BRST approach to Lagrangian formulation for mixed-symmetry ...

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Dec 28, 2009 - Our approach is based on the BFV–BRST construction [33], see also the re- views [34, 35] ... Following a tradition accepted in string theory and higher-spin field theory ...... Op = op , op ∈ {t0,l0,li,l+ i } ,. (4.1). 10 ...... sky, V.A. Krykhtin, Quartet unconstrained formulation for massless higher spin fields, [arXiv:.
BRST approach to Lagrangian formulation for mixed-symmetry fermionic higher-spin fields

arXiv:0707.0386v5 [hep-th] 28 Dec 2009

P.Yu. Moshina,b∗and A.A. Reshetnyakc† a Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade de S˜aoPaulo, Caixa Postal 66318-CEP, 05315-970 S˜ao Paulo, S.P., Brazil b Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 634041 Tomsk, Russia c Laboratory of Non-equilibrium State Theory, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, 634021 Tomsk, Russia

Abstract We construct a Lagrangian description of irreducible half-integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare group with the corresponding Young tableaux having two rows, on a basis of the BRST approach. Starting with a description of fermionic higher-spin fields in a flat space of any dimension in terms of an auxiliary Fock space, we realize a conversion of the initial operator constraint system (constructed with respect to the relations extracting irreducible Poincare-group representations) into a first-class constraint system. For this purpose, we find auxiliary representations of the constraint subsuperalgebra containing the subsystem of second-class constraints in terms of Verma modules. We propose a universal procedure of constructing gauge-invariant Lagrangians with reducible gauge symmetries describing the dynamics of both massless and massive fermionic fields of any spin. No off-shell constraints for the fields and gauge parameters are used from the very beginning. It is shown that the space of BRST cohomologies with a vanishing ghost number is determined only by the constraints corresponding to an irreducible Poincare-group representation. To illustrate the general construction, we obtain a Lagrangian description of fermionic fields with generalized spin (3/2,1/2) and (3/2,3/2) on a flat background containing the complete set of auxiliary fields and gauge symmetries.



The study of various aspects of higher-spin (HS) field theory has attracted a considerable attention for a long time due to the hope of discovering new possible approaches to the unification of the fundamental interactions. Higher-spin field theory is closely related to superstring theory, which operates with an infinite tower of bosonic and fermionic higher-spin fields. The problem of a covariant Lagrangian description of fields with an arbitrary spin propagating on flat [1]–[15] and (A)dS [16]–[27] backgrounds as well as the problem of constructing an interacting higher-spin field theory are in the permanent focus of research (for reviews and more references, see, e.g., [28]). One of the attractive features of investigating higher-spin gauge theories in AdS spaces is due to a possible relation of this study to the tensionless limit of superstring theory on the AdS5 × S5 ∗

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Ramond–Ramond background [29, 30] and the conformal N = 4 SYM theory in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence [31]. At present, the dynamics of totally symmetric higher-spin fields presents the most welldeveloped direction in the variety of unitary representations of the Poincare and AdS algebras [2, 3, 16, 17, 21]. To a great extent, this is caused by the fact that in a 4d space-time there is no place for mixed-symmetry irreducible representations with the exception of dual theories1 . In higher space-time dimensions, there appear mixed-symmetry representations determined by more than one spin-like parameters, and the problem of their field-theoretic description is not so well-developed as for totally symmetric irreps. Starting from the papers of Fierz–Pauli and Singh–Hagen [1, 2] for higher-spin field theories in the Minkowski space, it has been known that all such theories include, together with the basic fields of a given spin, also some auxiliary fields of lower spins, necessary to provide a compatibility of the Lagrangian equations of motion with the relations that determine irreducible representations of the Poincare group. Attempts to construct Lagrangian descriptions of free and interacting higher-spin field theories have resulted in consistency problems, which are not completely resolved until now. The present work is devoted to the construction of gauge-invariant Lagrangians for both massless and massive mixed-symmetry spin-tensor fields of rank n1 + n2 + ... + nk , with any integer numbers n1 ≥ n2 ≥ ... ≥ nk ≥ 1 for k = 2 in a d-dimensional Minkowski space, the fields being elements of Poincare-group irreps with a Young tableaux having two rows. In the case of the Minkowski space, several approaches have been proposed to study mixed-symmetry higher-spin fields [7, 8, 11, 12]. Our approach is based on the BFV–BRST construction [33], see also the reviews [34, 35], which was initially developed for a Hamiltonian quantization of dynamical systems subject to first-class constraints. Following a tradition accepted in string theory and higher-spin field theory, we further refer to this method as the BRST method, and to the corresponding BFV charge, as the BRST operator. The application of the BRST construction to higher-spin field theory consists of three steps. First, the conditions that determine the representations with a given spin are regarded as a system of first- and second-class operator constraints in an auxiliary Fock space. Second, the system of the initial constraints is converted, with a preservation of the initial algebraic structure, into a system of first-class constraints alone in an enlarged Fock space (see [36] for the development of conversion methods), with respect to which one constructs the BRST charge. Third, the Lagrangian for a higher-spin field is constructed in terms of the BRST charge in such a way that the corresponding equations of motion reproduce the initial constraints. We emphasize that this approach automatically implies a gauge-invariant Lagrangian description reflecting the general fact of BV–BFV duality [37, 38], realized in order to reproduce a Lagrangian action or a probability amplitude by means of a Hamiltonian object. The construction of the flat dynamics of mixed-symmetry gauge fields has been examined in [4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12], including the construction of Lagrangians in the BRST approach for massless bosonic higher-spin fields with two rows of the Young tableaux [9], and recently also for interacting bosonic HS fields [39] and for those of lower spins [40] on the basis of the BV cohomological deformation theory [41]. Lagrangian descriptions of massless mixed-symmetry fermionic and bosonic higher-spin fields in the (A)dS spaces have been suggested within a “framelike” approach in [27], whereas for massive fields of lower superspins in the flat and (A)dS spaces they have been examined in [13]. To be complete, note that for free totally symmetric higher-spin fields of integer spins the BRST approach has been used to derive Lagrangians in the flat space [8, 42] and in the (A)dS space [43]. The corresponding programme of a Lagrangian description of fermionic HS fields has been realized in the flat space [44] and in the (A)dS space [45]. In this paper, we construct a gauge-invariant Lagrangian description of fermionic HS fields 1

For a detailed discussion of dual theories in various dimensions, see [11, 28, 32]


in a Minkowski space of any dimension, corresponding to a unitary irreducible Poincare-group representation with the Young tableaux having two rows of length n1 , n2 (n1 ≥ n2 ). The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formulate a closed Lie superalgebra of operators, based on the constraints in an auxiliary Fock space that determines an irreducible representation of the Poincare group with a generalized spin s = (n1 +1/2, n2 +1/2). In Section 3, we construct a Verma module, being an auxiliary representation for a rank-2 subsuperalgebra of the superalgebra of the initial constraints corresponding to the subsystem of second-class constraints. This representation is then realized in terms of new (additional) creation and annihilation operators in Fock space. Note that a similar construction for bosonic HS fields in a flat space has been presented in [46]. In Section 4, we carry out a conversion of the initial system of first- and secondclass constraints into a system of first-class constraints in the space being the tensor product of the initial and new Fock spaces. Next, we construct the BRST operator for the converted constraint superalgebra. The construction of an action and of a sequence of reducible gauge transformations describing the propagation of a mixed-symmetry fermionic field of an arbitrary spin is realized in Section 5. We show that the Lagrangian description for a theory of a massive half-integer mixedsymmetry HS field in a d-dimensional Minkowski space is deduced by dimensional reduction of a massless HS field theory of the same type in a (d + 1)-dimensional flat space. In Section 6, we sketch a proof of the fact that the resulting action reproduces the correct conditions for a field that determine an irreducible representation of the Poincare group with a fixed s = (n1 + 1/2, n2 + 1/2) spin. We illustrate the general formalism by a construction of gauge-invariant Lagrangian actions for massless and massive spin-(1 + 1/2, 1/2) and spin-(1 + 1/2, 1 + 1/2) fields in Section 7. In Conclusion, we summarize the results of this work and outline some open problems. In addition to the conventions of [9, 44, 46], we use the notation ε(A), gh(A) for the respective values of Grassmann parity and ghost number of a quantity A, and denote by [A, B} the supercommutator of quantities A, B, which in the case of definite values of Grassmann parity is given by [A , B} = AB − (−1)ε(A)ε(B) BA.


Half-integer HS Symmetry Algebra in Flat Space-time

In general, a massless half-integer irreducible representation of the Poincare group in a d-dimensional Minkowski space is described by a spin-tensor field Φµ1 ...µn1 ,ν1 ...νn2 ,...,ρ1...ρnk (x), with the Dirac index being suppressed, of rank n1 +n2 +...+nk and generalized spin s = (n1 +1/2, n2 +1/2, ..., nk +1/2), which corresponds to a Young tableaux with k rows of length n1 , n2 , ..., nk , respectively, and k ≤ [(d − 1)/2]. This field is symmetric with respect to the permutations of each type of indices µi , i = 1, ..., k. In this paper, we restrict ourselves to the fields characterized by a Young tableaux with k = 2 rows: µ 1 µ 2 · · · · · · · · · µ n1 . (2.1) ν1 ν2 · · · · · · · νn2 The field Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) ≡ Φµ1 ...µn1 ,ν1...νn2 (x), as an element of a Poincare-group irrep, obeys the mass-shell and γ-traceless conditions for each type of indices2 ıγ µ ∂µ Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) = 0 , γ µ1 Φµ1 µ2 ...µn1 ,(ν)n2 (x) = 0 , γ ν1 Φ(µ)n1 ,ν1 ν2 ...νn2 (x) = 0 . 2

(2.2) (2.3) (2.4)

Throughout the paper, we use the mostly minus signature ηµν = diag(+, −, ..., −), µ, ν = 0, 1, ..., d − 1, and the Dirac matrices satisfy the relations {γ µ , γ ν } = 2η µν .


The correspondence with a given Young tableaux implies that after the symmetrization of all the vector indices of the first row with any vector index of the second row the field Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) becomes equal to zero: Φ{(µ)n1 ,ν1 }ν2 ...νn2 (x) ≡

n1 X

Φµ1 ...µi−1 ν1 µi+1 ...µn1 ,µi ν2 ...νn2 (x) + Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) = 0 ,



where in the case i = 1 it is implied that Φµ0 ν1 µ2 ...µn1 ,µ1 ν2 ...νn2 (x) ≡ Φν1 µ2 ...µn1 ,µ1 ν2 ...νn2 (x). In order to describe all the irreducible representations simultaneously, it is convenient to j introduce an auxiliary Fock space H generated by creation and annihilation operators ai+ µ , aµ with additional internal indices, i, j = 1, 2, ij [aiµ , aj+ ν ] = −ηµν δ ,

δ ij = diag(1, 1) .


The general state (a Dirac-like spinor) of the Fock space has the form |Φi =

∞ X n1 X

+µn1 +ν1 a2

1 . . . a1 Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) a+µ 1


. . . a2



n1 =0 n2 =0

providing the symmetry property of Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) under the permutation of indices of the same type. We refer to the vector (2.7) as the basic vector. Because of the property of translational invariance of the vacuum, ∂µ |0i = 0, the conditions (2.2)–(2.4) can be equivalently expressed in terms of the bosonic operators t˜0 = iγ µ ∂µ , t=

t˜i = γ µ aiµ ,

2µ a1+ µ a

(2.8) (2.9)

as follows: t˜0 |Φi = t˜i |Φi = t|Φi = 0.


Thus, the constraints (2.10) with each component Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) of the vector (2.7) subject to (2.2)–(2.4) describe a field of spin (n1 + 1/2, n2 + 1/2). Because of the fermionic nature of equations (2.2)–(2.4) with respect to the standard Lorentzlike Grassmann parity, and due to the bosonic nature of the primary constraint operators t˜0 , t˜i , ε(t˜0 ) = ε(t˜i ) = 0, in order to equivalently transform these operators into fermionic ones, we now introduce a set of d+1 Grassmann-odd gamma-matrix-like objects γ˜ µ , γ˜ , subject to the conditions {˜ γ µ , γ˜ ν } = 2η µν ,

{˜ γ µ , γ˜ } = 0,

γ˜ 2 = −1,


and related to the conventional gamma-matrices as follows:3 γ µ = γ˜ µ γ˜ .


We can now define Grassmann-odd constraints, t0 = −ı˜ γ µ ∂µ ,

ti = γ˜ µ aiµ ,


related to the operators (2.8) as follows:


For more details, see [44].

  t0 , ti = γ˜ −t˜0 , t˜i . 4


We next define an odd scalar product: ˜ hΨ|Φi =



d x

∞ X



h0|aρ11 . . . a1k1 aσ2 1 . . . a2 k2 Ψ+ (ρ)k

n1 ,k1 ,n2 ,k2 =0 +µn1 +ν1 a2

1 a+µ . . . a1 1


. . . a2


γ0 Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) ,(σ)k2 (x)˜


× (2.15)

+ 2+ 1µ The operators t0 , ti , t in (2.9) and (2.13), with ti+ = γ˜ µ ai+ being Hermitian µ and t = aµ a conjugate, respectively, to ti , t with reference to the scalar product (2.15), generate an operator Lie superalgebra composed of the operators

t0 = −ı˜ γ µ ∂µ ,


ti = γ˜ µ aiµ ,

ti+ = γ˜ µ ai+ µ ,

2µ t = a1+ µ a , li = −iaiµ ∂ µ , lij = 21 aiµ ajµ , l0 = ∂ µ ∂µ ,



1µ t = a2+ µ a , µ li+ = −iai+ µ ∂ , 4 lij+ = 21 aiµ+ aj+ , µ i i+ iµ g0 = −aµ a + d2 ,

(2.18) (2.19) (2.20) (2.21)

which is invariant under Hermitian conjugation. The operators (2.16)–(2.21) form a superalgebra given by Table 1, with an omission of the Poincare-group Casimir operator l0 being the central charge of this algebra, where the quantities Aik , B k,ij , C k,ij , D ij , E ij , F i , I i , Gij , H ij , J k,ij , K k,ij , Lkl,ij are defined by the relations Aik = −2g0i δ ik + 2tδ i2 δ k1 + 2t+ δ i1 δ k2 , B


= − 21 t{i+ δ j}k {i2 j}1

D ij = l





− 21 l{i+ δ j}k

G =l J

Lkl,ij =




(2.23) ,

I i = t+ (δ i1 − δ i2 ) ,

F i = t(δ i2 − δ i1 ) , 1{i j}2


1 {i j}k t δ , 2 1{i+ j}2

E ij = −l



(2.22) k,ij


H = −l

, ,




{i2+ j}1


1 {i j}k l δ 2



(2.24) (2.25) (2.26) (2.27)

i h δ ik δ lj 2g0k δ kl + g0k + g0l h   i l2 j1 k1 kj k2 j1 lk + l1 j2 k2 kj k1 j2 lk ik −δ t δ (δ + δ δ ) + δ δ δ + t δ (δ + δ δ ) + δ δ δ io   h . (2.28) −δ lj t δ k2 (δ i1 + δ l1 δ li ) + δ l2 δ i1 δ kl + t+ δ k1 (δ i2 + δ l2 δ li ) + δ l1 δ i2 δ lk 1 4


We call this algebra the half-integer higher-spin symmetry algebra in Minkowski space with a Young tableaux having two rows. From the viewpoint of constraint system theory, the above superalgebra is a system of constraints, except for the operators g0k , being non-degenerate in H. These operators, as follows from Table 1, determine an invertible operator supermatrix of commutators for the subsystem of + + + second-class constraints, {tk , t+ k , lij , lij , t, t }, with the other constraints, t0 , l0 , li , li , being firstclass ones. A conversion of this constraint system {oI }, including the operators g0k , into a first-class constraint system {OI } by means of an additive composition of oI with some operators o′I depending 4 For the operators l12 , l12+ in (2.20), we have used a definition slightly different from that of [46], where 12 ˆ12+ ˆ (l , l ) = 2(l12 , l12+ ).


