BP Newsletter 2017-18- Issue 9.pdf - Google Drive

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the amount of waste food and. packaging that accumulates in our. school every day. Here is a fantastic. article. https:/


The Bulletin BPS Newsletter

27 October 2017


by Mrs Alysha Adams

The learner profile characteristics of being a healthy, globally aware citizen are a focus for children and our wider community throughout this half term. There are a number of school events planned for children, starting with THE big school SNACK !

We are encouraging students to take responsibility and create their own snack on this day, bring in the amount of food they need, making healthy choices about the food they bring, and using reusable containers to eliminate plastic waste.

The big school snack event is happening next Thursday 2nd November. It is a whole school event to raise awareness of the amount of waste food and packaging that accumulates in our school every day. Here is a fantastic article https://www.sciencenewsforstudents .org/article/tiny-plastic-big-problem to share with your children about the big problem of tiny plastic.

The aim is to have empty food bins and no plastic trash at the end of break time. This is a small step in addressing a global issue, but together we can begin to make a positive change.


THE big school SNACK At first glance ‘The Big School Snack’ may not seem to be an important element in the learning of our children at BPS. However, as the news stories highlighting the problems facing our planet seem to grow in number daily, it becomes increasingly clear that our children will be the ones who must deal with these issues in the future. At BPS our commitment to supporting and challenging our children to achieve academic excellence will not waver, however, we all have a responsibility to help our children to develop their thinking, values and questions regarding their future and that of our planet. Looking at the world as it is today, it will be confident, motivated, and responsible young people who will make the difference. The Big Snack can be a big step for us all to take. Mr Peter Sloan



Leading Each Day the Seussical Way



Mr Thomas Mullins

The Year 6 stud students put on a Dr. Seuss spectacular on Wednesday afternoon as they engaged parents and staff alike through a magnificent play performance! Using the theme of 'Leadership', that the children have been studying through their Topic work during this term,, Year 6 explained the TES values within the context of the Dr. Seuss stories. Participation, Respect, Perseverance and Responsibility were dramatised through the stories of The Lorax, The Grinch, Horton Hears a Who and The Sneetches which culminated in a whole whole-year-group dance recital emphasising Creativity Creativity. The children consistently exhibit these leadership values, and demonstrate their growing maturity as they prepare for High School. There were outstanding individual performances performances, but the most impressive element of this show was the collec collective hard-work and enjoyment which was clear for all to see! I and all of the staff who worked to prepare this show for Year 6 are immensely proud of what was achieved by the students on Wednesday afternoon and hope it will live long in the memory of children and parents alike. One member of staff was quoted as saying that they could truly sit back, relax and enjoy the show because of the faith they had in the students' ability to deliver. It I was this independence which provided the platform to deliver such an outstanding o performance. I would like to extend one final thank you to: - the staff staff: for the tireless effort to create such vivid props and costumes, an engaging plot, interesting technological effects and musical ensembles. - parents: for supporting your children to learn their lines, practise their roles and have the confidence to shine! but most importantly... - the children: for expressing all of the school values in this one show and making a show to remember for us all! Well done!




Year 1’s Amazing Adventures at Erziping On Thursday, Year 1 had a fantastic day walking in the mountains at Erziping. The weather was perfect with not one drop of rain! We enjoyed recognising 'living' and 'non-living' living' things as part of our 'Animals' topic, but most of all, we enjoyed being adventurers and going for a long walk in the great outdoors!

by Mrs Clare Doyle

Many thanks to all of the parents who supported us - the trip could not have taken place without you!

Over this term we have been reviewing our Parent Parent-Interview meetings and Open Week Programmes and have agreed some changes that will make for a more positive parent experience. We have decided to move Open Week to the middle of the school year and it will now take place during the week beginning 29th January. I will write to you with more details at the beginning of next term. The change of date will give parents the opportunity to look at our teaching and learning programmes mid-way way through the year. Next week in the newsletter I will share with you the information about improvements to our Parent-Teacher Parent interviews scheduled for 7th December.



(Thu)02 Nov

- The Big School Snack

(Tue) 07 Nov

- Year 2 Trip to Bopilio Old Street (B2.1/ B2.4)

(Wed) 08 Nov - Year 2 Trip to Bopilio Old Street (B2.2/ B2.3) - Year 4 Trip to Supermarkets ermarkets (Wed) 08 Nov - Year 2 Trip to Bopilio Old Street (B2.2/ B2.3) (Fri) 10 Nov

- EPC Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, 11am to 12noon

13-17 Nov

- BPS Book Week

(Sat) 25 Nov

- Christmas Bazaar, azaar, 10am to 4pm, EPC Campus

For more details of the school online calendar, calendar please click the link below: https://taipeieuropeanschool.com/index.php?id=36&L=2%27A%2525 https://taipeieuropeanschool.com/index.php?id=36&L=2%27A%2525252525253D0

The following is the links for the printable calendars: Academic Calendar 2017-2018: http://gg.gg/AcademicCalendar2017-18 http://gg.gg/AcademicCalendar2017 TES Event Calendar 2017-2018: http://gg.gg/TESEventCalendar2017-18 http://gg.gg/TESEventCalendar2017


Year 6 Musicians perform in Nursery