Building Conservation - Architectural Association

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Aygen, Z: International Heritage and Historic Building Conservation: Saving the ... Choay, F.: The Invention Of the Historic Monument, Cambridge U.P., 2001.
BUILDING CONSERVATION READING LIST 2013/14 This reading list has been given to the library by the course tutor. Please note that the library holds as many items as possible from this list, however if any items are not held in the library’s collection, these may be requested via Inter-library loan at the issue desk. Some items may be shared with other programmes or located in other parts of the library. For location details please consult the online library catalogue. Alcock, N. W. & Hall, L.: Fixtures and Fittings in dated houses 1567 – 1763, C.B.A., 1994 Aldrich, M: The Gothic Revival, Phaidon, 1994 Arrhenius, T.: The Fragile Monuments – on Conservation and Modernity, Artifice, 2012 Ashurst J. (ed): Conservation of Ruins, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007, Ashurst, J: Mortars, Plasters & Renders in Conservation (Second Edition), Ecclesiastical Architects & Surveyors Association, 2002 Ayers, J: Domestic Interiors: The British Tradition 1500 – 1850, Yale, 2003 Aygen, Z: International Heritage and Historic Building Conservation: Saving the World’s Past, Routledge, 2012 Bevan, R.: The Destruction Of Memory: Architecture At War, Reaktion, 2006 Binney, M: In Search of the Perfect House, Weidenfield & Nicholson, 2007 Blair, J. & Pyrah, C.: Church Archaeology: Research Directions for the Future, C.B.A., 1996 Bloszies, C.: Old Buildings, New Designs: Architectural Transformations, Princeton U.P., 2012 Bramwell, P, M. and Airs, M. (eds): The Vernacular Workshop from Craft to Industry, 1400 – 1900, C.B.A., 2004 (*) Brand, S.: How Buildings Learn, Viking/Penguin, 1994 Bristow, I.: Architectural Colour in British Interiors, 1615 – 1840, Yale, 1996 Brittain – Catlin, T.: How to Read A Building, Collins, 2007 Brocklebank, I. (ed.): Building Limes in Conservation, Routledge, 2012 Brooks, C. & Saint A. (eds): The Victorian Church: Architecture & Society. Manchester University Press, 1995

Brooks, C.: The Gothic Revival, Phaidon, 1999 Brunskill, R.: Traditional Buildings of Britain, Cassell, 2004 Brunskill, R. W.: Traditional Buildings of Britain: An Introduction to Vernacular Architecture, Yale, 2004 BSI: BS 7913: 1998. Guide To the Principles Of The Conservation of Historic Buildings, BSI. 1998 (to be revised imminently) Burkinshaw, R. and Parrett, M.: Diagnosing Damp, RICS Business Services, 2004 C.I.B.S.E.: Guide for Building Services for Historic Buildings: Sustainable Services for Traditional Buildings, C.I.B.S.E., 2002 Charles, F. & M.: Conservation of Timber Buildings, Routledge, 1995 Chitham, R.: Classical Orders of Architecture, Architectural Press, 1985 Choay, F.: The Invention Of the Historic Monument, Cambridge U.P., 2001 (*) Clark, K.: Informed Conservation, English Heritage, 2001, Clarke, B. F. L.: The Building Of The Eighteenth Century Church, SPCU, 1963 Clifton-Taylor, A.: The Pattern Of English Building, Batsford, 1962 (current revised edition, publisher) Colston, B. and Watt, D (eds): Conservation of Historic Buildings and their Contents, Routledge, 2003 Colvin, H.: A Biographical Dictionary Of British Architects 1600 – 1840 Yale, 2007 (Fourth Edition) Cook, M. G.: Energy Efficiency in Old Houses, Croward Press, 20007 Cramer, J & Breitling, S.: Architecture In Existing Fabric, Birkhauser, 2007 Crimson, M and Zimmerman, C.: Neo-avant-garde and Post Modern: Post War Architecture in Britain and Beyond, Yale, 2010 Curl, J. S.: Piety Proclaimed: An Introduction To Places Of Worship In Victorian England, Historical Publications, 2002 Curl, J.: Victorian Architecture: Diversity & Intention, Spire Books, 2009 Daniels, R & Broadwood, G: Ruskin & Architecture, Spire Books, 2003 Davies, A. (& others): The Care and Conservation of Georgian Houses: A Maintenance Manual for Edinburgh New Town, Architectural Press, 1995 (4th Edition)

