Tax Avoidance Law in New Zealand. 8. New Zealand Master Bookkeepers Guide
. 8. Tax Disputes in New Zealand — A Practical Guide. 9. Taxation of Trusts. 9.
Books Catalogue 2013 The Professional’s First Choice
Books Catalogue 2013 TAX AND ACCOUNTING
New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 New Zealand Tax Administration Act 1994, Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 and International Tax Agreements New Zealand Tax Regulations and Determinations New Zealand Income Tax Legislation Pack New Zealand Master Tax Guide New Zealand Depreciation Rates New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Legislation GST — A Practical Guide Fringe Benefits: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Tax Costs Taxation of Partnerships and Look-Through Companies Tax Guide to Farming, Forestry and Fishing New Zealand Financial Arrangements — A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to Tax Penalties in New Zealand Taxation of Investment in Managed Funds in New Zealand and Australia Tax Avoidance Law in New Zealand New Zealand Master Bookkeepers Guide Tax Disputes in New Zealand — A Practical Guide Taxation of Trusts A Practical Guide to Taxing Property Transactions Top 100 Questions and Answers on Financial Arrangements Top 100 Questions and Answers on GST Top 100 Questions and Answers on Taxing Land Transactions
4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10
New Zealand Master Trusts Guide 11 The Trustee’s Handbook — Checklists and Precedents for Trustees 11 Forsyth’s Guide to Trusts and Estate Practice 11
BUSINESS AND COMPANY LAW New Zealand Companies and Securities Legislation New Zealand Contract and Commercial Legislation Corporate Debt: Statutory Demands Corporate Governance — A Practical Handbook Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Company Secretaries in New Zealand Guidebook to New Zealand Companies and Securities Law
CCH New Zealand
14 14 14
HUMAN RESOURCES AND EMPLOYMENT LAW New Zealand Employment Law Guide Rewards, Remuneration and Performance: A Strategic Approach The Big Issues in Employment: HR Management and Employment Relations in New Zealand Termination of Employment: A Best Practice Guide Top 100 Questions and Answers on Employment Law Payroll: A Practical Guide to New Zealand Payroll Administration Essential New Zealand Employment Legislation Guide to Holidays and Leave Manager to Leader: Skills and Insights for a Successful Transition Getting the Right People: Effective Recruitment and Selection Today Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Toolbox for Managers and Supervisors Collective Bargaining
15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18
PROPERTY LAW Conveyancing Law Handbook Top 100 Questions and Answers on Conveyancing
19 19
Financial Adviser and Broker Regulation in New Zealand Meetings — Practice and Procedure in New Zealand Intellectual Property Law: Principles in Practice
12 12 12 13 13 13
New Zealand Master Tax Guide for Students New Zealand Tax Legislation for Students New Zealand Companies and Securities Legislation for Students Introduction to New Zealand Commercial Legislation Commercial Applications of Company Law in New Zealand New Zealand Competition Law and Policy
20 20 20 21 21 21
OTHER TITLES The Attorney’s Handbook 22 Reputation Matters 22 — A Practical Legal Guide to Managing Reputation Risk Courtroom Procedure in New Zealand — A Practitioner’s Survival Kit 22
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New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
Master Tax Guide
Depreciation Rates
Goods and Serv Goo ices Services Tax Legislation Legislatio egislatio ation n
New Zealand
New Zealandd
New N ew ew Ze Zealan Zealand eala alan aland lan nd
Contract and Commercial Legislation
Incomee Tax Act 2007
Tax Tax Ta ax Adm Ad Administration Admin min niisssttrratio ni ion Act 1994, 1994 Review Act 1994 Taxation Taxatio T axatio ax atio on Re on Rev R eevvi vie ieew Authorities Au 994 International aand ndd In n Int IInternat terna te errnat atio tional Tax Agreements
2012 20 201 2 012
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Welcome to the 2013 CCH Books Catalogue! Here at CCH, our approach to publishing is both innovative and traditional. It is innovative in the sense that we employ the very latest technology in the production and distribution of our books and eBooks; traditional in the sense that we continue to provide professionals and students alike with reliable up-to-date information written by experts. One of the dominant trends among our customers may be summarised in one word: mobility. While many customers continue to rely on our print products, increasing numbers need access to information “on the move” via their tablets, smartphones and laptops. We have responded to this need by developing a world-class eBook solution. Almost all of our print books are now released simultaneously in eBook format and can be downloaded in real time from our online store (see sidebar). This allows them to be read on your laptop (via Adobe Digital Editions) or iPad (via Bluefire Reader). By the time this catalogue reaches you, they should also be available from the Apple iBookstore, which has just been launched in New Zealand. Our 2013 list represents a consolidation of our traditional strengths. It includes six new tax books, two of which are brand-new titles (Taxation of Investment in Managed Funds in New Zealand and Australia and Taxation of Partnerships and Look-Through Companies). With over 20 tax books now in print, CCH offers the most comprehensive tax library in New Zealand. Other highlights include Rewards, Remuneration and Performance, a guide to strategic pay that should be on the desk of every HR professional, and The Big Issues in Employment, a major new textbook covering both the HR management and employment relations disciplines. Whether you prefer your books arranged on shelves in your office or accessible 24-7 on your tablet, CCH has the titles you need for 2013!
New Zealand
New Zealandd
Tax Regulations and Determination
Compaanies and Companies Securities Securit ties Legislation
CCH eBooks Portable information at your fingertips Many CCH titles are now available as eBooks, so you can access the information you need whenever and wherever you are. CCH eBooks offer the same practical information and expert analysis as our trusted print books, but the portable eBook format also provides the following benefits: eBooks can be read on multiple platforms and devices. Internal links (tables of contents, indexes and cross-references) make navigation faster and easier. External links allow users to access related web content instantly. Annotations and bookmarks can be added. Relevant content can be found quickly using the search engine.
How to purchase and download CCH eBooks Simply go to and click on the eBooks Quick Link.
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CCH. Thinking ahead.
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Tax and Accounting Acc o i NEW! New Zealand ndd
Available as eBook!
New Zealand
Incomee TaxIncome Act 2007 Tax Act 2007
New Zealand
Tax Administration Act 1994, Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 and International Tax Agreements
Available as eBook!
New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 2013 edition Two volumes A two-volume set consolidating the Income Tax Act 2007 up to 1 January 2013. Includes a comprehensive summary of amendments, detailed history notes and indexes.
New Zealand
Tax Regulations and Determination
Available as eBook!
New Zealand Tax Administration Act 1994, Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 and International Tax Agreements 2013 edition Consolidates the following legislation to 1 January 2013: Tax Administration Act 1994 Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 Stamp and Cheque Duties Act 1971 (Pt VIB only: approved issuer levy provisions) International Tax Agreements. A comprehensive summary of amendments, detailed history notes and indexes are included.
Publication date: February 2013 Book code: 1439Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-953-5 Price: $120.00 (plus GST)
New Zealand Tax Regulations and Determinations 2013 edition Consolidates tax regulations, Orders in Council and determinations to 1 January 2013. Includes consolidated tables of depreciation rates and a summary of amendments. Publication date: March 2013 Book code: 1453Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-967-2 Price: $40.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: March 2013 Book code: 1448Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-964-1 Price: $40.00 (plus GST)
New Zealand Income Tax Legislation Pack SAVE!
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
Tax Administration 1994, Income Tax Act Income 2007Tax Act 2007 TaxActRegulations Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 Determination and Internationaland Tax Agreements
This pack includes the following four volumes: New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 (2 volumes) New Zealand Tax Administration Act 1994, Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 and International Tax Agreements New Zealand Tax Regulations and Determinations.
