Catalytic mechanism of acetolactate decarboxylase ...

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ALDC in complex with (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT3), the Zn2+ ion is hexacoordinated, and the ligand mimics the binding ...
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Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 80621

Catalytic mechanism of acetolactate decarboxylase from Brevibacillus brevis towards both enantiomers of a-acetolactate† Chenxiao Zhao, Hao Su and Yongjun Liu* Acetolactate decarboxylase catalyzes both enantiomers of a-acetolactate to give a single product, (R)acetoin, however, the reaction details are still ambiguous. In this paper, the catalytic mechanism of ALDC using both enantiomers of a-acetolactate as substrates has been investigated by means of the combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) approach based on the recently obtained crystal structures of ALDC in complex with the designed transition state mimics. The conversion of (S)-aacetolactate only contains two elementary steps: the direct decarboxylation of the substrate to form an enolate intermediate, and the protonation of the intermediate to generate the final product. The decarboxylation corresponds to an energy barrier of 13.5 kcal mol1. In the protonation process, E253 is suggested to be the more likely proton donor, and the overall energy barrier of the catalytic reaction is 23.1 kcal mol1. The direct conversion of the non-natural substrate (R)-a-acetolactate is calculated to be difficult. It should be firstly rearranged to the natural substrate (S)-a-acetolactate by a carboxylate migration, then the converted substrate undergoes a rotation to enter the decarboxylation manifold of (S)-a-acetolactate. Since the energy barrier of carboxylate migration of (R)-AL is calculated to be only

Received 18th July 2016 Accepted 15th August 2016

11.2 kcal mol1, considering the fact that the conversion of (R)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin by ALDC is

DOI: 10.1039/c6ra18264j

at a lower rate, the weak binding of (R)-a-acetolactate in the active site is thus suggested to be the main

factor to lower its conversion rate.

1. Introduction Acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDC) is an interesting enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of both enantiomers of (S)-a-acetolactate and (R)-a-acetolactate (AL) to the single product, (R)acetoin.1–4 ALDC also catalyzes the conversion of (S)-a-acetohydroxybutyrate to (R)-3-hydroxypentan-2-one and (R)-a-acetohydroxybutyrate to (R)-2-hydroxypentan-3-one, as shown in Scheme 1.1,3,4 The (S)-a-acetolactate is the natural substrate, whereas the (R)-enantiomer is a non-natural substrate, which corresponds to a lower conversion rate.1–4 Acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDC) has important application in the process of beer production. In the traditional brewing process, the diacetyl is an unavoidable substance in the beer,5–10 which can cause undesirable buttery off-avor when its concentration is over the avor threshold of 0.02–0.1 mg L1.5,11,12 In the presence of oxygen, AL can spontaneously convert to diacetyl, which is then reduced to acetoin.11 Traditionally, the beer brewing would take 2 to 12 weeks.6,11 However,

at the catalysis of ALDC, AL can directly convert to acetoin and thus the use of ALDC can signicantly increase the production rate of beer and decrease the adverse avor caused by diacetyl.6,7,11–14 In addition, ALDC has also been used for the production of enantiomerically pure diols.15–17 Acetoin exists widely in wine, cocoa, butter, honey, coffee and strawberries, etc.,18–20 and it is also dened by the U.S. Department of Energy as one of the potential top 30 sugarderived chemical building blocks,21 which has a great value in the food, avor, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. As is well known, the biosynthesis is usually

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China. E-mail: [email protected]; Fax: +86 531 885 644 64; Tel: +86 531 883 655 76 † Electronic supplementary 10.1039/c6ra18264j



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Scheme 1

Decarboxylation reaction catalyzed by ALDC.

