open online for all families. Monday, March ... Non School Days & Closed Days. B. R. Y. N. M ... webpage. http://mpl
Bryn Mawr News February 2017
MPLSKIDS.MPLS.K12.MN.US Kids School Age Care
In the News Can you believe it the Site Coordinators have already been busy working on a fun filled summer for the kids? Registration for Mpls. Kids summer programming will open online for all families Monday, March 13th at noon. Check the website soon for a preview of activities. The end of January and the beginning of February is winter wellness week in the district focusing on fun winter activities that are offered at local parks.
Weather Closing
Wednesday Feb. 1st: Winter Walk Day and Winter Weather Safety.
We closed when Mpls Schools are closed due to inclement weather. The district considers closing school when wind chill is — Just a reminder that we go 35 or colder at 6:30 am, out most days and the children need all their winter more than 6 inches of gear and maybe an extra set snow falls in 12 hours, or more than 8 inches of of clothes in their locker. snow falls in 24 hours. They will try to tell families by 6 pm the day before the cancellation or by 5:30 am the day of the cancellation. They use many methods to convey the info: phone call, text, website, Facebook, twitter, radio, TV.
Non School Days & Closed Days February 17th @ Marcy Field Trip : Science Museum Disposable Lunch Needed
BRYN MAWR 252 UPTON AVE. SOUTH Bryn Mawr 612-668- 2480 Site Cell: 612-290-4030 Main Office: 612-668-3890
February 20th: Presidents Day Mpls. Kids Closed March 31st: April 7 Spring Break. Look for details on the Marcy webpage.
Positive Engagement Plan We have launched our Positive Engagement Plan (PEP) and the children are doing very well. Our basic PEP includes 3 “rules”: I Am Respectful I Am Responsible I am Safe One of our activities to promote positive engagement rules is our Pom Pom jar, a pompom goes in when someone does something following the rules, well the jar is full so we will discuss the prize and how we got there.
Child Absences Please notify Minneapolis Kids when your child will not be in attendance, even for one day. Our voicemail is on 24 hours a day 612668-2480 you can also send me an email The school main office and nurse do not automatically communicate with us when a child goes home early or that you picked up your child during the day.
Kids Welcome: After School 1:45-6:00 Non School Day @ Marcy Open 6:30 am—6:00 pm