International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018, pp. 902–915, Article ID: IJCIET_09_09_086 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 ©IAEME Publication
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BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) ADOPTION IN ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS IN LAGOS, NIGERIA E. O. Ibem Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria U. O. Uwakonye Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria G. O. Akpoiroro Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria M. Somtochukwu Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria C.A. Oke Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria ABSTRACT As Nigeria develops technologically, the use of building information modeling (BIM) in delivery of building and infrastructure projects cannot be overemphasized. In spite of the benefits of BIM in the construction industry, very little is known on the impact of BIM in architectural practices in Nigeria. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of BIM on architectural firms in Lagos, Southwest Nigeria. Among other things, the study investigated the level of awareness of BIM in architectural firms, the most commonly used BIM software packages, the aspects of architectural work supported by BIM and its benefits in architectural practice. The data were collected via a questionnaire survey of 110 architects in Lagos and analysed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that there is a high level of awareness of BIM among architects in Lagos and the most common BIM software packages used are Autodesk Revit Architecture, AUTOCAD, and Google Sketchup. The respondents used these software packages more in the preparation of 2D drawings, 3D visualization, architectural detailing, and modeling and less of analyses. The result also revealed that the use of BIM enhanced the overall productivity of architectural firms in the study area. To maximise the benefits of BIM in project delivery, the study recommends that specific programmes and policies be put in place by firms, professional associations and government aimed at improving the knowledge base of architects on BIM and promoting its industry wide adoption in Nigeria..
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E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke
Key words: Architects, BIM, Construction Industry, Lagos, Questionnaire Survey Cite this Article: E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke, Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption in Architectural Firms in Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(9), 2018, pp. 902-915.
1. INTRODUCTION In the quest to improve the sustainability and productivity profile of the construction industry, digital technologies have been adopted to support the execution of construction procurement activities. Consequently, the architecture profession is now able to conceptualize and translate building designs and data into detailed construction information through new processes and techniques made available via the building information modeling (BIM). According to Berard, Vestergaard and Karlshøj (2002), BIM is a collection of interlinked domains of model with all necessary information for the design, construction, and maintenance of building and/or infrastructure projects. BIM is essentially a 3-Dimensional digital representation of a building and its intrinsic characteristics features in different models such as architectural design, construction, schedule, cost model, fabrication and operation model used in the delivery of building and other physical infrastructure projects (Hergunsel, 2011; Onungwa, Uduma-Olugu & Igwe 2017). There is a growing consensus in the literature that the use of digital tools like BIM has a great potential for improving the quality of services provided by professionals in the design, engineering, construction and real estate industry (Dossick and Neff, 2010; Fadeyi, 2017). Specifically, the architecture profession has been greatly impacted since the introduction of computer and its associated technologies to the architectural practice (Ibem, Aduwo & AyoVaughan, 2017). The study by Celanto (2017) reveals that architects are using BIM mainly because it enables them visualize their designs before the actual construction work commences on site; and thus contribute to reducing ambiguities, errors leading to saving some money for their clients as changes made to either the digital model or the database are automatically updated and coordinated in the entire model. In addition, the advent of BIM has enhanced effective collaborations among architects, client, engineers, building services, manufacturers, contractors and other consultants involved in the procurement of building and infrastructure projects, which was hitherto very difficult (Yan, Culp and Graf, 2011) . Among the several benefits of using BIM is that professionals involved in the procurement of building projects are able to transfer building modelled information virtually from the design team, including the architect, civil engineers, surveyors, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers to the main contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers on the project (Yan et al., 2011), therefore reducing information loss and delays that usually occur using the manual design and drafting tools and processes (Fadeyi, 20127; Nadeem et al.,2008; Muhammad, Abdullah, Ismail and Takim, 2018). In fact, the literature is replete with copious evidences of the benefits of the adoption of BIM in the architecture, engineering and construction industry globally. Although there is a growing body of research on the use of BIM among design, construction and real estate professionals, very few studies on the extent of its adoption are available in a developing country like Nigeria. It is observed from the literature that several fragmented studies have been carried out on BIM in the context of the Nigerian construction industry. Some of these existing studies (Abubakar, Ibrahim, Kado & Bala, 2014; Akerele & Etiene, 2016; Ologboyega, 2016; Ologboyega & Aina, 2016; 2018; Okoye, Ezeokonkwo and Ezeokolie, 2016; Onungwa et al., 2017) have attempted to investigate the level of awareness
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption in Architectural Firms in Lagos, Nigeria
and adoption of BIM in the Nigerian construction industry. However, one major flaw of these studies is that they all viewed the construction industry as a monolithic entity as they failed to recognise the uniqueness of the different professions in this industry. The architecture profession plays a leading role in the design of building projects, and thus, adequate knowlege is required on the level of adoption of BIM in the architecture industry. Notably, apart from the study by Dare-Abel, Igwe and Ayo (2014) that indentified the availability of BIM literate staff in architectural firms in Nigeria, studies on the adoption of BIM by architectural firms in this country are very minuscule. In view of the foregoing, this study sought to investigate BIM use among architectural firms in Lagos, southwest Nigeria with a view to understanding the current state of use and the benefits associated with this. The study attempted to address the following four research questions.