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environmentally friendlier than the conventional chemical synthesis,22 and ALDC may be used for the industrial production of acetoin. In fact, the pure (R)-acetoin has been biosynthesized by using acetolactate synthase (ALS) and ALDC,23–26 despite the yield of (R)-acetoin is very low. In addition, the ALDC activity has been found to be rate-limiting for the acetoin biosynthesis,25 it is thus important to understand the reaction detail of ALDC, which may provide useful guide for promoting its catalytic activity. As early as 1951,2 Juni had described the ALDC, and indicated that the product (acetoin) formed from the decarboxylation of racemic a-acetolactate catalyzed by ALDC is levorotatory, and the levorotatory a-acetolactate is a non-natural substrate of ALDC enzyme. Structurally, ALDC is a two domain a/b tertiary structure, and its N-terminal domain includes a 7stranded mixed b-sheet, which extends into the equivalent bsheet of the 2-fold symmetry-relaxed molecule generating a 14stranded b-sheet.3 In the past decades, the structures of ALDC from different species, such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus brevis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, have been solved.3,5,11,27,28 In 2003, the crystal structure of ALDC from Bacillus brevis was published by F¨ ul¨ op group.28 Recently, they further reported the structures of ALDC in complex with a range of designed transition state analogues.3 In these crystal structures, a divalent cation Zn2+ is observed, which is coordinated by residues H207, H196, H194 and transition state analogue. In the structure of ALDC in complex with (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT3), the Zn2+ ion is hexacoordinated, and the ligand mimics the binding mode of (S)-AL. However, in the structures of ALDC in complex with (2S,3S)-2,3-dihydroxy-2methylbutanoic acid and (2S,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT4, 4BT5), the Zn2+ is pentacoordinated and the two ligands mimic the binding of (R)-AL. Above structures provided signicant information about the structure of active site and the binding modes of substrates. According to these crystallographic and mutagenesis studies, a rough reaction mechanism of ALDC has been obtained.3,4 However, a detailed description still lacks. Here, we employed the combined quantum-mechanics/molecular-mechanics (QM/ MM) method to explore the catalytic mechanism of ALDC. On the basis of our calculations, the reaction details, including the energetics of the conversions of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin and (R)-a-acetolactate to (S)-a-acetolactate, the role of Znbinding site, as well as the electrostatic contribution of some surrounding residues to the calculated energy barrier are all presented.

2. 2.1

Computational methods Preparation of reactant models

The computational models used in this work were constructed on the basis of the crystal structures of ALDC in complex with transition state analogues (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT3) and (2S,3S)-2,3-dihydroxy-2methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT4). The active pockets derived from the two crystal structures are shown in Fig. 1, which shows that the transition state analogues (2R,3R)-2,3-

80622 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 80621–80629


Fig. 1 Active site structures of ALDC in complex with (2R,3R)-2,3dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT3) (a) and (2S,3S)2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid (PDB code: 4BT4) (b).

dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid and (2S,3S)-2,3-dihydroxy-2methylbutanoic acid occupy the corresponding positions of (S)-a-acetolactate (S-AL) and (R)-a-acetolactate (R-AL) in the active site of ALDC. The carboxylate groups of transition state analogues mimic the positions of the ketone groups of two substrates, and the hydroxyl groups mimic the substrate carboxylic acid.3 To construct the enzyme-substrate models, the (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid was manually converted to (S)-AL, and (2S,3S)-2,3-dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid to (R)-AL. The protonation states of all titratable residues were determined according to the pKa values predicted by the PROPKA29 and the experimental condition. Three Zn-coordinated histidine residues (H207, H196 and H194) were determined as singly protonated with H196 and H194 at d sites and H207 at 3 site. A glutamate residue (E253) was set to its protonated state, which is supposed to be necessary for the protonation of enolate intermediate. All other titratable residues adopt their normal protonation states. The nal structures were checked carefully by the VMD program, and all the missing hydrogen atoms were added to the crystal structures by using the HBUILD program in the CHARMM program package.30 Subsequently, the obtained enzyme-substrate complexes were hydrated using a droplet ˚ sphere of equilibrated TIP3 water molecules, model with a 32 A while the crystallographic water molecules were kept in their original positions. And then 5 sodium ions were added at random positions to neutralize the solvated system. Finally, a neutral system was formed. The ALDC–(S)-AL complex contains 14 030 atoms, and the ALDC–(R)-AL complex contains 14 663 atoms, because the numbers of water molecules are different in these two systems. To pre-equilibrate the resulted system, aer a succession of energy minimizations, 7 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed with the CHARMM22 (ref. 30 and 31) all-atom force eld for both systems. As it is difficult to properly describe the zinc coordination shell by MM force eld,32,33 in the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the Zn2+ and Zn-coordinated residues (H194, H196, H207) were kept frozen. The root-mean-squared deviations (RMSD) for the backbone atoms relative to the crystal structures during the MD simulations are displayed in Fig. S1 of ESI,† which show that the whole systems have been equilibrated aer MD simulations.

