BPK RI-Lelang.indd - Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan

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Nov 10, 2009 ... state audit reform – seCtor development program. (dipa sekretariat ... of integrated audio and video system for bpk ri's assessment Center. 3.
badan pemeriksa keuangan republik indonesia Invitation for Bids No. 01/IFB/BPK STAR-SDP/11/2009 Date : 10 November 2009 ADB Loan 2127 INO (SF) STATE AUDIT REFORM – SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (DIPA Sekretariat Jenderal BPK RI No. : 0001.4/004-01.1/-/2009 Tanggal : 25 September 2009) 1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that appeared in the ADB website on www.adb.org 2. The Republic of Indonesia has received a loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of State Audit Reform – Sector Development Program (STAR-SDP), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the contract for Procurement of Integrated Audio and Video System for BPK RI’s Assessment Center. 3. STAR-SDP BPK now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Procurement of Integrated Audio and Video System for BPK RI’s Assessment Center 4. National competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s One-Stage: One-Envelope procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible source countries. 5. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from STAR-SDP BPK and inspect the Bidding Document at the address given below at the office hours 09.00 to 15.00 (Monday to Friday) starting on 10 November 2009. 6. The Bidding Document, in the English language, may be purchased by interested Bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of IDR 250.000. The method of payment will be by cash or cashier’s check. The document will be sent by airmail for overseas delivery and surface mail or courier for local delivery. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery. 7. Pre Bid Meeting will be conducted by the Procurement Committee in the presence of interested Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address given below on Wednesday, 25 November 2009 at 10.00 Western Indonesian Time. 8. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before at 14.00 Western Indonesian Time on 14 January 2010 All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Se­curity not less than IDR30.000.000. Late bids shall be rejected. Bids will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 14.15 Western Indonesian Time on 14 January 2010 at the address: State Audit Reform – Sector Development Program Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Arsip BPK Building 4th floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Soebroto No. 31, Jakarta 10210 Phone : (62 21) 5702083, 5700656 Fax : (62 21) 5702224 Email : [email protected] Contact Person : Mr. Fitri Isharyanto (Procurement Committee) 9. STAR-SDP BPK will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of Bids.