SAVE 15% Price: $170.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
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Tax and d Accounting Ac NEW! New Zealand
New Zealand
Depreciation RatesTax Guide Master
eBook version included
New Zealand
Depreciation Rates
Available as eBook!
New Zealand Master Tax Guide
New Zealand Depreciation Rates
2013 edition Includes FREE book and eBook
2013 edition
Authors: CCH New Zealand tax analysts The Master Tax Guide, New Zealand’s most popular tax handbook, contains practical examples and concise summaries of legislation, cases and IRD rulings and statements affecting the 2012/2013 and future tax years. The commentary is concise and easy to read. Recent legislative changes covered include: amendments to the thin capitalization rules introduction of new rules around nonportfolio FIF interests and consequential amendments to the FIF income calculation methods new motor vehicle mileage rates changes to livestock elections changes to the student loan scheme changes to child support and WFF tax credits proposed changes to the taxation of lease inducement payments proposed changes to the tax treatment of salary trade-offs.
The new edition includes discussion of various proposals introduced under the Taxation (Livestock Valuation, Assets Expenditure and Remedial Matters) Bill, including: proposed mixed use asset rules new calculation methods for some foreign currency hedges GST changes, including a new zero-rating rule further livestock valuation changes. As well as the comprehensive guidebook, you also receive: a free copy of New Zealand Depreciation Rates a free eBook version of the New Zealand Master Tax Guide. Publication date: February 2013 Book code: 1463Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-969-6 Price: $150.00 (plus GST)
Easy-to-use volume including all New Zealand’s depreciation rates in table format, consolidated to 1 January 2013. An essential reference tool for tax practitioners, students and anyone involved in business. Publication date: January 2013 Book code: 1473Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-982-5 Price: $40.00 (plus GST)
NEW! New Zealand
Goods and Services Tax Legislation
Available as eBook!
New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Legislation 2013 edition Fully consolidates the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 to 1 January 2013. A comprehensive summary of amendments, history notes and full index are included. Publication date: February 2013 Book code: 1458Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-968-9 Price: $90.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
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Tax and Accounting Acc o i NEW! GST – A Practical Guide
Available as eBook!
Fringe Benefits: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Tax Costs
Available as eBook!
NEW! Taxation of Partnerships and Look-Through Companies
Available as eBook!
Alastair McKenzie
GST — A Practical Guide
Fringe Benefits: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Tax Costs
9th edition Alastair McKenzie Alastair McKenzie’s GST — A Practical Guide is widely considered to be the authoritative New Zealand text on goods and services tax. In addition to covering the broad framework and operation of GST in New Zealand, the book provides in-depth coverage of special problem areas and contentious issues regarding the application of the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985. The ninth edition has been comprehensively updated to incorporate the new legislative regimes for input tax, apportionment of input tax, adjustments and the zero-rating of land transactions, which came into force in 2011. It also encompasses other legislative developments, case law and IRD rulings and statements that have been released since the publication of the eighth edition in 2008. Topics covered include: charging GST zero-rated supplies exempt supplies supply, time and value special cases registration administration returns and payment accounting basis calculation of tax payable documentation specific transactions.
4th edition Roger Thompson and Andrew Dickeson Fringe benefit tax (FBT) is arguably one of the most controversial and costly taxes for any New Zealand business to administer. The fourth edition of this practical book uses worked examples, case studies and checklists to illustrate the meaning of the law and the context in which FBT might arise, and will be invaluable for employers, business owners, shareholder–employees, payroll managers, financial controllers, accountants and legal professionals alike. Topics covered include: key concepts and definitions distinction between cash and non-cash benefits motor vehicles employment-related loans and other specific benefits unclassified benefits exclusions from FBT options for calculating FBT selected FBT issues, including charities and inbound/outbound employees commonly asked questions FBT planning opportunities.
Taxation of Partnerships and Look-Through Companies John Peterson This guide to the New Zealand tax treatment of disregarded entities such as partnerships and look-through companies (LTCs) is the first of its kind. Since the introduction of the limited partnership regime in 2008, a number of private investment funds and closely held businesses have been structured as limited partnerships. This practical book will be a useful resource both for practitioners and for the increasing number of business owners and investment managers who are using limited partnerships and LTCs to structure their holdings. Topics covered include: an overview of the basic legal features and requirements for a limited partnership a detailed analysis of the taxation of partners in limited partnerships and shareholders in LTCs, including the tax consequences of disposing of or acquiring an interest in a partnership commentary on the cross-border tax implications of holding interests in a limited partnership. Publication date: July 2013 Book code: 1296Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-847-7 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: April 2013 Book code: 1406Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-912-2 Price: $90.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: April 2012 Book code: 1384Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-935-1 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
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Tax and d Accounting Ac NEW! Tax Guide to Farming, Forestry and Fishing
Available as eBook!
NEW! New Zealand Financial Arrangements
Available as eBook!
A Practical Guide to
Tax Penalties in New Zealand
A Practical Guide
Tax Guide to Farming, Forestry and Fishing
Available as eBook!
A Practical Guide to Tax Penalties in New Zealand
2nd edition
New Zealand Financial Arrangements — A Practical Guide
Marilyn Davies et al
John Peterson, Vivian Cheng and John Cantin
Murray McClennan and Peter Speakman
While the New Zealand economy has grown and diversified over the years, the primary sector is still regarded as its backbone. This sector can also lay claim to a specialized and diverse set of tax regimes, which are brought together in this title. Drawing on the practical experience of a panel of specialist authors, this second edition is a valuable resource for tax accountants and their clients working in the farming, forestry and fishing sectors. Topics covered include: income aspects of farming farming expenditure and deductions income equalisation schemes succession estates bloodstock livestock the Farmer as Employer subdivision of farm land horticulture, viticulture and beekeeping forestry fishing and aquaculture.
This practical and informative guide to New Zealand’s financial arrangements rules (formerly The New Zealand Accrual Regime) has been updated to cover changes to the rules since the last edition was published in 1999, the most notable of which is the introduction of IFRS spreading methods. This edition has also been revised to focus on the current rules, with any differences between those and the old Division 1 rules highlighted in a separate chapter. The Guide is a useful resource for practitioners and students alike, identifying and explaining key issues that arise and containing worked examples, flow charts and quick reference guides. Topics covered include: application of the financial arrangements rules income and expenditure calculations income derivation and deductibility of expenditure bad debts, debt restructuring, non- and limited recourse loans foreign exchange gains and losses equity and hybrid instruments special types of financial arrangements trusts, estates and asset planning property and services transactions disclosure and avoidance matching rules for non-interest accrual expenditure.
Under New Zealand’s comprehensive system of taxation penalties, a tax shortfall can have very serious financial consequences for a taxpayer. Taxpayers and their advisers must be aware of the obligations imposed on them, the penalties that can apply when those obligations are not met and what can be done to mitigate penalties. A Practical Guide to Tax Penalties in New Zealand is an invaluable resource for all persons involved with taxation, whether as tax practitioners, tertiary lecturers or university students. Topics covered include: “No-fault” civil penalties standard-based civil penalties criminal tax offences and penalties use-of-money interest Inland Revenue statements on penalties and interest liabilities for tax advisers former penalties rules.
