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Earlham Community School

Empowering innovative, adaptive and resourceful learners.


Community Schools…

Earlham CSD offers a quality education for preschool through 12th grade students in a safe and supportive school system, with multiple opportunities for involvement in athletics, fine arts, and clubs.


Our K-12 curriculum is driven by the Iowa Core, the statewide set of Standards and Essential Skills for English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and 21st century skills.



Vision: To utilize and integrate technology as a tool to augment student achievement, growth and preparedness within the classroom and beyond.

To provide all learners with skills and diverse educational opportunities; to engage all learners in relevant, real-world experiences; and to develop learners’ confidence, character, and perseverance so that they will positively impact their world.

Mission: Students that are technologically literate will responsibly use relevant technology to improve and support lifelong learning. Students will use available technologies to access, analyze and evaluate information in order to construct and communicate knowledge.


Empowering innovative, adaptive and resourceful learners.


table of


General Information . . . . . . . . . .2 Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Curriculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2–3 Peanut Aware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Bus Routes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Healthy Eating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 School Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 School-Based Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Behavioral Program (PBIS) . . . . . . . .5 Parent Communications . . . . . .6 JMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 School Messenger Alerts . . . . . . . . . .6 District Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Academic Opportunities . . . . .6 EELP & TAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Elementary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Core Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Academic Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Additional Opportunities . . . . . . . . . .7 Elementary Guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 4-Year Old Preschool Program . . . . .8 Pre-K Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Middle School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Core Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Academic Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Additional Opportunities . . . . . . . . . .9 High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Instructional Opportunities . . . . . . .10 Academic Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Secondary School Counseling . . . . .10 Extra-curricular Opportunities 10 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 FFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Speech & Drama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Our Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Earlham teachers receive ongoing training in effectively integrating emerging technology into instruction to increase student engagement and productivity. A variety of technology tools are available for student and teacher use including: • a wireless network and internet access throughout the building

• every PK–12 classroom is equipped with an interactive SMARTBoard and document camera

• SMART tables in 1st grade classrooms

• Grades PK–2 have classroom sets of iPads, while grades 3-6 have access to a classroom station of Macbooks • 1:1 Mac environment for 7–12 grade students

• a computer lab with desktop Macs is available for PK–12 students to use • green screen room

• three display monitors mounted in hallways to communicate information

• 3-D Printer


Graphic services provided by A.Marsh Designs



For the safety of our students with severe allergies, peanuts, peanut butter and tree nuts are not allowed in our schools and concession stands. School breakfasts and lunches will not produce or sell any food that contains peanuts, peanut butter or tree nuts. Homemade treats will also not be allowed in classrooms for birthdays or holidays.

The district takes many steps to ensure the safety of every student. The main entrance, next to the district office, is the only door accessible to the public during school hours; all other exterior doors are locked. Upon entering the building, visitors must sign in at the district office. Students engage in practice bus evacuation, severe weather and fire drills each year. Additionally, the district has a Reunification Plan in place in the instance that the building is considered unsafe for occupancy.


Bussing is available for students living within our district and more than one mile from the school. There are also pick up/drop off points along the edge of our district for any student who is open-enrolled from a neighboring district. Parents can drive their student to one of these points for a school bus transport.



The school-based therapy program is funded through grant monies and offered to students and parents at no cost to them. It is helpful for any student who struggles to receive mental health services elsewhere. This could be due to financial restraints, transportation issues, or limited access to services. Students can be referred for services by teachers, principals, guidance counselors, or parents.


Breakfast and lunch is offered MondayFriday during the school year for all students for a nominal cost. An ala carte option is available for 7–12 grade students wishing to purchase additional snacks during the lunch period. A Free and Reduced Lunch Program is available for students who qualify.

behavioral program



PK-8 grades have implemented PBIS, a research-based behavioral intervention program, to teach and promote the desired behaviors within the building. By incorporating a common language and behavioral expectations in common areas of the building and classrooms, and consistently reinforcing positive behavior and providing consistent consequences for negative behavior, students are taught to be respectful, responsible and proud.



Parents can manage their personal contact information, track lunch balances and their student’s attendance reports and grades online through personalized, secure access to JMC, the district’s student information management system.

school messengerALERTS

If there is a cancellation, delay, postponement, or important announcement, parents are notified through the district’s school messenger system. Messages are sent via email and/or phone call, depending on parent preference.


