Bulgaria / 2008 / Jonathan Bousfield / Dorling Kindersley, 2008 ...

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Enterovirus 71 isolated from cases of epidemic poliomyelitis-like disease in Bulgaria, virological and serological studi
Bulgaria / 2008 / Jonathan Bousfield / Dorling Kindersley, 2008 / 9781405329385 destruction, and growth of newly established, privatized, and state-owned enterprises in transition economies: Survey evidence from Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania, this paper reports new and unique firm-level survey evidence to investigate the microeconomic nature of the growth process and structural change in three transition countries, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary. In particular we investigate gross job creation. Implications of shear-sense criteria for the tectonic evolution of the Central Rhodope massif, southern Bulgaria, a systematic record of sense-of-shear criteria associated with peak conditions of amphibolite facies metamorphism from the Central Rhodope massif, Bulgaria, gives evidence for superposition of two distinct terranes. The lower terrane is characterized by south-vergent. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Bulgaria, crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) (genus Nairovirus, family Bunyaviridae) causes severe disease with a fatality rate as high as 30%. CCHFV is endemic in the Balkan Peninsula; a number of cases occur every year, sometimes in an epidemic form. Cases have. Investment and financial constraints in transition economies: micro evidence from Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania, we investigate to what extent firm investment in transition countries is sensitive to internal finance. We find that firms in Bulgaria and Romania are less sensitive to internal financing constraints, in contrast to firms in Poland and the Czech Republic. A likely explanation is that. Effects of propolis from Brazil and Bulgaria on fungicidal activity of macrophages against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, paracoccidioidomycosis is the most important systemic mycosis in Latin America. Its etiological agent, Paracoccidoides brasiliensis, affects individuals living in endemic areas through inhalation of airborne conidia or mycelial fragments. The disease may affect. Health systems in transition: Bulgaria: health system review, the Health Systems in Transition profiles are country-based reports that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country. Each profile is produced by country experts. A concise history of Bulgaria, bulgaria became a member of the European Union in 2007, yet its history is amongst the least well known in the rest of the continent. RJ Crampton provides here a general introduction to this country at the cross-roads of Christendom and Islam. The text. Enterovirus 71 isolated from cases of epidemic poliomyelitis-like disease in Bulgaria, virological and serological studies of an epidemic disease in Bulgaria, 1975, were carried out. Epidemiologically, clinically and pathomorphologically, the disease simulated almost all known forms of poliomyelitis, acute stem encephalitis, encephalomyocarditis and aseptic. Ochratoxin A in human blood in relation to Balkan endemic nephropathy and urinary system tumours in Bulgaria, in continuing the effort to provide further evidence for the hypothesis that ochratoxin A might be involved in the aetiology of Balkan endemic nephropathy and the associated urinary system tumours, a survey to determine the occurrence of ochratoxin A in human blood. The successful laggards: Bulgaria and Romania's accession to the EU, the article examines the power as well as the limits of the EU's leverage on domestic governance in candidate countries from Eastern Europe through the cases of Bulgaria and Romania. It argues that the reasons for Bulgaria and Romania's lagging behind in meeting. The differential effect of men and women entrepreneurs' human capital and networking on growth expectancies in Bulgaria, based on expectancy theory and social psychology perspectives, this study looks at the differential effects of men and women entrepreneurs' human capital and networking on their growth expectancies in the context of a transitional economy. Survey data from. Thromboembolic complications in children with nephrotic syndrome in Bulgaria (1974-1996, over a period of 22 years, 447 children with nephrotic syndrome (NS) have been retrospectively studied for clinically apparent thromboembolic complications (TEC). The incidence of TEC is 2%(9/447); 16 clinically apparent TEC were registered in 9 children. Strong evidence for association between the dystrobrevin binding protein 1 gene (DTNBP1) and schizophrenia in 488 parent-offspring trios from Bulgaria, background The gene encoding the dystrobrevin binding protein (DTNBP1) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia by several association studies. We tried to replicate these findings in a sample of 488 parent-proband trios recruited in Bulgaria. Under-the-counter payments for health care: evidence from Bulgaria, against a background of falling revenues and increasing expectations, health care systems in central and eastern Europe are facing increasing budgetary gaps. There is extensive anecdotal evidence that these gaps are being filled by informal orunder-thetable'payments. Preliminary comparative analysis of medicinal plants used in the traditional medicine of Bulgaria and Italy, despite their geographical, historical and cultural differences, Bulgaria and Italy share a surprisingly similar patrimony as regards the popular uses of medicinal plants. The extensive knowledge acquired over the centuries by people living in these countries. Objectives and constraints of entrepreneurs: evidence from small and medium size enterprises in Russia and Bulgaria, we analyze the principal objectives and constraints of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), using data from a survey of 437 top managers (CEOs) of SMEs in Russia and Bulgaria. The CEOs display similar views and identify a small number of specific constraints. Understanding informal payments for health care: the example of Bulgaria, introduction: Throughout the 1990s, in response to funding deficits, out-of-pocket payment has grown as a share of total expenditure in countries in transition. A clear policy response to informal payments is, however, lacking. The current study explores informal payments. The causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania: Evidence from ARDL bound testing approach, the purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between energy and economic growth in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania from 1980 to 2006 by employing energy use per capita, electric power consumption per capita and real. The impact of climate variability and change on crop yield in Bulgaria, during the recent decade, the problem of climate variability and change, due to natural processes as well as factors of anthropogenetic origin, has come to the forefront of scientific problems. The objective of this study was to investigate climate variability in Bulgaria during. Propolis produced in Bulgaria and Mongolia: phenolic compounds and plant origin, phenolic composition of Bulgarian and Mongolian propolis and their possible plant sources (the resinous secretions of different tree buds) were investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The results obtained demonstrate that in both countries.