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the proxy. When using proposed framework the Android application uses dynamic ... The Remote Creator and the Jar Creator have to be invoked after the Java ... ure the power consumption and CPU consumption, a software called little eye.
Enhancing Mobile Devices Capabilities in Low Bandwidth Networks with Cloud Computing Mostafa A. Elgendy1, Ahmed Shawish2, and Mahmoud I. Moussa1 1


Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Benha University Faculty of Computers and Information Science, Ain Shams University, Egypt {Mostafa.elgendy,Mahmoud.mossa}, [email protected]

Abstract. Recently as smart phones have merged into heavy applications like video editing and face recognition. These kinds of applications need intensive computational power, memory, and battery. A lot of researches solve this problem by offloading applications to run on the Cloud due to its intensive storage and computation resources. However, none of the available solutions consider the low bandwidth case of the networks as well as the communication and network overhead. In such case, it would be more efficient to execute the application locally on the Smartphone rather than offloading it on the Cloud. In this paper, we propose a new framework to support offloading heavy applications in low bandwidth network case, where a compression step is proposed for the favor of minimizing the offloading size and time. In this framework, the mobile application is divided into a group of services, where execution-time is calculated for each service apart and under three different scenarios. An offloading decision is then smartly taken based on real-time comparisons between being executed locally, or compressed and then offloaded, or offloaded directly without compression. The extensive simulation studies show that both heavy and light applications can benefit from the proposed framework in case of low bandwidth as well as saving energy and improving performance compared to the previous techniques. Keywords: Smartphones, Android, Offloading, Mobile Cloud computing, Compression, Network bandwidth.



Recently smartphones have merged into heavy applications such as natural language translators, speech recognizers, optical character recognizers, image processors and search, online games, video processing and editing, navigation, face recognition and augmented reality, however these applications consumes most of the mobile battery, memory, and computational resources. Cloud Computing has been introduced as an approach to save resources and extend the battery life time of such vital device. Mobile applications can augment their capabilities with unlimited computing power and storage space by offloading some services to run on the Cloud; as result saving time and computation power [1, 2]. A.E. Hassanien et al. (Eds.): AMLTA 2014, CCIS 488, pp. 97–108, 2014. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014


M.A. Elgendy, A. Shawish, and M.I. Moussa

All of the available researches proposed frameworks to offload the mobile services to be executed on the Cloud as they focus on saving the mobile battery, power and computational resources [3- 11]. However, in low bandwidth networks scenario, all of them execute the application locally on the Smartphone rather than offloading it. The reason behind this decision was simply based on the fact that low bandwidth scenario result in the increases of both transmission time and packet loss probability and hence waste of the limited Smartphone’s resources in repetitive re-transmission failure. Here, we argue that offloading decision is not a blind decision problem. In fact it should be smartly taken based on real-time parameter like the expect execution time of the task. In addition, we argue that offloading is still acceptable even in low bandwidth if we minimize the amount of data that should be offloaded and hence minimize the transmission time itself as well as the failure probability. This paper proposed a framework to support offloading heavy applications in low bandwidth network case. Any mobile application can be easily divided into a group of services some of them run on mobile and others offloaded to run on the Cloud without modifying application source code. In this framework, we introduce an offloading model that decide at runtime whether to execute service locally on the mobile device or it’s better to offload those services to run on the Cloud. Moreover, the framework works very well in low bandwidth networks and highly utilizes the Cloud computational resources by compressing the data before sending it onto the Cloud. The extensive simulation studies show that both heavy and light applications can benefit from the proposed framework in case of low bandwidth as it compress data before sending to the Cloud and this save power and improving performance compare to previous techniques. Also android developers can use the proposed framework very easily by adding framework library into their projects and by adding builders to the project building process. The rest of this paper organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the background and shows related work. Section 3 describes the proposed framework and covers all the implementation details of the framework. Section 4 discusses the results of the extensive simulation studies. The paper is finally concluded and future work is presented in Section 5.



