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STUDY QUESTIONS FOR THE NEW VERSION OF THE NATURALIZATION EXAM sMNYrsikSananasMrab´karEkERbzxIñénmuxviC¢aRbLgcUlsJ¢ati sMNYrxøHmancemøIyCaeRcInEdlmanrayCUn. enHKIWBIeRBaH RbEhlCamanreb[bCaeRcIn~gkarniyaycMeBaHvtæúEtmYy ßBIeRBaHKW GacmancemøIyeRcInCagmYy. GñknwgRtUvtMrUvoeqøIyEtcemøIymYymkBIcemøIyrayCUnenH elIkElgEtsMNYrsYredayCak´c|as´ sMrab´o eqøIyeRcInCagmYy. GñknwgRtUveKsYr 10 sMNYr nigRtUvEtmancemøIyR:MmYyRtUv~gcMeNam 10 .





AMERICAN GOVERNMENT QUESTIONS sMNYrTak´TgnwgrdðaPi:l Principles of American Democracy eKalkarN¾énRbCaZibetyüGaemrikaMg

1. What is the supreme law of the land? 1. etIGVICac|ab´kMBUlrbs´nKr/ 2. What does the Constitution do? 2. etIrdðZmxnuJ¦eZVIGVIxøH/

The Constitution rdðZmxnJ u ¦

Sets up the government; defines the government; protects basic rights of Americans er[bcMrdða:l; kMNt´Gtæn&yordða:l; karBarmUldðanc|ab´ énCnGaemrikaMgTaMgGs´

3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? 3. mtIénrdðaPi:lxøÜnÉgKWenA~gBakübIm¨at´énrdðZmxnJ u . ¦

“We the People” “We the People” ‘ ¨eyIgCaRbCaCn ¨’


4. What is an amendment? 4. GVIehAzaviesaZnkmx/ 5. What do we call the first 10 amendments to the Constitution? 5. etIeyIgehAviesaZnkmxénrdðZmxnuJ¦dMbUgTaMg 10 dUcemþc/ 6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment? 6. etIsiTiÆßesrIPaBmYymkBIviesaZnkmxehAGVI/

A change (to the Constitution); an addition (to the Constitution) karEkERb ‘cMeBaHrdðZmxnJ u )¦ ; karbEnæm ‘cMeBaHrdðZmxnuJ¦’ The Bill of Rights esckþIRbkassiTÆiÉktþCn

Speech; religion; assembly; press; petition the government karniyay; sasna; karRbCuM; karpSayB&t(man; karbþwgTamTardl´rdðaPi:l

7. How many amendments does the Constitution have? 7. etIvesaZnkmxenA~grdðZmxnuJ¦mancMnYnb¨unxan/ 8. What did the Declaration of Independence do? 8. etIesckþIRbkasénÉkraCü:neZVIGVIxøH/

Twenty-seven (27) émÖR:MBIr (27) Announced our independence (from Great Britain); declared our independence (from Great Britain); said that the United States is free (from Great Britain) EzøgodwgÉkraCürbs´eyIg ‘BIcRkPBGg´eKøs’; RbkasÉkraCürbs´eyIg ‘BIcRkPBGg´eKøs’; ´niyaydUecñH shrdðGaemrikKWmanesrIPaB ‘BIcRkPBGg´eKøs’

9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? 9. etIsiTiÆBIrenA~gkarRbkasÉkraCüKWCaGVI/ 10. What is freedom of religion?

Life; liberty; pursuit of happiness CIvit; esrIPaB; karEsVgrkesckþIsb|ay You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion

10. etIGVICaesrIPaBsasna/ 11. What is the economic system in the United States? 11. etIRbB&nÆesdðkic©enAshrdðGaemrikCaGVI/ 12. What is the “rule of law”?

GñkGaceC]sasnaNamYy ßmineC]sasnaNak*:n

12. GVIeTAehAza “viZanénc|ab´”?

Capitalist economy; market economy esdðkic©mUlZn; esdðkic©TIpSar

Everyone must follow the law; leaders must obey the law; government must obey the law; no one is above the law. mñak´>RtUvGnuvtþtamc|ab´; GñkdwknaMTaMgGs´RtUveKarBc|ab´; rdðaPi:lRtUveKarBc|ab´; KxanCnNamñak´enAelIc|ab´eLIy.

