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heterogeneous models. So the code generator is developed based on the .NET tech- nology, which offers an integrated support for Web pages efficiently.
BMRSS: BOM-Based Multi-Resolution Simulation System Using Components Gongzhuang Peng, Huachao Mao, and Heming Zhang State CIMS Engineering Research Centre, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China [email protected]

Abstract. The Base Object Model, BOM, is specially identified as a reusable and composable model component for quick development of simulation models, which is very helpful for multi-resolution system.This paper proposes a framework named BMRSS including the process of components developement, management and simulation. BOMs library and components library are seen as special cases of web services, which further support the models reuse. MDA and XSLT technology are applied for codes auto-generation, and simulation components are generated directly from model documents. The key part of the framework is a 3-level resolution control mechanism: Resolution state chart is used to define the global resolution state, attribute dependency graph captures relationships among attributes between neighboring resolutions, connection BOM defines the entities and interplays related to resolutions. To support the Multi-Resolution component simulation, a dual-engine simulation is designed with an Internal Exchange Service Server (IESS) for each federate and the bottom supporting RTI. An air-to-air attack and defense scenarios which is built including red-side federates and blue-side federates demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach and corresponding tools. Keywords: BOM-based, multi-resolution, component, resoultion control mechanism, simulation engine, RTI.



Modeling and simulation are playing key roles in the engineering, academic and military fields. With the size and complexity of models required to be solved increasing fast, an exorbitant amount of computational hardware and network bandwidth is in great demand. However, when the magnitude of interacting entities in a large-scale simulation comes to millions which is common in the joint warfare community, normal computers cannot perform well any more. Besides improving capabilities of computer hardware, we have to deal with issues on modeling methods to effectively take advantage of such capabilities. A fairly standard technique now is to represent a model hierarchically, with various levels of resolution and depth of aggregation to be able to interact with one another, which is the so-called multi-resolution modeling (MRM). G. Tan et al. (Eds.): AsiaSim 2013, CCIS 402, pp. 485–496, 2013. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013


G. Peng, H. Mao, and H. Zhang

MRM is able to balance the relationship between simulation requirements and resource constraints by aggregating and disaggregating properly. The process of developing simulation models in the context of constructing large-scale distributed simulation systems is still time consuming though. By developing reusable model components with different resolutions, we can reduce the costs of development and validation of simulation models significantly. As simulation components can also be seen as a special case of web services, developers of different federates are allowed to utilize this service, which has further supported the models reuse. The federate can be constructed by composing these reusable simulation model components. But how does one describe the components containing enough information about their internal structure and external interface? BOMs have been specifically identified as a potential facilitator for providing a specification to describe these components, which are selected and assembled, in a meaningful way through the various exposed metadata. A BOM can be thought of as a reusable package of information representing a pattern of simulation interplay. In this paper, BOM-Oriented Multi-Resolution Simulation System (BMRSS) which involves the process of conceptual modeling, components developing, components assembling and federates simulation is introduced. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives an overview of work related to what is presented in this paper. Section 3 explains our approach in detail of developing multiresolution model components based on BOMs. Then these components are simulated on our Dual Engine Simulation (DES) system in Section 4. A battlefield simulation is conducted to validate the feasibility and availability of BMRSS in section 5. Our conclusions and directions for future research appear in Section 6.


Related Research

In this section a brief overview of some of the closely related research activities is presented. A variety of representative MRM methods are firstly introduced, including the formalism and key technologies of MRM. Then we present the applications of BOM for MRM and component-based simulation. 2.1

Research on MRM

Natrajan [1] develops a MRM framework, UNIFY, which consists of techniques such as Multiple Representation Entities (MREs), Attribute Dependency Graphs (ADGs) and taxonomy of interactions. Unlike traditional approaches to MRM that simulate only one (or one kind of) model at any given time, such as aggregation-disaggregation (AD) and selective viewing (SV), a MRE incorporates concurrent representations of multiple models. Consistency within a MRE is maintained by using ADGs and mapping functions reflecting relationship between attributes across representations. While this approach satisfies MRM requirements effectively and solves the problem of maintaining consistency across multiple models on some degree, UNIFY has many disadvantages. In order to maintain the real-time consistency, models of all resolutions are required to run during the simulation lifetime, which incurs the highest