To what extent are architects employed in architectural firms in Lagos, Nigeria aware of BIM?
Which BIM software packages are currently used in architectural practice in the study area?
Which aspects of architectural practice are executed with the help of BIM software packages?
What are the benefits BIM in project delivery by architectural practices in Lagos, Nigeria?
This research is based on a questionnaire survey of 110 practicing architects in Lagos, Nigeria. It makes contribution by improving understanding of the different BIM software packages used by architects to support the execution of design, drafting, and visualization, simulation, and analyses tasks. The study also provides a fresh insight into the direct benefits of using BIM in architectural practice from the Nigerian perspective.
2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Origin and meaning of BIM Historical facts show that the conceptual development of BIM dates back to the earliest days of computing. It is on record that Charles Eastman was the first man to successfully create a building database known as building description system (BDS). This system, which was developed based on a graphical user interface, orthographic, perspective views describes individual library elements of buildings and allowed its users to retrieve information by attributes and add it to an existing model (Eastman, 2011). As result of its drafting and analysis efficiencies, it had great potentials to reduce the cost of design by over 50% (Eastman, 2011). It was based on the BDS technology that in 1984, Radar CH was developed for the Apple Lisa Operating System, and this later became ArchiCAD, which is today recognized as the first BIM software used on personal computers (Jack, 2008). In the last few decades, there has been increasing interest on BIM by authors, scholars, and practitioners (Fadeyi, 2017; Muhammad et al., 2018). Consequently, sevarl definitions and interpretations have been aascribed to BIM. Whereas Eastman (2011) described BIM as a repository of data and information for building design, erection, and maintenance available to all project stakeholders, some authors (Ibem, and Laryea, 2014; Akerele and Etiene, 2016) have described BIM as a design and collaborative tool used in the procurement of construction projects. Autodesk (2016) also views BIM as an intelligent 3D model-based process that helps professionals in the AEC industry to efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure projects. From the foregoing definitions, it can be inferred that BIM has been viewed from four main perspectives, namely as a structured dataset describing a building; as a tool for creating building and project information; the act of creating a building information model; and a business structure or system for effective
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E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke
management of activities related to the design, planning, erection, management and operation of building and infrastructure projects.