Publication date: May 2013 Book code: 1387Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-961-0 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
2nd edition
Publication date: June 2013 Book code: 1390Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-933-7 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: July 2013 Book code: 1299Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-940-5 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Call 800 500 224
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Tax and Accounting Acc o i NEW! Taxation of Investment in Managed Funds
Available as eBook!
Tax Avoidance Law in New Zealand
Available as eBook!
NEW! New Zealand
Master Bookkeepers Guide
Available as eBook!
in New Zealand and Australia
Stephen J. Marsden
Taxation of Investment in Managed Funds in New Zealand and Australia
Tax Avoidance Law in New Zealand
Mark Ainsworth, John Peterson and Karen Payne
James Coleman
2nd edition Stephen J. Marsden
Taxation of Investment in Managed Funds in New Zealand and Australia discusses the different corporate structures used as managed funds vehicles and the taxation consequences of investing into those vehicles in both New Zealand and Australia. In particular, this book addresses the New Zealand Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) rules and the Australian Managed Investment Trust (MIT) rules. Issues arising from Double Taxation Agreements are also discussed. The tax consequences are explained for: New Zealand resident investors investing into New Zealand resident funds Non-New Zealand resident investors investing into Australian resident funds New Zealand resident investors investing into non-New Zealand resident funds Australian resident investors investing into Australian resident funds Non-Australian resident investors investing into Australian resident funds New Zealand resident investors investing into non-New Zealand resident funds. Publication date: August 2013 Book code: 1401Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-971-9 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
New Zealand Master Bookkeepers Guide
This second edition of the authoritative text by James Coleman discusses New Zealand jurisprudence on the general anti-avoidance provision. It enables practitioners to comply with the provision with increased confidence and predict with greater certainty when it applies. The book includes detailed coverage of the Supreme Court judgment in Ben Nevis and subsequent decisions by that Court on the application of the general anti-avoidance provision. Tax Avoidance Law in New Zealand deals with the tests for what constitutes tax avoidance in the light of that judgment. It also deals with the interrelationship between the specific provisions of the Income Tax Act and the general anti-avoidance provision, the relationship between the general anti-avoidance provision and specific antiavoidance provisions, and the concept of sham. Topics covered include: analysing tax transactions history and commonwealth provisions purpose of general anti-avoidance provision what is and what isn’t tax avoidance income splitting distinction between tax avoidance and tax mitigation.
This practical guide covers not only bookkeeping essentials but also a range of accounting and taxation issues that bookkeepers need to be aware of when dealing with their clients and their accountants. It has a very practical approach, with numerous worked examples, diagrams, checklists, tables and FAQs. Adapted for New Zealand from the highly successful Australian edition by Stephen Marsden, this book is an invaluable resource for bookkeepers, accounting technicians and accountants. Topics covered include: overview of basic bookkeeping and accounting principles how to prepare a set of financial statements for clients key taxation principles that bookkeepers need to be aware of, including income tax, GST, FBT and payroll comprehensive examples on how to prepare a GST return under both the invoice and payment basis a list of commonly asked questions at the end of each chapter. Published: October 2012 Book code: 1349Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-930-6 Price: $128.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: April 2013 Book code: 1418Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-913-9 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
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Tax and d Accounting Ac
Tax Disputes in New Zealand
Available as eBook!
Taxation of Trusts
A Practical Guide to
Taxing Property Transactions
A Practical Guide
Mark Keating
Roger Thompson Maurits van den Berg
Vicki Ammundsen
Tax Disputes in New Zealand — A Practical Guide
Taxation of Trusts
Mark Keating
Vicki Ammundsen
This practical guide sets out the statute and case law applying to the disputes regime in tax administration and contains a detailed analysis of the history, policy and application of the relevant provisions. It provides useful commentary on issues that remain unsettled, untested or still subject to dispute. Written by Mark Keating, barrister and senior lecturer in tax law at the University of Auckland, this book is an essential resource for tax lawyers and accountants. The Guide: outlines every aspect of the disputes resolution process explains and analyses the statutory provisions and administrative rules examines all relevant case law identifies the available options on how to conduct disputes highlights potential pitfalls in the regime to avoid.
An essential guide for any trust practitioner or trustee, this book provides a comprehensive overview of how the tax laws apply to settlors, trustees and beneficiaries. The second edition of Taxation of Trusts has been updated to incorporate recent charity and trust case law, including the landmark Penny and Hooper case, the impact of lower marginal tax rates and new legislation, including changes to the PIE regime, the lookthrough companies regime and the abolition of gift duty. Topics covered include: trustee and beneficiary income the minor beneficiary rule taxable distributions trading trusts qualifying and look-through companies imputation credits associated persons variation resettlement trust migration charitable trusts.
Published: August 2012 Book code: 1297Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-956-6 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
A Practical Guide to Taxing Property Transactions
2nd edition
Published: September 2011 Book code: 1347 ISBN: 978-0-86475-854-5 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
4th edition Roger Thompson and Maurits van den Berg This comprehensive guide discusses the key tax issues associated with buying, selling and owning property. Substantial legislative change has occurred since publication of the third edition, including the introduction of limited partnerships legislation. In addition, there have been numerous developments in the case law relating to GST and property transactions. The new edition has been completely reviewed and rewritten to reflect the language of the Income Tax Act 2007 and the “associated persons” tests introduced by the Taxation (International Taxation, Life Insurance, and Remedial Matters) Act 2009. Topics covered include: purchasing the property tax-effective financing choosing ownership vehicles for property purchases investment properties purpose or intention of disposal, builders, land dealers, developers and re-zoning development and subdivision activities forestry and farm land restructuring ownership of existing properties selling the property. Published: November 2009 Book code: 1237 ISBN: 978-0-86475-791-3 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
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Tax and Accounting Acc o i
Top 100
Top 100
Top 100
Questions and Answers on Financial Arrangements
Questions and Answers on GST
Questions and Answers on Taxing Land Transactions
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Financial Arrangements
Top 100 Questions and Answers on GST 3rd edition
2nd edition The financial arrangements rules (formerly the “accrual rules”) have been part of New Zealand tax law for more than 25 years, yet their tax treatment is often misunderstood. This second edition of Top 100 Questions and Answers on Financial Arrangements is a practical book crammed with real-life examples in question-and-answer format, reflecting current legislation. The questions, ranging from basic to complex, have been selected from an extensive database drawn from the popular CCH Question and Answer Service. Topics covered include: offshore investments and loans foreign currency issues hire purchase/finance agreements deferred settlements bad debt deductions debt parking forgiveness of debt debt remission excepted financial arrangements cash basis status spreading methods base price adjustments transfers of financial arrangements special regimes — amalgamations and consolidations.
This popular book highlights a variety of the most common and curly issues raised in the area of GST, ensuring there is something for everyone. The book’s easy-to-use format makes it an essential reference for accountants, financial controllers, tax lawyers, students and business people with an interest in GST issues. Topics covered include: insolvency and liquidation issues changes to GST thresholds GST transfers and offsets nominations, novations and assignments reverse charge provisions internet transactions change-of-use adjustments deceased estates land transactions going concerns exported goods and services barter transactions financial services charities and non-profit bodies.
