Brazilian Authors in Frankfurt Brazilian Authors in Frankfurt

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Adélia Prado. 2. ... Bagagem (2003), O coração disparado (2006 – re-edition) ( published in English as The Headlong. Heart, 1988) ... Bagagem (1976), in 1976.
Brazilian Authors in Frankfurt

Authors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Adélia Prado Adriana Lisboa Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna Age de Carvalho Alice Ruiz Ana Maria Machado Ana Miranda André Sant’Anna Andrea del Fuego Angela Lago Antonio Carlos Viana Beatriz Bracher Bernardo Ajzemberg Bernardo Carvalho Carlos Heitor Cony Carola Saavedra Chacal Cíntia Moscovich Cristovão Tezza Daniel Galera Daniel Munduruku Eva Furnari Fábio Moon e Gabriel Bá Fernando Gonsales Fernando Morais Fernando Vilela Férrez Flora Süssekind Francisco Alvim Ignácio de Loyola Brandão João Almino João Gilberto Noll

33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

João Ubaldo Ribeiro Joca Reiners Terron José Miguel Wisnik José Murilo de Carvalho Lelis Lilia Moritz Schwarcz Lourenço Mutarelli Luiz Costa Lima Luiz Ruffato Manuela Carneiro da Cunha Marçal Aquino Marcelino Freire Maria Esther Maciel Maria Rita Kehl Marina Colasanti Mary del Priore Mauricio de Souza Michel Laub Miguel Nicolelis Nélida Piñon Nicolas Behr Nuno Ramos Patricia Melo Paulo Coelho Paulo Henriques Britto Paulo Lins Pedro Bandeira Roger Mello Ronaldo Correia de Brito Ruth Rocha Ruy Castro Sérgio Sant’Anna Silviano Santiago Teixeira Coelho Veronica Stigger Walnice Nogueira Galvão Ziraldo

Adélia Prado The writer and poet was born in 1936 in the city of Divinópolis, state of Minas Gerais. With a degree in Philosophy, she taught for twenty-four years. She began publishing her first poems in her city's newspapers, and in 1969 she debuted the book A lapinha de Jesus (1969), in partnership with Lázaro Barreto. After that, Carlos Drummond de Andrade became aware of her poetry and encouraged her to publish her first individual title – Bagagem (1976), in 1976. Two years later, in 1978, she released O coração disparado (1978), winner of the Jabuti Award for Poetry. Adélia also dedicated herself to prose, and in 1979 published the collection of short stories Solte os cachorros (1979). In the following year, she released her first novel Cacos para um vitral (1980). In 2006, she released Quando eu era pequena (2006), her first work aimed at children and young adults.

© Acervo da autora

Major works Bagagem (2003), O coração disparado (2006 – re-edition) (published in English as The Headlong Heart, 1988), Quando eu era pequena (2006), Solte os cachorros (2006), Cacos para um vitral (2006), all published by Record. Works published abroad O coração disparado (Argentina, United States). Excerpt – The Headlong Heart Simple Flesh “On a large and cool bed an appetite of despair from my body. I howl between two grindstones What do I howl? The hand of God that grinds me and leaves in darkness In the mouth of clay, clay. When I was young I asked for cross and thieves to protect my flanks God was not in me. Today I ask the man lying next to me: let me touch you so I can try to fall asleep.”

Adriana Lisboa She was born in 1970 in Rio de Janeiro. Her degree is in music; she was a flautist, teacher and singer, but today is especially dedicated to literature and translation. She participated in numerous collected writings, both inside and outside of Brazil. Her first novel, Os fios da memória, was published in 1999. In 2003, she received the José Saramago Award for Sinfonia em branco (2001). In 2005, the author began to devote her time to children's literature, with the publication of Língua de trapos (2005), which earned her the New Author award from the Books for Children and Young Adults Foundation. She has two more children's books: A sereia e o caçador de borboletas (2009) and Contos populares japoneses (2008). Among other important works are: Rakushisha (2007), Azulcorvo (2010), Um beijo de colombina (2003) and Caligrafias (2004). © Carlos Luz

Major works Os fios da memória (1999), Sinfonia em branco (2001) (published in English as Symphony in White, 2010), Um beijo de colombina (2003), Caligrafias (2004), Rakushisha (2007) (published in English as Hut of Fallen Persimmons, 2011), A sereia e o caçador de borboletas (2009), Azul-corvo (2010), Língua de trapos (2009), all published by Editora Rocco.

Works published abroad Rakushisha (Portugal, Italy, USA), Um beijo de colombina (Portugal, Sweden), Sinfonia em branco (Portugal, Italy, France, Mexico, USA), O coração às vezes para de bater (Switzerland).

Excerpt – Symphony in White "Thomas remembered her. The love. Where could it be? Love was like a pale mark left by a picture that was removed after years living on the same wall. Love produced a vague interval in his spirit, in the transparency of his eyes, in the aged painting of his existence. One day, love yelled inside him and inflamed his gut. Not anymore. Even the memory was uncertain, fragmented, pieces of the skeleton of a prehistoric monster buried and preserved by chance, impossible to reconstruct into a whole. Thirty years later. Two hundred million years later."

Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna Born in Belo Horizonte in 1973, Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna is a poet, essayist, critic, literature professor and also a journalist. In 1962 he released his first book of essays, O desemprego do poeta. Two years later, he obtained a doctoral degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) with the dissertation Drummond, o gauche no tempo on Carlos Drummond de Andrade, which won him four awards. As a professor, he has worked at universities like PUC-RJ and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), as well as institutions in France, Germany and the United States. In 1990, he assumed the presidency of the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, a position he held until 1996. Author of more than 40

© Umberto Nicollini

titles, including poetry, short essays and essays, he has received important awards, like that from the Brazilian Union of Writers and Paulista Art Critics Association Award for career achievement. Major works O desemprego da poesia (Imprensa Universitária de Minas Gerais, 1962), Canto e palavra (Movimento Perspectiva, 1965), Música popular e moderna poesia brasileira (Landmark, 2004 - 4ª ed), Drummond, o gauche no tempo (Lia / MEC, 1972), Que país é este? (Rocco, 1980), A mulher madura (Rocco, 1986), Sísifo desce a montanha (Rocco, 2011). Works published abroad He has more than 25 titles and anthologies published abroad, including O homem e sua sombra (English – published as A Man and His Shadow), Poemas (Spanish), Nova poesia américa Latina (German), Barroco, alma do Brasil (English, French and Spanish) (published in English as Baroque, the soul of Brazil), O Brasil no limiar do sec. XXI (German). Excerpt Que país é este? Five hundred years ago we hunted Indians and workers Five hundred years ago we burned trees and heretics, Five hundred years ago we raped books and women, Five hundred years ago we exploited blacks and rentals. Five hundred years ago we said: that the future belongs to God, that God was born in Bahia, that St. George is a real warrior..."

Age de Carvalho Born in 1958 in Belem, Pará, he is a poet and graphic designer. During 1984, he lived in Austria and moved permanently two years later to Europe – living first in Munich and then moving to Vienna, where he currently lives. He graduated in architecture and worked for more than twenty years as a graphic designer and art director for Austrian and German magazines. His first book of poems Arquitetura dos Ossos was published in 1980. He also published several others books, like Arena, Areia (1986), Caveira 41 (2003) and Seleta, antologia poética (2004). In 2006, a bilingual selection of his poems was published in Germany under the title Sangue-Gesang, translated by Curt MeyerClason. His poems are also present in s e v e r a l B r a z i l i a n a n d i n te rn a ti o n a l anthologies.

© Angelika Kropej

Main works Arquitetura dos Ossos (Falângola / Semec, 1980), Arena, Areia (Grfisa / Edições Grápho1986) Ror: 1980 - 1990 (Editora Duas Cidades, 1990), Caveira 41 (Cosac Naify / 7Letras, 2003), Seleta (Editora Paca Tatu, 2004), Trans (Cosac Naify / 7 Letras, 2011)

Excerpt - Rest of landscape "Mine and yours: The tongues' magnet launches promises, Letter on letter, Real, The tempestuous hand of obliteration hides black, amidst the plurality of hair Looking for the cavernous seal, deep"

Alice Ruiz Alice Ruiz Scherone was born in Curitiba, Paraná in 1946. She is a composer, poet, translator and advertising specialist, and published her first poems in newspapers and cultural magazines in 1962. In 1969, she began her studies of haiku, a Japanese poetry style that would become decisive in her future work. She published her first book Navalhanaliga, in 1980, and later, in partnership with the poet Paulo Leminski, published Hai tropikai in 1985. In 1989 she won the Jabuti Award with the book Vice versos (1988). The author is also active in the music scene and does presentations at events, maintaining her production as a lyricist in partnership with various musicians. © Acervo da autora

Major works Navalhanaliga (Edição ZAP, 1980), Pelos pêlos (Brasiliense, 1984), Hai tropikai (Fundo de Ouro Preto, 1985), Vice versos (Brasiliense, 1988 –Jabuti Award), Yuuka (AMEOPoema, 2004)

Excerpt - Vice versos "There are those who pass and everything passes with steps already past there are those who go from stone to glass leaving everything split and there are, thankfully, those who leave the vague impression of having stayed"

Ana Maria Machado She was born in 1941 in Rio de Janeiro. She graduated with a degree in literature and has a PhD in linguistics and semiotics. In late 1969, during the dictatorship, she went into exile in Europe, where she began working as a journalist. In 1972, upon returning to Brazil, she worked at important newspapers and magazines like Correio da Manhã, Jornal do Brasil, IstoÉ and Veja. The author, who has won more awards than any other Brazilian author in the children / young adults genre, debuted in literature with Bento-que-bentoé-o-frade in 1977. The following year she received the Jabuti Award for História meio ao contrário (1978), one of her major works. In 1979, Ana founded Malasartes, the first bookstore specializing in children's books. In 2000, she won the top award in children's literature, the Hans Christian Andersen, and in 2003, joined the Brazilian Academy of Letters, where she has been president since 2013. She has had a 40-year career, more than 100 books published, and a total of over eighteen million copies sold.

© Acervo da Academia Brasileira de Letras

Major works Alice e Ulisses (Nova Fronteira, 1983); História meio ao contrário (Ática, 1978), Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel (Salamandra, 1985) (published in English as Me in the Middle, 2002), Menina bonita do laço de fita (Ática, 2000). Works published abroad The author has been published in over 18 countries, including: De olho nas penas (Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway); Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel (Spain, England, Sweden and Germany); Do outro lado tem segredos (Spain); O elfo e a sereia (Portugal); O pavão do abre-e-fecha (Spain and Portugal); Menina bonita do laço de fita (Spain, England, France, Sweden, Denmark and Japan); Do outro mundo (Spain and England) (published in English as From Another World, 2005). Excerpt – Me in the Middle “I looked at my mother and at the girl's portrait, found it rather odd, my mother as a child, playing on the handlebars of a bike, thinking about a water balloon. And it was sort of strange to see her, a big person in front of me, sitting on the floor, explaining things (...) It's impossible to always know what the best advice is. Even when I think my great-granddaughter is the one who's right, sometimes my heart still really wants to do things my great-grandmother suggests, badoom-badoom-badoom with it..."

Ana Miranda She was born in Fortaleza in 1951. From 1969 to 1999, she lived in Rio de Janeiro, where she studied painting and began her career as a writer. She made her debut as a novelist in 1989 with Boca do inferno, which received the Jabuti Award for Best New Author in 1990. The book was included in the O Globo newspaper list as one of the 100 greatest Portuguese-language novels of the 20th century. Since then she has written several novels, among them Desmundo (1996), Amrik (1997) and Dias & dias (2002, Jabuti Award for Best Novel and the Brazilian Academy of Letters Award). Ana is known for her historical novels, which associate fiction with rigorous documentary research. She also dedicates herself to poetry, writing for TV series, movie scripts, essays and critical texts. She was a visiting writer at universities such as Stanford and

© Bel Pedrosa

Yale in the United States, and represented Brazil at the Latin Union in Rome. Major works Boca do inferno (1989) (published in English as Bay of All Saints and Every Conceivable Sin, 1992), Desmundo (1996), Amrik (1997), Clarice (1999), Noturnos (1999), Dias & dias (2002), O retrato do rei (1991), all published by Companhia das Letras. Works published abroad Boca do inferno (Germany, Denmark, Argentina, Spain, France, Holland, Italy, Norway). Excerpt – Bay of All Saints and Every Conceivable Sin "The city was built on the extreme southern end of the peninsula, thirteen degrees south and forty-two degrees west, on the coast of Brazil. It was in front of a large and clean bay that gave it its name: Bahia. The bay, of a little more than two leagues, started at the tip of Santo Antônio, where the fortress of the same name had been built, and ended at the foot of the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat. And in the midst of this gulf was the city on a mountain of rock carved into the hillside overlooking the sea, but flat on the last tenth of it; this hill was surrounded by three high hills, which the settlements stretched over. To the south, the houses ended near the São Bento monastery; to the north, near the Nossa Senhora do Carmo monastery.”

André Sant'Anna Born in 1964 in Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerais. He currently resides in São Paulo and works as a writer, musician, and writer for advertising and television. He's also worked as a screenwriter, as a collaborator in newspapers and magazines and, since 2007, he's been working in the play “Sons e Furyas”, which blends music, literature and dance. His short story

© J.R. Duran

"O importado vermelho de Noé” was included in the anthology Os cem melhores contos brasileiros do século XX, and “Pro Beleleu” is present in the anthology As cem melhores crônicas brasileiras do século. André also had short stories published in anthologies in Mexico, Spain and Portugal. In 2007, his novel O paraíso é bem bacana was one of the runner-ups to the Portugal Telecom Literary Award. In 2012, the author was cited in the series “The 100 Best Non-translated Authors” of the literary magazine Granta. Major works Amor (Edições Dubolso, 1998), Sexo (7 letras, 1999), O paraíso é bem bacana (Companhia das Letras, 2006), Amor e outras histórias (Cotovia (Portugal), 2001), Sexo e amizade (Companhia das Letras, 2007), Inverdades (7 letras, 2009). Works published abroad Sexo (Portugal), Sexo e amizade (Argentina – release scheduled for 2013). Excerpt – Sexo e amizade “Women drivers are a problem. The good old days were during the dictatorship. They didn't hand out licenses to everyone. You had to prove that you knew how to drive. If the fellow sat in the car and didn't adjust the driver's seat correctly, just based on the fellow's manners, the instructor knew if he was any good behind the wheel. If the fellow didn't sit right, with his back straight, just like I'm sitting, the instructor would tell him to just leave. Without a license. And to drive a cab, like I do, the fellow needed a lot of experience. That's right. See that? Take a look. Did you see that? No, there's no place for amateurs in traffic. Yeah. You got to be quick to not waste any of the passenger's time. See that in the tunnel? I know where all the radars are. Can you see that light blinking over there?”

