adjustable & lockable storage cabinets and shelving Mobile furniture: can be used as individual desks or fit together to make tables

Spill, stain resistant flooring

Vinyl tile, no scratch flooring Locking storage cabinet Teacher demonstration desk with utility turret: gas, water, electricity Equipment storage / display cabinets Fire extinguisher Gas stop Goggle sanitizer Fire blankets Scratch resistant First aid kit

Technology Wireless access Audio enhancement Promethean boards Media controller Telephone/Intercom Flat screen TV (interactive) Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Climate control for each classroom Acoustical privacy Walls painted with warm and cool colors Need 2 entry & exit points Chemistry labs must have gas hoods & vents Ease of outdoor access to an enclosed learning space closed to the public Acid/scratch resistant surfaces Physics labs must have air tracks 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Science Prep Storage Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications.

Mechanical HVAC for proper ventilation of chemicals Plumbing


Sink with hot and cold water

Students Teachers Aides

Floor drains


Maximum code allowable electrical outlets


Adjustable lighting


Data ports


Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research 1-to-1 technology Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Science Prep Storage

HS CORE ACADEMICS: Science Prep Storage Furniture/Equipment Lockable storage cabinets Abundant solid wood shelving Goggle sanitizing cabinet

Doors & Windows Door with vision panel: to adjacent classroom or multipurpose area No windows

Chemical storage cabinet Adequate counter-top space for small appliances and production equipment

Flooring Vinyl tile, non-scratching floor

Incubator Fire extinguishers


Ice machine

Wireless access

Lab coat racks


Dishwasher Refrigerator with full size freezer

Special Considerations


Spill and stain resistant flooring Accessible to Science Lab/Classroom Vandal and acid resistant surfaces Layout to maximize storage and efficiency Temperature and humidity control Secure Fire safety equipment In One of the prep/storage rooms: Lockable Acid & bases storage cabinet Nitric acid storage Flammable storage Corrosives storage Oxidizer storage Poison storage Organic storage Metal storage Separate storage for: Physics Chemistry Engineering Physical Science Biology Human Anatomy Biomedical Project Lead the Way

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Journalism Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications.

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Intercom with adjustable volume

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Teachers

Plumbing Close to bathrooms Men and women's restroom in suite

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Computer work Lecture Small group Individual work Student presentations

Electrical Floor outlets 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Business classroom Marketing classroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Journalism Classroom Furniture Mobile, ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Teacher podium - presentation enabled Teacher desk with chair Equipment Audio / visual Clock Bulletin boards Smart board Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Storage for 50+ blazers Storage for ties and scarves Cubbies for students and coat hooks Shelving For classroom set of books and student notebooks Student organization Competition materials and examples

Doors Door with view panel Windows High on walls so walls can still be utilized Flooring Rubber Walls Lots of bulletin boards and white boards 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to one devices (iPads/laptops for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Wireless connection Large screen TV for presentation area Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations "Shark Tank" small student presentation area Headphones and microphones - headset Calculators Digital cameras

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Pre-Engineering Classroom and Lab Purpose: WHY? To provide students with a basic understanding of the field of engineering Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Professionals Volunteers Parents Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Computer instruction and research Experiments Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Core classrooms Outdoor area

Mechanical Exhaust fan Floor drains Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water in classroom with sliding lockable covers Electrical 220v outlets? GFCI outlets Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Acid resistant surfaces Direct outdoor secure access, first floor preferable Scratch resistant surfaces

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Pre-Engineering Classroom and Lab Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student seating (maybe stools) Teacher demonstration desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards- multiple Bulletin boards First aid kit (s) Power tools 3D printer Extension cord reels Casework Lockable storage cabinets Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior- light proof if possible Flooring Hard surface Floor drains near sinks Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner Interactive Flat Panel Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Intercom Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Family and Consumer Science Purpose: WHY? Instruction Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? 1 instructor Up to 20 students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Academic instruction Adjacencies: WHERE? Instruction kitchen to view Production kitchen Sewing lab

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Plumbing Water fountain Electrical 5 student drops Smart board 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Teacher station Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Family and Consumer Science Furniture Modular flip top tables Stackable chairs Teacher chair - counter pneumatic height Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Telephone Audio / visual Clock Smart board Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Cubbies for students and coat hooks Shelving Bookshelves

Doors From hall to classroom From classroom to kitchen Windows Large view window between classroom and instruction kitchen Flooring No carpet Absorbs sound, low noise, durable Walls Solid walls on 2 sides 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology SMART board w/ projection and screen Teacher computer and phone Student computers/technology Wi-Fi access point in classroom Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Maximum visibility into kitchen and office using windows

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: FCS: Cooking Lab Purpose: WHY? Instruction Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? 1 Instructor Up to 20 students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Academic instruction Adjacencies: WHERE? Next to all storage and production kitchen Dock FCS classroom

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water No touch soap & towel dispensers Waste disposal Floor sinks and drains Electrical Teacher Station Drops to tables Smart Board 220v outlets GFCI outlets to be installed in all kitchen, restrooms, laundry rooms, garages, science rooms, exterior spaces and any other space where the outlet might come into contact with water Lighting "Dimmable" Lights Bright, overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: FCS: Cooking Lab Furniture Modular Flip Top Tables Stackable Chairs Teacher Chair - counter pneumatic height Stainless standing worktables all with under storage and above shelf with power, 8 Equipment Telephone Tack Strip 8" tall, 10' long Ceiling Fans 6 burner ovens, 7 Large Hobart mixer, 1 Steamer cabinet, 1 Large reach in cooler, 2 Large proofer/warming cabinet, 1 Convection oven, 1 Overhead pot racks, 2 Small equipment racks overhead, 2 Casework Locking bookcase Locking cage cabinet, 1 Shelving Built-in Shelving Counter Height 8' rolling stainless racks, 10-15

Doors From hall to classroom From classroom to kitchen Windows Large view window between classroom and instruction kitchen Flooring No carpet Absorbs sound, low noise, durable Walls Solid walls on 2 sides Curved baseboards 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology SMART board w/ projection and screen Teacher computer and phone Student computers/technology Wi-Fi access point in classroom Sound system for teaching with microphone Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Maximum visibility into kitchen and office using windows 6 student stations each with commercial oven and work table 3 shared compartment sinks (2 stations/sink)

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Studio Purpose: WHY? Video production Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? News casting Live broadcast Interviews Commercials Filming PSAs

Mechanical Lighting racks Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? TV Broadcast classroom TV Broadcast control room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Studio Furniture Newscast desk Couch Love seat Director's chair Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Video cameras, 4 - 3 CCD Cameras, HD Tri-pods, 3 Casework Locking cabinets Lockable anvil cases for equipment Shelving No special requirements

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken Windows Glass window No outside windows Flooring Hard surface such as vinyl tile or polished concrete Walls No special requirements Technology Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations CAT 7 data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Sound Purpose: WHY? Video Production Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Radio recording Radio shows Audio mixing Adjacencies: WHERE? Studios Classrooms Control rooms

Mechanical Everything needed for sound Plumbing Water fountain Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

HS CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Sound Furniture Long tables for computers Roll Chairs with fabric or leather covering Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Hand held recorders Wireless live broadcasting Headphones Wired microphones Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken Windows Glass window Outside view Flooring Hard surface such as vinyl tile or polished concrete Walls No special requirements Technology 27 inch iMac computers Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations CAT 7 data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones Wireless connection Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) No special requirements No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Project Purpose Manage video broadcasts Users Campus groups Students Administrators Teachers Activities Assist with performances and presentations Adjacencies Classrooms and studios

Mechanical Everything needed for sound and lighting Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 220v outlets Wired for lights and sound on mobile stage Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

HS CORE ACADEMICS: Video Broadcasting Project Furniture Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken

Equipment Everything needed for mechanical, electrical and lighting

Windows Glass window

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface such as vinyl tile or polished concrete

Shelving Small set

Walls Partial glass Technology CAT 7 data drops Carts or charging stations Ceiling mounted projector Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Wireless connection Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Fundamentals of Health Professions Classroom Purpose Mechanical Ability to control HVAC / climate control Whole and small group instruction, problem based & project based learning Intercom with adjustable volume Users Itinerant Staff Paraprofessionals Parents Students Teachers Volunteers Activities Whole group instruction Individual work Adjacencies Far from gym and cafeteria Far from noisy areas Instructional Material Storage Learning Commons Library Media center Small Group Conference & Tutorial Room Teacher Workroom Health professions lab

Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water No touch soap and towel dispenser Electrical Combination of wall and floor outlets 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Multiple network outlets Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards

Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Audio Clock Bulletin boards Promethean board Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above

Windows Operable with blinds

Casework Storage cabinets Cubbies Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring No special requirements Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Ceiling mounted projector Carts or charging stations CAT 7 data drops Interactive whiteboards with projectors One to One devices (iPads for example) Printers Speakers Telephones VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Wireless connection Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS Core Academics: Fundamentals of Health Professions Lab Purpose: WHY? Student labs Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students, 25 Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Health Care, Sports Medicine OT/PT Biomed Forensics Pathology Med Micro A&P Adjacencies: WHERE? Science/Health Science PT Law enforcement/forensics School nurse EMT / Fire Health professions classroom

