Moore Keith L., Dalley Arthur F. - “Clinically oriented anatomy” , 5.ed. 2005 or
later,. 0781736390. • Netter Frank H. - “Atlas of Human Anatomy + CD”, 3.ed.
Booklist 1 year 2013/2014 1. Anatomy Obligatory: Moore Keith L., Dalley Arthur F. - “Clinically oriented anatomy” , 5.ed. 2005 or later, 0781736390 Netter Frank H. - “Atlas of Human Anatomy + CD”, 3.ed. 2003 or later, 1929007116 Rohen Johannes, Yokochi Chochiro, Lütjen- Drecoll Elke- Color Atlas of Anatomy, 7thEd or later 2011, 9781609137854 Weir Jamie, Abrahams peter, Spratt Jonathan, Salkowski Lonie- Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4thed. or later 2011,9780808923886 SCHUENKE M., SCHULTE E., SCHUMACHER U. - PROMETHEUS Atlas of Anatomy 2006 1.ed or later Vol. 1- General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System 978-83-60466-24-7 Vol. 2-Neck and Internal Organs 978-83-60466-25-4 Vol. 3-Head and Neuroanatomy 978-83-60466-26-1 Clemente Carmine- Anatomy, a regional Atlas of the Human Body, 6thEd or later 2011, 9781609133085 Chung- BRS Gross Anatomy, 2011, 9781451110463 Gielecki J.St. Żurada A. - Clinical Anatomy. Bones Joints and Ligaments 2006 1.ed or later 8389009374 Felten D.L. Józefowicz R.F. - “Netter's Atlas of Human Neuroscience” 2003 1.ed or later 1929007167 Young Paul A., Young Paul H. - "Basic Clinical Neuroanatomy" 1.ed., 1997 or later 0683096664 Fix J.D. - “BRS Neuroanatomy 3/e”, 2001 or later, 0781728290
2. Histology, Embryology and Cytophysiology Obligatory: Michael H. Ross, Wojciech Pawlina Histology. A Text and Atlas. Leslie P. Gartner, James L. Hiatt. Color Textbook of Histology. Keith L.Moore, T.V.N. Persaud, Mark G. Torchia.Before we are born. Essentials of Embryology and Birth Defects. Optional : Jeffrey B Kerr. Functional Histology. T.W.Sadler. Medical Embryology.
3. Biophysics Obligatory: Martin Hollins Bath Advanced Science - Medical Physics (University of Bath Science) - Publisher: Nelson Thornes Ltd; 2nd edition (September 28, 2001) - Language: English - ISBN-10: 0174482531 - ISBN-13: 978-0174482536 Roland Glaser, "Biophysics", 2nd edition; Springer Verlag, 2012 - ISBN-10: 3642252117 - ISBN-13: 978-3642252112 Optional : Paul Davidovits, "Physics in Biology and Medicine", 4th edition, Academic Press, 2012 1
Booklist 1 year 2013/2014 - ISBN-10: 0123865131 - ISBN-13: 978-01238651372) Russell K. Hobbie and Bradley J. Roth - Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, 4th Edition Publisher: Springer; 4th edition (March 12, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 038730942X ISBN-13: 978-0387309422
4. Chemistry Obligatory: Timberlake K. C. „General, organic and biological chemistry”
5. Biochemistry Optional: Robert K. Murray (ed.) Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 28th edition Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division, 2009 Edward Bańkowski (ed.) Biochemistry workbook for students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences Medical University of Białystok, 2010
6. Information Technology Obligatory: Carole Matthews, Marty Matthews, John Cronan "Microsoft Office 2010 QuickSteps", McGraw-Hill, 2010, Marty Matthews "Windows 7 QuickSteps", McGraw-Hill, 2009, Barksdale Karl, Turner E. Shane „HTML Basics”, Thomson Learning, 2005.
7. First Aid and Nursing Obligatory: ERC Guideline 2010 for BLS and AED. First Aid Manual: The Authorised Manual of St. John Ambulance, St. Andrew's Ambulance Association, and the British Red Cross. 2006
8. Medical Polish Obligatory: Krok po Kroku, level A1, Iwona Stempek, Kraków, 2012 – e-learning Polish language course Teaching materials (Basic Polish) designed by Barbara Gorbacz, Ewa Szczepaniak O medycynie po polsku by E. Szczepaniak, B. Gorbacz
9. History of Medicine Obligatory: Manger Louis, A history of medicine, 2005. Porter Roy, The Cambridge illustrated history of medicine, 2004. Optional : Gordon Richard, The Alarming history of medicine, New York 1997. Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, Scribner 2010, ISBN 9780007250929
Sociology in Medicine
Obligatory: Cockerham W.C., Medical Sociology, Twelfth Edition, Prentice Hall 2012 Giddens A., Sociology, Seventh Edition, Polity 2013 2
Booklist 1 year 2013/2014 Weiss G.L., Lonnquist L.E., The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall 2012 Optional : Barry A.M., Yuill Ch., Understanding the Sociology of Health, Third Edition, SAGE 2012
Occupational, safety and health
Obligatory: Barry S. Levy, David H. Wegman, 2000