United States Citizenship Information – Last updated 2008 Developed by The Seattle Public Library in partnership with the King County Library System and City of Seattle New Citizen Initiative


System of Government RbB&nÆrdðaPi:l

13. Name one branch or part of the government. 13. cUroeQxaHsaxaßcMENkénrdðaPi:lmYy

Legislative (Congress); executive (President); judicial (the courts) nitibJ¦tþi‘shsPa’; nitiRbtibtþi ‘RbZanaZibtI’; tulakar ‘tulakarTaMgGs´’

14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful? 14. etIGVIbJÄb´saxamYyénrdðaPi:lkuMomanGMNacxøaMgeBk/ 15. Who is in charge of the executive branch? 15. etIGñkNaTTYlxusRtUvsaxanitiRbtibtþi/ 16. Who makes federal laws? 16. GñkNabeg,Itc|ab´shB&nÆ/ 17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress? 17. etIGVIxøHCacMENkTaMgBIr énshsPashrdðGaemrik/ 18. How many U.S. Senators are there? 18. etImansmaCikRBwtþsPaénshrdðGaemrikcMnYnb¨unxan/ 19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? 19. eyIgeRCIstaMgsmaCikRBwttsPacMnYnb¨unxanqñaM/ 20. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators? 20. etIGñkNaCasmaCikRBwtþsPashrdðGaemrikmñak´énrdðrbs´Gñk/ 21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members? 21. sPatMNagraRsþmancMnYnsmaCike:Heqñatb¨unxannak´/ 22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? 22. eyIgeRCIstaMgtMNagraRsþshrdðGaemriksMrab´ry;eBlb¨unxanqñaM/ 23. Name your U.S. Representative.

23. cUroeQxaHtMNagraRsþshrdðGaemrikrbs´Gñk.

Checks and balances; separation of powers karRtYtBinitünigtulüPaB; karEbgEckGMNac

The President RbZanaZibtI

Congress; Senate and House (of Representatives); (U.S. or national) legislature shsPa; RBwtþsPanigsPa ‘tMNagraRsþ’; (shrdðGaemrikßCati) nitibJ¦tiþ The Senate and House (of Representatives) RBwtþsPanigsPa ‘tMNagraRsþ’

One hundred (100) mYyry (100) six (6) R:MmYy (6) Patty Murray; Maria Cantwell (Washington state 2007) Patty Murray; Maria Cantwell (rdðva¨sIunetan – qñaM 2007) Four hundred thirty-five (435) (435) Two (2) BIr (2) Jim McDermott (most of Seattle and Vashon Island 2007) For information on finding your elected official, you may go to or you may ask your local librarian. Jim McDermott (PaKeRcInénsIuGazul nig Vashon Island - 2007) sMrab´B&t(man~gkarrkmRnþIEdl:neRCIstaMgrbs´Gñk GñkGaceTAemIlviubés bYnrysamsibR:M


24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent? 24. etIsmaCikRBwtþsPaénshrdðGaemriktMNagGVI/ 25. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states? 25. ehtudUcemþc:nCardðxøHmantMNagraRsþeRcInCagrdðdéT/ 26. 26. 27. 27. 28.

We elect a President for how many years? eyIgeRCIstaMgRbZanaZibtIsMrab´ry;eBlb¨unxanqñaM/

In what month do we vote for President?

All people of that state RKb´RbCaCnenA~grdð

(Because of) the state’s population; (because) they have more people; (because) some states have more people ‘BIeRBaHEt’ RbCaCnenA~grdð; ‘BIeRBaH’ eKmanRbCaCn eRcIn; ‘BIeRBaH’ rdðxøHmanRbCaCneRcInCag Four (4) bYn (4) November


Exvicik ä a

What is the name of the President of the United States now?

George W. Bush; George Bush; Bush (2007)

28. etIRbZanaZibtIshrdðGaemrik«LÚvenHeQxaHGVI/

George W. Bush; George Bush; Bush (qñaM 2007)

United States Citizenship Information – Last updated 2008 Developed by The Seattle Public Library in partnership with the King County Library System and City of Seattle New Citizen Initiative



29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? 29. etIGnuRbZanaZibtIshrdðGaemrik«LÚvenHeQxaHGVI/ 30. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President? 30. ebIRbZanaZibtIQb´bMerImuxgarteTAeT[t etIGñkNanwgeZVICa


Richard Cheney; Dick Cheney; Cheney (2007) Richard Cheney; Dick Cheney; Cheney (qñaM 2007) The Vice President GnuRbZanaZibtI


31. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? 31. ebITaMgRbZanaZibtInigGnuRbZanaZibtIminGacbMerImuxgarteTAeT[t

The Speaker of the House RbZansPatMNagraRsþ


32. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military? 32. etIGñkNaCaGK