Mechanical Ice machine Ability to control HVAC / climate control Intercom with adjustable volume Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water No touch soap and towel dispenser Electrical Plugs high on wall 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code Lighting Adjustable Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS Core Academics: Fundamentals of Health Professions Lab Furniture Hospital beds Exercise equipment

Doors 2 exits Door with view panel

Sports medicine training room- bike, whirl pool, taping tables -2 Lab tables, 4 Rehab table Equipment Mannequins: pediatric and adult, male and female Computer stations, label printing Filing cabinets Phleb arms: pediatrics and adult Stairs Treadmill Gym equipment IV poles Incubator Phleb chair Centrifuge Laundry hamper Oxygen suction Wall mount glove box Med lamp Ultrasound Hydro pool

Windows Yes Flooring No carpet Mats and rugs Walls No special requirements Technology Projector 1:1 laptops Software for treatment tracking Phone Special Considerations Area for paperwork Wet area Workout area Exam area Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

Casework Cabinets around room Shelving Counter for pharmacy retail - can be folded and moved Lock storage Bedside tables

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: JROTC Purpose: WHY? Rifle team, drill, and physical exercise Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Instruction Practical exercises Drill Ceremony Physical training Rifle marksmanship Adjacencies: WHERE? PE locker rooms Gymnasium Athletic fields

Mechanical Ability to control HVAC/climate control Plumbing Water fountain Sinks with hot and cold water Floor drains Emergency eye wash and shower Electrical 110v outlets GFCI outlets Lighting Adjustable Overhead Motion sensor Natural

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: JROTC Furniture Demonstration desk Stackable chairs Podium Equipment Magnetic marker board with tack strips above whiteboard Bulletin boards Pull up bars Dip bars Treadmill Clock Casework Built-in trophy cases Filing cabinets Base cabinet under countertop Overhead cabinets Cubbies or lockers Shelving Utility shelving Bookshelves

Doors View panel Lockable Windows Operable with blinds Flooring Vinyl Walls Solids 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Interactive whiteboards with projectors VOIP (voice over internet protocol) One to one devices Carts or charging stations Data drops Printers Telephones Wireless connection Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer- acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Lecture Hall Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Demonstrations Guest speakers Trainings Socratic seminar Adjacencies: WHERE? Near administration Central to building Easily accessible to public

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets In floors or tables Floor outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting Bank lighting Stage lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Lecture Hall Furniture Auditorium with fold over desks or theatre style with tables Teacher podium Flexible seating Equipment Magnetic marker/white boards Reflective mirror to show demonstrations Bulletin boards Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Operable with blinds to exterior Flooring Acoustically appropriate Walls Solid Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Wireless Network Recording devices Sound system Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Acoustics As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Teacher / Team Planning / Conference Room Purpose: WHY? Teacher and staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings. To provide a space for staff to work and hold small meetings. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Lesson planning and grading Scheduling of conferences and appointments Team meetings Teacher planning and collaboration Preparation of teaching materials

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical Quad outlets Power for copiers Lighting Overhead Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Staff Restroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Teacher / Team Planning / Conference Room Furniture Conference tables and chairs Individual workstations (desks) and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards Paper cutter Copiers Hole punch Casework Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Adequate countertop space to allow for small appliances (paper cutters, etc.,)

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel- TV Multifunction Printer/Copier/Scanner Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy Big enough offices for traveling teachers or work offices for teachers who can't use room on their prep period

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Small Group Tutor Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students - 1-10 Teachers - 2 Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Independent work space

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level/Multi-level/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Flexible Learning Area Flexible Learning Area Media Center Special Needs Classrooms Adjacent to academic wing classrooms Near cafeteria for student use at lunch

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Small Group Tutor Room Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving Locking closets with shelving

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Windows looking into surrounding classrooms Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls Movable walls between classrooms White board walls Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Serves as an informal presentation and learning activity space. No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Large and small group instruction Breakout area Meetings Reading presentations Demonstrations Media utilization Research and planning Individual work spaces

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets Speakers- or necessary equipment for hearing impaired students Lighting Natural Overhead Motion detecting Adjustable/Multi-level

Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Flexible Learning Area / Common Gathering Space Furniture Doors Mobile seating & work surfaces (tables, countertops, desks) With view panels into classrooms Soft, comfortable, flexible Windows Equipment Operable with blinds Magnetic white marker board Flooring Bulletin board Tile Casework Walls Mobile Display areas Shelving Mobile to allow for flexible arrangement of space Mobile Technology Locking closets with shelving Built-in bookshelves Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Soft Phone Speakers VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations Acoustical: to mitigate sound transfer to/from classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Storage Purpose: WHY? To provide storage for equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Teacher Center Copy Room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Duplex outlets each wall Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CORE ACADEMICS: Storage Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows

Casework Overhead cabinets Base cabinets under countertop

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Utility

Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for 1:1 student devices daily; 1 safe room per school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Severe and Profound / ERR / SLC Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/Dryer Full service bathroom

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Special services (OT/PT/Psych) First floor, near and entrance Administration Bathroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Severe and Profound / ERR / SLC Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs Two doors- an entrance and an exit Teacher desk & chair Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Magnetic marker /white boards Flooring Tack boards Bulletin boards Hard surface with area rugs Smart board Floor drains near sinks and toilets Beam for swing (overhead infrastructure) Walls Paper shredder Convention oven 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Burners Technology Refrigerator Microwave Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Casework Data drops Mobile Interactive Flat Panel Overhead cabinets Intercom Countertop over base cabinets Speakers Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Soft Phone Marker/tack boards and associated technology VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Power at countertop for appliances Special Considerations Shelving As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Mobile All self contained rooms need 2 rooms- one for STEP and once for ERR Extra Storage Include sq ft for bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry Counter space in kitchen for prep

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Life Skills Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support life skills such as cooking, cleaning, clothes washing, and other home life activities.

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Cooking Cleaning

Mechanical Ventilation in kitchen and bathroom Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/Dryer Full service bathroom Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances 220V outlets where necessary Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Clothes washing & drying Dish washing

Adjacencies: WHERE? Other special education classrooms Core classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Life Skills Classroom Furniture Couches, Side chairs, coffee table, and end tables Bed, nightstand, dresser Kitchen dining table

Doors With view panel Two doors- an entrance and an exit Windows With blinds to exterior

Equipment Stove Microwave Refrigerator Dishwasher Washer Dryer Shower Sinks - Bathroom & Kitchen Toilet

Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drains near sinks and toilets Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write)

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink

Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop)

Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom Excel- Emotional / Behavioral Program Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/Dryer Full service bathroom

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Proximity to counselors and school psychologist Quiet room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom Excel- Emotional / Behavioral Program Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs Windows Teacher desk & chair With blinds to exterior Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker/white boards Tack boards Hard surface with area rugs Shredder Floor drains near sinks and toilets Smart board Walls Bulletin boards 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Casework Sound proofing Mobile Technology Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Amplification capabilities Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Carts or charging stations Marker/tack boards and associated technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Intercom Power at countertop for appliances Speakers Soft Phone Shelving VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Mobile Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements Extra Storage Adjacent to a processing space- 2 doors Include a cool down area Include a testing area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of No special requirements learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students. Plumbing No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) With view panel Student chairs Windows Teacher desk & chair With blinds to exterior Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Hard surface with area rugs Bulletin boards Floor drains near sinks and toilets Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements All self contained rooms need 2 rooms- one for STEP and once for ERR Extra Storage Include a cool down area Include a testing area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Visual Impairment Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students.

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Self-Contained Classroom: Visual Impairment Furniture Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) Student chairs Teacher desk & chair

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior

Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Bulletin boards

Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drains near sinks and toilets

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements All self contained rooms need 2 rooms- one for STEP and once for ERR Extra Storage Include a cool down area Include a testing area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Ages 18-21 Transition Program Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. To accommodate the needs of special education or twice exceptional students.

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water in classroom & bathroom Toilet-wheelchair accessibility Washer/Dryer Full service bathroom Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Power at countertop for appliances Quad outlets

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, math, play-based/therapeutic activities

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Flexible Learning Area Media Center Classrooms Special services (OT/PT/Psych) First floor, near and entrance Administration Bathroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Ages 18-21 Transition Program Furniture Student tables and/or desks (wheelchair compatible) Student chairs Teacher desk & chair

Doors With view panel Two doors- an entrance and an exit Windows With blinds to exterior

Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Tack boards Bulletin boards Smart board Beam for swing (overhead infrastructure) Paper shredder

Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drains near sinks and toilets Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write)

Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Marker/tack boards and associated technology Minimum of 8'of low casework with countertop and ADA accessible sink Power at countertop for appliances Shelving Mobile

Technology Amplification capabilities Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements All self contained rooms need 2 rooms- one for STEP and once for ERR Extra Storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: STUDENT SERVICES: Resource Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Flexible Learning Area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: STUDENT SERVICES: Resource Room Furniture Student tables Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Lockable safe Computers / mobile carts Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) File cabinets Built-in bookshelves Mobile Locking, extra large closets with shelving

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements All full size classrooms All need extra storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Purpose: WHY? To service children with fine and gross motion needs To assess the hearing ability of students Space for staff to provide direct instruction to students Sensory room for therapy Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? OT - 1 PT - 1 Possibly up to 4 children at any given time Audiologists - 2 Reading Specialist Parents 2-3 Students Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Itinerant staff Aides