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Taxing Land Transactions 2nd edition This book is essential reading for tax professionals, accountants, lawyers, financial advisers and anyone with an interest in the taxation of land transactions. Topics covered include: definition of land purpose or intention of sale dealing in land developers builders subdivisions associated persons recognition of income deductions lease inducements goods and services tax. Published: June 2007 Book code: 1163 ISBN: 978-0-86475-609-1 Price: $70.00 (plus GST)
Published: June 2009 Book code: 1206 ISBN: 978-0-86475-786-9 Price: $80.00 (plus GST)
Published: September 2011 Book code: 1294 ISBN: 978-0-86475-920-7 Price: $80.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
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The Trustee’s Handbook
New Zealand
Master Trusts Guide
John Brown (General Editor) Henry Brandts-Giesen Joanna Caen Ivy Chen Helen Cull QC Lewis Grant Susan Hall Pieter Holl
Forsyth’s Guide to
Checklists and Precedents for Trustees
Trusts and Estate Practice
Vicki Ammundsen
Cordelia Thomas
Deborah Hollings QC Peter McKenzie QC Tammy McLeod Ian Millard QC Juliet Moses Judith Spells
New Zealand Master Trusts Guide 3rd edition John Brown et al The New Zealand Master Trusts Guide is a valuable tool, not only for trust practitioners, but also for students and anyone involved with trusts, including settlors, trustees and beneficiaries. The third edition of the guide has been substantially expanded and rewritten to take account of developments in trust law and practice that have taken place in New Zealand since the previous edition. For the first time, 14 specialist trust practitioners have provided content in their areas of expertise, including Helen Cull QC, Deborah Hollings QC, Peter McKenzie QC and Ian Millard QC. The Guide includes references to an extensive range of recent New Zealand trust cases illustrating how the law is being applied in practice. It examines a comprehensive range of issues, including: ongoing attempts by relationship property claimants, creditors and the Inland Revenue Department to bust trusts in various ways trustees’ duties, powers and rights recent cases affecting charitable trusts in which a number have lost tax exempt status recent court decisions in which certain arrangements incorporating trusts have been regarded as tax avoidance.
The Trustee’s Handbook Checklists and Precedents for Trustees
6th edition Cordelia Thomas
Vicki Ammundsen The Trustee’s Handbook is a must-have for trustees, trust advisers and anyone involved with administering trusts. This third edition has been fully updated in the light of recent legislative change and includes 140 precedent minutes and resolutions— all reproduced on CD-ROM — reflecting the decisions that trustees most often make. In addition, there are comprehensive and practical checklists to assist trustees with discharging their duties. Topics covered include: factors to consider when deciding how to establish and structure a family trust important set-up procedures for administration key initial decisions for the trustees of a new trust how to exercise the power of investment factors to consider when making distributions gifting checklist how to retire from a trusteeship.
This is a practical handbook providing an outline of the law relating to trusts, wills, executors and administrators. Major changes have occurred in this area since the previous edition, and this edition has been completely revised and updated to include changes introduced by the new Wills and Insolvency Acts. Topics covered include: wills gifts under wills executors and administrators the functions of a personal representative succession of intestacy the application of assets in payment of debts introduction to trusts introduction to asset and tax planning revocation and avoidance of trusts trustees the administration of insolvent estates. Published: February 2009 Book code: 1209 ISBN: 978-0-86475-781-4 Price: $70.00 (plus GST)
Other Trusts titles
Taxation of Trusts
Published: November 2011 Book code: 1350 ISBN: 978-0-86475-915-3 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Forsyth’s Guide to Trusts and Estate Practice
3rd edition Includes FREE CD-ROM containing precedents
Published: May 2011 Book code: 1309 ISBN: 978-0-86475-829-3 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
Please refer to page 9 for more details on this title.
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Business and Company Law NEW! New Zealand alla
New Zealand alla
New Zealand
Companies mpp Companies mp and p Companies and and Securities Legislation Legislation Legislation urr Securities urr Securities
2013 3
2013 3
Available as eBook!
NEW! New Zealand
Contract and Commercial Legislation
Available as eBook!
NEW! Corporate Debt: Statutory Demands
Available as eBook!
New Zealand Companies and Securities Legislation
New Zealand Contract and Commercial Legislation
Corporate Debt: Statutory Demands
2013 edition
2013 edition
2nd edition
This three-volume set contains key statutes and regulations relevant to companies and securities law. The new edition is consolidated to 1 January 2013. It includes supporting regulations and notices, such as Securities and Takeovers Exemption Notices, in addition to: Companies Act 1993 Financial Advisers Act 2008 and associated legislation Financial Reporting Act 1993 Insolvency (Cross-Border) Act 2006 Limited Partnerships Act 2008 Overseas Investment Act 2005 Partnership Act 1908 Personal Property Securities Act 1999 Receiverships Act 1993 Securities Act 1978 Securities Markets Act 1988 Takeovers Act 1993. A comprehensive index, history notes and summaries of amendments add further value and facilitate ease of use.
An ideal resource for lawyers, commercial advisers, business people and students, this new edition has been consolidated to 1 January 2013. It contains all the necessary contract and commercial legislation, along with comprehensive history notes and indexing. The new edition includes: Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 and regulations Arbitration Act 1996 Commerce Act 1986 Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 contract legislation, including Electronic Transactions Act 2002 and extracts from the Property Law Act 2007 Copyright Act 1994 Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 Fair Trading Act 1986 Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003 Personal Property Securities Act 1999 Privacy Act 1993 Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007.
Andrew Beck
Publication date: March 2013 Book code: 1469Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-978-8 Price: $150.00 (plus GST) Publication date and contents of this book may change with the passing of the Financial Markets Bill.
Corporate Debt: Statutory Demands is an essential guide to the traps, pitfalls and enforcement of debts under a s 289 notice. Whether you are a creditor, or a director fending off such action, you need to know how these procedures can be used and what can be done to oppose them. Updated with recent key court decisions, this second edition of the book is a must-have reference for what is a reality of commercial life in New Zealand. Topics covered include: issuing a statutory demand responding to a demand setting aside a demand dealing with applications when things go wrong precedents. Publication date: May 2013 Book code: 1402Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-914-6 Price: $90.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: March 2013 Book code: 1434Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-939-9 Price: $128.00 (plus GST) Publication date and contents of this book may change with the passing of the Financial Markets Bill.
CCH New Zealand
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Business and Company Law
Corporate Governance A Practical Handbook
Available as eBook!
Karen Martyn
Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Company Secretaries in New Zealand
Available as eBook!
Guidebook to
New Zealand Companies and Securities Law
Silvana Schenone
Corporate Governance — A Practical Handbook
Andrew Beck
Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Company Secretaries in New Zealand
Guidebook to New Zealand Companies and Securities Law
4th edition
8th edition
Karen Martyn et al
Silvana Schenone
Andrew Beck
This guide is a user-friendly resource for those needing a practical set of tools to carry out the complex work of the board of directors. No matter what your experience level — whether in a large corporate or a community not-for-profit — this book will inform and stimulate your thinking and help you build the best governance knowledge and practices for your organisation. Each chapter provides explanations, checklists and templates to help the board carry out its duties. Topics covered include: hiring, remunerating and performancemanaging the CEO devising strategy and monitoring organisational performance how to do a governance audit and board evaluation what you need to know about insurance and indemnity how to manage risk managing stakeholder relations sustainability and corporate social responsibility serving on public boards what audits do and don’t provide.
It has never been more important for directors and management to have a clear understanding of directors’ duties. Not only do we have a new, empowered regulator in the form of the Financial Markets Authority, but the courts are generating new case law, in the wake of the global financial crisis and finance company failures. This new edition sets out in a clear and concise manner the duties imposed by law on directors and includes new commentary on the evolution of the interpretation by the courts and the regulators of these matters. Comprehensive indexes, cases and statute tables ensure relevant information is easily located. Topics covered include: directors: definition and role eligibility and appointment termination of office powers duties special responsibilities directors’ meetings disclosure criminal and civil liability directors and shareholder litigation insider trading company secretary.
