Capacity Recovery of a Sulfated Lead-Acid Battery ...

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Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) batteries can degrade .... Hydrogen also evolves at the negative electrode, ..... Nickel/Cadmium, Nickel/Metal Hydride.
ASME 2012 5th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference joint with the JSME 2012 11th Motion and Vibration Conference DSCC2012-MOVIC2012 October 17-19, 2012, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA



Christopher D. Rahn∗ Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 Email: [email protected]

Ying Shi Christopher A. Ferone Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

brid vehicle applications [5, 6]. Gibson et al. conclude that high rate charging and discharging at partial states of charge leads to the progressive accumulation of lead sulfate on the the negative plates of VRLA batteries. Gibson et al. [7], Yamaguchi et al. [8], and Takehara [9] have thoroughly studied and developed an understanding of the structure and formation of hard crystalline lead sulfate. Approaches to reducing sulfation include high-frequency pulse charging [10] and replacing the negative electrode with carbon [5]. State of health and the causes of aging (e.g. sulfation) can be determined using nondestructive means. Nondestructive battery health diagnosis techniques include the use of current, voltage, and pressure data from full charge/discharge cycling, pulse-train testing, or Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) [11– 14]. In previous work by the authors, these methods are used to identify aging mechanisms for the individual cells of a dead 12V battery [15]. The test results identify sulfation in one cell and water loss in three cells as probable degradation mechanisms. The ability to not only identify degraded cells within a VRLA battery but also to restore their capacity could dramatically prolong battery life. Typical VRLA batteries have multiple cells connected in series. As the battery ages, the cell capacities diverge and the cell with the lowest capacity limits the overall battery capacity. A battery management system (BMS) that identifies sulfated cells and has the ability to desulfate those cells could increase the overall capacity of an aged battery. The capacity of the dead VRLA battery studied in [15] was limited largely by sulfation in one of six cells. In this paper, a desulfation / charging algorithm is developed to increase the capacity of the sulfated cell without causing water loss. The algorithm charges only the sulfated cell while using cell pressure

ABSTRACT Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) batteries can degrade due to a variety of mechanisms, including corrosion, hard sulfation, water loss, shedding, and active mass degradation. Hard sulfation can be the dominant aging mechanism for many cells. In this paper, pressure feedback is used to minimize water loss during low current charging designed to break up hard sulfate and recover capacity. A VRLA battery that was cycle tested to failure is used to test the desulfation charging control scheme. One cell of this battery that was diagnosed with sulfation degradation was desulfated for 313 hrs at an average current of 0.2 A. The capacity of the cell was recovered by 41% with minimal water loss, demonstrating the effectiveness of the desulfation charge controller.

INTRODUCTION Lead-acid is the most widely used chemistry for batteries in stationary and hybrid applications, with most having a valveregulated lead-acid (VRLA) design. The predominant degradation mechanisms for a VRLA battery include corrosion of the positive electrode, irreversible hard sulfation on the negative electrode, water loss, degradation of the active material, and short-circuits [1–4]. VRLA batteries are designed to minimize these effects as much as possible but the operating environment and cell-to-cell and battery-to-battery manufacturing variations can cause different degradation mechanisms to dominate capacity loss. Negative plate sulfation is one of the most prominent aging mechanisms for VRLA batteries and is especially common in hy∗ Address

all correspondence to this author.


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o where EPb/PbSO = −0.295V vs. SHE. The overall cell potential 4 o o o is Ecell = EPbO /PbSO − EPb/PbSO = 1.931, but the actual cell 2 4 4 potential Ecell depends on acid concentration, according to the Nernst Equation [21],

feedback control to minimize gas generation. Successful desulfation validates the diagnosis of sulfation as the primary aging mechanism.


