Buffalo Ny Courier 1921 - FultonHistory.com

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A reception at the home of the t>rid S gwrents followed the ceremony. Afte*j an extended eastern trip Mr. and MrS-. Verosky will be at home in Swissville^.
:-V «•- *"




rid S Miss Bessie Storer and Miss Eileen Melzer. Kay flf. Spencer of Northampton, Mass. g w r e n t s followed the ceremony. Afte*j Shea, were gowned alike in Mediter•*» (Continued from P a g e Twenty,) Mr. and Mrs. Robertson have left for a n extended eastern trip Mr. and M rS - ranean green^ taffeta over flesh-colored The wedding of Mies Dorothy Lyon a wedding Journey and will, be at home Verosky will be at home in Swissville^ tulle with long green sashes lined with la,* Sigma sorority at tear hma^Hn and F a r g o Bailiet will t a k e place F e b - after April 1 a t No. 42 Richmond ave* * B U • "'til' flesh-colored georgette forming trains. r u a r y 5 in St. Thomas' church. New nue. ford avenue tomorrow evening. \ *1 Their h a t s were of black lace a n a m a York. line and they wore green scarfs. All Clement-Long. T h e ceremony will be performed at } Mahoney-La Reau. 8 o'clock in t h e - c h a n t r y and a recepThe m a r r i a g e of MlBS.. Irene Lang, : tlie a t t e n d a n t s carried staffs of silver tion will follow at the Hotel St. Regis. i The marriage of Miss Agnes Theo- daughter of Cexhard L a n g of Morris; twined with pink roses and topped Miss Lyon h a s chosen a s her attend]* dora La Reau, daughter of Oliver G. L a avenue, to Carlton J e w e t t Clement wa« with bows of pink ribbons. Walter ants, Mrs. Cameron Macpherson of Reau, to J. Neil Mahoney wasj solem- 1 quietly solemnized Tuesday morning^ Erion was best man and the ushers were F r a n k R. Hoffman and Clarence j Rye, a s matron of honor Miss Lois | nized Wednesday morning a t » o'clock J a n u a r y 25. Mr. and M r s . ilolin H . Kennedy of J. Hoffman, brothers of the bride; John S t u m e r and Miss Beatrice H a r v e y of In the Church of the Annunciation, the Enders and John Shapley. Lincoln' p a r k w a y anounce t h e engage- Chicago, Miss L i n k n Molton and Miss Rev. Edward J. Ferger perforating t h e Kraus-Hoffman. •meni of their d a u g h t e r Edith t o Ed- Blinor Ritter of New York, a s brides- ceremony. The bride wore a gown Of A wedding breakfast for the immeThe marriage of Miss Alma Mag J, diate families followed the ceremony, maids, H e n r y Budlong Green of Lockivory satin draped over rose point lace, win Bruce Shields of Pitaburgh, P a . port, will act a s Mr. Balliett's best man, with court train; her tulle veil in cor- dalen Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and at which covers were laid for thirty. •**—-" If a n d the ushers Will be James O'Xeil of onet effect was caught to the train Mrs. F r a n k M. Hoffman, to Clarence An immense wedding bell was sus- j ,t Mr. and Mrs> J o h n A. Seymour h a v e New York; Lawrence Martin, Glen- with a garland of orange blossoms and W . Kjraus was solemnized Thursdays pended over the bride's table, which I issued 'invitations for t h e marriage of ridge, N. J.; Raymond Gage, Philadel- she carried a shower bouquet of bride morning a t I t o'clock a t £ t . Joseph'* was decorated with spring flowers and i t h e i r daughter Alice" Cheney t 4 H a r r y phia; Cameron Maepherson and E m e r - roses. The maid of honor, Miss Evelyn new cathedral in Delaware avenue, t h i centered with a large doll dressed as a : son Bigeiow of Rye, T h e bride will be L a Reau, was gowned in peach colored Rev. Dr. Charles Duffy performing theH bride. In the afternoon from 3 to 7 ; G. Hoffman,,sSaturday evening, F e h r o - ' given in marriage by her brother, I r v - sa^tin Francais, with h a t of French ceremony and celebrating high nuptial o'clock a receptiqp for 200 guests was , a r y i$ a t $'o'clock at No. SIT H l g h - ing \V. Lyon Of Rye. * blue and carried sunburst roses. The mass. Mrs, JoBh Van R e m m e r , , a u n « held. Mrs. Hoffman was assisted by hmd avenue. bridesmaid. Miss Betty Vetter, wore a o9 the bride, s a n g during the servicej Mrs. F r a n k Rogers, Mrs. Henry Auer. gown of pink a n d silvei embroidered i The bride wore a gown of Chantiily Miss Bdith Rogers, Miss Ruth Con- J Robertson- Mynter. M n - a n d Mrs, K. Chapin Knapp of chiffon with h a t to m a t c h and carried lace over white satin with a long courti don, Miss Mildred Nevin, Miss Helen • Bedford a v e n p e announce the' engageOf interest t o many friends was