2.2. BIM and Architectural Practice Although the term “architecture” has been defined in diverse ways in the literature, in the context of this study, architecture is defined as the profession that deals with „the art and science of design, construction, commissioning, maintenance, management and coordination of all professional activities involved in a building project, layout and master plan of a building or groups of buildings and any other organized enclosed or open space, required for human activities (ARCON, 2004). By this definition, it is clear that architectural practice encompasses the provision of services related to the design, planning, and supervising the erection of buildings and their surroundings for human activities such as living, working, worshiping and recreation/sporting. Therefore, Oluwatayo and Amole (2012) described architectural firms as business-orientated organizations established to provide professional architectural services to their clients. As is true in other countries of the world, architects render a wide range of services to their clients. In Nigeria for instance, architects are known to render various kinds of design, supervision and coordination/management services at the design, tendering, construction and post construction phases of building projects (ARCON & NIA, 2011). Hallberg (2010) has observed that BIM as a tool is capable of supporting the execution of various services rendered by architectural firms in both in the real and virtual environments. The author further explained that among other things, the use of BIM enables the creation of 3D design model that helps architects to visualize their proposed structure in three dimensions; suggesting that BIM is not just a design tool but a master data source of a structure and the foundation for ensuring that business functions are driven in a place (Autodesk, 2016; Fadeyi, 2017). In addition, BIM is also seen as a virtual collaborative tool that allows for the use of more realistic scenarios that better represent real-life challenges (Succar 2009; Ologboyega & Aina, 2018). In fact, Goldberg (2005) and Ologboyega and Aina, (2018) have insisted that with BIM, virtual models building are developed and the construction process simulated, studied and experimented with adjustments made where necessary before the building project is constructed. BIM tools can be classified into in three broad categories based on the task they can be used to execute. These are computer-aided architectural design (CAAD), simulation, and visualization tools (Goldberg, 2005). The CAAD tools are software developed for the purpose of replacing the traditional means of drafting, which involves the use of drafting boards, paper, pen, or pencils and allow architects to develop architectural drawings on the computer before presentation to them to their clients (Ibem, and Laryea, 2014; Dare-Abel, Igwe & Ayo, 2014; Al-Matarneh and Fethi, 2017). Examples of CAAD software packages used by archietcs include Abis, Allplan, ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Accurender, Blender, Bricscad, Caddie, Maya, formZ, Spirit, Revit, Lumion, 3Ds Max, CINEMA 4D, Digital Project, SolidWorks, Rhinoceros 3D, Vectorworks and Google SketchUp (Clayton et al., 2002). On the one hand, the simulation tools are used in predicting, validating, and optimizing architectural drawings developed by architects by using accurate data and analysis produced by software packages. They have the capacity of providing mechanical simulations, computational fluid dynamics, and manufacturing simulations. Some of them include: bSol, DAYSIM, Ecotect, eQUEST, IDA ICE, EDG II, T*Sol, EliteCAD, IES VE, LESOSAI, DesignBuilder, Design Performance Viewer (DPV) and Green Building Studio (Clayton et al, 2002). On the other hand, the visualization tools help architects to visualize the architectural, structural and mechanical, electrical and plumbing components of buildings to ensure that
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption in Architectural Firms in Lagos, Nigeria
each contains the right and adequate information in terms of size, shape and location amongst others (Yan, Culp, and Graf, 2011). Clayton et al. (2002) identified some of the visualization tools to include V‐Ray, Artlantis, POV‐Ray, YafaRay, Mental Ray, LuxRender, Flamingo, LightWave, RenderZone, RenderMan, Photoshop, Kerkythea, RenderWorks, Maxwell Render and Adobe After effects.
2.3. Benefits of BIM in Architectural Practice The adoption of BIM has resulted to several benefits in the AEC industry. For instance, Nadeem et al. (2008) reported that BIM use was associated with benefits such as the removal of unbudgeted variations, improving accuracy of cost estimation; reduction in turnaround time for the production cost estimate and delivery time of a project. There is also evidence in the literature indicating that BIM helps architects to resolve issues at the design stage that would not have been possible using the traditional design tools of pen, paper, and boards (Ologboyega & Aina, 2018). It also helps in review of designs; engenders cost and schedule savings in design and construction works; and allows for effective integration of the inputs of contractors and suppliers at the design stage leading to improving the constructability of projects. Succar (2009) also identified the benefits of BIM to include identification of conflicts between various building systems instantaneously; reduction of the fragmentation of the construction industry in prompting seamless linking of the different segments of the industry; improving the efficiency in the industry; lower the costs of exchange and use of information associated amongst construction project stakeholders; and providing an alternative solution for coordinating design as designs can be reviewed in a virtual model. In addition to these, it has also been found by Linderoth (2010) that at the conceptual development phase of a building project, the use of BIM facilitates rapid visualization and accurate updating of changes; increased communication across the entire project development team; offers improvement in architectural and engineering design quality in terms of error free drawings leading to a steady improvement in productivity. Linderoth (2010) also added that the end result of using BIM is improved project coordination, minimization of errors as well as reduction in unnecessary delays and conflicts, which could lead to a potential cost savings of between 15% to 40%. Clayton et al. (2002) also reported that in a country like the USA, over 80% of BIM users had indicated a very positive impact on their firm‟s productivity and project outcomes improved project outcomes. In Nigeria, Olugboyega and Aina (2016) reported that construction professionals were using BIM because simply because they wanted to impress their prospective clients and improve on the quality of their services. Another study by Olugboyega (2016) on the development of Eko Atlantic City, Lagos Nigeria, revealed that the geometries and the structural systems of the city and its buildings were developed made using BIM; and that BIM was also used to develop animation of districts, water supply, and drainage design model, and simulation of sea wall construction for the city. In addition, a recent study in Nigeria by Onungwa et al. (2017) also revealed that BIM has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the supervision of projects, programming, and resolution of conflicts and improving efficiency in the design and construction stages of projects. In sum, Fadeyi (2017) concluded that BIM has thus far produced a significant positive impact on building and infrastructure project delivery by improving information and knowledge management the entire project life cycle.