This section gives some details about mobile environment and application development process. In addition, it provides a complete review on the related work done in the offloading context. 2.1

Mobile Environment and Application Development

Android IPC. The main Android applications components are Activities, Services, Content Providers, and Broadcast Receivers, which have their own specific lifecycle within the system. Android IPC handle the communication between activity and

Enhancing Mobile Devices Capabilities in Low Bandwidth Networks


service. First an activity can be bounded to any service, then Android IPC handle the communication using a predefined interface called AIDL and a stub/proxy pair generated by the Android pre-compiler based on this interface [12]. 2.2

Related Work

There are a lot of researches in Mobile Cloud Computing which can be categorized in two categories. One category is to use Cloud as a storage service to save mobile storage. Mobile user can send all their data to any Cloud storage service provider and at any time if these data are needed, it can be accessed through network. A number of online file storage services are available on Cloud server like Amazon S3 [16], and DropBox [17]. Another category is to use Cloud extensive computing power to execute mobile applications services to increase performance and save mobile power and memory resources [3, 4], [11]. In the second category a common approach for remote service execution is to partition mobile application into some services that executes locally on mobile and some other intensive services which are offloaded to be executed on the Cloud, this is called application partitioning. One of the drawbacks of this approach is how to handle service offloading in low bandwidth network which will be discussed in the following related work. Kumar [1] tries to measure the energy consumed by mobile and added network energy consumed to it, and measure the energy consumed by Cloud and compared for deciding whether a task offloading reduced energy or not. Kumar also conclude that offloading data intensive tasks to the Cloud depends on the network bandwidth as if the network is low, it will better to execute service locally on the mobile and if the network is high, it will better to execute service remotely on the Cloud. However in low bandwidth networks application may get rid of Cloud by compressing data before offloading, as result execution time and power consumption can be save. Phone2Cloud [10] use a naive history-based method to predict average execution time of an application on smartphone. It monitor network bandwidth and leverages average CPU workload got from the resource monitor and input size of the application to predict execution time using the history log. However in data intensive application and low bandwidth network, Phone2Cloud always prefer to run service locally on the mobile. Phone2Cloud can improve his framework by compressing data before offloading to the Cloud in low bandwidth networks. Cuckoo [7] implements a framework that automatically offloads heavy back-end tasks to execute on the Cloud. Cuckoo use the very simple model which always prefers remote execution. This work can be improved if framework tries to use some metrics in taking offloading decision like service processing time instead of offloading all the time. Moreover, in some case such as low bandwidth networks the time for communicating and transmit data on network and execute service on the Cloud is larger than the time to executing services on mobile, so Cuckoo decide to run services locally on the mobile. Cuckoo can compress data before sending to the Cloud, as result saving time in low bandwidth networks. [6, 8, 9] using a models which depends on network bandwidth and other metrics for deciding whether to offloads heavy tasks to execute on the Cloud. The models prefer to execute service locally on the mobile in law bandwidth networks. However in some applications which need to send a lot of data over network while


M.A. Elgendy, A. Shawish, and M.I. Moussa

offloading, data will be batter compressed before sending to the Cloud. Xinwen Zhang [5] designs architecture to enable elastic applications to be launched on a mobile device or in the Cloud. Xinwen Zhang enables flexible and optimized elasticity using multiple factors including device status, Cloud status, application performance measures, and user preferences. Xinwen Zhang can switch between different network interfaces, however this can’t solve the problem low bandwidth networks as it will always run the service locally on the mobile. As we can easily notice, all of the available frameworks favor to execute the application locally on the Smartphone rather than offloading it on the Cloud in low bandwidth networks scenario. Although, this behavior may look reasonable, it is not carefully taken based real-time parameters and careful consideration of pros and cons that may change from one case to another. In addition, transmitting data over a low bandwidth network has not been addressed as it should be where no solution has been proposed to overcome this problem. In this paper, we prove that a careful consideration to both of the above mentioned drawbacks can lead to a significant enhancement in the Mobile-Cloud Computing in low bandwidth scenario.