Andrea del Fuego Andréa Fátima dos Santos was born in São Paulo in 1975. The pseudonym “Del Fuego” was adopted at the beginning of her career in 1998, when she was invited by the magazine of the São Paulo 89 FM radio to write short essays and to answer questions about sex asked by the readers. The author has maintained literary blogs since the year 2000 and has participated in various anthologies, such as + 30 mulheres que estão fazendo a nova literatura brasileira (Record, 2005), organized by the writer Luiz Ruffato. Short-story writer, essayist and novelist, with titles for the adult public and for children and young adults, Andrea published her first book in 2004: the collection of stories Minto enquanto posso (O Nome da Rosa). Her first novel, Os malaquias (Língua Geral, 2010), won the Jose Saramago award in 2011.

© Divulgação Editora Língua Geral

Major works Nego tudo (Fina Flor, 2005), Engano seu (O Nome da Rosa, 2007), Sociedade da caveira de cristal (Scipione, 2008), Nego fogo (Dulcinéia Catadora, 2009), Os malaquias (Língua Geral, 2010), Irmãs de pelúcia (Scipione, 2010).

Works published abroad Os malaquias (Argentina and Portugal).

Excerpt – Os malaquias: “Donana asked for help from her husband; he stuck the axe in the log and went to help. The basin shone at the bottom of the cistern. Adolph sent down the rope with the bucket tied to the end of it, got it in the basin and dragged it back up along the wall. The woman didn't do the heavy work anymore, with her brittle bones, and she began to bless children. And with her blessings she earned cornmeal, coffee and milk. Pinkish white, thin lips. With the exception of the Malaquias, the inhabitants had nut-brown skin like wild mammals."

Ângela Lago She was born in 1945 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. She is a writer and illustrator of children's books. In 1980, her first books were released: O fio do riso and Sangue de barata. Since then she has continued to publish, both in Brazil and abroad. She has received the Jabuti Award several times in the Children/Young Adults category for Indo não sei aonde buscar não sei o quê in 2001, Muito capeta in 2005; in the Children/Young Adults Book Illustration category for Um gato chamado Gatinho in 2001 and João Felizardo – O rei dos negócios in 2008. She also received an award from the National Children's Book Foundation (FNLIJ) and in international competitions in France, Spain, Japan and Slovakia. © Divulgação The author has been nominated three times for the Hans Christian Andersen Illustration Award from the International Board on Books for Young People. In 1994, the book Cena de rua was included in the collection of the New York Abrams Press and selected as one of the 15 best picture books in the world. Major works Muito capeta (Companhia das Letrinhas, 2004), ABC doido (Melhoramentos, 1999), A festa no céu (Melhoramentos, 2005), Sete historinhas para sacudir o esqueleto (Companhia das Letrinhas, 2002), Chiquita bacana e as outras pequetitas (RHJ, 2004), A visita dos 10 monstrinhos (Companhia das Letrinhas, 2009), João Felizardo – O rei dos negócios (Cosac Naify, 2007), Cena de rua (RHJ, 1994). Works published abroad Cena de rua (Mexico, France, United States), Chiquita bacana e as outras pequetitas (Japan, Spain), Charadas macabras (Mexico), Indo não sei aonde buscar não sei o quê (Colombia), Psiquê (Spanish Latin America). Excerpt – João Felizardo – O rei dos negócios

“This is the story of Lucky Joe, the king of business.”

Antonio Carlos Viana He was born in 1944 in Aracaju, Sergipe. He is a short story writer and translator. He has a degree in literature, a master's in literary theory from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul and a doctorate in comparative literature from the Universidade de Nice, France. He worked as a college professor for many years. He has translated more than twenty titles, including essays, fiction and biographies. His debut in literature, Brincar de manja, was published in 1974. In 2009, he received the Paulista Art Critics Association award for Best Short Story Book for Cine privê. Although his literary work is especially focused on short stories, he is also the author of the textbook Roteiro de redação: Lendo e argumentando (1997) and of the children's book O palhaço e a bailarina (2007), in partnership with Sonia Maria Machado.

© Flávio Monteiro

Major works O meio do mundo e outros contos (1999), Aberto está o inferno (2004), Cine privê (2009), all published by Companhia das Letras.

Excerpt – Cine privê Santana Quemo-Quemo “The man of the little butterflies neither mutters nor moos, and looked like he was watching packages of biscuit being ripped. The band kept playing, we couldn't hear the music well, just the tractor. The little houses were all the same, of cardboard and old pieces of wood, it was just creak, creak, creak, creak, and the men still conversed, content, smiling and possessed. To complete the unfortunate situation, it had rained all night and the mud had covered everything, and my mother dancing samba and singing louder and louder, standing in the mud, in danger of slipping, seemed to be under the same bad spell."

Beatriz Bracher Beatriz Bracher was born in São Paulo in 1961. After graduating in Portuguese Language and Literature, she became one of the editors of the literary and philosophical magazine 34 Letras from 1988 to 1991, and also one of the founders of Editora 34 publishing company, where she worked from 1992 to 2000. In 2002 she published Azul e dura through 7Letras. Years later, she published Não falei (2004), Antonio (2007) and the collection of short stories Meu amor (2009), all through Editora 34. She has many works published in various anthologies and cultural magazines. In 1994, she wrote with Sérgio Bianchi the plot outline for the movie Cronicamente inviável (2000) and the screenplay for the feature film Os inquilinos (2009), winner of the Best Screenplay Award in the Rio Film

© Francisco Perosa

Festival. In 2008, the novel Antonio was granted the Jabuti Award (third place), the Portugal Telecom Literary Award (second place), and was a runner-up for the São Paulo Literature Award. Meu amor won the Clarice Lispector Award, bestowed by the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, for Best Book of Short Stories of 2009. Major works Azul e dura (2002, 7Letras), Não falei (2004, Editora 34), Antonio (2007, Editora 34) e Meu amor (2009, Editora 34). Works published abroad Antonio (Uruguai – release scheduled for 2013) Excerpt – Antonio “Men, you know, Benjamin, men like to make up stories and fantasize a lot. When Xavier fell in love with Elenir, I didn't know him well. We attended the same places, our families were acquainted, but that was it. The world was smaller, he drew attention, maybe I did too, as Haroldo told you, but I don't think so. Maybe they noticed me because, being a family girl, I went to college. The girls who went on to study were the ones who needed to work, though that wasn't expected of us. These days in the hospital. This green room. I'm confused by this inertia. It had never happened, not even after retirement. I continued tutoring my students, continued writing and attending boards and discussions. I always had lots to do. ”

Bernardo Ajzenberg He was born in 1959 in São Paulo. He is a writer, translator and journalist. He has worked at various newspapers, participated in countless national and international collections and anthologies, and translated into Portuguese more than 30 works from French, English, and Spanish. His first novel, Carreiras cortadas, was published in 1989. In 2005, he launched his first book of short stories, Homens com mulheres (2005), which was a finalist for the Jabuti Award. In 2003, he received the Academia Brasileira de Letras Fiction of the

© Divulgação Editora Rocco

Year award for A gaiola faraday (2002). In 2010, he received the Jabuti Award for Best SpanishPortuguese translation for Purgatório, by Tomás Eloy Martinez. In the same year his novel Olhos secos (2009) was a Portugal Telecom Award finalist.

Major works Variações Goldman (1998), A gaiola de faraday (2002), Homens com mulheres (2005), Olhos secos (2009), Duas novelas (2011), all published by Rocco.

Excerpt – Olhos secos "Lisbon is quite full of people and is much like Brazil (not that that's news!). Well, I say that in comparison to other countries, where you don't see many beggars, so much disorganization at the post office or to call other cities or abroad, nor the mix of cars and shops there are here. There are the loudest of DKW cars with the smell of gasoline coming from them, alongside brand new Renaults. It's a little like Athens. And here you can distinguish a man belonging to the bourgeois class (that is, a capitalist) and a proletarian (a laborer or a peasant) a lot faster. This, no doubt, as in Brazil, is different from what happens in France."

Bernardo Carvalho He was born in 1960 in Rio de Janeiro. He's a writer, translator and journalist. He graduated in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 1983. In 1986, he began to work at Folha de São Paulo newspaper as the editor of the essay addendum Folhetim and later became a foreign correspondent in Paris and New York. He received his master's degree from the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP) in 1993, when he also published Aberração, a collection of short stories that marks his debut in literature. His first novel was published in 1995. In 2003, the novel Mongólia was published, and in that same year the book received an award from the Association of Art Critics of São Paulo (Associação Paulista de © Divulgação Cosac Naify

Críticos de Arte). In 2004 that same title was awarded the Jabuti for Best Novel. In 2003, the author received the Portugal Telecom Literary Award for the book Nine Nights. His most recent novel is O filho da mãe , published in 2009. Major works Aberração (1993), Onze (1995), Os bêbados e os sonâmbulos (1996), Teatro (1998), As iniciais (1999), Medo de Sade (2000) (published in English as Fear of de Sade, 2012), Nove noites (2002) (published in English as Nine Nights, 2007), Mongólia (2003), O sol se põe em São Paulo (2006), O filho da mãe (2009), all published by Companhia das Letras. Works published abroad Nove noites (Serbia, Germany, France, Netherlands, England), Mongólia (Germany, Portugal, Italy, France), Aberração (France, Portugal) Os bêbados e os sonâmbulos (France), As iniciais (France, Portugal), Medo de Sade (England, Sweden, Portugal), Onze (Italy), Teatro (Portugal) Excerpt – Nine Nights “This is for when you arrive. You must be prepared. Someone will have to warn you. You'll enter a territory where truths and lies don't share the same definitions that brought you here. Ask the Indians. Anything. Whatever comes to your head first. And tomorrow, as you wake up, repeat that same question. And the day after tomorrow, do it again. Always the same question. Each day you'll be given a different answer. Truth is lost amidst all the contradictions and rubbish. When you search for what was buried in the past, you must know that you're at the doorsteps of a territory where memory cannot be exhumed…”

Carlos Heitor Cony He was born in 1926 in Rio de Janeiro. He entered the world of writing in 1947, substituting his father, a journalist at the Jornal do Brasil newspaper, while he was on vacation. He is a writer, editor and columnist for newspapers and magazines as well as a director of television dramaturgy. In literature, he debuted with A verdade de cada dia and Tijolo de segurança, which won in 1957 and 1958 the Manuel Antônio de Almeida Award. In 1996, Quase memória, released the year before, received the Jabuti Award for Fiction Book of the Year and O piano e a orquestra won the Nestlé Literature Award. Two years later, A casa do poeta trágico won the Jabuti Award in the Novel and Fiction Book of the Year categories. In addition to works of fiction, the author is also known for his biographical essays, such as Quem matou Vargas (1972) and JK e a ditadura (2012). In 1998 he was awarded the L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government and, in 2000, he entered the

© Divulgação Academia Brasileira de Letras

Brazilian Academy of Letters. Major works Quem matou Vargas (Planeta do Brasil, 2004), A casa do poeta trágico (Objetiva, 2005), Quase memória (Alfaguara, 2006), Pessach: A travessia (Objetiva, 2007), O ventre (Alfaguara, 2008), O piano e a orquestra (Alfaguara, 2011), JK e a ditadura (Objetiva, 2012). Works published abroad Pessach: A travessia (Mexico), Quase memória (France, Portugal, Spain). Excerpt – Quase memória "The day: November 28, 1995. The time: about twenty, maybe fifteen to one in the afternoon. The place: the reception desk at the New World Hotel, right next door, in Flamengo. I had just had lunch with my secretary and some friends, and we went down the curved staircase that leads from the restaurant to the reception area. At least once or twice a week I go that way, and as far as I remember, nothing special happens to me at that time and in that place. It is, in every sense, a passage. I didn't hear my name. It was the secretary who told me: one of the doormen, white-haired, with thickrimmed glasses, wanted to talk to me. And he knew my name - I had never been a guest at the hotel, just a more or less regular customer at the restaurant which is open to the public.”

Carola Saavedra The author was born in Santiago, Chile, in 1973, and at the age of three came with her family to Brazil. She lived in Spain, France and Germany, where she concluded her master's degree in Communication. Today she lives in Rio de Janeiro. She's a writer and a translator, and the author of the book of short stories Do lado de fora (2005) and of the novels Toda terça (2007), Flores azuis (2008, which won in 2009 the Best Novel Award from the Art Critics of São Paulo Association and was a runner-up for the São Paulo Literary Award and the Jabuti), and Paisagem com dromedário (2010, Rachel de Queiroz Award in the Young Authors category, and runner-up for the São Paulo Literary Award and the Jabuti). She's was one of the twenty best young writers selected by the 2012 special edition of the literary magazine Granta. © Editora Cia das Letras

Major works Do lado de fora (7letras, 2005), Flores azuis (Record, 2008), Paisagem com dromedário (Companhia das Letras, 2010).

Works published abroad Flores azuis (Portugal), Paisagem com dromedário (Germany – release scheduled for 2013)

Excerpt – Paisagem com dromedário “I'm at the southern tip of the island. If I swam in a straight line, I image that eventually I'd reach Antarctica. Austral lands. Anyway, the southern tip isn't much when you consider that the northern side is just a two-hour drive away. Spend a few hours inside a car, and that's all, you're at the end of the island. The sea, however, seems endless. It's daunting. The sea here is one that has never been tamed. No one has ever imposed any limits over it. Even the colors, its smell, the algae, everything about it seems to have suddenly appeared. And I always feel a sense of oddity when I look around and see roads, houses, people, like in any other place. It's been roughly two weeks that I've been here. Maybe it's been just a couple of days, I can't tell. Alex, the days have a strange way of going by in this place.”

Ricardo de Carvalho Duarte (Chacal) He was born in 1951 in Rio de Janeiro. The essayist, lyricist and playwright was one of the precursors of marginal poetry. His debut in poetry was in 1971 in a mimeographed edition of 100 copies of the book: Muito prazer, Ricardo. The following year he collaborated with the magazine Navilouca, edited by the poets Waly Salomão and Torquato Neto, and published O preço da passagem. From 1976 to 1977, they participated in the group Nuvem Cigana, with Bernardo Vilhena, Charles Peixoto and Ronaldo Bastos, and it was the first time modern spoken poetry was presented in Brazil. In the 1980s, he wrote short essays for the newspapers Correio Braziliense, Folha de S.Paulo and Jornal do Brasil. Since 1990 he has directed the project CEP 20.000 (Center for Poetic Experimentation), which holds monthly multimedia events in Rio de Janeiro.

© Dani Dacorso

Major works Drops de abril (Brasiliense, 1983), Letra elétrika (Diadorim, 1994), A vida é curta pra ser pequena (self-published, 2002), Belvedere (Cosac Naify / 7 Letras, 2007, winner of the APCA prize 2007), Uma história à margem (7Letras, 2010). Excerpt - Belvedere "Guilty my bad I treated you badly like a crook it was rude very unfortunate inelegant" I hope that you give me one more chance I'll be aware of your wishes from now on"

Cíntia Moscovich She was born in 1958 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. She is a writer, translator, journalist and teacher. In addition to individual publications, her texts have been included in national and international collections and anthologies, and she has an ongoing collaboration with newspapers and magazines. In 1995, she won first place in the

© Cleber Passus

Guimarães Rosa Short Story Contest. The winning story later became the novel Duas Iguais: manual de amores e equívocos assemelhados (1998) and was awarded the Açorianos Literature award, the same award won two years later for Anotações durante o incêndio (2000). In 2004, Arquitetura do arco-íris (2004) won third place in the Short Story category of the Jabuti Awards, as well as being nominated for the Portugal Telecom Award. The author also entered the world of YA literature with Mais ou menos normal. Major works O reino das cebolas (L&PM, 2002), Duas iguais: Manual de amores e equívocos assemelhados (Record, new edition, 2004), Anotações durante um incêndio (Record, new edition 2006), Arquitetura do arco-íris (Record, 2004), Por que sou gorda, mamãe? (Record, 2006), Mais ou menos normal (Publifolha, 2007).