Davey, P.: Arts & Crafts Architecture, Phaidon, 1995 Draper, P.: The Formation of English Gothic: Architecture and Identity, Yale, 2006 Drury, M.: Wandering Architects, Shaun Tyas, 2000 (*) Earl, J.: Building Conservation Philosophy, Routledge, 2003 Emmons, P., Lomholt, J., Hendrix, J. (eds).: The Cultural Role of Architecture: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, Routledge, 2012 English Heritage: The Power of Place, 2000 (*) English Heritage: Conservation Principles: Policies & Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment, 2008 (free of charge or downloadable) English Heritage/CABE: Building in Context: New Development in Historic Areas, 2007 English Heritage: Constructive Conservation in Practice, (2008 & 2012) English Heritage: Easy Access to Historic Buildings, 2004 English Heritage: The Setting of Heritage Assets, 2011 English Heritage: Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good Recording Practice (parts 1, 2 & 3), 2006 English Heritage: Understanding Places: An Introduction, 2010 English Heritage: Understanding Places: Character and Context in Local Planning, 2011 English Heritage: Historic Area Assessments: Principles in Practice, 2010 English Heritage: Valuing Places: Good Practice in Conservation Areas, 2010 (All these are downloadable from the EH or HELM websites) English Heritage: Practical Building Conservation Series: Martin, B. and Woods, C. (series eds.): Ashgate, Farnham. • • • • • • • •

Stone (2012) Timber (2012) Glass & Glazing (2012) Metals (2012) Mortars, Renders and Plaster (2012) Roofing (2012) Concrete (2012) (*)Conservation Basics (2013)

Earth, Brick & Terracotta (forthcoming 2013)

Evers, B.: Architectural Theory From The Renaissance To The Present…, Taschen, 2003 Fawcett, J. (ed): The Future Of The Past: Attitudes To Conservation 1174 – 1974, Thames & Hudson, 1976 Feilden, B.: Conservation Of Historic Buildings Architectural Press 2003 (3rd Edition), ISBN: 0 7506 5863 0 Fielden, B. & Jokilehto, J.: Management Guidelines For World Cultural Heritage Sites, ICCROM, Rome, 1998 (Second Edition) (*) Forsyth, M (ed): Understanding Historic Building Conservation, Blackwell, 2007 Forsyth, M (ed): Understanding Historic Building Conservation: Materials & Skills, Blackwell, 2008 Forsyth, M (ed): Understanding Building Conservation: Structures & Construction, Blackwell, 2007 Friedman, T.: The Eighteenth Century Church in Britain, Yale, 2011 Grapper, C.: Plasters and Plasterwork in City, Court and County c1530 – 1640, University of London, 1998 Gent, L. (ed): Albion’s Classicism: The Visual Arts in Britain 1550 – 1660, Yale, 1995 Girouard, M.: Elizabethan Architecture: Its Rise & Fall 1540 – 1640, Yale, 2009 Girouard, M.: Robert Smythson & The Elizabethan Country House, Yale, 1985 Girouard, M.: The Victorian Country House, Oxford, 1975 Girouard, M.: Sweetness & Light: The Queen Anne Movement, Oxford, 1977 Glendenning, M.: Architect’s Evil Empire, the Triumph and Tragedy of Global Modernisation, Reaktion, London, 2010 Glendenning, M.: The Conservation Movement: A History of Architectural Preservation: Antiquity to Modernity. Routledge, London, 2013 Goodhall, J.: The English Castle 1066 – 1650, Yale, 2011 Gomme, A. and Maguire, A.: Design & Plan in the Country House: from Castle Donjons to Palladian Boxes, Yale, 2008 Gordon, J. E.: Structures: Or why things don’t fall down, Penguin 1991 Hamilton, A.: Writing Dissertations, RIBA, 1990 Gordon, J. E.: The New Science of Storing Materials or Why you Didn’t fall through the