BMRSS: BOM-Based Multi-Resolution Simulation System Using Components


resource usage cost. The simulation resource is restricted and it may cause a deadly failure to the large-scale distributed simulation as a result. Liu [2] proposes a formal multi-resolution modeling specification (MRMS) for MRM based on DEVS (Discrete Event Specification). To support MRM’s character of changing structure dynamically, MRMRS extends internal elements of DEVS and develops a model family (MF) composed of multiple models. Compared with another representative formal description of MRM-SES/MB, which is proposed by Zeigler [3], MRMS describes the static structures as well as the interactive behaviors of models. This approach provides a guidance to develop a relatively universal description of MRM. Yet models constructed by DEVS are complicated and lack of information about resolution control. In this paper, a MRM framework is developed based on BOM, which contains enough information for a model and can be used for the rapid constructions and modifications of simulations. In addition to standard BOMs that are used to represent model components, resolution-related BOMs are applied to describe the consistency and resolution control information. 2.2

BOM Applications

Since BOM was proposed by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) in 2003, it has widely been used to support conceptual modeling and object modeling for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) and System Engineering projects [13]. Chase[4] from SimVentions analyzes the application of Encapsulated (ECAP) BOM which includes behavioral information for modeling a specific class and contains additional meta-data to support composability. Load balancing and federation optimization are examined to be benefits of applying MRMs by a demo federate. Moradi [5, 6] from the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) use BOMs for component-based simulation development and utilize Web Service (WS) technology for further supporting of reuse and composability. National University of Defense Technology has developed a federate development environment named KD-SmartSim based on BOM and HLA simulation system. KD-SmartSim achieves parallel computing of the component-based simulation system on RTI. Junjie Huang [7] develops the multi-granularity modeling framework of a large-scale system with UML, while its detail design is completed with BOM. Yuan Li extends standard BOM with MRMrelated information: consistency information and resolution control to support his MRM framework.


BMRSS Architecture

As is shown in Fig. 1. Architecture of BMRSS, BOM-based Multi-Resolution Simulation System (BMRSS) framework is made up of BOM model development, BCI development based on automatic code generator, components management and simulation management.


G. Peng, H. Mao, and H. Zhang

Fig. 1. Architecture of BMRSS

Entity BOMs of different resolutions and Con BOMs (Connection BOM) are developed in the beginning. In the process of code generation, MDA (Model Driven Architecture) which separates the logical behavior models from the implemental platform is introduced into the development of BOM-based simulation model components. The XSLT is applied for codes auto-generation, and the XSLT templates and the architecture of the component framework are designed. Both the BOM models and the components are developed as cases of Web services, which mean that they can be composed together and aggregated to deliver functionalities according to user requirements. To manage the components of multiple resolutions, a 3-level resolution control mechanism is proposed: Resolution State Chart is used to define the global resolution state, Attribute Dependency Graph (ADG) captures relationships among attributes in concurrent representations between neighboring resolutions, Connection BOM (Con BOM) defines the variables and states related to high resolution entity (HRE) and low resolution entity (LRE). Dual Engine Simulation (DES) has been designed to support the Multi-Resolution component simulation with an Internal Exchange Service Server (IESS) for each federate and the bottom supporting Run Time Infrastructure (RTI).