Mechanical As needed for sensory equipment Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Servicing children Evaluating children Documentation Assess hearing Plan Direct Instruction Parent meetings Teacher collaboration Large enough to accommodate gross and fine motor needs Phone calls Space for sensory or therapeutic needs Adjacencies: WHERE? Close to gym Bathroom Central to other related service providers Front of school Extended learning area Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Furniture Small tables and chairs For storage - balls (Small and therapy) Audiology booth Front desk / reception Teacher and student workstations Kidney table, 4-5 chairs Floor swing (A frame) Other sensory furniture Equipment Hooks for suspended equipment (4) for storage climbing structure slides, stairs Hooks in opposing walls < 6 " from floor to tether rope below for scooter board activities Structural beams for swing Sensory equipment Casework Built in cabinets for equipment, storage Countertops and cabinets Locking file cabinets Large 2 door cabinets Closed storage for toys, mats, beanbags Shelving Built in for gross motor games / activities and fine motor tools, toys, games Closed, tall shelving units

Doors Locking doors to hallway and / or gym handicap access Windows Windows to outdoors observation window Blinds (operable) Flooring Rubber flooring or square room for therapy mats Carpet Hard surface with area rugs Walls Partitioned space (Moveable) Solid Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Wheelchair Accessible Need a separate or side small waiting area for families Acoustical privacy Large open space for equipment Can share as long as space is large enough to accommodate various equipment needs and wheelchairs Acoustical privacy Calming Adhere to guidelines and regulations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Sensory Room Purpose: WHY? Sensory room for therapy

Mechanical As needed for sensory equipment

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Itinerant staff Aides

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Space for sensory or therapeutic needs

Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Extended learning area Classrooms

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Sensory Room Furniture Floor swing (A frame) Other sensory furniture Equipment Sensory equipment Casework Closed storage for toys, mats, beanbags Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Blinds (operable) Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Acoustical privacy Calming Adhere to guidelines and regulations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Speech & Language Therapy Purpose: WHY? To assess the hearing ability of students Space for staff to provide direct instruction to students Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Possibly up to 4 children at any given time Speech Language Pathologist - 1-4 Audiologists - 2 Reading Specialist Parents 2-3 Activities: WHAT & HOW? Servicing children Evaluating children Documentation Assess hearing Plan Direct Instruction Parent meetings Teacher collaboration Phone calls

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Bathroom Central to other related service providers Front of school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Speech & Language Therapy Furniture Small tables and chairs Audiology booth Front desk / reception Teacher and student workstations Kidney table, 4-5 chairs Equipment No special requirements Casework Countertops and cabinets Locking file cabinets Large 2 door cabinets Shelving Closed, tall shelving units

Doors Locking doors to hallway and / or gym handicap access Windows Windows to outdoors observation window Flooring Carpet Walls Partitioned space (Moveable) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Wheelchair Accessible Need a separate or side small waiting area for families Acoustical privacy Can share as long as space is large enough to accommodate various equipment needs and wheelchairs

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water in classroom Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities Centers for reading, writing, and math One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Flexible Learning Area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Student Services (ELL, G.A.T.E., Title I) Furniture Student tables Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Lockable safe Computers / mobile carts Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) File cabinets Built-in bookshelves Mobile Locking, extra large closets with shelving

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface with area rugs Floor drain near sink Walls 2+ teaching walls (ability to project, display, or write) Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Enhanced A/V package (VGA, audio, data drop) Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements All full size classrooms All need extra storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Offices Purpose: WHY? Office space Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Paraprofessionals Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference / Meeting room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Offices Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Conference Purpose: WHY? Conference room Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Itinerant staff Speech pathologist Reading Specialist Other Itinerants as needed Max of 20 adults Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Phone Calls Documentation Planning

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Quad outlets In tables Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Main office or by grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Conference Furniture Conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic white board Bulletin board Casework File cabinets Shelving Mobile

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Soft surface Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Storage Purpose: WHY? To provide storage for equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Classrooms Teacher Center Copy Room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Duplex outlets each wall Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS SPECIAL NEEDS: Storage Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows

Casework Overhead cabinets Base cabinets under countertop

Flooring Tile

Shelving Utility

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for 1:1 student devices daily; 1 safe room per school

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Lecture Area: Auditorium Seating Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Music Concerts, Theatre Productions and lectures No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Parents Community 900 seats Students Teachers Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Performances & Lectures Adjacencies: WHERE? Stage with wing space and orchestra pit Lobby Ticket booth

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Multiple 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Variable lighting levels Theater & aisle lighting Front of house catwalk lighting decks Front of house light trees / outlets - vertical - based on expert Electronic lighting board LED lights

Special Considerations Good sight lines to all areas of the room for supervision Acoustic treatment including ceiling, walls, etc. Control closet with light and sound control box Stadium seating Fixed seats Permanent orchestra pit with cover - hydraulic - also used for storage if necessary Wing space Consult acoustics & lighting expert

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Lecture Area: Auditorium Seating Furniture Doors Catwalk throughout to change lighting units 2 sets of doors so there is a sound buffer between lobby and house Ergonomic appropriate chairs Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand Equipment rack in control closet

Windows None

Equipment CD/DVD player Large, retractable projection screen both sides of proscenium

Flooring Soft surface, slopped Walls Acoustic

Metronome Tuner Music stands Speakers Digital recording system Choral and instrumental risers: Choral risers- 4 step, 10 sections with guard rails, Instrumental Risers- 6 sections each of 8", 16" and 24" Casework No special requirements

Technology Audio enhancement system Sound system with wired and wireless microphones Sound & light control center Electronic projector from ceiling Communications from stage to control booth Mixing board recording technology

Shelving No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Auditorium Stage & Wing Space Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Music & Theatrical Performances Proscenium opening Microphones Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Vent placement - away from performers and microphones 73 campuses Activities: WHAT & HOW? Music & Theatrical Performance

Plumbing No special requirements

Adjacencies: WHERE? Adjacent to auditorium and along edge that allow for the best sight lines of spectators to platforms

Electrical Multiple 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Audio ports

Loading dock with garage door opening - direct access to Concert Hall and Theatre Hall All storage and scene shop Men's & Women's Dressing rooms Green room Practice room Rehearsal spaces

Lighting Quad outlets adjacent to each data port

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Auditorium Stage & Wing Space Furniture Doors Grand piano Exterior double doors with no center bar Choir risers Windows Band platforms Performance chairs No windows Music stands Flooring Equipment Hard surface Video production/projection screen in the ceiling Walls Acoustic music shell built in (but movable) Back drop screen (scrim) Acoustic - designed and installed by acoustic experts Camera from stage perspective for streaming and closed circuit Technology Voice port/phone Casework Data ports and access to wireless network No special requirements Ceiling mounted projector Microphones Shelving Audio and video patch points Cubbies for temporary performance storage Special Considerations Hooks and racks Storage for chairs and music stands Storage area under stage Lockable storage for mic stands and sound equipment Handicap access for raised stage Lockable storage for lighting equipment

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Black Box / Drama Classroom Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Classroom & Performance No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Teaching Performing Adjacencies: WHERE? Studio Stage

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Natural Adjustable/Multi-level Ceiling mounted Theatrical lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Black Box / Drama Classroom Furniture Doors Theater style seating No special requirements Equipment Moveable Magnetic marker board

Windows No windows

Casework Storage cabinets with shelving, drawers, and lockable doors

Flooring Slip resistant flooring - acoustically appropriate

Adjustable/Multi-level height bookshelves

Walls Acoustic

Shelving Extensive space for theatrical props Extensive space for costume storage

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Appropriate acoustical treatment

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Ticket booth / concessions Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Ticket sales No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Administrators Community members

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Ticket sales

Lighting Overhead & task lighting

Electrical Duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Auditorium- essential! If not in a good spot it will not be used

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Ticket booth / concessions Furniture Doors Shelving No special requirements Tills or registers Windows Stools Locked storage areas Window with pass through for currency & tickets Cashier areas Windows face lobby, not exterior Equipment No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Casework No special requirements

Walls No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Technology Intercom from auditorium Wireless access Credit card machines Special Considerations Good proximity to auditorium Sufficient corridor area for groups of people to stand in line and mingle

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Sound Booth & Equipment Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Sound control No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Sound control Adjacencies: WHERE? Stage In the "house", acoustically well placed

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Multiple duplex outlets above work counter Lighting Overhead lighting [dimmable] Coordinate power requirements with lighting and sound

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Sound Booth & Equipment Furniture Doors Built-in work counter No special requirements Auditorium: Tablet controlled lights & sound Windows Adjustable/Multi-level height swivel stools Bottom of window level with counter Equipment Flooring No special requirements No special requirements Casework Walls No special requirements Acoustical ceiling Shelving Technology No special requirements Data drops Speakers Wireless Network Intercom Wireless headset communication to stage Plug-ins for lighting and sound boards Communications from stage to control booth via wireless system Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Lighting Booth Purpose: WHY? Lighting control

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? No special requirements

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? No special requirements

Electrical Multiple duplex outlets above work counter

Adjacencies: WHERE? Stage Back of "house", elevated for spot-light operation

Lighting Overhead lighting [dimmable] Coordinate power requirements with lighting and sound

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Lighting Booth Furniture Built-in work counter Auditorium: Tablet controlled lights & sound Adjustable/Multi-level height swivel stools Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Storage for lighting equipment and sound equipment