Works published abroad Duas iguais (Portugal, Spain), Por que sou gorda, mamãe? (Italy), Anotações durante o incêndio (France).

Excerpt – Anotações durante o incêndio «By chance, just by chance, Helena had forgotten that there was more to the world. The pins and needles in the burgundy velvet pin cushion, thread in thin scribbles of color, the measuring tape rolled up in a corner of the table, the face-down thimble, everything in order, and sufficient in this organized world. The scissors clipping on the cloth of little flowers, which was the only thing that moved. The scissors and the hand that held them, the safe and strong hand of bulging veins and thick joints. It was noticed for the first time that afternoon, watching the motion of the blades and the fingers that guided them. The pretty print trembled shyly at the clipping of the scissors; it trembled so, it was noted, not without some surprise and a little confusion."

Cristóvão Tezza He was born in Lages, in the state of Santa Catarina, in 1952. At an early age, his family moved to Curitiba, where he currently resides and dedicates himself to literature. In 1975 he wrote his first book, A cidade inventada, and in 1984 he began to teach at the Paraná State University (UFPR). Considered one of the most influential contemporary Brazilian authors, he published a number of novels, among which are Trapo, Aventuras provisórias (Petrobrás Literary Award in 1987), Breve espaço entre cor e sombra (Machado de Assis Award/Biblioteca Nacional Best Novel 1998), A suavidade do vento, Um erro emocional and O filho eterno (published in English as The Eternal Son, 2010), which received the most important Brazilian literary awards: Bravo! (2008), Portugal Telecom (2008), Passo Fundo & Bourbon Literary Award (2009), and the São Paulo Literary Award (2009). © Guilherme Pupo

Major works Breve espaço entre cor e sombra (Rocco, 1998), O fotógrafo (Record, 2004), Trapo (Record, 2007) e O filho eterno (Record, 2007). Works published abroad Um erro emocional (Netherlands), O filho eterno (Spain – Catalan, France, Netherlands, United States, Italy, Portugal) Excerpt –The Eternal Son “All of a sudden, the door opens and two doctors come in, the pediatrician and the obstetrician, and one of them carries a package. They are amazingly serious, absurdly serious, heavy for such a joyous moment – military-like. There are ten people in the room, and the mother is awake. It's an abrupt entrance, even violent – fast-paced, determined, they walk to opposite sides of the bed, which has a tall headboard: the mother sees her child being deposited in front of her as if it were an offering, but no one smiles. They arrive as if they were high priests. If these were other times, a dagger belonging to one of them would descend in a measured stroke gutting that being and stripping it of any future. Five seconds of silence. Everyone is immobilized – an electrical, sudden, brutal, paralyzing tension traverses all souls as one of the doctors unwraps the child over the bed.”

Daniel Galera He was born in 1979 in São Paulo, but spent most of his life residing in Porto Alegre. As a writer and translator of contemporary Englishlanguage literature, Galera was one of the founders of the Livros do Mal publishing house, where he published his first book, Dentes guardados (2001) and published the first edition of Até o dia em que o cão morreu (2003). He is the author of Mãos de cavalo (2006), which competed for the 49th Jabuti Award and was one of the finalists for the Bravo! Literary Award. The novel Cordilheira (2008) won the Machado de Assis Novel Award given by the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (the National Library Foundation), and placed third for the Jabuti Award for Best Novel. He's also the author of the graphic novel Cachalote (2010), in partnership with illustrator Rafael Coutinho. The rights to his works have been sold to England, the United States, France, Italy, Argentina, Portugal, Romania and the Netherlands.

© Renato Parada

Major works Dentes guardados (Livros do Mal, 2001), Até o dia em que o cão morreu (2nd Edition - Companhia das Letras, 2007), Mãos de cavalo (Companhia das Letras, 2006), Cordilheira (Companhia das Letras, 2008). Works published abroad Cachalote (France – Publishing rights sold to: England, United States, France, Italy, Argentina, Portugal, Romania and the Netherlands) and Cordilheira (Publishing rights sold to: Portugal) Excerpt – Cordilheira “I said I wanted to have a baby. Just to mention “the idea of having a baby” made the walls crumble and we ended up arguing. Next morning I told him we were over. He said I was crazy. I said that it was over anyway. He said he loved me. I also loved him, but that didn't matter. He said he'd reconsider the baby idea. It didn't matter. He asked me where I'd go and what I'd do with my life. I said that I didn't quite know, but for starters I'd like to spend a few days in Buenos Aires. The taxi driver who took me to the hotel in downtown Buenos Aires was a skinny, bald old man who smoked all the time while driving. The ashes from his Marlboro flew towards the backseat.”

Daniel Munduruku Daniel Costa Monteiro was born in 1964 in Belém do Pará, in the Munduruku tribe. He is an Indian writer with 43 books published, with a degree in philosophy, history and psychology and a PhD in education from the University of São Paulo. The author is the director of the Instituto UKA - House of Ancestral Knowledge and Director of the Brazilian Indigenous Institute for Intellectual Property, and he is on the Advisory Board of the Indian Museum of Rio de Janeiro. He has received several awards in Brazil and abroad, including the Jabuti Award in 2004 for the book Coisas de índio, the Brazilian Academy of Letters award, the Eric Vanucci Mendes Award (given by CNPq) and the Tolerância Award (given by UNESCO). Many of his books have received the Highly Recommended seal of the National Children and Youth Book Foundation (FNLIJ).

© Divulgação Brinquebook

Major works Coisas de índio (Editora Kallis, reedição 2005), Coisas de onça (Ed. Mercuryo Jovem, 2011), A onça e o fogo (Ed. Amarilys, 2009), O banquete dos deuses (Ed. Global, 2009), Karú Tarú - O pequeno pajé (Ed. Edelbra, 2012),

Excerpt – Coisas de índio "What we know about the peopling of the Americas is that it all started about 40 thousand years ago. At that time, the Asian and American continents were joined together by ice at the Bering Strait. There, according to scholars, the first men crossed. They probably came in search of food. And they spread across the American continent. We know that the American man is not the son of America; that is, the traditional Brazilian people came from elsewhere and moved in here. They adapted to the environment, hunting, raising animals, planting..."

Eva Furnari Eva Furnari was born in Rome, Italy in 1948 and settled in São Paulo in 1950. She is an author of children's literature, an illustrator, teacher and an architect. Drawing is the primary expression of her art, but the inclusion of texts is also part of her work - as in the comic strip Bruxinha (Little Witch) that has been published weekly for seven years in the children's supplement of the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. Her work, consisting of more than 50 titles, is made up of small books with a playful language built with colored pencils, paints and crayons, and discusses conflicts, problems and issues of human experience. Eva Furnari has received several awards in her career, including the Jabuti Award for Best Illustration from CBL for the books Truks (1991), A bruxa Zelda e os 80 docinhos (1996), Anjinho (1998), Circo da lua (2004), Cacoete (2006) and Felpo Filva (2007) – © Editora Moderna

this last for Text and Illustration. She won nine times the National Foundation for Children's and Young Peoples Books Award and received the Paulista Association of Art Critics Award for career achievement. Major works

Truks (Ática, 1991), A bruxa Zelda e os 80 docinhos (Editora Ática, 1995), Anjinho (Ática, 1997) (published in English as The Little Guardian Angel, 1997), Cacoete (Ática, 2006), Felpo Filva (Moderna, 2007). Works published abroad Her work has been published in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Bolivia and Italy. Excerpt – Felpo Filva "When Felpo finished reading, his right ear (the shorter one) began to tremble. Whenever he got nervous, his ear trembled uncontrollably. Unfortunately, besides having a short ear, he suffered from tremulous auralitis. The letter had left Felpo pretty nervous. A rabbit as famous as him was not used to people who said right out that they did not like his poem. Who was that Charlô person who dared to speak to him that way? And what's more, change the ending of his story? Felpo would not even respond to such insolence."

Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá Comic book artists Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá were born in São Paulo, 1976. With degrees in visual arts, they began their career with the creation of the fanzine 10 paezinhos in 1997. The brothers' first book, O girassol e a lua, was published in 2000. In that same year, 10 paezinhos won the HQ Mix Award for Best Fanzine and they were seen as rising stars. Since then, their work has expanded both nationally and abroad: Bá and Moon have been published in over 11 languages. In Brazil, they've won nine HQ Mix Awards. Their first work published in the United States, Roland, in partnership with screenwriter Shane Amaya, was a winner of the Xeric Foundation Grant in 1999. In 2008, they won the Jabuti Award in the category of Educational or Para-educational work directed at elementary and middle school students for their comic book adaptation of The Alienist by Machado de Assis. In 2011, the graphic novel Daytripper managed to win first place at the New York Times

© J.R. Duran

Paperback Graphic Books chart and won the Eisner Award for Best Limited Series at the San Diego Comic-Con. It has already been published in the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Poland, France, Finland, and Brazil. Major works 10 paezinhos: o girassol e a lua (Via Lettera, 2000), 10 paezinhos: meu coração, não sei por quê (Via Lettera, 2001), 10 paezinhos: crítica (Devir, 2004), 10 paezinhos: fanzine (Devir, 2007), 10 paezinhos: mesa para dois (Devir, 2006), Daytripper (Panini, 2011), O alienista (Agir, 2007), São Luis – coleção cidades ilustradas (Casa 21, 2012). Works published abroad 10 paezinhos: meu coração, não sei por quê (published as Ursula in the United States and Italy), the collection De:TALES (United States, published as Detagli in Italy), the magazine Rock'n'Roll, in partnership with friends Bruno D'Angelo and Kako (United States), Daytripper (France, United States, Italy).

© J.R. Duran

Excerpt – Daytripper

- Life is like a book, son. And all books have an ending. It doesn't matter how much you like the book, you'll reach the last page and it will end. No book is complete without an ending. And when you get there, only when you read the last words, you come to realize how good that book is. It seems more real.

Fernando Gonsales He was born in 1961 in São Paulo. He is a veterinarian, biologist and author of comic books. He also does drawings for advertising and has written scripts for TV. His most famous character, the rat Níquel Náusea, began to be published in the newspaper Folha de São Paulo in 1985 after the artist won a contest. The comic strip is still published today. The artist's comics have appeared in other publications in Brazil and abroad, such as in Portugal and England, and he participated in the exhibit Stripdagem haarlem in the Netherlands and the International Comic Strip Festival in Beja, Portugal. Since 1986 he has published his own comic book: Níquel Náusea. He has received awards for writing and drawing, and won the HQ Mix trophy twentythree times, as well as the Ângelo Agostini award, which he won three times. © Marília Di Lascio

Major works Níquel Náusea: Em boca fechada não entra mosca (2008), Níquel Náusea: Minha mulher é uma galinha (2008), Níquel Náusea: Tédio no chiqueiro (2006), Níquel Náusea: Cadê o ratinho do titio? (2011), all published by Devir. Works published abroad Comic strips published in the magazine Jungle Drums (England) Excerpt – Em boca fechada não entra mosca

“Ribs, green salad and raw fish!”

“Who ordered what?”

Fernando Morais He was born in Mariana, Minas Gerais in 1946. He has been a journalist since 1961. He worked in the newsrooms of the Jornal da Tarde, Veja, Folha de S. Paulo and TV Cultura. He has received the Esso Prize three times and the Abril Journalism Award four times. He was a state representative (1978-1986), Secretary of Culture (1988-1991) and of Secretary of Education (1991-1993) for the State of São Paulo. He wrote the screenplay for the documentary miniseries, Cinco dias que abalaram o Brasil, about the suicide of President Getúlio Vargas, broadcast on the GNT/Globosat channel. He wrote Os últimos soldados da guerra fria, Transamazônica (out of print), A ilha, Olga, Chatô, o rei do Brasil, Cem quilos de ouro, Corações sujos (Jabuti Award,

© Janete Longo

2001), Toca dos leões, Montenegro and O mago (biography of author Paulo Coelho, translated into dozens of languages). Major works Olga (Companhia das Letras, 1993) (published in English as Olga: Revolutionary and Martyr, 2004), Chatô (Companhia das Letras, 1994), Corações sujos (Companhia das Letras, 2000), Montenegro (Planeta, 2003), A ilha (Companhia das Letras, new edition, 2011), O mago (Planeta, 2008) (published in English as Paulo Coelho: A Warrior's Life, 2009). Works published abroad Olga (England, Italy, Portugal, USA, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, France, Germany, among others), O mago (Australia, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, UK, USA, among others), A ilha (Germany, Mexico, Puerto Rico). Excerpt – Corações sujos "With so much complication ahead, it was understandable that the police left unnoticed the convulsion that shook the Japanese community. Without the DOPS (Department of Political and Social Order) realizing it, the colony had been flooded by fraud, intimidation and falsification of documents. Threatening notes written in Japanese were left in the houses of the 'defeatists', the makegumi who insisted that Japan had lost the war. If in the capital the threats were slipped under the house doors, outside the city they were done with more sophistication: the Shindo Renmei painted the enemy's name on a sotob, or ihai (the piece of wood that is placed on the Buddhist altar at funerals, with the name of the dead inscribed) and stuck the sinister threat at the door of the defeatist's house.

Fernando Vilela The artist, designer, professor, writer and illustrator was born in Sao Paulo in 1973. His debut book, the children's title Ivan filho-de-boi (2004), written by Marina Tenório, won him the 2004 National Children's Book Foundation (FNLIJ) Best New Illustrator Award. He has illustrated over 60 books for children and young adults, for both Brazilian and foreign publishers, 13 of which he also wrote. Highlighted among these are Lampião e Lancelote (2006), which received two Jabuti awards, four FNLIJ awards, an honorable mention in the 2007

© Divulgação Cosac Naify

International Bologna Salon New Horizons Award and was included in the White Ravens catalog of the Munich International Library. In 2005, he participated in the Bratislava International Illustration Biennial in Slovakia. As an artist, he has exhibited his work in countries like Belgium, France and the United States. Major works Ivan filho-de-boi (Cosac Naify, 2004), Lampião e Lancelote (Cosac Naify, 2006), A toalha vermelha (Brinque Book, 2007), Comilança (DCL, 2008), Seringal (Scipione, 2010). Works published abroad Transes (Canada), Le chemin (France), We are all born free (England), Los espejos de Anaclara (Mexico), Arroz con leche (Canada). Excerpt – Lampião e Lancelote "Now I present to you Another great knight Born in Brazil A loyal and good companion For some he was a criminal For others a vigilante Raised in dry lands A hardworking cowboy He took care of scant cattle With courage and valor"

Ferréz Reginaldo Ferreira da Silva, better known as Ferréz, was born in 1975 in São Paulo. He is a writer, poet, singer and composer, has written screenplays for movies and TV series and was a short-essay writer for the magazine Caros Amigos. His first book of poetry, Fortaleza da desilusão, was released in 1997. However, his first publishing success came in 2000 with the novel Capão pecado (2000), whose first printing sold out in a month. In 2002 he received the Best Project award of 2001 from the Paulista Association of Art Critics for the magazine Literatura Marginal, which later gave rise to the anthology Literatura marginal: Talentos da escrita periférica (2005). In 2006, he published his first book of short stories, Ninguém é inocente em São Paulo, which was nominated in 2007 for the Jabuti Award and was a finalist in the Short Story category at the Portugal Telecom award. In 2005, he published the YA book Amanhecer esmeralda and in 2006, the comic book Os inimigos não mandam flores.