This is the eighth edition of CCH’s popular company and securities law guide written by leading expert Andrew Beck. Since the previous edition was published, there have been significant law changes, including: the introduction of a new voluntary administration regime changes to the law on voidable preferences and minority buy-out rules new insider trading rules a strengthened enforcement regime under securities and takeovers legislation new securities regulations. This edition explains these changes and more. Students, practitioners and business people will find it an indispensable, easy-to-read and informative aid to understanding a changing and complex area of law.
Includes FREE CD-ROM containing checklists and templates
Publication date: July 2012 Book code: 1348Z ISBN: 978-086475-874-3 Price: $120.00 (plus GST)
Published: July 2010 Book code: 1185 ISBN: 978-0-86475-822-4 Price: $98.00 (plus GST)
Published: October 2011 Book code: 1262 ISBN: 978-0-86475-789-0 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Call 800 500 224
[email protected]
Business and Company Law
Financial Adviser and Broker Regulation in New Zealand
Meetings Practice and Procedure in New Zealand
Available as eBook!
Intellectual Property Law Principles in Practice
Commentary and Materials for Industry Participants
In association with Chartered Secretaries New Zealand®
Paul Sumpter
Roger Pitchforth
Gordon Walker and Alma Pekmezovic
Financial Adviser and Broker Regulation in New Zealand
Meetings — Practice and Procedure in New Zealand
Commentary and Materials for Industry Participants
4th edition Paul Sumpter Roger Pitchforth
Gordon Walker and Alma Pekmezovic A complex regulatory regime imposed by the Financial Advisers Act 2008 and the Financial Service Providers Act 2008 is now in place, setting high standards of competency, accountability and disclosure for financial advisers and brokers. This regime has had a considerable impact on the financial services industry, bringing with it a set of extensive compliance burdens. Financial Adviser and Broker Regulation in New Zealand is an essential resource for industry participants, providing a map of the new regime and key source materials in one place. It contains a plain-English discussion of key aspects of the new regulatory framework with clear guidelines on the compliance obligations that have been introduced, the two principal statutes and associated regulations, and the Code of Professional Conduct for Authorised Financial Advisers. Lawyers and accountants will also find this guidebook a useful point of departure and reference. Published: October 2010 Book code: 1302 ISBN: 978-0-86475-861-3 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
Intellectual Property Law: Principles in Practice
This popular and practical guide to every aspect of the law and practice of meetings in New Zealand is now in its fourth edition. It provides a concise guide to all types of meetings and is an essential resource for all those involved in planning, chairing and running meetings. Topics covered include: general law governing meetings management and preparation of meetings meeting procedure company meetings directors’ meetings liquidations and insolvencies meetings of local authorities other meetings controlled by statute incorporated society meetings discussions, information transfer, conferences and debates meetings to resolve conflict marae meetings.
The field of intellectual property law is rapidly growing and changing in New Zealand, creeping increasingly into the mainstream and the general public’s sphere of awareness. This invaluable book brings the reader completely up-to-date with the latest developments in intellectual property law. Intellectual Property Law concentrates on the most frequently encountered issues that crop up in practice and provides references to more specialist sources of information where appropriate. Each chapter has a synopsis of the history of the law in that particular area, and is then followed by a practical explanation and discussion of the topic area. Topics covered include: copyright trade marks passing off patents confidential information designs. Published: September 2006 Book code: 1125 ISBN: 0-86475-617-8 Price: $79.95 (plus GST)
Published: June 2010 Book code: 1263 ISBN: 978-0-86475-794-4 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
Other Business and Company Law titles
NZ Competition Law and Policy Please refer to page 21 for more details on this title.
CCH New Zealand
Call 800 500 224
[email protected]
Human Resources and Employment Law NEW! New Zealand
Employment Law Guide
Available as eBook!
Rewards, Remuneration and Performance
Available as eBook!
The Big Issues in Employment HR Management and Employment Relations in New Zealand
A Strategic Approach
New Zealand Employment Law Guide
2013 edition
Rewards, Remuneration and Performance: A Strategic Approach
Richard Rudman
Keith Macky and Marie Wilson
The New Zealand Employment Law Guide contains practical and easy-to-read coverage of employment law, together with precise references to statutory instruments and case law. It provides a comprehensive overview of an expanding and changing field of law, as well as directions for further investigation of specific issues. The Guide discusses employment law from both individual and collective perspectives. It covers the law on employment relations, employment agreements, working hours, remuneration, disputes, grievances, termination of employment, health and safety, discrimination and privacy. Significant decisions of the Employment Relations Authority and the courts are used to show how employment law is interpreted and applied in real life. A model individual employment agreement is included for readers to adapt to their needs, plus an outline collective agreement and the text of official codes of practice. This edition is based on the law in effect at 1 January 2013, together with key case decisions and developments in practice to that date.
We all respond to incentives to perform. This handy reference looks at the link between the way a business remunerates its employees and that business’s ability to gain competitive advantage. It explains practical performancebased strategies, including profit sharing, gain sharing, merit pay, share ownership, goal-based plans and how to design a system. Containing examples and case studies to help illustrate points, this user-friendly resource is a must-have for business owners, managers, HR professionals and students. Topics covered include: what are strategic rewards? linking rewards to performance types of strategic reward and remuneration rewards in context making it work — key challenges. Publication date: April 2013 Book code: 1388Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-918-4 Price: $80.00 (plus GST)
Publication date: January 2013 Book code: 1436Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-944-3 Price: $78.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Available as eBook!
The Big Issues in Employment: HR Management and Employment Relations in New Zealand Jane Parker et al The first book of its kind in New Zealand, this new title focuses on the important issues within both human resources management and employment relations. The book actively seeks to raise academic, policy-maker and practitioner awareness of the key debates that need to be addressed to help New Zealand organisations to adopt more cuttingedge approaches to HR management (HRM) and employment relations. Topics covered include: managing diversity in New Zealand workplaces SMEs — what do their HRM and employment relations look like? the dynamics of HRM and employment relations processes good workplaces: alternative dispute resolution and restorative justice HRM and employment relations in multinational corporations the relevance of corporate social responsibility for HRM and employment relations bullying: its meaning for HRM and employment relations HRM, employment relations and careers in New Zealand workplaces. Publication date: March 2013 Book code: 1391Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-909-2 Price: $80.00 (plus GST)
Call 800 500 224
[email protected]
Human Resources and Employment Law NEW! Termination of Employment A Best Practice Guide
Available as eBook!
