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Jun 13, 2014 - Abbey, Spencer, Massachusetts. There he served in the guest house, taught Scripture, liturgy and patristi
Registration information

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A Weekend With The Center at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 111 NE 80th Street Seattle, WA 98115

Register before May 12, 2014, to receive early registration discount of $10. Space is limited to 60 in the Saturday workshop. Limited partial scholarships are available. Please inquire. Your registration includes tea, coffee, and snacks. Please bring a brown-bag lunch on Saturday. -----------------------------

Fr. William Meninger June 13, 14, & 15, 2014

Registration fees (second amount for advance registration before May 12, or low-income, seniors, or students): ______Friday evening - $25 / 15 ______Saturday all day - $75 / 65 ______ Both Fri and Sat - $85 / 75 ______Scholarship amount requested ______ Please find enclosed my additional contribution to underwrite scholarships ----------------------------Make check payable to St. Andrew’s with “Fr. William” on memo line. Please mail this form to:

Friday evening lecture, 7-9pm

“Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine Love” Saturday workshop, 9am-4pm

“The Way of Forgiveness” Sunday homily 10am, forum 11:30

The Center at St. Andrew’s St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 111 NE 80th Street, Seattle, WA 98115

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 111 NE 80th, Seattle, WA 98115

For information contact: Cherry Haisten at 206-523-7476, ext. 304, or [email protected]

sponsored by The Center at St. Andrew’s in partnership with Contemplative Outreach Northwest

About Fr. William

Fr. William Meninger was born, raised and educated in the Boston area in Massachusetts. His mother was from County Kerry; his father a Quaker from Pennsylvania. Ordained in 1958, after 8 years in St. John's Seminary, he was incardinated into the Diocese of Yakima, Washington, where he worked on an Indian Reservation and with Mexican traveling workers. In 1963 he entered the Trappists at St. Joseph's Abbey, Spencer, Massachusetts. There he served in the guest house, taught Scripture, liturgy and patristics; served as subprior, prior and dean of the junior professed monks. In 1979 he was transferred to a daughter house, St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, Colorado, where he served as Prior, vocation director, novice master, and teacher of theology and scripture. Fr. William also spent three years in Israel studying scripture and teaching at the Center for Biblical Studies in Jerusalem and the Trappist Monastery of Latroun. He also did graduate studies at Seattle University, Harvard Divinity School, and Boston University. In 1974 he originated the workshop on Contemplative Meditation (later known as Centering Prayer) which he now teaches worldwide along with workshops on Forgiveness, the Enneagram, Sacred Scriptures, and Prayer. He leaves the monastery only a few times each year to do this lest he lose his own monastic orientation while sharing it with others.

About the Friday evening lecture

About Contemplative Outreach NW

“Julian of Norwich: Revelations

Founded in 1987, Contemplative Outreach Northwest is the Seattle chapter of Contemplative Outreach Ltd., the international organization founded by Fr. Thomas Keating to teach and support the practice of Centering Prayer. A dispersed community of individuals and Centering Prayer groups committed to living the contemplative dimension of the Gospel in everyday life, Contemplative Outreach intends to foster the process of transformation in Christ through the practice of Centering Prayer and related practices. CONW is one of the oldest chapters in the network.

of Divine Love” Dame Julian is one of the most extraordinary human beings to emerge from the medieval English church. She is probably more relevant today than she was in the 14th century. Her teachings on the role of women, the place and meaning of suffering, the love of God, the Trinity, the existence of hell, etc., all the results of her contemplative approach to God, are well in advance of current theological thinking even in the 21st century. Almost unknown for 600 years, her time has come. Thomas Merton has called her a greater mystic than even Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross! Come hear about the parallels between Julian and our present age.

About the Saturday workshop

“The Way of Forgiveness” Christianity is all about forgiveness. Jesus is all about forgiveness. We are constantly being told about the necessity for forgiveness but seldom are we given teachings on how to go about the process. It is a process. There are steps to follow and progress to be conscious of. We can (and must?) be taught the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential to spiritual progress. Learn how to overcome the obstacles to forgiveness using essential practices of the Christian contemplative tradition.

Visit these websites for information: and

About The Center at St. Andrew’s An outreach and ministry of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, The Center offers a variety of workshops, quiet days, classes and other learning opportunities, as well as consultation services, therapy, spiritual guidance and discernment. Centering Prayer teaching and practice are a regular part of The Center. Because humans are part of many intersecting circles and because each individual is an important element in the whole, The Center seeks to help human beings grow into the fully alive individuals they were created to be and to take their places, to find their ministries, and to offer their service in the life of the faith community and the human family. All offerings at The Center are open to everyone.

Visit our website at: Click on “The Center at St. Andrew’s"