Hard Sulfation After hundreds of charge/discharge cycles, aging mechanisms decrease the capacity of VRLA batteries. Sulfation is often observed in cells that continually source small amounts of current or in cells that operate in the low SOC region for extended periods of time. In a fresh cell, the lead sulfate formed during discharge is coarse and porous and it can be easily converted back to lead, lead dioxide, and sulfuric acid during recharge. After many charge/discharge cycles, however, the crystal structure of the lead sulfate becomes harder, finer, and larger, significantly reducing the available surface area for reactions. The unconverted lead sulfate is a loss of “active material” because these crystals are no longer available to be converted to back to lead, lead dioxide, and sulfuric acid. The lead sulfate crystals act as an insulator and prevent current flow to the electrode surface on which they lie. The capacity loss due to the hard crystallization of lead sulfate is referred to as “hard sulfation” or “sulfation”. Desulfation can restore some of the capacity lost to sulfation. Most commercial battery chargers / desulfators conduct desulfation using a technique known as “pulse conditioning”, which consists of applying short, high-current pulses to a cell [16–19]. Keyser et al. proposed to use high finishing currents and current-interrupt charging algorithm to minimize sulfation and gassing during cycling [20]. Hydrogen and oxygen production associated with the electrolysis of water molecules at high states of charge, however, can lead to water loss, another aging mechanism that decreases cell capacity. Desulfation techniques must minimize water loss to effectively recover lost capacity.


2 H2 O → − O2 + 4 H + + 4 e − ,

H2 → − 2 H + + 2 e− .


Hydrogen also evolves at the negative electrode, 2 H + + 2 e− → − H2 ,


at EHo 2 = 0V vs. SHE and oxygen recombines O2 + 4 H + 4 e − → − 2 H2 O.


Oxygen evolution occurs when the positive electrode potential is above EOo 2 and hydrogen evolution occurs when the negative electrode potential is below EHo 2 . Similarly, oxygen and hydrogen recombination occur when the electrode potentials are below EOo 2 and above EHo 2 , respectively. The electrode potentials of a Pb-acid battery exceed the gas production thresholds o o (EPb/PbSO < EHo 2 and EPbO > EOo 2 ), so hydrogen and oxy4 2 /PbSO4 gen continually evolve during charging. Thus, these secondary reactions are unavoidable [22] but the gas generation rates can be extremely small if the overpotential voltage is not too large. The gas evolution rate increases exponentially with voltage above and below EOo 2 and EHo 2 , respectively. Oxygen that has been generated by gassing at the positive electrode passes through the electrolyte and head space and then recombines at the negative electrode, forming an internal oxygen cycle. Similarly, hydrogen can be transported to the positive electrode, but the hydrogen recombination rate is so small due to poor kinetics that it can be neglected [23].


o where the standard electrode potential EPbO = 2 /PbSO4 1.636V vs. SHE. The primary reaction in the negative electrode is



at the water decomposition voltage EOo 2 = 1.23V vs. SHE and hydrogen recombines,


− − * PbSO4 + H+ + 2 e− − ) −− −− −− − − Pb + HSO4 ,


where R = 8.314J/(K mol) is the universal gas constant, F = 9.64810−4C/mol is Faraday’s constant, T is the temperature in degree K, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred and aH2 O , aH + , and aHSO− are the reactant concentrations. 4 During charging, oxygen evolves at the positive electrode,

Gas Evolution During Overcharge Optimal desulfation requires charging a cell with as much current as possible without crossing the voltage threshold that induces excessive gassing. The primary reaction in the positive electrode of a Pb-acid battery is − + − − * PbSO4 + 2 H2 O − ) −− −− −− − − PbO2 + HSO4 + 3 H + 2 e ,

a + ·a −  H RT HSO4 ln , nF aH2 O




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DESULFATION CHARGING ALGORITHM The desulfation charging algorithm starts with constantcurrent (CC) charge to 2.40V. At this point, the cell is close to full SOC and gas generation produces internal cell pressure, P(t), that is measured and fed back to adjust current. The desulfation charging controller minimizes gassing by regulating the pressure generation rate to a small value (P˙ ∼ = P˙D = 1psi/day). A PID controller ensures that the gassing pressure rate tracks P˙D . Conventional integral action is modified to account for the fact that the pressure within the cell cannot be decreased by discharge and the recombination and leaking rates that reduce pressure are very slow. The objective of the desulfation control algorithm is to pump charge into the cells while minimizing water loss. Water loss is the number of moles of water that are converted to gas. Using the ideal gas law, the number of moles of gas produced is

cell terminals

pressure transducers

pressure release valves Figure 1: PHOTOGRAPH OF THE TEST SETUP

∆PV + nleak , n= RT


where ∆P = Patm +Pg −P0 , V is the cell gas volume, R is the ideal gas constant, and T is temperature. The parameters R and V are constant and assumed to be constant, respectively. Atmospheric pressure Patm and gauge pressure Pg change in time relative to the initial pressure P0 . The cell chambers are not entirely sealed so gas leaks out with the approximate dynamics n˙ leak = λ Pg ,



Charge Acceptance



where λ is an experimentally determined rate constant. Using the measured Pg , P0 , Patm , and T and integrating Eq. (9), one can calculate and regulate the number of moles of gas produced using Eq. (8). For a sealed cell, if Patm falls precipitously then Pg can rise and cause the cell to vent. After venting, P0 is reset and desulfation continues.