Doors No special requirements Windows Bottom of window level with counter Flooring No special requirements Walls Acoustical ceiling Technology Data drops Intercom Speakers Wireless Network Intercom Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Laundry Room Purpose: WHY? Wash and maintain costumes and inventory

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Theater students Teachers Administrators

Plumbing Sink Floor drain Washing machine and dryer

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Washing costumes and props Maintenance

Electrical Duplex electrical outlet

Adjacencies: WHERE? Costume Fabrication and Design

Lighting No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Laundry Room Furniture Work table Equipment Hangers Portable rolling racks Drying racks/rods Casework Standing shelves Shelving No special requirements

Doors Limited access - security Windows None Flooring Hard surface Walls Shelves Technology Wireless access Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Green Room Purpose Waiting room for performers Users Students Administrators Activities Waiting area Adjacencies Stage

Mechanical Small refrigerator Plumbing Sink with drinking fountain Electrical 110v. Outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Green Room Furniture Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs

Doors No special requirements

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Small set

Walls No special requirements Technology Wireless Network Television monitor for live stream Special Considerations Potential for Guest Artists A secure, lockable area for large functions at which dignitaries will be participating

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Makeup / Dressing Room Purpose: WHY? Mechanical No special requirements Daily class changing and dressing room for performances Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students, 50-75 Separate male and female rooms Activities: WHAT & HOW? Dressing Makeup/hair Storing valuables Prep for performances Stretching and warming up

Plumbing Toilets for both sides Large sinks with hot and cold water Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Makeup lighting at mirrors

Adjacencies: WHERE? Theater

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Makeup / Dressing Room Furniture Doors Makeup counter with Adjustable/Multi-level height stools No special requirements Lockers (1' x 1' x 2') Windows Benches between lockers No windows Equipment Flooring Lockable hanging wall cabinets (5' x 2' x 18") Closet rods for hanging costumes Hard surface Mirrors with lighting above and adjacent Walls Casework No special requirements No special requirements Technology Shelving Adjustable sound from stage No special requirements Wireless Network Intercom Monitor to view stage for entrance cues Video & audio to on-stage performance Voice and data ports Special Considerations Privacy and security Male & female

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Prop & Costume Storage Purpose Mechanical Storage No special requirements Users Students Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Stage Performance spaces Dressing rooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Prop & Costume Storage Furniture Doors No special requirements No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Various storage types

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Utility shelving Lockable cabinets

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Scene Design & Construction Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Classroom scene class, show set construction storage No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Instructors Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Class on set construction Actual set construction Adjacencies: WHERE? Adjacent to stage with mobile wall to Design Lab

Plumbing Sink (deep) with hot and cold water with paint trap Electrical 220 V Power tools Duplex outlets at 5' OC Overhead electrical outlets (pull down drops) Lighting Uniform lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Scene Design & Construction Furniture Doors 2' deep storage racks for tools and props/ lockable 20'+ overhead door to stage Flammable materials storage cabinets Large overhead door to outside dock Work benches Soundproof Equipment Painting equipment Power tools Racks for storing backdrops Storage Woodworking equipment Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Windows No special requirements Flooring Sealed concrete floor Walls No special requirements Technology Printer/Copier Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations External access to loading dock Paint rack area at one wall Recessed flooring Storage for 8 x 4 plywood & 2 x 4's Ventilation Must be soundproof (including door) to stage Ability to load directly onto stage but be acoustically soundproof

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Band Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational application related to instrumental music. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Drinking Fountain Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Group interaction Instrument playing Rehearsals Instruction Recording Listening activities Adjacencies: WHERE? Stage Music Storage Music Classroom Outdoor fields

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Band Classroom Furniture Music posture student chairs Teacher desk and chair Music stands Conductors podium Concert band / orchestra risers Equipment Recording & playback equipment Speakers Microphones Moveable magnetic marker board with Musical staff on one section Two Pianos Casework Instrument storage Shelving Mobile For music library

Doors Double with view panel and removable center bar Windows No special requirements Flooring Acoustical considerations Walls Acoustical considerations Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations High ceilings with acoustical panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Choir Classroom Purpose Choir practice Users Students Teachers Paraprofessionals Activities Rehearsal Meet before concert or trip Listening Reading music Singing / smaller practice groups

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Band, orchestra Practice room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Choir Classroom Furniture Music posture chairs Choral Risers Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand Piano

Doors Double door with view panels and removable middle pole Windows With blinds to exterior

Equipment Music stands Moveable magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section

Flooring Hard surface

Microphones Speakers Digital recording and playback system

Walls Flat to project sounds Acoustically treated

Casework Folio for student music Base cabinets

Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network

Shelving Bookshelves

Special Considerations High Ceilings Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Orchestra / Strings Classroom Purpose Mechanical Rehearsal and storage space No special requirements Users Students Teachers Paraprofessionals Activities Large group instruction Small group instruction Listening Playing instruments Reading music Rehearsals Adjacencies Auditorium Practice rooms Separate from rest of core

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead Special Considerations Storage area will be for movable Wenger racks High ceilings with acoustical panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Orchestra / Strings Classroom Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate chairs Double door with view panels and removable middle pole Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand Technology cart Windows Tuner, metronome, super scope Acoustic piano No special requirements Equipment Conductor's podium Music stands Moveable magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section Speakers Instrument racks Digital recording system Casework Student music Storage Base cabinets Shelving Adjustable/Multi-level Bookshelves

Flooring Soft surface Walls Flat with acoustical tiles Acoustically treated Technology Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Music Tech Lab (Piano keyboard / Music Theory / Composition Lab) Purpose Mechanical Individual practice and recording No special requirements Users Teachers Students Activities Recording music Adjacencies Small recital hall Green Room Music rehearsal rooms Practice rooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Music Tech Lab (Piano keyboard / Music Theory / Composition Lab) Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate chairs Single with window Stands Wide door Equipment Music stands Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section Microphones Speakers Digital recording equipment Casework No special requirements Shelving Shelving

Windows No special requirements Flooring Carpet tiles Walls Acoustic No right angles Technology Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Vent Ceiling height Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels Wenger Sound Module / Ensemble Module

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Musical Instrument Purpose Mechanical Storage No special requirements Users Students Administrators Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies IN music classrooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Musical Instrument Furniture Doors Large, lockable instrument cages Double door with no middle bar Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Various storage types

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Robes/Uniforms Purpose Mechanical Storage for both choral and band needs No special requirements Users Students Administrators Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies Rehearsal rooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Robes/Uniforms Furniture Doors Cubbies and closets with hanging space No special requirements Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Various storage types

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Utility shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Risers for Chorus & Band Purpose Mechanical Storage No special requirements Users Students Administrators Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies Stage Performance spaces

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Storage: Risers for Chorus & Band Furniture Doors No special requirements Double doors with no middle bar Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Various storage types

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Space for choral shells and risers

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Ensemble Rooms Purpose Medium sized groups (20-25 students) Users Students Teachers Activities Practice Rehearsal Adjacencies Band, strings, choir

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Ensemble Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate chairs Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand

Doors Double door with view panels and removable middle pole

Equipment Metronome Tuner Music stands Moveable magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section

Windows Blinds

Microphones Speakers Digital recording system

Walls Acoustic

Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring Soft surface

Technology Intercom Wireless Network Special Considerations Ceiling height Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Practice Rooms Purpose Medium sized groups (2-4 students) Users Students Teachers Activities Practice Rehearsal Adjacencies Band, strings, choir

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall & floor Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Practice Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate chairs Conductor's chair, presentation station, and stand

Doors Double door with view panels and removable middle pole

Equipment Metronome Tuner Music stands Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above, music staff on one section

Windows With blinds

Microphones Speakers Digital recording system

Walls Acoustic Flat with acoustical tiles

Casework Base cabinets

Technology Intercom Wireless Network

Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring Carpet tiles

Special Considerations Ceiling height Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Drawing and Painting Lab Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Studio use Vent hood No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Spray box Students Plumbing Teachers Sink stations: Large, deep bowled commercial and industrial sinks with hot and cold water, with clay traps Activities: WHAT & HOW? Painting, Airbrush, Painting, Photography Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage

Industrial grade hose sprayers Floor drains with sediment traps Chemical drain Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Pull down for every table or floor outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level full-spectrum lighting Electrical service to support art equipment Track lighting for flexibility Spotlighting (Adjustable/Multi-level in center of room to pull down), or flood lights on stands

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Drawing and Painting Lab Furniture Casework Locking cabinets Acid and heat resistant countertops with sink, base, and wall cabinets with adjustable/multi-level shelves Tables and stools Easels for 5' x 7' canvases minimum Drying racks Mobile work tables with heavy flat surfaces and chairs Equipment Base cabinets with countertops Overhead cabinets above base cabinets White or neutral tack boards and tack strips between base and wall cabinets

Bookcases with adjustable/multi-level shelves Cubbies with slide out trays - no doors Marker boards Moveable platform for still life drawing sessions Paper cutter (42"), 3 Bulletin boards Portable drying racks (large & small) Storage for chemicals and equipment Moveable shelves

Critique wall-display, artwork Large wall area Whiteboards

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Drawing and Painting Lab Shelving Technology Horizontal open shelves Interactive Flat Panel Vertical open shelves Speakers Cubbies for drawing boards Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Doors Wireless Network Door to outside with patio area Intercom Ability to monitor students outdoor from indoors Special Considerations Windows Natural lighting Access to outside Clerestory or skylight windows - so remainder of walls can be for student art cabinets Design space for ease in clean-up Blinds or black out shades Surface for high temperature work area - designated for heat related work North facing windows Flooring Concrete flooring

Outdoor access to artful landscape Access to a patio with tables and chairs Several storage closets for equipment such as saws, printing press, etc.