floor, Penguin, 1968 Hamilton, A.: Writing Matters, RIBA, 1990 Hammond, P.: Towards a Church Architecture, Architectural Press, 1962 Harris, H.: Discovering Timber-Framed Buildings, Shire Publications, 1978 Hart, V.: Inigo James: The Architect of Kings, Yale, 2011 Harvey, J: English Medieval Architects – A Biographical Dictionary Down to 1550, Alan Sutton, 1984 Harvey, J: The Medieval Architect ,Wayland, 1972 Harwood, E.: England: A Guide To Post-War Listed Buildings, Batsford, 2003 Harwood, E. & Powers, A. (eds.): The Heroic Period of Conservation, Twentieth Century Society, 2004 Harwood, R.: Historic Environment Law: Planning, Listed Buildings, Monuments, Conservation Areas and Objects. Institute of Art and Law, Builth Wells, 2012. Henderson, P.: The Tudor House and Garden, Yale, 2005 Henry A. (ed),: Stone Conservation: Principles & Practice, Routledge 2006 Heritage Lottery Fund: Conservation Management Planning, 2008 (available to download from HLF website) Heritage Lottery Fund: Thinking about… Conservation, 2008 (available to download from HLF website) Heyman, J.: The Stone Skeleton: Structural Engineering of Stone Masonry Cambridge, U.P 1997 Heyman, J.: The Science of Structural Engineering, Imperial College Press, 1999 Hill, P. & David, J.: Practical Stonemasonry, Routledge, 1995 Hill, R.: God’s Architect: Pugin and the Building of Romantic Britain, Allen Lane, 2007 Historic Scotland: A Guide to the Preparation of Conservation Plans, Edinburgh, 2000 (Historic Scotland: Generally a source of excellent low priced or free technical publications – see their website for details) Holmes, S. & Wingate, M.: Building with Lime – A Practical Introduction, Intermediate Technology, Publications 1997 Hughes, H. (ed): Layers of Understanding: Setting Standards for Architectural Paint

Research, Routledge 2001 Hunt, T.: Building Jerusalem, the Rise & Fall of The Victorian City, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2004 Hunter, M. (ed): Preserving the Past: The Rise of Heritage in Modern Britain, Alan Sutton Publishing, 1996 ICOMOS: Various Charters, (available to download free of charge ICOMOS website “publications” link) Insall, D: The Care Of Old Buildings Today, Architectural Press, 1972 Insall, D: Living Buildings, Architectural Conservation: Philosophy, Principles & Practice, Images Publishing, 2008 Inskip, P. and Gee, S.: Louis Kahn & the Yale Centre for British Art, A Conservation Plan, Yale, 2012 Jenkins, S.: England’s Thousand Best Churches, Allen Lane/Penguin, 1999 Jenkins, S.: England’s Thousand Best Houses, Allen Lane, 2002 Jokilehto, J.: A History Of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth – Heinemann, 1999 (available to download free of charge from ICCROM website) Journal of Architectural Conservation, by subscription, Routledge (in AA Library) Keene, D., Burns, A. & Saint, A.: St. Paul’s: The Cathedral Church of London 604 – 2004, Yale, 2004 Klemisch, J.: Maintenance of Historic Buildings, Routledge ,2011 Latham, D.: Creative Reuse of Buildings (2 vols), Routledge, 2000 Letellier, R. & Eppich, R.: Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for the Conservation of Heritage Places, Routledge, 2011 Levy, M.: Why Buildings fall Down, W. W. Norton, 1994 Littlefield, D. & Lewis, S.: Architectural Voices – Listening to Old Buildings, Wiley – Academy, 2007 Livingston, K. & Parry, L. (eds.): International Arts & Crafts, V & A Publications, 2005 Long, H.: The Edwardian House, Manchester University Press, 1993 Lowenthal, D.: The Past Is a Foreign Country, Cambridge, 1985 Lubbock, J.: The Tyranny of Taste: Politics of Architecture and Design in Britain, 1550 – 1960, Yale, 1995

