(CFTC) Library Catalogue (formerly called LION)

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Jan 13, 2014 ... M297 2002,A financial history of the United States I b, HG 181 .t-1297 2002, ...... G35 1990,A short history of financial euphoria I b,HG4528 .
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Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Library Catalogue (formerly called LION) current as of October 19, 2013

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U.S. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION · Three Lafayette Centre 51 1155 21 Street, NW, Washington, DC 20581 Telephone: (202) 418-5105 Facsimile: (202) 418-5124 www.cftc.gov

FOIA Office

November 22, 2013



Enclosed is a new CD of responsive records to replace the CD you reported as damaged. In addition, enclosed is a copy of the letter sent to you on October 29, 2013.

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Jac ightle USIS Labat, Paralegal Supporting the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Office of General Counsel 1155 21" Street. NW, Washington DC 20581, Tel: 202-418-5131

U.S. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION Three Lafayette Centre 1155 21st Street. NW, Washington, DC 20581 Telephone: (202) 418-5105 Facsimile: (202) 418-5124 www.cftc.gov

FOIA Office

October 29. 2013



This is in response to your request elated October 19. 2013 under the r:reedom of Information Act seeking access to a digital copy of the current CFTC Library Catalogue (formerly called LION). In accordance with the FOIA and agenc y policy, we have searched our records, as of October 19. 2013 , the date we received your request in our FOIA office. We have located 4 70 pages of responsive records. You are granted full access to the responsive records, which are enclosed . If you are not satisfied with this response to your request. you may appeal by \\Titing to Freedom of Information Act Appeal. Office of the General Counsel , Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Three Lafayette Centre. 8111 Floor, 1155 21st Street . N. W., Washington. D.C. 20581. within 30 days of the date of this letter. Please enclose a copy of your original request and a copy of this response. If you have an y questions about the way we handled your request, or about our FOIA regulations or procedures, please contact Linda J. Mauldin at 202-418-5497 .

Collection,Call No.,Title ref, HJ20 52 . G6 1981, A Glo~:>SClr:y of Terms 1:.Jsed in t: he Fede r:al Budqet Process /

b,HG6024 .A3 S7B 1994,A Study 0 f~ the Gloory I b,K3973 .W67 2008,The World T~ade Organization and trade in services I h,PN 6081 .Y35 2006,The Yale book of quotations I

b,HC106.5 .G32S 2010,The affluent society and other writings, 1952-1967 I ref, ;JKl 083 . :~.77 201J., The almanac of tbe unelected.

b, KF27 .A3 2003h, The application for contract market designQ.tion of u. S. Future Exchange, LLC, before the Commod:',.ty Futures T.r.ad.i.ng Commiss:.. on : hearing be.fore Comm.ittee on Jl.grj.culture, House of Representatives, one Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, Novern


b,KF27 .A3 2003h,The application for contract market designation of the U.S. F1.1t1ne Exchang.gr:'•. ct:ltur.e, House of. Representat.i.ves, One Hundred E.ighth Congress, fi.rst :sessi.on, Novem

b, KE'27 .t\3 20G3h, Tile appJicaU.on tox: contrd.ct market des:i.gnz~tion cf th~~ u.S. Future Exchange, LLC, before t!·H:: Commodity Futures Trading Commission ~ hearing before Committee on Agriculture, Bouse of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session, Novem b,HG6024.A3 G367 2010,The art of credit. derivatives : demystifying the black swan I b, HD9035 . L67 2010, The art of grain merchandising : (formerly the merchant's edge) I b,HG 171 .F47 2008,The ascerrt of money : a financial history of the world

I b,RG6049

.G66 2010,The oil market I

b,HG6049 .G66 2010,The asylum the .renegades who hijacked the world's oil market I b, KF895'3 .A 7 E57 2007, The attorney-clier1t privilege arid the work-product rloct.r:Ln~~ I b, KFS959 •.A7 E67 2007, The at to rney-.. GLLmps0



Attempts to

Regulate Commodity Exchanges Together with Selected References and Lists

of TJr~ited States Congressional Docun1ent:s on Itutures 1·rading in Commodities, 1883-1938 b, K.F:'5342 • G8 5 2006, A Guide to Federal Sector Equa.l. Employment I.law

Pn:.ct:ice. b,KF5342 .G85 1999 r x:... Gui.de to Federal Sector Eq·ua.l Employment Law Practice . b, KF.53'12 . G85 2012 r A Guide tc Federal Sect: er Equcil Ernployinent Law


& &

Practj_ce ..

b,HG5432 .G84 1987,A Guide to Financial Instruments. b, HD9004 . T.7 G8, .P.. Guide to G:ra:',.n-Trade Statistics. b, HG6047 . .34 f·>.22 1976, /\ Guide to Imported Frozen Fre:sh Boneless Beef

Futures. b,HG6024 .A3 F44 1991,A Guide to International Financial Derivatives. b, HC~6024. 5 . H69 1992, A Gu.ide to Mana.gi.ng Inte:r.est·--Rate .Risk. b, HG6024. 5 • H69 1.992, .A Guide to :Manag:',.ng Interest-Rate R.1.sk. b,EFl040.7 .R33 1990,A Gu.i.de to P:r.imary Commod:ctie.s in the Wor.ld Economy. b,HG4523 .G44 1982,A Guide to the Financial Markets. b, HG6024 .A3 K6B 1987, l'-~ .Handbook for Professional Futures and Options Traders . .b,PN146 .V36 1978,A Handbook for Schola.rs. arch, HG6024 . 'P.3 D67, A History of Futures Trading.