The Earlham School’s website,, contains important information about the district, as well as the elementary and secondary buildings. This resource is updated frequently to relay information to our school community. A calendar of events is available as well as contact information for staff members, lunch menus, the yearly district calendar, daily announcements, highlights of achievements, and much more.



Talented and Gifted programming options are organized as the Earlham Extended Learning Program (EELP) for grades 3-6 and Talented and Gifted (TAG) for grades 7–12. While we strive to meet the needs of all students in the general curriculum by providing challenging and diverse course work, extra-curricular activities and off-campus opportunities, the district recognizes the need to further guide and challenge students who demonstrate accelerated and unique abilities. Because students in the program represent diverse backgrounds and abilities, services offered through EELP or TAG will also be diverse and vary according to individual student’s needs. 6


Earlham Elementary serves PK–6th grade students and offers a free 4-year-old preschool program. With two to three classrooms per grade level, elementary students have the benefit of small class sizes, with an average of 20 students per section.


Students receive at least 90 minutes of reading and writing instruction each day. A balanced literacy framework is used, which involves whole and small group instruction, as well as literacy stations. Students receive 60-75 minutes of daily instruction in math with the Everyday Mathematics program. This spiraling curriculum is aligned to the Iowa Core, utilizes a real-world, problem-solving approach, and allows students to revisit concepts regularly throughout the school year.


Special education services are available for all students who qualify for an Individual Educational Plan. One highly qualified teacher is available for early childhood, and two highly qualified teachers serve students in grades K-6th grade. In addition, one of these teachers specializes in working with dyslexic students.

Title I services for reading and math are available for any student needing an extra dose of instruction in either content area.

Reading Recovery is offered to 1st grade students who are considered at-risk readers. These identified students receive an additional 30 minutes of intense 1:1 reading instruction with a highly qualified teacher.


Elementary students also receive instruction in art, music, physical education, library, technology, health and guidance on a 6-day cycle. These courses provide students with a well-rounded education. Students in grades 4–6 have the opportunity to participate in Cardinal Council. This group focuses on building leadership skills through the organization of, and participation in, service projects and school activities. Band is an option for 5th and 6th grade students. Students have the opportunity to practice individually and in ensembles, as well as perform in school concerts and honor bands. 7



Our comprehensive Guidance and Counseling program is designed to meet the developmental needs of all students. Its purpose is to contribute to the overall success of student learning. The Earlham Elementary program is closely aligned with the recommendations of the American School Counselor Association. The standards are based on providing success through activities designed to ensure students’ academic, career, and personal/social development. The program is delivered through classroom guidance, small group counseling, consultation, and coordination.

4-Year-Old Preschool


We have emphasized our commitment to early childhood education by providing a 4-year-old preschool program free of charge to families through the State of Iowa’s 4-Year-Old Grant Program. Children eligible for this program must be 4 years of age by September 15. Programming follows the requirements of the Iowa Quality Preschool Programming Standards.



Our free Pre-Kindergarten program is for any 5-year-old child who would benefit from an additional year of academic and social reinforcement in an educational setting prior to entering kindergarten. PK students attend a full day of school. In addition to using Creative Curriculum, a center-based curriculum, PK students also attend music, PE, library, technology, guidance and art. Students who will be five years old by September 15 are screened in the prior April to determine if teachers believe the student would benefit from the PK program. 8

middle schoolACADEMICS…

Grades seven and eight comprise Earlham Middle School, and with around 50 students per grade, the seven middle school teachers are able to develop a supportive community environment for students. To best meet the academic, physical and social-emotional needs of middle school learners, these teachers have had additional training in adolescence and middle level learners. Additionally, the Middle School has an At-Risk Coordinator specializing in academic success for adolescent learners.


Students in the middle school take courses in Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. To meet the needs of middle school learners, students have the opportunity to engage in several hands-on projects and discussions in these courses.


Each student is assigned to an advisory group, which meets two times per day, once for advisory period and once for study hall. Advisory teachers assist students with monitoring their learning and grades in all classes, setting goals, and developing skills and strategies to increase student success in and beyond middle school. Additionally, an academic extension period is offered after school for students to work one-on-one with teachers as needed. One highly-qualified teacher also provides additional supports both in and out of the classroom to students with Individual Educational Plans.


