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adio Hour, featur*^ mi Sunda;, May" of Mi-s Amanda. •rhusr Party on tM .... bute to Mrs. Arme E. Miller, one. Of the pioneers ot the organizattorb. **W« Would Be ...
dayjj, J940


. Horns, festhnonial ig Held By cial Workers Hay 9th, a t the eeting of the ym 'est Harlem Court, w i e v Henry Cr trended. New ofe copimittee w»rf e to serve for the r. Nova R. Dear. f the Admissions Committee of the who spoke on the y Organization to Problems," and Dr. >r, head of the So* I of Howard Unifeton. D. C, whose al of a Negro in ment".

AhimniOf College To Musical Tea State College pork will give • ^Sunday, May IV, lock, at the Har> Art Center. SO Scr\ ing a> hostlit rnoou will he (Colon. Mrs. Notnn. Miss Dorothy kl Mrs. James S, program will he dign such well * W. C. Handy, Blues"; Mi»s AU t mationally famthc Coq Rouge Tisdale. Carroll. way Joues); Er*. (Singing^ Vaga- , rwaves"), who it OR: Andy Razaf, opular songs, gild omposer of many Will Anthony rvc as master of the Virginia State c John I^.'StockIrs. Carrie Moore drnt; Miss Caetta Mrs. Carrie Tr*y* jcretary. and Mrs. treasurer^ Mrs, n is chairman of emitter. - • * •

ior Lcape •*. re Studio Hon Junior League of I '. ha\e made plani r-* in conjunction on of a six-week \c". These plana" adio Hour, featur*^ mi Sunda;, May" of Mi-s Amanda •rhusr Party on tM Day, Wednesday, lunior League are? -J president: Edna dent: Elizabeth •ccrelan ; Amelia secretary; Peart Edna Scott and * uHicitv managers.

realtor w. aid. 32, real # lead if a chais -shops, WM mar* Mia, Genets P. ini»nwe>»rs4>H;tariovi~ j i M v u r M i#»e own- voices. Counsellor Stanley *MT &wig- well ms to tMwe living in Sotith Jasme for the vacancy one of the fair Manhattan Jr. Leaguers Initiated vMrtlor! o fthe YWCA will be theme quality, returned to sing. "Ev'ry, er of the lingerie shop, berating her las will preside and the Rev. J. Os- maica Houjes, •wd. we do mean fair) fair-haired T. I. M., pledgees, Saturday, from of this meeting. Time I Feel the Spirit". The Mo- for Wring a Negro and stating that car Lee of the Nazarene CongregaA new playground, consisting of Ms who has been faithful to Dis- Adelaide (139th »t) DePrantz s ton Choir, composed of young girls »heir organization intended to keen tional Church will deliver the rove- approximatelv two blocks is being Negro job-holders out of the area. riet Leader Stephen J. Carney of home to 7th ave., to 139th st., to cation. A. L Comrther, executive vtho were a* one. time members of built by the Park Department near For Best Results ft* Seventeenth Assemblv District l."5th....Pledgees conducted revivthe student body of P. S. l ! ° and Union officials told .The Aee that the secretary at Carlton, will close the- the southwest corner of South Jafees taking away once more • job al meeting at 135th k 7th, singing; represents!tives of the white merprngrsm with a few remarks. who meet frequently to keep in conmaica Houses, next to P. S. No. 48. nn> s-hv-h rightfully ought to go to a "Happy Am I" while Lois Elliott cert grooming, under the diretcion of chants' sroup had attempted *" ' " Tn conjunction with this conference, Negro. beat a drum, Jean Curtis measmidate the earns* « * f the lingerie shop Dr. J. von Sopp, sang several" selecthe Y is putting out a twelve-page Will they stall, hem and haw and ured the curbstone, Jean Tallman tions including "Steal Away'* and ('also white) in. an attempt to get souvenir journal «rsom
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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069



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