IESE MBA students to ensure they can fluently engage in various business ...
students without previous Spanish language knowledge, as well as to those with
The Full-Time MBA
Business Spanish Program
BUSINESS SPANISH PROGRAM (BSP) The Business Spanish Program is designed specifically for IESE MBA students to ensure they can fluently engage in various business situations, with a special emphasis on verbal communication. The program is designed according to the criteria established by the CEFR (The Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment). For first-year MBA students, Spanish instruction begins in September with intensive classes. The program is open to students without previous Spanish language knowledge, as well as to those with an advanced level. It lasts throughout the MBA program, with a duration that depends on the level of each student.
The DIEN and DSEN diplomas are related to the CEFR (The Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment). They are designed for non-Hispanic students and professionals who want to add an international dimension to their career and obtain accreditation for their knowledge of Business Spanish.
Program Content The program content is adapted to that included in the CEFR with a focus on the business world and verbal communication. The syllabus includes grammatical, lexical and functional content, as well as communication activities centered on the business environment. Activities and focus areas include:
At the end of the program, students are eligible to take the DIEN exam (Intermediate Diploma of Business Spanish), which is conferred jointly by IESE Business School and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation. During the second year of the MBA, students can choose electives from the Spanish teaching unit.
Objectives The Business Spanish Program opens the door to a wide variety of professional and personal opportunities by preparing students to: · interview in Spanish · address professional situations in a Spanish context with confidence · actively participate in MBA classes offered in Spanish · integrate into daily life in Spain To achieve these objectives, students are assessed individually and given adequate hours of instruction specific to their ability level and the academic requirements of the MBA.
Diplomas in Business Spanish IESE Business School and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce offer the DIEN and DSEN Business Spanish Diplomas. These diplomas recognize a command of Business Spanish on two levels –intermediate (DIEN) and advanced (DSEN)– and measure a candidate’s level of expression in Spanish within a business and professional context. Both diplomas are open to the general public, in addition to IESE students and staff.
· business discussions and meetings · interviews · negotiations · presentations
Methodology Both the methodology and materials employed facilitate an active learning process. In the classroom, students practice specific communication situations to ensure that they can use the same learning tools with ease and confidence in real-life business situations. These focus areas also provide insights into current Spanish business practices. Correct grammar is stressed at all levels to ensure accuracy and variety in the use of structures. Participation in the program is obligatory for all students who are not currently fluent in Spanish.
Program Structure 1. Assessment Test An assessment test will be given on the first day of the Business Spanish Program to determine each student’s ability level. 2. Intensive Spanish Module The program begins with an intensive schedule during the month of September. The objective is to build a solid base to develop the student’s linguistic capabilities. Students will be assigned a level from 1 to 9. Once assigned to their
group, students will be given a study plan and schedule based on the modular structure of the program. 3. Modules The remainder of the program is distributed throughout the duration of the MBA program. The program includes 12 modules of 30 hours each, thus enabling students with no prior knowledge of Spanish to reach the proposed level of proficiency. Students must pass an exam at the end of each module in order to proceed to the next level.
Exemption Policy Students with an advanced knowledge of Spanish may qualify for exemption from the Business Spanish Program. Students will be evaluated by the Spanish Department on a case-by-case basis. If you feel that you should be exempt from additional language instruction, please contact Maruja Moragas in the Spanish Department at:
[email protected]
MBA ADMISSIONS Av. Pearson 21 08034 Barcelona. Spain Tel.: +34 93 253 42 29 +34 93 253 42 00 Web: E-mail:
[email protected]
For more information, please contact MBA Admissions
[email protected]