Break through for the 2014 CFA Level II Exam

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CFA Level 2 Exam is challenging but not that threatening. ▫ Simply reading Schweser Notes will not be. p y g ... After studying level two you are equivalent to a.
Break through for the 2014 CFA Level II Exam

Agenda CFA Exam Fast Facts & Challenges Why Candidates Fail? Exam Forecast & Program Highlights Q Q&A

Few while important words to L2 Candidates ƒ CFA Level 2 Exam is challenging but not that threatening p y reading g Schweser Notes will not be ƒ Simply sufficient enough to pass the exams ƒ Having a big picture in your mind is very necessary ƒ After studying level two you are equivalent to a finance master degree graduate Let’s get the ball running

Level II Challenges

Why Level II is a big Challenge Perspective from the Pass Rates Year

Level 2 Pass Rate (Exam Actually Taken)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

56% 48% 40% 46% 41% 39%

2011 2012

43% 42%

Why Level II is a big Challenge Perspective from the Pass Rates

Around 40% recently

Body of Knowledge • Ethical and Professional Standards • Quantitative Q tit ti Methods M th d • Economics • Financial Statement Analysis • Corporate Finance

Investment Tools

• Analysis of Equity Investments • Analysis of Debt Investments • Analysis of Derivatives • Analysis of Alternative Investments

Asset Valuation

Portfolio Management and Performance Presentation

Portfolio P tf li Management


Why Level II is a big Challenge Perspective from the Content Exam

Topic Focus

Learning Focus

Level I

Investment Tools oo s

Knowledge and a d Ethical t ca Sta Standards da ds

Level II

Asset Valuation

Application pp and Ethical Standards

Level III

Portfolio Management

Synthesis and Ethical Standards

Why Level II is a big Challenge Perspective from the Exam Format How is Level 2 Different from Level 1? ƒ Level 1 is “building block” for Level 2 (like a prerequisite for a university course) ƒ Level Le el 1 command words: ords “define “define,”” “e “explain,” plain ” “describe “describe,”” “calculate” ƒ Level 2 command words: “analyze,” analyze, “formulate,” formulate, “evaluate,” evaluate, “contrast,” “modify,” “demonstrate,” “illustrate” ƒ Questions can address combined LOS

2013 Level 2 Exam Format ƒ 120 “selected response” questions (more commonly known as multiple choice) ƒ Grouped into six-question “item sets” ƒ 1 minute i t = 1 point; i t 3 minutes i t per question; ti 18 minutes i t per item set; 360 minutes (6 hours) for exam ƒ 60 Q’s Q s (10 item sets) in 3-hour AM session ƒ 60 Q’s (10 item sets) in 3-hour PM session

2013 Topic Area Weights

Topic p


Item Sets



Quantitative Methods

5 - 10%



5 - 10%


Financial Statement Analysis

15 - 25%


Corporate Finance

5 - 15%



20 - 30%


Fixed Income

5 - 15%



5 - 15%


Alternative Investments

5 - 15%


Portfolio Management

5 - 15%



Exam Major Focus - Cannot follow? Do not Worry, will covered during revision course

Exam Forecast: Ethics (2 Item Sets)

ƒ Standards of Practice is the same as Level 1 (and this is also the key to success at Level 2) ƒ Al Also iincludes l d P Prudent d t IInvestor t R Rule, l S Soft ft Dollar Standards, and Research Objectivity St d d Standards

Ethics ƒ The most important topics are (1) soft dollars arrangements, t (2) fid fiduciary i d duties ti (i (including l di the prudent man vs. prudent investor rules), and d (3) R Research h Obj Objective ti St Standard. d d ƒ However, in one item set you must be well acquainted q with the Standards of Professional Conduct. Be ready for a random sampling of topics. p

Quant (1 - 2 Item Sets) ƒ Correlation Analysis y ((Simple p and Straightforward) ƒ Simple Linear regression with one independent variable (the basics) ƒ Multiple Regression with more than one independent variable (basics again plus model misspecification and problems with regression) ƒ Time Series Analysis (observations over successive i ti time periods; i d e.g. monthly thl stock t k returns, quarterly revenue data)

