borang permohonan sunway college - tegas

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8 Jul 2013 ... accountants (please refer to Appendix 1 and 2 for ACCA's .... Preparing Effective PowerPoint Presentation .... Agama. Tarikh Lahir. Kewarganegaraan. Tempat Lahir. Jantina. No. ... Kursus. Fakulti. Sesi Mula Pengajian. Tahun Pengaj ian Sekarang. Tempoh Pengajian. Semester Kemasukan. rN ... Page 11 ...
f Akounlon Bertoulioh? Dengon sukocllonyo komi Ingln mengumumkon kerjo scmo di onioIo YAYASAN SARAWAK, TERAJU dqn KOLEJ SUNWAY KUCHING (KSK) podo 14 Moc 2013 yong lolu dl mono peloncoron ACCA Pendidikon don Progrom

lcrflhon unluk peloJor Bumlputero llngkoton 5 Sl|ll Pelojoron Moloysio ( SPM ) leposon sekoloh telqh berlongsung. Progrom Inl odoloh bertuluon memberl bqntuqn kewongon kepodo pelojor leposon SPM yong bermlnof unluk menglkull pembeloloron perokounon don kewongon don selerusnyo sebogoi kerioyo . Flogrom Inl memberl lumpuon kepodo pengukuhon keupoyoon Bumipulero melolui peningkoion kuolili , kuonllfl don kesesuolon bokol Bumlputero sefoJor dengon cgendo kerojoon. Poro pelojor yong berkeloyokon okon melengkopkon progrom Cerllfled Accountlng Technlclon ( CAT ) dl KSK ( I lohun ) dl mono YAYASAN SARAWAK okon

membloyol yuron pendofloron pelofor, yuron fulsyen,


yurqn tohunon don yuron peperiksoon secoro pinjomon opobllo memenuhl syorot-syorof kemosukon don lermo sebogoimonq yong dilenlukon oleh Lembogo YAYASAN SARAWAK.

Selerusnyo, Jlkolou pelojor mernenuhl krltedo pemlllhon

cqlon yong ditetopkon oleh Yoyoson


Pendldlkon Bumlputero (YPPB), sebuoh Inlslotlf dl bowoh TERAJU, pelojor jugo qkon berpeluong untuk menerusi pembelojoron ke perlngkof The Assoclollon of Chortered Certified Accounlonts (ACCA) di KSK di bowoh lojoon Progrom PENERAJU PROFESIONAT AKAUNTAN ( PPA ) Pembongunon Kerjoyo dolom benluk yuron luisyen,

yuron pendofforon , yuron lohunqn don



Jusleru itu, komi ingin menjemput don menggolokkon pefoJor leposon SPM ( sesl 2012 ) Bumlpulero yong memenuhi kepeiluon kemosukon okodemik CAT sepertl berlkul unfuk memohon: r)

ii) lll) lv)

Anok negerl Sorowok lolfu somodo keduo lbu bopo orong Sorowok olou soloh seorongnyo orong Sorowok; SPM sesi 2012 - 3 A ( iermosuk Inggeris dqn mofemotlk ) dqn 2 B don sekurong- kulongnyo Kredit dolqm Bohoso Moloysio;


don keduo lbubopo


bermostoutin ( residence / sloV ) di Sorowok; Pendopofon lsl rumqh yong tldqk melebihl Rifi30fll sebulon.

Majl is rnena ndatangan i memorandum Persefa haman Tetamu Kehormat - YB Dotu Len Talif Salleh (tengah)


Unluk kelerqngon lonjul, silo hubungl: Encik Joseph Lim/ Cik Felicio naoh ACCA Educotion ond Trcining Progromme Sunwoy TES (Eost Moloysio) Sdn. Bhd. {Kolej Sunwoy KuchingJ No. I . Song Plozo, Lot I 2168, Block I 6, Jolon Tun Jugoh, 93350 Kuching. Tel: 082- 451221


Borong Permohonon (Applicotion Formf boleh didopoti dl Pefobol GereJo don horus dllengkopkon bersomo

dokumen sokongon sebelum dlhonlor ke olomct sebelum 8 July 2013.



Ovvrred and govemed by


T. Je

6. The CAT Programme

CAT is a vocational qualification designed by ACGA that allows students to support the work of professional accountants. Consequently the CAT qualification could be a strong foundation to progress onto the AGCA qualification and membership of the global body for professional accountants (please refer to Appendix 1 and 2 for ACCA's Qualifications and Course

Examination Structu re).

Intakes: July (2013)

3As (including English and Mathematics) and 2Bs


** Introductory Certificate in Financial and Management Accounting



Recording Financial Transactions Management Information

lntermediate Gertificate in Financiat and Management Accounting

FA2 Paper MA2


Maintaining Financial Records Managing Costs and Finance

Diploma in Accounting and Business


FAB Accountant in Business Paper FMA Management Accounting




Financial Accounting

Specialist Papers (AnY 2 PaPers)

FAU Paper FTX Paper FFM


Foundations in Audit Foundations in Taxation (MYS) Foundations in Financial Management

"*Additionat certificates awarded by ACCA



I'he ACCA Programme

in the UK in ACCA is a world-renowned professional qualification which was first introduced body in the 1g04. The Association is the largest and fastest growing international accountancy an world. Today, ACCA has 424,000 students and 147,Ooo members in 170 countries with you may be, there is extensive network of offices and centres in nearly 82 countries. Wherever always support at hand. The aim of ACCA is to offer itself as a first choice of qualification to individuals seeking years of rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. With over a hundred experience in accounting and financial qualification, ACCA is widely respected.

Intakes: July 2014 uPon

qualification are CAT - Completion of CAT (CAT graduates attempting to Pursue the ACCA granted exemption from Knowledge Module (3 papers) and thus may progress dir$tly to the Skills Module (6 PaPers).

Knowledge Module Accountant in Business Management Accounting Financial Accounting

Skills Module Corporate and Business Law (MYS) Performance Management Taxation (MYS) Financial RePorting Audit and Assurance Financial Management

Essentials Module Governance, Risk and Ethics Corporate RePorting Business AnalYsis


I o


Kucn Ing

^cerating Company:

irln*ayres(East Mataysia)sdn

Bhd (761s43-K)

DOCUMENT CHECKLIST APPLICATIONS : LCCI, CAT, ACCA & DIPLOMA lN ACCOUNTING (separate set of documents is required for scholarship applications) HAVE YOU INCTUDED EVERYTHING? Please read the following carefully


ensure that you have sent us everything we need to process your application without delay.

Please DO NOT send original documents - we do not guarantee that they

will be returned.

Please use ONE staple to attach certified

true copies of the following documenta6ons: 4 passport-sized photographs with your name and identity card number clearly written on the back 1 certified copy of birth certificate


1 certified copy of NRIC

1 copy of school leaving certificate 1 certified copy ofSPM certificate

certified copy of STPM /




lssued by




CAT certificate (as applicable)



Exemption of MQA compulsory subject - Bahasa Melayu must be credit


ACCA : Passed SPM



Minimum of 5 credits including English and Mathematics



Minimum of 2 credits including English and Mathematics

with 5 credits including English and Mathematics AND 2 principal passes in STPM or UEC or CAT


DIPLOMA lN ACCOUNTING : Minimum of 3 credits - Must pass English, Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu


Passed BM in SPM

1 copy each of official transcripts, issued by

the awarding body, listing the subjects passed to gain your qualification(s)



Document Check Lis?/April/2o7i/sclo



| . I



SunwayrEs (EastMataysia) sdn. Bhd (76re43-K) t 6 fclq lun l!g.h, 93350 ttu