© Divulgação

Major works Manual prático do ódio (Objetiva, 2003), Capão pecado (Objetiva, 2005), Amanhecer esmeralda (Objetiva, 2005), Ninguém é inocente em São Paulo (Objetiva, 2006), Os inimigos não mandam flores (Ediouro, 2006), Deus foi almoçar (Planeta do Brasil, 2012). Works published abroad Manual prático do ódio (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Argentina, France, Mexico), Capão pecado (Portugal). Excerpt – Capão pecado "Valo Velho is the name that was on the birth certificate. He did not know the meaning of the name of his neighborhood, but admired the field where the bigger kids played soccer every day. He was unhappy about it, but had no choice, and moved to the new place where his father was able to buy a little shack. It was very small. As before, he did not understand the name of the place; Capão Redondo was a very strange name, and what had been explained to him was that the name was taken from an Indian artifact, because the Indians made a big round straw basket that was called a "capão", and seeing this area from afar gave the impression of it being like a basket. They named it Capão Redondo, or 'a large, round basket.' "

Flora Süssekind Maria Flora Süssekind was born in the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1955 and is a literary critic, university professor and researcher. She has been a researcher at the philology sector of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation Research Center since 1981. Among her activities in the area of criticism, the weekly collaboration for the Caderno B of the Jornal do Brasil (JB), in the theater section, from 1979 to 1985, and a monthly column in the Ideas section, also for JB from 1995 to 2000, stand out. In addition to organizing several books of literary theory and fiction, she has written many essays on Brazilian literature.

Major works Tal Brasil, qual romance? (Achiamé, 1984), As

© Acervo da Autora

revistas de ano e a invenção do Rio de Janeiro (Nova Fronteira, 1986), Cinematógrafo de letras (Companhia das Letras, 1987) (published in English as Cinematograph of Words, 1997), Papéis colados. (Ed. UFRJ, 1993), Até segunda ordem não me risque nada (7Letras, 1995).

Works published abroad Ensaios críticos sobre a cultura brasileira (Argentina), Cinematógrafo de letras (United States).

Excerpt – Cinematograph of Words “From the literary point of view, one would at least expect a consequence: doing away with a concern too marked with the registry of orality, considering that the processes of recording have proven capable of preserving this registry, and yes, with the necessary fidelity, of both regional dialects and scholastic oratory, or the everyday language. Maybe that's why Godofredo Rangel, in the beautiful thematization of the provincial universe of the Life of Leisure, at a certain time took on the description of an irretrievably broken gramophone. As if to suggest that, in his novel, it was not a 'mechanical' mimic of hillbilly talk or something like that, but was to understand other possible ways of perceiving time or telling stories, many of which were then so dominant."

Francisco Alvim Francisco Soares Alvim Neto was born in Araxá, Minas Gerais, in 1938. He has since lived in Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro, where he settled. He began his literary career in 1968 with the book Sol dos cegos, and then became part of the group Frenesi, to create what would be called marginal poetry. In 1978, he published Dia sim dia não, with Eudoro Augusto, and in 1981, Festa and Lago, montanha. His books were published in small print runs until 1981, when the publisher Brasiliense released Passatempo e outros poemas. In 1988, the collection Poesias reunidas earned the Jabuti Award. In 2000, after twelve years, he published Elefante (Companhia das Letras), a book that caused quite a stir and put him definitively among the best Brazilian poets. The latest book by Francisco Alvim is called O metro nenhum (Companhia das Letras, 2011).

© Divulgação Cosac Naify

Major works Poesias reunidas (Duas cidades, 1988), Passatempo e outros poemas (Brasiliense, 1981), Elefante (Companhia das Letras, 2000)

Works published abroad Poemas (Peru), Elefante (Portugal),

Excerpt – Poesias reunidas “Nothing

Nothing holds

Nothing in this finished body of yours

the tenuous neck

halo of the dawn

the brown hair

where air alights

The blackest black

retains the look

of the black mountain

the fingers of the look

welcomes the shoulder


the bare shoulder"

Ignácio de Loyola Brandão He was born in 1936 in Araraquara, in the state of São Paulo and he worked as a journalist at several magazines and newspapers of the state. One of the most acclaimed writers of the 70s generation, his first published short story, O menino que vendia palavras (1965), derived from his fascination with dictionaries, and years later became a prize-winning novel. One of his major works, the novel Zero (1975) (published in English as Zero, 2003), won the Best Fiction Award, by the Fundação Cultural do Distrito Federal, in 1976. The novel Não verás país nenhum (1981) (published in English as And Still the Earth, 1985) won the IILA Award of the Italian-Latin-American Institute, and O ganhador (1987) won the Pedro Nava Award, awarded by the Academia Brasileira de Letras and the Association of Art Critics of São Paulo for Best Novel. In 2000, Brandão received the Jabuti Award for Best Short Story Book for O homem que odiava a segunda-feira. In 2008, the children's novel O menino que vendia palavras won the Jabuti Award for Best Fiction.

© André Brandão

Major works Bebel que a cidade comeu (Brasiliense, 1968), Zero (Global, 2001), Não verás país nenhum (Codecri, 1981), O verde violentou o muro (Global, 1984); O Menino que Vendia Palavras (Objetiva, 2007). Works published abroad Zero (Germany, South Korea, Spain, Hungary, United States, Italy), Não verás país nenhum (Germany, United States, Italy); O homem que espalhou o deserto (Mexico), Dentes ao sol (United States, published as Teeth Under the Sun, 2007) and Cadeira proibida (Italy). Excerpt - And Still the Earth “Fetid. The stench is from the dead bodies, the garbage and the feces that pile up beyond the Officially Permitted Circles, past the Extremely Pauper Camps. May no one hear me call one of such places by one of their popularly common names. I can't even imagine what would happen to me. Isolation, I guess. They tried everything in order to eliminate the smell of death and decomposition that constantly afflicts us. Have they really tried? They weren't successful. The trucks, painted in joyous tones of yellow and green, dispose of the dead night and day. We know because such things are always known. That's how it is.”

João Almino He was born in Mossoró, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in 1950. Almino received his doctoral degree in Paris under the orientation of philosopher Claude Lefort and taught at UNAM (Mexico), the University of Brasília (UnB), the Instituto Rio Branco, Berkeley, Stanford and the University of Chicago. This writer, diplomat and scholar is the author of five fictional and ten nonfictional works. Critics acclaimed Almino for his novels Ideias para onde passar o fim do mundo (Candango Literature Award), As cinco estações do amor (Casa de las Américas 2003 Award) and, more recently, Cidade livre (the Passo Fundo Zaffari & Bourbon Literary Award 2011). This last title was also one of the finalists for the Jabuti and Portugal Telecom Awards. It is the author's fifth novel about Brasília, where he depicts the story of the foundation of Brazil's capital city. © Editora Record

Major works Ideias para onde passar o fim do mundo (Record, 1987), As cinco estações do amor (Record, 2001) (published in English as The Five Seasons of Love, 2008), O livro das emoções (Record, 2008) (published in English as The book of emotions, 2011) and Cidade livre (Record, 2010). Works published abroad Cidade livre (France), As cinco estações do amor (Italy) and O livro das emoções (United States) (published in English as The Book of Emotions, 2011). Excerpt – Cidade Livre “ 'Brasília is a story to be told', a quote that I took from one of the many notebooks buried by Moacyr Ribeiro, my father, inside a box on the day following the city's inauguration, was pronounced in an era in which my father collected sayings from visitors who came to see the city under construction. The cover of the notebook displayed a green, yellow and blue landscape, the word 'Forward' in red ink cut across it, a few beautiful palm trees, and five boys eagerly exploring the territory while knowing where they were going. They all wore felt hats, a red neckerchief, knee-high socks, shirts with long sleeves rolled up to above their elbows, thick belts, each one carrying their own water canteen, and the one in the middle held up the Brazilian flag on a pointed staff, ready to plant it on the future…”

João Gilberto Noll He was born in Porto Alegre in 1946 and is the author of thirteen books, including O cego e a dançarina, A fúria do corpo, Bandoleiros and Lorde. He has received numerous awards, including the Jabuti Award on five occasions: in 1981, 1994, 1997, 2004 and 2005. His novel, Harmada, is on the list of the 100 essential Brazilian books of any genre and of all time, according to Bravo! magazine. His books have been adapted for film and theater, and have been published in Argentina, England and Italy. According to the author, literature not only mirrors more immediate social issues, but also takes the reader to a ritualistic horizon, and liturgy is a matter of concern in his work. His book, Acenos e afagos, received the Portugal Telecom Award for best novel in 2009.

© Editora Record

Major works Harmada (Editora Francis, 2003), A céu aberto (new edition, Record), O cego e a dançarina (2008, Record), Acenos e afagos (Record, 2008). Works published abroad A céu aberto (Argentina, Italy), Harmada (Argentina), Lorde (Argentina), Bandoleiros (Argentina), O cego e a bailarina (Italy). Excerpt – A Céu Aberto "Still half dazed by the jolt that yanked me from my nap, I was looking at that February sky... when one more strand of my thinning hair fell. Not that I had seen this strand of hair fall, but almost, almost, because for sure something was leaving me then on a sultry afternoon in February, something smooth, slightly curved at the end, very thin, and I know that because I wanted it to be so, something smooth and curved at the end, very thin, exactly how I wanted it to be. Do you see? Only that, I wanted nothing more than that, and that is exactly how it was, a smooth, golden strand did fall from my hairline, and floated, fluttered until it got lost for good in the grass where I stepped in front of my brother's house, this house I watched so he could go, unconcerned, on summer vacation with his family... "

João Ubaldo Ribeiro João Ubaldo Ribeiro, one of the most important contemporary Brazilian writers, was born in Itaparica, Bahia, in 1941. He began his career in journalism in 1957, five years before completing law school at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). In 1962, he began a master's in Public Administration and Political Science at the University of Southern California and returned to Brazil in 1965 as a UFBA professor. His debut in literature occurred in 1968, with the publication of Setembro não tem sentido. When he moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1981, he published Política and Livro de histórias, two collections of short stories. In the same year, he began to write short weekly chronicles for O Globo newspaper and, beginning in 1991, also for O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper. He was the author of classics like Viva o povo

© Bruno Veiga

brasileiro, was elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 1991 and wrote more than 15 books which have been translated in 16 countries. Major works Setembro não tem sentido (1968), Sargento Getúlio (1971) (published in English as Sergeant Getulio, 1984), Vila Real (1979), Viva o povo brasileiro (1984) (published in English as An Invincible Memory, 1989), A casa dos budas ditosos (1999) (published in English as House of the Fortunate Buddhas, 2011), O sorriso do lagarto (1989) (published in English as The Lizard's Smile, 1994), all published by Objetiva. Works published abroad Sargento Getúlio (Sweden, Germany, Denmark, France, Israel, United States, Slovenia), Viva o povo brasileiro (Germany, France, Spain, England), O sorriso do lagarto (Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, England), Vila Real (Spain), A casa dos budas ditosos (Spain, France, Holland), O diário do farol (Holland). Excerpt – An Invincible Memory “As he spoke among the coils of smoke, Dandão got bigger, much bigger, taller than the house he was in; he turned all colors and expressions, even transparent, became wet as a woman does between her legs, and wise like a tree root; he became an entire landscape. And then he let go of the cover, which went back to swinging until finding its position, and he began to draw out secrets, one after another, each greater than the one before; some claim many spirits were released, and also ways of being, diligent inspirations, papers one couldn't look at with both eyes so as not to go blind, ethereal influences, the truth behind what one hears, inalterable suggestions, realities as clear as the imperative to live and raise children.”

Joca Reiners Terron He was born in Cuiabá in 1968 and lives in São Paulo. A poet, prose writer and graphic designer, he was the editor and founder of the publishing house Ciência do Acidente, through which he published the novel Não há nada lá and the book of poems Animal anônimo. His short stories were published in several national anthologies, like Geração 90: os transgressores (2003), Os cem menores contos brasileiros do século (2004), Dentro de um livro (2005), A literatura latino-americana do século XXI (2005), Contos cruéis: as narrativas mais violentas da literatura brasileira contemporânea (2006), Na virada do século – poesia de invenção do Brasil (2002), published in the the USA (2002), and Tse-tsé, published in Argentina (2000), among others. He is also author of Hotel Hell, Curva de rio sujo and Sonho interrompido por guilhotina, all of which are books of short

© Renato Parada

stories, as well as Do fundo do poço se vê a lua, winner of the Machado de Assis award in the Novel category and nominated for the 2011 São Paulo Literature award for Best Book of the Year. Major works Animal anônimo (Ciência do Acidente, 2002) Curva de rio sujo (Planeta, 2004), Sonho interrompido por guilhotina (Casa da Palavra, 2006), Do fundo do poço se vê a lua (Companhia das Letras, 2010), Não há nada lá (Companhia das Letras, new edition, 2011). Excerpt – Do fundo do poço se vê a lua “I was not sure that the card would reach its recipient, although I could still imagine him living in apartment 14 where we had spent our childhood. The initial signed at the end of the message was erased: the urgency was such that there had not even been time to decide which name to use. That would make no difference at all because, whatever name was chosen, it would already be too late for rescue or redemption. On his arrival in Cairo my brother would not find anyone; it was easy to guess. My hope was that, upon failing to find me, by strange paths he would find himself. In contrast to what they say, however, there are things that die only after the last hope disappears. And it would not mean much if, upon receiving the postcard, my brother spluttered the name by which he knew me."