[ ↓ , →}



























−t0 δki


B k,ij

ti δki





t1+ δk2

t2+ δk1

t0 δki


C k,ij


−ti+ δki



t2 δi1

−t1+ δi2


g01 − g02

l2 δi1

−l1+ δi2

D ij

E ij




t1 δi2

−t2+ δi1 g02 − g01


l1 δi2

−l2+ δi1


H ij





−t0 δik

−l2 δk1

−l1 δk2


l0 δik


J k,ij

li δik



t0 δik


l1+ δk2

l2+ δk1

−l0 δik


K k,ij


−li+ δik




−C i,kl

−D kl



−K i,kl



li{k δl}i



−B i,kl


−E kl

−H kl

−J i,kl




−li{k+ δl}i



−tk δik

tk+ δik

−F k

−I k

−lk δik

−t2 δk1 −t1 δk2

lk+ δik −lk{i δj}k lk{i+ δj}k


Table 1: The superalgebra of the initial operators on new creation and annihilation operators, oI → OI = oI + o′I , can be effectively realized only for the subsuperalgebra of the entire symmetry superalgebra that contains the subsystem of second class-constraints and g0k . The only requirement, as shown in [46], is that each of the Hermitian operators g0k should contain linearly an arbitrary parameter hk , whose values are to be determined later.


Auxiliary Representation for the Superalgebra with Secondclass Constraints

In this section, we describe the method of Verma module construction for the Lie superalgebra + k with second-class constraints alone. Having denoted {oa } = {tk , t+ k , lij , lij , g0 }, oa ∈ {oI }, as the basis elements of the above superalgebra, and using the requirements that oa , o′a must supercommute, {oa , o′a ] = 0, and that the converted constraints must be in involution, {Oa , Ob] ∼ Oc , we find that the superalgebra of the additional parts o′a is uniquely determined by the same algebraic conditions as those for the initial constraints. In this case, it is unnecessary to convert the subsystem of the initial first-class constraints not entering {oa }, and therefore they remain intact. Following [44] and the general method of Verma module construction for mixed-symmetry integer-spin HS fields [46], let us denote E α ≡ (tk ; lij , t) = (E α0 ; E α1 ), (α0 > 0, α1 > 0) for i ≤ j, and define Hi = g0i + g0′i ,

g0′i = hi + ... ,

E α = E α + E ′α (h) ,

α0 = 1, 2 , α1 = 1, 2, 3, 4 .


The quantities g0i , E α1 , E −α1 are the Cartan generators, positive and negative root vectors, ex6

cept for α1 = 2 (see footnote 4) of the subalgebra so(3, 2) in the superalgebra of second-class constraints, and the odd generators E α0 , E −α0 supplement the basis so(3, 2) up to that of the above superalgebra. The quantities g0′i , E ′α , E −′α and Hi , E α, E −α have the same identification respectively for the additional and enlarged operators of the symmetry superalgebra. Consider the highest-weight representation of the superalgebra of the additional parts with the highest-weight vector |0iV annihilated by the positive roots and being the proper vector of the Cartan generators: E ′α |0iV = 0 , α > 0 , g0′i |0iV = hi |0iV . (3.2) Following the Poincare–Birkhoff–Witt theorem, the basis space of this representation, called in the mathematical literature the Verma module [47], is given by the vectors 0       ~n , ~nij , niV = E ′−α01 n01 E ′−α02 n02 E ′−α11 n11 E ′−α21 n12 E ′−α31 n22 E ′−α41 n |0iV , (3.3) k

where ~n0k = (n01 , n02 ), ~nij = (n11 , n12 , n22 ), n01 , n02 = 0, 1, nij ∈ N0 . Note that the restriction for the values of ~n0k in (3.3) is due to the identities 0





′+ ′+ ′+ , l12 , l22 ) , {E ′−αi , E ′−αj ] = 4(E ′−α1 , E ′−α1 , E ′−α1 ) = 4(l11

i, j = 1, 2, i ≤ j .


Using the commutation relations of the superalgebra given by Table 1 and the formula for the product of graded operators, n

AB =

n X

(−1)ε(A)ε(B)(n−k) C (s)nk B n−k adkB A , n ≥ 0 , s = ε(B) ,


adkB A

 k−1 = adB adB A , adB A = {A, B] ,


we can calculate the explicit form of the Verma module. In (3.5), we have introduced generalized coefficients for a number of graded combinations, C (s)nk , that coincide with the standard ones only n! . These coefficients are defined recursively, by for the bosonic operator B: C (0)nk = Ckn = k!(n−k)! the relations C (s)n+1 = (−1)s(n+k+1) C (s)nk−1 + C (s)nk , k C (s)n0


C (s)nn

C (s)nk

= 1,

n, k ≥ 0 ,


= 0, n < k


and possess the properties C (s)nk = C (s)nn−k . The corresponding values of C (1)nk are defined, for n ≥ k, by the formulae C (1)nk =

n−k+1 k −k+2 X n−iX ik =1

ik−1 =1




i −1 n−

j=3 j X

i2 =1


j=2 X




[(k+1)/2] P

(i2j−1 +1)




i1 =1

which follow by induction, and in which [a] stands for the integer part of the number a. For our purposes, due to n0k = 0, 1 in (3.3), (3.5), it is sufficient to know that C (1)00 = C (1)10 = 1 and n0 C (1) 1 k = n0k . Then, following [50] and making use of the mapping 0   n11 + n12 + n22 + n ~nk , ~nij , niV ↔ ~n0k , ~nij , ni = f1+ n01 f2+ n02 b+ b12 b22 b |0i , (3.9) 11 where |~n0k , ~nij , ni , for n0k = 0, 1, nij ∈ N0 , are the basis vectors of a Fock space H′ generated + by new fermionic, fk+ , fk , k = 0, 1, and bosonic, b+ ij , b , bij , b, i, j = 1, 2, i ≤ j, creation and annihilation operators with the standard (only nonvanishing) commutation relations {fk , fl+ } = δkl ,

[bij , b+ lk ] = δil δjk , i ≤ j, k ≤ l , 7

[b , b+ ] = 1 ,


we can represent the Verma module as polynomials in the creation operators of the Fock space H′ . First, we find the action of the negative root operators E ′−α on the basis vectors. After a simple calculation, one obtains E h 0 i  h 0 i 0 n +1 n +1 (3.11) t′i+ ~n0k , ~nlm , niV = δi1 1 + 12 n1 + 1mod2, n02, n11 + 12 , n12 , n22 , n n h 0 i h 0 Vi E 0 n +1 n +1 +δi2 (−1)n1 1 + 22 n01 , n02 + 1mod2, n11 , n12 , n22 + 22 , n V o 0 0 0 −4n1 n1 − 1, n2 , n11 , n12 + 1, n22 , niV , ′+ 0 lij ~nk , ~nlm , niV = ~n0k , ~nlm + δil δjm , niV , (3.12) 0 0 ′+ 0 t ~nk , ~nlm , niV = ~nk , ~nlm , n + 1iV − 2n11 ~nk , n11 − 1, n12 + 1, n22 , niV (3.13) h 0 i E  h 0 i 0 n +1 n +1 −n01 1 + 22 n1 − 1, n02 + 1mod2, n11 , n12 , n22 + 22 , n V −n12 ~n0k , n11 , n12 − 1, n22 + 1, niV , ! X   0 ′i 0 il im i2 i1 i nk δik + nlm δ + δ g0 ~nk , ~nlm , niV = + n δ − δ + h ~n0k , ~nlm , niV . (3.14) l≤m

Second, for the positive root operators E ′α we find (3.15) t′1 ~n0k , ~nlm , niV = −2n01 (2n11 + n12 − n + h1 ) n01 − 1, n02 , ~nlm , niV h 0 i E  h 0 i 0 n +1 n +1 n11 n01 + 1mod2, n02 , n11 − 1 + 12 , n12 , n22 , n −(−1)n1 1 + 12  h 0 i h 0 i VE 0 0 n +1 n +1 −(−1)n1 +n2 n212 1 + 22 n01 , n02 + 1mod2, n11 , n12 − 1, n22 + 22 , n V  0 0 n01 0 +2(−1) n2 −n12 n1 , n2 − 1, n11 , n12 − 1, n22 + 1, niV  0 0 + n1 , n2 − 1, ~nlm , n + 1iV , t′2 ~n0k , ~nlm , niV

n 0 = (−1)n1 −2n02 (2n22 − n01 + n + h2 ) n01 , n02 − 1, ~nlm , n V (3.16)  h 0 i E h 0 i 0 n +1 n +1 − n212 1 + 12 n1 + 1mod2, n02 , n11 + 12 , n12 − 1, n22 , n  h 0 i h 0 iVE n2 +1 0 n +1 n02 0 −(−1) n22 1 + 2 n1 , n2 + 1mod2, n11 , n12 , n22 − 1 + 22 , n V  0 0 0 1 2 −2n1 n(h − h − n + 1) n1 − 1, n2 , ~nlm , n − 1 V −2n22 n01 − 1, n02 , n11 , n12 + 1, n22 − 1, n V 0 o 0 , −n12 n1 − 1, n2 , n11 + 1, n12 − 1, n22 , n V

l′11 ~n0k , ~nlm , niV = n11 (n11 + n12 + n01 − n − 1 + h1 ) ~n0k , n11 − 1, n12 , n22 , niV


n12 (n12 −1) 4

|~n0k , n11 , n12 − 2, n22 + 1, niV − n212 |~n0k , n11 , n12 − 1, n22 , n + 1iV + −−−−→ n  −−−−→  − n01 2n02 n0k − 1, ~nlm , n + 1iV − n12 n0k − 1, n11 , n12 − 1, n22 + 1, niV  h 0 i h 0 i E o n0 2 n2 +1 0 n2 +1 0 − (−1) ,n , n 1 + n − 1, n + 1mod2, n , n − 1, n + 12 11 12 22 1 2 2 2 2 V




0 ~nk , ~nlm , niV


  X 0 k 2n11 + n12 + 2n22 + (nk + h ) − 1 ~n0k , n11 , n12 − 1, n22 , niV (3.18)

n12 4

k 1 2 1 + 2 nn11 (h − h + n − 1) |~n0k , n11 − 1, n12 , n22 , n − 1iV +n11 n22 |~n0k , n11 − 1, n12 + 1, n22 − 1, niV − n222 |~n0k , n11 , n12 , n22 − 1, n + 1iV −−−−→  n n01 n02 0 2 0 1+ n − 1, ~ n , ni + (−1) 2n (n + 2n + h ) lm V 22 2 k 2


n02 +1 2


× h 0 i E o n +1 ×n22 n01 − 1, n02 + 1mod2, n11 , n12 , n22 − 1 + 22 , n E  h 0 i h 0 i V n02 n1 +1 0 n +1 + 2 n11 1 + 2 n1 + 1mod2, n02 − 1, n11 − 1 + 12 , n12 , n22 , n , +


l′22 ~n0k , ~nlm , niV

t′ ~n0k , ~nlm , niV

= n22 (n12 + n + n02 + n22 − 1 + h2 ) ~n0k , n11 , n12 , n22 − 1, niV + n122 n (n − 1 + h2 − h1 ) |~n0k , n11 , n12 − 1, n22 , n − 1iV ,


+ n12 (n412 −1) |~n0k , n11 + 1, n12 − 2, n22 , niV  h 0 i E h 0 i n0 n n +1 n +1 + 22 12 1 + 12 n01 + 1mod2, n02 − 1, n11 + 12 , n12 − 1, n22 , n , V 0 1 2 = n(h − h − n + 1) ~nk , ~nlm , n − 1iV (3.20) 0 0 −n12 ~nk , n11 + 1, n12 − 1, n22 , niV − 2n22 ~nk , n11 , n12 + 1, n22 − 1, niV  h 0 i E h 0 i 0 n1 +1 n1 +1 0 0 − n2 1 + 2 n1 + 1mod2, n2 − 1, n11 + 2 , n12 , n22 , n . V

Using expressions (3.11)–(3.20) and the mapping (3.9), we reconstruct the action of the operators E ′α , E ′−α , g0′i in the Fock space H′ , namely, + t′i+ = fi+ + 2b+ ii fi + 4δi2 b12 f1 , + + + t′+ = b+ − 2b+ 12 b11 − b22 b12 − f2 f1 + 2b22 f1 f2 , X il im + i2 i1 i g0′i = fi+ fi + b+ lm blm (δ + δ ) + b b(δ − δ ) + h ,

(3.21) (3.22)

  + + 1 t′1 = −f1+ b11 − 21 f2+ b12 − 2 b+ f1 + 2b+ − b+ 11 b11 + b12 b12 − b b + h 22 b12 f2 ,  + + 2 t′2 = −f2+ b22 − 12 f1+ b12 − 2 b+ f2 22 b22 − f1 f1 + b b + h   + +2 h1 − h2 − b+ b bf1 − b+ 11 b12 + 4b12 b22 f1 ,  1 + + + 2 b11 − 21 b+ b12 + 41 b+ l′11 = b+ 11 b11 + b12 b12 − b b + f1 f1 + h 22 b12 + + 12 (f2+ − 2b+ 22 f2 )f1 b12 − 2b f2 f1 , hX i  + i + 1 + 2 1 l′12 = 14 2b+ b + f f + h + b b ii ii i i 12 12 b12 + 2 (b b + h − h ) bb11

(3.25) (3.26)



′+ lij = b+ ij .

l′22 t′

i  1 + b22 + 21 f2+ f1 b22 + 12 f1+ f2 b11 + b+ 12 b11 − 2 b  + 2 + b+ b + b+ f2 f1 , 11 b11 + b22 b22 + h  + + + + = b22 b22 + b12 b12 + b b + f2 f2 + h2 b22 + 21 (b+ b + h2 − h1 ) b12 b + 1 + 2 + 41 b+ 11 b12 + 2 f1 f2 b12 + b11 b12 f2 f1 ,  + + + = h1 − h2 − b+ b b − b+ 11 b12 − 2b12 b22 − f1 f2 − 2b11 f2 f1 .




