Page 1 of 7. Page 1. Catholic Daughters of the Americas. California State Court. Re
Catholic Daughters of the Americas California State Court
Release #20 January 2017 Worthy Regent, Officers and Members,
CDA Convention 2017 –Mary Full of Grace, Guide Us and Lead Us According to the By Laws of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, notice is hereby given that the 46th State Convention of the California State Court will be held May 25-28, 2017 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Ontario Airport, 222 N. Vineyard, Ontario, CA 91764. Our State Chaplain, Fr. Stephen Porter will be with us to celebrate our Opening Mass on Thursday, May 25, 2017, 10:00 a.m. Please invite your Court Chaplain to attend the State Convention as your guest, if at all possible.
REGENTS/DELEGATES - IMPORTANT REMINDER - Court dues must be paid in order for the elected delegates to be seated. Delegates must bring their Credential Forms. If a delegate cannot attend, an elected alternate will be seated in her place. Delegates are expected to attend all sessions and give a complete report to their Court.
REGISTRATION AND MEAL RESERVATIONS - Enclosed is the Registration and Meal form (Form A). NOTE: Change from prior conventions - The Registration and Meals are all on one form and will be sent to the Registration Chairman, Rebecca DeMarco. Please complete and return as soon as possible to the proper Chairman. Table seating will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis, according to postmark or date received. If group reservations are submitted at the same time, we will do our best to seat you together. We appreciate your cooperation in making reservations early. Registration fee and meal reservations are not refundable and are due by May 1, 2017.
HOTEL RESERVATIONS - Hotel reservations may be made by: Calling 1-800-222-8733 and use the code CDR or Online at: The group rate is $99.00 (plus tax) for single, double, triple or quad. Deadline for hotel reservations is April 21, 2017. Group rate cannot be guaranteed after that date. ….the fruit of the spirit is: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness
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DRESS Opening Mass will be Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Officers will please wear their robes and white shoes. Long pants/long dresses are not to be worn under the robes. No dress/skirt hems should show beneath the hem of the robe. Robe should be 11 inches from the floor with appropriate shoes. Bare legs are permitted. Small/stud earrings can be worn but no jewelry on outside of robe may be worn for the procession into mass. Please follow the rules. Business Sessions - business attire is encouraged Friday, May 26 - you are encouraged to wear Catholic Daughter attire Banquet Dinner on Friday, May 26. Formals or Cocktail dresses are appropriate for the banquet, but not required.
REPRESENTATION - It is important that every Court be represented at the State Convention. Business transacted there may affect your Court in the State. The input, opinion, and vote of every Court is necessary.
SPECIAL NOTES 1) Only members of the Catholic Daughters, Clergy, and Religious are allowed to attend business sessions. 2) Guests are welcome at all the Masses, Reception of the Newly Elected Officers on Saturday night and the Meals (Thursday Past State Regent's Luncheon, Friday Night Banquet Dinner, and Sunday Breakfast Buffet). 3) Banquet will be Friday night and Reception for Newly Elected Officers will be Saturday night. 4) The Thursday Luncheon in honor the Past State Regents is open for anyone to attend. The State Chaplain, Fr. Stephen Porter; National Representative, Olga Samaniego; State Officers, State Chairmen, State Convention Co-Chairmen, Emily Guilherme and Susan Killian; and State Convention Parliamentarian, Dolores Robertson-Kaelin, look forward to greeting you at our 46th State Convention. With God's Blessings,
Rosemarie Thomson Rosemarie Thomson State Regent Form A – Registration & Meals Form B – Basket Drawing Form C – Eucharist Minister Form Form D – Credential Form ….the fruit of the spirit is: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness Page 2
SCHEDULE FOR THE STATE CONVENTION Wednesday. May 24, 2017 State Store – Hunter’s Peak Registration and Credentials
1:00-4:00 pm; 7:00-9:00 pm 1:00-4:00 pm; 7:00-9:00 pm
Thursday. May 25, 2017 State Store – Hunter’s Peak Registration and Credentials Meditation Room – Cajon Peak
8:00-9:00 am; 1:30-2:30 pm; 5:00-7:00 pm 8:00-9:00 am; 1:30-2:30 pm; 5:00-7:00 pm 7:30 am-10:00 pm
Opening Mass – Grove Celebrant – Fr. Stephen Porter, State Chaplain
10:00 am
Luncheon Honoring National Representative and The Past State Regents – Keller Peak
12:00 pm
Briefing of Delegates by Convention Parliamentarian