Top 100
Questions and Answers on Employment Law
A Practical Guide to New Zealand Payroll Administration
Linda Pattullo
Termination of Employment: A Best Practice Guide
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Employment Law
2nd edition Linda Pattullo Kiely Thompson Caisley Termination can be a costly exercise and it is essential that policies and procedures are in place to ensure that the law is complied with, the outcome is fair to all parties, and there are no repercussions at a later date. This second edition of Termination of Employment is a best practice guide to terminating the employment of an employee for a range of reasons, including poor performance, misconduct, redundancy and restructuring. It examines the new test for justifiability (introduced in 2011) and explains when and how an employer can justifiably dismiss an employee. Topics covered include: a general discussion of how employment can be terminated and of dismissal situations and personal grievances an explanation of how to carry out a “best practice” dismissal how to carry out performance management and – dismissal for poor performance how to carry out a dismissal for misconduct how to carry out a dismissal for redundancy a discussion of termination during parental leave, and because of illness or incapacity an outline of the procedure involved in raising and responding to a personal grievance. Publication date: May 2013 Book code: 1428Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-999-3 Price: $90.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Payroll: A Practical Guide to New Zealand Payroll Administration 2011 Edition
This handy book is crammed with reallife examples of the problems that can arise on entering, during and terminating an employment relationship. Set out in a question-and-answer format, it uses practical examples of situations that commonly arise and illustrates employer and employee rights and obligations in those circumstances. Each chapter focuses on a specific area of employment law and begins with a brief outline of the current legislation, providing a background for the questions and answers that follow. Topics covered include: the status and identity of the parties the impact of the principles of contract law on an employment relationship the various types of employment agreement the law on wages the law on holidays and leave the need for policies (drugs and social networking in particular) the law on discrimination and privacy the various types of problems that arise in the course of employment and how to deal with those problems the various ways in which an employment relationship can terminate and the processes to be followed.
Administering the payroll is one of the most critical and demanding functions of a business. This comprehensive, easy-touse guide clearly explains the essential components of all pay office functions and procedures. It is an invaluable resource for payroll officers, business owners and advisers. Topics covered include: setting up payroll systems — including records required by law, choosing a computerised system and internal audit procedures ongoing payroll administration — including basic employment law requirements, salary and leave calculations and payroll forms tax issues — including employers’ PAYE responsibilities and KiwiSaver obligations, FBT, entertainment expenses and hiring people from overseas information relevant to both manual and computerised payroll systems sample calculations, checklists, examples and forms essential for payroll procedures quick-reference payroll calendar with key filing dates and holidays simple explanation of legal and tax implications relevant for payroll purposes.
Published: May 2012 Book code: 1385Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-976-4 Price: $80.00 (plus GST)
Published: September 2011 Book code: 1298 ISBN: 978-0-86475-807-1 Price: $110.00 (plus GST)
Call 800 500 224
David Jenkins, Linda Pattullo and Daniel Hunt
[email protected]
Human Resources and Employment Law
Essential New Zealand
Guide to
Employment Legislation
Holidays and Leave
Essential New Zealand Employment Legislation 3rd edition
Guide to Holidays and Leave 3rd Edition Kiely Thompson Caisley
This valuable book brings together key employment legislation specifically selected for HR practitioners, employment relations specialists, union officials and students. The third edition incorporates the major changes to employment law introduced by the National-led Government. Includes: Employment Relations Act 2000 Holidays Act 2003 Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 and regulations Privacy Act 1993 Human Rights Act 1993 Human Rights Amendment Act 1994 Wages Protection Act 1983 Minimum Wage Act 1983 Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and regulations Health and Safety in Employment Amendment Act 2002. Also included are history notes and comprehensive indexes. Published: June 2011 Book code: 1305 ISBN: 978-0-86475-837-8 Price: $90.00 (plus GST)
This guide deals with all the implications of the Holidays Act 2003 and more. It addresses the right to, and payment of, annual holidays, public holidays, sick leave and bereavement leave. The Act is set out, section by section, with commentary, model clauses and crossreferencing as required. The third edition has been revised to reproduce and comment on changes following the passing of the Holidays Amendment Act 2010. Amendments to the Act assist in: allowing employees to request that up to one week of their annual leave be paid out amending the calculation of payment for public holidays, alternative holidays, sick leave and bereavement leave allowing employers and employees to agree to transfer observance of public holidays to another working day permitting employers to request medical certificates without first having reasonable grounds to suspect that sick leave is not genuine clarifying employees’ leave entitlements during an annual closedown. The Guide also includes: a detailed section on the requirements of the parental leave legislation a clear description of other types of leave entitlement including study leave, unpaid leave, jury service leave and employment relations leave.
Manager to Leader: Skills and Insights for a Successful Transition Abi O’Neill All too often people who are successful in their jobs are promoted to management without an appropriate level of support. They are often unaware of the implications of managing a team and their need to develop new skills to lead and inspire people to do their best work. Instead, many merely focus on “getting the job done”. Manager to Leader seeks to address the widespread needs of managers in their quest for success as leaders. Topics covered include: taking on the role of manager/leader styles of management and leadership communication and listening relationship building power and influence culture and values motivation and engagement performance management coaching, delegating and development. Published: March 2011 Book code: 39195A ISBN: 978-1-92170-153-5 Price: $39.00 (plus GST)
Published: June 2011 Book code: 1245 ISBN: 978-0-86475-704-3 Price: $84.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Call 800 500 224
[email protected]
Human Resources and Employment Law
Getting the Right People
Collective Bargaining
Workplace Bullying and Harassment
Effective Recruitment and Selection Today
A Toolbox for Managers and Supervisors
Hadyn Olsen
Richard Rudman
Getting the Right People:
Workplace Bullying and Harassment:
Effective Recruitment and Selection Today
A Toolbox for Managers and Supervisors
Richard Rudman Organisations need to set up a systematic process for recruitment and selection, based on assessing the role to be filled and the skills and abilities needed to fill it. Getting the Right People is a practical guide that will help employers implement consistently high-quality HR practices in recruitment and selection. It contains extensive information on interviewing, testing and other key techniques to ensure employers make better selection decisions and find the right person for the role. Topics covered include: the contemporary context for recruitment and selection preparing for recruitment and selection attracting people to the organisation the selection process job interviews selection tests engaging the new employee assessing recruitment and selection. Published: July 2010 Book code: 1301 ISBN: 978-0-86475-802-6 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
2nd edition Hadyn Olsen Workplace bullying, harassment and occupational violence are not simple issues to deal with. If ignored or dealt with poorly, they can create a toxic workplace where high staff turnover, complaints and ongoing conflict can prove costly. To avoid the costs associated with unhappy staff and to promote a productive work environment, it is important for managers to understand the problem of workplace bullying and have the correct procedures in place to deal with it. This popular book provides information, advice, step-by-step processes and practical tips for managers and supervisors dealing with workplace bullying and harassment problems. Topics covered include: defining workplace bullying and harassment legal responsibilities dynamics of workplace bullying effects on employees and organisations responding to the problem establishing company policy control measures and interventions creating a bully-intolerant culture. Published: April 2010 Book code: 1261 ISBN: 978-0-86475-784-5 Price: $72.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Call 800 500 224
Collective Bargaining Kiely Thompson Caisley The prospect of entering into collective bargaining can be daunting. Collective Bargaining removes the uncertainty and gives employers, union delegates, HR practitioners and lawyers a clear guide to the procedure that should be followed throughout the bargaining process. The book discusses the form and content of collective agreements and the rules governing their application and expiry. The relevant sections of the Employment Relations Act 2000 are reproduced, and reference is made to relevant case law. Negotiating strategies are discussed, and some practical examples of real-life situations are given, to show how unions and employers have resolved difficult issues. Topics covered include: the concept of “good faith” as it applies to bargaining the formation of a union rules governing union access to the workplace and union meetings the various types of collective agreement how to initiate bargaining dealing with bargaining process arrangements and when secret ballots are required what sort of communications can be made during bargaining, and the prohibitions on undermining bargaining. Published: October 2007 Book code: 1165 ISBN: 978-0-86475-634-3 Price: $71.06 (plus GST)
[email protected]
Property Law Coming late 2013 Conveyancing Law Handbook
Questions and Answers on Conveyancing
Drake, Lay, Varnham and Thomas
Top 100
Construction Law Handbook
Warwick Brown
Conveyancing Law Handbook 4th edition Nicholas Drake, Janine Lay, Sally Varnham and Cordelia Thomas The Conveyancing Law Handbook is a first point of reference for legal executives and solicitors in practice to assist in the day-today procedures of conveyancing. Easy to read and using examples, charts and tables, this book is also an invaluable resource for law students and all those applying or studying land law. It clearly and concisely combines theory with explanations on the practice of conveyancing. The latest edition has been completely revised to incorporate all changes to land law that have taken place since the 2007 edition. Topics covered include: basic property law principles the land transfer system types of title common documents co-ownership mortgages and guarantees residential tenancies insurance GST the role of real estate agents the Landonline title system the Property (Relationships) Act 1976. Published: February 2011 Book code: 1308 ISBN: 978-0-86475-852-1 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Conveyancing
Warwick Brown It is a widely held fallacy that conveyancing is easy and routine and that anyone can do it. While the basics of buying and selling land can be quickly understood by any intelligent person, there are a host of pitfalls awaiting the careless or unwary practitioner. The fields of leasing, securities and easements are still more specialised. This book is not intended to cover common practical questions, such as how to search a title, fill in a transfer instrument or prepare a lease. It attempts to anticipate questions that might come up and give pause to less experienced professionals. Questions have been selected from the extensive database of real-life questions put to the CCH Question and Answer Service and answered by its conveyancing law analysts. This service is intended to provide basic guidance based on given-fact scenarios. The questions are therefore not academic, but involve current, real-life issues. This book will give valuable insights to law clerks, legal executives, property managers and others starting their careers in areas related to real property law and the creation of legal rights in real property. It will also be useful in settling disputes between conveyancers, and to people interested in real estate generally.