BMRSS: BOM-Based Multi-Resolution Simulation System Using Components



Code Auto-generation of BOM Components Based on Web Service

Structure of BOM Components

Input Interface

Time Advance

User Model

Interface Proxy

Output Interface Interfaces information for the engine

Event Management

Data Processing

Data Encapsulation

Resolution-related information

Basic Information

Fig. 2. Structure of a BOM Component

A simulation component is a software element of a simulation model with welldefined functionalities and behaviors that can be well identified in the process of software reuse [6]. Functionally, components support the system to select and assemble reusable simulation components in various combinations into simulation systems to meet user requirements. Fig. 2 shows the structure of a BOM component, which includes three parts: basic information of the model, interfaces information for the simulation engine and resolution-related information. The basic information of a component is indeed a description of model, which contains metadata and elements of the component. Metadata shows the users of general information about the component itself – what it simulates and how it can be used, which makes the component easy to be understood and convenient to be reused by developers. As for the elements, the static structure of a component such as entities and attributes is defined by the HLA Object Model, while the dynamic behavior is defined by the patterns of interplay and the state machine. The static attribute information presents the description and data information which is necessary for model initialization and running. The behavior information represents the changing process of the model with advance of the simulation time by using the changing conditions, results and algorithms of the model that are defined in the The behavior information represents the changing process of the model with advance of the simulation time by using the changing conditions, results and algorithms of the model that are defined in the resolution-related information of a component. The resolution-related information also includes the process of event management, data processing and data Encapsulation. While the basic information and resolution-related information are platform independent, interfaces information for the simulation engine is implementation specific to a platform and programming language. It includes the input and output interfaces of the component which can be used to run on the simulation engine, and provides the function of publishing and subscribing.


G. Peng, H. Mao, and H. Zhang

Implementation of Code Generation A BOM is fundamentally an XML document that contains the model description information and model data information for code generation of the component model. An XML document is defined into a well-formed and flexible text that satisfies a list of syntax rules. Originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web. In order to generate executable codes from a BOM XML document, XSLT is applied which is a formal language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents to extract useful information for the component. Fig. 3 illustrates the mapping rules of a BOM document to a component document. Generally, each element of the BOM is transformed into a class in component codes. Model Identification that describes the contact and reuse information corresponds to the Component Management Class that deals with assembling component. Patterns Description is converted into Engine Scheduling Class because of the statechange condition in this part. However, multiple elements of BOM might be turned into the same element of component by applying the rules. For example, Object Class includes elements from both the Entity Type and the HLA Object Classes. Users can customize and modify their own template files by using XSLT template provided by the code generator, thus they can control the output of the object code conveniently and flexibly.

Fig. 3. Implementation of code generation

BMRSS: BOM-Based Multi-Resolution Simulation System Using Components


After the components are generated, they will be tested by component testing module including static and dynamic testing. Static testing checks out whether the construction and content of components are complete and tests interfaces of publishing and subscribing, while dynamic testing tests the load of components with different resolutions. A simulation component is a software element of a simulation model with welldefined functionalities and behaviors as is the case with Web Services (WSs). And the platform and language independent interfaces of WSs allow the easy integration of heterogeneous models. So the code generator is developed based on the .NET technology, which offers an integrated support for Web pages efficiently. Developers who have the access to components library can search for components on the Web. A new component is created by filling in some parameters, so that the simulation modeler needs not be a sophisticated programmer any more. 3.2

3-level Resolution Control Mechanism for Components

A good resolution control method helps the simulation to achieve the best mix of computational and analysis resource, which makes MRM more effective and powerful [8]. In this paper, a 3-level Resolution Control Mechanism for Components is proposed to maintain consistency among the concurrent representations of models.

Fig. 4. First level - Resolution State Chart

The first level of the resolution control is named Resolution State Chart (RSC), which uses a binary vector to represent the resolution of current entities in simulation.

{(a a 1



a3  an ) ai = 0 or 1, i = 1, 2, , n}

n is the amount of resolution layers, and ai = 1 means that the ith resolu-

tion component is running in the moment. Fig. 4 is a part of the RSC in a joint warfare community. As shown in Fig.4, {111} means that all the three levels are running. is related to the There are two types of transaction conditions labeled in the chart: trigger events that are set by the model developer, is determined by the simulation resources which are restricted by hardware condition.


G. Peng, H. Mao, and H. Zhang

The second level of resolution control is Attribute Dependency Graph (ADG) [2]. ADG captures relationships of attributes in concurrent representations among neighboring resolutions. In Fig. 5. Second level - Attribute Dependency Graph, we show all the attributes of entities as nodes labeled with appropriately-subscripted names.

Fig. 5. Second level - Attribute Dependency Graph

The third level of the resolution control is Connection BOM (Con BOM) defining the variables and states related to high resolution BOM and low resolution BOM. Components are internally consistent and interact at multiple representation levels concurrently. Table 1 below introduces the details of Con BOM. Table 1. Contents of Con BOM

Name MapEntity

BOM Element Entity Type

Function To record auxiliary properties for mappings


Entity Type

To describe transaction conditions of resolution change


Pattern of interplay

To describe the sender, receiver, and the trigger event of aggregation action


Pattern of interplay

To describe the sender, receiver, and the trigger event of disaggregation action


Component-Oriented Twin-Engine Simulation Architecture

Twin-Engine Simulation is designed to support the Multi-Resolution model simulation with an Internal Exchange Service Server (IESS) for each federate and the Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) to communicate and interact among federates, as is shown in Fig. 6.