b,HD9100.S .B35,A History of Sugar Marketing. b,HG3896 .K47 1984,A History of the Eurobond Market : the First 21 Years. b, HG604'7 . C3 P869~) l 971, A Layman's Guide to Hedging Beef Cattle . .b,HB6l .K57 1991 REF,A. Lexicon of Economics b,HG4928.5 .M55 374 1992,A License to Steal the Untold Story of Michael Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation b,HG6046 .S36,A Look at Forward Contracting. b, E3539 . F~92 1987, A Macroeconomic Model of the Te:r.m Structure of Interest Rates. b,HB90 .M63 1991,A Hodern C::uicle to Economic Thought : an Introduction to Comparative Schools of Thought in Ec::onom:i.cs. b, JX58 ..Z\.35 J. 977, A Hod.Effn Int r.oductjon to Interna.t icnal Law. b,HG6047 .~\45 P47 1981,A New Look at Some Old C:v.i.dence: the t'l!heat Market

Scandal of 1925 b,HG4515.2 .R42 1988,A Note on the CA.PM with Differential Information. h,HG173 .C69 1983,A Note on the Valuation of Stock Options with Interest Rate Uncertainty. b,ED9036 .G54 1982,A Poo:r. Harvest : the Clash of Policies and Interests in the Grain Trade. b,KFB935. Z9 B58 2005,A Practical Guide to Federal Evidence : Objections, Eesponses, Rules, and Pract:ice Com.mentary. b, HG60,16 .S66 1983,A Practical Guide to the Commodities Markets. b, HG605l. . C2 S76,A Preliminary Paper on the Rol.e and lmport G1;.id0 to Yutux:es Trading. b,S561 .A5,Agricultural Decision Analysis . .b, HD1433 .A355 1995, Agricultural Eccnomic~3. b,ED1437 .A36 1988,Agricultural Finance. b,RG6046 .A35 1992,Agricultural Futures and Options: a Guide to Using Compiled by Evelyn


North Amer.:l.. can and European Mark>::ts.

b,KF1682 .J\78 1990,Agricu.ltu:cal. Law : a Lawyer's Guide to Rep:resent.ing

Farm Clients. b,HB233 .A3 W3 1951,Agricultural Market Prices.

h,HD9000.6 .U5 A46,Agricultural Markets in Change. b, HG 604 7. G')8 11.54 1986, Aqr1 cult ur.al Opt:',_ons : Tr a.ding Ptits and Ca.Us Ln

the New Grain and Livestock Futures Markets. b, HG604 6 . C37, l':..gricultural Opt.ions : a Primer for Producers. b,HB233 .A3 TS 1952,Agricultural Prices.

h,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics.

b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics . .b, HD 90 00. 4 . A35, .P..g.r.i.cu 1 tu.r.a.l St at i.st i cs. h,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics.

b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b, HD9000. 4 . ll.35,Agr::Lcultural Stat::Lstics. b,HD90D0. 1~ .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b, HD 90 00. 4 • A35, .P..g.r.i.cu ltu.r.a.l Stat i.st i cs. b, HD900C . 4 ..;.35, l~gr cultura1 Stat stic.s ..

b,HD90D0.4 .A35,Agr. cultural Stat sties. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agr cultural Stat sties.

b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A3S,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics.

b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b, HD 90 00. 4 . A35, .P..g.r.i.cu 1 tu.r.a1 St at i.st i cs.

h,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b, HD9000. 4 .ll.35,Agr::Lcultural Stat::Lstics. b, HD90DO. 1~ • A35, Agricultural Statistics. b, HD 90 00. 4 . A35, .P..g.r.i.cu ltu.r.a.l Stat i.st i cs. b, HD9000. 4 .A35, Agrj.cultural StatLstjc:s.

b,Ref Z6941 .F85 v.1 c.l,Agricultural Statistics. b, HD 9000 .4 . A35, Agricultural b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultura.l b, HD 90 00. 4 . A35, .P..g.r.i.cu 1 tu.r.a1 b, ED9000. 4 .A35, 1.-,gr:i.cultural

St at is tics.

Statistics. St at i.st i cs. StatLsti.c:s.

b, HD9000. 4 .A3S, Agricultural Stat i~>tics. b, HD9000 .4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics.

b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b,HD9000.4 .A35,Agricultural Statistics. b, HD9000. 4 .A.35,Agricultural Stati..gend.es Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1977 : Hearings before a Subcomrnittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United Stat~es Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, Second Session~

b,HJ10 .833 1976,Agriculture and related agencies : hearings before a subcommittee of the Com:m:'•. ttee House of l.:i.epresentati ves, N.ioety ..·fourth Co ogress, b,HJ10 .B33 1976,Agriculture and related agencies : hearinqs before a subcommittee of the Committee House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress,

appropriations for 1976 on .App:rop:riati.ons, fi.i~st session.

appropriations for 1916 on Appropriations, first session.

b,S441 .R33,Agriculture in the United States: a Documentary History. b, S441 .H33, Agri.culture in the Un:i.ted States: a Documentary i'ii.sto:cy. b,S441 .R33,Agx:5.cu1tux:e in the United States: a Documentary History.

b, S441 . R.33, Agricultun~ in ths:Lon I b, HJlO . .1333 l 996, i\gri.cu.l.ture, Rural Devel.opment, Food and Dru9 Administration, and Related r~gc!orrmit tee of the Ccrmnittee on ApproprL:it ions, ~Jnited States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, Second Sessi.on ... b,HJ10 .843 1980 pt.3,Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agenc:'•. es P..ppropr.·i.ati.ons fo:r Fiscal. Year J..980 : Hear.:',.ngs before a Subcommitte of t:he Committee on Appropriations, United ~3tates Senate, Ninety-sixth Congress, First Session. b, HJ10 .B43 .1980 pt .1, Agric:ul.ture, Rur for Fi.sea! Year- J.989 : H~~aring~:i b!:~fore a Subcommittee of the Corrnnj.ttee on App.ropriations, United States Senate, One-hund::::eth Congress, First Session .. b,HJlO .B43 1990 pt.1,Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Ag.pp:r.ovaJ of Exchange Rule;:;,

b, HG45.:2L .l'..45 .1991,Arbit:rage : 21ements of F.Lna:nci.a.l. Economi.cs. b, HG6024 .l\3 h73 1986,Arbitrag .Z\RCHIVES, CEA A.dmi.rd.strative Dete:rm:Lnat:i.ons. .t\7 ARCHIVES, CEA Ad-ninistrati ve Determinations. b, KF1085 C35 b,KF1085.C:4,CEA decisions list of decisions reported. ... "'.I


b, KE'1085. C4, CEA



J..ist of decisions reported.