Charge Speed (Ah/hr)

















The experimental tests in [15] indicate that Cell #3 of the tested VRLA battery died of sulfation. In this work, Cell #3 is desulfated using the algorithm described in the previous section. Table 1 summarizes the desulfation test parameters. The four tests averaged 78.2 hrs and had an average charging current of 0.2 A. The low charge acceptance of the first test indicates the conversion of hard sulfate to acid. The other three tests had higher charge acceptance, suggesting that the available sulfate had mostly been converted in the first iteration. Figure 2 shows the experimental response of the third desulfation test. The desired pressure in Fig. 2a is compensated for atomsphere pressure variation, room temperature change and leaking. Therefore, its slope varies slightly around the set point, 1 psi/day. Initially, voltage and current increase at a steady rate. Cell pressure falls below the pressure set point because little or no gas is being produced. After approximately 1.5 hours, gassing begins and the controller stops increasing current. Voltage increases more slowly and the measured cell pressure begins to approach the pressure set point. At approximately 5 hours, cell pressure reaches the set point. Cell voltage oscillates because the battery voltage is at the gassing voltage threshold. As the test

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In [15], an 88 Ah VRLA battery was cycled to 40 Ah using a current profile associated with an EV switchyard locomotive application. In the desulfation tests described in this paper, the dead battery is fully charged and discharged using an AE Techron LVC 5050 linear amplifier controlled by dSPACE. During full charge/discharge testing, the battery is discharged from 100% SOC until a cutoff voltage of 10V is reached. The battery rests for at least 24 hours and is then charged until a cutoff voltage of 15V is reached. Five rods, threaded to a depth of approximately 0.5 inches into the top of each cell current collector, enable individual cell voltage measurements during testing. Holes were drilled into each individual cell and connected to Omega PX309 pressure sensors using sealed tubes. The voltage signals from the sensors are read by the DAQ to measure the cell pressures (see Fig. 1).


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progresses, current decays because the cell can accept less and less charge for the same gassing rate.

Pressure (psi)




14 0





Time (hrs) (a) Pressure



Voltage (V)

2.3 2.25

Figure 3 shows the measured cell capacity after each desulfation test. Over the course of four tests, the capacity increased from 39.9 Ah to 56 Ah, or a 41% increase in capacity. The first desulfation test showed the largest capacity gain of 11.6 Ah (29%). The second test yielded another 4 Ah (10%) increase in capacity. The small capacity drop after the third test is possibly due to measurement variation. Together, the third and forth tests yielded only another 0.7 Ah (1.3%) increase in capacity. Further capacity changes were minimal, suggesting that other mechanisms, such as corrosion, may have become dominant. Alternatively, the lead sulfate crystals closest to the negative electrode may be harder than the outer layers, and therefore more difficult to break down. Although the capacity of the sulfated cell increased by 41%, the final cell capacity of 56.3 Ah was far from the nominal capacity of 88 Ah.


2.15 2.1 0





Time (hrs) (b) Voltage


Current (A)

1.5 1

CONCLUSIONS This work proves that desulfation can partially reverse capacity loss, showing a 41% capacity increase in one cell of an aged VRLA battery. The results also validate the diagnosis of sulfation as an important aging mechanism, responsible for at least 25% of the capacity loss of this cell. The inability to restore the cell to its original capacity indicates that other aging mechanisms such as corrosion and water loss also contribute to aging. The tests show diminishing returns after 169 hrs of desulfation.

0.5 0

−0.5 0




Time (hrs)


(c) Current


ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like thank the Norfolk Southern Corporation and the Department of Energy for financial support for this work. The authors would also like to thank Lei Cao, Dr.


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