Casimir Energy and the Cosmological Constant

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arXiv:gr-qc/0409016v1 3 Sep 2004. Casimir Energy and ..... (72) where we have included an additional 4π coming from the angular integration. We use the zeta ...
Casimir Energy and the Cosmological Constant Remo Garattini∗ Universit` a degli Studi di Bergamo, Facolt` a di Ingegneria, Viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (Bergamo) ITALY.

arXiv:gr-qc/0409016v1 3 Sep 2004

We regard the Wheeler-De Witt equation as a Sturm-Liouville problem with the cosmological constant considered as the associated eigenvalue. The used method to study such a problem is a variational approach with Gaussian trial wave functionals. We approximate the equation to one loop in a Schwarzschild background. A zeta function regularization is involved to handle with divergences. The regularization is closely related to the subtraction procedure appearing in the computation of Casimir energy in a curved background. A renormalization procedure is introduced to remove the infinities together with a renormalization group equation. I.


One of the most fascinating and unsolved problems of the theoretical physics of our century is the cosmological constant. Einstein introduced his cosmological constant Λc in an attempt to generalize his original field equations. The modified field equations are 1 Rµν − gµν R + Λc gµν = 8πGTµν , 2


where Λc is the cosmological constant, G is the gravitational constant and Tµν is the energy-momentum tensor. By redefining tot ≡ Tµν − Tµν

Λc gµν , 8πG


one can regain the original form of the field equations  1 tot Λ , = 8πG Tµν + Tµν Rµν − gµν R = 8πGTµν 2


at the prize of introducing a vacuum energy density and vacuum stress-energy tensor Λc ρΛ = ; 8πG

and −2∇i π ij Ψ [gij ] = 0,

Λ Tµν = −ρΛ gµν .


1 Rµν − gµν R + Λef f gµν = 0, 2


where we have included the contribution of the vacuum energy density in the form Tµν = − hρi gµν . In this case Λc can be considered as the bare cosmological constant Λef f = 8πGρef f = Λc + 8πG hρi .


Experimentally, we know that the effective energy density of the universe ρef f is of the order 10−47 GeV 4 . A



where R is the three-scalar curvature, Λc is the bare cosmological constant and κ = 8πG, is known as WheelerDe Witt equation (WDW)[2]. Eqs.(8) and (9) describe the wave function of the universe. The WDW equation represents invariance under time reparametrization in an operatorial form, while Eq.(9) represents invariance under diffeomorphism. Gijkl is the supermetric defined as Gijkl =

Alternatively, Eq.(1) can be cast into the form,

∗ Electronic

crude estimate of the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) of some field of mass m with a cutoff at the Planck scale gives Z Λ4p 1 Λp d3 k p 2 EZP E = k + m2 ≃ ≈ 1071 GeV 4 3 2 0 (2π) 16π 2 (7) This gives a difference of about 118 orders[1]. The approach to quantization of general relativity based on the following set of equations   √ g 2κ ij kl (R − 2Λc ) Ψ [gij ] = 0 (8) √ Gijkl π π − g 2κ

1 (gik gjl + gil gjk − gij gkl ). 2


Note that the WDW equation can be cast into the form  √  √ g g 2κ ij kl G π π − R Ψ [g ] = − Λc Ψ [gij ] , √ ijkl ij g 2κ κ (11) which formally looks like an eigenvalue equation. In this paper, we would like to use the Wheeler-De Witt (WDW) equation to estimate hρi. In particular, we will compute the gravitons ZPE propagating on the Schwarzschild background. This choice is dictated by considering that the Schwarzschild solution represents the only non-trivial static spherical symmetric solution of the Vacuum Einstein equations. Therefore, in this context the ZPE can be attributed only to quantum fluctuations. The used method will be a variational approach applied on gaussian wave functional. The rest of the paper is structured as follows, in section II, we show how to apply the variational approach to the Wheeler-De Witt equation and

2 we give some of the basic rules to solve such an equation approximated to second order in metric perturbation, in section III, we analyze the spin-2 operator or the operator acting on transverse traceless tensors, in section III A, we analyze the spin-0 operator, in section IV we use the zeta function to regularize the divergences coming from the evaluation of the ZPE for TT tensors and we write the renormalization group equation, in section IV A we use the same procedure of section IV, but for the trace part. We summarize and conclude in section V. II.