Walls 3 walls with low counter space shelving Wall cabinets with tote trays

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: 3-D Lab Purpose: WHY? Studio use Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Glass Blowing, Clay Sculpture, Jewelry, Textiles, Sculpture, Ceramics Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Loading dock Media Center

Mechanical Vent hood Spray box Ventilation for control of dust & heavy metal airborne glazes Plumbing Sink stations: Large, deep bowled commercial and industrial sinks with hot and cold water, with clay traps Industrial grade hose sprayers Floor drains with sediment traps Chemical drain Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Pull down for every table Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level full-spectrum lighting Electrical service to support art equipment Track lighting for flexibility Spotlighting (Adjustable/Multi-level in center of room to pull down), or flood lights on stands

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: 3-D Lab Furniture Whiteboards Locking cabinets Tables and stools Easels for 5' x 7' canvases minimum Wedging table Tack board between base and wall cabinets Drying racks Mobile work tables with heavy flat surfaces and chairs Equipment Base cabinets with countertops Over head cabinets above base cabinets Printer and table White or neutral tack boards and tack strips Critique wall-display, artwork Large wall area

Casework Casework to include: Acid and heat resistant countertops with sink, base, and wall cabinets with Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Bookcases with Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Cubbies with slide out trays - no doors Light box tables Marker boards Moveable platform for still life drawing sessions Paper cutter (42"), 3 bulletin boards Portable drying racks (large & small) Storage for chemicals and equipment Moveable shelves

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: 3-D Lab Shelving Horizontal open shelves Vertical open shelves Cubbies for drawing boards Doors Door to outside with patio area 1 garage type door to exit, 1 regular 3 x 7 door to exit Ability to monitor students outdoor from indoors Windows Blinds or black out shades Flooring Concrete flooring Floor drains by sinks & potters wheels Walls 3 walls with low counter space shelving Wall cabinets with tote trays

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network 3-D Printers Special Considerations Natural lighting Access to outside Design space for ease in clean-up Surface for high temperature work area - designated for heat related work Outdoor access to artful landscape Access to a patio with tables and chairs Several storage closets for equipment such as saws, printing press, etc.

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Digital Media Classroom - 2-D / Computer Lab w/ Critique Wall Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Digital media classroom No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Teaching Small group work Adjacencies: WHERE? Close to recording studio

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Natural Adjustable/Multi-level

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Digital Media Classroom - 2-D / Computer Lab w/ Critique Wall Furniture Doors Demonstration area No special requirements Tables Windows Desk and chair No windows Equipment Flooring Magnetic marker board Bulletin board Slip resistant flooring - acoustically appropriate Keyboard lab tables Walls Moveable teaching cart [portable] Acoustic Casework Technology Cabinets with shelving, drawers, and lockable doors Adjustable/Multi-level height bookshelves Carts or charging stations Data drops Shelving Interactive Flat Panel No special requirements Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network High end workstations for video editing with software Special Considerations Appropriate acoustical treatment

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Storage Purpose To provide storage for art equipment, textbooks, and instructional/educational materials and supplies. Users Students Teachers Activities Storage Adjacencies Art Classroom Kiln

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Visual Arts Storage Furniture Fireproof cabinet Cabinet with tote trays

Doors Lockable Windows No windows

Equipment No special requirements Casework Various storage types including chemicals and equipment accommodations Shelving Utility shelving Paper storage Built-in bookshelves - Adjustable/Multi-level shelves Moveable shelves

Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Kiln Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a safe place for firing of 3-D clay projects.

Mechanical Ventilation

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Firing and storage of clay projects

Electrical 220v outlets GFCI outlets Quad outlets

Adjacencies: WHERE? Art room Exterior

Lighting Overhead Motion

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Kiln Room Furniture No special requirements Equipment Drying shelves - metal Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility shelving Metal bookshelves Kiln shelf storage Kiln furniture storage

Doors Solid & lockable To withstand high temperatures Windows No windows Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Teacher Offices (Planning, Collaboration, Work, Copy) Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Teacher work room No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Planning Meetings Prep Adjacencies: WHERE? Rehearsal rooms Art classrooms

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall GFCI outlets Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS VISUAL, MUSIC, & PERFORMING ARTS: Teacher Offices (Planning, Collaboration, Work, Copy) Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Door with view panel Bulletin boards Windows Equipment With blinds to exterior Clock Flooring Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Laminating machine Hard surface Casework Base cabinets over countertop Overhead cabinets Lockable storage Paper storage Countertop over cabinets Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Color & BW Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Main Gymnasium Purpose: WHY? To serve as a physical education facility during the school day, as practice and recreation area during non-school hours, and to serve the community. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Protected with cages Natural lighting

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Regular standards-based PE lessons and activities Interscholastic competition Community use Large group meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? PE Resource Room Direct exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Main Gymnasium Furniture Bleachers, fully retractable

Doors Double doors to corridor, exterior, storage

Equipment Scoreboards Sound system Curtains

Windows No special requirements

Adjustable / multi-level baskets from ceiling with glass backboards Mobile magnetic marker boards Safety wall mats Portable mats Raised track Remote control clock Blue tooth remote Wireless microphones Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Flooring Hardwood Walls Acoustical consideration Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) PA system Speakers Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to isolate from the rest of the school for after hours activities High Schools: Make sure to switch to the larger court size of 94 feet (collegiate dimensions) High School: Bleacher seats for entire student body

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Auxiliary Gymnasium Purpose: WHY? To serve as a physical education facility during the school day, as practice and recreation area during non-school hours, and to serve the community. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Protected with cages Natural clerestory or skylights

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Regular standards-based PE lessons and activities Interscholastic competition Community use Large group meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? PE Resource Room Direct exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Auxiliary Gymnasium Furniture Bleachers

Doors Double doors to corridor, exterior, storage

Equipment Scoreboards - remote control with clock Sound system blue tooth remote Curtains

Windows No special requirements

Adjustable / Multi-level baskets from ceiling with glass backboards Bulletin boards Mobile magnetic marker boards Safety wall mats Portable mats Wireless microphones Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Flooring Hardwood Walls Acoustical consideration Technology PA system Speakers Wireless Network Telephone/Intercom Special Considerations Ability to isolate from the rest of the school for after hours activities

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Storage Purpose: WHY? Store athletic team equipment & materials

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Electrical Duplex outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Exterior Fitness Area

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Storage Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility Hanging racks Rolling ball carts

Doors Double, solid Lockable Windows No Windows Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separation for materials for upper grade levels and lower grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Wrestling Room Purpose Wrestling Users Wrestlers Coaches Volunteers Activities Wrestling practice Adjacencies Locker rooms

Mechanical Heat Ventilation Plumbing Drinking fountain outside Electrical No special requirements Lighting No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Wrestling Room Furniture No special requirements Equipment Two 42' x 42' mats All padded Casework No special requirements Shelving Storage - cabinets at one end

Doors Double doors Windows No special requirements Flooring Wrestling mats Walls Padded Technology Projector Data drops Wireless Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Fitness Center Purpose: WHY? To provide a space for weight training and cardiovascular activities. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Physical fitness Weight training Aerobics Cardiovascular training Team training

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets Lighting Overhead Motion Detecting Natural

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Locker room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Fitness Center Furniture No special requirements Equipment Racks for fitness balls TRX straps Safety wall mats BOSU balls and storage rack Treadmills / elliptical Stationary bikes Floor mats Dumbbell racks Heart rate monitors with track screens Clock with remote Portable sound system with wireless mic and Bluetooth TVs with Kinect gaming systems Body resistance equipment mounted to walls Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile

Doors Double with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Rubberized surface Walls Solid Technology Intercom Speakers Wireless Network Telephone/Intercom Heart rate monitors with tracking screens Special Considerations Open floor space for group exercise activities

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Weight Room Purpose Weight training, cardio, flexibility Users Gym Students Coaches Activities Strength Endurance Flexibility Adjacencies Training room Classroom

Mechanical Demand controlled ventilation Plumbing Floor drains Recessed water fountain Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Floor plugs Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Weight Room Furniture Mirrors

Doors Double with view panel

Equipment Clock with remotes Normal plates, dumbbells Weight benches and equipment "Power Racks" for lifting (15 with attached platforms) Olympic weights Bumper plates Bluetooth sound system

Windows Windows to training room

Casework Storage cabinets

Technology PA system Speakers Wireless Network Telephone/Intercom

Shelving No special requirements

Flooring Rubber Walls Mirrored (partial)

Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Dance Studio / Life style fitness lab, etc. Purpose Dance/cheer Users Dancers Cheerleaders Coaches Instructors Volunteers Activities Dancing Cheerleading

Mechanical Ventilation Plumbing Drinking fountain Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable

Adjacencies Locker rooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Dance Studio / Life style fitness lab, etc. Furniture No special requirements Equipment Cheer mats Sound- PA Wireless Casework No special requirements Shelving No special requirements

Doors Double doors Windows No special requirements Flooring Wood floors Walls Mirrored Technology Projector Wireless Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teachers Office / Bathroom Purpose: WHY? Teacher and staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings. To provide a space for staff to dine and hold small meetings. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Lesson planning Scheduling of conferences and appointments Team meetings Teacher planning and collaboration Preparation of materials Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Resource Staff Restroom Storage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Shower and toilet Water fountain Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teachers Office / Bathroom Furniture Conference tables and chairs Individual workstations (desks) and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile

Doors No special requirements Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Locker Room Purpose: WHY? To provide one locker room for females and one for males for physical education classes. To provide a space for students, home and visiting athletic teams, and community members to change. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Changing clothes Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium

Mechanical Exhaust fans Plumbing Multiple sinks with hot and cold water Showers Toilets Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets GFCI outlets Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Task lighting over mirrors

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Locker Room Furniture Benches Lockers Equipment Mirrors (shatterproof) Hand dryers Paper towel dispensers

Doors Double solid doors Windows No special requirements Flooring Non-slip with floor drains

Casework No special requirements

Walls Solid

Shelving No special requirements

Technology Wireless network Special Considerations Privacy Security Acoustical treatments

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Sports Medicine Classroom / Training Room with Hydrotherapy Purpose: WHY? Mechanical To provide a space for rehabilitation of student athlete injuries Demand controlled ventilation Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Staff Athletics Activities: WHAT & HOW? Rehabilitation Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium

Plumbing Water fountains recessed in walls or in adjacent corridor Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets Lighting Overhead Motion Detecting Natural

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Sports Medicine Classroom / Training Room with Hydrotherapy Furniture Doors Student tables and/or desks Glass doors Student chairs Windows Teacher desk & chair With blinds to exterior Equipment Flooring Tables -5 Recovery tubs - 2 Padded multipurpose flooring Stem equipment Walls Ice machine Solid Casework Technology Mobile PA system Shelving Speakers Mobile Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Team Media Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a space for rehabilitation of student athlete injuries Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Staff Athletics Activities: WHAT & HOW? Rehabilitation Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets 220v outlets Lighting Overhead Motion Detecting Dimmable lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Team Media Room Furniture Casual & comfortable furnishings

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment No special requirements

Windows Windows to exterior with ability to darken room

Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile

Flooring Carpet Walls Solid Technology PA system Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Audio capability to watch team films Promethean board Special Considerations In close proximity to locker rooms & gymnasium, but not a pass through to either

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: PE Storage: Interior Instructional Materials & Equipment Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Store physical education equipment & materials No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage

Electrical Duplex outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Exterior Fitness Area

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: PE Storage: Interior Instructional Materials & Equipment Furniture Doors No special requirements Double, solid Lockable Equipment Windows No special requirements No Windows Casework Flooring No special requirements Hard surface Shelving Walls Utility Hanging racks Solid Rolling ball carts Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separation for materials for upper grade levels and lower grade levels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Health Classroom Purpose: WHY? To provide a learning environment designed to support a variety of learning strategies and educational applications. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Aides Parents Volunteers Specialists Resource Professionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Small and large group activities One-on-one tutoring Computer instruction and research Demonstrations Explorations Project-based curriculum Student project display, presentation, and storage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Extended Learning Area Gymnasium

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Health Classroom Furniture Student tables and/or desks Student chairs Teacher desk & chair Equipment Magnetic marker /white boards Bulletin boards Casework Mobile Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Student storage (cubbies or lockers) Shelving No special requirements

Doors With view panel Windows Operable with blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls Solid Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations As flexible as possible with mobile furnishings and equipment to create a variety of arrangements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teachers' & Coaches Office / Bathroom Purpose: WHY? Teacher and staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings. To provide a space for staff to dine and hold small meetings. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Coaches Itinerant staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Lesson planning Scheduling of conferences and appointments Team meetings Teacher planning and collaboration Preparation of materials Adjacencies: WHERE? Gymnasium Resource Staff Restroom Storage

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Shower and toilet Water fountain Electrical Quad outlets Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Teachers' & Coaches Office / Bathroom Furniture Conference tables and chairs Individual workstations (desks) and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards TV & Satellite

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface

Casework Mobile

Walls Half glass into adjacent spaces

Shelving Mobile

Technology Data drops- multiple Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier PA System Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Athletic Director Office Purpose Perform administrative duties

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Athletic Director

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities Meeting Computer work Telephone calls

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies Reception

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Athletic Director Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Round conference table Equipment Printer Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface

Casework Base cabinets

Walls Solid

Shelving Display shelving

Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Laundry Room Purpose Launder team uniforms Users Staff Activities Laundry Adjacencies Gymnasium Locker Rooms

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Utility Sink For washer and dryer Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Laundry Room Furniture Tables and chairs Equipment Industrial washer Industrial dryer Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile

Doors Door with view panel Windows No special requirements Flooring Hard surface with floor drain Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Ticket booth / concessions Purpose Sell tickets and concessions

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Teachers/Coaches Students Community members Paraprofessionals

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water

Activities Buy and sell tickets / food

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

Adjacencies Gymnasium Outdoors Locker Rooms Storage Closet

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Ticket booth / concessions Furniture Metal tables and chairs near concession stands Equipment Overhead storage Dry erase board Drink cooler

Doors Half door Lockable To the outdoors Windows No special requirements

Casework Lockable

Flooring Hard surface with floor drain

Shelving Utility Cabinets Stackable shelving Ledges on window areas

Walls Solid Technology Data drops Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to access after school hours To be used at both indoor and outdoor athletic events

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Purpose Various groups to work/whole group instruction/multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Community Activities Web based learning for students Virtual learning Faculty meetings Collaborative space Community meetings Support student research Students engaged in project based learning Teacher training for new technologies Support learning with personal mobile devices Dynamic Rich text environment

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink in workroom Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Charging stations in floor/walls Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting (with override capability) Natural Overhead Light switches in several spots Bank lighting

Adjacencies Library Computer lab Centralized

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Instruction / Stacks / Computer Area Furniture Mobile (instant desk, workstation- side table that folds out) Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Mobile shelves Some foldable tables with whiteboard top and wheels Equipment Projector - interactive Whiteboards Document camera Big video screens in several places- smart TV Casework Mobile Shelving Mobile shelving to provide space for large-group activities

Doors Glass doors with walls to be able to create larger rooms Windows Ability to darken room Flooring Mixed hard and soft surface Walls Mobile walls to subdivide space for small activities Glass for visual observation/teachers Technology Carts and charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Multifunction Copier/Printer Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes Space for quiet study Display areas- lots of them

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Purpose Mechanical No special requirements Various groups to independently work while instruction continues, multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Independent research / reading Adjacencies Library

Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Quiet Reading / Independent Work Area Furniture Doors Mobile No special requirements Integrated power in chairs and tables Windows Soft seating Furniture to promote independent space With blinds to exterior Equipment No special requirements

Flooring Soft

Casework Mobile

Walls Mobile

Shelving Mobile

Technology Carts or charging stations Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Circulation Desk Purpose Various groups to independently work; central location for book circulation Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Questions and Answers Tech device and trouble shooting Circulation Inventory / equipment checkout

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Integrated in desk 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Reading Room: Circulation Desk Furniture Mobile Semi - circle or circle desk Integrated book drop Regular desk height on the other side Counter height on one side Equipment Integrated power in desk Casework Lockable storage / at least some drawers or part of casework Shelving No special requirements

Doors No special requirements Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Laptops Computer for inventory and book circulation 1:1 devices Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Multi Function Printer/Scanner/Copier Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Small Group Project Rooms Purpose Various groups to independently work while instruction continues, multipurpose research Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Small group projects Individual research Instruction Research Multipurpose

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical Power for charging multiple devices 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Library

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Small Group Project Rooms Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs for 6 Tables facilitate multimedia group work Ability to write on tables Multimedia projection table capability

Doors Glass doors with walls to be able to create larger rooms Windows No special requirements

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above

Flooring No special requirements

Casework None

Walls Ability to be seen by adjacent spaces

Shelving Mobile or around perimeter

Technology Interactive flat panel with projector Multimedia projection capability - connect wireless to devices and projection screen or tables Data drops VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Maker Space Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Purpose Allow students to create using tools, equipment and technology Users Students Teachers Small groups of 6-10 Administrators Clubs, CTE, STEM, Robotics Activities Physical mashup of home economics / art and science lab Create, solve problems and develop critical thinking Projects DIY 3D printing projects

Mechanical 3D printers may require special ventilation Plumbing Sink in space required Electrical Electrical source in ceiling 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Next to media center

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Maker Space Adjacent to Flex Lab in Core Academics Furniture Tables / durable surfaces for building Mobile tables Organized storage solution Chairs

Doors With view panel Windows No special requirements

Equipment Whiteboard

Flooring Hard surface

Casework Shelving along one perimeter wall

Walls Ability to be seen by adjacent spaces

Shelving Secured storage solution

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Interactive Flat Panel Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Ability to configure rooms as needed for specific purposes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Office Purpose Space to allow METI to perform administrative duties / collaborate with teachers Users Students Teachers Small groups Administrators Parents Activities Small group projects Individual research Instruction Research Multipurpose

