Sharon M. Draper. Dragon's Keep. Janet Lee Carey. Eagle Strike. Anthony
Horowitz. Ender's Shadow. Orson Scott Card. Escape! The Story of the Great
Reading Olympics Teams 2014 Meetings o We will have every Tuesday at lunch open for Reading Olympics members to visit the library for lunch meetings. A few Tuesday meetings will be mandatory as important decisions are made. o Members are expected to attend at least one meeting per month. Teams o There can be 8-16 people on each team. o We will begin planning now, but our team names, and rosters will be decided by the end of November. Start reading now, if you haven’t already. We have to have balanced teams. o We are permitted to bring up to three teams from NHSMS. o Each team member should commit to reading a minimum of 10 books. Team Leaders o We will be selecting four students to be team leaders. (Based on experience, drive, dependability, and commitment) o Team leaders will help create the team roster. o Team leaders will motivate members to attend meetings and to keep reading. o Team leaders will make sure that their team has all 45 books covered. We will chart the team members’ progress, so that no books are overlooked.
Thank you for expressing an interest in the Reading Olympics. This will be my 12th year to be involved in the event, but my first year to coordinate the teams. I’m looking forward to it! As I receive completion dates and locations I will send them home via email. The book list is on the back of this sheet. Please keep track of what you read and be ready to report in on Tuesdays at lunch! Mr. Smith
Title 100 year-‐old Secret, The Ajeemah and his Son Among the Hidden Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl Black Star, Bright Dawn Boy Who Saved Baseball, The Buried Alive Burning Up Candymakers, The Countdown Dateline: Troy December Stillness Double Dutch Dragon’s Keep Eagle Strike Ender's Shadow Escape! The Story of the Great Houdini Fever 1793 Giant and How he Humbugged America, The Gregor the Overlander Inside Out and Back Again Knucklehead: Tall Tales & Mostly True Stories... Leaving Protection Locomotion Long Way From Chicago Lost Hero Midnight for Charlie Bone Notes From a Midnight Driver Notorious Benedict Arnold Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place, The Outsiders Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science Ruins of Gorlan, The Say Goodnight Gracie Schooled So B. It Splendors and Glooms Stalker Supernaturalist, The Surviving the Applewhites Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Titanic: Voices from the Disaster Virals Wonder Yellow Star
Author Tracy Barrett James Berry Margaret Peterson Haddix Anne Frank Scott O'Dell John H. Ritter Elaine Scott Caroline B. Cooney Wendy Mass Ben Mikaelson Paul Fleischman Mary Downing Hahn Sharon M. Draper Janet Lee Carey Anthony Horowitz Orson Scott Card Sid Fleischman Laurie Anderson Jim Murphy Suzanne Collins Lai Thanhha Jon Scieszka Will Hobbs Jacqueline Woodson Robert Peck Rick Riordan Jenny Nimmo Jordan Sonnenblick Steve Sheinkin E.L. Konigsburg S.E. Hinton John Fleischman John Flanagan Julie Deaver Gordan Korman Sarah Weeks Laura Amy Schlitz Joan Lowery Nixon Eoin Colfer Stephanie S. Tolan John Grisham Deborah Hopkinson Kathy Reichs R.J. Palacio Jennifer Roy