The WDW equation (8), written as an eigenvalue equation, can be cast into the form ˆ Σ Ψ [gij ] = Λ′ Ψ [gij ] , Λ


where h is the trace of hij and R(0) is the three dimensional scalar curvature. To explicitly make calculations, we need an orthogonal decomposition for both πij and hij to disentangle gauge modes from physical deformations. We define the inner product

hh, ki :=

2κ ij kl √ g Gijkl π π ′

Λ =



We, now multiply Eq.(12) by Ψ∗ [gij ] and we functionally integrate over the three spatial metric gij , then after an integration over the hypersurface Σ, one can formally rewrite the WDW equation as E D R R R 3 ˆ ˆ Σ Ψ [gij ] 1 Ψ Σ d xΛΣ Ψ 1 D [gij ] Ψ∗ [gij ] Σ d3 xΛ R = V V hΨ|Ψi D [gij ] Ψ∗ [gij ] Ψ [gij ] (14) The formal eigenvalue equation is a simple manipulation of Eq.(8). However, we gain more information if we consider a separation of the spatial part of the metric into a background term, g¯ij , and a perturbation, hij , gij = g¯ij + hij . Thus eq.(14) becomes h D R i E ˆ (0) + Λ ˆ (1) + Λ ˆ (2) + . . . Ψ Ψ Σ d3 x Λ Σ Σ Σ hΨ|Ψi



The inverse metric is defined on cotangent space and it assumes the form

hp, qi :=

−Λ κ

gGijkl hij (x) kkl (x) d3 x,


Gijkl = (g ik g jl + g il g jk − 2g ij g kl ).

g 2κ R

by means of the inverse WDW metric Gijkl , to have a metric on the space of deformations, i.e. a quadratic form on the tangent space at hij , with

where  ˆΣ = Λ



√ gGijkl pij (x) q kl (x) d3 x,



so that

Gijnm Gnmkl =

 1 i j δk δl + δli δkj . 2


Note that in this scheme the “inverse metric” is actually the WDW metric defined on phase space. The desired decomposition on the tangent space of 3-metric =deformations[3, Λ′ . 4, 5, 6] is:

hij =

1 hgij + (Lξ)ij + h⊥ ij 3


where the operator L maps ξi into symmetric tracefree tensors

(15) 2 (Lξ)ij = ∇i ξj + ∇j ξi − gij (∇ · ξ) . 3 = Λ′ Ψ [gij ] ,

(16) ˆ (i) represents the ith order of perturbation in hij . where Λ Σ ˆ Σ is quadratic in By observing that the kinetic part of Λ the momenta, we only need to expand the three-scalar R √ curvature d3 x gR(3) up to quadratic order and we get  Z √ 1 1 1 d3 x g¯ − h△h + hli △hli − hij ∇l ∇i hlj 4 4 2 Σ   1 1 1 1  + h∇l ∇i hli − hij Ria haj + hRij hij + h R(0) h 2 2 2 4 (17)


Thus the inner product between three-geometries becomes Z √ ijkl hh, hi := gG hij (x) hkl (x) d3 x = Σ


  2 2 √ ij ij⊥ ⊥ g − h + (Lξ) (Lξ)ij + h hij . 3 Σ


With the orthogonal decomposition in hand we can define the trial wave functional as i     h k − → → → − → ( x ) Ψ htrace (− x) , Ψ [hij (− x )] = N Ψ h⊥ ( x ) Ψ h ij ij ij (25)

3 where n

⊥ o   − → 1 −1 hK h Ψ h⊥ ( x ) = exp − ij 4 x,y i n h

k o k → x ) = exp − 41 (Lξ) K −1 (Lξ) x,y . Ψ hij (−



T race o − → 1 −1 Ψ htrace ( x ) = exp − hK h ij 4 x,y

The symbol “⊥” denotes the transverse-traceless tensor (TT) (spin 2) of the perturbation, while the symbol “k” denotes the longitudinal part (spin 1) of the perturbation. Finally, the symbol “trace” denotes the scalar part of the perturbation. N is a normalization factor, h·, ·ix,y denotes space integration and K −1 is the inverse “propagator ”. We will fix our attention to the TT tensor sector of the perturbation representing the graviton and the scalar sector. Therefore, representation (25) reduces to → Ψ [hij (− x )]     ⊥ T race 1