the Maryland roses. Clayton P . $heehan train. Her veil of tulle, arranged in a McBonald, Miss Eileen OMalley, Miss j m e n t of t h e i r ^ l a u g h t e t , Ethel S., t o wedding of Mine Agnes Mynter, d a u g h - w a s best m a n a n d ' t h e u s h e r s were, Mary Wilhelm and Hilda Abel. | A r t h u r J. L a Reau and John S. Ma- coronet, w a s fastened with orange H o w a r d C. • Oerrish of Chicago, the. nv of Mrs. Herman^Mynter, tto William Mr. and Mrs. K r a u s have left for j blossoms and she carried a bouquet of honey. . I *' "Wedding to take: pi ace ija February../..,, roses, Sweetheart roses a n d E w a r t Robertson, which took place at T h e ceremony •••wag followed" b y . a bride freesia. Miss Constance Kosters. maid' (Continued on Page Twenty-four.) Mr. and MrsJ Henry H. Lanctot of half after four^ o'clock; Thursday after- wedding breakfast a t the home of the • • y ^ — * *' " —*——'——""'^"^^^S Elm wood avenue announce the engage- noon at the home of the bride in Del- bride in Dorchester road. The bride's m e n t • of their daughter Grace Elisa-. table w a s laid for twelve. Mr. a n d Mrs. beth to Curl F r a n c i s Lauta, t h e ' wed-? a w a r e avenue, 'tbe.ISev. Samuel Yan Mahortey will be a t home after March 1 % ^ Vranken Holmes, D. D., officiating. a t No. 53 Vernon place. dii^g to take place in April. M i t s May Massee of Chicago; Mrs. AgMr. and Mrs.: Philip B . J e n n i n g s of nes Weatherson of Bluff ton, S. C , Mrs. Varotky • St ri eg e I. N e w . York c i t y .and Bennington, Vt., George S. Buck and Mrs, E. Sears T h e ' m a r r i a g e of Miss Barbara A. a n n o u n c e the • engagement of their d a u g h t e r , 'Elizabeth Trumbull" Jennings Yates held white ribbons tb form an Striegel, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. t o K a r l Hamlen - Martin, son of Dr. and aisle. J a m e e Douglas \ Kobejrtaen was George Striegel of Sherman street, to For a period of-about two we«|cs, beginning J a n u a r y 27th, we will M r a T r u m a n - | . Martin,' formerly of J o h n Verosky of Braddock, Pa., w a s Buffalo. Mr. Martin i* now a resident his brother's best man. offer our present stock of S T E R M N G SILVER FLATWARE, H O L Southern smilax formed \ a back- solemnized Tuesday morning a t 9 of Bennjngton, Vt. w o'clock a t St. Ann's church, the Rev. ground for the prie dieu and lilies L O W - W A R E AND SILVER P L A ^ D W A R E , a t a discount which r e Mr. and Mrs. J. Gress of Forest adorned the living room. The woddinp F a t h e r Reinsch officiating. i duces the prices far below the Manufacturers' new list. The bride wore a gown of satin with SN>-nue annount-f engagement of music was played by a violinist, 'cellist and pianist. an overdress of georgette crepej e m their d a u g h t e r Ves J. to W . H . WhiteT h e bride was gowned in white crepe broidered with pearls, and a lohg court head of Buffalo. N. Y. ' After February 12th our Entife'Sterling Silver and Silver Plated .satin trimmed w i t h point duchesse train falling from the shoulders. H e r Stock will be adjusted to the prevailing Prices of New Merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. F. Aitle announce the lace, her veil of old 'lace w a s !fastened veil w a s in coronet effect and She c a r engaarement of their d a u g h t e r Beatrice w i t h o r a n g e ' blossom* and she carried ried a shower bouquet of bridal roses, EL. to George F. Snyder, the weddJng a bouquet of freesia a n d lilies of the orange blossoms and lilies of the' valvalley. Mrs. M y n t e r ; w o r e a gown of ley. Mrs. George Mingen,, aHid Mrs. t o take place in April. black lace over blue satin. Norman Kemp, sisters of the bride, Only the families and a few friends were the attendants. They wpre their Mr. and Mrs. P. J. E r n l s s e a n n o u n c e 618 MAIN STREET th.- e r g a g e m e n t of their d a u g h t e r attended th% ceremony and t h e recep- wedding gowns and carried pink CoRefreshmen|B lumbia roses. The headdresses were of B e r t h a Joan to W i n s t o n Churchill of tion Which followed. Just North of hippewa Street were served from a buffet table c e n - organge blossoms a n d pearls, George IX Chester. N . Y. tered with a lovihgf cup filled with Mingen and -George Striegel attended j• t h e groom.- . ™« '"' ^ Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s M e N e m e y of spring "flowers.-, Mrs. Charles P a r s o n s of W a s h i n g Miss Monica Streigel, sister of the: % I&ine a v e n u e a n n o u n c e t h e engage-

