Feb 21, 2018 - Beds were prepared by fumigation with 33/67 chloropicrin/methyl bromide at 220 lbs/acre and fertilized with a bottom mix of 800 lbs/acre of ...
Arthropod Management Tests, Vol. 20
PEPPER: Capsicum annuum L. 'Jupiter' Pepper weevil; Anthonomus eugenii Cano Green peach aphid; Myzus persicae (Sulzer)
P. A. Stansly and J. M. Conner SW Florida Research & Education Center University of Florida-IFAS P.O. Drawer 5127 Immokalee, FL 33934
CONTROL OF PEPPER WEEVIL WITH AZADIRACHTIN AND SYNTHETIC INSECTICIDES ON BELL PEPPER, SPRING 1994: Greenhouse raised bell pepper seedlings were transplanted on 7 Feb, 12 inches apart between plants in single rows on raised beds covered with black polyethylene film mulch. Beds were prepared by fumigation with 33/67 chloropicrin/methyl bromide at 220 lbs/acre and fertilized with a bottom mix of 800 lbs/acre of 5-16-8 and a top mix of 1000 lbs/acre of 19-0-30. Rows were 240 feet long on 12 foot centers and watered by subirrigation. Two rows were divided into 4 blocks of 120 feet, each block consisting of 6, 20-ft plots. Plants were sprayed weekly with a fungicide rotating between a mix of 3.0 lbs Kocide DF plus 1.0 lb/acre Maneb 80 W and Bravo applied at 32 oz/acre. Six treatments were assigned to each block in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Applications were made on 9 consecutive weeks starting 14 Mar using a 12 tank sprayer equipped with a diaphragm pump powered by a gasoline engine. The sprayer was mounted on a small trailer pulled by a 4-wheel drive Suzuki ATV at 2 MPH. Spray was distributed by a single row boom consisting of 2 side drops with 2 nozzles each and one over the row nozzle for a total of 5 nozzles. Albuz ATR® "red" ceramic tipped nozzles were used at 80 PSI of pump pressure for a delivery rate of 35 gal/acre. An adjuvant, ASPA 80® (Amway Corp.), was added to treatments containing Lorsban, Vydate and Karate at 0.05% v/v and NeemGuard® at 0.14% v/v for the Azadirachtin 4.5%. Following a pretreatment count which yielded an average of 0.13 weevils per 10 plant sample per block, adult weevils were counted weekly on 10 randomly selected plants per plot and bud and fruit drop caused by weevils was evaluated. Aphid infestations on these plants were evaluated by visually rating on a scale of 1 to 5 beginning 5 Apr. Aphid parasitism was evaluated beginning on 25 Apr by counting mummies and nonparasitized apterous aphids from 9 leaves per plot treated with Lorsban and control. Ten plants from each plot were harvested and graded for marketability on 9 May. Nonmarketable fruit was further graded into 3 categories based on type of damage. Significant treatment effects on weevil counts and bud damage occurred beginning at the first sample date, and by 11 Apr there were sufficient fruit available to observe treatment effects on marketable fruit as well (data not shown). Lorsban and Vydate tended to group together at the low end of the damage scale without clear tendencies for the other treatments, a trend best seen in the analysis over all sample dates. Green peach aphid infestations were consistently rated higher on plants treated with Lorsban than the control or the remaining treatments. Sooty mold build-up, chlorosis and stunting was notable on Lorsban treated plants in contrast to plants in the remaining plots. Parasitism was estimated at 50% on Lorsban-treated and control plants. Plants treated with Vydate yielded the most marketable fruit though not significantly different plants treated with Karate. There were no significant differences in yield from plants in remaining treatments including the control. Weevils Treatment/formulation
Rate (Al/acre)
21 Mar
28 Mar