−1 −1 = N exp − hK h x,y exp − hK h x,y . 4 4 (27) Actually there is no reason to neglect longitudinal perturbations. However, following the analysis of Mazur and Mottola of Ref.[5] on the perturbation decomposition, we can discover that the relevant components can be restricted to the TT modes and to the trace modes. Moreover, for certain backgrounds TT tensors can be a source of instability as shown in Refs.[7]. Even the trace part can be regarded as a source of instability. Indeed this is usually termed conformal instability. The appearance of an instability on the TT modes is known as non conformal instability. This means that does not exist a gauge choice that can eliminate negative modes. To proceed with Eq.(16), we need to know the action of some basic operators on Ψ [hij ]. The action of the operator hij on |Ψi = Ψ [hij ] is realized by[8] → hij (x) |Ψi = hij (− x ) Ψ [hij ] .


δ Ψ [hij ] , → δhij (− x)

the help of the wave functional (27) and with the help of  − x )|Ψi hΨ|hij (→   =0  hΨ|Ψi . (32)  → − → −  − → − →  hΨ|hij ( x )hkl ( y )|Ψi = K (x, y) ijkl


Since the wave functional (27) separates the degrees of freedom, we assume that ′

Λ′ = Λ ⊥ + Λ′trace ,


then Eq.(31) becomes  ˆ⊥ ′  1 hΨ|ΛΣ |Ψi  =Λ⊥  V hΨ|Ψi   

1 V

hΨ|Λˆ trace |Ψi Σ hΨ|Ψi




Extracting the TT tensor contribution, we get Z h 1 3 √ ijkl ˆ⊥ d x Λ = (2κ) K −1⊥ (x, x)ijkl g ¯ G Σ 4V Σ  1 a ⊥ + (△2 )j K (x, x)iakl . (2κ)


The propagator K ⊥ (x, x)iakl can be represented as → → K ⊥ (− x,− y )iakl :=

(τ )⊥ − → X h(τ )⊥ (− x)h (→ y) ia


2λ (τ )




→ x ) are the eigenfunctions of △2 . τ denotes where hia (− a complete set of indices and λ (τ ) are a set of variational parameters to be determined by the minimizaˆ ⊥ is easily tion of Eq.(35). The expectation value of Λ Σ obtained by inserting the form of the propagator into Eq.(35) (τ )⊥

Λ ⊥ (λi )

The action of the operator πij on |Ψi, in general, is πij (x) |Ψi = −i

be stationary against arbitrary variations of Ψ [hij ]. Note that Eq.(31) can be considered as the variational analog of a Sturm-Liouville problem with the cosmological constant regarded as the associated eigenvalue. Therefore the solution of Eq.(14) to the minimum of E D corresponds ˆ Eq.(31). The form of Ψ ΛΣ Ψ can be computed with


while the inner product is defined by the functional integration: Z hΨ1 | Ψ2 i = [Dhij ] Ψ∗1 [hij ] Ψ2 [hkl ] . (30)

 2  1 XX ωi2 (τ ) = (2κ) λi (τ ) + . 4 τ i=1 (2κ) λi (τ )


By minimizing with respect to the variational function λi (τ ), we obtain the total one loop energy density for TT tensors  q q 1X TT 2 2 ω1 (τ ) + ω2 (τ ) , (38) Λ (λi ) = 4 τ

We demand that E D R where R R 3 ˆ d x Λ Ψ ˆ Σ Ψ [hij ] Ψ Σ Σ 1 D [gij ] Ψ∗ [hij ] Σ d3 xΛ 1 ′ R = ΛT T (λi ) = Λ ⊥ (λi ) = −Λ⊥ (λi ) /κ. (39) V hΨ|Ψi V D [gij ] Ψ∗ [hij ] Ψ [hij ] 2 (31) The above expression makes sense only for ωi (τ ) > 0.

4 III.


The Spin-two operator for the Schwarzschild metric is defined by △2 h

 TT j i

:= − △T h

 TT j i

+ 2 Rh

 TT j i



where the transverse-traceless (TT) tensor for the quantum fluctuation is obtained by the following decomposition j 1 1 1 hji = hji − δij h + δij h = hT i + δij h. (41) 3 3 3 j This implies that hT i δji = 0. The transversality conj j dition is applied on hT i and becomes ∇j hT i = 0. Thus     2M G 6 TT j TT j , (42) + 2 1− = −△S h − △T h i i r r