Mechanical As needed for required technology equipment (e.g. laminator) Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable/Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies Media Center

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards MEDIA CENTER: METI Office (Media & Educational Technology Instructors) Furniture Mobile Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Lockable filing cabinets Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Mobile Shelving Some fixed

Doors Lockable for secure storage Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Speakers Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Special Considerations Glass walls provide opportunity to maintain visual of entire media center floor

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS MEDIA CENTER: Storage Purpose Secure mobile devices & other equipment

Mechanical No special requirements


Plumbing No Special Requirements

Activities Storage

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies Media Center

Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards MEDIA CENTER: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors Locking doors

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework Fixed shelving along walls

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving Locking storage system Open shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Storage for devices that lock and charge - tablets

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Reception / Secretarial Area / Attendance Office Purpose: WHY? Perform administrative duties Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Clerks Secretaries Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Vestibule for safety Nurse Office Mail/Copy Room

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Reception / Secretarial Area / Attendance Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Chairs Equipment Unit for handouts Clock Casework Mobile Locking file cabinets Shelving Locked shelving Bookshelves

Doors No special requirements Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Soft surface Walls Glass Technology Data drops Intercom Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Principal's Office with Conference Space and Restroom Purpose: WHY? Mechanical Principal office No special requirements Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Principal Administrators Staff Students Teachers Parents

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers (motion detecting)

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Planning Meetings

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Assistant Principal's office Conference Room Secretary/Reception

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Principal's Office with Conference Space and Restroom Furniture Doors Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Door with view panel and blinds Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelf and cabinets Display shelving

Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Projector Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Assistant Principal's Office Purpose: WHY? Assistant Principal Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Assistant Principal Administrators Staff Students Teachers Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Planning Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Conference Room Secretary/Reception In-house suspension- individual cubbies, but not in the main office

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Assistant Principal's Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Base cabinets Shelving Bookshelf and cabinets Display shelving

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Conference Room Purpose: WHY? Variety of meetings, including, but not limited to: parent and staff Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Conference Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls Glass into corridor and reception area with blinds Technology Data drops Ceiling mounted projector (or Chromecast/Apple TV) Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Video conferencing capability Wireless Network Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Mail / Work / Copy Room / Kitchenette Purpose: WHY? Collaboration and planning, staff mail room

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Parents

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Mail room Work room Planning Eating

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall GFCI outlets for refrigerator and stove

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference room Secretary

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Mail / Work / Copy Room / Kitchenette Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, chairs, and work tables

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Clock

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Base cabinets under countertop Overhead cabinets Kitchen appliances: refrigerator, stove, microwave, coffee maker, etc.

Flooring No special requirements

Sink Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Walls No special requirements Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Wireless Network Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: General Administrative Storage Purpose: WHY? Storage Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? To store folders and supplies Storage of confidential student materials

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Motion detecting Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Mail / Work / Copy room Conference room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: General Administrative Storage Furniture Lockable file cabinets Equipment Immovable safe Casework Lockable Shelving Utility shelving

Doors Solid Lockable Windows No windows Flooring No special requirements Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Only need 1 storage area Fireproof

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Restroom Purpose: WHY? Personal hygiene Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Students Paraprofessionals Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Adjacencies: WHERE? Reception Nurse's Area

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers (motion detecting) Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Restroom Furniture End table/shelf

Doors No special requirements

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Sanitary waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Purpose: WHY? Serve student health needs

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Nurse Students Teachers

Plumbing Male and Female Bathroom and sink with hot and cold water in the clinic

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Health Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies: WHERE? Restrooms Administrative offices

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Shower stall and drain

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Health Clinic (Nurse's Office) w Cots & Bathroom Furniture (1 office spaces) Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs Equipment Refrigerator Cots Curtains Linens Clock Casework Base cabinets under countertop Overhead cabinets Shelving Lockable cabinets with doors

Doors Solid, lockable Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Special Considerations Hazardous waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Guidance Counselor's office Purpose: WHY? Guidance Counselor Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Counselors Teachers Parents Administrators Students Itinerant staff Graduation Coach Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Classrooms

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Guidance Counselor's office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Career Center workstations

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable

Walls No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring No special requirements

Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations No special considerations

Page 546 of 602

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Bookkeeper's Office (Vault) / Business Manager Purpose: WHY? School bookkeeping Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Bookkeeper Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Adjacencies: WHERE? Main office

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Bookkeeper's Office (Vault) / Business Manager Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework Vault Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer/Scanner Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

Page 548 of 602

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Attendance / Registrar Office Purpose: WHY? Attendance / Registrar Professional Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Attendance / Registrar Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Career Center Purpose: WHY? Career Center Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers Parents Activities: WHAT & HOW? Work area Planning Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Guidance Counselor's Office Not in the office area Conference room

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Career Center Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin boards Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves Locking file

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Paper shredding Computers Wireless Network Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: In School Suspension w Storage Purpose: WHY? In school suspension

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily work space for students in ISS

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference room

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: In School Suspension w Storage Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Clock Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves for storage - lockable

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Resource Officer's Office Purpose: WHY? Resource officer Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Resource officer Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Monitor building security Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Resource Officer's Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate desk and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Fireproof and lockable filing cabinet Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Solid door - lockable Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Printer Monitors Intercom Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Emergency protocol control Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Itinerant Offices Purpose: WHY? Office space

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Administrators Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Teachers

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Storage Conference room

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Itinerant Offices Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin boards Casework No special requirements Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Psychology Office / Testing Room Purpose: WHY? Psychologist Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Students Teachers Parents Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Graduation Coach Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings, testing

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Conference Room OR in counseling area

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Psychology Office / Testing Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Security Office Purpose: WHY? Security Officer Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Security officer Administrators Activities: WHAT & HOW? Monitor building security Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Security Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate desk and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable Shelving Bookshelves

Doors Solid door - lockable Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Printer Monitors Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Emergency protocol control Computer Paper shredder Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Career Counselor Purpose: WHY? Career Counselor Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Counselors Teachers Parents Administrators Students Itinerant staff Graduation Coach Activities: WHAT & HOW? Daily office work Meetings

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Principal's office Assistant Principal's office Secretarial area Classrooms Guidance counselor's office Career center

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Career Counselor Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Career Center workstations

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Countertop over base cabinets Overhead cabinets - lockable

Walls No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Flooring No special requirements

Technology Data drops Intercom Printer Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Computers Paper shredder Special Considerations No special considerations

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Staff Dining Purpose: WHY? Staff to meet, eat, and rest

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Teachers Administrators Counselors Itinerant staff Paraprofessionals Volunteers

Plumbing For sink and ice maker

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Eating

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria Kitchen

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall, maximum allowable by code

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Staff Dining Furniture Ergonomic tables and chairs

Doors Door with view panel

Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock Bulletin board Projector screen

Windows With blinds to exterior

Casework Overhead cabinets - some lockable

Walls No special requirements

Shelving Bookshelves

Technology Carts or charging stations Data drops Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless access

Flooring No special requirements

Special Considerations Not too close to kitchen/cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Associated Student Body (ASB) Room Purpose Perform administrative duties

Mechanical No special requirements

Users ASB Staff

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities Meeting Computer work Telephone calls

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall

Adjacencies Reception

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS ADMINISTRATION: Associated Student Body (ASB) Room Furniture Ergonomic appropriate tables, desks, and chairs Round conference table Equipment Printer Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Clock

Doors Door with view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface

Casework Base cabinets

Walls Solid

Shelving Display shelving

Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Speakers Telephone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Consideration for sound transfer – acoustic panels

Page 568 of 602

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Preparation Area Purpose Prepare food Users Kitchen staff Deliveries Activities Cooking Baking Adjacencies Cafeteria At end of school for expansion possibilities Loading dock access Dumpster access

Mechanical AC in storeroom and in kitchen Hood Plumbing No touch sink with hot and cold water No touch soap & towel dispensers Waste disposal Floor sinks and drains Hose reel Garbage disposal and pre-rinse- 4 compartment Electrical 220v outlets UDS under hood UDS on serving lines Lighting Overhead, LED Motion detecting Safety/emergency Good lighting in fridge/freezer

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Preparation Area Furniture Stainless furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Equipment Grease traps Casework Mobile Shelving Utility Wall shelving Mobile Wire shelving

Doors Double doors to storage Doors with windows from serving to kitchen Separate door to each walk-in (no access from cooler to freezer) Windows No windows Flooring Sensitive to standing for long periods of time Non slip Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Sound barrier to cafeteria Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Fly fan Doorbell with speaker Plenty of room for personnel, carts, boxes

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Serving Area Purpose Serving food Users Students Faculty Kitchen staff Activities Serving food Adjacencies Cafeteria

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing Floor drains Hose reel Electrical 220v outlets UDS or knee wall to provide power/network Lighting Overhead Bright to accent food

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Serving Area Furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Food serving Steam tables- 4 wells Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Shelving Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Doors Doors with windows into kitchen Windows No windows Flooring Floor drains Epoxy-no tile Walls Solid Technology Cash register / computers for food check out, POS Wireless connection Special Considerations Multi lane serving area Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Plenty of counter space on both sides of line

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Dry Goods Storage Purpose Storage of canned & dry foods and paper products and equipment Users Kitchen staff Activities Storage Adjacencies Prep and serving area Back dock