José Miguel Soares Wisnik He was born in São Vicente, São Paulo in 1948. He is a composer, musician, essayist and teacher. He published O coro dos contrários – a música em torno da semana de 22 (Duas Cidades, 1977 – Jabuti Award), Música: O nacional e o popular na cultura brasileira (Brasiliense, 1982), O som e o sentido (Companhia das Letras, 1989), Veneno remédio: O futebol e o Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 2008) , Machado Maxixe: O caso pestana (Publifolha, 2008), and participated in the collections Os sentidos da paixão, O olhar e ética (Companhia das Letras, 1987, 1988 and 992) and livro de partituras (Gryphus, 2004). He also composed the soundtrack of Terra Estrangeira, by Walter Salles and Daniela Thomas, and the albums Parabelo, in 1997, together with Tom Zé; Onqotô, in 2005, with Caetano Veloso; and Sem Mim, in 2011, with Carlos Nuñez, based on songs by Martín Codax. © Renato Stockler

Major works O coro dos contrários – a música em torno da semana de 22 (Duas Cidades, 1978 – Sold out), Música: O nacional e o popular na cultura brasileira (Brasiliense, 1983), O som e o sentido (Companhia Das Letras, 1999), Sem receita: Ensaios e canções (Publifolha, 2004), Veneno remédio: O futebol e o Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 2008).

Works published abroad Veneno remédio: o futebol e o Brasil (USA, Argentina) Excerpt – Veneno remédio: O futebol e o Brasil "In Brazil, the inability to combine passion and criticism became a recurring feature, largely dominating the public stage that was always invaded by soccer: it is as if we are required to be very attached to the phenomenon or very distant from it, as if we were certainly frivolous or serious, to use here Brás Cubas' famous definition for the 'two maximum columns of opinion'. An overwhelming soccer focus multiplied by the media and made even more euphoric by advertising has as its almost obligatory counterpoint soaring voices that arise in what appears to be the thinking position and whose mark is minimizing soccer itself, depriving it of any cultural relevance."

José Murilo de Carvalho He was born in Minas Gerais in 1939. He has a PhD in political science from Stanford University, and was a researcher and visiting professor at several foreign universities. He is a tenured professor in the History Department at UFRJ and a member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters since 2004, the same year that his book Cidadania no Brasil: O longo caminho won the Casa de las Américas Award. Along with the jurist and professor Celso Lafer, he is the only Brazilian to be a member of both the Academy of Letters and also the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. In 1991 he won the Jabuti Award for the book A formação das almas: O imaginário da república no Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 1990).

© Divulgação Editora Zahar

Major works A construção da ordem: A elite imperial (Campus, 1980), A formação das almas: O imaginário da república no Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 1990) (published in English as The Formation of Souls: Imagery of the Republic in Brazil, 2012), Forças armadas e política no Brasil (Jorge Zahar Editor, 2005), Cidadania no Brasil: O longo caminho (Civilização Brasileira, 2002), Histórias que Cecília contava (Editora UFMG, 2008).

Works published abroad A formação das almas: O imaginário da república no Brasil (USA, Argentina), Cidadania no Brasil: O longo caminho (Cuba), Desenvolvimento da cidadania no Brasil (México), Teatro de sombras: A política no Brasil (France). Excerpt – Cidadania no Brasil: O longo caminho "As in 1935, the coup failed and gave the government opportunity to complete the purge of the armed forces. The government's victory made the nature of the regime clear. It was not fascism or Nazism, which resorted to large mass mobilizations. The New State would not hear of people on the streets. It was closest to the Portuguese Salazar regime, which blended repression with paternalism, without looking to interfere excessively in people's private lives. It was an authoritarian regime, not totalitarian like fascism, Nazism or communism."

Marcelo Lelis The illustrator and cartoonist Marcelo Eduardo Lelis de Oliveira, known publicly as Lelis, was born in 1967 in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. He began his career by publishing cartoons and illustrations in newspapers in his state. Currently, he also illustrates books and comics aimed at children and teens. Taking the roles of both illustrator and author, in 2001 he published his first anthology, Saino a percurá, which depicts stories set in northern Minas Gerais and translates local culture and folklore. His comic book adaptation of Clara dos anjos, by Brazilian author Lima Barreto, earned him the HQMix 2012 Best Adaptation Award and the title of Best National Illustrator. His work is popular among European publishing companies where he debuted in 2002 with Dernières cartouches. Lelis distinguishes himself by using watercolor in his work.

© Acervo do Autor

Major works Cidades do ouro, (Casa 21, 2005), Dernières cartouches (Casterman, 2009), Clara dos anjos (Companhia das Letras, 2011), Saino a percurá (Zarabatana, 2011). Works published abroad Gueules noires and Dernières cartouches (France), Saino a percurá (Spain). He also collaborated in the anthologies The Anthology Project (Canada) and Stripolis (Serbia). Excerpt – Saino a percurá

«The first place to have it will be the house of Julieta the Plump, wife of Tuca the Obnoxious, niece of Colonel Tião the Nasty. Then, the people say, everyone will have one so they can watch the men inside of it reporting the news and doing this thing called a soap opera.»

Lilia Moritz Schwarcz Born in 1957 in São Paulo, Schwarcz is a historian, anthropologist, writer, translator and editor. She is recognized for her work in race and social issues and in the history of the Empire and Old Republic in Brazil. She won the Jabuti Award for Non-Fiction Book of the Year in 1999 with As barbas do Imperador - D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos (1998). In 2009, she won again the same award in the Biography category for O sol do Brasil: Nicolas-Antoine Taunay e seus trópicos difíceis (2008). The following year, the work Um enigma chamado Brasil (2009), coauthored with Andrew Botelho, took third place in the Prêmio Jabuti Humanities category. As an editor, she organized, together with Ricardo Benzaquem, the commemorative edition of the

© Divulgação Companhia das Letras

70th publishing anniversary of Raízes do Brasil, by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda. Major works O espetáculo das raças (Companhia das Letras, 1993) (published in English as The Spectacle of the Races, 1999), As barbas do Imperador - D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos (Companhia das Letras, 1998) (published in English as The Emperor's Beard - D. Pedro II and his Tropical Monarchy in Brazil, 2004), O sol do Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 2008), Um enigma chamado Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 2009), Nem preto nem branco, muito pelo contrário (Companhia das Letras, 2013). Works published abroad As Barbas do Imperador – D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos (United States), Espetáculo das Raças (United States). Excerpt – The Emperor's Beard - D. Pedro II and his Tropical Monarchy in Brazil "Besides the princes of the ruling elite in Africa, the allegorical kings lived in Brazil of the African congada parades, cavalcades and drumming, which, in the short space of the festivities, represented the highest existing authority, to say nothing of the tribal chiefs. This coexistence of so many kings imaginary or not - allowed the emergence of different ways of understanding royalty and even of a certain positive reception of the monarchy. João José Reis writes: 'There was a monarchist mindset, so to speak, circulating among blacks, that seems to have been a recreation of African leadership conceptions, reinforced in a colony and then a country ruled by crowned heads. Moreover, the popularity of Dom Pedro II is known among black Rio natives [...] The view of the king as the source of justice [...] also existed in America, including among the slaves.' "

Lourenço Mutarelli He was born in 1964 in São Paulo. A writer, graphic artist, screenwriter and actor, he published several volumes of comic books which today are prized by fans of this genre. O cheiro do ralo, his first novel, came out in 2002, followed by O natimorto and Jesus Kid. Mutarelli also wrote plays and acted in short films and in the film adaptation of O cheiro do ralo, directed by Heitor Dhalia. Comic books, and also film, influence his novels, in which dialogues and visual appeal predominate. His stories explore the characters' psychology and critique to city life with humor. In 2009, his book, A arte de produzir efeito sem causa, won the Portugal Telecom Best Novel Award. © Bel Pedrosa

Major works O cheiro do ralo (Devir, 2002), Jesus Kid (Devir, 2004), A arte de produzir efeito sem causa (Cia das Letras, 2008), O natimorto (Cia das Letras, 2009).

Excerpt – A arte de produzir efeito sem causa “The subway is empty. It's after eleven. Junior has an expression of disillusionment and a small suitcase. He breathes with difficulty through his mouth. His face looks like a mask. A mask of disappointment. Or of deception? The driver or a recording announce the next station. Junior could never figure out who announced the stations. He got up with difficulty and exited. He walked lethargically, mechanically, as if something pushed him, making an effort. He carries a small suitcase and forty-three years of bad sleep. The escalators are already turned off. Junior chooses the stairs. With every step of his, it seems another step in the stairs appears. Junior gets halfway up the staircase and gives up. He sits down. He breathes through his mouth. A guard suddenly appears and warns that sitting on the stairs is not allowed. Junior extends his hand. The man, dressed in black, helps him."

Luiz Costa Lima He was born in São Luís do Maranhão in 1937. He is an emeritus professor at PUC-RJ and has taught at other universities in and outside of Brazil. Globally recognized as one of the most important theorists and critics of contemporary literature, he has published over 20 titles, with works translated into English and German. In 2004, he received an award for foreign researcher of the year in the humanities from the German institution Alexander von HumboldtStiftung. In 2011, the University of Queensland in Australia held the symposium "Mimesis and culture", dedicated to his work. The work O controle do imaginário & a afirmação do romance (2009) received essay awards from the National Library and the Brazilian Academy of Letters, and also won the Jabuti Award (second place) in the

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category Theory/Literary Criticism, in 2010. He also won this award for História. Ficção. Literatura in 2007, this time earning first place.

Major works Mímesis: desafio ao pensamento (Civilização Brasileira, 2000), Mímesis e modernidade (Graal, 2003), História. Ficção. Literatura (Companhia das Letras, 2006), O controle do imaginário & a afirmação do romance (Companhia das Letras, 2009), A ficção e o poema (Companhia das Letras, 2012), Teoria da cultura de massa (Paz e Terra, 2011).

Works published abroad Mímesis: desafio ao pensamento (Germany)

Excerpt – História. Ficção. Literatura “The investigation now beginning is based on the assumption that literature has borders which are much more fluid than fiction. If, from the point of view of their respective organizing principles, history and fiction are different discursive formations, the problem sharpens when we deal not with two, but with three terms. In short, it's as a literary theorist that I pose to myself the question of the writing of history. This is the first sign of the odd man out being present here."

Luiz Ruffato The short story writer, novelist and poet was born in Cataguases, Minas Gerais in 1961. He graduated with a degree in communication from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in 1981, worked at the Jornal da Tarde newspaper and debuted with the collection of stories Histórias de remorsos e rancores (1988). He published two books of poetry and eight novels, including the acclaimed Eles eram muitos cavalos, which received the Paulista Art Critics Association award and the Machado de Assis award from the Brazilian National Library. With the novel, he reaches the maturity needed to write his greatest project, centered on the history of Brazilian laborers from 1950 to 2002 - the pentalogy Inferno provisório – composed of the novels Mamma, son tanto felice (2005), O mundo inimigo (2005), Vista parcial da noite (2006), O livro das impossibilidades (2008) and Domingo sem Deus (2011).

© Adriana Vichi

Major works Eles eram muitos cavalos (Boitempo, 2001), Mamma, son tanto felice – Inferno provisório: volume I (Record, 2005), O mundo inimigo – Inferno provisório: volume II (Record, 2005), Vista parcial da noite – Inferno provisório: volume III (Record, 2006), O livro das impossibilidades – Inferno provisório: volume IV (Record, 2008), Estive em Lisboa e lembrei de você (Companhia das Letras, 2009), Domingo sem Deus – Inferno provisório: volume V (Record, 2011). Works published abroad Eles eram muitos cavalos (Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Argentina, Colombia), Estive em Lisboa e lembrei de você (Portugal, Italy, Argentina), Mamma, son tanto felice (France, Mexico), O mundo inimigo (Mexico, France). Excerpt – Eles eram muitos cavalos "Mr. Aprígio might've remembered the day and month that the Indian came here for the first time, but he died yesterday, rotted by a horrible throat cancer, and they say it was a cigarette sickness, a booze disease, but I don't believe it, he never drank anything except soda, and as for smoking, he couldn't even stand the smoke, God rest his soul! And so all anyone knows is that late one afternoon, the injun appeared at the bar, leaned his bare belly against the greasy red formica counter, ordered a rum in his pidgin language, someone was amused by that and paid his bill, and the savage was up all night, a jolly drunk, and went to dance in the middle of the road..."

Manuela Carneiro da Cunha Maria Carneiro da Cunha was born in Cascais, Portugal on July 16, 1943 and moved with her family to São Paulo at the age of eleven. She graduated in pure mathematics at the Faculté des Sciences, Paris, in 1967, and then for three years attended Claude Lévi-Strauss’ seminars. Since 1978, she has been involved in the defense of indigenous rights in Brazil. She was the first president of the Pro-Indian Commission of São Paulo from 1979 to 1981. She has been a professor at the Department of Social Anthropology at USP since 1984, and in 1990 she founded the Center for Indigenous History and Indigeneity. She received the Érico Vanucci Mendes Award in 1992, the Médaille de Vermeil of the French Academy (1993), the Ordem do Mérito Científico (2002), and in 2007, along with Mauro W. B. de Almeida, the Chico Mendes do Acre Award. Since 2002, she has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

© Luiza Sigulem

Major works Mortos e outros (Hucitec, 1978), Negros, estrangeiros: Os escravos libertos e sua volta à África (Brasiliense, 1985), Direitos dos índios (Brasiliense, 1987), História dos índios no Brasil (Companhia das Letras, 1992). Works published abroad "Culture" and Culture: Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Rights (USA) Savoirs autochtones: quelle nature, quels dumbbells? (France), Savoirs traditionnel, droits intellectuels et dialectique de la culture (France). Excerpt – Negros, estrangeiros: Os escravos libertos e sua volta à África "The existence of an appreciable population of free men of color was once regarded as an index of the relative quality of a slave society. It was one of the criteria used by Frank Tannenbaum and thanks to him, Brazil maintained for some time his complacent image of a slave society, yes, but a goodnatured one. This evaluative discussion of slavery is flawed at its very base, as Finley (1980) and Gorender (1978) argued. Slavery is a hierarchical production system, and its specific aspects are clarified by reference to the system. In particular, as any hierarchical system, it has in itself loci of violence and oppression that will eventually be placed at different points in different societies, but they cannot cease to exist."

Marçal Aquino The novelist, journalist and screenwriter was born in Amparo, in the state of São Paulo, in 1958. As a child, he had a lot of contact rural areas narratives, which later influenced his work. He graduated in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas in 1983. The following year, he made his literary debut with the book of poems A depilação da noiva no dia do casamento. He moved to São Paulo in 1985 and worked at the Gazeta Esportiva, O Estado de S. Paulo and Jornal da Tarde newspapers. He published, among other books, Faroestes and Cabeça a prêmio. He worked as a screenwriter for Os matadores, Ação entre amigos, O invasor, Nina and Crime delicado. He received various awards for his literary work, including first place in the short story category at the 5th Nestlé Literature Biennial (1990) for As fomes de setembro and the Prêmio Jabuti Award (2000) for the book O amor e outros objetos pontiagudos.