(3.29) (3.30)

Note that the additional parts E ′α , E −′α do not obey the usual properties +

(E ′α ) 6= E −′α , 9


if one should use the standard rules of Hermitian conjugation for the new creation and annihilation operators, (bij )+ = b+ (b)+ = b+ , (fi )+ = fi+ . (3.32) ij , To restore the proper Hermitian conjugation properties for the additional parts, we change the scalar product in the Fock space H′ as follows: ˜ 1 |Ψ2 inew = hΨ ˜ 1 |K ′ |Ψ2 i , hΨ


for any vectors |Ψ1 i, |Ψ2 i with some, yet unknown, operator K ′ . This operator is determined by the condition that all the operators of the algebra must have the proper Hermitian properties with respect to the new scalar product: ˜ 1 |K ′ E −′α |Ψ2 i = hΨ ˜ 2 |K ′ E ′α |Ψ1 i∗ , hΨ

˜ 1 |K ′ g0′i |Ψ2 i = hΨ ˜ 2 |K ′ g0′i |Ψ1 i∗ . hΨ


These relations permit one to determine the operator K ′ , Hermitian with respect to the usual scalar product h | i, as follows: ′


K = Z Z,


∞ X


X ~n0 , ~nlm , niV k

n0k =(0,0) (~ nlm ,n)=(~0,0) ~

1 n0 n0 h0|bn bn1111 bn1212 bn2222 f1 1 f2 2 , (~nlm )!n!


where (~nlm )! = n11 !n12 !n22 !. One can show by direct calculation that the following relation n01 +2n11 +n12 −n n02 +n12 +2n22 +n ′ ′ 0 holds true: V h~n′0 , ~ n , n |~ n , ~ n , ni ∼ δ ′ ′ ′ ′ lm V ′ δ ′0 ′ . For low pairs of numbers k lm k n′0 1 +2n11 +n12 −n n2 +n12 +2n22 +n 0 0 (n1 + 2n11 + n12 − n, n2 + n12 + 2n22 + n), with n, nij being the numbers of “particles” associated + with b+ , b+ ij for i ≤ j (where b reduces the spin number s1 by one unit and increases the spin number s2 by one unit simultaneously) and n0k being the number of “particles” associated with fk+ , the operator K ′ reads K ′ = |0ih0| + (h1 − h2 )b+ |0ih0|b − 2hi fi+ |0ih0|fi + 2f2+ |0ih0|(h1 − h2 )bf1   + + 2 1 1 1 2 +f1 b |0ih0| 2bf1 (h − h )(h − 1) + 2f2 (h − h )  1 1 1 2 2 2 1 + +b12 |0ih0| b12 (h + h ) + f2 f1 h + b11 b(h − h ) + hi b+ ii |0ih0|bii 4 2   1 2 1 2 1 + + 1 2 1 +b11 b |0ih0| b11 b(h − h )(h − 1) + b12 (h − h ) + 2f2 f1 (h − h ) 2   + + 2 1 2 1 +f1 f2 |0ih0| 4f2 f1 (h h + h − h ) + b12 h2 + 2b11 b(h2 − h1 ) + . . . .


This expression for the operator K ′ will be used later in constructing the examples of Section 7. Thus, we have constructed the additional parts o′a , (3.21)–(3.30), for the constraints oa . In the next section, we determine the algebra of the extended constraints and find the BRST operator corresponding to this algebra.


The Converted Superalgebra and the BFV–BRST Operator

The superalgebra of the converted operators OI , OI = (Oa , Op ),

Oa = oa + o′a , 10

Op = op , op ∈ {t0 , l0 , li , li+ } ,


has the same form as the superalgebra of the initial operators oI , and therefore it is determined by the relations of Table 1 under the replacement oI ↔ OI . Despite the fact that the operators Hi do not belong to the constraint system, and in order to provide a Lorentz-covariant description of BRST cohomology spaces, we do not impose the restrictions Hi |χidef = 0 on the vector |χidef , being the vector |Φi (2.7) enlarged into the tensor product of the Fock spaces Hdef = H ⊗ H′ , X klm + k +µ1 k +µ +ν k1 k2 k11 k12 k22 k 1 (x) |0i , (4.2) b a1 . . . a1 k10 a+ν . . . a2 k20 χ(µ) fi+ i b+ |χidef = 2 lm k ,(ν)k 10



and include Hi into the converted first-class constraint system, with respect to which we construct the BRST operator Q′ . The sum in (4.2) is taken over ki0 , klm , k, running from 0 to infinity, and over ki , running from 0 to 1 for i = 0, 1, l, m = 1, 2, l ≤ m. Having constructed Q′ , we extract from it the operators Hi , enlarged by means of the ghost variables C, P up to new operators σ i , σ i = (Hi − hi + O (CP)), which will be used to describe, by virtue of the equations (σ i +hi )|χi = 0, the direct sum of the Fock subspaces H(n1 ,n2 ) of a definite generalized spin s = (n1 + 21 , n2 + 12 ) in the enlarged Hilbert space Htot = H ⊗ H′ ⊗ Hgh for |χi ∈ Htot . In this case, the remaining i i i i operator Q, independent of the ghost variables ηH , PH associated with Hi , in Q′ = Q+O (ηH , PH ), is covariant and nilpotent in each space H(n1 ,n2 ) for the converted constraint system OI without Hi . Then, substituting instead of the parameters −hi the operators σ i , we obtain a nilpotent i i BRST operator in the complete space Htot without ηH , PH , which encodes the superalgebra of the i converted constraints {OI } \ {H } for fermionic HS fields with two rows of the Young tableaux. The construction of a nilpotent fermionic BRST operator for a Lie superalgebra is based on a principle similar to those developed in [44, 45]: see the general analysis of the BFV quantization in the reviews [33, 34, 35]. Following the prescription of [34], the BRST operator constructed on a basis of the superalgebra presented in Table 1 can be found in an exact form, with the use of the (CP)-ordering of the ghost coordinate C I and momenta PI operators, as follows: 1 K Q′ = OI C I + C I C J fJI PK (−1)ε(OK )+ε(OI ) 2


K K with the constants fIJ written in a compact x-local representation, {OI , OJ ] = fIJ OK , and, ′ according to Table 1, Q has the form i + lm lm i Q′ = q0 T0 + qi+ T i + Ti+ q i + η0 L0 + ηi+ Li + L+ + L+ + η + T + T + η + ηH Hi i η + ηlm L lm η i + + i + + i + i i + + i(ηi q − η qi )p0 + (ηH qi + ηii qi )pi + (ηH qi + ηii q )pi i + ηi + ηii+ η i − 2q0 qi+ )P i − ı(q02 − ηi+ η i )P 0 − ı(2q i qi+ − ηii+ η ii)P iH + (ηH i i + +2 i 2 + + (ηi ηH + ηi+ η ii − 2q0 q i )P + i + 2(ηH ηii − qi )P ii + 2(ηii ηH − qi )P ii  1  + + + 2 − 2 21 (ηH + ηH )η12 − η + η22 − ηη11 + 2q1 q2 P12 + η + η12 P11 + ηη12 P22  1 1 + + + + + 2 )η12 − η + η11 − ηη22 − 2q1+ q2+ P12 − ηη12 P11 − η + η12 P22 +2 2 (ηH + ηH   + η12 P 1H + P 2H − ıηη + P 1H − P 2H + 4ı η12

 +  + 2 1 + 12 η12 η11 + 21 η22 η12 − 2q1 q2+ + (ηH − ηH )η + P  +  + 2 1 + 12 η11 η12 + 21 η12 η22 − 2q2 q1+ − (ηH − ηH )η P +     1 +  + + + 12 q1 η12 − η + q1+ p2 + 21 q1+ η12 − ηq1 p+ q η − ηq + 2 2 p1  + 1 +  2  21 + 12  1 + + + + + 2 q2 η12 − η q2 p1 + 2 η12 η2 − ηη2 P1 + 2 η2 η12 + η η2 P1+  +    + 12 η12 η1 − η + η1+ P2 + 21 η1+ η12 − η1 η P2+ .


Here, we imply summation over the repeated index i, and the raising (lowering) of the indices i, j in quantities f ij is made by the two-dimensional Euclidian metric tensor g ij (gij ), g ij = diag(1, 1). 11

+ i The quantities q0 , qi , qi+ and η0 , ηi+ , ηi , ηlm , ηlm , η, η + , ηH are, respectively, bosonic and fermionic ghost “coordinates” corresponding to their canonically conjugate ghost “momenta” p0 , p+ i , pi , + i + P 0 , P i, P + , P , P , P , P, P for i, l, m = 1, 2, l ≤ m. They form a set of Wick ghost i lm     lm  H  + + + + + + + + pairs, qi , pi , pi , qi , ηi , Pi , Pi , ηi , ηlm , Plm , Plm , ηlm , (η, P ), (P, η ) , and a set i i of zero-mode pairs, (q0 , p0 ), (η0 , P0 ), (ηH , PH ) . Following [34], they obey the nonvanishing (anti)commutation relations + {η, P + } = {P, η + } = {ηi , P + i } = {P i , ηi } = 1 ,

+ {ηlm , P + lm } = {P lm , ηlm } = 1 ,

+ [qi , p+ i ] = [pi , qi ] = 1 ,

i [q0 , p0 ] = {η0 , P 0 } = {ηH , P iH } = ı ;


they also possess the standard ghost number distribution, gh(C i ) = −gh(Pi ) = 1, providing the ˜ ′) = 1, and have the Hermitian conjugation properties of zero-mode pairs,5 property gh(Q +  i i q0 , η0 , ηH , p0 , P 0 , P iH = q0 , η0 , ηH , p0 , −P 0 , −P iH . (4.6) The property of the BRST operator to be Hermitian is defined by the rule Q′+ K = KQ′ ,


and is calculated with respect to the scalar product h | i in Htot with the measure dd x, which, in its turn, is constructed as the direct product of the scalar products in H, H′ and Hgh . The operator K in (4.7) is the tensor product of the operator K ′ in H′ and the unit operators in H, Hgh K = ˆ1 ⊗ K ′ ⊗ ˆ1gh . (4.8) Thus, we have constructed a Hermitian BRST operator for the entire superalgebra of OI . In the next section, this operator will be used to construct a Lagrangian action for fermionic HS fields of spin (s1 , s2 ) in a flat space.


Construction of Lagrangian Actions

The construction of Lagrangians for fermionic higher-spin fields in a d-dimensional Minkowski space can be developed by partially following the algorithm of [44], which is a particular case of our construction, corresponding to n2 = 0. As a first step, we extract the dependence of the i , P iH , so as to obtain the BRST operator Q only for the BRST operator Q′ (4.4) on the ghosts ηH system of converted first-class constraints {OI } \ {Hi }: i i Q′ = Q + ηH (σ i + hi ) + Ai PH ,


where i + lm lm Q = q0 T0 + qi+ T i + Ti+ q i + η0 L0 + ηi+ Li + L+ + L+ + η+T + T +η i η + ηlm L lm η + 2 + + + + i(ηi+ qi − ηi qi+ )p0 + ηii qi+ p+ i + ηii qi pi − i(q0 − ηi ηi )P 0 + (ηii ηi − 2q0 qi )P i +2 2 + + (ηi+ ηii − 2q0 qi )P + i − 2qi P ii − 2qi P ii   + + + − 2 2q1 q2 − η + η22 − ηη11 P12 + η + η12 P11 + ηη12 P22  + +  + + + + −2 2q1 q2 + η + η11 + ηη22 P12 − ηη12 P11 − η + η12 P22    1 + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + 2 η12 η11 + 2 η22 η12 − 2q1 q2 P + 2 η11 η12 + 2 η12 η22 − 2q2 q1+ P +      1 + + + + 12 q1 η12 − η + q1+ p2 + 12 q1+ η12 − ηq1 p+ 2 + 2 q2 η12 − ηq2 p1  1 +  1 +  +  + + + 12 q2+ η12 − η + q2 p+ 1 + 2 η12 η2 − ηη2 P1 + 2 η2 η12 + η η2 P1  +    + 21 η12 η1 − η + η1+ P2 + 12 η1+ η12 − η1 η P2+ , (5.2)

  In terms of the redefinition pi , P 0 , P iH → 7 ı pi , P 0 , P iH , the BRST operator (4.4) and relations (4.5) are written in the notation of [44, 45]. 5


o n + η12 (δ i1 + δ i2 ) . Ai = ı ηii+ ηii − 2qi qi+ + ηη + (δ i1 − δ i2 ) + 41 η12


The generalized spin operator σ i = (σ 1 , σ 2 ), extended by the ghost Wick-pair variables, has the form + + + + + σ i = Hi − hi + qi p+ i + qi pi − ηi Pi + ηi Pi − 2ηii Pii + 2ηii Pii + + (δ i1 + δ i2 )[η12 P12 − η12 P12 ] + (δ i2 − δ i1 )[η + P − ηP + ] .


Second, we choose a representation of the Hilbert space permitting us to find the BRST cohomology spaces for the first-class constraint system,  p0 , qi , pi , P0 , P iH , ηi , P i , ηlm , P lm , η, P |0i = 0, (5.5) i and to extract from Htot the Hilbert subspace that does not depend on the ηH operators (since i H are not first-class constraints as the other OI ), X 8 9 k3i k4 + k5i + k6i + k7i + klm + klm (q0 )k1 (qi+ )k2i (p+ (Plm |χi = ) (η + )k10 (P + )k11 × i ) (η0 ) (fi ) (ηi ) (Pi ) (ηlm ) kr

+µk14 +ν1 a2

kno + k13 +µ1 ×(b+ (b ) a1 . . . a1 no ) 12


. . . a2

k1 k2i ...k13 (x)|0i. χ(µ) k ,(ν)k 14



12 The sum in (5.6) is taken over k1 , k2i , k3i, kno , k13 , k14 , k15 , running from 0 to infinity, for i, l, m, n, o = 1, 2, l ≤ m, n ≤ o, and over the other indices, running from 0 to 1. Next, we derive from the equations determining the physical vector, Q′ |χi = 0, and from the reducible gauge transformations, δ|χi = Q′ |Λi, δ|Λi = Q′ |Λ(1) i, . . ., δ|Λ(s−1) i = Q′ |Λ(s) i, a sequence of relations:

(σ i + hi )|χi = 0,

Q|χi = 0, δ|χi = Q|Λi,





(σ + h )|Λi = 0,



(ε, gh) (|χi) = (1, 0),


(ε, gh) (|Λi) = (0, −1),




δ|Λi = Q|Λ i,

(σ + h )|Λ i = 0,

(ε, gh) (|Λ i) = (1, −2),

δ|Λ(s−1) i = Q|Λ(s) i,

(σ i + hi )|Λ(s) i = 0,

(ε, gh) (|Λ(s) i) = (s, −s − 1).


The middle set of equations in (5.7)–(5.10) determines the possible values of the parameters hi and the eigenvectors of the operators σ i . Solving these equations, we obtain a set of eigenvectors, |χi(n1 ,n2 ) , |Λi(n1 ,n2 ) , . . ., |Λ(s) i(n1 ,n2 ) , n1 ≥ n2 ≥ 0, and a set of eigenvalues, − hi = ni +

d−4 − δ 2i 2 , 2

i = 1, 2 ,

n1 ∈ Z, n2 ∈ N0 ,


with (n1 , n2 ) related to spin, s = (n1 , n2 ) + (1/2, 1/2). The values of n1 , n2 are related to the spin components s1 , s2 of the field, because the proper vector |χi(n1 ,n2 ) corresponding to (h1 , h2 ) has the 0···0 (x), independent of the auxiliary and ghost operators, which corresponds leading term χ(µ) n1 ,(ν)n2 to the field Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) with the initial value of spin s = (s1 , s2 ) in the decomposition (5.6), h +νn +µn 1 1 . . . a2 2 χ0···0 |χi(n1 ,n2 ) = a+µ . . . a1 1 a+ν 2 1 (µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 (x) +νn2 −1

1 +b+ a+µ1 . . . a+µn1 +1 a+ν . . . a2 2

+µ1 +b+ 12 a


1 a+µn1 −1 a+ν 2


0···01 χ(µ) (x) n1 +1 ,(ν)n2 −1

+ν 0···0100 a2 n2 −1 χ(µ) (x) n1 −1 ,(ν)n2 −1

i + ... |0i,


where the values of (n1 , n2 ) can be composed of the set of coefficients {kr } \ {k1 , k4 } in (5.6) by the formulae 8 9 ni = k2i + k3i + k5i + k6i + k7i + 2kii8 + k12 + 2kii9 + k12 12 2kii12 + k12 + (−1)i (k10 + k11 + k13 ) + k14 δi1 + k15 δi2 .



