including The Antidepressant Era, and The Creation of Psychopharmacology
from Harvard. University Press, The Psychopharmacologists Volumes 1-3, Let ...
CALL FOR PROPOSALS VISITING PROFESSORSHIP IN MEDICAL CITIZENSHIP (VPMC) MARCH 24-28, 2014 Medical citizenship – Physicians are expected to advocate for their patients and our health care system, and yet for many physicians there are very real obstacles to fulfilling this role. Medical citizenship means every doctor should have a voice and should use it, and every doctor’s voice matters. Dr. David Healy, the 2014 Visiting Professor in Medical Citizenship. Dr. David Healy will be the second Visiting Professor in Medical Citizenship for the week of March 24-28, 2014. David Healy is a Professor of Psychiatry in Wales. He studied medicine in University College Dublin, and at Cambridge University. He is a former Secretary of the British Association for Psychopharmacology, and author of 200 peer reviewed articles, 200 other pieces and 22 books, including The Antidepressant Era, and The Creation of Psychopharmacology from Harvard University Press, The Psychopharmacologists Volumes 1-3, Let Them Eat Prozac from New York University Press, Mania from Johns Hopkins University Press & Pharmageddon. His main areas of research are clinical trials in psychopharmacology, the history of psychopharmacology, and the impact of both trials and psychotropic drugs on our culture. He has been involved as an expert witness in homicide and suicide trials involving psychotropic drugs, and in bringing problems with these drugs to the attention of American and British regulators, as well raising awareness of how pharmaceutical companies sell drugs by marketing diseases and co-opting academic opinion-leaders, ghost-writing their articles. He is a co-founder of Data Based Medicine which has created – the only global adverse event reporting system. He is campaigning to ensure European patient level data on adverse event in clinical trials remains accessible: If you or your group is interested in organizing an event allied to the VPMC please submit a proposal to us by email at Deadline January 10, 2014. SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL Please briefly tell us: Who – information on your group and interests
What – what format do you wish to use? We have in mind a number of potential formats and you may have others. Options include: interactive case studies, a panel discussion, a seminar given by the visiting professor, videography of personal narratives (for those that want to explore the journey of the whistleblower), student presentations with commentary from the visiting professor. Target audience – is this limited to your group or will it be open to other professionals and/or the public? When – what is your preferred date and time? Where –where will you hold the event? Budget – do you need funds for the venue/food and, if so, what is your plan to raise the funds? EVALUATING THE PROPOSALS Teleconference with the Steering Committee to discuss your proposal. Final approval / agreement between the Steering Committee and your organization. THE VPMC STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Gabrielle Horne, Chair (Cardiology, Dalhousie/CDHA), George Collier (Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation), Jocelyn Downie (Health Law, Dalhousie), Robert Miller (Diagnostic Imaging, Dalhousie/CDHA), Christy Simpson (Bioethics, Dalhousie), Nancy Oliveri (ex-officio) (Hematology, University of Toronto/UHN), Dr David Healy (ex-officio) (Psychiatry, Bangor University, Wales)
Let your colleagues know about this, start a discussion Support the Visiting Professorship by sending a donation either as an individual or group (email for details) If you would like to help with an event but do not feel able to be a team leader, contact us and we will try to put you in touch with an established team (email