Proposed Framework Design


Framework Architecture

The proposed framework made some contributions in developing mobile applications: i) allowing mobile application to use Cloud storage and computational resources in running some services of mobile application so saving mobile device memory, power and battery resources - ii) using a dynamic offloading model in deciding whether to offload services or not, so Mobile applications became smarter as it take decision based on the available resources - iii) allowing intelligent usage of mobile resources specially in low bandwidth networks which lead to a tradeoff between energy consumed and procession time of services - and finally - v) automating a large part of the development process and integrating easily in development tools; so developing Android application become easily. As shown in Fig. 1. The proposed framework consists of four main components i) Decision Manager - ii) Offloading Manager - iii) Execution Profile - and iv) Cloud Manager. The first three components are deployed on the mobile and the Cloud Manager component is deployed on the Cloud. To use the framework, it’s initially assumed that the application should be structured using Android AIDL services pattern. Offloading Manager. Offloading Manager is responsible for executing the application services based on the decision taken by Decision Manager. If the decision is to execute the service locally on the mobile, then Offloading Manager calls the local service implementation from the mobile side. However if the decision is offloading the service for execution on the Cloud, then the Offloading Manager connect to the Cloud Manager and send any data needed to execute the service, Then it waits until the Cloud Manager execute the service on the Cloud and send the result back to the mobile side. At the end Offloading Manager is responsible for receiving the returned results and delivering it to the application.

Enhancing Mobile M Devices Capabilities in Low Bandwidth Networks


Fig. 1. Framework Architecture

Execution Profile. Executiion Profile is a profile created for each service by Decission Manager at the first of its run r to store service execution time. It store service exeecution time of executing samp ple example of the service in the following three scenarrios. The first scenario is when service executed locally on the mobile. The second sscenario is when service offloaded and executed on the Cloud. Note in this case it sttore only Cloud execution time removing the time to send data over network, as the tiime of sending data over netwo ork depends on network bandwidth, so it can be calculaated when trying to call the serv vice. The third scenario is when compressing service ddata, then offloading it for execcution on the Cloud. In subsequent runs of the Decission Manager, data stored in Execution E Profile and network bandwidth will be usedd in taking the offloading decisiion. Decision Manager. Decision Manager uses a dynamic offloading model to decidde at runtime weather the servicee will be offloaded to the Cloud or executed locally on the mobile. First it get the network bandwidth, then it read stored data about executtion time from the execution profile for the three running scenarios. Finally it uses the offloading model algorithm m described in Section 3.2 to make an offloading decisiion. When it decides to run the application locally or remotely, it calls Offloading Mannager which is reasonable for service s execution. Cloud Manager. Cloud Ma anager is reasonable for service execution on the Cloudd. In the first run it receives thee Jar file which contains the remote implementation off all application services from Offloading O Manager and install it the Cloud. At any tiime when the Offloading Mana ager try to call service from the Cloud, Cloud Manaager receive all required data to execute the service, execute it and return the result to Offloading Manager.



M.A. Elgendy, A. Shawish, and M.I. Moussa

Offloading Model

When an activity invokes a method of a service, the Android IPC mechanism directs this call through the proxy and the kernel to the stub. In normal Android application the stub invokes the local implementation of the method and then returns the result to the proxy. When using proposed framework the Android application uses dynamic offloading model which depend on service execution time to evaluate whether it is beneficial to offload the method to run on the Cloud or executing it locally on mobile. This offloading model takes his decision using two cases. Case 1: Good Network Bandwidth. Let the time to execute service on the mobile, the time to send service data over network and the time to execute the service on the Cloud. In this case the framework calculates the time to offload and execute the service remotely on the Cloud . =(




Offloading of service task is beneficial if the following is true. >


will be small which lead to minNote that when network bandwidth is high, the imize . Minimizing this time mean that the time to execute service remotely becomes small. So there is a lot of chance that the service will to be executed on the Cloud. Case 2: Low Network Bandwidth. In low bandwidth network the time to send data over network will increased compared to this time in high bandwidth. Increasing this time mean that the chance to offload the service become small compared to the time to execute service locally. Proposed framework can minimize this time by compressing data before sending over network to the Cloud, so minimize the overall time to execute service remotely. Finally this leads to increase the chance to execute service on the Cloud. Let the time to compress service data before sending to the Cloud. As in this case data needed to be compressed before sending to the Cloud, so the framework calculate the time to offload and execute the service remotely on the . Cloud =(





Offloading of service task is beneficial the following equation is true. TM

> TR


Note that is threshold the user set based on his acceptable difference between two times. Fig.2. shows the flowchart of the framework offloading algorithm.