© Lucila Wroblewski

Major works A depilação da noiva no dia do casamento (independently published, 1984), As fomes de setembro (Estação Liberdade, 1991), O amor e outros objetos pontiagudos (Geração Editorial, 1999), Faroestes (Ciência do Acidente, 1999), Eu receberia as piores notícias dos seus lindos lábios (Companhia das Letras, 2005), Cabeça a prêmio (Cosac Naify, 2003). Works published abroad Eu receberia as piores notícias dos seus lindos lábios (Germany and France). Excerpt – Eu receberia as piores notícias dos seus lindos lábios “It's no use explaining. You wouldn't understand. Sometimes, as if in a dream, I see the day I die. It's sort of spiritual, a flash. And although the woman doesn't appear, I know it's because of her that they're killing me. And I've known that the outcome of our story doesn't make me unhappy. It will have been worth it. Today the moon is transiting your favorite astrological house. Cancer. A child born today will have a calm and sensible personality. So he/she will be a good person. He/she will suffer in a place like this. There's a breeze from the river and the night is silent, with a smell of lady-of-the-night flowers so intense as to be cloying. It's still hot. In the afternoon, I saw birds flying in formation heading north. It won't be long before the cold comes. But not here, of course. "

Marcelino Freire He was born in 1967 in the backlands of Pernambuco and currently lives in Sao Paulo. He is a writer and editor and also organizes literary events such as the Balada Literária. Many of his stories have been published in magazines, newspapers and national anthologies and also in Portugal, Germany, Italy and Argentina. Others have been adapted for theater, TV and film. Marcelino published his first two books independently AcRústico (1995) and EraOdito (1998). In 2003, after the release of BaléRalé (2003), he received much praise from authors like Moacyr Scliar and Marçal Aquino. In 2006, the book Contos

© Mario Miranda Filho

negreiros won the Jabuti Award in the category Short Stories and Essays. Among his works are: Angu de sangue (2000), Rassif: Mar que arrebenta (2008) and Amar é crime (2011), published by the cooperative Edith, to which the author belongs. Major works BaléRalé (Ateliê Editorial, 2004), Angu de sangue (Ateliê Editorial, 2000), eraOdito (Ateliê Editorial, 2000), Contos negreiros (Record, 2005), Rassif: Mar que arrebenta (Record, 2008), Amar é crime (Edith, 2011). Works published abroad Contos negreiros (Argentina). Excerpt - Contos negreiros Story: "Mansion of the princes" "Four black men and a black woman stopped in front of this building. The doorman's first message was 'Oh my God!' The second: 'What do you want?' or 'What apartment?' Or 'Why haven't they repaired the service elevator yet?' 'We're making a movie,' we responded. Caroline argued: 'A documentary'. I don't know what that is, dunno, I don't know. We each show our IDs and that's it. 'We're filming'. Filming? That's what a robber does when he wants to kidnap someone. He observes the day-to-day habits, what time the victim leaves for work. The building has a bank manager, a doctor, a lawyer. But no condo president. The president is never here."

Maria Esther Maciel She was born in 1963 in Pato de Minas, Minas Gerais. She is a poet, essayist and fiction writer. She has been writing since the 70s, a period in which she published texts in newspapers and magazines and founded and edited the Correio Estudantil. She is a professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at UFMG. She has had poems published in various national media outlets, as well as essays published in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, USA, England, Scotland and Denmark. She released her first book of poems, Dos haveres do corpo, in 1984. She has also dedicated herself to writing

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essays, resulting in the publications Voo transversa: Poesia, modernidade e fim do século XX (1999) and A memória das coisas – Ensaios de literatura, cinema e artes plásticas (2004). In 2004, she published her first fiction book: O livro de Zenóbia (2004). In 2009, she was a finalist in the Best Novel category at the São Paulo Literature Award for O livro dos nomes. In 2011 and 2012, she was on the Portugal Telecom Award jury.

Major works Dos haveres do corpo (Editora Terra, 1984), As vertigens da lucidez – Poesia e crítica em Octavio Paz (Experimento, 1995), Triz (Orobó Edições, 1999), O livro de Zenóbia (Lamparina, 2004), A memória das coisas – Ensaios de literatura, cinema e artes plásticas (Lamparina, 2004), O livro dos nomes (Companhia das Letras, 2008).

Excerpt – O livro dos nomes “Three years from now Anthony will die. For now, he doesn't know that he was born old and that soon he will exhaust the humanity he still has. He feeds the illusion that there is always something to see and thinks that living is to specialize in error. He recognizes that he married the wrong woman, lost almost everything in unfortunate mishaps and gave more to others than they deserved. But he insists on being good, since nothing is more dreadful to him than the supposed hell that comes after."

Maria Rita Kehl Born in 1951 in Campinas, São Paulo, Maria Rita Kehl is a psychoanalyst and writer. She began her writing career early as the editor of the Jornal Movimento, an alternative press journal published during Brazil's military dictatorship. She has been treating patients in her private practice since 1981, in addition to writing various books, essays, short stories, poetry, and collaborating constantly with a number of communication channels. In 2010, she won the Human Rights Award in the category for Media and Human Rights given by the Brazilian Federal Government. In that same year, her book O tempo e o cão: A atualidade das depressões, based on her experiences and reflections on her work with patients with depression, won the Jabuti Award for Best Non-Fiction Book, and first place in the category Education, Psychology and Psychoanalysis.

© Divulgação Boitempo Editorial

Major works O tempo e o cão: A atualidade das depressões (Boitempo, 2009), 18 crônicas e mais algumas (Boitempo, 2011), Sobre ética e psicanálise (Companhia das Letras, 2002), Processos e deslocamentos do feminino: A mulher freudiana na passagem para a modernidade (Imago Editora, 1998).

Excerpt – O tempo e o cão: A atualidade das depressões “The path of psychoanalytical comprehension always begins with clinical investigation, where formations of the unconscious are expressed in the singularities of each subject; but the clinical experience can also, following Freud's example, contribute to clarifying the suffering that is expressed through the symptoms of social life. The direction of the construction of theory goes from the private to the social, never the other way around. In the office, we treat the depressed one by one, based on the tenets of psychoanalysis. From that, maybe we can also listen to what they can teach us about the contemporary forms of discomfort, a phenomenon that neither they - nor any other talking being - are excluded from.”

Marina Colasanti She was born in Asmara, Ethiopia, lived in Italy for 11 years, and moved to Brazil in 1948, when her family settled in Rio de Janeiro. In 1968, she began her literary career with the book Eu sozinha. She has over 30 published titles, which include poetry, essays, short stories and books for children and young adults. She worked at magazines, newspapers, in television and as an illustrator, illustrating her own books. Among other awards, she won the Jabuti for Best Poetry for Rota de colisão and the Jabuti in the Children or Young Adults category for Ana Z, aonde vai você?, as well as awards from the National Children and Youth Book Foundation, the Brazilian Chamber of Books, the Latin American Children's Stories Contest, sponsored by FUNCEC/UNICEF, and the Latin American Norma-Fundalectura Award. In 2011, she received the Portugal Telecom Best Novel Award for Minha guerra alheia. © Editora Record

Major works Rota de colisão (Rocco, 1993), Ana Z, aonde vai você? (Ática, 1993), Doze reis e a moça no labirinto do vento (Global, new edition, 1999), Uma ideia toda azul (Global, new edition, 2003), Passageira em trânsito (Record, 2009), Classificados e nem tanto (Record, 2010), Minha guerra alheia (Record, 2010). Works published abroad Coletânea de contos dos livros Uma ideia toda azul e Doze reis e a moça no labirinto do vento (Spain) Excerpt – Minha guerra alheia «The first thing you learn in war, or at least one of the first that I used to build my childhood learning of survival, is replacement. When something we had considered irreplaceable starts to lack, we put something else in its place, which then becomes irreplaceable until, in turn, it is also replaced. Thank heaven there's a replacement. And in place of the word irreplaceable, we put the word desirable. (...) Fake plant wool, that didn't keep you warm, was used, because all the real wool was needed to make military uniforms. For the civilian population, beyond the broom shrubs, there were rabbits left. I don't think that need can be considered a fashionable trend, but the fact is that soon everyone was wearing angora sweaters, which, though warm, light and soft, are always stretching out."

Mary Del Priore Born in 1952 in Rio de Janeiro, she studied history at the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), and taught history at the University of São Paulo, the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, as well as at Salgado de Oliveira University. She did her postgraduate studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. During her career, she wrote, edited collaborated in almost forty books and has written essays and articles for various publications in Brazil and abroad. She has received numerous prestigious awards, such as the "Casa Grande & Senzala" Award, presented by the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation for História as Mulheres no Brasil (1998) and for História das Crianças no Brasil (2000). História das Mulheres no Brasil was also recognized in 1998 with the

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Jabuti Award.

Main works História das crianças no Brasil (Contexto, 1999), Esquecidos por Deus (Companhia das Letras, 2000), O Mal sobre a terra: uma história do terremoto de Lisboa (Topbooks, 2003), História das mulheres no Brasil (Unesp, 1997), O Príncipe Maldito - Traição e Loucura na Família Imperial (Objetiva, 2007), Histórias Íntimas - Sexualidade e Erotismo na História do Brasil (Planeta, 2011).

Excerpt – História das mulheres no Brasil “In the early days of colonization, men and women thought disease was a divine warning. God was, for them, an angry and stern father, who threatened to harm their bodies, hoping to move His children and make them repent for sins, thus saving their souls.”

Maurício de Sousa The writer, graphic artist and member of the Academia Paulista de Letras (Academy of Letters of the State of São Paulo) was born in Santa Isabel, São Paulo in 1935. In 1959, he created his first character, the dog Bidu. Since then, Cebolinha, Cascão, Magali, Mônica, Chico Bento and over 200 other children's characters were created. In 1970, he launched the comic book Mônica, soon followed by other titles. After having his work published by Abril and Globo, in 2007 he settled with Panini – the editing house that, with a monthly print run of 3 million copies based solely on Maurício's characters, holds today 86% of the comic book market in Brazil. The author already

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reached the astounding mark of one billion comic books and novels published in Brazil and abroad. Maurício de Sousa has received various honors, including the title of Children's Writer awarded by Unicef. Mônica was the first fictional character on the planet to be nominated a Unicef Ambassador. Major works Comics: Mônica (since 1970), Cebolinha (since 1973), Chico Bento (since 1982), Cascão (since 1982), Magali (since 1989), Turma da Mônica Jovem (since 2008) and over 40 other titles. Books: Coleção educação divertida I e II and Coleção alegria de ler (Melhoramentos); Mônica e Cebolinha no mundo de Romeu e Julieta (Panini); Turma da Mônica em contos de Andersen, Grimm e Perrault (Girassol); Atlas geográfico and Atlas da fauna (FTD). Works published abroad Coleção eu sou (Portugal, Indonesia); O gênio e as rosas, unindo Mauricio a Paulo Coelho (Portugal); Turma da Mônica em 3-D (Germany); Saiba mais (China, Vietnam); Turma da Mônica em contos clássicos (China, where it received the 2011 Bing Xin Award for Children's Literature); Magazines and comic books of the Ronaldinho-based character published in 30 languages, among others. Excerpt – Revista da Mônica

Michel Laub The writer and journalist Michel Laub was born in Porto Alegre in 1973. He has published five novels: Música anterior (2001), Longe da água (2004), which was also published in Argentina, O segundo tempo (2006), O gato diz adeus (2009) and Diário da queda (2011), which will be released in Germany, Spain, United States, France, Holland, England, Italy, Israel and Portugal. The film rights to it have also been sold. Laub has received the Brasilia Biennial (2012), Bravo! Prime (2011) and Érico Veríssimo (2001) awards, and was a finalist in the Portugal Telecom (2005, 2007 and 2012), Zaffari & Bourbon (2005 and 2012), Jabuti (2007) and São Paulo Literature (2012) awards. He is one of the authors featured in the "best young Brazilian writers" edition of the British magazine Granta. © Renato Parada

Major works Música anterior (2001), Longe da água (2004), O segundo tempo (2006), O gato diz adeus (2009), Diário da queda (2011), all published by Companhia das Letras. Works published abroad Diário da queda (Germany, USA, England, Holland, Spain, Italy, Israel, Portugal, France), Longe da água (Argentina). Excerpt – Diário da queda 1. My grandfather did not like to talk about the past. Which is not surprising, at least in relation to what's of interest: the fact that he was Jewish, arrived in Brazil in one of those crowded ships, the cattle for whom history seems to have ended at the age of twenty or thirty or forty, it doesn't matter, and there is only one type of memory that comes back and can be an even worse prison than the one where you've been. 2. In my grandfather's notebooks there is no mention of this trip. I do not know where he boarded, if he had any documents before leaving, if he had money or some indication of what he would find in Brazil. I don't know how many days the crossing took, if there was a lot of wind, if there was a storm at night and if he would have cared if the ship were to sink and he were to go in such an ironic way, in a dark tumult of ice and no chance of being part of any memory beyond a statistic."

Miguel Nicolelis He was born in 1961 in São Paulo, has a medical degree from the University of São Paulo and is a physician, neuroscientist and professor. His research has been published in numerous scientific journals, including Nature and Science. He was elected by Scientific American magazine one of the twenty greatest scientists in the world of the past decade. In 2009 he was considered one of the 100 most influential Brazilians of the year by magazine Época. In 2010, he received two awards from the United States National Institute of Health: the Pioneer and the Transformative R01 Awards. In 2011, Muito além do nosso eu, presenting results and predictions based on his human brain research, was published. The book placed third on the bestseller list at the bookstore Livraria da Vila, the official store of the Paraty International Literary Festival. Along with fellow physician Dráuzio Varella, he published Prazer em conhecer: A

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aventura da ciência e da educação (2008). Major works Prazer em conhecer: A aventura da ciência e da educação (Papirus 7 Mares, 2008), Muito além do nosso eu (Companhia das Letras, 2011) (published in English as Beyond Boundaries: The New Neuroscience of Connecting Brains with Machines - and How It Will Change Our Lives, 2012).

Excerpt – Beyond Boundaries “In this new world, focused exclusively on the power of brain flashes, our motor, perceptual and cognitive skills will extend to the point at which human thoughts can be translated efficiently and accurately into motor commands that can control both the precise operation of a nano-tool, as well as complex maneuvers of a sophisticated industrial robot. In that future, sitting on the porch of your beach house, facing your favorite ocean, you may one day talk to a crowd, physically located anywhere on the planet, through a new version of the Internet (the "brainet") without the need to type or speak a single word. There are no muscle contractions involved. It is all through your thinking."