b,KF1085.C4,CEA decisions ·-- list of decisions report(~d. b,KF1085.C4,CEA deci.s.i.ons - .J.ist of decisions .reported. b, K.Fl085 . C4, CE.t\ decj_s:t-ons ·-- l.ist of decisions reported. b, KF.'1085 .C4 30, CEl~ 1, CEA decisions ! b,KF1085 .C4, CEA decisions I b,KFl085 .C4, Cgi\ decisi.ons I b, KE'l085 .C4,CEA dec:L:;;ions I b, HG602l . C35, CEl~ publications I b,KF1085 .C43 1995,CFTC 1975-1995. b,KF1085 .C43 1995,CFTC 1975--1995. b,KF1085 .C43 1995,CFTC 1975-1995. b,KF.'1085 .C43 19%,CFTC 197b .. 1995. b,KF1085 .C43 1995,CFTC 1975-1995.

b,KF1085 .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. b,ri:Fl085 .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative Repo::::ter. b,KF1085 .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. Admin:i.strati.~h~


b,KFlOBS .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative b, KF1085 .J\6 C4, CFTC Ad:mj_nistrative b,KF1085 .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative b, KF1085 .A6 C4, CFTC Ad.'ninistrati ve b, KF 10 85 . A6 C4, CFTC Adrni n:i. strati ve b, KF 10 85 . A.6 C4, CFTC A.dmi.n.1.. st r.ative


b, KF1085

.A6 C4, CFTC


Repo::::ter. Reporter. Reporter. Reporter.

b, KE'1085 .l';6 C4, CFTC Ad:m:i.ni.str:at.ive Reporter..

b, KF1085 b,KF1085 b,KF1085 b,KF1085 b, KF1085

b, KF1085 b,KF1085 b, KE'1085 b,KF1085

.l\6 C4, CFTC l'~dminist:rative R;:;po::::te:r. .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. .t\6 C4,CFTC Administrative Hepo:rter. .Ao Ctl,CFTC Administrative Reporter. .J\6 C4, CFTC Ad:mj_nistrative Reporte.r.. .l\6 C4, CFTC l':..dminist:rative Rt-::po::::t:e:r. .A6 C4,CFTC Administrative Heporter. . A6 C•1, CFTC Administrative Hepo:rter. .A6 Ctl,CFTC Administrative Reporter.

b, K.F:'l085 .A.6 C4, CFTC Admi.n::Lstrative Reporter. b, KFJ 085 . A6 C4, CFTC: Adm.i.ni.stra.t.ive Reporter . .Adm.i.ni.st r.·ab. ve Repo:rter. b,KF1085 • ,J;.6 C4, C:FTC Administrative Hepo:rter. b,KF1085

b,KF1085 . Ao


b, KE'1085

C4, C.Eprc Administrative Reporter. l":4, CFTC Administrative Reporter.

CFTC Administrative Reporter .

b,KF1085 b, KF1085 ..i;.6 C4,CFTC .Adm:i.ni.st r.ati ve Repo:rte.r.. b,KF1085 . ~\6 c IC.FTC Admin strative Reporter. b,KF.'1085 b, KF1085

c , CF.TC r~drnin ~>trati.vE~ Repc:;;i:·ter . . A6 C ,CFTC Ad:min strative Reporter.

.,. ' b, KE'1085 • l"!.0 b, KF1085 .Ao b, K.F:'1085 . A6 b, KF108.5 . ?. . 6 b, KF1085 • ,J;.6 b, KF1085 . l~6 b, KF1085 .Ao b, KE'1085 """iO ,,. b, KF1085 . no b, KF1085 • ,i;,6 b, KE'1085 . ~\6 b, KF.'1085 • i'\6 b, KF1085 .A6 ,,.

C•1, CFTC Administrative Hepo:rter . Ctl,CFTC Administrative Reporter.

C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter.

C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. C:4, CFTC .Adm.i.ni.st r.·ab. ve Repo:rter.

C4,CFTC Administrative Hepo:rt.er.

Ctl,CFTC Administrative Reporter.


C4, C.Eprc Administrative Reporter ..


C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter . C4, CFTC .Adm:i.ni.st r.ati ve Repo:rte.r.. C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. C4,CFTC Administrative Reporter. b, KFJ085 . no C4, CFTC Adm.i.ni.stra.t.ive Reporter . b, KF1085 • ,J;.6 C:4, CFTC ,:;dm.i.ni.st r.·ab. ve Repo:rter. b, KFl085 .A6 C4, CFTC Admin:i.str.aU.ve f.ibcommi.ttee on Conservat.icn, Credit, .;:nd Rur,::.1l. Development of the Committee on AgTi.cuJ..tur.e, House of Representatives, Ni.nety-seventh

Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 5441, arch,KF27 .A3226 1982,CFTC Reauthorization : Hearings befoce the Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, and Rural Development of the Commit tee en Agriculture, House of Hep resent at:i ves, Ninety-- seventh Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 5447, arch,KF27 .A3226 1982,CFTC Reauthorization : Hearings before the SubcommLtt0:.e on consEH:vation, c:redi.t, zn:d Rural. D0:.velc;pment of: tte Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 5447, b, ri:J:"27 . A3226 1982, CFTC Reauthorization : Hearings before the Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, and Rural Development of the :mg:Lneer.ing : appJ.i.ed 8tud.1.es of.

financial innovation I b,HG6024.A3 W6 no.104 1985,Cash and carry in Treasury bond futures : a comparison of two data sources I b, PC2129 .E5 VJ67 1992 ;:~:EE~ I Cassell' s c;ontemporctry ,French : a Handbook of Grarnm,1r, Current U~;;age, and Word Power. b, PF3l 12 . E27 l.99.2 Rr.:F, Ca.ssell' s Contempora.r.y Germa.n : a Handbook of