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QM/MM calculations

The reaction mechanism of ALDC was explored by using QM/ MM calculations, in which the ChemShell package34 was used to combine the Turbomole program for the QM region35 and the DL-POLY program for the MM region.36 In our computational models, the QM regions contain 84 atom, including residues H207, H196, H194, E65, R145, the protonated E253, one water molecule, Zn2+ ion, and substrate (S)-AL or (R)-AL. The remaining atoms were assigned to the MM regions. The total charge of each QM part is +1. During the QM/MM calculations, ˚ from the the QM and the MM atoms within a distance of 16 A CA2 or CB2 atom of substrate (labeled in Fig. 3) were kept free, whereas the rest MM atoms were kept frozen. MM regions were treated with the CHARMM22 force eld,31 and QM regions were treated with DFT at B3LYP functional.37 The electronic embedding scheme was used to describe the electrostatic interaction between the QM and MM part.38 The hybrid delocalized internal coordinate (HDLC) optimizer was used for geometry optimizations and transition state searches.39 A quasi-Newton limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS)40 method was employed to search for minima on potential energy surfaces and the partitioned rational function optimization (PRFO) algorithm41 was used to search transition state. To recognize the transition states, we rstly scanned the potential energy prole along the reaction coordinate, then the highest point on the energy curve was chosen to optimize the transition state. The last structure from the PES scan was optimized to nd the intermediate, which was employed to start another scan to nd the consecutive transition state and intermediate on the reaction path. Thus, we can conrm that each transition state is connected by the corresponding minima. For geometry optimization, except Zn2+, all atoms of QM regions were treated by 6-31G (d, p) basis set. For Zn2+, the Stuttgart ECP/basis set (SDD)42 was used. Aer the geometry optimization, the singlepoint calculations were performed using the Stuttgart ECP and 6-311++G (2d, 2p) basis sets combination. Since B3LYP functional lacks a proper description of the attractive longrange dispersion interaction, to obtain more accurate energies, the DFT-D3 program has been used to correct the B3LYP energies. Thus, all the reported energies in this work have included the dispersion corrections.43

3. 3.1

Results and discussion Structures of ALDC–substrate complexes

As described above, the initial reactant models of ALDC–(S)-AL and ALDC–(R)-AL, which are named as RA and RB, respectively, were prepared on the basis of crystal structures of ALDC in complex two transition state analogues. The QM/MM optimized structures are displayed in Fig. 2. In RA, the Zn2+ ion forms a hexacoordinated structure with H207, H196, H194 and the substrate. The distances between the Zn2+ ion and the binding atoms are 2.25, 2.11, 2.11, 2.06, 2.39 ˚ respectively, indicating a strong coordination interand 2.21 A action of Zn2+ ion with the three histidine residues and the substrate. The deprotonated residue E65 forms a strong

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Fig. 2 QM/MM optimized active site structures of ALDC in complex with the (S)-AL and (R)-AL denoted as RA and RB, respectively. The atoms in QM regions are displayed in ball and stick models. Some key distances are shown in angstroms. Hydrogen bonds are shown in black dash lines and coordination bonds are shown in purple dash lines.

hydrogen bond to the substrate hydroxyl group with a distance ˚ R145 makes three hydrogen bonds to the carboxyl of 1.49 A. groups of E65 and E253 as well as the hydroxyl group of (S)-AL, implying the important role of R145. In addition, E253 forms a hydrogen bond with the water molecule in the active site. RB shows a slightly different binding mode of (S)-AL. As shown in Fig. 2b, the carboxyl group of (R)-AL is closer to R145, forming two hydrogen bonds with the amino group of R145. Thus, the Zn2+ ion only forms a pentacoordinated structure with H207, H196, H194 and the substrate, with binding distances of ˚ respectively. The carboxyl 2.09, 2.17, 2.12, 2.22 and 2.03 A, group of E65 makes a strong hydrogen bond to the hydroxyl ˚ and the carboxyl group group of (R)-AL with a distance of 1.40 A, of E253 forms a hydrogen bond with the carbonyl group of (R)AL. These hydrogen bonds stabilize the substrate in the active site of the enzyme. 3.2