4 Apr
11 Apr
18 Apr
25 Apr
2 May
Lorsban 50 W Vydate 2EC Karate 1EC Azadirachtin" 4.5% Azadirachtinb 0.25% Control
1 lb 0.05 lb 0.025 lb 4.47 g 4.54 g
0.00b 0.00b 0.1 Oab 0.08ab 0.13ab 0.23a
0.00c 0.05c 0.13bc 0.28ab 0.38a 0.33ab
0.00b 0.00b 0.05b 0.40a 0.42a 0.42a
0.03b 0.03b 0.15b 0.25b 0.68a 0.68a
0.03b 0.10b 0.35b 0.75a 1.00a 1.02a
0.23b 0.23b 0.33b 0.90a 1.10a 0.95a
0.35cd 0.20d 0.38cd 0.63bc 1.00a 0.68b
0.09b 0.09b 0.21b 0.47a 0.67a 0.61a
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD, P < 0.05). a SuperNeem® b Neemix®
Rate (Al/acre)
4 Apr
11 Apr
18 Apr
25 Apr
2 May
No. marketable fruit
Lorsban 50 W Vydate 2EC Karate 1EC Azadirachtin8 4.5% Azadirachtinb 0.25% Control
1 lb 0.05 lb 0.025 lb 4.47 g 4.54 g
4.25a 1.00c 1.75c 1.25c 1.00c 3.00b
4.62a 1.37c 2.25b 1.12c 1.00c 2.00b
5.00a l.OOd 2.50b l.OOd 1.50cd 2.00bc
2.87a 1.37b 1.37a 1.12b 1.25b 1.25b
1.75a 1.00b 1.00b 1.00b 1.00b 1.00b
3.70a 1.15c 1.77b 1.10c 1.15c 1.89b
6.25b 51.75a 47.00a 4.00b 6.50b 11.25b
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD, P < 0.05). "SuperNeem® b Neemix®
PEPPER: Capsicum annuum L. 'Jupiter' Beet armyworm (BAW); Spodoptera exigua (Hiibner) Southern armyworm (SAW); Spodoptera eridania (Cramer)
P. A. Stansly and J. M. Conner SW Florida Research & Education Center University of Florida-IFAS P.O. Drawer 5127 Immokalee, FL 33934
CONTROL OF BEET ARMYWORM AND SOUTHERN ARMYWORM WITH BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDES ON BELL P E P P E R FALL 1993: Seedlings of "Jupiter" bell peppers were transplanted on 1 Oct, 12 inches apart in single rows on raised beds covered with whitefaced
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Arthropod Management Tests, Vol. 20
polyethylene mulch and sub-surface irrigated. Beds had been prepared by fumigation with chloropicrin methyl bromide 33/67% 220 lbs/acre and fertilized with a bottom mix of 800 lbs/acre of 5-16-8 and a top mix of 1000 lbs/acre of 19-0-30. The plants were sprayed weekly with a fungicide mix of 3.0 lbs Kocide DF and 1.0 lb/acre Maneb 80 W/acre. Four 240-foot rows on 12 foot centers were used, each divided into 7 plots 33 feet long with 18 inches between plots. Six treatments and an unsprayed check were randomly assigned to each row giving 4 replications. Treatments were applied weekly starting 22 Oct following verification of pest infestation. An adjuvant, ASPA 80®, was added to each spray tank at the rate of 3 oz/100 gallon of mix. Applications were made using a 12 tank sprayer mounted on a small trailer and drawn by a 4-wheel drive Suzuki ATV equipped with a diaphragm pump operating at 80 lb/in2 powered by a gasoline engine. Spray was delivered through a single row boom utilizing 3 drops, two on the side carrying 1 or 2 Albuz ATR® " r e d " ceramic tipped nozzles each depending on plant size and one in the middle carrying a single nozzle for a maximum delivery rate of 35 gpa. Weekly sampling began 21 Oct (pre-treatment) and was initiated from a random start 3-5 plants from the end and continued with every other plant until 8 were sampled. Number and size of the larvae were noted and percent leaf damage to 3 leaf-size categories was estimated. Plants for harvest were selected as above and fruit of marketable size and age was harvested on 16 Dec and again on 23 Dec from the same plants. Number and weight in pounds of marketable peppers were recorded for each plot. Number and weights of culls were recorded in two separate categories: insect damaged and not insect damaged. A small number of culls from pepper weevil damage, noted during the 23 Dec harvest, was included in the general insect-damage category. Data on total numbers of beet armyworm, southern