Grammar, Current usage, and Word Power. b,PC2640 .C3 1977 REF,Cassell's French Dictionary : French-English, English-· French .. ref, Ref PF364G . B453, Cassell' s Germ1 1978,Chicago b, HF2 9 6 ~ C4 5 M'l 197 9, C.hic~~g15 l 987, Chicago M€rcantil(:~ Exchange. Statist.i.ca1 '.£(:~arbcok . b, HD 9004 . C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,ED9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercarrtile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook . }::;, I61D9004 . C45 1986,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1974/75,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook . b,HD9004 . C45 1973/74,Chicagc Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,ED9004 .C45 1973/74,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD900·1 .C45 1974/75,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,ED9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1975/76,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1984,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1985,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1981,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook . b,HD9004 . C4 5 1987, Chi.cago Mercantil.e Exchange. Statist.i.ca.l Yearbook. b,HD9004 . C>15 1982, C:h:U;ago .Mercantile Exchanqe. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1981,Chicago Me~cantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 . C45 1986, Chicago Mercant:ile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 . C45 1982, Chica{p Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook . b,HD9004 . C4 5 1968/ 69, Chicago Herc:a.nt.ile Excb15 198•1, Chicago .Merc~ntile Exchangt-~. Stattistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 • C45 J.969/70, Chi.cage :Me.r.cant:'•. le Exchange. Stat:'..st~•. cal Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1983,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistica Yearbook. b,HD9004 . C4S 1969/'70, Chicago Mex:ce.ntLl.0 Exchange. St:ati st c:al Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1968/69,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statist cal Yearbook.

b,HD9004 .C45 1983,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1986,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD9004 . C4 5 1987, Chi.ca.go MercantiJ..e Exchange. Statist.i.ca.l Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chi.cdgo Me:rcantU.e Exchange. Statistica.J. Yed:rbook. h,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD9004 . C4 5 l.970/71, Chicago Berc:a.nt.ile Excb15 1980, Chi.caqo .Mercantile Exchanqe. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD9004 . C45 l98J., Chicago Mer.·cant.U.e Exchange. Stat ist:i cd:t Yearbook. b, ED9004 . C45 1.986, Ch:c.cago Mercant.il.e Ex.change. Statist.icaJ. Yearbook.

b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,ED9004 .C45 1979,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1979,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1978/79,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD9004 . C45 1976/'77, Chicago Mer.ce.nti le ExchancJE~. Sta ti st ic:al Yearbook.

b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1978/79,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD9004 . C45, Chica90 Mercantile Exchange. Sta.t istical Year: book.

b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook.

b,RD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b,HD9004 .C45 1976/77,Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Statistical Yearbook. b, HD9004 . C45 1975/76, Chicago Mercantile E~:change. Statistical Yearbook. b, KF1085 . C49 1989, Chicago futures market initi::t .J.niti.al o.b~3 e rv at.~~. on.s on trade pract ..Lce abuses b,KF1085 .C49 1989, Chicago futures market initial obss.ional

Budget Office Cost Est.imate} .

b,KF32 .E58 1982,Clarifying the Jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Comm.i.ssi.on and the Definition of Security : Report (to Accompany H. R. 6156) (including Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate) .

b,HG6024 .C5 2000,Classic futures : lessons from the past for the electronic age I b, JF1351 . C>165, Classics of Public Administ r"~tion. b, HG6047 .E35 C55 1946, CJ.assif:',cat.ion of Open Contracts .i.n Egg Futures on the Chicago Mercantj_le E.xchaoge as of July 31, J 94 6. b,HG6047 .W45 CSS 1947,Classification of Open Contracts in Wheat Futures, Chicago Board of Trade, February 28, 1947. b,KF250 .C45 2007,Clear and effective legal writing I b,HG463l .C59 1990,C.lea.r.ance a.nd Sett:t.e::nent Re.form: the Stock, Opti.ons, and Futures Ma.rkets El.re St:U:L at Risk : Report to Cong:ressj_ooa.l

Committ0es. b,HG463l .CS9 1990,Clearance and Settlement Reform : the Stock, Options, and Futures Markets Are Still at Risk : Report to Cong.:ression.:;,l Committee;;; . b,HG463l .C59 1990,Clearance and Settlement Reform : the Stock, Options, and Futui:·es Markets Ax:e St ill at Risk : Report to C:cng.ressional Committees . .b, HG4 631 . C59 l 990, Clearance .:;,nd Settlement Reform : the Stock, Options, and Futures M.:;ukets Are St ill at Risk : Report to Congressioncil Committees. b, HC.~6024 .A3 H5 1.989, Cl~~aranc::e and $(:~tth=ment of I)(:~:r.ivativE.! Financial Instrurnt-.:mt s : a Repo r·t for the Cf f ice o.f Tecbnol ogy As~:iessment, United States Congress Submitted by the Opt1ons Cl.ea:r;ing Corporatj_on . .b,HG249l.SS2 1992 no.16:3,Cleara.nce and settlement in U.S. securities :markets ! h,HG6024.A3 L63 2005,Clearing and settlement of derivatives I b, HG3892 • H37 2009, Cleari.n~f services for gJ..obal market~> .:) .fram!:~work for the future development of the c1ear.J.ng .industry I b,HG3892 .H37 2009,Clearing services for global markets a framework for the future development of the clearing industry I b,HG3892 .H37 2009,Clearing services for global markets a framework for the future development of the clearing industry I b, EG3892 . B37 2009, Clea.rj_ng services for global ma.rkets a framework for the future development of the clearing industry I b,HC79 .P55 C56 2008,Climate change and European emissions trading lessons for theory and practice I b,HG 9979 .057 2002,Climate risk and the weather market : financial risk :management wj_th weather hedges I b,HG4530 .A47 2009,Closed-end funds, exchange-traded funds, and hedge funds : origins, functions, and literature I b,KF8915 .S7,Closing argument : the art: and the law ! b,QA278 .R66 1990,Clust.er Analysis for: Researchers. b, HD9541 . C62 l.997, Coal Data.. b,HD9200 .A2 C63 1995,Cocoa Cycles : the Economics of Cocoa Supply. b,SB267 .C72,Cocoa Production: Present Constraints and Priorities for Re.sea::: ch

b, KF.'70 .A34 C617 ARCHIVE, Cede of F'E~dend, Regulations (Commodity and Securities Exchanges).

