Page 1. 41%. 23%. 5%. 7%. 4%. 2%. 2%. 7%. 6%. 1%. 2%.
Brooklyn Community District 12
See BK 12's profile online
Neighborhoods1: Borough Park, Kensington, Ocean Parkway PO P U L ATI O N & D E N S I T Y 20103
1. Affordable housing 2. Traffic 3. Trash removal & cleanliness
Public Schools
Hospitals and Clinics
4 6
Click to visit the NYC Facilities Explorer
M E A N C O M M U T E T O W O R K 4, 8
Brooklyn 42 minutes
NYC 40
E D U C AT I O N A L AT TA I N M E N T 4 , 1 0
Brooklyn CD 12
of residents 25 years or older have earned a bachelor's degree or higher
65 St
BK 10
BK 11
BK 15
Source: PLUTOTM 16v2
Click here for a more detailed land use map of Brooklyn CD 12
A Snapshot of Key Community Indicators
CO M M U N I T Y A S S E T S 5
BK 14
Website: Email:
[email protected]
% Lot Land Use Category # Lots Area 1 & 2 Family Bldgs 10,326 41% Multifamily Walk-up 5,041 23% Multifamily Elevator 207 5% Mixed Use 1,891 7% Commercial 501 4% Industrial 250 2% Transportation/Utility 79 2% Public/Institutional 495 7% Open Space 22 6% Parking 190 1% Vacant 340 2% Other 43