3. RESEARCH METHODS The research design and approach adopted in this study were cross-sectional survey and quantitative research approach, respectively. Consequently, both primary and secondary data were used. Whereas the former were gathered via the administration of structured questionnaire, the later were sourced thorough the review of published literature on the
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E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke
subject investigated. The use of questionnaire survey in the collection of primary data was informed by the nature of the research questions and the need to reach as many architects as possible in Lagos at a very short period. The target population for the survey was architects practicing in Lagos, southwest Nigeria, while the sampling frame comprised the Architects‟ Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON) registered architectural firms in Nigeria that have with office in Lagos State. The ARCON is the statutory body empowered by law to maintain and publish a register of architectural firms authorized to practice in Nigeria on a yearly basis. The register for 2016 revealed that a total of 315 registered architectural firms had offices in Lagos State. In order to ensure that a representative number of firms participated in the survey, the sample size was determined using the formula for finite population given as (Yamane, 1967) Where n represents the sample size, which in this case is the number of firms to be selected ; N is total number of registered architectural firm in Lagos State ( i.e. 315); e is the assumed level precision taken to be ± 5% (e=0.05), while the confidence level is 95%. Using the foregoing parameters, following shows how the sample size was actually determined. n =315/1+190 (0.052) n= 315/1+190(0.0025) n=315/1.475 n= 213.55 =214 architectural firms The structured questionnaire used in gathering primary data for this research was designed by the researchers based on the objectives of the study and findings from the published literature. The questionnaire had three sections. Section 1 deals with some background information on the participants, while Section 2 was used to collect data on the respondents‟ use of BIM. In this section, the participants were asked to indicate the frequency of use of 22 different BIM software packages using 3-Point Likert type scale of “1” for Never, “2” for Occasionally, and “3” for Frequently. Then Section 3 helped in the gathering of data on the benefits of BIM use in architectural practice as experienced by the respondents. In this section, the participants were asked to indicate their levels of agreement with ten statements related to the benefits of BIM in based on a 5-Point Likert type scale ranging from “1” for Strongly Disagree to “5” for Strongly Agree. To ensure that all categories of architects working in registered firms in the study area were given equal chance to participate in the survey, a random sampling technique was adopted in the selection of participants in this research. Prior to the main survey, the questionnaire instrument was pretested among some selected architects in the neighbouring town of Ota, Ogun State and reviewed by experts as well as established researchers. Feedback from the pre-testing exercise helped in fine-tuning some of the questionnaires in the questionnaire. The data collection process involved administration of the questionnaire by hand in the randomly selected architectural firms in the study area. A copy of the questionnaire was given to one architect or a preventative of the firm found at the time the researchers visited the firms. The survey took place between February and March 2017 and of the 214 copied of questionnaire distributed, 110 copies representing around 51.4% of the distributed questionnaires were retrieved and found to have been correctly filled by the participants. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in the analysis of the data In view of the nature of the four research questions of this study; the data were analysed using only descriptive statistics. This enabled the computation of frequencies, percentages, and
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption in Architectural Firms in Lagos, Nigeria
means scores of the responses provided by the participants. The results are presented using frequency distributions, percentages table, charts for easy understanding and drawing of conclusions.
