reduce energy consumption by at no cost or very cheap, this method is based on ... Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Yazd and Bandar Abbas was located at the website. ... orientation in the city is the best for building and construction of dense ...
International Journal of Basic Sciences & Applied Research. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Available online at ISSN 2147-3749 ©2014
Building Design in Hot and Dry Climate with a Climatic Approach to Reduce Energy Consumption by Using Software HEED (Case Study: Isfahan)
Saeid Chajaei1*, Farah Habib2, Abbas Malek Hossini3 1Master of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Arak, Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran Professor, Department of Art and Architecture, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 3Associate professor Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer, Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
Author Email: Abstract
This paper presents a model for the study of vernacular architecture with applied and instructional approach to learning based on the study and analysis of functional and impressive aspects of climatic factors on vernacular architecture using software Home Energy Efficient Design (HEED). HEED is a software tool designed with consideration of environmental and climatic factors and also energy consumption that long-term meteorological data processing and identifying areas of needed materials and workmanship according to the standards by the California Public Unit Commissions was conducted under the Public Interest Energy Research. (pier) Statistical comparison and the level of compliance with environmental standards and the energy costs are presented. The ultimate goal of this research is to help the consumers to reduce energy consumption costs. The benefits of energy efficiency are mentioned by the architectural design, energy-saving potential of this method. Due to climatic conditions in Iran, the impact on the architectural design of buildings energy consumption is very high. This study is an empirical investigation by trial and error method, and the results from the processing of data by HEED application and comparison of it has been done by the standard energy consumption building. This research was conducted by using qualitative and quantitative methods and for indicating the statistics, it has been tried all the days of long term conditions. Study tools include statistical table of region weather in all days of the year, architectural plan, standards of comfort and human activity patterns. The main findings of this study are the interaction of local climatic conditions on different methods of design, construction and choice of materials. The result of this research as a case study of Isfahan is given at the end the paper in the functional diagram of the interaction of the variables listed. Also, the results of this study can provide a basis for architectural design and urban residents of Isfahan. Recommendations of this study indicate the importance of proper design, different ways of making and selecting appropriate materials for housing to get the desired result of reducing energy use and costs, taking into account the welfare of the residents in different states. Keywords: Energy efficiency, Architectural adaptation to climate, Buildings, Isfahan. Introduction Despite the fact that energy in Iran has being supplied in cheaper than actual price, however problem of limited energy resources is available, more or less common for all countries, whether industrialized or developed or developing. In addition to the indiscriminate use of fossil fuels to provide the energy and the serious risks created and posed by such emissions of greenhouse gases what might be the opposite is an inexhaustible source of natural energy benefit. Depending on the amount of energy in various applications between 30 to 35 percent of total energy expenditure in connection with a building that looks the annual value of over 40 billion dollars, a huge wealth of the country’s resources is wasted. Due to recent inappropriate construction of the massive loss of energy in the city, this city was chosen as a case study. To accomplish this issue, the effort is to design a residential unit, taking into account the economic situation of the average household population living in the city, using materials compatible with the climate, to significantly reduce the energy consumption in
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 the residential sector. In this context, the design and construction of housing due to climatic factors and conditions is necessary for comfort. Architectural techniques to reduce energy consumption are sustainability practices and free of charge, even if energy prices rise, both economically and environmentally more suitable than the other methods. Although energy-saving design available in all countries, but due to the economy, society and culture, Iran is more than an occasion. Because the architecture is designed to reduce energy consumption by at no cost or very cheap, this method is based on the public interest that leaded to the success of the project runs. Apart from the economic and environmental benefits of reducing energy consumption in buildings with architectural design, in this manner, energy efficiency is as simple as possible. Architectural approach to reducing energy consumption, which focuses on new buildings deals with how the architectural design with the climate and the right choice of architecture and urbanism items is affecting energy consumption in buildings, such as orientation and elongation of the building, the number of windows on different fronts, canopy type and size, the location and layout of rooms, number of floors, thermal interface areas, type of roof, floor level, etc. for each region relative to the earth's