From the transversality condition we obtain h22 (r) = h33 (r). Then K (r) = L (r). For a generic value of the angular momentum L, representation (46) joined to Eq.(42) lead to the following system of PDE’s   −△S + 

−△S +




2MG r

6 r2


2MG r

  2M G M G M G , − 3 , 3 , 3 r r r


This implies that the scalar curvature is traceless. We are therefore led to study the following eigenvalue equation △2 hT T

j i

= ω 2 hij


where ω 2 is the eigenvalue of the corresponding equation. In doing so, we follow Regge and Wheeler in analyzing the equation as modes of definite frequency, angular momentum and parity[9]. In particular, our choice for the three-dimensional gravitational perturbation is represented by its even-parity form i

(heven )j (r, ϑ, φ)

= diag [H (r) , K (r) , L (r)] Ylm (ϑ, φ) ,


with   H (r) = h11 (r) − 31 h (r) K (r) = h22 (r) − 31 h (r) .  L (r) = h33 (r) − 31 h (r)

4MG r3


2MG r3


2 H (r) = ω1,l H (r)

. 2 K (r) = ω2,l K (r) (48)

f1 (r) f2 (r) ; K (r) = , (49) r r and passing to the proper geodesic distance from the throat of the bridge dr , dx = ± q 1 − 2MG r


the system (48) becomes h i d2 2   − dx 2 + V1 (r) f1 (x) = ω1,l f1 (x)  h    −


d2 dx2


+ V2 (r) f2 (x) =

  V1 (r) = 

V2 (r) =

U2 (r) =

6 r2

l(l+1) r2

+ U1 (r)

l(l+1) r2

+ U2 (r)



2MG r


2 ω2,l f2 (x)

where we have defined r ≡ r (x) and    −  U1 (r) = r62 1 − 2MG r +

3MG r3 3MG r3



Note that   U1 (r) ≥ 0 when r ≥ 5MG  2  U1 (r) < 0 when 2M G ≤ r < 5MG 2 .    U2 (r) > 0 ∀r ∈ [2M G, +∞)



The functions U1 (r) and U2 (r) play the rˆole of two rdependent effective masses m21 (r) and m22 (r), respectively. In order to use the WKB approximation, we define two r-dependent radial wave numbers k1 (r, l, ω1,nl ) and k2 (r, l, ω2,nl )  2  − m21 (r) − l(l+1)  k12 (r, l, ω1,nl ) = ω1,nl r2 (55)   k 2 (r, l, ω ) = ω 2 − l(l+1) − m2 (r) 2,nl 2 2 2,nl r2

for r ≥ becomes (47)

H (r) =

is the mixed Ricci tensor whose components are:

Ria =

Defining reduced fields

where △S is the scalar curved Laplacian, whose form is     2M G d2 L2 2r − 3M G d △S = 1 − + − 2 (43) 2 2 r dr r dr r

6 r2

5MG 2 .

When 2M G ≤ r
0. In the Schwarzschild background, the operator △ can be identified with the operator △S of Eq.(43). If we repeat the same steps leading to Eq.(51), we get   d2 − 2 + V (r) f (x) = ωl2 f (x) , (66) dx

Moreover, if we follow the orthogonal decomposition of Eq.(22), we can write

and used the proper distance from the throat defined by Eq.(50). In order to use a W.K.B. approximation, we define a r-dependent radial wave number k (r, l, ωnl )

πij =

1 long ⊥ πgij + πij + πij , 3


By repeating the scheme of calculation of section II to the trace part in Eq.(61), we get the scalar part contribution to the ZPE  Z 1 1 trace 3 √ ˆ ΛΣ =− (2κ) K −1 (x, x) d x g¯ 4V Σ 6  1 (△) K (x, x) . + (2κ)


The propagator K (x, x) can be represented as → → X h(τ ) (− x ) h(τ ) (− y) τ

2λ (τ )



→ where h(τ ) (− x ) are the eigenfunctions of △. τ denotes a complete set of indices and λ (τ ) are a set of variational parameters to be determined by the minimizaˆ trace is easily tion of Eq.(62). The expectation value of Λ Σ obtained by inserting the form of the propagator into Eq.(62) ′

Λ trace (λi )

where we have defined h (r) =


ˆ Σ becomes then the trace part of Λ   Z Z √ 1 π2 1 2κ d3 x √ − d3 x g¯ − h△h . − 6 Σ g¯ 2κ Σ 4