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Safety

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Dry Goods Storage Furniture Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Racks Step ladder

Doors Solid Lockable Double

Equipment Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Windows No windows

Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Flooring Concrete

Shelving Rust resistant 24" deep shelving Canned storage rack Mobile utility shelving floor to ceiling Canned food rotation rack

Walls Solid Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Cooler / Freezer Purpose Storage of refrigerated & frozen foods

Mechanical Separate condensing units for each box, separate doors

Users Kitchen staff

Plumbing Freezer-heated condensate

Activities Storage

Electrical No special requirements

Adjacencies Preparation area

Lighting Overhead (very bright) Motion detecting Emergency lighting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Cooler / Freezer Furniture Walk in cooler and freezer Racks Dunnage- back corners

Doors View panel, heated Lockable Safety latch Triple door hinge

Equipment Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input Reach in refrigerator units on the line

Windows No windows

Casework Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input

Flooring Stainless steel

Shelving Stainless shelving, 18' deep with additional 24" deep dunnage racks (no overlapping racks)

Walls Stainless steel Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Ramp into cooler / freezer Air curtain - no vinyl curtain in cooler Other considerations based on kitchen consultant input No ice on floors- no dripping condensate

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Ware Washing Purpose: WHY? Dish and equipment washing Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Dishwashing Sanitizing Adjacencies: WHERE? Located close to exit on end of serving line Storage

Mechanical Exhaust fan Plumbing Overhead extendable sprayers, 2 4 Compartment sinks Large, industrial garbage disposal, 1 No touch soap & towel dispensers Foot pedal sink Electrical 220v outlets Lighting Bright Overhead Motion detecting Emergency lights LED

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Ware Washing Furniture No special requirements

Doors No special requirements

Equipment Industrial dishwasher / sanitizer / sterilizer

Windows No special requirements

Casework Shelving

Flooring Epoxy floor

Shelving Stationary worktables Intake, Stainless Output with overhead shelf (long enough for multiple racks) Rustproof shelving Drying racks

Walls Block with epoxy paint Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Drop off tray slot/area Entrance/exit doors on opposite sides of cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Kitchen Manager Office Purpose Plan & coordinate food service & student dining operations

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Kitchen staff / manager

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities Paperwork storage Computer work Telephone calls

Electrical 110v duplex electrical outlets on each wall- several

Adjacencies Restroom Kitchen

Lighting Overhead Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Kitchen Manager Office Furniture Ergonomic appropriate desk and chairs Under desk lockable filing cabinets Safe Equipment Magnetic marker boards with tack strips above Bulletin board Clock First aid kit Casework Locking closets File cabinets Shelving Shelving

Doors Door with view panel Windows Windows on 1-2 walls for kitchen view Flooring Epoxy Walls Solid Technology Data drops Intercom Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Speakers Telephone with speaker mount to hear in kitchen VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Unisex Restroom Purpose: WHY? Restrooms Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen prep Off of staff lockers and washer

Mechanical No special requirements Exhaust fan Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Toilet No touch soap & towel dispensers Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Unisex Restroom Furniture Mirrors

Doors Locking

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Epoxy

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Sanitary waste disposal

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Lockers Purpose Storage and safety for kitchen staff Users Kitchen staff Activities Storage Adjacencies Restrooms

Mechanical Exhaust fan No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 220v outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Kitchen - Lockers Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework Mirrored cabinet over sink Shelving No special requirements

Doors Solid Hooks for coats and other personal items Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Epoxy Walls Solid Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Enough room for all staff Not in bathroom

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Chemical Closet Purpose: WHY? Store chemicals Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Kitchen staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Storage Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Chemical Closet Furniture No special requirements

Doors Door: lockable, solid

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework No special requirements

Flooring No special requirements

Shelving Perimeter shelving

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Separate from food storage

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Purpose: WHY? A place to meet, eat, rest, and break for Kitchen staff.

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Kitchen staff

Plumbing No special requirements

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings Break space Lunch space

Electrical No special requirements

Adjacencies: WHERE? Kitchen

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Work / Break Room Kitchen Staff Furniture Tables and chairs Equipment Microwave Refrigerator Coffee maker Casework Base and upper cabinets w/ countertop Shelving No special requirements

Doors Lockable Windows No special requirements Flooring No special requirements Walls No special requirements Technology Wireless connection Telephone Special Considerations No special requirements

Page 588 of 602

Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria Purpose Dining

Mechanical No special requirements

Users Students Administrators Kitchen staff Volunteers Paraprofessionals

Plumbing Recessed water fountains with bottle filling capacity

Activities Student dining Meeting Gathering

Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

Electrical 220v outlets No special requirements

Adjacencies Kitchen

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Cafeteria Furniture Mobile, Ergonomic appropriate tables and chairs

Doors Doors with view panels and blinds to darken

Equipment Built-in PA system

Windows Windows with blinds

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls Partial glass Technology Wireless connection Special Considerations Exterior access

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Club Area Purpose: WHY? Area for school clubs to gather and meet. Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Staff Students Volunteers Activities: WHAT & HOW? Meetings

Mechanical Quiet air conditioning Plumbing No special requirements Electrical/Lighting Quad outlet at each data port Overhead lighting

Adjacencies: WHERE? Cafeteria

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS FOOD SERVICE: Club Area Furniture/Equipment Tables and chairs Tall lockable storage cabinets Bulletin board White board

Doors & Windows Door with view panel Windows to outdoors with blinds for lighting control Flooring Vinyl Technology Data ports Wireless access points Special Considerations Climate control

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Closets (distributed) Purpose: WHY? Cleaning equipment storage Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Activities: WHAT & HOW? Store and maintain indoor cleaning equipment Adjacencies: WHERE? Distributed

Mechanical Dust collection or exhaust Plumbing Slop sink and floor Floor drain Eye wash station Washer/Dryer Electrical 2 guard outlets 120V outlets 2 quad 120 outlets Lighting Overhead Additional lighting for work bench Adjustable / Multi-level

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Closets (distributed) Furniture Work bench with vise- multi level adjustable

Doors One double wide door

Equipment Auto scrubber Floor machine, hand electric tools Vacuum Brooms and Mops

Windows No special requirements

Casework No special requirements

Walls Concrete Block

Shelving One 8' by 4' by 1' Shelf Two 8' tall by 4' wide by 1' deep

Technology No special requirements

Flooring Hard surface

Special Considerations No special requirements

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Storage Purpose Storage Users Custodians Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Distributed

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical No special requirements Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Storage Furniture No special requirements

Doors One double wide door

Equipment No special requirements

Windows No windows

Casework No special requirements

Flooring Floor drains Hard surface

Shelving No special requirements

Walls No special requirements Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Climate and humidity control - separately controlled from the rest of the building

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Locker Room Purpose: WHY? To provide a space for staff to change and personal hygiene Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodians Maintenance staff Activities: WHAT & HOW? Personal hygiene Changing clothes Adjacencies: WHERE? No special requirements

Mechanical Exhaust fans Plumbing Sinks with hot and cold water Showers Toilets Electrical Quad outlets GFCI outlets Lighting Overhead Motion detecting Task lighting over mirrors

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Locker Room Furniture Benches Lockers Equipment Mirrors Hand dryers Paper towel dispensers

Doors Solid Windows No special requirements Flooring Non-slip with floor drains

Casework No special requirements

Walls Solid

Shelving No special requirements

Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Privacy Security Acoustical treatments

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Office / Planning / Meeting Area Purpose: WHY? Staff preparation, collaboration, and meetings.

Mechanical No special requirements

Users: WHO & HOW MANY PEOPLE? Custodial staff Maintenance staff

Plumbing Sink with hot and cold water Water fountain

Activities: WHAT & HOW? Planning Meetings Office work

Electrical Quad outlets

Adjacencies: WHERE? No special requirements

Lighting Overhead Adjustable / Multi-level Natural Motion detecting

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards HS CUSTODIAL: Office / Planning / Meeting Area Furniture Lockers Conference tables and chairs Equipment Magnetic marker / whiteboards White boards Refrigerator with ice maker Microwave oven Casework Overhead cabinets Countertop over base cabinets Shelving Adequate countertop space to allow for small appliances (paper cutters, etc.,)

Doors With view panel Windows With blinds to exterior Flooring Hard surface Walls No special requirements Technology Data drops Multifunction Printer/Scanner/Copier Intercom Soft Phone VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Wireless Network Special Considerations Acoustical privacy

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards CUSTODIAL: Exterior Storage - Lawn Equipment & Propane Purpose Storage for lawnmowers and other outdoor equipment and flammable substances Users Custodians Administrators Activities Storage Adjacencies Outdoors

Mechanical No special requirements Plumbing No special requirements Electrical 110v outlets Lighting Adjustable / Multi-level Motion detecting Natural Overhead

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Boise School District Pre-Kindergarten to 12th Grade Space Standards CUSTODIAL: Exterior Storage - Lawn Equipment & Propane Furniture No special requirements Equipment No special requirements Casework No special requirements Shelving Utility shelving units

Doors One double wide door Lockable Windows No windows Flooring Floor drains Hard surface Walls Attached to structure (Indoor room with outdoor access) Technology No special requirements Special Considerations Need to increase space due to field maintenance equipment/outdoor equipment. Suggest 1000 sq. ft.

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