surface that reduces the energy consumption of buildings. In this regard, due to optimizing the energy consumption and considering the climatic conditions prevailing in the region and the welfare state, it seems necessary that people need to build affordable homes with good energy efficiency and on the other hand, due to time and financial constraints that apply to the design they adopted a number of decisions that are necessary to intricate design work, will be costly and time consuming. Software HEED using meteorological data and graphical tool allows the designers to design issues that affect human comfort temperature by the review of energy costs with project managers and owners and the overall result of building energy consumption compared with existing standards and best practices to design and manufacture their choice. To that end, Isfahan, the city is located at the center of the Iranian plateau in latitude 51 degrees , 39 minutes and 40 seconds of the east and latitude 32 degrees, 38 minutes and 30 seconds of the north from Greenwich meridian, was selected for the design.The altitude of Isfahan is about 1570 meters above sea level. The city in terms of topography and climate systems affecting the region (temperature, rainfall, wind and humidity) is located in hot and dry climates. Fluctuations in air temperature in the coldest and warmest months of the year are between -7 and 39 degrees Celsius. Climate and weather data used in the study is extracted of the synoptic stations (Organization of weather); it should be noted in the description of the research that has been done in this order, the processing of weather data collected, therefore, is based on the site available. So far, the processing of data for 6 major cities including Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Yazd and Bandar Abbas was located at the website. After signing in the site and choosing the country and city, stored information is loadable. Methodology This study is an experimental study by trial and error, and the results of information processing by software HEED in building energy consumption has been done and compared with the standard procedures. Introduction of software heed The software has been designed by UCLA's Department of Architecture and Urban Design located in Los Angeles, California and is downloadable on the site the main purpose of using it is to find the best methods of design, construction and choice of materials to achieve and reduce energy consumption and costs associated with it. To reduce the error rate and increase the accuracy of the results, two basic research factors are considered. Since the metrological data is climate assessment criteria, the aim of this investigation and statistics is a long time (a year - all hours and days of the year) and the whole days of the year. The impact of choosing construction materials on the market, suggested by the software is observed and monitored by the data. After long-term climate and weather information of Isfahan was loaded by software and processing software data after finishing loading the name of a city from the list of available options is selectable.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014
Figure 1. Stages of weather information. HEED software’s design process is explained in more detail at the following. At the first, regarding the cultural and urban design in Isfahan a two-storey detached building for a middle-class family put on the agenda. At stage I, the number of floors, dimensions of the land and the type of desired housing (townhouse) was specified. Note The design and calculation of software for a new project or the refurbishment of an old building is capable, it is essential to determine the purpose of the project at the beginning. Due to the variety of types of building available, so it is impact for choosing the right item in the design process and the subsequent calculation. To determine which aspects of the construction of the process is characterized in terms of square feet.
Figure 2. The image of stage i in the software design process.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Then it knows neighboring state. In this section, according to the form of dry and hot climate and winter conditions drawn along the east-west axis in the summer it is compressed in the terms of cubic form as an essential (Kasmaee, 2003) The north-south orientation in the city is the best for building and construction of dense context was proposed in this orientation, so the ground where was chosen for this project is also in the direction in both east and west is a neighborhood and proximity just north and south surfaces in direct contact with the outdoors and exposed to the direct exchange heat with the outside air.
Figure 3. The image of the stage ii of the design process, the choice of the neighborhood structure in the software. After defining the neighborhood, then beginning to design and build the overall size of the building the graphics tools in our software are used. This step determines the overall size of other topics, including: the number and location of the trees, how to put neighboring units, the yard, porch and garage. Deciduous trees can provide canopy in the summer and air stylized even in the winter due to shed their leaves do not block light from the sun exposing to the building.
Figure 4. Image of the stage iii of the design process, making the overall volume using graphics in software.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014
Figure 5. Ground floor plan-First floor plan.
Figure 6. Section-south view In the next step, sizes obtained from the previous stage design are seen in neighborhoods. The building is located, and selected to the geographical directions (if no prior information about the orientation of the buildings in the city, the ability to identify and recommend the best software for the building).