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Basic Information about the Respondents in the Survey In the survey, some information about the respondents was collected and the frequency distributions and percentages are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Some basic information about the respondents Registration Status Registered Not Registered No Response Age Grouping ( years) 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Years of professional experience 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 20 years +
Percentage (%)
20 88 2
18.2 80.0 1.8
82 10 9 9
75 9.1 8.2 8.2
80 8 8 6 8
72.7 7.3 7.3 5.4 7.3
It is evident in the data in Table 1 that a majority (80%) of the respondents in the survey were not fully registered with the ARCON, which is the regulatory body for the practice of architecture in Nigeria, while only 20% were fully registered with the ARCON. It is also clear from Table 1 that 75% of the respondents were between 20 years and 29 years and have had professional experience of between one year and 5 years. It can be inferred from this result that a high majority of the respondents are fresh university and polytechnic graduates; and hence, they were yet to be fully registered with the ARCON.
Figure 1 Respondnets‟ Level of awareness of BIM
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E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke
Figure 1 is a display of the result on the respondents‟ level of awareness of BIM. From the result in Figure 1, it is evident that around 97% of the respondents claimed that they were aware of BIM. This suggests that almost all the architects encountered in the survey are aware of BIM. This result has implication of the use of BIM software packages Although this result is contrary to the findings by Akerela and Etiene (2016), which reported that there was generally low level of awareness about the use of BIM among professionals in the Nigerian construction industry in Lagos State, it appears to provide support to an earlier study by Dare-Abel et al. (2014) indicating that employees of architectural firms in Nigeria are BIM literate. Since awareness is the first stage in the adoption process as postulated by Rogers (1995), this finding may have implication on the use of BIM amongst the participants of the current research,
4.2. BIM Software packages used by the respondents Table 2 is a display of the result on the frequency of use by the respondents of the 22 BIM software packages investigated in the survey. From the result in Table 2, it is evident that a majority (75.2%) of the respondents used Autodesk Revit Architecture, followed by 62.4% that used AUTOCAD and 43.1 % that claimed to be using Google Sketchup. These three software pacakages have been identified as CAAD tools that allow architects to develop architectural plans, compile layouts, and design conceptual elements and present complete design drawings on the computer before presentation to the clients (Dare-Abel et al., 2014; Ibem & Layea, 2014; Al-Matarneh and Fethi, 2017). However, among the least used BIM software packages include Bricscad, Cattia, DDS, Houdini, SolidWorks, Vectorworks and others. It can be inferred from this result that the most commonly used BIM software by the participants in this research is Autodesk Revit Architecture. This is not a surprise because; Autodesk Revit Architecture was specifically designed and developed to meet the needs of architects. Table 2 Frequency of use of CAAD BIM software packages BIM software packages Allplan ArchiCAD AutoCAD Blender Bricscad Caddie Cattia DDS Digital Project Form.Z Google Sketchup Houdini Lightworks Lumion Maya Revit Rhinoceros 3D SolidWorks Vectorworks 3Ds Max Cinema 4D Spirit
Never n(%) 99(90.8) 64(58.7) 20(18.3) 104(95.4) 108(99.1) 107(89.2) 108(99.1) 108(99.1) 106(97.2) 105(96.3) 33(30.3) 108(99.1) 102(93.6) 40(36.7) 91(83.5) 11(10.1) 91(83.5) 106(97.2) 108(99.1) 42(38.5) 99(90.8) 108(99.1)
Occasionally n(%) 8(7.3) 26(23.9) 21(19.3) 3(2.8) 0(0.0) 2(1.8) 0(0.0) 1(0.9) 2(1.8) 1(0.9) 29(26.6) 1(0.9) 5(4.6) 32(29.4) 12(11.0) 16(14.7) 13(11.9) 3(2.8) 1(0.9) 30(27.5) 8(7.3) 1(0.9)
Frequently n(%) 2(1.8) 19(17.4) 68(62.4) 2(1.8) 1(0.9) 0(0.0) 1(0.9) 0(0.0) 1(0.9) 3(2.8) 47(43.1) 0(0.0) 2(1.8) 37(33.9) 6(5.5) 82(75.2) 5(4.6) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 37(33.9) 2(1.8) 0(0.0)
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption in Architectural Firms in Lagos, Nigeria