Reaction paths

Based on the previously proposed mechanism3 and our calculations, the conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate (RA) to the nal product (R)-acetoin (PA) only contains two elementary steps. However, for the conversion of (R)-a-acetolactate (RB), it should be rstly converted to the (S)-a-acetolactate (IM1B) by a carboxyl migration, which then undergoes a self-rotation (IM1B / IM2B) to generate a favorable conformation for the subsequent decarboxylation, as shown in Scheme 2. To clearly elucidate the catalytic mechanism, the reactions of (S)-AL and (R)-AL are respectively discussed in the following subsections. 3.2.1 Conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin. As shown in Scheme 2, the conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)acetoin contains two chemical steps: the direct decarboxylation of substrate to generate an intermediate enolate (IM1A), and a water-mediated proton transfer from E253 to the CA2 of the substrate, producing the nal (R)-acetoin (PA). For comparison, another possibility that R145 acts as the proton acceptor was also considered. The optimized structures of reactant (RA), transition states (TS1A, TS2A and TS20 A), intermediate (IM1A) and products (PA, P0 A) are shown in Fig. 3, and the corresponding energy proles are displayed in Fig. 4. The rst step is the decarboxylation of substrate. As shown in Fig. 3, from reactant RA to intermediate IM1A, the CA1–CA2 bond (r2) of substrate is gradually weakened with its length changes

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Scheme 2

Proposed catalytic mechanisms of ALDC for (S)- and (R)-a-acetolactate.

˚ in IM1A via 2.20 A ˚ in TS1A, which from 1.60 in RA to 3.24 A means in IM1A the CA1–CA2 bond has been completely broken and the enolate intermediate (IM1A) has been formed. The decarboxylation process corresponds to an energy barrier of 13.5 kcal mol1. It is also calculated to be endothermic by 11.4 kcal mol1, which is similar to most of the decarboxylation process owing to the accumulation of negative charge on the acarbon. Thus, IM1A can either return back to RA or abstract

Fig. 3


a proton from the nearby residue to form the nal product. The coordination between Zn2+ ion and the substrate is supposed to play an important role in stabilizing this intermediate (IM1A). During the decarboxylation process, the coordination of Zn2+ with the carboxyl and carbonyl groups of substrate exhibits obvious change. For instance, from RA to IM1A, the distance (r1) between Zn2+ and the carboxyl oxygen (OA1) changes from 2.06 ˚ leading to the coordination of Zn2+ changed from to 3.56 A,

Optimized structures of the involved species in the conversion of (S)-AL to (R)-acetoin. Distances are given in angstroms.

80624 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 80621–80629

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Fig. 4 Energy profiles of the ALDC-catalyzed reaction of (S)-AL. During the proton transfer process, either E253 (black line) or R145 (red line) acts as the proton donor.

hexacoordination to pentacoordination. Besides, the length of ˚ showing the enhancement dZn–OA3 decreases from 2.39 to 1.92 A, 2+ of the interaction between Zn ion and the carbonyl oxygen (OA3) during this process. However, the distances between Zn2+ and other ligated atoms are almost unchanged. The detailed bond lengths between Zn2+ and the binding atoms are listed in Table S1 of ESI.† We also note that the length of dCA2–CA3 bond ˚ which means the CA2–CA3 bond decreases from 1.52 to 1.37 A, has partial double bonding characteristic. Therefore, accompanying the decarboxylation of the substrate, the coordination between Zn2+ and substrate serves to stabilize the transition state (TS1A) and intermediate (IM1A). Aer the decarboxylation of the substrate, E253 donates a proton to the enolate intermediate (IM1A) via a mediated water molecule to complete the catalytic reaction. As shown in Fig. 3,

