money. Take turns being the shopper and the cashier. Candy Shop. Children
count coins to pay for candy. Materials. • shoe box. • box label. • student
Counting Money Counting Money
Candy Shop
Candy Shop
Children count coins to pay for candy.
Materials • • • • • • • •
shoe box box label student directions scissors glue game board (page 74) candy cards (page 75) 50 pennies and 8 nickels (real or plastic) • two resealable plastic bags
Shoe Box Learning Centers: Counting © 2012 by Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Shoe Box Setup
opy the game board and candy cards onto sturdy paper. Color, cut out, and laminate all the pieces. Place the candy cards in one resealable bag and the coins in the other. Place the game board, cards, and coins in the shoe box. Glue the label to one end of the box and the student directions to the inside of the lid.
ncourage children to “trade up” pennies to nickels as they count coins to pay for their candy. Challenge them to make their purchases with as few coins as possible.
Directions (for 2 players)
Choose five or six pieces of candy to buy. Place the candy cards next to the cash register.
Count out the money for each piece of candy. Place the coins on the counter to pay.
Ask your partner to check to make sure you paid the right amount of money.
Take turns being the shopper and the cashier.
Shoe Box Learning Centers: Counting © 2012 by Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Candy Shop
Shoe Box Learning Centers: Counting © 2012 by Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Candy Shop
Math Skills Matrix Understand effects of addition and subtraction
Develop and use strategies for whole number computation
Develop fluency with addition and subtraction number combinations
Use a variety of methods and tools to compute
Coun ti q Group ng E ual ings of O bjects
Kitty Cru nchy Set s
Children coun evenly amon t and divide kitty food g three dishe s.
Coun ting
s of Obje cts
ing Resour stic Teach s, Schola ula A. Rhode by Immac ng © 2012 Centers: Counti Learning
s, Schola stic Teach ing Resour
opy, color , laminate, and cut apart dishes and additional kitty labels. Prep with crack are bags ers 4, 5, or anot in quantities divis ible by her number Invite child of your choic ren to divid e. Crunchies e evenly amon the Kitty number of g the new kitty dishe s.
by Immac ula A. Rhode
Directions Lineupt hek Pourouta ittybowls. bagofKitty Crunchies. Divideth eKi amongthek ttyCrunchieseve nly ittydishes. Askaclass matetoche ckyourwor k.
ng © 2012
1 2
Centers: Counti
Shoe Box Setup
ake sever al copies of the kitty and label bowls s. Color, cut apart laminate, the bowls and and label three crack s. Place ers in one resealable in another, bag, six nine in the using quan next, and tities up to so thirty, with on, being divis ible by three each of crackers. . Seal each Glue a Kitty bag on each bag. Crunchies Place the label crackers insid bowls and bags of label to one e the shoe box. Glue the end of the directions box and the to the insid e of the lid. student
Equa l Grou ping
Kitty Crunchy Sets
• shoe box • box label • student d irections • scissors • glue • kitty dish es (pages 55–56) • Kitty Crun chies labe ls (page 56) • fish-shape d crackers (or O-sha ped cereal) • 10 reseala ble plasti c bags
Understand various meanings of operations
Understand relationships between number words, numerals, and quantities
Understand relationships between whole numbers
Shoe Box
To assemble the centers, photocopy each page on colored paper (or have children decorate), and cut out the title and directions along the lines as indicated. Glue the title to the outside of the box to create a label (on the end or side that will show when you stack and store the shoe boxes). Glue the directions to the inside of the lid. Assemble and prepare any other necessary materials (such as manipulatives and reproducible activity pages), and place these in the box. You may want to enlist parent volunteers to help with this process.
Understand position of whole, cardinal, and ordinal numbers
Use multiple models to understand place value
Shoe Box
Shoe Box Learning Centers: Counting © 2012 by Immacula A. Rhodes, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Candy Shop
Recognize how many in sets of objects
Shoe Box Learning Center
Number & Operations