→ → K ⊥ (− x,− y ) :=


f (r) r

2 k 2 (r, l, ωnl ) = ωnl −


l (l + 1) M G − 3 r2 r




In this section, we proceed to evaluate Eq.(38). The method is equivalent to the scattering phase shift method and to the same method used to compute the entropy in the brick wall model. We begin by counting the number of modes with frequency less than ωi , i = 1, 2. This is given approximately by Z g˜ (ωi ) = νi (l, ωi ) (2l + 1) , (69) where νi (l, ωi ), i = 1, 2 is the number of nodes in the mode with (l, ωi ), such that (r ≡ r (x)) Z +∞ q 1 νi (l, ωi ) = (70) dx ki2 (r, l, ωi ). 2π −∞ Here it is understood that the integration with respect to x and l is taken over those values which satisfy ki2 (r, l, ωi ) ≥ 0, i = 1, 2. With the help of Eqs.(69, 70), we obtain the one loop total energy for TT tensors  Z +∞ 2 Z 1 X +∞ d˜ g (ωi ) dωi . dx ωi 8π i=1 −∞ dωi 0


6 By extracting the energy density contributing to the cosmological constant, we get Z +∞ q 1 TT (72) Λ = ωi2 ωi2 + m2i (r)dωi , 16π 2 0 where we have included an additional 4π coming from the angular integration. We use the zeta function regularization method to compute the energy densities ρ1 and ρ2 . Note that this procedure is completely equivalent to the subtraction procedure of the Casimir energy computation where the zero point energy (ZPE) in different backgrounds with the same asymptotic properties is involved. To this purpose, we introduce the additional mass parameter µ in order to restore the correct dimension for the regularized quantities. Such an arbitrary mass scale emerges unavoidably in any regularization scheme. Then we have Z 1 2ε +∞ ωi2 ρi (ε) = , (73) µ dωi 2 ε− 1 16π 0 (ωi2 + m2i (r)) 2

ρ2 =

1 16π 2 1 16π 2

R +∞ 0

R +∞ 0

ω12 ω22

p ω12 + m21 (r)dω1

. p ω22 + m22 (r)dω2

i = 1, 2. In order to renormalize the divergent ZPE, we observe that from Eq.(72), after reinserting the gravitational constant, we write

 G m41 (r) + m42 (r) . 32πε



The remaining finite value for the cosmological constant reads      1 µ2 1 ΛT0 T 4 + 2 ln 2 − m (r) ln = 1 8πG 256π 2 m21 (r) 2


Details of the calculation can be found in the Appendix.

1 + 2 ln 2 − 2

= ρTefTf (µ, r) .

1 ∂ΛT T (µ) d µ 0 = µ ρTefTf (µ, r) . 8πG ∂µ dµ


Solving it we find that the renormalized constant ΛT0 T should be treated as a running one in the sense that it varies provided that the scale µ is changing  µ G m41 (r) + m42 (r) ln . 16π µ0 (81) Substituting Eq.(81) into Eq.(79) we find ΛT0 T (µ, r) = ΛT0 T (µ0 , r) +


(r) ln

    2  1 m1 (r) 4 m1 (r) ln − 2 ln 2 + µ20 2 (82) 

m22 (r) µ20

1 − 2 ln 2 + 2



In order to fix the dependence of Λ on r and M , we find the minimum of ΛT0 T (µ0 , r). To this aim, last equation can be cast into the form2      1 ΛT0 T (µ0 , r) |x (r)| µ40 2 + (84) x (r) ln = 8πG 256π 2 4 2


+y (r) ln

y (r) 4

1 + 2



where x (r) = ±m21 (r) /µ20 and y (r) = m22 (r) /µ20 . Now we find the extrema of Λ0 (µ0 ; x (r) , y (r)) in the range 5MG ≤ r and we get 2

Thus, the renormalization is performed via the absorption of the divergent part into the re-definition of the bare classical constant ΛT T ΛT T → ΛT0 T − ΛT T,div .

µ2 m22 (r)

(79) The quantity in Eq.(79) depends on the arbitrary mass scale µ. It is appropriate to use the renormalization group equation to eliminate such a dependence. To this aim, we impose that[10]


To handle with the divergent energy density we extract the divergent part of ΛT T , in the limit ε → 0 and we set ΛT T,div =

(r) ln


The integration has to be meant in the range where ωi2 + m2i (r) ≥ 01 . One gets     1 µ2 m2i (r) 1 + 2 ln 2 − , (75) + ln ρi (ε) = − 256π 2 ε m2i (r) 2

ΛT T = −8πG (ρ1 (ε) + ρ2 (ε)) .