Therefore, relations (5.7)–(5.10) guarantee both the extraction of vectors with the required value of spin and the nilpotency of Q in the corresponding Hilbert subspace. If one fixes the value of spin, then the parameters hi are also fixed by (5.11). Having fixed the value of hi , we should substitute it into each of the expressions (5.7)–(5.10). Third, we should extract the zero-mode ghosts from the operator Q as follows: Q = q0 T˜0 + η0 L0 + ı(ηi+ qi − ηi qi+ )p0 − ı(q02 − ηi+ ηi )P 0 + ∆Q,


T˜0 = T0 − 2qi+ P i − 2qi P + i , + i + i + i i + lm lm ∆Q = qi T + Ti q + ηi L + L+ + L+ + η+T + T +η i η + ηlm L lm η + + + + +2 2 + + ηii qi+ p+ i + ηii qi pi + ηii ηi P i + ηi ηii P i − 2qi P ii − 2qi P ii   + + + − 2 2q1 q2 − η + η22 − ηη11 P12 + η + η12 P11 + ηη12 P22  + +  + + + + −2 2q1 q2 + η + η11 + ηη22 P12 − ηη12 P11 − η + η12 P22    1 + + 1 + 1 + 1 + + 2 η12 η11 + 2 η22 η12 − 2q1 q2 P + 2 η11 η12 + 2 η12 η22 − 2q2 q1+ P +      1 + + + + 12 q1 η12 − η + q1+ p2 + 21 q1+ η12 − ηq1 p+ 2 + 2 q2 η12 − ηq2 p1   1 +  1 +  + + + η η − ηη η η + η η + 21 q2+ η12 − η + q2 p+ + P + P1 2 12 2 1 2 1 + 1 2 1 12+  + 2 2 + + + 2 η12 η1 − η η1 P2 + 2 η1 η12 − η1 η P2 .




Here, T˜0 , ∆Q are independent of q0 , p0 , η0 , P0 . We also expand the state vector and gauge parameters in powers of the zero-mode ghosts: |χi = |Λ(s) i =

∞ X

k=0 ∞ X

q0k (|χk0 i + η0 |χk1 i),

gh(|χkm i) = −(m + k),


q0k (|Λ(s)k0 i + η0 |Λ(s)k1 i),

gh(|Λ(s)km i) = −(s + k + m + 1).



Following the procedure described in [24, 44], we get rid of all the fields except two, |χ00 i, |χ10 i. Namely, after the extraction of zero-mode ghosts from the BRST operator Q (5.14), as well as from the state vector and the gauge parameter (5.17), (5.18), the gauge transformation for the fields |χk0 i, k ≥ 2 has the form k−2 ˜ k−1 δ|χk0 i = ∆Q|Λk0 i + ηi ηi+ |Λk1 i + (k + 1)(qi ηi+ − ηi qi+ )|Λk+1 0 i + T0 |Λ0 i + |Λ1 i ,


implying, by induction, that we can make all the fields |χk0 i, k ≥ 2 equal to zero by using the gauge parameters |Λk1 i. Then, considering the equations of motion for the powers q0k , k ≥ 3 and taking into account that |χk0 i = 0, k ≥ 2, we can see that these equations contain the subsystem |χ1k−2i = ηi ηi+ |χk1 i ,

k ≥ 3,


which permits us to find, by induction, that all the fields |χk1 i, k ≥ 1 are equal to zero. Finally, we examine the equations of motion for the power q02 : |χ01 i = −T˜0 |χ10 i ,


in order to express the vector |χ01 i in terms of |χ10 i. Thus, as in the totally symmetric case, there remain only two independent fields: |χ00 i, |χ10 i. The first equation in (5.7), (5.14), the 14

decomposition (5.17), and the above analysis then imply that the independent equations of motion for these vectors have the form 1 (5.22) ∆Q|χ00 i + T˜0 , ηi+ ηi |χ10 i = 0, 2 T˜0 |χ00 i + ∆Q|χ10 i = 0 , (5.23) where {F, G} = F G + GF for any quantities F, G. Then, due to the fact that the operators Q, T˜0 , ηi+ ηi commute with σ i , we obtain from (5.22), (5.23) the equations of motion for the fields with a fixed value of spin: 1 ˜ + 1 T0 , ηi ηi |χ0 i(n1 ,n2 ) = 0, 2 T˜0 |χ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) + ∆Q|χ10 i(n1 ,n2 ) = 0.

∆Q|χ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) +

(5.24) (5.25)

where the fields |χk0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , k = 0, 1 are assumed to obey the relations  σ i |χk0 i(n1 ,n2 ) = ni + (d − 4)/2 − 2δi2 |χk0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , k = 0, 1.


The field equations (5.24), (5.25) are Lagrangian ones and can be deduced, in view of the invertibility of the operator K, from the following Lagrangian action:6  1 ˜10 |K(n1 ,n2 ) T˜0 , ηi+ ηi |χ10 i(n1 ,n2 ) , (n1 ,n2 ) hχ 2 +(n1 ,n2 ) hχ˜00 |K(n1 ,n2 ) ∆Q|χ10 i(n1 ,n2 ) + (n1 ,n2 ) hχ˜10 |K(n1 ,n2 ) ∆Q|χ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) , (5.27) ˜00 |K(n1 ,n2 ) T˜0 |χ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) (n1 ,n2 ) hχ

S (n1 ,n2 ) =


where the standard scalar product for the creation and annihilation operators is assumed, and  K(n1 ,n2 ) is the operator K (4.8) with the following substitution: hi → − ni + (d − 4)/2 − 2δi2 . The equations of motion (5.24), (5.25) and the action (5.27) are invariant with respect to the gauge transformations 1 ˜ + 1 T0 , ηi ηi |Λ0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , 2 = T˜0 |Λ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) + ∆Q|Λ10 i(n1 ,n2 ) ,

δ|χ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) = ∆Q|Λ00 i(n1 ,n2 ) +


δ|χ10 i(n1 ,n2 )


which are reducible, with the gauge parameters |Λ(s) j0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , j = 0, 1 subject to the same conditions as those for |χj0 i(n1 ,n2 ) in (5.26), 1  ˜ + (s+1)1 T0 , ηi ηi |Λ 0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , 2 = T˜0 |Λ(s+1)00 i(n1 ,n2 ) + ∆Q|Λ(s+1)10 i(n1 ,n2 ) ,

δ|Λ(s)00 i(n1 ,n2 ) = ∆Q|Λ(s+1)00 i(n1 ,n2 ) +

|Λ(0)00 i = |Λ00 i ,


δ|Λ(s)10 i(n1 ,n2 )

|Λ(0)10 i = |Λ10 i ,


and with a finite number of reducibility stages 7 at smax = n1 +n2 for spin s = (n1 +1/2, n2 +1/2). In addition to restrictions (5.13), the set of coefficients {kr } \ {k1 , k4 } in (5.6) for fixed values of ni , satisfies the following equations for |χj0 i(n1 ,n2 ) |Λ(s)j0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , respectively: X X  8 9 |χj0 i(n1 ,n2 ) : (k2i − k3i + k6i − k7i ) + klm − klm + k10 − k11 = −j, (5.32) (s)j |Λ0 i(n1 ,n2 ) :






(k2i − k3i + k6i − k7i ) +



 8 9 klm − klm + k10 − k11 = −(s + j + 1), (5.33)

As usual, the action is defined up to an overall factor. In the case of a spin-tensor field Φ(µ)n1 ,(ν)n2 ,...,(ρ)nk (x) with the Young tableaux having k rows, one can show Pk that the stage of reducibility for the corresponding Lagrangian formulation must be equal to smax = l=1 nl + k(k − 1)/2 − 1, so that for a totally symmetric field Φ(µ)n1 (x) one has smax = n1 − 1, in accordance with [44]. 7


due to the ghost number distribution (5.17), (5.18). Thus, we have constructed, by using the BRST procedure, a gauge-invariant Lagrangian description of fermionic fields with a mixed symmetry of any fixed spin s. A Lagrangian description of a theory with a half-integer mixed-symmetry HS field of mass m in a d-dimensional Minkowski space is deduced by dimensional reduction of a massless HS field theory of the same type in a (d + 1)-dimensional flat space R1,d . To this end, we have to make a projection R1,d → R1,d−1 with a simple decomposition, ∂ M = (∂ µ , −ım) ,

µ aM i = (ai , bi ) ,

+ + aM = (aµ+ i i , bi ) ,

M = 0, 1, . . . , d ,

µ = 0, 1, . . . , d − 1 ,

η M N = diag(1, −1, . . . , −1, −1) ,

γ˜ M = (˜ γ µ , γ˜ ) ,

(5.34) (5.35)

whereas the quantities γ˜ T0 γ˜ , identical with T0 for massless HS fields, transform, for massive fields, as γ˜ T0 γ˜ = T0∗ , T0∗ = −ı˜ γ µ ∂µ − m. Thus, for the coefficient functions entering with γ˜ -matrix into (s)j the decomposition of any vector composed of |χj0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , |Λ0 i(n1 ,n2 ) , the homogeneous part of a vector |Ξi(n1 ,n2 ) with respect to γ˜ -matrix is subject to   (s)j M µ degγ˜ |Ξi ıγ ∂M |Ξi = ıγ ∂µ − (−1) m |Ξi, degγ˜ |Ξi = 0, 1 , |Ξi ∈ {|χj0 i, |Λ0 i} . (5.36)

Relations (5.34), (5.35) indicate the presence of four additional second-class constraints, li , li+ , + with corresponding oscillator operators bi , b+ i , [bi , bj ] = δij , in comparison with the massless 8 case. A simultaneous construction of Lagrangian actions describing the propagation of all massless (massive) fermionic fields with two rows of the Young tableaux in Minkowski space is analogous to the case of totally symmetric spin-tensors in flat space [44], and we only note that a necessary condition for solving this problem is to replace in Q′ , Q, K the parameters −hi by the operators σ i in an appropriate way and discard condition (5.26) for the fields and gauge parameters. Among other things, this completes the conversion procedure for the initial constraint system {oI } \ {g0i } and the construction of a nilpotent BRST operator in the entire Hilbert space for the set of converted constraints {OI } \ {Hi }. In the next section, we shall sketch a proof of the fact that the action, in fact, reproduces the correct equations of motion (2.2)–(2.5).


Reduction to the Initial Irreducible Relations

Let us briefly show the fact that it is only the solutions of the equations of motion (2.2)–(2.5) that determine the space of BRST cohomologies of the operator Q (5.2) with a vanishing ghost number in the Fock space H for the basic fermionic field with spin s = (n1 + 1/2, n2 + 1/2). To solve this problem, we can follow two ways: the first one is realized, for instance, in [26] for massless totallysymmetric bosonic fields in a flat space-time, and the second one, for totally-symmetric fermionic fields [44, 45]. We will use the technics of [44, 45], taking into account the fact that the spectrum of component fields for an arbitrary vector |χi(n1 ,n2 ) in (5.6) for k1 = k4 = 0 is essentially larger than the spectrum for a totally-symmetric fermionic vector |χi(n1 +n2 ,0) , for whose description one + + + + + + + + + +ν + + + should not use the operators q2+ , p+ 2 , f2 , η2 , P2 , η12 , P12 , η22 , P22 , η , P , b , b12 , b22 , a2 and 8

On a basis of the above arguments, one can state that the procedure of dimensional reduction given by relations (5.34), (5.35) can be applied to massless mixed-symmetry bosonic fields [9] in order to obtain a Lagrangian description of massive mixed-symmetry bosonic fields, whereas for fermionic HS fields it is necessary to add Eqs. (5.36), Cf. [44].


the corresponding conjugations.9 As a consequence, the character of proof is more involved even in comparison with the case of the AdS space [45]. In the standard manner, the proof consists of two steps. First, in order to simplify the spectrum of the gauge parameters |Λ(s) j0 i and the fields |χj0 i, j = 0, 1, we apply to them a gaugefixing based on the structure of gauge transformations (5.28)–(5.31) and extract the physical field |Φi(n1 ,n2 ) alone, by using (2.7) for s = (n1 + 1/2, n2 + 1/2): 0 |χ0 i(n1 ,n2 ) = |Φi(n1 ,n2 ) + |ΦA i(n1 ,n2 ) , |ΦA i(n1 ,n2 ) = 0. (6.1) + + C=P=bij =b+ =fi =0

Second, we use a part of the Lagrangian equations of motion (5.24), (5.25) in order to select from them only the equations of motion for |Φi(n1 ,n2 ) , and to remove all of the remaining auxiliary fields of lower spins. Let us now describe the basic sequence of gauge-fixing. Our strategy consists in a successive + elimination of the terms with P11 from the fields |χj0 i and gauge parameters |Λ(s) j0 i, starting from the top of the tower of gauge transformations (5.28)–(5.31). For this purpose, it should be noted that we have a reducible gauge theory of (n1 + n2 )-th stage of reducibility. Because of the restrictions for the spin (5.13) and ghost number (5.32), (5.33), the independent parameters of the lowest stage have the form n1 + + |Λ(n1 +n2 )00 i(n1 ,n2 ) = (p+ A(p+ |Λ(n1 +n2 )10 i(n1 ,n2 ) ≡ 0 , (6.2) 1) i , Pi , P )i(0,n2 ) , + + Ai(l,n2 −m) , l < n1 , m < n2 , has the structure where the vector A(p+ , P , P )i ≡ (l,n −m) 2 i i n2 n X k + n2 −k 1l Ai(l,n −m) = P + (p+ |ωk i(−k+l+1,k−1−m) 1 ) (p2 ) 2 k=m+1


nX 2 −1

k + n2 −k−1 2l |ωk i(−k+l,k−m) (p+ 1 ) (p2 )



nX 2 −1

k + n2 −k−1 3l (p+ |ωk i(−k+l+1,k−1−m) 1 ) (p2 )


+P1+ P2+

nX 2 −2

k + n2 −k−2 4l (p+ |ωk i(−k+l,k−m) 1 ) (p2 )





+ It can be verified directly that one can eliminate the dependence on the ghost P11 from (n1 +n2 −1)0 the gauge function |Λ 0 i of (n1 + n2 − 1)-th stage of reducibility, whereas the vector |Λ(n1 +n2 −1)10 i has the same structure as |Λ(n1 +n2 )00 i in (6.2). Indeed, for |Λ(n1 +n2 −1)00 i we have the + + + following expansion in the powers of P11 , P12 , P22 : + + n1 −2 ˜ |Λ(n1 +n2 −1)00 i(n1 ,n2 ) = |Λ(n1 +n2 −1)000 i(n1 ,n2 ) + P11 (p1 ) |Ai(0,n2 ) , ˜ (0,n ˜ (0,n −1) + P + (p+ )n1 |Ai +P + (p+ )n1 −1 |Ai 12





2 −2)



˜ (0,n −k) defined according to (6.3), so that the gauge transformation (5.30) at P + implies with |Ai 2 11 ˜ (0,n2 ) = −2q 2 (p+ )2 |Ai(0,n2 ) . δ|Ai 1 1 9


The total number of independent “creation” operators which are necessary to compose the vector |χi(n1 ,n2 ) is more than twice as large as the number required for |χi(n1 +n2 ,0) : (2d + 22)/(d + 8).


˜ (0,n ) has been removed, the theory is transformed to a theory of (n1 + n2 − 1)After the vector |Ai 2 th stage of reducibility. Then, it is possible to verify that one can remove the dependence of + |Λ(n1 +n2 −2) j0 i on P11 with the help of the remaining gauge parameters |Λ(n1 +n2 −1) j0 i, which do not + depend on P11 . + It then becomes possible to prove by induction that after removing the dependence on P11 from the gauge parameters up to the (s + 1)-th stage, |Λ(l)k0 i, k = 0, 1, l ≥ s + 1 (i.e., we have η11 |Λ(l)k0 i = 0), and applying the restricted vector |Λ(s+1)k0 i, one can eliminate the dependence on + P11 from the gauge functions |Λ(s)k0 i. To this end, we introduce the following notation for the gauge parameters related to their expansion in the ghosts Pij+ :  X (l)k (l)k (l)k + + |Λ(l)k0 i = |Λ00 i + Pij+ |Λ0ij i + P11 P12 |Λ01 i i≤j

(l)k + +P22 |Λ02 i

 (l)k (l)k + + + + + P12 P22 |Λ03 i + P12 P22 |Λ04 i .