Engagements and Weddings


"• i\\

Introducing Fashions of Individualized Types and Distinction IN





•» WiiHH|#nllll»I.W*- '

"A Limited Opportunity"


T. & E. DICKINSON & CO., Inc.



SPORT ATTIRE BLOUSES AND SWEATERS \ HATS * Specially created for those seeking smart clothes for the various WINTER RESORTS. '

. . . .




Specially priced new Spring .• Dr«sses of tricotine and taffeta,

55.00 — 75.00 — 95.00



$110,000.00 S t o c k of Furniture, Rugs and Stoves at 70 Cents on the Dollar.


.' i


Smoke Damage " Only






JBeTour Own Salesman!

Fire Sale of Our $110,000 Stock of High Class Furniture At 70 Cents Onthe Dollar—Damaged By Smoke Only

To meet the demand of the fashionable woman, exceptionally good values in suits made of sturdy quality, all wool, imported and domestic tweeds that will give splendid service. Trim coats of jaunty cut^ youthful in the wellmodelled lines of the back and particularly good looking, with their notched collars, unusual pockets and narrow belts, silk lined throughout.


Pick up one of our plain figure price tags and

Then Deduct 30 Per Cent Off Regular Prices.

a quick clearance of this stock must be ma[de in order to make room for incoming goods now in transportation. Room! Room! Room! We must have room. *j HERE ARE REAL, LEGITIMATE SAVINGS OF 30 PER CENT. i


v ;

1 -







Specially priced at $ 5 5 . 0 0

All Must Go!!!

! •



• Every piece of Furniture, Rugs, etc., presents an unparalleled inducement. Our store has been crowded with eager purchasers during this sale, as the buying public well know that when GOELLNER'S, "THE S Q U A R E DEAL STORE" advertise reductions, the reductions are actual and the savings genuine. Every piece of goods in our store is marked in plain figures so a child can read them*. Just simply pick up a price tag attached to any piece and make the deduction yourself. Remember! Here is a $110,000.00 stock of high class Furniture, Rugs, etc., consisting of some of America's foremost manufacturers, a stock slightly damaged by srrioke only and offered to you at 70 cents on the dollar. Don't delay! Come Monday or come as soon as possible. But come! V-Jp- % " *



