Feb 8, 2017 - The topic ofthis session will be: Childcare for Homeless Families, hosted ... Staff Email: michelle.a.eold
BOSTONIA. co,otTt rio.
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0 SthFloor 0 Boston, MA 02201 0 Phone: (6f7) 635-3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203
NOTICE OF POLTCY BRIEFING SESSION February 8, 2017 The Boston City Council's Committee on Healthy Women, Families and Communities will hold a policy briefing session on Februzry 27,2011 al 6:00 PM at the Horizons for Homeless Children" 1705 Colurnbus Ave, Roxbury, MA 02119. The matter to be discussed is
Order that the Committec on Healthy Women, I'amilies and Communities lvill host a series of policy briefings related to key topics in early education and childcare. The topic ofthis session will be: Childcare for Homeless Families, hosted by Councilor Essaibi-George.
Docket #0199
This matter was sponsored by Councilor Michelle Wu, and referred to the Committee on January 25, 20t7
NOTICE: The Boston City Council may have a quorum in attendance due to standing committees of the City Council consisting of both voting and non-voting members. However, munbers attending this duly posted meeting are participating and deliberating only in conjunction with the business ofthe standing committee.
Public Testimony Members ofthe Public are cordially invited to attend. Public comurent is subject to the discretion ofthe Chair. Committee members, administration officials and other interested parties will be invited for discussion. Ifyou know of others who may be interested in this policy briefing, kiodly notify
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Mail Address: Docket #0199, City Council, City Hall,5ih Floor, Boston MA 02201 Fax Numb€r: (617) 635-4203 Attn: Michelle Goldberg, Docket #0199 Committee Email: ccc.hwfc@boslon,sov Staff Email:
[email protected] Strff Telephone: (617) 6354645 Rebroadcast: Comcast Channel 8, RCN 82 On-Demand webcast: www.boston.gov/citvcouncil/live.asp