Here and elsewhere, we omit the vector subscripts associated with the eigenvalues of the operators (s)k (s)k σ i (5.26). From (5.30), (5.31), we obtain the gauge transformations for |Λ011 i, |Λ0p i, p = 1, 2, 3, + being the coefficients at P11 , namely, (s)k


δ|Λ011 i = −2q12 |Λ00 (s)k δ|Λ01 i (s)k δ|Λ02 i (s)k δ|Λ03 i (s+1)k

= = =

(s+1)k −2q12 |Λ012 i , (s+1)k −2q12 |Λ022 i + (s+1)k −2q12 |Λ04 i. (s+1)k


i + η + |Λ012


(6.7) (6.8)


η + |Λ04


(6.9) (6.10)



Then, a certain choice for |Λ04 i, |Λ012 i removes |Λ03 i, |Λ01 i, respectively, whereas a (s+1)k (s+1)k (s)k (s)k certain choice for |Λ022 i, |Λ00 i eliminates |Λ02 i, |Λ011 i by means of the remaining gauge + can be eliminated from transformations. Thus, we have shown that the dependence on P11 (l)k |Λ 0 i. As a consequence of the above procedure, the theory becomes a gauge theory of l-th stage of reducibility. This algorithm is valid down to the vector |Λ(n2 +1)k0 i, when there arise terms linear in p+ 1. When these terms are present, one deals with gauge parameters that have remained unused after + . Therefore, in view of the η + -dependent terms in (6.7), (6.9), eliminating the dependence on P11 + a gauge transformation with such parameters may cause some P11 -dependent terms to appear in (n2 )k the transformed vector |Λ 0 i. Consequently, it is necessary to make a gauge transformation + with parameters linear in p+ 1 , or independent of it, before removing the P11 -dependence. Let us examine a gauge transformation with the gauge function |Λ(n2 )k0 i more carefully. + Suppose that the dependence on the ghost P11 in |Λ(n2 +1)k0 i has been removed by a gauge transformation, and hence the functions |Λ(n2 +1)k0 i, |Λ(n2 )k0 i admit the following representation:   (n2 +1)0 (n2 +1)0 (n2 +1)0 + + + i, (6.11) |Λ(n2 +1)00 i = p+ |Λ i + P |Λ i + p P |Λ 012 022 1 00 12 1 22   (n2 +1)1 (n2 +1)1 (n2 +1)1 + + 2 i + p+ i , (6.12) |Λ(n2 +1)10 i = (p+ 01 i + P12 |Λ012 1 P22 |Λ022 1 ) |Λ X (n )0 (6.13) |Λ(n2 )00 i = |Λ(n2 )000 i + Pij+ |Λ0ij2 i , i≤j

 ˜ (n2 )1 i , ˜ (n2 )1 i + p+ P + |Λ ˜ (n2 )1 i + P + |Λ | Λ |Λ(n2 )10 i = p+ 022 1 22 12 012 00 1 



where the vectors |Λ(l)000 i, |Λ0ij i, l = n2 , n2 + 1, i, j = 1, 2, i ≤ j, possess terms having no (n2 )0 dependence on p+ 1 , except for |Λ022 i, and the vectors in (6.14) have a structure analogous to 18

the corresponding structure in (6.11). Then, one has to make a transformation with parameters (n2 +1)0 (n2 +1)0 linear in p+ i to make such gauge transformations. Since 1 . We will use |Λ 00 i, |Λ012 ˆ (n2 +1)0 i , δ|Λ(n2 )000 i = T1+ |Λ 00 (n2 )0 + ˆ (n2 +1)0 δ|Λ012 i = T |Λ012 i,

ˆ (n2 +1)0 i = q1 |Λ(n2 +1)0 i , |Λ 00 00 (n +1)0 (n +1)0 2 2 ˆ 012 |Λ i = q1 |Λ012 i,


(6.15) (6.16)

(n +1)0

+ one can use the vectors |Λ(n2 +1)000 i, |Λ0122 i to eliminate the dependence on b+ 11 and f1 from (n )0 + |Λ(n2 )000 i and |Λ0122 i, respectively, due to the fact that the b+ 11 - and f1 -linear components of the latter vectors are identical to the corresponding components of the previous vectors. As a result, we obtain the gauge-fixing (n )0

(n )0

b11 |Λ(n2 )000 i = f1 |Λ(n2 )000 i = b11 |Λ0122 i = f1 |Λ0122 i = 0 ,


+ and then remove the P11 -dependence from |Λ(n2 ) j0 i, as has been described in the case of the system (6.7)–(6.10). Proceeding by induction, we may use the algorithm which has been applied to the treatment + of the vectors (6.13), (6.14) in order to eliminate the dependence on P11 related to all the vectors j j + (l) (0) down to |Λ 0 i, whereas the P22 -independent terms in |Λ 0 i for l ≥ n2 are restricted by relations of the form (6.17). Let us now turn to the gauge-fixing of the fields. We expand the fields in the powers of the ghosts Pij+ by analogy with the gauge parameters:  X + + |χk0 i = |χk00 i + Pij+ |χk0ij i + P11 P12 |χk01 i i≤j

+ +P22 |χk02 i


+ + P12 P22 |χk03 i

+ + + P12 P22 |χk04 i .


Further, we need to restrict the vectors by the gauge conditions (6.17), which follow from the + gauge transformations, and then we eliminate the terms coupled to P11 . Having completed the above procedure, we briefly mention that the remaining gauge ambiguity + + 00000 is sufficient to eliminate the auxiliary oscillators b+ i, ij , b , fi from the field |χ00 |χk00 i


1 XX

kl mj

i li + mj (p+ i ) (Pj ) |χ00



li ≥0 mj =0

and therefore, in view of gh(|χ00000 i) = 0, this field has no dependence on the ghost “coordinates”, 00 so that, after the gauge-fixing, we conclude |χ00000 i = |Φi . 00


The second step of establishing an equivalence of equations (2.2)–(2.5) with the Lagrangian equations (5.24), (5.25) is more involved and is based on a detailed expansion of equations (5.24), + + + + + + (5.25) in the powers of p+ i , qi , ηi , ηij , η and then in the powers of bij , fi . We only state the result that after gauge-fixing |χk00 i and |χk012 i |χk022 i, |χk04 i, expanded by analogy with (6.19), the only independent equations among (5.24), (5.25) have the form t0 |Φi = ti |Φi = t|Φi = 0 , and all of the auxiliary fields can be made equal to zero. In what follows, we consider some examples of the Lagrangian formulation procedure. 19




Here, we shall realize the general prescriptions of our Lagrangian formulation in the case of fermionic fields of lowest spins.


Spin-(3/2,1/2) Field

In the case of a field of spin (3/2,1/2), we have (n1 , n2 ) = (1, 0), (h1 , h2 ) = (1 − d/2, 4 − d/2). Since smax = 0, the corresponding Lagrangian formulation is an irreducible gauge theory and describes a totally symmetric fermionic field of spin s = 3/2. The nonvanishing fields |χi0 i(1,1) and gauge parameters |Λ00 i(1,0) , (for |Λ10 i(1,0) ≡ 0, due to gh(|Λ10 i(1,0) ) = −2), have the following Grassmann grading and ghost number distribution: (ε, gh) (|Λ00 i(1,0) ) = (0, −1) .

(ε, gh) (|χi0 i(1,0) ) = (1, −i) ,


These conditions determine the dependence of the fields and gauge parameters on the oscillator variables in a unique form, with the help of the operators corresponding only to the first row of the Young tableaux,     + |χ00 i(1,0) = −ia+µ ˜ ψ(x) |0i, |χ10 i(1,0) = P1+ γ˜ χ(x) + p+ (7.2) 1 ψµ (x) + f1 γ 1 χ1 (x) |0i,  +  0  +  0 µ 0 + 1 + ˜0 | = h0| iψµ (x)a1 + ψ (x)˜ γ f1 γ˜ , ˜0 | = h0| χ (x)˜ γ P1 + χ1 p1 γ˜ , (7.3) (1,0) hχ (1,0) hχ  +  0 + |Λ0 i(1,0) = P1 ξ1 (x) + p1 γ˜ ξ2 (x) |0i, (7.4) Substituting (7.2), (7.3) into (5.27), we find the action (up to an overall factor) for a free massless field of spin (3/2, 1/2) on a flat background: Z h n o n o d µ ν µ ¯ ¯ S (1,0) = d x ψ iγ ∂ν ψµ − ∂µ χ + (d − 2)ψ iγ ∂µ ψ + χ1 n n oi µ µ µ +χ¯ iγ ∂µ χ − χ1 + ∂ ψµ + χ ¯1 iγ ψµ + (d − 2)ψ − χ . (7.5) In deriving the action (7.5), we have used the expressions (3.36), (4.8) for the operators K(1,0) 10 . A substitution of (7.2)–(7.4) into (5.28), (5.29) permits one to find the gauge transformations (5.28), (5.29) in the form δψµ = ∂µ ξ1 + iγµ ξ2 ,

δψ = ξ2 ,

δχ = iγ µ ∂µ ξ1 − 2ξ2,

δχ1 = −iγ µ ∂µ ξ2 .


Let us present the action in terms of the physical field ψµ alone. To this end, we get rid of the field ψ by using its gauge transformation and the gauge parameter ξ2 . Having expressed the field χ by using the equation of motion χ = iγ µ ψµ , we can see that the terms with the Lagrangian multiplier χ1 turn to zero. As a result, we obtain the action Z n o S(1,0) = dd x iψ¯µ γ ν ∂ν ψµ − iψ¯µ (γν ∂µ + γµ ∂ν )ψ ν + iψ¯ν γν γ σ ∂σ γ µ ψµ , (7.7) 10

For n2 = 0, we have the case of totally symmetric spin-tensors in a d-dimensional flat space [44], so that + + the total Hilbert space Htot and all of the operators acting on it can be factorized from q2+ , η2+ , η12 , η22 , η+ , + + + + q2 , η2 , η12 , η22 , η, f2 , b12 , b12 , b and their canonically conjugate operators. In the expressions for the action (5.27) and the sequence of gauge transformations (5.28)–(5.31), we must set n2 = 0 and use  the above restrictions for P 1 ′ ′ Htot . In particular, the operator K(n has an exact form [44], K = n11 =0 n11 ! |n11 ihn11 | C(n11 , hn1 ) − (n1 ,0) 1 ,0)  2f1+ |n11 ihn11 |f1 C(n11 + 1, hn1 ) , for C(n, h) = h(h + 1) · · · (h + n − 1), C(0, h) = 1.


which is invariant with respect to the residual gauge transformation δψµ = ∂µ ξ1 . To obtain a Lagrangian description of a massive fermionic field, we may use the prescription (5.34)–(5.36) either from the very beginning of our treatment of this example, i.e., starting from expansion (7.2), (7.3), or starting directly from the action (7.7) written for a (d + 1)dimensional Minkowski space. Following the latter possibility, for a spin-3/2 massive fermionic field, with ψ M = (ψ µ , ϕ), the Stueckelberg field being ϕ, and with iγ M ∂M ψ N = (iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ N , iγ M ∂M γN ψ N = (iγ µ ∂µ + m)γN ψ N in view of (5.36), and due to the relation χ = iγN ψ N before Eq. (7.7) and the structure of |χ10 i(1,0) in (7.2), the Lagrangian reads ¯µ ν Lm ¯ ν ∂ν − m)ϕ − iψ¯µ (γν ∂µ + γµ ∂ν )ψ ν (1,0) = ψ (iγ ∂ν − m)ψµ − ϕ(iγ +iψ¯µ (∂µ − imγµ )ϕ + iϕ(∂ ¯ µ − imγµ )ψ µ + 2ϕmϕ ¯ ν σ µ ¯ +(ψ γν + ϕ)(iγ ¯ ∂σ + m)(γ ψµ + ϕ),


and is invariant, modulo a total derivative, with respect to the gauge transformation δψµ = ∂µ ξ,

δϕ = mξ.


After removing the field ϕ by means of the gauge transformations, we obtain the Rarita–Schwinger Lagrangian in a d-dimensional flat space [44], indeed, LRS = ψ¯µ (iγ ν ∂ν − m)ψµ − iψ¯µ (γ ν ∂µ + γµ ∂ ν )ψν + ψ¯µ γ µ (iγ σ ∂σ + m)γ ν ψν .



Rank-2 antisymmetric spin-tensor field

In the case of a spin-(3/2,3/2) field, we have ni = 1, (h1 , h2 ) = (1 − d/2, 3 − d/2). Since smax = 2, the corresponding Lagrangian description is a reducible gauge theory of second-stage reducibility. The nonvanishing fields |χ00 i(1,1) , |χ10 i(1,1) , gauge parameters |Λk0 i(1,1) , first-stage gauge parameters (1)k (2)1 (2)1 |Λ0 i(1,1) , and second-stage gauge parameters (for |Λ0 i(1,1) ≡ 0, due to gh(|Λ0 i(1,1) ) = −4), have the following Grassmann grading and ghost number distribution: (ε, gh) (|χi0 i(1,1) ) = (1, −i) ,

(ε, gh) (|Λk0 i(1,1) ) = (0, −1 − k) ,



(ε, gh) (|Λ0 i(1,1) ) = (1, −2 − k) ,

(ε, gh) (|Λ0 i(1,1) ) = (0, −3) .