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˚ in IM1A to the bond length of CA2–HW1 decreases from 2.30 A ˚ 1.38 A in TS2A. Downhill from TS2A, the nal product PA is generated, and simultaneously the deprotonated water molecule (OH) accepts a proton from E253. The energy barrier of this process is only 11.7 kcal mol1, but TS2A corresponds to the highest point along the reaction path, and therefore the overall energy barrier is suggested to be 23.1 kcal mol1. It can be seen that the conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin is endothermic by 2.0 kcal mol1. In addition, we also explored another proton transfer pathway in which residue R145 acts as the proton donor. The calculated energy barrier of the proton transfer process is 17 kcal mol1 and the overall energy barrier increases to 28.4 kcal mol1, which is too high for an enzymatic reaction. Thus, R145 is unlikely to serves as the proton donor. The optimized structures of the involved intermediate, transition state (TS20 A) and product (P0 A) are also displayed in Fig. 3. 3.2.2 Rearrangement of (R)-a-acetolactate to (S)-a-acetolactate. The conversion of (R)-a-acetolactate to (S)-a-acetolactate involves a migration of carboxylate ion, by which the carboxyl group of (R)-AL migrates from CB2 to CB3 and the (R)-AL transforms to its (S)-enantiomer. The optimized structures of reactant (RB), transition state (TS1B) and intermediate (IM1B) are shown in Fig. 5. From RB to TS1B, the bond length of CB1–CB2 ˚ to 2.29 A ˚ and the distance of d(CB1–CB3) changes from 1.66 A ˚ to 1.74 A. ˚ In IM1B, the newly formed CB1–CB3 bond from 2.38 A ˚ Accompanying this carboxylate further shortens to 1.57 A. migration, the deprotonated E65 spontaneously abstracts a proton from the hydroxyl group of substrate, and simultaneously the hybridization of CB2 atom changes from sp3 to sp2, by which the hydroxyl group at CB2 is oxidized to carbonyl group. The energy barrier of this migration process is calculated

Optimized structures of species involved in the conversion of (R)-a-acetolactate to (S)-a-acetolactate. All distances are shown in angstroms.

Fig. 5

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Fig. 6 Energy profile of the conversion of (R)-a-acetolactate to (S)-aacetolactate catalyzed by ALDC.

to be 11.2 kcal mol1 (Fig. 6), and the formed intermediate IM1B, which is now the (S)-a-acetolactate, is lower than RB by 8.4 kcal mol1, indicating the (S)-a-acetolactate is stably bound in the active site. It should be noted that the original carbonyl oxygen (OB3) in (R)-AL has been changed to hydroxyl ion owing to the changes of hybridization of CB3. From RB to IM1B, the distance (r6) between Zn2+ and the carboxyl oxygen of substrate ˚ to 2.23 A, ˚ which indicates the variation of shortens from 3.31 A the Zn2+ from pentacoordination to hexacoordination. 3.2.3 Conversion of (R)-a-acetolactate to acetoin starting from IM1B or RB. From IM1B, aer migration of carboxylate ion, the decarboxylation of IM1B was also explored by our QM/MM calculations. However, the results reveal that the decarboxylation of IM1B corresponds to a high energy barrier of 33.1 kcal mol1 (Fig. 7). It may be caused by the two strong hydrogen bonds formed by the –COO group to residues E65 and R145. Therefore, the (R)-a-acetolactate in the bound state of IM1B is difficult to undergo a direct decarboxylation. It should rstly adjust its bound conformation as shown in RA, then follows the decarboxylation manifold of (S)-a-acetolactate. Since it is difficulty to simulation rotation process of the substrate, we manually changes the binding mode of (S)-a-acetolactate in IM1B and create the new computational model (named as IM2B), which is 5.4 kcal mol1 higher than IM1B. According to the experimental observation,1,2,4 the conversion rate of (R)-aacetolactate to (R)-acetoin is lower than that of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin. Therefore, we deduce that it is the weak binding of (R)-a-acetolactate that lowers its conversion rate.


For comparison, starting from RB, we also explored the conversion of (R)-AL to acetoin, i.e., the (R)-AL rstly undergoes direct decarboxylation rather than carboxylate migration. The related reaction pathways are shown in Scheme S1.† Our calculations reveal that the direct decarboxylation of (R)-AL is quite easy, corresponding to an energy barrier of 5.1 kcal mol1, which is much lower than the decarboxylation of (S)-AL (13.5 kcal mol1). We attribute it to the different coordination of the substrates with the Zn2+. In the enzyme-substrate complexes, the carboxyl group of (R)-AL does not coordinate with Zn2+, causing Zn2+ to be a more strong Lewis acid than the case in (S)AL in which the –COO group to be dissociated coordinates with the Zn2+ and the negative charge in the transition state of decarboxylation is not well stabilized by Zn2+. In the second step, the OB3 abstracts a proton from E253, forming the symmetrical enediol (IM20 B) with an energy barrier of 7 kcal mol1. The nal step is the conversion of enediol to the (S)- and (R)-acetoins. Inspection of the active site reveals that the most possible proton donor should be R145, because the protonated R145 situates in a favorable position to donate its proton to CB3 or CB2. However, our calculations reveal that the proton transfers from R145 to both CB3 and CB2 correspond to high energy barriers of 46.4 kcal mol1 and 33.6 kcal mol1, respectively (Fig. S2 and S3†). Besides, E253 was also calculated to be an unfavorable proton donor. In summary, in the active site of ALDC, the direct conversion (R)-AL to both (R)- and (S)-acetoin was calculated to be unlikely, and the carboxylate migration pathway for the conversion of (R)-AL is the most possible one.