b,KE'70 .A34 C617 ARCHIVE,C:ode of Federal Regulations (Commodity nkruptcy, 15th edition revised ! b,KF1524 .C633, Collier on bankruptcy, l.Sth edition revised I b, KF152•1 .C633,C:ollier on bankrupt.cy, 15th edition revised I b,KF1524 .C633,Collier on bankruptcy, l~th edition revised I b,KF1524 .C633,Collier on bankruptcy, 15th edition revised I b, KF1S24 .C633 E--2 App. ,Collier on bankruptcy, 15th edition revis;-:od I b,KF1524 .C633,Collier on bankruptcy, l.Sth edition revised I b,KE'l5.24 .C633,Collier on bankruptcy, Eit:h edition revised ! b,KF1S24 .C633,Collier on bankruptcy, 15th edition revised I J





b,PF3640 .C68 1991 REF,Collins German-English, English-German Dictionary.

b,KF5407 .C71 1983,C:olloquium on Regulatory Design in Theory and Practice : Washington, D.C., 1982-1983.

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A:re Ou:: Fri.ends: the Easy, Enjoyable Way

to Master Grammar and Punctuat on. b, KF1085 . C6, Conk'ilen.ts on Spec1..1 at ion.

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T:rade. b, HG6047 . C63 c;6 1954--57, Cornrnitrnents of Large Traders in Cot.ton E'\1tures as of ....... b, HC:604E .C585 .11.RCHIVES,Cornmi.tments of Traders in Corr:ntcdi. t y Futures with market concentration ratios b,HG6046 .C.585 ARCI-IIVES,Commitments of T:raders in CommocU.ty Futures w:'.th market concentration ratios b, HG60•16 • C5Bb ARCHIVJ:~S, Comm:Ltment.s of Ti:·o.ders in C:crrmiocU. t y r.~uture~> with market concentration ratios b,HG6046 .C585 ARCRIVES,Commitments of Traders .in Co1nmodity Ftory Issues Report to Congr.ess.ionai. Cor.:rm:'•. ttees. .C64 1997,Commodity Exchange Act : Legal and Regulatory Issues

Remain ; Report to Congressional Committees. b,KE'1085 .C64 l.997,Commodity Ex.change Act: Legal and ReguJ_sues Remain : Report to Congressional Committees. c

b,KF.'1085 .A315 A72 2009,Commcdity ExchQ.nge Act

.r.egu.lations . 7 l 94 3, Commod.ity r.:xchange ?>,ct as :;Lons b, KF1085 .A6 C655 (E'HONT DESK) I Commodity F'utt.H:es La:w· Reporter

Binder : Decisions :n,r re~3, KF1085 . . . s.:Lon. Advisory Comrn.itee on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b,KF1085 .U.5565,Commodity Futures Tradin9 Commission. Advisory Cornmitee on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KF1085 . DS565, Commodity Futun~s Trading Commission. Advi.~wry Commi tee on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KE'1085 • U5565, Commod.i ty Futures Tra.di.ng C:omm.i.ssi.on. l-\dv.isory Commj.t:ee on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KF1085 . U5565, Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Advisory Com.rnitee

on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KF1085 . U.5565, Commodity Future;;; Trading Corr.mission. Advisory Com..'Tiitee on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KF1085 . D.5565, Commodity Futures Trading cormnission. Advisory Commi tee on Definition and Regulation of .Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KE'1085 . U5565, Commodity Futures Trading Comrnission. Advisory Corn.mit:ee on Definition and Regulation of Market Instruments. Transcripts. b, KF:'1085 . 05565, Commodity Futures Trading Commi.ss:i.on. Advisory Com...'11:'Ltee on De fin it :i.on and Rrt~~d

of t· h of th .Juris secundurn : a com9lete Resto.te:nent of'.... Entire American Law as Developed by l-\ll H.eported Cases.

the the



rei,KF154 .C:56,Co:rpus Juris Secundum : a Complete He.statement of the Ent ire Arr.ericcrn Law els Developed by All Repo.tt:ed Cases. ref, K.Fl 54 . C56, Corpus ,)uris Secund.um : a Complete Restatement of the Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases . .r.ef, KF 15 4 . C5 6, Corpus Ju:r.i s Secundum : a Complete Restatement of the.

Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. ref,KF154 .C56,Corpus Juris Secundum ~ a Complete Restatement of the Enti.re American Law a.s Developed by All Reported Cases. ref, KF154 . C56, Corpus :ruris Secundum : a C:ornplz::te Restatem~~nt of th£~ Ent.Lr.e American Law as Deve.loped. by A:t.l Reported Cases. ref, KFl 54 . C56, Corpus Juri.s Secundum : a Complete r Juris secundurn: a complete Restat0:.n11.:n'.\t Entire American Law as Developed by l-\ll Reported Cases. ref,KF151 .C56,Corpus Juris Secundum : a Complete Restatement Entire Arneric.crn Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. ref,KF154 .C55,Corpus Juris Secundum : a Complete Restatement

of the. of: the

of the of the

Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported cases. ref,KF154 .C56,Corpus Juris Secundurn : a Complete Restatement of the Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. ref, KF154 . C56, Corpus ,Tur is Secundum : a Complete Restatement Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. r:c,~.f, KF 15 '1 • CS 6, Corpus Jur i.s Sec1mdum : a Compl .Juris Secundum : a Complete Rer:>tatement of t:he Entire American Law a.s Developed by ?..U Reported Cases. ref, KF154 . C56 2008, Corpus Juris Secundum : a. Complete Rest,::.1tement of the Ent.ire ,:;me:r.ican Law as Deve.loped by AJJ. Reported Cases. ref, KF l 54 . C5 6 2 00 8, Corpus ~Juris Secundum : c. Complete Restaternent of the Entire American Ldw as Developed .by All Reported Ca.Sef;;. ref, KFl 54 . C56 2009, Corpus Juris Secundum : a Complete Restrtt:)d Cases ..