• - *






Included Below, Is a Partial List of the Furniture, Rugs, in this Best Attended Furniture Sale Ever Held in Buffalo " As you walk through our main floor you will find 28 different patterns of complete period Dining Room Suites in American Walnut, Veneired Mahogany, Solid Mahogany, Jacobean Oak, etc. All up-to-date, a great many produced by the most skiHyl cabinet makers in America's best factories. - Srae ,of these high-class suites feeing produced right here in your own city of Buffalo, by Steul & Thuman-Miationally lpiown as one^of America's chief producers of higfi class Dining Rodm Suites. Also you will find the fampu3%Gra'nd Rapids make arid other popul^ brands. All at 30 per cent, less than regular prices.


Complete Bedroom Suites On Mam Floor



", .Here you will find a large assortment of all that is latest and be$t in a variety of Walnut, Mah Ivory and Oak, and they also must go at 30 per cent less than regular marked prices.

any, French Walnut, THE U N I V E R S A L



Complete Living Room Suites On Main Floor $

" ' • , " • • • • "



The Ford Sedan ft

Here are presented a profusion of most bekijtiful, luxurious suites in choicest of Tapestry and Velours, handsome in appearance, but made for years of excellent service. Your choice at 70 cents on the dollar.

Our Second Floor Presents a Vast Array of Brass and Iron Beds, Dressers, Chiffoniers, ,6re^sing Tables, Sprjings, Mattresses, Pillows, Odd Rockers in Tapestry, Genuine Leather, Imitation Leather, Velour, Handsome Cane Panel, Reed. Also a complete life of Bed Davenports, Bed Davenport Suites, Sanitary Couches and many other articles too numerous to mention. 'M

In Our Rug Department On the Third Floor you will find amost wonderful selection of Wilton, Axminster, Brussels, Fibre and Linoleum Rugs, in a great variety of patterns and sizes, making it easy to choose; also you will find a splendid line of Draperies in attractive patterns, designs and colors. Efectric Carpet Sweepers, Hand S w e e p s * Small Throj^v Rugs, Etc. / 1 Economy has come into its own. There is a tendency among people everywhere to check waste. Here is yoUr opportunity to practice real economy and check waste by attending thii sale at Goeliner's, "The Square Deal Store." Again we say—COME. CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED IF DESIRED. >

THE GOELLNE •* The Square Deal Store''



556 to 562 WASHINGTON, Near Genesee Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


"The Square Deal Store"

HE most comfortable body of the Ford Sedan rests upon the world-famous, time-tried, time-tested and proven, reliable Ford chassis and has. such a low first cost price that it is the ideal car for city uses and operates at such a small expense equally ideal for the farmer. In the country, in the town, and in the city the Ford Sedan by merit alone, has become the most popular among enclosed cars. The increased producing capacities of the Ford Motor Company enable us to promise a reasonable prompt delivery with the Sedan. We shall be pleased to receive your order. Keep in mind that this comfortable emclosed ear costs you less than any ordinary touring car (except the Ford.) Think of this.


Of course, you cannot forget that matchless and reliable ''Ford After-Service" that foUows every Ford car the world over always within arm's length a reliable Ford dealer or authorised Ford garage that can tune up your car and keep it in running condition every day in the year. We want your trade. AUiBN STREET GARAGE, Inc., 138 Alleu St BAGG MOTOR COMPANY, 1514 Main St. * BERNER MOTOR COMPACTS', 2470 Seneca St. THOS. J. BUCK, 267 Broadway. G. FRED GALMBACH, 1820 Niagara St. HALL MOTOR COMPANY, 516 W. Uticafet" W. J. HOLMES, Inc., 940 Ridge Rd., Lackawanna MARSH MOTOR CORPORATION, 65* FSHmore Ave. MELDRUM MOTOR CORPORATION, 1081 Mam S t ' ^ QUALE GARAGE COMPANY, g0O7 Main S t EDMUND G. RISELAY, 739 Main S t INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS .

, *