Lynch, G.: Brickwork: History, Technology of Practice, (2 vols), Routledge, 1994 MacDonald, S (ed): Modern Matters: Principles & Practice In Conserving Recent Architecture, Routledge, 1996 MacDonald, S (ed): Preserving Post-War Heritage: The Core & Conservation Of MidTwentieth Century Architecture, Routledge, 2001 MacDonald, S. (and others) (eds): Conservation of Modern Architecture, Routledge, 2007 McClendon, C.: The Origins of Medieval Architecture: Building in Europe, A.D. 600 – 900, Yale, 2005 Meacham, S.: Regaining Paradise: Englishness and the Early Garden City Management, Yale 1999 Miller, M.: English Garden Cities, An Introduction, English Heritage, 2010 Mercer, E.: English Vernacular Houses, HMSO, 1975 (RCHM) Miele, C.: From William Morris: Building Conservation & the Arts & Crafts Cult of Authenticity 1877 – 1939, Yale, 2005. Mortimer, I.: The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England, Vintage, 2009 Mynors, C: Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas & Monuments, Sweet & Maxwell, 2006 (4th Edition) National Trust: Manual Of Housekeeping, Butterworth Heinemann, 2007 Oliver, N.: A History of Ancient Britain, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2011 (*) Orbasli, A.: Architectural Conservation, Blackwell Schience, 2008 Oxley, R.: Survey & Repair of Traditional Buildings: A Sustainable Approach, Routledge, 2003 Palladio, A.: The Four Books Of Architecture, MIT 1997 Parsons, D.: Churches and Chapels: Investigating Places of Worship, C.B.A., 1998 Peacock, A. & Rizzo, I. (eds): The Heritage Game: Economics, Policy, and Practice, Oxford, 2008 (*) Pevsner, N. (& others): Pevsner’s Architectural Glossary, Yale, 2011 Pevsner N. (& Others): The Buildings of England Series, Yale/Penguin, various. Platt, C.: Parish Churches Of Medieval England, Chancellor Press, 1995

Powers, A.: Britain: Modern Architects In History, Reaktion Books, 2007 Powys, A.: Repair Of Ancient Buildings, SPAB, 1995 reprint 1929 (*) The Prince’s Regeneration Trust: How to: Write Conservation Reports, London, 2009 (downloadable from PRT website) Pugin, A.W.N: The True Principles etc., Gracewing, 2003 Rackham, O.: A History of the Countryside, Phoenix Press, 2000 Richardson, J.: The Local Historian’s Encyclopaedia, Historical Publications Ltd, 2003 Ridout, B.: Timber Decay in Buildings, The Conservation Approach to Treatments, E. & F. N. Span, 2004 Robson, P.: Structural Appraisal of Traditional Buildings, Routledge, (Second Edition), 2005 Robson, P.: Structural Repair of Traditional Buildings, Routledge, 1999 Ruskin, J.: The Seven Lamps Of Architecture, Dover, 1989 Ryan, C.: Traditional Construction for a Sustainable Future, Spons Press, 2011 Rybczynski, W.: the Perfect House: A Journey with the Renaissance Master Andreo Palladio, Scribner, 2003 Saint, A.: Richard Norman Shaw, Yale, 2010 Salvadori, M.: Why Buildings Stand up, W. W. Norton, 1991 Salzman, L. F: Building in England Down to 1540, Oxford (various editions 1952 – 1997)

Scofield, J.: Medieval London Houses, Yale, 1995 Scofield, J.: Medieval Towns: The Archaeology of British Towns in Their European Setting, Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2005 Scofield, J.: 1100 – 1600: The Archaeology of a Capital City, Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2011 Scofield, J.: St. Paul’s Cathedral before Wren, English Heritage, 2011 Scott, F.: On Altering Architecture, Routledge, 2008 Semple Kerr, J: Conservation Plans. National Trust Of Australia, 2000 (Fifth Edition) (available from ICOMOS-UK)