Construction Law Handbook
Published: December 2009 Book code: 1260 ISBN: 978-0-86475-779-1 Price: $80.00 (plus GST)
Call 800 500 224
[email protected]
Student Editions NEW!
New Zealand
New Zealand
Master Tax Guide for Students
Tax Legislation Tax Legislation Tax Legislation for Studentsfor Studentsfor Students
Companies and Securities Legislation for Students
New Zealand
New Zealand
NEW! New Zealand
New Zealand Master Tax Guide for Students
New Zealand Tax Legislation for Students
2013 edition
2013 edition
CCH New Zealand tax analysts
This three-volume set, compiled especially for students, consolidates key New Zealand income tax and GST legislation to 1 January 2013. It includes comprehensive summaries of amendments and full indexes. The set contains: Income Tax Act 2007 Tax Administration Act 1994 Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 selected regulations and determinations New Zealand/Australia double tax treaty
The New Zealand Master Tax Guide for Students is the essential reference for successful tax study. It contains comprehensive coverage of New Zealand tax regimes, including income tax, FBT, ACC and GST, completely updated to 1 January 2013. Recent legislative changes covered include: amendments to the thin capitalization rules introduction of new rules around nonportfolio FIF interests and consequential amendments to the FIF income calculation methods new motor vehicle mileage rates changes to livestock elections changes to the student loan scheme changes to child support and WFF tax credits proposed changes to the taxation of lease inducement payments proposed changes to the tax treatment of salary trade-offs. The commentary, written by tax experts, is concise and easy to read. The book is packed full of practical features, including worked examples based on real-life situations, due dates, and summaries of legislation, cases and IRD rulings and statements affecting the 2012/2013 and future income years. Publication date: February 2013 Book code: 1465Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-972-6 Price: $98.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
Publication date: February 2013 Book code: 1447Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-963-4 Price: $128.00 (plus GST)
Other Student titles
Forsyth’s Guide to Trusts and Estate Practice
New Zealand Companies and Securities Legislation for Students 2013 edition This book is especially compiled for students. It contains key statutes and regulations relevant to companies and securities law, all in one handy volume. As well as being clear and easy to read, this collection of key legislation comes with a comprehensive index, history notes and explanatory headings for each subsection. This new edition is consolidated to 1 January 2013 and includes: Limited Partnerships Act 2008 Companies Act 1993 Financial Reporting Act 1993 Personal Property Securities Act 1999 Securities Act 1978 Financial Advisers Act 2008 Takeovers Act 1993. Publication date: February 2013 Book code: 1472Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-979-5 Price: $84.00 (plus GST) Publication date and contents of this book may change with the passing of the Financial Markets Bill.
Please refer to page 11 for more details on this title.
The Big Issues in Employment Please refer to page 15 for more details on this title.
Call 800 500 224
[email protected]
Student Editions NEW! Introduction to
Commercial Applications of
New Zealand
New Zealand Commercial Legislation
Company Law in New Zealand
Competition Law and Policy
Walker, Pekmezovic, Hanrahan, Ramsay and Stapledon
Matt Sumpter
Introduction to New Zealand Commercial Legislation 2013 edition Consolidated to 1 January 2013, this volume contains key contract and commercial legislation specifically selected to cater for the needs of commercial law students. This book is comprehensively indexed and includes: Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003 Fair Trading Act 1986 Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 Sale of Goods Act 1908 contract legislation. Publication date: January 2013 Book code: 1435Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-943-6 Price: $68.00 (plus GST) Publication date and contents of this book may change with the passing of the Financial Markets Bill.
Commercial Applications of Company Law in New Zealand
Matt Sumpter
4th edition Gordon Walker, Alma Pekmezovic, Pamela Hanrahan, Ian Ramsay and Geof Stapledon This is a student textbook structured around a full teaching semester that uses an innovative teaching method for business students of company law. It focuses on the ordinary events and issues faced by companies and their advisers, and explains the law in a plain English style that is accessible and relevant to business students. The text is supported by three case studies and problem sets related to the case studies that demonstrate the operation of the law in a practical context. Examples of company documents and extracts from the key legislation are also provided. The revised fourth edition contains a new chapter on financial adviser and broker regulation. The book has been fully updated to address the changes flowing from the creation of the market regulator — the Financial Markets Authority. Topics covered include: functions and structure of companies company management consequences of mismanagement company reporting company finance companies and outsiders. Published: February 2012 Book code: 1395Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-981-8 Price: $88.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
New Zealand Competition Law and Policy
Call 800 500 224
New Zealand Competition Law and Policy is the first comprehensive textbook dedicated to New Zealand competition law, policy and economics. It is designed to be accessible for law and commerce students, but the wealth of detail and practical advice it contains will also be invaluable for both new and experienced competition law practitioners. This substantial volume covers all aspects of an often complex area of law, clearly explaining principles and laying out the relevant governing legislation. Topics covered include: competition policy and economics introduction to restrictive trade practices cartels and hard-core restrictive trade practices joint ventures and the Commerce Act arrangements substantially lessening competition vertical agreements and restraints of trade single firm conduct: s 36 and the misuse of market power the regulation of business acquisitions the intellectual property–competition law interface Part 4 Commerce Act regulation jurisdiction, procedure and review the Commerce Commission’s investigatory powers Commerce Act penalties and remedies. Published: September 2010 Book code: 1239 ISBN: 978-0-86475-796-8 Price: $96.00 (plus GST)
[email protected]
Other Titles NEW! The Attorney’s Handbook Information, Checklists, Precedents and Examples for Attorneys
Available as eBook!
Reputation Matters A Practical Legal Guide to Managing Reputation Risk
Available as eBook!
Courtroom Procedure in New Zealand
Available as eBook!