ref, KF154 .C56, Co:::·pus .::ru:::-is Secundum : a Complete Restatement Knt:i.r.e Ame:r.ican Law as Developed by l\ll Reported Ca.ses. ref, KF154 . C56, Corpus Juris Secundum : a Complete R~~statem;.:;rrt Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. rei,KF154 .C56,Co:rpus Juris Secundum : a Complete He.statement Ent: ire Amer:iccrn Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. ref, KF154 .C56, Co:rpus Jur.is Secundum : a Complete Restatement Entire l\.merican Law S Develcp;~d by All Reported Cases. ref,KF154 .C56,Co:rpus Juris Secundum : a Complete Hestate:ment Entire American Law as Developed by All Heported Cases. ref,KF154 .C56,Co::::pus Juris Secundum : d Complete Restatement

"~ v.c




of the of the of the "';:

" ... the

Entire American Law a.s Developed by i:>.11 Reported Cases.

ref, KF154 . C56, Corpus ;ru.ris Sec1.mdum : a Complete Restatement of the Ent.ire .American Law as Deve.loped by A:t.l Reported Cases.

rei,KF154 .C56,Co:rpus Juris Secundum : a Complete He.statement of the Ent: ire Amer:iccrn Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. ref,KF154 .C56,Corpus Juris Secundum : a Complete Restatement of the Entir~~ American L.;,w as D(~Veloprt~~d

of t· h of th .Juris secundurn : a com9lete Resto.te:nent of'.... Entire American Law as Developed by l-\ll H.eported Cases.


rei,KF154 .C:56,Co:rpus Juris Secundum : a Complete He.statement of the Ent ire Arr.ericcrn Law els Developed by All Repo.tt:ed Cases. ref, K.Fl 54

. C56, Corpus ,)uris Secund.um : a Complete Restatement of the

Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases . .r.ef, KF 15 4 . C5 6, Corpus Jur.i s Secundum : a Complete Restatement of the. Entire American Law as Developed by All Reported Cases. ref,KF154 .C56,Corpus Juris Secundum ~ a Complete Restatement of the Enti.re American Law a.s Developed by P..l.l Reported Cases.

ref, KF154 . C56, Corpus :ruris Secundum : a C:ornplz::te Restatem~~nt Ent.Lr.e American Law as Deve.loped. by A:t.l Reported Cases. ref, KF154 .C56, Corpus Juri.s Secundum : a Complete r.mendment of 1927

Legislative History. b,KF1085 .A3ll Al5 1927,Cotton Legislative History . b,KF1085 .A311 A15 1927,Cotton Legislative History. b, KF1085 .l\311 Al5 1927, Cot ten Legislative History. b,KE'1085 ,A.311 Al5 1927,Cot:ton Legislative History,

Futures Act Amendment of 1927

Futures Act: Amendment of 192"? Futures Act Amendment o:t 192.7

Futures Act Amendment: of 1927

b,KF:'1085 .A3J.1Al51927,Cotton Futures Ac:t Amendment of l

Cl"~ .,.; .c.. I

Legislative History. b,HG6047 .C63 G3,Cotton Goes to Market; a Graphic Description of a Great

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Congress, First Session, Pursuant to


Hes. 142, a Resolution to

Investigate the Recent .... b, K.F:'26 .A.35 1928,Cotton Pr::Lces : Hearj_ngs before a


of the

Committee en Agricu.Ltu.re and Forestry1 United States Senate, Seventieth Congress, First Session, Pursuant to S. Res. 142, a Reso1.ution to Investigate the Recent .... b, HG60'17 . C63 C68 1938, C:ott~on Tender:a.ble on Contracts for: Future Deli.very4 b,KF26 .A35 1931,Cotton .and Grain Futures !..;ct: Heatr:ings b~~fore the Seventy-first Congress, Third Session, on S. 3420, S. 4129, S. 5542, E'ebrua:ry 10, ll, 1931. b,HG6047 .c63 HB,Cotton and the Cotton Market. b,HG6047 .C63 865,Cotton and the New Orleans Cotton Exchange; a Century of Comme.rc:i.al. Evolution. b,HG6047 .C63 C66,Cotton: From Field to Fabric. b,HG6047 .C65 H36,Cottonseed Oil Survey of February 28, 1941. b, AVAILABLE~ ON u;XI.S, Court: J'>,;w,uded Attorney FE~0S. b,KFB915 .SS9 1985,Court:room communication strategies I b,KF8915 .H45 1997,Courtroom persuasion : winning with art, drama, and scien.ce ! b,HG6047 .P47 C7 1989,Crack Spread Handbook. b, KF'l3•P • C7 1968, Crane and Brombe:rg on ?o.x:t:nex:sh:ip. b,HG4529 .M397 2011,Crapshoot investing : how tech-savvy traders and clueless regulators turned the stock market into a casino I b,HG4910 .A67 1989,Crash : Ten Days in October-- Will It Strike Again? b,HG4910 .A67 1989,Crash : Ten Days in October-- Will It Strike Again? b,RB3716 .C7 1990,Crashes and Panics : the Lessons from History. b, Z674 .75 .VJ67 v~47 2006,C.reating database-bc:.ck>::d J..ibrary VJeb pages : using open 3ource tools I b, ZA4080. 5 . Z53 2008, Creating digital collections : a. practical guide I b,HG3751 .A78 2001,Crectit : the complete guide to pricing, hedging and risk management I b, HG5024 .A3 C73 1998, Cred.1.t De:::.·.tva.t lves : ?~ppU cat1om> for Risk Management. b,HG1641 .A53 1996,Credit Spreads in the Market for Highly Leveraged Transaction Loans. b, HG602•1.A3 1'34 2001, Credit derivatives & synthetic structures : a guide to instruments and applications I b,HG6024.A3 A585 1999,Credit derivatives I b, HG6024 .Fl3 C'739 2006, Credit d•~rivatives a primer on credit risk, modeling, and instruments ! b,HG6024.A3 C75 1998,Credit: derivatives : applications for risk management, investment and portfolio optimisation I b,