(7.11) (7.12)

These conditions allow one, first, to extract the dependence on the ghost variables from the fields and gauge parameters: |χ00 i(1,1) = |Ψi(1,1) + η1+ P2+ |Ψ1 i(0,0) + P1+ η2+ |Ψ2 i(0,0) + q1+ p+ (7.13) 2 |Ψ3 i(0,0) + + + + + + + + +p1 q2 |Ψ4 i(0,0) + η1 p2 γ˜ |Ψ5 i(0,0) + q1 P2 γ˜ |Ψ6 i(0,0) + P1 q2 γ˜ |Ψ7 i(0,0) + + + + + +p+ ˜ |Ψ8 i(0,0) + P11 η |Ψ9 i(0,0) + η11 P |Ψ10 i(0,0) 1 η2 γ + + + + + + + +q1 P γ˜ |ϕ1 i(1,0) + η1 P |ϕ2 i(1,0) + P1 η |ϕ3 i(1,0) + p+ ˜ |ϕ4 i(1,0) 1η γ + + + + + + + + +q1 p1 |ρ1 i(−1,1) + q1 P1 γ˜ |ρ2 i(−1,1) + η1 p1 γ˜ |ρ3 i(−1,1) + η1 P1 |ρ4 i(−1,1) , + + 1 (7.14) ˜ |χ3 i(0,1) + P2+ γ˜ |χ4 i(1,0) |χ0 i(1,1) = p+ 1 |χ1 i(0,1) + p2 |χ2 i(1,0) + P1 γ + + + + + + + +P12 γ˜ |χ5 i(0,0) + q1 p1 P γ˜ |χ6 i(0,0) + η1 P1 P γ˜ |χ7 i(0,0) + + + + + +q1+ P1+ P + |χ8 i(0,0) + p+ 1 η1 P |χ9 i(0,0) + p1 P1 η |χ10 i(0,0) 2 + + +(p+ ˜ |χ11 i(0,0) + P + γ˜ |χ12 i(2,0) + P11 γ˜ |χ13 i(−1,1) , 1) η γ


|Λ00 i(1,1) = p+ ˜ |ξ1 i(0,1) + p+ ˜ |ξ2i(1,0) + P1+ |ξ3 i(0,1) + P2+ |ξ4 i(1,0) 1γ 2γ + + + + + +P12 |ξ5i(0,0) + q1+ p+ 1 P |ξ6 i(0,0) + η1 P1 P |ξ7 i(0,0) + + + + +q1+ P1+ P + γ˜ |ξ8i(0,0) + p+ ˜ |ξ9i(0,0) + p+ ˜ |ξ10 i(0,0) 1 η1 P γ 1 P1 η γ + 2 + + + +(p1 ) η |ξ11 i(0,0) + P |ξ12 i(2,0) + P11 |ξ13 i(−1,1) , 1 + + + + |Λ0 i(1,1) = p+ ˜ |λ1 i(0,0) + p+ 1 p2 γ 1 P2 |λ2 i(0,0) + P1 p2 |λ3 i(0,0) + + +P1+ P2+ γ˜ |λ4 i(0,0) + P11 P γ˜ |λ5 i(0,0) + P1+ P + γ˜ |λ6 i(1,0) + + 2 + +p+ ˜ |λ8 i(−1,1) + p+ 1 P |λ7 i(1,0) + (p1 ) γ 1 P1 |λ9 i(−1,1) , (1)0




+ + + |Λ0 i(1,1) = p+ ˜ |ξ2 i(0,0) + P1+ p+ ˜ |ξ3 i(0,0) 1 p2 |ξ1 i(0,0) + p1 P2 γ 2γ (1)






+ + +P1+ P2+ |ξ4 i(0,0) + P11 P |ξ5 i(0,0) + P1+ P + |ξ6 i(1,0) (1)



+ 2 + + +p+ ˜ |ξ7 i(1,0) + (p+ ˜ |ξ9 i(−1,1) , 1P γ 1 ) |ξ8 i(−1,1) + p1 P1 γ (1)1






2 + + + |Λ0 i(1,1) = (p+ ˜ |λ1 i(0,0) + p+ 1) P γ 1 P1 P |λ2 i(0,0) , (2)0


2 + + + + |Λ0 i(1,1) = (p+ ˜ |ξ2 i(0,0) , 1 ) P |ξ1 i(0,0) + p1 P1 P γ

where the coefficient fermionic fields and gauge parameters in the right-hand side of equations (7.13)–(7.19) are independent of ghost operators. The bra-vectors (1,1) hχ˜k0 | corresponding to expansion (7.13), (7.14) have the form ˜00 | (1,1) hχ


˜ + (0,0) hΨ ˜ 1 |P2 η1 + (0,0) hΨ ˜ 2 |η2 P1 + (0,0) hΨ ˜ 3 |q1 p2 ˜ 4 |q2 p1 + (0,0) hΨ ˜ 5 |˜ ˜ 6 |˜ ˜ 7 |˜ +(0,0) hΨ γ p2 η1 + (0,0) hΨ γ P2 q1 + (0,0) hΨ γ q2 P1

(1,1) hΨ|

˜ 8 |˜ ˜ 9 |ηP11 + (0,0) hΨ ˜ 10 |Pη11 +(0,0) hΨ γ η2 p1 + (0,0) hΨ +(1,0) hϕ˜1 |˜ γ Pq1 + (1,0) hϕ˜2 |Pη1 + (1,0) hϕ˜3 |ηP1 + (1,0) hϕ˜4 |˜ γ ηp1 +(−1,1) h˜ ρ1 |p1 q1 + (−1,1) h˜ ρ2 |˜ γ P1 q1 + (−1,1) h˜ ρ3 |˜ γ p1 η1 + (−1,1) h˜ ρ4 |P1 η1 , 1 γ P1 + (1,0) hχ˜4 |˜ γ P2 ˜0 | = (0,1) hχ˜1 |p1 + (1,0) hχ˜2 |p2 + (0,1) hχ˜3 |˜ (1,1) hχ +(0,0) hχ˜5 |˜ γ P12 + (0,0) hχ˜6 |˜ γ Pp1 q1 + (0,0) hχ˜7 |˜ γ PP1 η1 +(0,0) hχ˜8 |PP1 q1 + (0,0) hχ˜9 |Pη1 p1 + (0,0) hχ˜10 |ηP1 p1 +(0,0) hχ˜11 |˜ γ ηp21 + (2,0) hχ˜12 |˜ γ P + (−1,1) hχ˜13 |˜ γ P11 .



Substituting (7.13), (7.14), (7.20), (7.21) into (5.27), we find the action (up to an overall factor) for a spin-(3/2, 3/2) free massless field on a flat background in the form of a scalar product for vectors defined only in H ⊗ H′ , h  ˜ (1,1) 1 T0 |Ψi + T1+ |χ1 i + T2+ |χ2 i + γ˜ L+ S (1,1) = hΨ|K 1 |χ3 i 2 + γ˜ L+ ˜ L+ ˜ T + |χ12 i + γ˜ L+ 2 |χ4 i + γ 12 |χ5 i + γ 11 |χ13 i  ˜ 1 |K(1,1) T0 |Ψ2 i − 2˜ +hΨ γ |Ψ8 i − γ˜ L2 |χ3 i + 21 γ˜ |χ5 i + γ˜ |χ7 i  ˜ 2 |K(1,1) 2˜ +hΨ γ |Ψ5 i + γ˜ L1 |χ4 i − 21 γ˜ |χ5 i − γ˜ |χ7 i  ˜ 3 |K(1,1) T0 |Ψ4 i − 2˜ γ |χ11 i +hΨ γ |Ψ8 i + T2 |χ1 i + 12 γ˜ |χ5 i − γ˜ |χ6 i − 4˜  ˜ 4 |K(1,1) −2˜ +hΨ γ |Ψ5 i + T1 |χ2 i + 21 γ˜ |χ5 i − γ˜ |χ6 i ˜ 5 |K(1,1) {−T0 |Ψ7 i − T2 |χ3 i + γ˜ |χ8 i + 2˜ +hΨ γ |χ10 i}


˜ 6 |K(1,1) {−T0 |Ψ8 i + γ˜ L2 |χ1 i + γ˜ |χ9 i} +hΨ ˜ 7 |K(1,1) {˜ ˜ 8 |K(1,1) {−T1 |χ4 i + γ˜ |χ8 i} +hΨ γ L1 |χ2 i + γ˜ |χ9 i} + hΨ  ˜ 9 |K(1,1) T0 |Ψ10 i − 1 γ˜ |χ5 i + γ˜ |χ6 i + γ˜ |χ7 i + γ˜ L11 |χ12 i +hΨ 2 ˜ 10 |K(1,1) {˜ +hΨ γ |χ5 i − 4˜ γ |χ11 i − γ˜ T |χ13 i}  + + hϕ˜1 |K(1,1) −T0 |ϕ4 i + γ˜ T |χ1 i − γ˜ |χ2 i + γ˜ L+ 1 |χ10 i − 2T1 |χ11 i  +hϕ˜2 |K(1,1) T0 |ϕ3 i − 2˜ γ |ϕ4 i − γ˜ T |χ3 i + γ˜ |χ4 i + T1+ |χ10 i  + +hϕ˜3 |K(1,1) −˜ γ L+ ˜ L1 |χ12 i 1 |χ7 i + T1 |χ9 i + γ  +hϕ˜4 |K(1,1) −2˜ γ |χ2 i − T1+ |χ6 i + γ˜ L+ 1 |χ8 i − T1 |χ12 i  + h˜ ρ1 |K(1,1) 21 T0 |ρ1 i − 2˜ γ |ρ3 i + T1 |χ1 i + γ˜ T + |χ6 i + γ˜ |χ13 i  +h˜ ρ2 |K(1,1) −T0 |ρ3 i + γ˜ L1 |χ1 i − γ˜ T + |χ9 i  +h˜ ρ3 |K(1,1) −2˜ γ |ρ4 i − T1 |χ3 i − γ˜ T + |χ8 i  +h˜ ρ4 |K(1,1) − 21 T0 |ρ4 i − γ˜ L1 |χ3 i − γ˜ T + |χ7 i + γ˜ |χ13 i  + hχ˜1 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ3 i} + hχ˜2 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ4 i} + hχ˜3 |K(1,1) − 21 T0 |χ3 i  +hχ˜4 |K(1,1) − 12 T0 |χ4 i + hχ˜6 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ10 i} + hχ˜7 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ10 i} i +hχ˜8 |K(1,1) {T0 |χ10 i − 2˜ γ |χ11 i} + c.c. ,


where we have omitted the lower spin subscripts of the component fields. In deriving the action (7.22), we have used the expressions for the operators K(1,1) (3.36), (4.8), and then, substituting (7.2)–(7.4) into (5.28), (5.29), we find the gauge transformations for the vectors |Ψi, |Ψk i, δ|Ψi δ|Ψ1 i δ|Ψ2 i δ|Ψ3 i δ|Ψ4 i δ|Ψ5 i δ|Ψ6 i δ|Ψ7 i δ|Ψ8 i δ|Ψ9 i δ|Ψ10 i

= = = = = = = = = = =

+ + + + −˜ γ (T1+ |ξ1 i + T2+ |ξ2 i) + L+ 1 |ξ3 i + L2 |ξ4 i + L12 |ξ5 i + L11 |ξ13 i + T |ξ12 i, L1 |ξ4 i − 21 |ξ5 i − |ξ7i − |λ2 i + 2|λ3 i − γ˜ T0 |λ4 i, −L2 |ξ3i + 21 |ξ5 i + |ξ7 i − 2|λ2 i + |λ3 i − γ˜ T0 |λ4 i, −˜ γ T1 |ξ2 i + 21 |ξ5 i − |ξ6 i − |λ3 i, −˜ γ T2 |ξ1 i + 21 |ξ5 i − |ξ6 i − 4|ξ11i − |λ2 i, L1 |ξ2 i + |ξ9i − |λ1 i + γ˜ T0 |λ3 i, γ˜ T1 |ξ4 i + |ξ8 i − |λ4 i, γ˜ T2 |ξ3 i + |ξ8 i + 2|ξ10 i + |λ4 i, L2 |ξ1 i + |ξ9i + γ˜ T0 |λ2 i − |λ1 i, |ξ5 i − 4|ξ11 i − T |ξ13i, − 21 |ξ5 i + |ξ6i + |ξ7 i + L11 |ξ12 i,

(7.23) (7.24) (7.25) (7.26) (7.27) (7.28) (7.29) (7.30) (7.31) (7.32) (7.33)

for the vectors |ϕl i, |ρl i, δ|ϕ1 i δ|ϕ2 i δ|ϕ3 i δ|ϕ4 i δ|ρ1 i δ|ρ2 i δ|ρ3 i δ|ρ4 i

= = = = = = = =

−2|ξ2 i + γ˜ T1+ |ξ6 i + L+ ˜ T1 |ξ12 i − |λ6 i , 1 |ξ8 i + γ + + −L1 |ξ7 i − γ˜ T1 |ξ9 i + L1 |ξ12 i − γ˜ T0 |λ6 i − |λ7 i, −T |ξ3 i + |ξ4 i − γ˜ T1+ |ξ10 i , T |ξ1i − |ξ2i + L+ γ T1+ |ξ11 i , 1 |ξ10 i + 2˜ −˜ γ T1 |ξ1 i + T + |ξ6 i + |ξ13 i − |λ9 i , γ˜ T1 |ξ3i − T + |ξ8i , L1 |ξ1 i − T + |ξ9i − 2|λ8 i + γ˜ T0 |λ9 i , L1 |ξ3 i + T + |ξ7 i − |ξ13 i + |λ9 i , 23

(7.34) (7.35) (7.36) (7.37) (7.38) (7.39) (7.40) (7.41)

and for the vectors |χm i, δ|χ1 i δ|χ2 i δ|χ3 i δ|χ4 i δ|χ5 i δ|χ6 i δ|χ7 i δ|χ8 i δ|χ9 i δ|χ10 i δ|χ11 i δ|χ12 i δ|χ13 i

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

+ −˜ γ T0 |ξ1 i − γ˜ T2+ |λ1 i + L+ γ T1+ |λ8 i + L+ 2 |λ2 i + T |λ7 i − 2˜ 1 |λ9 i , + + −˜ γ T0 |ξ2 i − γ˜ T1 |λ1 i + L1 |λ3 i − |λ7 i , + −2|ξ1 i + γ˜ T0 |ξ3i + γ˜ T2+ |λ3 i − L+ ˜ T1+ |λ9 i , 2 |λ4 i − T |λ6 i + γ −2|ξ2 i + γ˜ T0 |ξ4i + γ˜ T1+ |λ2 i + L+ 1 |λ4 i + |λ6 i , γ˜ T0 |ξ5i − 4|λ1 i + 2|λ5i , γ˜ T0 |ξ6i − 2|ξ9i − 2|λ1 i + |λ5 i + γ˜ T1 |λ7 i , γ˜ T0 |ξ7i + 2|ξ9 i − |λ5 i + L1 |λ6 i , −˜ γ T0 |ξ8 i − 2|ξ6 i − 2|ξ7 i + 2|λ3 i − γ˜ T1 |λ6 i , −˜ γ T0 |ξ9 i + L1 |λ7 i , −˜ γ T0 |ξ10 i − 4|ξ11 i + |λ2 i + |λ3 i − T |λ9 i , γ˜ T0 |ξ11 i − |λ1 i + T |λ8 i , + γ˜ T0 |ξ12 i + L+ ˜ T1+ |λ7 i , 11 |λ5 i + L1 |λ6 i + γ γ˜ T0 |ξ13 i − T + |λ5 i − 4|λ8 i .

(7.42) (7.43) (7.44) (7.45) (7.46) (7.47) (7.48) (7.49) (7.50) (7.51) (7.52) (7.53) (7.54)

Then, substituting expressions (7.15)–(7.18) into (5.30), (5.31), we obtain the gauge transformations for the zero-stage gauge vectors |ξmi, |λn i, (1)





+ δ|ξ1 i = −˜ γ T2+ |ξ1 i + L+ γ T1+ |ξ8 i + L+ 2 |ξ2 i + T |ξ7 i − 2˜ 1 |ξ9 i ,

δ|ξ2 i = δ|ξ3 i = δ|ξ4 i = δ|ξ5 i = δ|ξ6 i = δ|ξ7 i = δ|ξ8 i = δ|ξ9 i = δ|ξ10 i = δ|ξ11 i = δ|ξ12 i = δ|ξ13 i = δ|λ1 i = δ|λ2 i = δ|λ3 i = δ|λ4 i =

(1) (1) (1) −˜ γ T1+ |ξ1 i + L+ 1 |ξ3 i − |ξ7 i , (1) (1) (1) + (1) γ˜ T2+ |ξ3 i − L+ ˜ T1+ |ξ9 i , 2 |ξ4 i − T |ξ6 i + γ (1) (1) (1) γ˜ T1+ |ξ2 i + L+ 1 |ξ4 i + |ξ6 i , (1) (1) −4|ξ1 i + 2|ξ5 i , (1) (1) (1) (1) −2|ξ2 i + |ξ5 i + γ˜ T1 |ξ7 i − |λ2 i , (1) (1) (1) −|ξ5 i + L1 |ξ6 i + |λ2 i , (1) (1) 2|ξ3 i − γ˜ T1 |ξ6 i , (1) (1) (1) L1 |ξ7 i − 2|λ1 i − γ˜ T0 |λ2 i , (1) (1) (1) |ξ2 i + |ξ3 i − T |ξ9 i , (1) (1) −|ξ1 i + T |ξ8 i , (1) (1) + (1) L+ ˜ T1+ |ξ7 i , 11 |ξ5 i + L1 |ξ6 i + γ (1) (1) −T + |ξ5 i − 4|ξ8 i , (1) (1) −˜ γ T0 |ξ1 i − 2|λ1 i , (1) (1) (1) −2|ξ1 i + γ˜ T0 |ξ2 i + |λ2 i , (1) (1) (1) −2|ξ1 i + γ˜ T0 |ξ3 i + |λ2 i , (1) (1) (1) −2|ξ2 i − γ˜ T0 |ξ4 i + 2|ξ3 i , (1)

δ|λ7 i = δ|λ8 i = δ|λ9 i =

(7.56) (7.57) (7.58) (7.59) (7.60) (7.61) (7.62) (7.63) (7.64) (7.65) (7.66) (7.67) (7.68) (7.69) (7.70) (7.71)



(1) (1) (1) −˜ γ T0 |ξ6 i − 2|ξ7 i − γ˜ T1+ |λ2 i , (1) (1) (1) γ˜ T0 |ξ7 i + 2˜ γ T1+ |λ1 i + L+ 1 |λ2 i , (1) (1) −˜ γ T0 |ξ8 i + T + |λ1 i , (1) (1) (1) γ˜ T0 |ξ9 i − 4|ξ8 i − T + |λ2 i .