BMRSS: BOM-Based Multi-Resolution Simulation System Using Components


Fig. 6. Structure of Twin-Engine Simulation

IESS provide six services including the Resolution Control Management, Time Management, Components Management, Engine Management, Data Management and Statement Management. Resolution Control Management takes advantage of the 3-level Resolution Control Mechanism introduced above. Time Management guarantees the event time order transfer among the components according to the objective order. Components Management is responsible for destruction and initiation of components as soon as it receives Aggregation/Disaggregation request from a resolution-related instance. Components within a federate are assigned to different threads and Engine Managements will deal with resource assignment and load balance. Data Management transfers all the data and events among the components and output them to the adapter. State Management manages the input and output data of respective components statement. RTI of the engine is developed by CIMS laboratory of Tsinghua University. It conforms to the IEEE 1516 API specifications and includes these services: federation management, declaration management, object management, ownership management, time management, data distribution management and support services. In order to ensure accurate and efficient simulation of the Twin-Engine system, optimistic time advance mechanism and conservative resolution control algorithm are taken into consideration. Critical Time Synchronization algorithm is proposed to meet the dynamic changes of multiple models as well as time synchronization between two simulation engines. The critical time is a time during the execution of a simulation where a decision might be made, or the time at which component might change its resolution or behavior. If this decision can be made at any time during an interval, it is the latest such time. As is known, time management is essentially the computation of the Lower Bound Time Stamp (LBTS) across federates in a distributed simulation. Fig. 7 shows a way to reduce the cost of LBTS query, in which LBTS is used only at critical time. It ensures that events are processed in time stamp order and simulation in the twin-engine is real-time.


G. Peng, H. Mao, and H. Zhang

Fig. 7. Flowchart of Critical Time Synchronization algorithm


Example Realized by Our Tools

Tools for BMRSS are implemented after the previous analysis and design, which integrate all the functions of the mentioned modules. To demonstrate the application of the tools, an air-to-air attack and defense scenarios is built including red-side federates and blue-side federates. As is shown in Fig.8, blue-side federate includes a multi-resolution plane fleet and a multi-resolution sense system, while the red-side federate is composed of a multi-resolution enemy plane fleet. A blue-side federate represents the low resolution model and a plane fleet represent the middle resolution model which can disaggregate into several high resolution planes – wing plane, lead plane and so on. A same structure is applied to the red-side federate.

Fig. 8. Air-to-air attack and defense

In the simulation process, the blue-side planes search for the invading red-side plane in the mode of fleet. In this state all the components are running at a low resolution, since individual entity interacting is not required. When an enemy plane appears in the field of blue-side represented by a map in Fig. 9, the plane fleet of blue-side receives a

BMRSS: BOM-Based Multi-Resolution M Simulation System Using Components


disaggregate order. Then bo oth the plane fleet and the sense system run at a high resoolution, during which the lead plane p is responsible for the task of communicating with raadar and sending attacking orderss to wing planes. The simulation will end with the destrooyed or expelled of red-side plan ne. To reduce the simulation cost maximally, componeents aggregate into low resolution ones. The tools implemented are proved to be very helppful d effective for resolution controlling. for component modeling and

F 9. Example realized by BMRSS Fig.



As a result of these efforts,, the BOM component has shown effectiveness for solvving many of the problems witthin large-scale joint simulation exercises which requuire multi-resolution modeling. BMRSS proposed in the paper can help the developers to build reusable component and a executable codes, which makes the development cconvenient and flexible. The reesolution control mechanism that includes RSC, ADG and Con BOM makes MRM more m accurate and powerful. Dual Engine Simulation arcchitecture makes it possible fo or components to interact and maintain consistency insside federate within IESS. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the National Key Technoloogy R&D Program under Grant # 2012BAF15G00.

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