Students select exploratory courses to take during the school day, such as band, choir, drama, or health, to expand their learning opportunities. Each quarter, students participate in a service learning project to reinforce the development of 21st century skills. Students have the opportunity each quarter to become “Cardinal Citizens,” students who have good grades and no major disciplinary issues. Students earning this distinction are invited to take part in an incentive trip. PBIS is continued at the middle school level, and students are taught and expected to be respectful, responsible, and proud members of the school community. 9

high schoolACADEMICS…

Earlham High School provides opportunities for students in grades 9–12 to become well-prepared for life after high school, and over 80% of our graduates pursue post-secondary education or training. With an average of 55 students per grade, students are afforded the opportunity to build strong relationships with students and staff.


Graduation requirements include four years of English, three years of math, three years of science and three and a half years of social studies, along with 19 elective credits. Electives are offered in the areas of art, business, technology, and vocational courses. Dual-credit options are available in mathematics. Juniors and seniors can also earn college credit by taking online DMACC courses for free through the post-secondary enrollment opportunity. Online courses are available for high school credit through the Edgenuity program. A Credit Recovery program is also available. Students also have the opportunity to participate in vocational programs through the Madison County Career Academy (MCCA). Options include earning a CNA license, participating in the Building Trades program, or taking engineering courses for dual-credit.


Every high school student is assigned to an advisory group, which meets with an advisory teacher daily. These teachers serve as advocates for students, helping them monitor learning and academic growth, set improvement goals, and develop interpersonal, communication and problem-solving skills. A student success coordinator and highly qualified special education teachers offer additional supports both in and outside the classroom for students who have 504s and/or IEPs.

secondary schoolCOUNSELING

The school counselor works in conjunction with our building principal, student success coordinator and teachers to ensure the success of all secondary students. In addition to being a member of the building assistance team that develops plans for academically struggling students, the counselor assists students with their four-year high school plans, as well as college, career or military plans. Additionally, the school counselor helps students struggling with personal issues. Small group and individual counseling sessions address a wide range of issues secondary students encounter.

high school extra-curricularOPPORTUNITIES…

High school students can also participate in a variety of active and successful clubs and programs, including National Honor Society, Student Council, Art Club, Spanish Club, Drill Team, and cheerleading. 10


The Cardinals are competitive members of the West Central Activities Conference. A tradition of success is evident through our various Conference, District, and State Championships. Students can participate in volleyball, cross country, football, basketball, track, golf, softball, and baseball. We also share wrestling, soccer, and bowling with neighboring districts.


The Earlham FFA chapter has a tradition of receiving district and state awards at competition, as well as being honored at the National FFA Convention. Participating in the successful FFA program not only builds knowledge of agriculture-related fields, but students excel in the areas of public speaking, organization, collaboration and leadership too.


Earlham students have the opportunity to participate in a very successful band program that has consistently received Division I ratings at jazz, concert and marching competitions for several years. Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in Pep Band and compete at Solo and Small Ensemble contests. Earlham also hosts the annual Jack Oatts Jazz Festival, which draws in schools from around the state to perform in our 600-seat auditorium.


Vocal music is on the rise at Earlham. Students have the opportunity to perform in traditional concerts as well as variety shows, honor choirs and festivals. Choir members also participate in large group and solo contests.


Students can participate in Large Group or Individual speech seasons. Our speech teams often advance from districts to state competitions, and have even earned the honor of being featured at All-State. Drama productions are also produced yearly, including musicals such as the “Wizard of Oz” and traditional productions like “James and the Giant Peach.” 11


“Small Community with Big Amenities” With a population of 1,450, Earlham offers its residents a small town feel and lower cost of living than the larger neighboring cities, while having the convenience of local amenities and a quick, 20-minute commute to West Des Moines. Residents have access to a public library, swimming pool, tennis courts and community center, as well as several quality, affordable childcare options. The business district includes a grocery store, hardware store, medical clinic, pharmacy, hair salon, bank, law office, and post office. The local police department, fire department and rescue squad provides safety and security for all area residents. Earlham also offers active youth league sports options for elementary-aged students, and a music academy for budding musicians. Adults have the opportunity to participate in volleyball, basketball and slow-pitch softball recreational leagues throughout the year.

Earlham Community School District 535 North Chestnut Street | P.O. Box 430 | Earlham, IA 50072 (p) 515-758-2214 | (f) 515-758-2215 |