2:30 pm
Official Opening of the 46th State Convention
3:00 pm
General Session – Grove Nominations for: State Officers 2019 Nominating Committee Dinner on Your Own Get Acquainted and Meet the Candidates – Big Bear
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7:00-9:00 pm
Friday. May 26, 2017 State Store – Hunter’s Peak Registration and Credentials Meditation Room – Cajon Peak
7:00-7:45 am; noon-2:00 pm; 4:30-5:30 pm 7:00-7:45 am; noon-2:00 pm; 4:30-5:30 pm 7:30 am-10:00 pm
Mass – Grove
8:00 am
General Session – Grove Keynote Speaker
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Lunch on Your Own
12:00 pm-2:30 pm
Polls Open for Election – Keller Peak
12:00 pm-2:30 pm
General Session – Grove
2:30-4:30 pm
No Host Cocktail Hour
6:30 pm
Banquet Dinner – Harvest
7:30 pm
Saturday. May 27, 2017 State Store – Hunter’s Peak Registration and Credentials Meditation Room – Cajon Peak
7:00-8:15 am; noon-2:00 pm 7:00-8:15 am; noon-2:00 pm 7:30 am-10:00 pm
Rosary – Grove
8:30 am
General Session – Grove
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Lunch on Your Own
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
General Session – Grove
2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Installation Mass – Grove
5:30 pm
Dinner on Your Own Reception Honoring Newly Elected State Officers Big Bear
7:30-11:00 pm
Sunday. May 28, 2017 State Store – Hunter’s Peak Meditation Room – Cajon Peak
7:00-8:15 am; noon-2:00 pm 7:30 am-10:00 pm
Breakfast Buffet – Grove General Session – Grove
8:30 am-9:30 am 9:30 am-12:00 pm
12:00 pm Page 4
REGISTRATION AND MEAL INFORMATION We realize the economy is tighter than ever and some of us are facing tough financial situations. We have made every effort to keep costs at a minimum so that as many members as possible are able to attend the State Convention. Use the enclosed Form A for reservations: Registration and Meals List all names and titles on the Registration Form and designate whether or not they are a delegate, alternate, or non-delegate. A separate court check payable to CDA California State Court should accompany each form.
DELEGATE $190.00-includes meals
Registration – Daily
NON-DELEGATE $135.00 includes-Friday Banquet
NOTE: add $30.00 late fee for registration postmarked after May 1, 2017
Individual Meal Prices for guests: Thursday Luncheon Honoring our Past State Regents
Friday Night Banquet Choice of Flat Iron Steak or Atlantic Salmon
Sunday Breakfast Buffet
If you have any special meal considerations, such as Vegetarian or Gluten Free, please contact Kristin Stewart, Meals Reservation Chairman.
Registration and Meals are non-refundable
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EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS - If you are a Eucharistic Minister and would like to possibly be of service at one of the masses, complete and return Form C to Sandy Mitchell, Spiritual Enhancement Chairman at the address listed on the form.
EXHIBITS - Education and Newsletter Contest winners will be displayed. STATE STORE - The State Court will have a supply of CDA State Logo merchandise available for purchase during the convention.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - All members will pick up their own registration packet at the Registration Desk. MEAL TICKETS for the Courts will be picked up from the Meals Reservation Chairman, Kristin Stewart.
CREDENTIALS – A Delegate/Alternate Form has been mailed to the Local Court Regent by National with the November Dues Statement. All courts should complete the form with delegate and alternates names. If no one from the court is attending, complete the form and list none. Once form is completed, please mail it to STATE REGENT, Rosemarie Thomson. In addition, State Credential Form (Form D) must be completed for each delegate and alternate and signed by the court Regent and Financial Secretary. Upon arrival at the Convention, alternates and delegates are to first register at the Registration Desk and then present their signed Credential Form at the Credential Desk.
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May 25-28, 2017
DoubleTree by Hilton Ontario Airport 222 N. Vineyard Ave. Ontario, CA 91764 310-316-3636
Rosemarie Thomson 805-878-6302
[email protected]
Emily Guilherme 951-907-3447
[email protected] Susan Killian 909-519-3719
[email protected]
Rebecca DeMarco 3536 Dakota Dr. Santa Maria, CA 93455 805-937-3200
[email protected]
Kristin Stewart 16108 Maricopa Lane Apple Valley, CA 92307 760-985-5738
[email protected]
HOTEL REGISTRATION 800-222-8744 (reference code CDR) or online at Deadline for special rate is April 21, 2017 check-in 3:00 p.m. & check-out noon HOTEL RATE
$99.00/nt. (up to 4 per room) plus taxes
Airport Shuttle – complimentary 909-937-0900
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