ΛT0 T (µ0 , r) 1 = 8πG 256π 2

where   ρ1 =


x (r) = 0 , y (r) = 0

which is never satisfied and  x (r) = 4/e =⇒ y (r) = 4/e



m21 (r) = 4µ20 /e . (87) m22 (r) = 4µ20 /e

Recall Eqs.(55, 56), showing a change of sign in m21 (r). Even if this is not the most appropriate notation to indicate a change of sign in a quantity looking like a “square effective mass”, this reveals useful in the zeta function regularization and in the serch for extrema.

7 √ which implies M = 0 and r¯ = 3e/2µ0 . On the other hand, in the range 2M G ≤ r < 5MG 2 , we get again  x (r) = 0 , (88) y (r) = 0 which has no solution and  −m21 (r) = 4µ20 /e , m22 (r) = 4µ20 /e

Thus, the renormalization is performed via the absorption of the divergent part into the re-definition of the bare classical constant Λtrace Λtrace → Λtrace − Λtrace,div . 0

Therefore, the remaining finite value for the cosmological constant reads (89)

Λtrace 0 8πG

which implies 

¯ = 4µ2 r¯3 /3eG M √0 . r¯ = 6e/4µ0


Eq.(85) evaluated on the minimum, now becomes 4  ¯ , r¯ = − µ0 G . ΛT0 T M 2e2 π


It is interesting to note that thanks to the renormalization group equation (80), we can directly compute ΛT0 T at the scale µ0 and only with the help of Eq.(81), we have access at the scale µ. A.

One loop energy Regularization and Renormalization for the trace

As for the Eq.(72), the energy density associated with Λtrace is r Z +∞ r 2 1 MG trace Λ =− ω 2 ω 2 − 3 dω 2 3 64π 0 r



2 1 3 64π 2




p ω ω 2 − m2 (r)dω, 2


where we have defined m2 (r) =

MG . r3


The use of the zeta function regularization leads to r Z ω2 2 1 2ε +∞ trace µ dω ρ (ε) = − 1 3 64π 2 0 (ω 2 − m2 (r))ε− 2 =


    1 µ2 2 m4 (r) 1 + 2 ln 2 − . + ln 3 1024π 2 ε m2 (r) 2


In order to renormalize the divergent trace contribution to ZPE, we observe that from Eq.(72), we get Λtrace = 8πGρtrace .



To handle with the divergent energy density we extract the divergent part of Λtrace, in the limit ε → 0 and we set r 2 G trace,div Λ = m4 (r) . (96) 3 128πε


    2 m4 (r) 1 µ2 = + 2 ln 2 − = ρtrace ln ef f (µ, r) 3 1024π 2 m2 (r) 2 (98) As for the quantity in Eq.(79), we have a dependence on the arbitrary mass scale µ. The use of the renormalization group equation gives 1 ∂Λtrace (µ) d µ 0 = µ ρtrace (µ, r) . 8πG ∂µ dµ ef f


Solving Eq.(99), we find a running Λtrace provided that 0 the scale µ is changing r µ 2 m4 (r) trace trace G ln . (100) Λ0 (µ, r) = Λ0 (µ0 , r) + 3 64π µ0 Substituting Eq.(100) into Eq.(98) we find Λtrace (µ0 , r) 0 8πG



   2  m (r) 1 2 m4 (r) . ln − 2 ln 2 + 3 1024π 2 µ20 2


If we adopt the same procedure of finding the minimum for Λtrace (µ0 , r) we discover that the only consistent so0 lution is for M = 0. This leads to the conclusion that the trace part of the perturbation does not contribute to the cosmological constant. V.