Figure 7. Image of the fourth stage of the design process, the selection of orientation for building along north-south in software. Then the number and dimensions of doors and windows (openings) in the table below were entered and then in the next step by selecting any of the doors and windows in the obtained volume is placed. 56
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014
Figure 8. Image of the stage IV of the design process, identifying the number and size of the building in the software. After this stage, the design process has been completed and the choice of materials available in the market has been defined in HEED software with regard to the topic of energy saving performance. Working in this stage was based on a trial and error process until the best results in reducing energy consumption and costs of building has been making. Stage I Selection of frame type and glass of building in software: The first step of this section, window frames and glasses used in the building is determined. It is necessary that type of glass, frame and the wall numbers of the building that have a major role in the exchange of heat and sound and selection of appropriate materials and energy costs have been provided that is important for the residents. In surveys conducted, one of the most appropriate options is as follows: Frame Type Wood or Vinyl Operable Window Glass with wood or vinyl frame operable windows Clear Double Pane Low-Ein wood/vinyl frame (u=.40 shgc = .40 tvis = .63)
Figure 9. Image of selecting cited type of frame and windows in software. 57
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Stage II Selection of the type of insulation and radiant coverage of the software: Insulation is the most efficient technique for intelligent consumption of energy. The floor and the ceiling and walls of the house should be insulated and if this is done systematically and accurately, indoor air 5 degrees keep warmer in winter and cooler in summer to 10 degrees. Heat reflection insulations due to its slick surface, little thermal energy absorbed as a result of heat loss through radiation that is substantially prevented. The main objective is the coverage of minimal radiation absorption and reflection peak, in the investigation of the most appropriate options as follows. Level of insulation Early Energy Code (Wall R = 11, Ceiling R = 19, Floor R = 11) Reflective Foil Radiant Barriers (in Attics only) Radiant Barrier installed in Attic (shiny surface facing into vented attic above insulation in ceiling) or in Flat Roof (shiny surface facing into a vented air space above insulation).
Figure 10. Image of choosing radiant insulation and coatings listed in software. Stage III Selection of materials for building walls in the software: Lightweight concrete in addition to reducing the thermal load decreases the force applied to concrete building structures under earthquake acceleration. Speed and the ease of implementation due to the light weight and larger dimensions is typical of this type of clay blocks and it also effectively reduces the rate of heating and cooling exchange and reduce sound transmission coefficient of the feature wall made of hollow concrete blocks, the survey is one of the most appropriate options as follows. Wal Stucco on 8" Hollow Concrete Block, + Insulation, 2x4 stud Wall, Plaster Board (acts like low mass) Note: "+" Sign means that the thickness of the insulating layer can be increased if needed.
Figure 11. Image of selecting a variety of cited walls in software.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Stage IV Selection of the type of construction roof in software: Since 35% of the energy dissipation is materials that are used in the roof, they must be selected with low thermal conductivity and roof insulation also reduce heat transfer coefficient to a minimum. Various methods are used for roof insulation. Among them there are the external and internal thermal insulation and moisture noted in the survey, one of the most appropriate options as follows: Roof Construction Default Flat or Low Sloped Roof, (less than 0.5 degrees).
Figure 12. Image of cited types of building roofs in software. Step VI Choosing the type of floor construction in the software: It is a method of heat exchange between the building and the perimeter of the floor, the lower portion of the wall has heat transfer but in winter some of the cold floor of the house is transferred and the importance of the need for insulation foams greatly finds in surveys conducted in the most appropriate options as follows: Floor Construction Concrete Structural Floor, Exposed or Tiled, above grade Under First Floor Condition No heat loss through floor, because there is another heated unit below
Figure 13. Image of selecting the variety of floor construction listed in software.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Step VI Method selection, gradual penetration (building envelope, sealing ducts and pipes) in the software: To prevent loss of energy and influence of climatic factors such as humidity, the outer wall of the building shall be insulated and it can be selected either in materials or construction methods to be followed to implement. In addition to insulation of hot and dry areas, materials should be bright colors, materials selection in summer by reflecting the sun's rays from heating up too much during the day building block, the survey is one of the most appropriate options as follows: Infiltratration: Building Wrap, and Duct Sealing Default standard design with a ducted HVAC System with sealed ducts (3.8 SLA)