Table 3 shows the result of frequency of use of BIM visualization tools by the architects sampled. Form the result; it is evident that Photoshop and V-Ray were the most common visualization tools used with 45% and 43.1% of the respondents, respectively indicating that they used them. The least used are Flamingo; Yafaray, Lightwave and others. Table 3 Frequency of use of BIM Visualization tools Visualization tools Artlantis Flamingo Kerkythea Lightwave LuxRender Maxwell Render MentalRay RenderMan Render works RenderZone V-Ray Yafaray Photoshop Adobeafter effects
Never n(%) 95(87.2) 108(99.1) 105(96.3) 107(98.2) 105(96.3) 100(91.7) 92(84.4) 106(97.2) 58(95.1) 106(97.2) 42(38.5) 108(99.1) 32(29.4) 77(70.3)
Occasionally n(%) 9(8.3) 1(0.9) 4(3.7) 1(0.9) 4(3.7) 7(6.4) 11(10.1) 1(0.9) 1(0.9) 1(0.9) 20(18.3) 1(0.9) 28(25.7) 15(13.8)
Frequently n(%) 5(4.6) 0(0.0) 0(0.0) 1(0.9) 0(0.0) 2(1.8) 6(5.5) 2(1.8) 2(3.3) 2(1.8) 47(43.1) 0(0.0) 49(45.0) 17(15.6)
4.3. Activities Executed using BIM Software Packages Table shows the different activities the architects sampled carry out with the use of the identified BIM software packages. Table 3 Actual use of BIM for the different activities Activities 2D drawings (plans, elevations and sections)
Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No
Coordination of construction documents
Scheduling 3D visualization
Architectural modelling
Material Take-off
Fixture, fitting and furniture procurement
n (%) 109(99.1) 0(0.0) 1(0.9) 72(65.5) 37(33.6) 1(0.9) 75(68.2) 34(30.9) 1(0.9) 104(94.5) 5(4.5) 1(0.9) 103(93.6) 6(5.5) 1(0.9) 104(94.5) 5(4.5) 1(0.9) 42(38.2) 67(61.0) 1(0.9) 67(61.0) 42(38.2)
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E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response Yes No No Response
Component Properties
Daylight integration/Lighting analysis
Structural Analysis
Energy Analysis
Heat Analysis
1(0.9) 61(55.5) 48(43.6) 1(0.9) 54(49.1) 55(50.0) 1(0.9) 43(39.1) 66(60.0) 1(0.9) 26(23.6) 83(75.5) 1(0.9) 21(19.1) 88(80.0) 1(0.9)
It is obvious from Table 3 that the architects sampled use the identified BIM software packages to support the execution of different kind of activities in their practices. The most predominant activities these software packages are used for include the preparation of 2Darchitectural drawings (i.e. plans, elevations, and sections); 3D visualization; Architectural modeling, detailing, and scheduling. Relating these results to the findings indicating that the two most commonly used software packages are Autodesk Revit Architecture and AUTOCAD, it is obvious that these software packages are very important tools architects use to support the execution of their design, planning and modeling tasks. This result seems to corroborate the earlier findings by Dare-Abel et al. (2014) indicating that architectural firms in Nigeria were building human capacity in the area of use of information technologies and BIM. In addition, the finding also seems to be line with the most recent study by Olugboyega and Aina (2018) which revealed that levels of use of 2D and 3D BIM models were very high and that the status of BIM adoption in construction industry in Lagos State, Nigeria was at the visualization phase. The result in Table 3 also reveals that most commonly analysis the architects use BIM software packages for was daylight integration/Lighting analysis, followed by structural analysis, energy analysis and heat analysis, respectively
4.4. Benefits of BIM use in Architectural Practice The responses of the participants of the survey on the benefits of BIM use in the execution of the activities listed in Table 3 are presented in Table 4. Table 4 Benefits of BIM use in architectural practice Benefits of BIM use
Improvement of the quality of our design proposals Improves the productivity of architectural firms Improves design communication between professionals in a project Improvement of quality of technical
Strongly Disagree n(%) 2(1.8)
Not Sure
n (%) 4(3.6)
n (%) 0(0.0)
n(%) 54(49.1)
Strongly Agree n(%) 50(45.5)
Mean Score 4.33
4.30 4(3.6)
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption in Architectural Firms in Lagos, Nigeria specifications Reduction of turnaround time for the completion of design works Makes design changes and rework easy to implement Reduced the cost manpower Reduction in errors in design works More patronage by clients Delivery of more quality buildings to clients