In this paper, we have considered how to extract information on the cosmological constant using the Wheeler-De Witt equation. In particular, by means of a variational approach and a orthogonal decomposition of the modes, we have studied the contribution of the transverse-traceless tensors and the trace in a Schwarzschild background. The use of the zeta function and a renormalization group equation have led to Eq.(91) and recalling Eq.(39), we have obtained   4 ¯ ¯ = µ02G  Λ⊥ 0 M, r 2e π . (102)  trace ¯  M , r¯ = 0 Λ0

8 If we choose to fix the renormalization point µ0 = mp ,  ¯ ¯ ≃ 1037 GeV 2 which, we obtain approximately Λ⊥ 0 M, r in terms of energy density is in agreement with the estimate of Eq.(7). Once fixed the scale µ0 , we can see what happens at the cosmological constant at the scale µ, by means of Eq.(81). What we see is that the cosmological constant is vanishing at the sub-planckian scale µ = mp exp − 41 , but unfortunately is a scale which is very far from the nowadays observations. However, the analysis is not complete. Indeed, we have studied the spectrum in a W.K.B. approximation with the following condition ki2 (r, l, ωi ) ≥ 0, i = 1, 2. Thus to complete the analysis, we need to consider the possible existence of nonconformal unstable modes, like the ones discovered in Refs.[7]. If such an instability appears, this does not mean that we have to reject the solution. In fact in Ref.[11], we have shown how to cure such a problem. In that context, a model of “space-time foam” has been introduced in a large N wormhole approach reproducing a correct decreasing of the cosmological constant and simultaneously a stabilization of the system under examination. Unfortunately in that approach a renormalization scheme was missing and a W.K.B. approximation on the wave function has been used to recover a Schr¨odingerlike equation. The possible next step is to repeat the scheme we have adopted here in a large N context, to recover the correct vanishing behavior of the cosmological constant. APPENDIX A: THE ZETA FUNCTION REGULARIZATION

In this appendix, we report details on computation leading to expression (73). We begin with the following integral  R +∞ 2  I+ = µ2ε 0 dω 2 ω2 ε− 1   (ω +m (r)) 2 ρ (ε) = , (A1) R   ω2  I− = µ2ε 0+∞ dω 1 ε− 2 2 (ω −m (r))


with m2 (r) > 0.

ε  √ Γ (ε − 2) µ2 π 4 , m (r) = 2 4 m (r) Γ ε − 12

where we have used the following identities involving the beta function Z +∞ t2x−1 Re x > 0, Re y > 0 dt B (x, y) = 2 x+y (t2 + 1) 0 (A3) related to the gamma function by means of B (x, y) =

I+ computation

p If we define t = ω/ m2 (r), the integral I+ in Eq.(A1) becomes Z +∞ t2 ρ (ε) = µ2ε m4−2ε (r) dt ε− 1 0 (t2 + 1) 2 1 = µ2ε m4−2ε (r) B 2

3 ,ε − 2 2

 Γ 23 Γ (ε − 2) 1 2ε 4−2ε  µ m (r) 2 Γ ε − 12

Γ (x) Γ (y) . Γ (x + y)


Taking into account the following relations for the Γfunction Γ (ε − 2) = Γ ε−

1 2

Γ(1+ε) ε(ε−1)(ε−2)


Γ(ε+ 12 ) ε− 12



and the expansion for small ε 1 − γε + O ε2

Γ (1 + ε) = Γ ε+

1 2

xε =

= Γ

1 2

− εΓ

1 2

 (γ + 2 ln 2) + O ε2 ,

1 + ε ln x + O ε2

(A6) where γ is the Euler’s constant, we find     1 m4 (r) 1 µ2 + 2 ln 2 − . (A7) ρ (ε) = − + ln 16 ε m2 (r) 2 2.

I− computation

p If we define t = ω/ m2 (r), the integral I− in Eq.(A1) becomes Z +∞ t2 ρ (ε) = µ2ε m4−2ε (r) dt ε− 1 0 (t2 − 1) 2 =



  3 1 2ε 4−2ε µ m (r) B ε − 2, − ε 2 2

Γ 1 2ε 4−2ε µ m (r) 2 1 = − √ m4 (r) 4 π

µ2 m2 (r)

3 2


 − ε Γ (ε − 2)  Γ − 12 

 3 − ε Γ (ε − 2) , (A8) 2

where we have used the following identity involving the beta function   R +∞ µ 1 dttµ−1 (tp − 1)ν−1 pB 1 − ν − p , ν = 1 (A9) p > 0, Re ν > 0, Re µ < p − p Re ν

9 and the reflection formula Γ (z) Γ (1 − z) = −zΓ (−z) Γ (z)

we find (A10)

From the first of Eqs.(A5) and from the expansion for small ε      3 3 (1 − ε (−γ − 2 ln 2 + 2)) + O ε2 −ε =Γ Γ 2 2  xε = 1 + ε ln x + O ε2 ,

ρ (ε) = − (A11)

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