Figure 14. Image of selection of a variety of insulation materials and methods listed in software. Step VII Selection of type of building ventilation in the software: Natural air-conditioning is one of the best and cheapest ways to create natural air flow inside the building. It can be used with a flow of air into the building space created over the years. In this way you can locate the right openings in the front of the building and increase the speed of wind in summer, and also the accurate interior spaces create strong wind and ventilation provides comfort for occupants large contribution to reducing energy consumption in our buildings, the survey is one of the most appropriate options as follows: Indoor air velocity for cooling Gentle Air Velocity: air motion up to 160 FPM (will feel effectively 4.6F cooler) good for sedentary activities Natural ventilation Windows and doors are manually opened if cooling is needed and if outdoor Temperature is below Comfort High; Cooling Efficiency improves if there is more window opening area, if openings are on opposite walls, or at least on side walls, and if there are multiple stories, or better yet an open atrium, and with higher outdoor wind speeds. Fan forced ventilation Small Whole House Fan (5 Air Changes/hour): assumegentle air velocity, Smart Thermostat controlled exhaust fan
Figure 15. Image of cited types of air-conditioning systems in software.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Step VIII Selection of the type of mechanical heating and cooling of building in software: During the intense heat and cold, sometimes to the extent that even with natural ventilation in summer and insulate in winter are not able to provide comfort conditions, we therefore require the use of mechanical devices. For this purpose, there are several devices on the market, each with different costs of energy efficiency. This requires having the right information that is the best choice at this stage to examine this issue, in the survey is one of the most appropriate options as follows: Heating: Furnace (actual value of AFUE can be set on the Advanced HVAC System screen) Energy Code Minimum Furnace (78% AFUE, Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency Cooling: Air Conditioner (SEER approximately equal 1.14 EER) Energy Code Minimum Air Conditioner (13.0 SEER, Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)
Figure 16. Image of choosing cited mechanical heating and cooling systems in software. Step XI Choosing the type and placement of awnings in the software: Canopies that are placed on the windows somehow cause a strain in the back windows and bending the beams of sunlight during the day to prevent in the entry to directly inside. It is also one of the factors that keep the energy in the building to prevent harmful light from entering into the building that significant impact on the indoor climate warming in the warm months or pale objects that are exposed to direct sunlight. Except of canopy types, curtains that are available in a variety of markets, also can be used to produce canopy and avoid direct sunlight penetration in the investigation of the most appropriate options as follows: Operable Shading Overhangs (Default Condition) are Fixed All year, or there are No Overhangs, also No Interior Shades or Venetian Blinds
Figure 17. Image of choosing cited canopies and embedded in software.
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 3 (SP), 52-62, 2014 Stage IX - Results of analysis in software After finishing the above steps, the data analysis of software HEED in a bar graph that shows the annual energy consumption compared with existing standards, we see regarding the standard we are in either good or bad situation. The comparison of energy consumption and costs in standard mode with the house designed with materials chosen in previous stages of the software is clearly seen. The final outcome of the story is about a 40% cost savings. As a result of this process, it is noteworthy that according to the business logic and the desired result using the general method of construction and materials used. The building orientation can research or other items suggested in similar cases and building the regions. In other words, these results can be generalized for use in other projects.
Figure 18. Image of data analysis chart of design and comparison with international standards in software. Conclusion It seems that a strategic decision to design a broad impact on the actual performance of the building during its life on the one hand indicates the observed growth in resident satisfaction passive energy buildings such as natural ventilation air used. On the other hand, the rate of heat loss through the various components of the building such as walls, roofs, floors and openings to factors such as the amount of thermal insulation, surface area and temperature difference between the interior and exterior details. This evidence suggests that the use of equipment and facilities are very simple in construction early in the design of buildings than other more technical studies. This paper tries to open the door for architectural design impact on energy efficiency and the importance of what has been overlooked with only brief references on the one hand, the designers and architects who are not aware of the impact of their role in this regard. On the other hand, considering the factors that relate directly to the heating, cooling and natural light in the building have been simply proposed. If applied to the points raised by the designers and the architects, you can easily use one hand to reduce pollution from fossil fuel energies that provided and serious danger to physical and mental health community, it would be the other inexhaustible source of natural energy and will benefit from reduced construction costs for consumers. References Donald W, Kenneth l, 2001. Climatic design, theoretical principals and implementation of energy usage in buildings. Qobadian Haj Saghati A, 2002. Principles and applications of solar energy. Tehran: Iran University of Science and Technology Publications. Kasmaee M, 2003. Climate and architecture. 2rd edn. Tehran: Nashre-Khak Publications. Neufert A, 2002. Information of Architecture. Translated by Tarshizi HM. Tehran: Azadeh Publications. Poordeihami Sh, 2008. Investigation of the climate of Isfahan in housing and design principles. MA Thesis, Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. Shafaghi S, 1983. Geography of Isfahan. Isfahan: Isfahan University Publications. Tavassoli M, 2003. Principles and practices of urban planning and residential areas in Iran. Tehran: Center for Architecture and Urban Studies, Department of Housing and Urban Development.