Enhancing Mobile Devices Capabilities in Low Bandwidth Networks


Fig. 2. Workflow of offloading model


Cloud Side

Cloud Manager is written with pure Java, so any application can offload its computation to any resource running a Java Virtual machine, either being machines in a commercial Cloud such as Amazon EC2[14] or private Cloud such as laptops and desktops. Cloud Manager handles all offloading requests from the clients, installation of offloaded services and their initialization, libraries needed and. Finally Cloud Manager invokes services when Offloading Manager needs to call them. Note that at first run of user application it sends the jar file created by Jar Creator to the all mobile services become available for execution on the Cloud. 3.4

Integration into Build Process

In any Android application the connection between the activities and AIDL services processed as follow: When an activity needs to invoke a method in a service, it makes call to the matching method in the proxy. The proxy is responsible for connecting to service to call the need method. The proxy doesn’t connect to service directly but, it connects to stub which call the local service and return the result to the proxy. The proxy takes this result and passes it to the caller activity. The framework is deployed in the application layer without modifying the underlying Android platform. The framework provided three Eclipse builders that can be inserted into an Android project’s build configuration in Eclipse. Stub Modifier. The first builder is called the Stub Modifier and has to be invoked after the Android Pre Compiler, but before the Java Builder. The Stub Modifier will rewrite the generated Stub for each AIDL interface, so that at runtime it connected to


M.A. Elgendy, A. Shawish, and M.I. Moussa

the Decision Manager to take offloading decision whether a method will be invoked locally on mobile or remotely on the Cloud. Remote Creator. The second builder called Remote Creator used to derive a dummy remote implementation from the available AIDL interface for each service. Now the application with two copies of a service during the build process: i) the first copy of the service added by Android called the local service that executes on the mobile. -ii) the second copy of the service added by framework using Remote Creator and contains the same implementation as the local services and called remote service. This second copy will be executed on the Cloud, so developer can change its implementation to use all Cloud resources like parallel processing Jar Creator. The third builder called Jar Creator used to build a Java Archive File (jar) which contains the remote implementation. This jar file will be installed on the Cloud. The Remote Creator and the Jar Creator have to be invoked after the Java Builder, but before the Package Builder, so that the jar will be part of the Android Package file that results from the build process. 3.5

Communication: IBIS

In order to execute methods on a remote resource, the phone has to communicate with the Cloud resource using Ibis communication middleware. Ibis offered a simple and effective interface that abstracts from the actual used network, being Wi-Fi, Cellular or Bluetooth [13]. The Ibis communication middleware is an open source scientific software package developed for high performance distributed computing in Java. Since it is written in Java, it can also run on Android devices. The Ibis middleware consists of two subsystems, the Ibis Distributed Deployment System, which deploys applications on remote resources and the Ibis High-Performance Programming System, which handles the communication between the individual parts of a distributed application. The framework has been implemented on top of the Ibis High Performance Programming System, which offered an interface for distributed applications [7].


Simulation Studies

To evaluate the proposed framework, a face detection application was used. It’s an application that allow user to select image from gallery or take any person photo, then the application execute face detection service locally on mobile or remotely on the Cloud using framework offloading model. After that detection service return an array of all detected faces. Finally the application use this array to draws a rectangle around each detected face as shown in Fig.3. This application uses JavaCV library to detect image faces. JavaCV is a wrapper that allows accessing the OpenCV library directly from within Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Android platform.