Economics (1 - 2 Item Sets) ƒ Currencyy Exchange g Rate determination and forecasting ƒ International Finance (FX markets, Spot Vs Forward, parity conditions, arbitrage) ƒ Balance of Payment ƒ Carry Trade ƒ Monetary and Fiscal policies on exchange rate

ƒ Determinants of Economic growth ƒ Growth Theories

ƒ Government Regulation

Financial Statement Analysis (3 - 5 Item Sets) ƒ Inventory Valuation and Long-term Asset ƒ Intercorporate Investment (Cost method vs equity q y method vs consolidation vs p proportionate p consolidation) ƒ Employee compensation:Defined contribution plan, defined benefit plan; share based compensation ƒ Multinational Operations: FX translation ƒ Earnings E i Q Quality lit and d sustainable t i bl cash h flflow ƒ Integration of Financial Statement Analysis Techniques

Corporate Finance (1 - 3 Item Sets) ƒ Capital p Budgeting g g ((evaluating gp projects j with NPV) ƒ Capital Structure (optimal capital structure; lots of theory) ƒ Dividend Policy (optimal dividend policy) and Share Repurchase analysis ƒ Corporate C t Governance G ƒ Merger and Acquisitions (Quantitative Questions)

Equity (4 - 6 Item Sets) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Equity Valuation: Applications and Processes Return Concepts Porter’s Competitive Strategy Model Your strategy needs a strategy(new) y ( ) Industryy and companyy analysis(new) Dividend Discount Models Free cash Flow Models Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Value Multiples ƒ Residual Income Model and EVA ƒ Private Company Valuation

Alternative Investments (1 - 2 Item Sets) ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Private Real Estate Investments Publicly Traded Real Estate Securities Private Equity Valuation Investing in Hedge Funds: A Survey A primer on commodity investing (new)

ƒ There are basically two things you can see here here. The first is venture capital. The likely scenario is a question from the viewpoint of a pension fund portfolio manager. ƒ The second possible topic is real estate. In real estate, you will see either a numerical real estate valuation problem or discussion problem of the value of real estate as a diversification tool for an equity portfolio. Be ready for either

Fixed Income (1 - 3 Item Sets) ƒ Credit analysis models (modified) ƒ Term Structure Theories Callable Puttable Puttable, Convertible bonds ƒ Valuing Callable, (the binomial model) ƒ Mortgage-backed Mortgage backed and Asset Asset-backed backed Securities (different types of MBS and ABS and their features) ƒ Valuing Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed S Securities iti

Derivatives (1 - 3 Item Sets) ƒ Valuation of: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Forward Markets and Contracts Futures Markets and Contracts Options Markets and Contracts Swaps Markets and Contracts Interest Rate Derivative Instruments

ƒ Credit Default Swaps (modified)

Portfolio Management (1 - 3 Item Sets) ƒ Portfolio concepts: p CAPM and APT,, Multi-Factor Models ƒ Residual Risk and Return: The Information Ratio (new) ƒ The Fundamental Law of Active Management (Treynor-Black model) (modified) ƒ Portfolio P tf li Management M t Process P (intro (i t to t Level L l 3)

Solution to Success: Find An Effective Study y Strategy gy

Points about The CFAI Curriculum Book

Remember: •

They are not Schweser Study Notes - Repackaged textbook readings as set by CFA Institute - Equally voluminous and unwieldy as previous volumes,, which used to be for separate p p purchase

Study Approach

1. Attend class and make notes in slide packs

4. Practice Mock Exams

2. Practice questions in the 3 slide 3. lid packs k

3. Work through study material further annotating slide packs

Mock Exam & Review

T Target t important i t t BOK

Dry run for the real exam

Find weak areas

Focus additional review

Time management and techniques

The End! Q Q&A