δ|λ5 i = −˜ γ T0 |ξ5 i − 4|λ1 i , δ|λ6 i =



(7.74) (7.75) (7.76)

Finally, using the equations (5.30), (5.31) for the vectors (7.18)–(7.19), we find the gauge trans(1) (1) formations for the first-stage gauge vectors |ξn i, |λo i, (1)




δ|ξ1 i = −2|ξ1 i ,

δ|ξ2 i = |ξ2 i ,


(1) δ|ξ3 i (1) δ|ξ5 i (1) δ|ξ7 i (1) δ|ξ9 i (1) δ|λ1 i

(1) δ|ξ4 i (1) δ|ξ6 i (1) δ|ξ8 i


= = = = =

(2) |ξ2 i , (2) −4|ξ1 i , (2) 2˜ γ T1+ |ξ1 i + (2) −T + |ξ1 i , (2) γ˜ T0 |ξ1 i ,

(2) L+ 1 |ξ2 i ,

= 0, = =

(2) −˜ γ T1+ |ξ2 i , (2) T + |ξ1 i ,

(7.79) (7.80) (7.81)




δ|λ2 i = −˜ γ T0 |ξ2 i − 4|ξ1 i.


In order to derive the action S(1,1) (7.22) only in terms of the component fields, we, first of all, present the vectors |Ψi, |Ψk i, |ϕl i, |ρl i, |χm i and the corresponding bra-vectors as expansions with respect to the initial and auxiliary creation operators:  +ν + +µ |Ψi(1,1) = a+µ ˜ ψµ1 (x) + f1+ a+ν ˜ ψν2 (x) + b+ (7.83) 1 a2 ψµ,ν (x) + f2 a1 γ 2 γ 12 ψ(x)  +µ + + +ν + + 2 ˜ ψµ3 (x) + b+ +f1+ f2+ ψ11 (x) + 21 a+µ 1 a1 b ψµν (x) + a1 f1 b γ 11 b ψ2 (x) |0i ,  + ˜ h Ψ| = h0| ψµ,ν (x)aν2 aµ1 + ψµ1+ (x)˜ γ aµ1 f2 + ψν2+ (x)˜ γ aν2 f1 + ψ + (x)b12 (7.84) (1,1)  + (x)baν1 aµ1 + ψµ3+ (x)˜ γ bf1 aµ1 + ψ22+ (x)bb11 γ˜0 , +ψ11+ (x)f2 f1 + 21 ψµν   +µ 2m + 1m + + 1 + 2 |χm i(0,1) = a+µ b χ (x) + a χ (x) + f b γ ˜ χ (x) + f γ ˜ χ (x) |0i, m = 1, 3, (7.85) 1 µ 2 µ 1 m 2 m   ˜m | = h0| χ1m+ (x)baµ1 + χ2m+ (x)aµ2 + χ1+ γ bf1 + χ2+ γ f2 γ˜0 , m = 1, 3, (7.86) (0,1) hχ µ µ m (x)˜ m (x)˜   + + 1 +µ +ν 12 ˜ χ12 (7.87) a a1 χµν (x) + a+µ |χ12 i(2,0) = 1 f1 γ µ (x) + b11 χ12 (x) |0i , 2 1   ν µ 12+ ˜12 | = h0| 21 χ12+ γ f1 aµ1 + χ+ ˜0 , (7.88) (2,0) hχ 12 (x)b11 γ µν (x)a1 a1 + χµ (x)˜   m + ˜ χm (x) |0i, m = 2, 4, (7.89) |χm i(1,0) = a+µ 1 χµ (x) + f1 γ   µ + ˜m | = h0| χm+ γ f1 γ˜0 , (7.90) (1,0) hχ µ (x)a1 + χm (x)˜   l + |Ψk i(0,0) = ψk (x)|0i, k = 1, ..., 10, |ϕl i(1,0) = a+µ ϕ (x) + f γ ˜ ϕ (x) |0i, (7.91) l 1 µ 1   µ + + ˜ γ0 , ˜l | = h0| ϕl+ γ f1 γ˜0 , (7.92) (0,0) hΨk | = h0|ψk (x)˜ (1,0) hϕ µ (x)a1 + ϕl (x)˜ |ρl i(−1,1) = b+ ρl (x)|0i, l = 1, .., 4, ρl | = h0|ρ+ γ0 , (−1,1) h˜ l (x)b˜ + |χ13 i(−1,1) = b χ13 (x)|0i ,

|χm i(0,0) = χm (x)|0i, m = 5, ..., 11 , ˜m | = h0|χ+ γ0 , (0,0) hχ m (x)˜ + ˜13 | = h0|χ13 (x)b˜ γ0 . (−1,1) hχ

(7.93) (7.94) (7.95)

Second, let us fix preliminarily a part of the gauge ambiguity starting from the first-stage gauge (2) (2) parameters. To this end, we can use the choice of the second-stage independent vectors |ξ1 i, |ξ2 i, entering relations (7.77)–(7.82) as shift parameters, in order to get rid, for instance, of the vectors (1) |ξk i, k = 1, 3, so that the description of the model is transformed to a first-stage reducible theory (1) (1) with independent first-stage gauge parameters, |λl i, l = 1, 2 |ξn i, n = 2, 4, ..., 9, and without restrictions (7.77)–(7.82). By the same argument, we can make the zero-stage gauge vectors |ξm i, m = 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, (1) (1) |λl i, l = 1, 3 to vanish by using a choice for the parameters |ξm i, m = 7, 6, 5, 3, 9, 8, |λl i, 25

l = 1, 2, respectively, in the gauge transformations (7.55)–(7.76). As a result, the remaining (1) gauge transformations with the independent first-stage gauge parameters |ξ4 i for the remaining zero-stage vectors have the form (1)

+ + δ|ξ3 i = (−L+ 2 + T L1 )|ξ4 i ,

δ|ξk i = 0, k = 1, 9, 11 , (1)

δ|ξ7 i = −L0 |ξ4 i , (1)

δ|λ6 i =



δ|λ4 i = −˜ γ T0 |ξ4 i ,



δ|λl i = 0, l = 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 .


δ|ξ8 i = −˜ γ T0 |ξ4 i ,

2 δ|ξ12 i = −(L+ 1 ) |ξ4 i , (1) γ˜ T0 L+ 1 |ξ4 i ,


Finally, in the same manner, we can get rid of the fields |Ψk i, k = 4, ..., 7, 9, 10, |ϕ1 i, |ρ1 i, |χl i, l = 2, 5, 11, with the help of a corresponding choice for the independent (except |ξ7 i, |ξ8 i, |λ4 i, |λ6 i which may be used in pairs in order to take account of its reducibility) gauge parameters |λ2 i, |ξ9 i, |ξ8i, |λ4 i, |ξ11 i, |ξ7i, |λl i, l = 6, 9, 7, 5, 8 respectively, in the gauge transformations (7.23)– (7.54). The resultant gauge transformations for the remaining fields |Ψi, |Ψk i, k = 1, 2, 3, 8, |ϕl i, l = 2, 3, 4, |ρm i, m = 2, 3, 4, |χk i, k = 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, with the zero-stage gauge vectors |ξk i, k = 1, 3, 12, that have not been used previously, are reduced to + δ|Ψi = −˜ γ T1+ |ξ1 i + L+ 1 |ξ3 i + T |ξ12 i , 1 δ|Ψ1 i = L11 |ξ12 i + γ˜ T2 |ξ1i + T0 T2 |ξ3 i , 2 1 δ|Ψ2 i = 2˜ γ T2 |ξ1 i − L11 |ξ12 i − T2 T0 |ξ3 i , 2  1 + δ|ϕ2 i = L11 L1 + T1 T0 |ξ12 i + T0 L+ 1 T2 |ξ3 i , 2  1 δ|ρ2 i = γ˜ T1 + T + T2 |ξ3i , 2 δ|ρ4 i = L1 |ξ3 i − T + L11 |ξ12 i − γ˜ T1 |ξ1 i ,  + δ|χ1 i = −˜ γ T0 + L+ 2 T2 + L1 T1 |ξ1 i ,

(7.100) δ|Ψ3 i = 0 , δ|Ψ8 i =


 L2 − T0 T2 |ξ1 i ,


 L1 − T0 T1 |ξ1 i ,


δ(|ϕ3 i , |ϕ4i) = T (−|ξ3 i , |ξ1i) , δ|ρ3 i =

δ|χk i = 0, k = 6, 9, 13 ,

 γ˜ δ|χ7 i = γ˜ L1 T1 − T0 L11 |ξ12 i − L1 L+ 1 T2 |ξ3 i , 2  γ˜ + 2 δ|χ12 i = γ˜ T0 + L+ 1 T1 |ξ12 i − (L1 ) T2 |ξ3 i . 2

(7.105) (7.106)

  1 + ˜ T + T1 |ξ12 i , δ|χ3 i = − 2 + T1+ T1 |ξ1 i + γ˜ T0 + L+ 1 T T2 ξ3 i − γ 2 δ|χ4 i = −T1+ T2 |ξ1 i − γ˜ L+ ˜ T1 |ξ12 i , 1 T2 |ξ3 i + γ


δ|χ8 i =

1 + L T1 T2 |ξ3 i , 2 1

δ|χ10 i = −˜ γ T1 T |ξ1i ,


(7.108) (7.109) (7.110)

One can easily prove that the gauge transformations (7.100)–(7.110) are invariant with respect to their gauge transformations (7.96)–(7.99) for the gauge parameters |ξm i, m = 1, 3, 12. We then take into account the internal structure of the above gauge parameters |ξm i (having the same respective form as that for the fields |χm i, m = 1, 3, 12 in (7.85), (7.87)) in order to gauge away the fields |ϕl i, l = 3, 4, and to simplify the structure of the basic field |Ψi. As a result, the gauge


transformations have the form r + δ|Ψi = −˜ γ T1+ |ξ1r i + L+ 1 |ξ3 i + T |ξ12 i , 1 δ|Ψ1 i = L11 |ξ12 i + γ˜ T2 |ξ1r i + T0 T2 |ξ3r i , 2 1 δ|Ψ2 i = 2˜ γ T2 |ξ1r i − L11 |ξ12 i − T2 T0 |ξ3r i , 2  1 + r δ|ϕ2 i = L11 L+ 1 + T1 T0 |ξ12 i + T0 L1 T2 |ξ3 i , 2 δ|ρ4 i = L1 |ξ3r i − T + L11 |ξ12 i − γ˜ T1 |ξ1r i ,

δ|χk i = 0, k = 6, 9, 10, 13 ,

(7.111) δ|Ψ3i = 0 , δ|Ψ8i =


 L2 − T0 T2 |ξ1r i ,


 1 δ|ρ2 i = γ˜ T1 + T + T2 |ξ3r i ≡ 0 , (7.114) 2  δ|ρ3 i = L1 − T0 T1 |ξ1r i , (7.115)  r + + δ|χ1 i = −˜ γ T0 + L2 T2 + L1 T1 |ξ1 i , (7.116)

 r  1 + ˜ T + T1 |ξ12 i , δ|χ3 i = − 2 + T1+ T1 |ξ1r i + γ˜ T0 + L+ 1 T T2 |ξ3 i − γ 2

1 r ˜ T1 |ξ12 i , δ|χ8 i = L+ δ|χ4 i = −T1+ T2 |ξ1r i − γ˜ L+ T1 T2 |ξ3r i = 0 , 1 T2 |ξ3 i + γ 2 1     γ˜  + 2 r L T , (L ) T δ(|χ7 i , |χ12i) = γ˜ L1 T1 − T0 L11 , T0 + L+ T |ξ i − 0 2 2 |ξ3 i , 12 1 1 1 2

r where the vectors |ξm i, m = 1, 3, are solutions of the equations T |ξmi = 0,    +µ + +µ 1m r + + + 1 |ξm i(0,1) = a1 b − 2a2 ξµ (x) − γ˜ f1 b − 2f2 ξm (x) |0i, m = 1, 3,

(7.117) (7.118) (7.119)


and |ξ12 i(2,0) has the form

|ξ12 i(2,0) =



 +µ + +ν 12 12 + a+µ a ξ (x) + a f γ ˜ ξ (x) + b ξ (x) |0i . 1 1 µν 1 1 µ 11 12


As a consequence, the action (7.22) is simplified as follows: h  ˜ (1,1) 1 T0 |Ψi + T + |χ1 i + γ˜ L+ |χ3 i + γ˜ L+ |χ4 i + γ˜ T + |χ12 i + γ˜ L+ |χ13 i S (1,1) = hΨ|K 1 1 2 11 2 ˜ 1 |K(1,1) {T0 |Ψ2 i − 2˜ +hΨ γ |Ψ8 i − γ˜ L2 |χ3 i + γ˜ |χ7 i} ˜ 2 |K(1,1) {˜ ˜ 8 |K(1,1) {−T1 |χ4 i + γ˜ |χ8 i} +hΨ γ L1 |χ4 i − γ˜ |χ7 i} + hΨ

˜ 3 |K(1,1) {−2˜ +hΨ γ |Ψ8 i + T2 |χ1 i − γ˜ |χ6 i}  + hϕ˜2 |K(1,1) −˜ γ T |χ3 i + γ˜ |χ4 i + T1+ |χ10 i  + h˜ ρ2 |K(1,1) −T0 |ρ3 i + γ˜ L1 |χ1 i − γ˜ T + |χ9 i  +h˜ ρ3 |K(1,1) −2˜ γ |ρ4 i − T1 |χ3 i − γ˜ T + |χ8 i  +h˜ ρ4 |K(1,1) − 12 T0 |ρ4 i − γ˜ L1 |χ3 i − γ˜ T + |χ7 i + γ˜ |χ13 i + hχ˜1 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ3 i} − 12 hχ˜3 |K(1,1) T0 |χ3 i − 12 hχ˜4 |K(1,1) T0 |χ4 i

i +hχ˜6 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ10 i} + hχ˜7 |K(1,1) {−˜ γ |χ10 i} + hχ˜8 |K(1,1) T0 |χ10 i + c.c.