3.3 Inuence of protein environment and the Zncoordination The distant residues may also have signicant inuence on the catalytic reaction. Therefore, we estimated the electrostatic effect of fourteen residues around the QM region on the conversion of (S)-AL to (R)-acetoin. The variation of activation energy barrier DEi0 caused by the change of charge on residue i can be determined as: DEi0 ¼ DEi  DE0 DEi is the energy barrier with charge on residue i set to 0, and DE0 is the original energy barrier. During our calculations, the geometrical structures of related species were kept unchanged.44,45

Fig. 7 Optimized structures for the decarboxylation of IM1B. Relative energies (kcal mol1) are given in parentheses. All distances are shown in angstroms.

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DEi0 values of fourteen residues toward the whole reaction of (S)-AL catalyzed by ALDC Table 1

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DEi0 Residue




I31 L34 M35 G57 T58 L62 G64 F93 V147 L157 T161 V190 V249 A252

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0.13 0.06 0.57 1.39 0.42 0.16 0.11 0.51 0.17 0.04 0.40 0.01 0.20 0.50

0.08 0.16 0.03 1.25 1.17 0.00 0.24 0.33 0.27 0.25 0.07 0.24 0.44 0.44

The DEi0 values associated with fourteen residues were listed in Table 1. One can see that all the values of DEi fall in the range from 1.39 to 0.5 kcal mol1. Since all these residues are neutral, the electrostatic inuence of these residues is suggested to be very weak. Relatively, G57 and T58 are two residues that have stronger inuence on the reaction. During the catalytic reaction, besides xing the substrate, Zn2+ also plays an important role in stabilizing the transition state and intermediate by forming coordinate bonds with the nearby residues. The distances between Zn2+ and its ligated atoms are shown in Table S1† and Fig. 5. In the conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin, at the reactant state (RA), the carboxyl oxygen (S)-AL (OA1) coordinates with Zn2+ with bond ˚ whereas in IM1A, aer the decarboxylation of length of 2.06 A, ˚ In the substrate, the distance of dZn–OA1 increases to 3.56 A. 2+ addition, the distance between Zn and carbonyl oxygen atom of substrate (OA3) also shows a clear uctuation. From RA to ˚ to 1.92 A. ˚ IM1A, the distance of dZn–OA3 decreases from 2.39 A Besides, during the migration of carboxylate (Fig. 5), the coordination structure of Zn2+ also undergoes obvious changes. Thus, besides xing the substrate, Zn2+ also plays an important role in stabilizing the intermediates and transition state.

4. Conclusions In this paper, the conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin and (R)-a-acetolactate to (S)-a-acetolactate catalyzed by ALDC have been investigated by using the QM/MM method. The conversion of (S)-a-acetolactate to (R)-acetoin contains two steps: decarboxylation of substrate to form enolate intermediate and protonation of enolate intermediate to form the nal product (R)-acetoin. The decarboxylation process corresponds to an energy barrier 13.5 kcal mol1. Subsequently, the enolate intermediate is protonated by E253 via a mediate water molecule. The protonation of enolate intermediate corresponds to an energy barrier of 11.7 kcal mol1, and the overall energy barrier

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is 23.1 kcal mol1. For the non-natural substrate (R)-a-acetolactate, it should be rstly rearranged to (S)-enantiomer by a carboxylate migration, then the converted substrate undergoes a rotation to enter the decarboxylation manifold of (S)-a-acetolactate. The energy barrier of carboxylate migration of (R)-AL is 11.2 kcal mol1, which is lower than both the energy barriers of decarboxylation and overall reaction of (S)-a-acetolactate. As is known, ALDC catalyzes (R)-a-acetolactate at a lower rate. Therefore, we deduce the weak binding of (R)-a-acetolactate may be the main factor to lower its conversion rate. These results may provide useful information for the enzyme redesign of biocatalytic application in brewing, biosynthesis of pure diols, acetoin and so on.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21573127, 21373125).

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