Nelida Piñon The writer was born in May 1937 in Rio de Janeiro. She graduated in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in 1957. Her first novel, Guia mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo, was published in 1961. She wrote to various literary journals and magazines and, in 1972, released one of her best novels, A casa da paixão, which won the Mário de Andrade Award. Among the awards she won during that same period, are the Juan Rulfo International Prize for Latin American and Caribbean Literature in 1995, the Nestlé Biennial in the novel category in 1991, the São Paulo Association of Art Critics and the Pen Club Fiction awards, both in 1985. In 1990, she became the fourth woman to enter the Brazilian Academy of Letters and the first to preside over the institution. Nelida Piñon is a reference in Brazilian literature. Her works have been published in more than 20 countries. © Divulgação Editora Record

Major works Guia mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo (1961), A casa da paixão (1972), Madeira feito cruz (1963), Fundador (1969), Sala de armas (1973), Tebas do meu coração (1974), A força do destino (1977), A república dos sonhos (1984) (published in English as Republic of Dreams, 1994), A doce canção de Caetana (1987) (published in English as Caetana's Sweet Song, 1992), all published by Record. Works published abroad Tempo das frutas (France, Germany), Fundador (Spain, Poland, France), A casa da paixão (France, Germany), Sala de armas (Spain, Cuba), A força do destino (Spain, France), A república dos sonhos (United States, France, Colombia, Portugal), A doce canção de Caetana (Colombia, Russia, United States). Excerpt - A casa da paixão "My useless conversions, because I always converted myself into trees, shadows, the memory of a revered body of sacrifices to the sun, the sun scorching my loin, peeling my skin, such roughness that I turn to water in a dish, I accept the form that it gives me, I am the meat it leaves nude, and the passion of my flesh, finally decided by the force of the rays, is similar to those intended to kill, I wanted death, for the pleasure, the agony of depriving with rough stones, worked with the tongue by religious creatures, so much that they destroyed them, as if the stone were the drawing invented to serve their gods, when they, demanding, invoke miracles at the altar."

Nicolas Behr Nikolaus von Behr was born in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso in 1958, and moved to Brasília in 1974. In 1977, he released his first book, Iogurte com farinha, in mimeograph, and distributed most of the editions by hand. By 1980, he had published ten other mimeographed booklets. In 2012, he started worked as a copywriter in advertising agencies. In 1982, he helped found MOVE (Movimento Ecológico de Brasília), the first environmental NGO in the capital. He went back to publishing his books in 1993, with Porque construí Braxília. In 2008, his book Laranja seleta – Poesia escolhida: 1977 – 2007 (Língua Geral) was a finalist for the Portugal Telecom Prize for Literature. His last work was Meio seio, published in 2012 by Editora Língua Geral. © Divulgação Editora Língua Geral

Major works Iogurte com farinha (1977), Caroço da goiaba (1978), Porque construí Braxília (1993), Laranja seleta – Poesia escolhida: 1977 – 2007 (Língua Geral, 2008), Meio seio (Língua Geral, 2012). Excerpt – Laranja seleta "Inácio was Indian and my best friend rejected by other whites Inácio swam with me fished with me we did our lesson together did we learn the lesson? I never forgot Inácio Inácio I'm sure never forgot me Inácio where are you? where am I?"

Nuno Ramos Nuno Ramos was born in 1960 in São Paulo, where he lives and works. He has a degree in philosophy from the University of São Paulo, is an artist involved in painting, drawing and sculpture, a writer, filmmaker, set designer and composer. He started painting in 1984 when he was part of the artists' group of the Casa 7 studio. Since then he has regularly exhibited in Brazil and abroad. He participated in the 1995 Venice Biennale, where the artist was a representative in the Brazilian pavilion, and at the São Paulo International Biennials in 1985, 1989, 1994 and 2010. In 2006, he received, for career achievement, the Grant Award from the American Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation. As a writer, he published O mau vidraceiro (2010), Ó (2008, for which he received the Portugal

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Telecom Literature award), Ensaio geral (2007), O pão do corvo (2001) and Cujo (1993). As a filmmaker, he wrote and co-directed with Clima in 2002 the short films Luz negra (ParaNelson 1) and Duas horas (ParaNelson 1), and in 2004 he wrote and directed the short film Alvorada. Major works O mau vidraceiro (Editora Globo, 2010), Ó (Editora Iluminuras, 2008), Ensaio geral: Projetos, roteiros, ensaios, memórias (Editora Globo, 2007), O pão do corvo (Editora 34, 2001), Cujo (Editora 34, 1993) e Junco (Editora Iluminuras, 2011). Works published abroad Ó (To be published in Argentina in 2014). Excerpt – Ó “By carrying fruits and stones in the stomach (like the wolf of the story) and walking on the ashes of the feet made of gray ash, the ashes of the soles, of the asphalt, the ashes of the leaves, by tasting the gray powder on everything, then something like singing comes from something like a mouth, something like an "a", an "o", a huge "o", taking first the ears and then extending down the back, to the down of the belly, like a pretty wreck, a dry shipwreck, a handful of rice thrown into the air, it's our voice in the distant call of a bell, I sing, surprising myself..."

Patrícia Melo Born in 1962 in Assis, São Paulo, the author, screenwriter and playwright currently lives in Switzerland. Her debut in literature was in 1994 with the novel Acqua toffana. After that, she published O matador (1995), which later became the film O homem do ano (The Man of the Year, 2003), and earned her a nomination for the French literary award Prix Femina as well as the Deux Océans Award. Elogio da mentira (1998), her third novel, won the Deutscher Krimi Preis (Criminal Fiction Prize) in Germany. In 2001, Patrícia received the Jabuti Award for her novel Inferno (2000). Aside from that, Valsa negra (2003) and Mundo perdido (2006) entered the longlist of the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. As a playwright, she began her career in 2000 with Duas mulheres e um cadáver, a play that has been staged in Hamburg, Germany. © Editora Rocco

Major works Acqua toffana (Rocco, 2009), O matador (Rocco, 2009) (published in the United States as The Killer, 1998), Elogio da mentira (Rocco, 2010) (published in the United States as In Praise of Lies, 2000), Inferno (Rocco, 2010) (published in the United States with the same title in 2003), Valsa negra (Rocco, 2010) (published in the United States as Black Waltz, 2004), Mundo perdido (Rocco, 2010) (published in the United States as Lost World, 2009), Escrevendo no escuro (Rocco, 2011). Works published abroad Acqua toffana (Germany, Portugal), O matador (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, England, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and United States as The Killer, 1998), Elogio da mentira (England, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, China, Spain, Portugal, France and United States as In Praise of Lies, 2000), among others. Excerpt – The Killer “I've always seen myself as an ugly man. There are too many curves on my face, too much flesh too, I never liked that. My froglike eyes, my round nose, I've always avoided mirrors. On that day it was different. I was admiring the image of that human being that was not me, a blond man, an unfamiliar person, a stranger. It wasn't just the hair that was now lighter. The skin, the eyes, everything bore a light, a frame of light. Suddenly, all my features became harmonious, the mouth that had always hung down still hung, the nose was still round, the eyelids bloated, however, all of that was nonsense because there was something larger, more important, the frame.”

tPaulo Coelho He was born in 1947 in Rio de Janeiro. He has worked as a director and playwright, journalist and composer. His works have been translated into 69 languages and are present in over 150 countries. He has written lyrics for some of the most famous artists of Brazilian popular music, like Raul Seixas, Elis Regina and Rita Lee. His first book, Arquivos do inferno, was published by the author himself in 1982. In 1988, he published his most successful book: O alquimista. The work got to the first place on the bestseller list in 18 countries and entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2008 as the most translated book in the world. According to UNESCO, the author is the most translated Portuguese-language author. In 2001, he received the Bambi Cultural Personality of the Year award in Germany. The following year, he was elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters. He has earned over 60 awards and prizes.

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Major works As valkírias (Planeta do Brasil, 2006) (published in English as The Valkyries), O aleph (Sextante, 2010) (published in English as Aleph), O alquimista (Sextante, 2012) (published in English as The Alchemist), O diário de um mago (Sextante, 2012) (published in English as The Pilgrimage), Onze minutos (Sextante, 2012) (published in English as Eleven Minutes), O zahir (Sextante, 2012) (published in English as The Zahir), O demônio e a srta. Prym (Benvirá, 2010) (published in English as The Devil and Miss Prym), O monte cinco (Planeta do Brasil, 2006) (published in English as The Fifth Mountain), Veronika decide morrer (Sextante, 2012) (published in English as Veronika Decides to Die). Works published abroad O alquimista (published in 78 languages), Manuscrito encontrado em Accra (published in 31 languages), O aleph (published in 35 languages), O zahir (published in 71 languages), Veronika decide morrer (published in 44 languages), Onze minutos (published in 45 languages), among others. Excerpt - The Alchemist "The boy's name was Santiago. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church. The roof had fallen in long ago and an enormous sycamore had grown on the spot where the sacristy had once stood. He decided to spend the night there. He saw to it that all the sheep entered through the ruined gate and then laid some planks across it to prevent the flock from wandering away during the night. There were no wolves in the region, but an animal had once strayed during the night."

Paulo Henriques Britto He was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1951 and is a poet, short story writer, essayist, professor and one of the main Brazilian translators of the English language. He has a degree in Portuguese and English from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, where he is professor of translation, literary creation and Brazilian literature. In the early 1970s he studied film in San Francisco (USA). As a poet, he debuted in 1982 with Liturgia da matéria. Later, he wrote Mínima lírica (1989), Trovar claro (Alphonsus de Guimaraens Award, of the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, 1997), Macau (Portugal Telecom Award, 2004) and Tarde (2007). He has also published short stories Paraísos artificiais (2004) and Eu quero é botar meu bloco na rua (2009). He

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has translated about a hundred books and was awarded the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional Paulo Rónai Award (1995) for translating A mecânica das águas, by E. L. Doctorow. In 2012, he won the Bravo! Award for best book for the novel Formas do nada. Major works Mínima lírica (new edition, 2008), Trovar claro (1997), Macau (2003) Paraísos artificiais (2004) and Formas do nada (2012), all published by Companhia das Letras. Excerpt – Formas do nada Lorem ipsum "Come," he says, "I offer you synaereses, caesuras, hemistichs and much more, and in return I ask only sufferable simulacra of meaning. Come, the night is solid and solicitous, and awaits just the right moment to serve us the supreme delight, like an ordinary and hieratic waiter." But with such appeal, so mellifluous, they attract like faceless masks, empty shells and insignificant scribbles.

Paulo Lins He was born in 1958 in Rio de Janeiro. He has a BA in literature from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and is a poet, writer and screenwriter. He was part of the group Cooperativa de Poetas in the 80s and in 1986 released his first book of poetry Sobre o sol, published by the UFRJ publisher. He is especially known for the bestseller Cidade de Deus (1997), a title that refers to the housing development where the author lived and conducted extensive anthropological research that served as the basis for the book. The work inspired the film of the same name, directed by Fernando Meirelles and released in 2002; it earned

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four Oscar nominations in 2004. In 2011, he released his second novel, Desde que o samba é samba, about the creation of the first samba school in Rio de Janeiro. He was the screenwriter of the feature film Quase 2 irmãos, along with Lucia Murat. It won an award from the São Paulo Association of Art Critics in 2005. Major works Cidade de Deus (2012) (published in English as City of God: A Novel, 2006), Desde que o samba é samba (2012), both published by Planeta do Brasil. Works published abroad Cidade de Deus (Sweden, Holland), Desde que o samba é samba (Portugal, Germany). Excerpt – City of God: A Novel "The City of God gave its voice to the ghosts of abandoned houses, made fauna and flora scarce, remapped Little Portugal and renamed the bog: Up Top, Out Front, Down Below, There Across the River and The Apartments. Even today, the sky turns blue and stars appear in the world, the forests green the earth, the clouds lighten the views and man innovates reddening the river. Here now a slum, the neo-slum of cement, armed mouths of alleys, sinister silences, with cries of despair, running through narrow streets and crossroads of indecision."

Pedro Bandeira He was born in the city of Santos, São Paulo in 1942. He is the most successful author of children's literature in Brazil. He wrote his first book, O dinossauro que fazia au-au, a children's book, in 1976, but has also worked in theater, television, journalism, advertising, education and research. In 1983 he began to devote himself mainly to literature. Bandeira became known especially by teenagers with his books on the adventures of the group of boys “Karas”, characters in A droga da obediência (1984), Pântano de sangue (1987), Anjo da morte (1988), A © Editora Moderna

droga do amor (1993) and Droga de americana (1999). He has won awards related to the world of the press and literature. In 1986 he received the Jabuti Award for Best Children's Book for O fantástico mistério da Feiurinha (1986), which in 2002 was adapted for theater.

Major works O fantástico mistério da Feiurinha (1986), A droga da obediência (2009), Pântano de sangue (2009), Anjo da morte (2009), A droga do amor (2009) and Droga de americana (2009), all published by Editora Moderna.

Works published abroad A droga da obediência (Spain, Greece, Chile), O fantástico mistério da Feiurinha (Serbia), Sonho de carnaval (Chile), A baleiazinha (Mexico), Papo de sapato (Mexico).

Excerpt – A droga da obediência "He was in the Karas secret hideout: all the vast inside of the huge Elite School locker room, illuminated in the center by some glass roof tiles which let the daylight through, leaving the rest in darkness. Right in the middle of the small illuminated area was Miguel, sitting on his heels. Ahead of him, scattered on the floor, there were several copies of newspaper articles. Next to him, Skull and Calu waited in silence. Magri closed the trap door and crouched down next to his friends without a word."

Roger Mello He was born in 1965 in Brasilia and later moved to Rio de Janeiro, where he studied industrial design and graphic design. Today he is an illustrator and writer, and also works in film and theater. He is among the most creative and versatile writers of children's literature. Over the past 20 years, Roger Mello illustrated more than 100 books, mainly for young readers; among them are 20 books which he also wrote. He was awarded the Swiss Espace-enfants in 2002, and the same year won the Jabuti Award in the Children's Literature and Illustration categories with Meninos do mangue. Having won several awards, he became hors-concours of the National Children and Youth Book Foundation (FNLIJ) awards. For his work as an illustrator, he was nominated for the 2010 Hans Christian Andersen award, considered the Nobel of

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children's literature. Major works Meninos do mangue (2001), Vizinho, vizinha (2002), João por um fio (2006), Zubair e os labirintos (2007) and Carvoeirinhos (2009), all published by Companhia das Letras. Cavalhadas de Pirenópolis (Agir, 2010). Works published abroad Zubair e os labirintos, Meninos do mangue, João por um fio, Cavalhadas de Pirenópolis (all rights sold to China). Excerpt – Meninos do mangue "I became dazed from crying, so I washed and rinsed the crab several times, but Merthiolate has a red ink that will not come off. When I noticed, Josimar was far away, he and eleven other boys. The gang ran after the biggest boy, who found a toy robot in the garbage heap. A supersonic robot, the little light goes on and everything! Josimar ran, the happiest of all. The result: I let the aratu go loose. Aratus and boys, covered in mud and having a ball. In the afternoon full of mosquitoes, Miss Thingy yells to Josimar to not be long. Then she closes the window and stretches."

Ronaldo Correia de Brito He was born in 1951 in the town of Saboeiro, Ceará. At 17, he began to study medicine in Recife, Pernambuco, where he still lives. He always split his time between his work as a doctor and artistic activities. In 2008, he released his first novel, Galileia, the story of three cousins ​who cross the backlands of Ceará to visit their grandfather. The novel, which received critical acclaim, won the São Paulo Literature Prize. He is the author of

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Faca (2003) and Livro dos homens (2005), both of which are collections of short stories. In 2004, together with Assis Lima, he published O pavão misterioso, for which he won the 2007 Zilka Sallaberry Award for Children's Theater. In partnership with Assis Lima, Horácio Carelli and Antonio Madureira, Brito released the theatrical project Trilogia das festas brasileiras, which included O baile do menino Deus (1987), Bandeira de São João (1989) and Arlequim (1990). The project involves the production of shows, records and books. Major works Faca (Cosac Naify, 2003), O pavão misterioso (Cosac Naify, 2004), Galileia (Alfaguara, 2008), Livro dos homens (new edition – Cosac Naify, 2010), and Estive lá fora (Alfaguara, 2012).

