Cour. Forsch.-lnst. Senckenberg
15 Figs.
I Frankfurt a. M., 29. 01. 2003
Tectonic implications of the Neogene stratigraphy of the
Canklr~basin with special reference to the Candir locality (North-Central Anatolia, Turkey)
With 15 figures H a n s DE B R U I J NStanley ~, H. WHITE', Paul M. Nuretdin KAYMAKCI', G e r ~ e kS A R A C& ~ Engin UNAY'
Abstract The Canklr~Basin is straddled between the Sakarya continent of thc Pontides in the north and the Klr~ehirBlock of Taurides. It includes Neogene units more than 1 kni in thickness. Eight Neogene formations and two distinct tectonic regimes are identified. The formations were dated using rodent fossils. They were mapped by remote-sensing techniques and their depositional environments and tectonic settings were established by field studies. l'he early and middle Miocene sediments were deposited in an extensional tectonic regimc, which replaced the pre-Neogene thrust regime. The late Miocene to Pliocene age sediments were deposited in a compressional tectonic regime which gradually changed its character to regional transcurrent tectonics which has been operating in much of Turkey ever since. r Keywords: C a n d ~ Formation, Miocene, Deformational flistory, Chronostratigrapliy
Das Cank~rl-Beckenerstreckt sich zwischen dem Sakarya-Kontinent der Pontiden im Norden dcr Tauriden. Es umfasst Neogen-Einheiten von iiber einem Kilometer ilnd dem K~r~ehir-Block Machtigkeit. Acht Neogenfomiationen und zwei unterschiedliche tektonische Systeme lassen sich unterscheiden. Die Formationen wurden anhand von Nagerfossilien datiert und mit Fernerkundungssystemen kartiert; Ablagerungsmilieu und tektonische Bedingungen wurden durch Feldstudien erfasst. Die friih- und mittelmiozanen Sedimente lagerten sich in eine~nexpandierenden tektonischen System ab, das das vorneogene Bruchsysteni abliiste. Obermiozane bis pliozlne Sedimente kamen in einem kompressionstektonischen System zur Ablagerung, das seinen Charakter schrittweise zu einer regionalen Uberschiebungstektonik gnderte, die in der Turkei seither wirksarn ist.
Schliisselworter: Cand~r-Formation,Miozin, Verfomungsgeschichte, Chronostratigraphie.
Author's address: 'Nuretdin KAYMAKCI, ITC, Hengelosestr. 99. P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands,e-mail:
[email protected] 'Hans D E BRUIJN, Utrecht University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Budapestlaan 4, 3508 TA Utrecl~t,The Netherlands 'Stanley H. WHITE, Utrecht University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Budapestlaan 4, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Nctherlands, e-mail: swhitc@; 'Paul M. V A N DIJK,ITC, Hcngelosestr. 99. P.O. Box 6,7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands, e-mail:
[email protected] 'Gerqek SARA