armyworm and leaf damage were subjected to an analysis of variance followed by Duncan's multiple range test in the event of a significant F value. SAW and BAW comprised over 99% of the larvae observed in a ratio of approximately 3:1. Total numbers of BAW in all treatments except ABG6348 were significantly less than from the unsprayed check, including SPOD-X nuclear polyhydrosis virus. However, only the SPOD-X treatment did not have significantly fewer SAW than the control over all dates. Fewest SAW were observed on plants sprayed with Xentari, ABG6315 or Lannate + SPOD-X although not significantly less than with the ABG6348 or SAN420 treatments. All treatments had less foliar damage overall than the control and plants receiving the remaining treatments had less damage than plants sprayed with SPOD-X. All treatments produced higher yields than the control in the first and combined harvests. Highest yields of marketable fruit were harvested from plants sprayed with Xentari or SPOD-X + Lannate, although not significantly more than from ABG6315 or SAN420 (first harvest and total harvest) and ABG6348 or SAN420 (second harvest). Weight of culls from SAN420 and SPOD-X were not significantly less than the control at first harvest but all treatments yielded less cull weight at second harvest and over the combined harvest. No phytotoxicity was observed. 25 Oct Rate (AI/ acre) BAW
Treatment/ formulation
4 pt 1 lb 0.1 g 1 lb 0.1 g 0.45 lb 1 lb
ABG-6315 WDG ABG-6348 WDG SPOD-X WDG SAN 420 WDG SPOD-X WDG + Lannate Xentari WDG Control
1 Nov
Damage rating
0.03a 0.13a 0.09a 0.06a
0.28b 0.25b 0.84b 0.22b
35.00abc 42.72abc 30.53bc 26.03c
0.06a 0.03a 3.26a
0.25b 0.03b 2.84a
31.31bc 46.72ab 51.00a
15 Nov
Damage rating
Damage rating
0.00b 0.03b 3.34ab 2.44b
0.00b 0.03b 0.53b 0.06b
18.56b 20.34b 19.59b 19.22b
3.25a 11.09a 5.47a 4.09a
0.00b 0.31b 29.41a 0.00b
12.59c 14.16c 24.81b 15.09c
0.00b 0.00b 9.84a
0.03b 0.00b 3.78a
16.62b 20.16b 46.09a
0.00a 0.00a 7.70a
0.00b 0.04b 16.78a
12.13c 14.41c 37.19a
Damage rating
0.00a 0.00a 0.00a 3.12a
0.00b 0.13b 0.16b 0.13b
21.59b 26.72b 19.37b 20.22b
0.00a 0.00a 0.00a
0.16b 0.00b 2.19a
21.09b 20.87b 52.63a
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD, P < 0.05). 22 Nov Treatment/ formulation
Rate (AI/ acre)
ABG-6315 WDG ABG-6348 WDG SPOD-X WDG SAN 420 WDG SPOD-X WDG + Lannate Xentari WDG Control
4 pt 1 lb 0.1 g 1 lb 0.1 g 0.45 lb 1 lb
29 Nov
Damage rating
4.56ab 3.50ab 0.19b 0.00b
1.41c 7.34c 34.63b 11.03c
14.16c 17.97c 49.19b 17.34c
0.00a 0.00a 0.09a 0.00a
0.00b 3.81ab 7.94a
0.00c 0.19c 54.34a
12.66c 13.41c 73.62a
0.00a 0.00a 0.00a
Damage rating
Damage rating
Damage rating
0.06b 0.13b 2.03b 1.53b
12.47c 13.88c 50.91b 13.06c
0.00a 0.00a 0.00a 0.00a
0.00b 0.41b 0.38b 0.31b
16.34c 15.94c 63.59b 18.84c
0.00b 0.00b 0.00b 0.00b
0.00b 0.03b 0.06b 0.06b
9.19cde 12.75cd 46.56b 14.31c
0.00b 0.00b 20.19a
11.78c 11.63c 96.72a
0.00a 0.00a 0.00a
0.00b 0.09b 12.22a
12.56c 14.91c 149.50a
0.00b 0.00b 0.53a
0.00b 0.00b 2.37a
7.37e 8.28de 99.06a
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not: significantly different (LSD., P < 0.05). x, Treatment/formulation ABG-6315 WDG ABG-6348 WDG SPOD-X WDG SAN 420 WDG SPOD-X WDG + Lannate Xentari WDG Control
Mean over all dates
R a t p ("AT/
Marketable fruit
4 pt 1 lb 0.1 g 1 lb 0.1 g 0.45 lb 1 lb
0.98b 1.84ab 1.15b 1.21b 0.01b
0.22c 1.08bc 8.50ab 1.67bc 0.05c
17.49c 20.56c 38.07b 18.02c 15.69c
11.63abc 9.60bc 10.28abc 13.48ab 7.52cd
27.25abc 26.50bc 26.00c 38.00ab 17.00cd
18.88c 74.99a
15.63a 3.53d
38.75a 11.75d
0.49b 3.74a
0.04c 14.39a
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD, P < 0.05).
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13 Dec
6 Dec