A Practitioner’s Survival Kit
Tracey Walker James O’Donovan
2012 Edition 4
The Attorney’s Handbook
Reputation Matters
Information, Checklists, Precedents and Examples for Attorneys
— A Practical Legal Guide to Managing Reputation Risk
Includes FREE CD-ROM containing precedents
Tracey Walker
The Attorney’s Handbook is a must-have for accountants, lawyers, business people and those wanting to give powers of attorney to others or those being appointed as attorneys. As well as giving practical guidance and information, this guide includes precedents’, checklists and examples for attorneys — all of which are also reproduced on CD-ROM. Topics covered include: ordinary power of attorney corporate power of attorney irrevocable power of attorney trustee’s power of attorney enduring power of attorney — property enduring power of attorney — personal care and welfare using powers of attorney in land transactions checklists and precedents. Publication date: June 2013 Book code: 1426Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-997-9 Price: $96 (plus GST)
Published: August 2012 Book code: 1201Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-991-7 Price: $85.00 (plus GST)
CCH New Zealand
A Practitioner’s Survival Kit 4th edition
This practical book, containing case studies, sets out the legal framework for corporate communications, with particular emphasis on risks and how to avoid them. Written by Tracey Walker, partner at Simpson Grierson, this is a valuable resource for PR/ communications professionals, in-house counsel and all those involved with managing corporate communications. Topics covered include: defamation privacy confidential information copyright restrictions on publishing and reporting court reporting and suppression complaints about the media consumer law – misleading and deceptive communications protecting online reputation social media legal issues.
Philip Dreadon
Courtroom Procedure in New Zealand
Call 800 500 224
James O’Donovan Courtroom Procedure in New Zealand provides excellent guidance to new practitioners on the way in which the courtroom operates and on the role of the advocate, including advice on how to run a defended case in the District Court and tips on effective pleas in mitigation. There is also advice on relationships with other practitioners and the judiciary. The fourth edition of this popular title has been revised to incorporate significant developments in the legal system including the tightening up of legal aid grants and wide-reaching changes brought about by the Criminal Procedure Act 2011. Proposed reforms of the Family Court and how they may affect the court system are also discussed. Published: October 2012 Book code: 1386Z ISBN: 978-0-86475-986-3 Price: $70.00 (plus GST)
[email protected]
Books Catalogue 2013
Order Form SIDE 1 OF 2
1. ONLINE. All books can be ordered through the CCH website. Go to, click on Books, and enter the applicable book product code or title in the search online store box. 2. PHONE or EMAIL. Contact our customer services team on 0800 500 224 or email
[email protected]. 3. MAIL. Select the books you wish to order and fill in your customer, delivery and payment details on this order form and return the form to CCH New Zealand Limited, PO Box 2378, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140.
Book Book title code
excl GST incl GST
TAX AND ACCOUNTING 1439Z New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007
Qty Total # $
Book Book title code
Guidebook to New Zealand Companies and Securities Law
Financial Adviser and Broker Regulation in New Zealand Meetings — Practice and Procedure in New Zealand
120.00 138.00
1448Z New Zealand Tax Administration Act 1994, Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994 and International Tax Agreements
1453Z New Zealand Tax Regulations and Determinations
New Zealand Income Tax Legislation Pack 1463Z New Zealand Master Tax Guide 1473Z New Zealand Depreciation Rates 1458Z New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Legislation 1384Z GST — A Practical Guide 1406Z Fringe Benefits: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Tax Costs 1296Z Taxation of Partnerships and Look-Through Companies 1387Z Tax Guide to Farming, Forestry and Fishing
1388Z Rewards, Remuneration and Performance: A Strategic Approach
1391Z The Big Issues in Employment: HR Management & Employment Relations in New Zealand
1428Z Termination of Employment: A Best Practice Guide
90.00 103.50
1385Z Top 100 Questions and Answers on Employment Law
90.00 103.50 110.00 126.50 90.00 103.50
110.00 126.50
110.00 126.50
Payroll: A Practical Guide to New Zealand Payroll Administration
Essential New Zealand Employment Legislation
90.00 103.50
Guide to Holidays and Leave
110.00 126.50
1349Z New Zealand Master Bookkeepers Guide
128.00 147.20
1297Z Tax Disputes in New Zealand – A Practical Guide
110.00 126.50
Taxation of Trusts
96.00 110.40
A Practical Guide to Taxing Property Transactions
96.00 110.40
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Financial Arrangements
Top 100 Questions and Answers on GST
Getting the Right People: Effective Recruitment and Selection Today
Workplace Bullying and Harassment: A Toolbox for Managers and Supervisors
Collective Bargaining
96.00 110.40
Conveyancing Law Handbook
96.00 110.40
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Conveyancing
STUDENT EDITIONS 1465Z New Zealand Master Tax Guide for Students 1447Z New Zealand Tax Legislation for Students
110.00 126.50
39195A Manager to Leader: Skills and Insights for a Successful Transition
110.00 126.50
1418Z Tax Avoidance Law in New Zealand
1298 110.00 126.50
1390Z A Practical Guide to Tax Penalties in New Zealand
Top 100 Questions and Answers on Taxing Land Transactions
96.00 110.40
1436Z New Zealand Employment Law Guide
110.00 126.50
110.00 126.50
170.00 195.50 40.00
98.00 112.70 128.00 147.20
1472Z New Zealand Companies and Securities Legislation for Students
New Zealand Master Trusts Guide
110.00 126.50
1435Z Introduction to New Zealand Commercial Legislation
The Trustee’s Handbook — Checklists and Precedents for Trustees
96.00 110.40
1395Z Commercial Applications of Company Law in New Zealand
88.00 101.20
Forsyth’s Guide to Trusts and Estate Practice
96.00 110.40
BUSINESS AND COMPANY LAW 1434Z New Zealand Contract and Commercial Legislation 128.00 147.20 1125
Intellectual Property Law: Principles in Practice
1348Z Corporate Governance – A Practical Handbook 1262
Duties and Responsibilities of Directors and Company Secretaries in New Zealand
New Zealand Competition Law and Policy
1469Z New Zealand Companies and Securities Legislation 150.00 172.50 1402Z Corporate Debt: Statutory Demands
Qty Total $
98.00 112.70
150.00 172.50
1299Z New Zealand Financial Arrangements — A Practical Guide 1401Z Taxation of Investment in Managed Funds in New Zealand and Australia
excl GST incl GST
90.00 103.50 79.95
1426Z The Attorney’s Handbook
96.00 110.40
1201Z Reputation Matters
1386Z Courtroom Procedure in New Zealand — A Practitioner’s Survival Kit
120.00 138.00 110.00 126.50
*DELIVERY AND HANDLING COSTS (including GST): Domestic delivery for: 1-5 books = $11.50 6-20 books = $34.50
International delivery: flat rate applies to any destination = $35.00
Note: Discounts are available for bulk orders. Delivery is made by courier for all New Zealand addresses. For orders over 20 books or for further information, please contact our customer services team on 0800 500 224.
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The information contained in this brochure is correct as at November 2012. The changing nature of legislation means that it could be subject to change without notification.
Books Catalogue 2013
Order Form SIDE 2 OF 2
1. ONLINE. All books can be ordered through the CCH website. Go to, click on Books, and enter the applicable book product code or title in the search online store box. 2. PHONE or EMAIL. Contact our customer services team on 0800 500 224 or email
[email protected]. 3. MAIL. Select the books you wish to order and fill in your customer, delivery and payment details on this order form and return the form to CCH New Zealand Limited, PO Box 2378, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140.
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0800 500 224
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