C I S C I s

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C I S firm and fomewhat hoary underneath. For it is not unufual to fee C. Helianthemum of a rofe colour in maritime fituations ; and (terns that in cold places.

C I s

firm and fomewhat hoary underneath. F o r it is not unufual to fee C . H e l i a n t h e m u m o f a rofe colour in maritime fituations ; and (terns that in cold places are annual and perifhable, often become in warm climates perennial and fhrubby. Native o f the county of N i c e and U n e l i a . ] Mr. M i l l e r fays, it was found g r o w i n g near Smyrna by D r . W i l l i a m Sherard, w h o firft fent the feeds to E n g l a n d . [ I t was cultivated in the botanic garden at Chelfea in 1723 . •23. Stem fcarcely fix inches h i g h , oblique, all r u g g e d . Leaves lanceolate, like thofe o f HyfTop, roughifh, not even, green on both fides. Flowers white, nodding ; but when in bloom erect*. Stems m a n y , (lender. Leaves refembling thofe o f wild T h y m e , but thicker, more hirfute and hoary j dark green above, paler underneath, but hoary on both fides ;• without any younger ones arifing from the axils. O n the tops o f the branchlets grow three or four fmall yellow flowers, fometimes more ; the petals minutely notched at the end, but fometimes entire \ F l o w e r i n g branches afcending, hairy. Leaves ovate, blunt, feffile, green on both (ides, but covered with white hairs. Racemes terminating, c o n fiding o f three or four flowers, with fmall lanceolate bractes. Calyx, on the outfide green and hairy ; on the iniide yellowifh, with green lines. Petals y e l l o w , finely fcolloped . — L e a v e s hoary underneath, e x c e p t in one fpecimen, where thofe o f the ft em were green on each fide, and thofe o f the fide branches hoary*. Ray fuppofed our plant to be the fame w i t h John Bauhin's Helianthemum alpinum folio Pilofell