3.98 2(1.8)
(2.7 39(35.0)
) 4(3.6)
From the result in Table 4, it can be seen that although the participants agree that BIM use has resulted to positive impact on all the ten aspects of architectural practice investigated, the benefit are mostly significant in the improvement of quality of architectural design proposals, productivity of the firms, design communication and quality of technical specification, the impact is least noticed in the delivery of quality buildings to the client. These results is seen in the mean scores of the response with the improvement of the quality of our design proposals having the highest mean score of 4.33 and delivery of more quality buildings to clients with the least mean score of 3.44. These results are consistent with the findings of previous studies in the USA (Linderoth, 2010; Clayton et al., 2002) indicating that users of BIM in that country also reported similar benefits. There is also empirical evidence in previous studies in Nigeria (Olugboyega, 2016) and in the literature (Nadeem et al., 2008; Hergunsel, 2011; Dim, Ezeabasili and Okoro, 2015). The emergence of improved quality design proposal and productivity of firms as the top two benefits and the delivery of more quality buildings to clients as the least benefit of BIM din not come as a surprise. This is because in a building project, the preparation of architectural design proposals an coordination of the inputs of allied professionals are among the key responsibilities of the architect, while the translation of the design proposals to buildings involves many professionals and non-professionals in the industry; and thus there is a significant difference in the quality of design proposal and that of actual buildings constructed. In any case, it is evident in this study that the use of BIM has some significant benefits in architectural practice in the study area.
5. CONCLUSIONS This study investigated the use of BIM among architects in architectural firms in Lagos, Nigeria with a view to understanding the level of awareness, current state of use of BIM and the benefits associated with this. Based on the results, the following conclusions can be made. The first conclusion is that there is a high level of awareness on BIM among the architects encountered in the survey. The second conclusion is that the most commonly used CAAD BIM software packages are Autodesk Revit Architecture, AutoCAD and Google sketch up, while Photoshop and V-ray were the most commonly used BIM visualization tools. The next conclusion is that the most predominant activities the architects use BIM software packages execute are the preparation of 2D architectural drawings, 3D visualization and architectural modeling, and detailing. The last conclusion is that top two benefits of BIM use are improvement of the quality of design proposals and productivity of the firms.
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E.O. Ibem, U.O. Uwakonye, G.O. Akpoiroro, M. Somtochukwu and C.A. Oke
This study has some key implications that are noteworthy. The first implication is that there is increasing awareness and use of BIM software packages among architects in the study areas, especially, the younger generation of architects. This is probably because, the use of BIM is currently being taught and used in schools in Nigeria as an alternative to manual design and drafting tool. This implies that the older generation of architects needs acquire skills on the use of BIM through continuous professional training programmes like those mounted by the ARCON. The study also implies that there is a limited use of BIM tools for analyses when compared to their use for design and drafting, hence, capacity building is needed in the area of optimization of the various BIM tools in architectural practice. This is very vital in maximizing the benefits associated with BIM in architectural practice this in the study area. The last implication of the study is that, the benefits of BIM in architectural practice are becoming more pronounced and significant than before, and thus, there is a high prospect of BIM to transform architectural practice in Nigeria as it is the case in other countries of the world.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the efforts and commitments of the Covenant University Center for Research, Innovation, and Discovery (CUCRID) in promoting research.
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