.A3 P38 2007, Credit derivati.ves

documenting and understanding

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b,HG370l .353 2002,Credit :risk : modeling, valuation and hedging I b,HG1641 .S33 1999,Credit risk measurement : new approaches to value at risk and othe~ paradigms I b,HG3751 .C75 1999,Credit risk models and management b, HB3722 . C724 2009, Credit, currency, o.r. der:•. vat.1ves ~ :.•. ns t rument:. s of global financial stability or crisis? I b,HG2l:j2 .C'/6 1%9,Crisis Resolution in t~he Thrift Industry: a Mid.America Inst.it ute Report.

b,HB3722 .R68 2010,Crisis economics : a crash course in the future of .finance I b, HG3851 . C7 5 l.992, Cross Currency Swap.s. b,HG3851 .C75 1992,Cross Currency Swaps. b,HG6024.A3 W6 no.24 1980,Cross hedging I b, fCJ T4 . C76 1997, Cross··border securities : repo, lending, .::rnd collateralisation b,KF8920 .?68 1993,Cross-examination : science and techniques I b,HD9560.4 .K72 1998,Crude oil hedging : benchmarking price protection strategies I b, JT108l . Z56 l 99,1, Curbing Unethical Behavior in Government.

b,H.G3823 .R66'"f 1996,Currency Forecasting: a Guide t.o Fundamental and Technical Models of Exchange Rate Determination.

b,HG3853 .S56 1995,Currency Risk Management : a Broker•s Handbook. b,HG3853 .S56 1995,Currency Risk Management : a Broker's Handbook. b,HG3853 .A53 1993,Currency and Interest Rate Hedging a User's Guide to Options, Futures, Sw.ctps, & Forward Contracts. b,EG3853 .A53 1987,Currency and Interest Rate Hedging a User's Guide to O·ptic)ns, F1Jtu.res, Swaps, and. FC).rwa:rd :L . H4 1988, Cur-rency and Int~~:rest R.a.tE~ Swaps. b,EG385.l .B4 1988,Currency and Interest: Rate Swaps. b, H.G925 . H367 1998, Currency competition and foreign e;.;cbange markets the dollar, the yen, and the Euro I b, HG3853 . C867 1998, Currency d1'~ri vati.ves : pr.icing theory, exotic opt :Lons, and h;:..::dging a pp Li. cations I b,HG6024.A3 C87 1998,Currency options and exchange rate economics I b,HG3853 .G37 2012,Currency trading in the forex and futures markets I b,KF1085 .A75 A53 1985,Current Developments in Futures Law and Eegulation. b,KF1085 .A'/5 A5.3 1985,C:urrent Developments in Futures Law and Regulation. b,Klll4 .A55 1986,Current Developments in International Securities, Commodities and Financial Futures Markets. b,JX171 .C87 198'1,Current International Treaties. b, HG60'19 . C87, Current: Speculation in Commodity Futures. b, HG60~~4 . 05 C88 1986, Customer Account Protecti.on Study. b, KFJ 085 . C92 1979, Customer Protect :i.on Pursua.nt to the Commodity Exchange

Act, as Amended :


Report to the Inter-Agency Task Fo:rce.

b, KF1085 . H.92 1978, Custmne:r Protection in the Comodit:y F'utures Hark et:.

b,HG6024.A3 W6 no.79 1984,Customer protection in


and securities

markets I

b,HG6024.A3 W6 no.191 1989,Customer risk and the regulation of futures commission merchants I b, Hted I .A22, D strict of Columbia Code, Annotated I


.1~22, District of Columbia Code, b, KFD1230 2001 .A22, Dist r:ict of Colum.bL:i Code, b, K.F:'DL~30 2001 .A22, Di.st r ic:t of Columbia Code, b, KFDI230 2001 . l~2 2, District of Columbia Cede, b, KFD~t.230 2001 •.P..22, D1.St.:r1ct of CoJumbia Code1 ref, KFD:l.277 . 057 1994 REF, Dist:rict. of Columbia

b, KE'Dl.230 2001

Annotated I Annotated I ,.,,,,nnotted I Annotated



Practice Manual. ref,KFD127'7 .D57 1994 REF,District cf Columbia Practice Manudl.

b, HC:6041 . G67 l.987, Do Agric:uJ..turaJ. Options Prices D.iffer from Non-

Agricultural Options Prices? b,HG604l .G67 1987,Do Agricultural Options Prices D:Lf.fer. from t.Jor1Agri.culturaJ Options Pr.ices? b,HG6041 .G67 1987,Do Agricultural options Pd.ces Differ f trn Non-Agricultural Options Prices?

b,HG6041 .G67 1987,Do Agricultural Options !? rices D:i..ffer from Non·· Agr.i.cu lt ur.al Opti.ons P r.i.ces? b, EG604 :l . G67 1.987, Do Agr.i.cu:LturaJ. Options Prices J:hffer from Non--

Agricultural Options Prices? b,HG6024.A3 W6 no.28 1982,Do futures markets enhance intertemporal allocative efficiency? b,KF9010 .D6 1993,Dobbs law of remedies damages, equity r restitution b, KF9010 .D6 1 '393, Dobbs law or remedies damage. l performance r;ilan j b, HG6005 .T73 L- 9-5 ~- , ~ cHt\OUS financiaJ f~Lascos I h,HG 6005 .G37 2000,Famous first bubbles : the fundamentals or early manias I b,HC:6005 .G37 2000,Fa.mous first bubbles : the fundamental.s of ear.ly mani,~s I b, KF1012 ..~.32 A2 1985 ARCHIVE, Fa.r.m Credit .~:mendments .Act of J.985. b, HG6047 . S6 H53, Far.mer Speculat.ion jn .Soybeans. : < ""\

