For inspiration, google or youtube âcardboard sled raceâ and add personal. touches from your group and/or Camp Orcha
Cardboard Sled Competition Official Rules and Regulations Adapted from LEFC, Thanks guys
I. Construction Material Guidelines a. All structural materials (defined under I.a.i.) used to construct your sled entry must consist only of cardboard and adhesive tapes or compounds. i. Structural materials constitute any part of the sled that plays any role in the way the sled is used. Structural materials support weight (of other sled parts or the sled driver(s) or passenger(s)), give form to the sled, hold your sled entry together, act as mechanisms of propulsion or steering, or add in any other way to the operation of your sled entry. ii. Reference the following list of allowed adhesives: 1. All tapes, including (but not limited to) duct, masking, electrical, scotch. 2. All adhesives, including (but not limited to) glue, spray glue, Velcro. iii. There is a strict restriction on fasteners (defined under I.a.iii.2.) of any kind in the construction of your sled entry. 1. Restricted fasteners include (but are not limited to) nails, screws, nuts and bolts, paper clips. 2. Fasteners constitute an object that uses force (as opposed to adhesion) to bind one material to another. Examples include nails and screws. b. All nonstructural materials (defined under I.b.i.) used to decorate your sled entry may consist of any kind of materials you wish. i. Nonstructural materials constitute any material in your sled entry that does not add structural support or add to the overall operation of the sled. Nonstructural materials can add aesthetic appeal to your sled. ii. The following list includes some nonstructural materials used in past years. 1. Rubber chickens, flags, candy wrappers, spray paint, marker, snack boxes, soda cans, etc. c. Construction Tools (defined under I.c.i.) will vary from group to group, depending on the design of the sled entry, but must conform to the following restrictions: i. Construction tools consist of any device with which a group member forms or shapes the pieces or entirety of the sled entry. ii. Construction tools cannot be electrically driven.
II. Construction Guidelines a. Each group is allowed as much time as they wish to build their sled entry. i. All groups may begin working on their sled entry as early as they want. 1. Sled entries may be brought to the Winter Blast weekend by your group fully completed or in pieces to be assembled. ii. All groups must discontinue all work on their sled entry by 10p on Saturday night. 1. At this point all entries must be complete and ready to race. 2. There may be no more structural or aesthetic changes made. III. Prizes and Judging a. Winner announcement i. All winners will be announced Sunday morning at the closing session. a. Judges i. The Camp Orchard Hill staff will be the judges of the Cardboard Sled Competition. ii. Their judgment is final and may not be protested in any way. b. Prize categories i. Speed: The sled entry that wins it’s heat in each round until 1 sled reigns as “fastest” ii. People: The sled entry that holds the most people and still goes down the sledding hill. Only 1 rider is required. iii. Presentation: The sled entry that has the best appearance and presentation, considering the following factors: 1. Name: Is it a good name? 2. Sled aesthetics: Does the appearance of the sled entry go with the name? 3. Cabin Participation: Does the appearance of the cabin members go with the sled entry? iv. Best Overall: The sled entry that scores the highest in all of the above named categories and also does well with the following additional considerations: 1. Structural/Mechanics: the sled entry uses the allowed structural materials to their highest potential 2. Creativity/Ingenuity: the sled entry uses new techniques in design and functionality c. Disqualifications i. Reasons for any cabin’s sled entry to be disqualified include (but are not limited to) the following: 1. Exceeded allotted number of sled entries (Groups are allowed 1 sled per gender. If a gender group exceeds 30 people, they may create 2 sleds) 2. The use of restricted construction materials 3. The bribery (or attempted bribery) of competition judges 4. Excessive unsportsmanlike behavior (as judged by the competition judges) 5. The intentional sabotage (or attempted sabotage) of another cabin’s sled entry 6. Late arrival to the races *Important Notes: Groups are responsible to collect all their own materials, COH will NOT provide any cardboard, tape, or art supplies Good places to get boxes include appliance stores and spa/jacuzzi stores For inspiration, google or youtube “cardboard sled race” and add personal touches from your group and/or Camp Orchard Hill (i.e. Moxie)