Works published abroad Galileia (France, Argentina and Israel), Faca (France).

Excerpt - Galileia "We heard the news of grandfather Raimundo Caetano well before crossing the Inhamuns. His health worsened, and the birthday party might not happen. I think of going back to Recife, to heed the forebodings of doom, fears that invade me at all family gatherings. David and Ismael consult me ​with their eyes; they fear that I will decide against the trip. They don't depend on me to continue, but I am the one who intervenes in the disputes between them, ever since we used to herd flocks of sheep and I hurt my heel on an afternoon like this. Everything resembles the past, even the repeated paths and silence of the dead, ghosts who walked like I walk, anxious and in a depressed mood. For some time I drive the car alone. The cousins ​got into the back of the truck, exposing themselves to the late afternoon sun and dust in December, with signs of rain. Such beauty is a trap.”

Ruth Rocha She was born in 1931 in São Paulo and is one of the leading children's literature writers in Brazil, with over a hundred books published, both in Brazil and abroad. She graduated with a degree in sociology and has worked as a guidance counselor and editor. In the 60s, she began writing educational articles and children's stories for magazines. In 1976, she released her first book Palavras, muitas palavras (1976). In 1990, she won the Jabuti Award in the Children's Literature category for Uma história de rabos presos (1989). In 2002, she won an award, along with Anna Flora, in the elementary and secondary school Didactic category for Escrever e criar: Uma nova proposta! (2001). She also received awards from the National Children's Book Foundation, Câmara Brasileira do Livro, João de Barro Award, among others. Marcelo, marmelo, martelo (1999), one of her most famous works, has sold over a million copies.

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Major works Marcelo, marmelo, martelo (Salamandra, 2011), Ruth Rocha conta a odisséia (Salamandra, 2011), Uma história de rabos presos (Salamandra, 2012), Almanaque Ruth Rocha (Salamandra, 2011), Palavras, muitas palavras (Quinteto Editorial, 1998). Works published abroad Uma história com mil macacos (Spain - in Spanish, Catalan and Basque - and Wales), Pra que serve? (Spain - in Catalan and Basque - and Germany), Marcelo, marmelo, martelo (Spain), Azul e lindo: Planeta Terra, nossa casa (England) (published in English as Blue and Beautiful: Planet Earth, Our Home), Declaração universal dos direitos humanos (England) (published in English as Universal Declaration of Human Rights), Borba, o gato (Spain - Spanish and Catalan), Elefante? (Spain), Excerpt – Marcelo, Marmelo, Martelo "Once, Marcelo was fixated on the name of things: - Mommy, why am I called Marcelo? - Well, Marcelo was the name your father and I chose. - And why didn't you choose hammer? - Well, son, hammer isn't a name! It's the name of a tool...»

Ruy Castro He was born in 1948 in Caratinga, Minas Gerais and is an Honorary Citizen of Rio de Janeiro. The journalist, writer and translator began his career in 1967 as a Correio da Manhã newspaper reporter, and then worked for several other papers and magazines, like Jornal do Brasil, Manchete, IstoÉ and Veja. Beginning in the 90s, he began to devote himself to the career of writing, becoming known for his biographies and historical reenactments. He debuted in literature with the first volume of a trilogy, O melhor do mau humor (1989). He won the Nestlé Literature award

© Divulgação Companhia das Letras

in 1994 for O anjo pornográfico – A vida de Nelson Rodrigues (1992). He has received three Jabuti awards: Non-Fiction Book of the Year in 1996 for Estrela solitária – Um brasileiro chamado Garrincha (1995) and in 2006 for Carmen: uma biografia (2005), in the categories Non-Fiction Book of the Year and Biography. Major works Mau humor – Uma antologia definitiva de frases venenosas (2002), Chega de saudade – A história e as histórias da bossa nova (1990) (published in English as Bossa Nova: The Story of the Brazilian Music That Seduced the World, 2003), O anjo pornográfico – A vida de Nelson Rodrigues (1992), Estrela solitária – Um brasileiro chamado Garrincha (1995) (published in English as Garrincha: The Triumph and Tragedy of Brazil's Forgotten Footballing Hero, 2004), Carmen: uma biografia (2005), all published by Companhia das Letras. Works published abroad Carnaval no fogo (England, Italy and Turkey), Chega de saudade – A história e as histórias da bossa nova (Germany, Japan and Spain), Estrela solitária – Um brasileiro chamado Garrincha (Germany), A onda que se ergueu no mar (Japan). Excerpt – Garrincha: The Triumph and Tragedy of Brazil's Forgotten Footballing Hero “Before history could repeat itself, they convinced Garrincha to collect all the money he had at home to invest in stocks under the guidance of Zé Luiz. Garrincha agreed. On the appointed day, accompanied by two officials of the National Bank, there went to Pau Grande to get whatever he could find. They found money in drawers, in the fruit basket, stuffed in old books, under other mattresses and even behind the stove. There were Brazilian cruzeiros, pounds, francs, lira, pesetas, Swedish kronor, Dutch guilders, coins from everywhere the Botafogo team had played in recent years, and soles and bolivars which were no longer worth anything."

Sérgio Sant'Anna He was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1941. The short-story writer, novelist, poet and professor joined the Law School of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, graduating in 1966. He began his writing career in 1969 with the stories in O Sobrevivente, a book that led him to participate in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa in the United States. He returned to Rio de Janeiro in 1977, the year in which he became a faculty member at the School of Communication of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he remained until 1990. From then on, he began to devote himself to literature, still working as a columnist in various media outlets. He twice received the Jabuti Award: in 1998, for Best Novel for Um crime delicado, and in 2003, for the stories in O voo da madrugada, which also

© Bel Pedrosa

received the Paulista Association of Art Critics award and was the first runner-up in the Portugal Telecom literature award. Major works O sobrevivente (Minas Gráfica, 1969), Amazona (Nova Fronteira, 1986), A tragédia brasileira (Companhia das Letras, 1987), Um crime delicado (Companhia das Letras, 1997), O voo da madrugada (Companhia das Letras, 2003), O livro de Praga (Companhia das Letras, 2011). Works published abroad Amazona (Germany, Italy), Um crime delicado (Germany, Argentina). Excerpt – Um crime delicado "What a feeling of power when I mold here not only the body of a woman inside an intimate twilight setting, but also the emotion itself of having that body in my arms. What force could be greater than this, if it weren't also for the knowledge that, in this work, I am both author and also mere actor, in view of Vitório Brancatti's presence backstage and of other obscure characters who feel like directors inside and outside of me. Anyway, I fervently assume my part. In actual events, however, a sensation is a slave of time, even when surrounded by a Vitório Brancatti installation. I had just gotten back to normal after the consummation of that amorous rapture, when I realized that Inês was crying. I got off of her, sat on the edge of the divan and tried to caress her.”

Silviano Santiago He was born in Formiga, in the state of Minas Gerais, in 1936, but spent his adolescence in Belo Horizonte. He graduated with a degree in romance languages and literature from the ​Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and earned a doctorate at the Sorbonne in Paris. A writer, poet, professor, literary critic and essayist, he is a three-time winner of the Jabuti Award for Em liberdade (novel, 1982), Uma história de família (novel, 1993) and Keith Jarrett no Blue Note (short stories, 1997). His most recent novel, Heranças, received the 2009 Brazilian Academy of Letters Fiction Award and was among the finalists of the Jabuti and Portugal Telecom Awards. His works have been translated into English, French and Spanish. He has taught in Canada, the United States and France. Today he lives in Rio de Janeiro, has retired from the Universidade Federal Fluminense, and writes to major Brazilian publications.

© Editora Rocco

Major works Em liberdade (1982), Uma história de família (1993), Keith Jarrett no Blue Note (1997), Herança (2008), all published by Rocco. Titles published abroad Em liberdade (Argentina)

Excerpt – Heranças “I escaped from the proverb that says: 'When God gives no children, the devil gives nephews/nieces.' I did not have children. I have nephews/nieces. I had many lovers. Many came from various traditional neighborhoods of the Minas Gerais capital. Given the solid cultural background they had, I was attracted and then knocked out by the lure of beauty. Usually they had metropolitan experience, although they came from the countryside. There were good schools for girls and young ladies outside the urban areas. Occasionally, I was caressed by beautiful, daring girls, imported by Minas brothel madams from poor areas of São Paulo and the South. Those sold in nightlife retail were far less important in my life. (...) "

Teixeira Coelho Born in 1944 in Bauru, São Paulo, Coelho is a writer, a museologist, an art critic, and a cultural policies specialist. He has also worked as a professor for several universities. He is currently the curator and coordinator of the São Paulo Art Museum. In 2007, he won the Portugal Telecom Award with the novel História Natural da Ditadura (2006). In 2010, he was a member of the Brazilian delegation at the 2nd International Literary Festival of Buenos Aires. He has published several books on culture and art, such as the essays Guerras Culturais (2000) e A Cultura e seu Contrário (2008), as well as fictional works such as As Fúrias da Mente (1998) e Niemeyer, um romance (1994).

© Acervo do Autor

Main works Niemeyer, um romance (2001), As Fúrias da Mente (1998), Guerras Culturais (2000), História Natural da Ditadura (2010), A Cultura e Seu Contrário (2009), O Homem que vive – uma jornada sentimental (2010), Dicionário Crítico de Política Cultural (2012), all published by Editora Iluminuras.

Works published abroad Dicionário Crítico de Política Cultural (Mexico and Spain).

Excerpt - A Cultura e Seu contrário "So the universalist conception of culture preached by Anthropology is not practical when it comes to studying the culture itself, and it is certainly not practical from the perspective of those who work with culture and through culture – like in cultural policy. If everything is culture – fashion, manners, football, expression, film, advertising – nothing is culture. And more importantly: if everything has the same value in culture, if everything is culturally the same, when one says or believes that everything equally contributes to the cultural means, then, everything becomes useless."

Veronica Stigger A PhD in art history, an art critic and a professor, Veronica Stigger was born in Porto Alegre in 1973, but has lived in São Paulo since 2001. Her first book, the collection of short stories O trágico e outras comédias, was published in Portugal in 2003 and was released in Brazil the following year. Through Cosac Naify, she published Gran cabaret demenzial (2007) and Os anões (2010), both of which are books of short stories. Also in 2010, she debuted in children's literature with Dora e o sol. In 2011, she published Massamorda, her most recent work, composed of a play, a short story in fragments and a poem. Veronica is also a columnist for the TV Cultura program “Entrelinhas”. Major works

© Divulgação Cosac Naify

O trágico e outras comédias (7Letras, 2007 [2nd edition.]), Gran cabaret demenzial (Cosac Naify, 2007), Os anões (Cosac Naify, 2010), Dora e o sol (34, 2010), Massamorda (Dobra, 2011).

Works published abroad The short stories Os anões, 200 m², Tatuagem, Os anões and Na escada rolante were all published in collections in Germany.

Excerpt – Os anões "He was the height of a pygmy, and she was only up to his waist. The two were so small they barely reached the top of the candy counter. She jumped to try to see what they had that looked good. He, more circumspect, stretched his neck, pointed his nose up and breathed deeply, as if he could, by smell, identify the goodies that he couldn't quite see. The two were quite cute together. They weren't deformed, nor did they have that sickly appearance of some dwarves. They merely seemed to have been designed on a smaller scale."

Walnice Nogueira Galvão She is a cultural and literary critic, especially dedicated to the study of the authors Guimarães Rosa and Euclides da Cunha. During many years she was a professor of literary theory and comparative literature at the University of São Paulo. She has published over thirty books, as well as essays, articles and contributions to newspapers and magazines. She was also a director and advisor to several cultural magazines. In 2008, she was guest of honor and speaker at the Symposium on Guimarães Rosa in celebration of his 100th birthday, organized by the Free University of Berlin. In the same year, she received the Biblioteca Nacional award for Mínima mímica - Ensaios sobre Guimarães Rosa. In 2010, Euclidiana - Ensaios sobre Euclides da Cunha received an award from the © Divulgação

Brazilian Academy of Letters. Major works As formas do falso – Um estudo sobre a ambiguidade no Grande Sertão (Perspectiva, 1972), Mínima mímica – Ensaios sobre Guimarães Rosa (Companhia das Letras, 2008), Euclidiana - Ensaios sobre Euclides da Cunha (Companhia das Letras, 2009).

Excerpt from Mínima mímica – Ensaios sobre Guimarães Rosa "Leave these delicate discoveries to the anthropologists, who understood them, but do not omit the difficulty brought by Guimarães Rosa in using the Tupi language to express things that, according to Lévi-Strauss, are more typically of the Jê people. Gonçalves Dias, in I-Juca Pirama, also put the Tupi language in the mouths of the Timbira, who are part of the Jê people. What matters in this case, given the much greater dimension of the Jê and Tupi-Guarani at hand, is to see how ‘My uncle of the Iauaretê people’, far from being a mere werewolf story or fable of lycanthropy, is a profound reflection about nature and culture, which is, after all, the theme of Lévi-Strauss' whole work."

Ziraldo He was born in 1932, in Caratinga, Minas Gerais. He is a journalist, painter, playwright, cartoonist, caricaturist and writer. He began his career in the 50s, publishing in newspapers and magazines. His first cartoon came out in the publication A Cigarra in 1949. In the 60s, A turma do Pererê was released, presenting one of the artist's first characters. Around the same time, in 1969, he was one of the founders of the famous newspaper opposing the dictatorship, O Pasquim. Also in '69, he published his first book: Flicts. Since then, he has focused on work for children. In 1980, he released O menino maluquinho, which would become highly successful. In 1988, he received the Jabuti Literary Personality of the Year Award and in 1990, won the same award in the © Acervo Pessoal Children/Young Adults category for the Dicionário Aurélio infantil de língua portuguesa ilustrado. In 2008, he received the VI IberoAmerican Quevedos Graphic Humor Award. Major works O menino maluquinho (Melhoramentos, 2005), Turma do Pererê: 50 anos (Globo, 2010), O bichinho da maçã (Melhoramentos, 2011), Flicts (Melhoramentos, 2012), Uma professora muito maluquinha (Melhoramentos, 2011). Works published abroad Flicts (Germany, France, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Italy, Japan, Korea, Colombia, Belgium, Switzerland), O menino maluquinho (Colombia, South Korea, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, Japan), O bichinho da maçã (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea), Uma professora muito maluquinha (Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay), Como ir ao mundo da lua (Argentina and Chile), O bichinho que queria crescer (Chile, Guatemala). Works translated for more than 10 countries. Excerpt - O menino maluquinho "It was tough, it's true. And it's also true that few people understood the Nutty Boy's nutty theory but he laughed softly when he felt the longing because he realized that longing was the side of one of the sides of life that was coming."