Then, we gauge away the symmetric part ψ(µ,ν) = 21 (ψµ,ν + ψνµ ) from the basic spin-tensor ψµν as well as the fields ψµk , k = 2, 3, ψll , l = 1, 2, from the basic field |Ψi(1,1) (7.83) using all the components of the gauge parameters |ξ12 i(2,0) and |ξ1r i(0,1) in the gauge transformations (7.111)– (7.119), so that only the following nontrivial relations for the used gauge parameters, 12 13 ξµν (x) = 2ı∂(µ ξν) (x) + 2ıγ(µ ∂ν) ξ31 (x),

ξµ12 (x) = 2ı∂µ ξ31 (x) , 27

ξµ11 (x) = −ı∂µ ξ31 (x) ,


hold true. The resulting spectrum of the fields, ψ[µν] , ψµν , ψµ1 , ψ, ψk , k = 1, 2, 3, 8, ϕµ2 , ϕ2 , ρl , l = 2m 1 2 4 12 12 2, 3, 4, χ1m µ , χµ , χm , χm , m = 1, 3, χµ , χk , k = 4, 6, ..., 10, 12, 13, χµν , χµ , and their nontrivial 1 gauge transformations have the component form, for γρσ = 2 (γρ γσ − γσ γρ ), 13 δψ[µν] (x) = 2ı∂[µ ξν] (x) + 2ıγ[µ∂ν] ξ31 (x) ,

δψ1 (x) =

ıγ ∂ν ξµ13 (x) ıγ µν ∂ν ξµ13 (x) µν

+ ı(d −


1)γ ∂ν ξ31 (x) , 1)γ ν ∂ν ξ31 (x) ν


+ ı(d − = δψ1 (x) ,   13 δχ4µ (x) = ı 2γ ν ∂[ν ξµ] (x) + [γµν ∂ ν + (d − 1)∂µ ]ξ31 (x) ,   ν 13 ν 1 δχ23 (x) = −ı 2γ ∂ ξ (x) + [γ ∂ + (d − 1)∂ ]ξ (x) = −δχ4µ (x) . [ν µ] µν µ 3 µ

δψ2 (x) =

(7.126) (7.127) (7.128)

whereas the nontrivial gauge transformation for the gauge parameter is written as follows: (1)

δξµ13 (x) = −ı∂µ ξ4 (x) .


Then let us remove the additional fields from the spectrum of the above fields by means of δS δS = lδhρ(1,1) = 0, with the vectors |χk i, their equations of motion. Thus, for the extremals lδhχ(1,1) 3| k| k = 1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, |ρ3 i considered as Lagrangian multipliers, we have the solutions δl S (1,1) δhχ12 | δl S (1,1) δhχ13 | δl S (1,1) δhχ9 | δl S (1,1) δhχ6 | δl S (1,1) δhχ7 | δl S (1,1) δhχ1 | δl S (1,1) δhρ3 |

= γ˜ T |Ψi = 0


ψµν = ψµ1 = ψ = 0,


= γ˜ L11 |Ψi + γ˜ |ρ4 i = 0


ρ4 = 0 ,


= −˜ γ T |ρ2 i = 0


ρ2 = 0 ,


= −˜ γ (|Ψ3 i + |χ10 i) = 0


χ10 = −ψ3 ,


= γ˜ (|Ψ1i − |Ψ2 i − |χ10 i) = 0


χ10 = ψ1 − ψ2 ,


= T1 |Ψi + T2+ |Ψ3 i − γ˜ |χ3 i = 0


2 γ µ ψ[µν] = γν χ23 − χ23 ν , ψ3 = χ3 ,


= −T1 |χ3 i − γ˜ T + |χ8 i = 0


1 χ8 = −2χ23 , χ13 µ = χ3 = 0 ,


and thus the basic vector |Ψi contains only the antisymmetric spin-tensor ψ[µν] (x). After a substitution of expressions (7.83)–(7.95) into (7.122), we find the action for a field of spin (3/2, 3/2)


in a manifest form, with the remaining auxiliary fields: " Z h i o n ı S (1,1) = dd x ψ¯[µν] − γ ρ ∂ρ ψ [µν] − ı∂ [µ γ ν] (ψ2 − ψ1 ) + γρ ψ [ν]ρ] − ı∂ [ν χ4µ] 2 n h io +ψ¯1 −ıγ ρ ∂ρ ψ2 − 2ψ8 − ı∂ µ γµ (ψ2 − ψ1 ) + γ ρ ψ[µρ] n o µ 4 µ 4 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ +ıψ2 ∂ χµ − 2(ψ2 − ψ1 )ψ8 + ψ8 γ χµ + (2 − d)χ4 − 2(ψ2 − ψ1 )   −ϕ¯2µ γρ ψ [µρ] + χ4µ − (2 − d)ϕ¯2 χ4 i h i ıh − (ψ¯2 − ψ¯1 )γ µ + ψ¯[µτ ] γτ γ σ ∂σ γµ (ψ2 − ψ1 ) + γ ρ ψ[µρ] 2 ı 4 ν ı ¯µ γ ∂ν χ4µ + (6 − d)(ψ¯2 − ψ¯1 )γ ρ ∂ρ (ψ2 − ψ1 ) − χ 2 2 # d 4 ν −ı(1 − )χ¯ γ ∂ν χ4 − 2ı(ψ¯2 − ψ¯1 )γ ν ∂ν (ψ2 − ψ1 ) + c.c. (7.137) 2 Then, from the extremals for the fields ϕ2 , ϕ2µ , ψ8 , we have their respective solutions χ4 = 0 ,

1 ψ1 = 2ψ2 + γ ρµ ψ[ρµ] , 2

χ4µ = γρ ψ [ρµ]


so that the action (7.137) is transformed as follows: " Z h i n ı 1 S (1,1) = dd x ψ¯[µν] − γ ρ ∂ρ ψ [µν] − ı∂ [µ γ ν] (−ψ2 − γ ρσ ψ[ρσ] ) + γρ ψ [ν]ρ] 2 2 on h o n io 1 σρ 1¯ νρ µ ρ [ν [ρµ]] ¯ −ı∂ γµ γ ψ[ρσ] + γ ψ[µρ] −ı∂ γρ ψ + 2ψ2 + ψ[ρν] γ 2 2 hn i h n o i o 1 στ 1 ı σ µ ρ νρ [µτ ] ¯ ¯ ¯ −ψ2 − ψ[ρν] γ γµ + ψ[µρ] γ γ ∂σ γ −ψ2 − γ ψ[στ ] + γτ ψ − 2 2 2 o n n o ı 1 1 σ νρ τ µ + (2 − d) ψ¯2 + ψ¯[ρν] γ γ ∂σ ψ2 + γ ψ[τ µ] + ıψ¯2 ∂ µ γ ρ ψ[µρ] 2 2 # 2 ı − ψ¯[ρµ] γ ρ γ ν ∂ν γσ ψ [σµ] + c.c. (7.139) 2 One can show that the terms in (7.139) with the auxiliary spinor ψ2 vanish identically, so that we have the final form of the action and reducible gauge transformations for the spin-tensor ψ[µν] , Z n d ¯ S (1,1) = d xψ[µν] −ıγ ρ ∂ρ ψ [µν] + ı∂ [µ γ ν] γ ρσ ψ[ρσ] + 2ı∂ [ν γρ ψ [µ]ρ] + 2ıγ ν ∂ρ ψ [µρ] o ı νµ σ [ρτ ] νµ [ρτ ] µ ρ [σν] , (7.140) − γ γ ∂σ γρτ ψ + ıγ ∂[ρ γτ ] ψ − 2ıγ γ ∂ρ γσ ψ 2 (1) δψ[µν] = 2ı∂[µ ξν] + 2ıγ[µ∂ν] η , δξµ = ı∂µ ξ (1) , (ξµ , η, ξ (1) ) ≡ (ξµ13 , ξ31, ξ4 ). (7.141) To obtain a Lagrangian description of the massive rank-2 antisymmetric spin-tensor ψ[µν] , having the Young tableaux (2.1) and subject to conditions (2.3), (2.4) and the requirement (ıγ µ ∂µ − m)Φµ,ν (x) = 0, instead of (2.2), we may follow the example of Section 7.1 and apply the prescription (5.34)–(5.36) starting directly from the action (7.145) written for a (d + 1)dimensional Minkowski space. First, we have the following representation for the fields, ψ [M N ] = (ψ [µν] , ψ [µd] ), with the Stueckelberg field being ψ [µd] = −ψ µ d ≡ ϕµ , and with the gauge parameters 29

(ξN ; η) = (ξν , ξ; η). Second, the corresponding action can be obtained from (7.145) by dimensional projection R1,d → R1,d−1 and must be invariant with respect to the gauge transformations δψ[µν] = 2ı∂[µ ξν] + 2ıγ[µ∂ν] η ,

δϕµ = −ı∂µ ξ − mξµ + mγµ η + ı∂µ η ,


which, in turn, are reducible: δξµ (x) = ı∂µ ξ (1) (x) ,

δξ(x) = −mξ (1) (x) .


Third, due to (5.36), we use identity: γ RS ψ[RS] = γ ρσ ψ[ρσ] , and the identification iγ M ∂M ψ [N K] = (iγ µ ∂µ − m)ψ [N K] ,

iγ M ∂M γN ψ [N K] = (iγ µ ∂µ + m)γN ψ [N K],


being true, if instead ψ [N K] [γN ψ [N K]] we substitute the quantities (γL )2k ψ [N K] [(γL )2k+1 ψ [N K]], for k ∈ N0 . After removing the gauge parameter ξ(x) by the shift transformation, and then in the same manner the field ϕµ , by means of the now independent gauge transformation with the parameter ξµ (x), we obtain the Lagrangian for a massive antisymmetric spin-tensor (3/2, 3/2) field in a d-dimensional flat space n ¯[µν] −(ıγ ρ ∂ρ − m)ψ [µν] + ı∂ [µ γ ν] γ ρσ ψ[ρσ] + 2ı∂ [ν γρ ψ [µ]ρ] + 2ıγ ν ∂ρ ψ [µρ] = ψ Lm ψ[µν] o 1 − γ νµ (ıγ σ ∂σ − m)γρτ ψ [ρτ ] + ıγ νµ ∂[ρ γτ ] ψ [ρτ ] − 2γ µ (ıγ ρ ∂ρ + m)γσ ψ [σν] . (7.145) 2



In the present work, we have constructed a gauge-invariant Lagrangian description of free halfinteger HS fields belonging to an irreducible representation of the Poincare group ISO(1, d − 1) with the corresponding Young tableaux having two rows in the “metric-like” formulation. The results of this study are the most general ones and apply to both massive and massless fermionic HS fields with a mixed symmetry in a Minkowski space of any dimension. In the standard manner, starting from an embedding of fermionic HS fields into vectors of an auxiliary Fock space, we treat the fields as coordinates of Fock-space vectors and reformulate the theory in such terms. We realize the conditions that determine an irreducible Poincare-group representation with a given mass and generalized spin in terms of differential operator constraints imposed on the Fock space vectors. These constraints generate a closed Lie superalgebra of HS symmetry, which contains, with the exception of two basis generators of its Cartan subalgebra, a system of first- and second-class constraints. We demonstrate that the construction of a correct Lagrangian description requires a deformation of the initial symmetry superalgebra, in order to obtain from the system of mixed-class constraints a converted system with the same number of first-class constraints alone, whose structure provides the appearance of the necessary number of auxiliary spin-tensor fields with lower generalized spins. We have shown that this purpose can be achieved with the help of an additional Fock space, by constructing an additive extension of a symmetry subsuperalgebra which consists of the subsystem of second-class constraints alone and of the generators of the Cartan subalgebra, which form an invertible even operator supermatrix composed of supercommutators of the second-class constraints. We have realized the Verma module construction [47] in order to obtain an auxiliary representation in Fock space for the above superalgebra with second-class constraints. As a consequence, the converted Lie superalgebra of HS symmetry has the same algebraic relations as the initial superalgebra; however, these relations are realized in an enlarged Fock space. The generators of 30

the converted Cartan subalgebra contain linearly two auxiliary independent number parameters, whose choice provides the vanishing of these generators in the corresponding subspaces of the total Hilbert space extended by the ghost operators in accordance with the minimal BFV–BRST construction for the converted HS symmetry superalgebra. Therefore, the above generators, enlarged by the ghost contributions up to the “particle number” operators in the total Hilbert space, covariantly determine Hilbert subspaces in each of which the converted symmetry superalgebra consists of the first-class constraints alone, labeled by the values of the above parameters, and constructed from the initial irreducible Poincare-group relations. It is shown that the Lagrangian description corresponding to the BRST operator, which encodes the converted HS symmetry superalgebra, yields a consistent Lagrangian dynamics for fermionic fields of any generalized spin. The resulting Lagrangian description, realized concisely in terms of the total Fock space, presents a set of generating relations for the action and the sequence of gauge transformations for given fermionic HS fields with a sufficient set of auxiliary fields, and proves to be a reducible gauge theory with a finite number of reducibility stages, increasing with the value of generalized spin. We have sketched a proof of the fact that the solutions of the Lagrangian equations of motion (5.24), (5.25), after a partial gauge-fixing, correspond to the BRST cohomology space with a vanishing ghost number, which is determined only by the relations that extract the fields of an irreducible Poincare-group representation with a given value of generalized spin. As examples demonstrating the applicability of the general scheme, we have derived gaugeinvariant Lagrangian formulations for the field of spin (3/2, 1/2) and for the rank-2 antisymmetric spin-tensor in a manifest form in both massless and massive cases11 . In principle, the suggested algorithm permits one to derive manifest actions for any other half-integer spin fields characterized by two rows of the corresponding Young tableaux. The basic results of the present work are given by relations (5.27), where the action for a field with an arbitrary generalized half-integer spin is constructed, as well as by relations (5.28)–(5.31), where the gauge transformations for the fields are presented, along with the sequence of reducible gauge transformations and gauge parameters. Concluding, we would like to discuss a number of additional points. First, the gauge-invariant description of massless and massive HS field theories with a mixed symmetry is an interesting starting point for a systematic construction of a Lagrangian formulation for HS interacting vertices with mixed-symmetry fermionic HS fields, including the case of the AdS space, in order to provide a description of the high-energy limit for open superstrings; see the arguments in favor of this suggestion in [39]. Second, the role of fermionic HS fields in the above limit of superstring theory in connection with the AdS/CFT correspondence signals the importance of extending the obtained results to the case of fermionic HS fields with a mixed symmetry in the AdS space. Thus, the present Lagrangian description takes a first step towards an interacting theory with mixed-symmetry fermionic HS fields, including the case of curved backgrounds, and then towards a covariant construction (following, e.g., the BV formalism) of the generating functionals of Green’s functions, including the quantum effective action; examples of such calculations can be found, e.g., in [51]. Third, we estimate an extension of the obtained results to the case of arbitrary fermionic HS fields with any number of rows in the corresponding Young tableaux as a challenging technical problem. One of the possible approaches to this problem may rely on creating a computer algorithm which would permit one to obtain the HS symmetry superalgebra and calculate the action with the sequence of gauge transformations in an analytic component 11

Lagrangian formulations for the case of antisymmetric spin-tensors of arbitrary rank n in R1,d−1 and AdSd  d spaces, for n ≤ 2 , was considered recently within BRST and algebraic approach respectively, in Refs. [48, 49], so that the Lagrangian formulations both for the massive and massless fields of spin (3/2, 3/2) coincide with ones in [48, 49].


form for fermionic fields of a given generalized spin. Finally, the example of a field of spin (3/2, 3/2) in Section 7.2 has demonstrated a possibility of extracting a large number of auxiliary fields until the point when the component form of the action and gauge transformations can be derived in a manifest form. In our forthcoming work [52], we plan to realize this possibility, which should permit one to significantly reduce the spectrum of fields and gauge parameters in order to simplify the component structure of the basic results of the present work, however, with a possible appearance of additional off-shell constraints for the fields and gauge parameters.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to D.M. Gitman, P.M. Lavrov and Yu.M. Zinoviev for useful discussions. A.A.R. thanks M.A. Vasiliev and R.R. Metsaev for discussions on the possibility of extracting algebraic constraints from the entire set of constraints in order to reduce the spectrum of auxiliary fields. P.Yu.M. is grateful to CNPq for support.

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