Shacklock, V.(ed): Architectural Conservation: Issues and Developments, Routledge 2006 (*) Slocombe, M.: Traditional Building Materials, Shire Publications, 2012. SPAB/Faith in Maintenance: The Good Maintenance Guide, SPAB, 2008 Stalley, R.: Early Medieval Architecture, Oxford U.P., 1999 Stanley Price N. (and others) (eds) Readings In Conservation: Historical & Philosophical Issues In The Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Getty Cons Inst., 1996 Stovel, H.: Risk Preparedness: A Management Manual For World Cultural Heritage, ICCROM, 1998 Strattan, M. (ed): Structure & Style: Conserving 20th Century Buildings, E. & F. N. Spon, 1997 Strattan, M. (ed): Industrial Buildings: Conservation & Regeneration, E. & F. N. Spon, 1997 Stubbs, J. H.: Time Honored: A Global View of Architectural Conservation, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2009 Summerson, J.: Architecture In Britain 1530 – 1830, Yale/Pelican, 1993 Summerson, J.: The Classical Language of Architecture, Thames & Hudsonn, 1001 Summerson, J.: Georgian London, Yale, 2003 Sweet, M.: Inventing the Victorians, Faber & Faber, 2001 Thompson, M.: Ruins Reused: Changing Attitudes to ruins…, Heritage Marketing Publications, 2006 de la Torre, M. (ed.): Heritage Values In Site Management: Four Case Studies, Getty Cons Inst., 2005 Tutton, M. & Hirst, E.(eds): Windows: History, Repair and Conservation, Routledge, 2007 (*) Vinas, S. M.: Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2005 Vitruvius, M.: Ten Books of Architecture, Cambridge University Press, 1999 Watt, D.: Surveying Historic Buildings, Routledge (Second Edition), 2011 (*) Watt, D.: Building Pathology: Principles and Practice, Blackwell Science, 1999 Webster, C. & Elliot, J (eds): “A Church As It Should Be: The Cambridge Camden

Society & Its Influence”, Shaun Tyas, 2000 Weston, R.: Materials, Form and Architecture, Lawrence King, 2003 Wilk, C. (ed.): Modernism 1914 – 1939: Designing a New World, V. & A. Publications, 2006 Wilson, R. & Mackley, A: Creating Paradise: The Building of the English Country House 1660 – 1880, Hambledon & London, 2000 Worsley, G.: Inigo James and the European Classicist Tradition, Yale, 2007 Worthing, D & Bond, S.: Managing Built Heritage: The Role of Cultural Significance, Blackwell Publishing, 2008 JOURNALS The Library takes various journals/magazines of interest/relevance. These include the Architectural Review, Architectural Journal, Society of Architectural Historians, the Georgian Group, the Ancient Monument Society and Journals from abroad, such as Future Anterior Journal issued by the Preservation programme at Columbia University, U.S.A. WEBSITES The following may be of interest. No guarantee is given as to their continuing existence!

Follow links to Conservation – excellent newsletter

e-newsletter of interest – Subscribe!

Architectural Heritage Fund – excellent grants list.

Association for Building Conservation Management.

Association for Industrial Archaeology.

Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings

RIBA Library

Building Conservation Directory.

Building Limes Forum.

Building Research Establishment.

Churches Conservation Trust


Construction History Society

Council for British Archaeology

Council for the Care of Churches.

Department of Culture, Media & Sport.

English Heritage

Europa Nostra

Georgian Group.

Heritage Lottery Fund.

Historic Chapels Trust

National Churches Trust

Historic Scotland

International ICOMOS

ICOMOS UK branch

National Archives.

National Trust.

Princes Regeneration Trust

Royal Archaeological Institute.


Sir John Soane Museum Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.

Society of Architectural Historians

Stained Glass Museum

Stone Federation

Stone Roofing Association

Traditional Paint Forum

20th Century Society

Association of Preservation Trusts

Vernacular Architecture Group.

Victorian Society

World Monuments Fund

Ancient Monuments Society

Wrought Iron Advisory Service

Institute of Structural Engineers