Enhancing Mobile Devices Capabilities in Low Bandwidth Networks


Fig. 3. Screenshot of face detection application


Simulation Setup

Hardware. On the mobile side a Samsung Galaxy S Advance GT-I9070 mobile was used. The mobile uses Android operating system in version 4.1.2, integrates with WiFi interface, and a battery capacity of 1500mAh. It has CPU with 1 GHz, 1.97 GB system storage and 3.92 GB USB storage at 3.7 volts. On the Cloud side a laptop with a core I3 2.13 processor, 4 Giga ram acted as a Cloud provider. We evaluate the execution time, power consumption and CPU consumption for our application. To measure the power consumption and CPU consumption, a software called little eye V2.4.0.0 is used [15]. 4.2

Result and Discussion

Five images were used in the evaluation of the face detection application. In each experiment, the application was evaluated in three scenarios; the first one represents the execution of the face detection service on the mobile device, the second represents the offloading of the service for execution on the Cloud and the third represents compressing data before offloading the service for execution on the Cloud. Fig.4. shows the execution time in the three scenarios in low bandwidth networks. The x -axis show the size of the images in kilo bytes and the y-axis show the processing time in seconds. It can be easily noted that the execution time on the Cloud without compression is greater than execution time on mobile and on the Cloud with compression as it takes more time to transfer data through the low bandwidth network. For example, the image with size 9830.4 kb takes about 12 seconds when executed on Cloud while it takes about 7 second when executed on the mobile. Similarly, as the image size increases, the execution time on the Cloud without compression increases compared to the other two scenarios. It also noted that the execution time on the mobile is nearly equal to the compression scenario. For example, the image with size 9830.4 kb takes about 7 second when executed on the mobile and almost the


M.A. Elgendy, A. Shawish, and M.I. Moussa

same when offloaded on the Cloud with compression. From this result, we conclude that compressing data and offloading it will give the same performance as processing the requested service on the mobile; nevertheless it will save the mobile resources.

Fig. 4. Processing Time of the application under the three scenarios

Fig.5. shows the CPU consumption percentage in the three scenarios. The results demonstrate the aggressive consumption of the mobile resources in case of executing such heavy service locally on the mobile, while the efficiency of offloading service to save such resources. For example an image with size 9830.4 kb consumes about 48% of the mobile CPU in the first scenario while consuming 10% and 16% in the second and third scenarios, respectively. It also noted that the execution of face detection service on mobile consumed about 34% of CPU on average, while this percentage is minimized to 12.45% in the compression offloading scenario and 7.4 % in the offloading scenario without compression. From this result, it can be concluded that in low bandwidth networks if the user priority is to save the mobile CPU consumption, then it’s better to offload service to the Cloud with or without compression.

Fig. 5. CPU Consumption of the application under the three scenarios

Enhancing Mobile Devices Capabilities in Low Bandwidth Networks


Fig.6. describes the power consumption in the three scenarios, respectively. The results match well with the conclusion of the previous one; offloading data to the Cloud or compressing data and then offloading to the Cloud is a better choice in case of heavy services if the network bandwidth is low.

Fig. 6. Power Consumption of the application under the three scenarios

In general, the extensive simulation studies report that in low bandwidth network it is better to compress the data before offloading to the Cloud. Moreover, it is worth to note that the proposed framework supports automatic offloading of multiple Android services thanks to the integration with the popular open source Android framework and the Eclipse development tool. The proposed framework help the developers to easily adds offloading components automatically and efficiently solve a group of drawbacks in the current available techniques. For example, by adopting a runtime offloading model, our framework is smarter than Cuckoo [7] that uses a very simple heuristic approach to always send services to be executed on Cloud without any decision. With respect to the solutions provided by [1], [5, 6], [8, 9, 10] our framework is still better as it overcome offloading in low bandwidth.



This paper proposed a framework that helps smartphone to handle heavy applications especially in low bandwidth networks. In this framework, any mobile application is divided into a group of services, and then each of these services are either executed locally on the mobile or remotely on the Cloud with or without compression using a novel dynamic offloading decision model. The extensive simulation studies report the ability of the proposed framework to efficiently utilize the available smartphone’s resources based on a smart offloading model that save mobile resources especially in low bandwidth networks. Our future work will focus on enabling parallelization of the offloaded services also we can take some others metrics in our consideration when taking offloading decision like memory consumption.


M.A. Elgendy, A. Shawish, and M.I. Moussa

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