. . . .,.. A,_;


b,HG6047 .G7 M402 1938,Farrners' Elevators and Futures Markets: (Talk before District .Meetings of the Iowa Farmers' Elevators Association, November 7·--11, 1938). b, HG604 6 .K45 1984, Fa:rrne:rs' Gu:'•. de to Trading Ag:r..i.cu:t.tur.·a.1. Commod.i ty Opti.ons.

b,HD1751 .239 1985,Farmers' use of cash Forward contracts, Futures Contracts, and Commodity Options. b,ED175l .P39 1985,Farmers• Use of Cash Forward Contracts, Futures Contracts, and Commodity Options. b,HG6046 .P3,Farmers' Use of Forward Contracts and Futures Markets. b, HG60•19 . TJ5S 19781~, Fan:ners 1 use cf Fut1,n·es Max:kE~ts M:d F'Ot\vard Contracts. b, K52 . A7 F362 1982 REF, Faruqi' s Law Dictionary : English--Arabic. b, ri:J:"27 . A345 l 997b, F.ctst track trade negotiating authority : hearing before the Subcommittee on General Farm Cora.'11odities of the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session, September 23, 1997. b,HG 4529.5 .R33 2005,Fat-tailed and skewed asset return distributions : implications for risk mana9ement, pert.folio selection, and option pricing

I b, HG60-17

. C62 K6, Fc-~asib.1.li.ty Analysis of


ion.?.l Commodity

.!'.greements on Cocoa. b,HG2563 .J66 1989,Fed Watching and Interest Rate Projections : a Practical Guide. b,KF5407 .F42 1984,Federal Administrative Agencies : Essays on Power and Politics. b, KF5407 . Z9 F38 197'7, Federcil Administrat~i ve Ldw : Pr


l'>nnot.ations Annotations

Annotations Annotat ionf;;


Annotations . Annotations Annotations

with Key-- Nurnb0 X' Annotations with Key-Number Annotations

F42, Federal Reporter, w.ith Key--Numbe:r F42, Feden1J.. Reporter, with Key-Number • If' 42, Federal Reporter, w.ith Key---Number . .F"42~ F~ederal Report.EH', with Key-Number .F'42, r'"federal Reporter, with Key-Number E'42, Federal Heporter, with Key--Numbe.:r .F42, Federal Reporter, with Key--Nurribe r .F42, Federal Reporter, with Key-Number ...F42~ F0d0:ral Report.En::, wi.t.h Key-- Nurnb0 X' .F42, Federal Reporter, with Key-Number E'42, E'ederal Eeporter, with Key--Numbe.:r ) Federal Reporter, with Key-· Number .. f l,._, .F42, Fe~jera.l Reporter, with Key-Number ~ F 4 :~I Fede.ra1 .Rt ions Key-Number Annotations Key--Number Annot.;:tions Key-Number Annotations Key---Nurnber .l\nnota ti.on s Key-Number Annotations Key-Number l'.nnotat ions Key--Numbe.:r Annotations . Key--Nurnbe r Annota.t ions Key-Number Annotations Key-- Nurnb0 X' Annotz>t ions Key-Number Annotations Key--Number Annotations . Key-· Number Annotations Key-Number Annotations K;;~y·-Nm:nber Annotations Key-Number .Zumot at ions Key-Number Annotations. Key--Number Annota.t ions Key-Number Annotations Key-· Numb"~ r Annot.?.t:i.ons Key-Number- .Z\nnotat ions Key-Number Annotati.on.s K;:;y--Nur:tl:>t-::r


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Key-Number Key-Number Key-Number Key-Number


Annotations Annotat ionf;;


Annotations . Key-Number Annotations Key ..·Nurnbe:r Annotations


KE~ y-- N urnb0 X'


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.F'42, r'"federal R1?porter, with Key-Number l'.nnotat. ions E'42, Federal Reporter, with Key--Num.be .:r Annotations

.F42, Federal .F42, Federal ...F42~ F0d0:ral b, KF105 .F42, Federal

.b I

Repon:er, with Key-- Number Annotations Reporter:, wit~h Key-Number .Z\.nnotc~t ionr:> Reporter, with Key-Number Annotations

.F42, Federal .F42, Federal ~F42, F~~;(ie.ra1 •


'j ··'I


r.·ede:ral. F'"' '::..:::: t Federal #F42, Federal r.~42,


. F'42, f·ede:ral ~F42,

Federal F.'42, Federal.


Fe? #- t Federal

.F42, Elederal . F'42, Federal .FtJ2, Federal F42, Federal F42, Federal F42, Feden1J.. . F'42, f·ede:ral ~F42, Federal f42, F'ederaJ_ ..

Ft:0 t Ff;deral .~

. F42, Federal. .F'42, Feder a ~.F42,


b, KF105 .F42, Federa


Reporter, with Key--Ntnnbe r Annotations Reporter, with Key-Number An.notations Report.En::, with Key-- Nurnb0 X' Annotations Reporter, with Key-Number Annotations Reporter, with Key--Numbe.:r Annotations . Reporter, with Key-·Number Annotations Reporter, with Key-Number Annotations Re :r Annotations RE~porter, with Key-Number .Z\nnota.t ions Reporter, with Key-Number Anno tat i.on.s Reporter, with K;:;y--Nurnbnnot.ations

Key-Number Annotations

: Purposes and Functions. b, KFH 39 .AT! 1980, Federal Securities Code : Adopted by the Amer:iccrn Law Institute at Washington, DC, May J. 9, .1978 : with Reporter's Commentary. b,KF1439 .A77 1980,Feder.al Sec;urities Code: Adopted by th~~ American L~w In.st i tute at \."/ash.i.ngton, DC, May J..9, :L978 : with Reporter's Commentar.y. b, KF14J9 . A77 l.980, Federal Secur.it.ies Code : 7\dopted by the Arneri.can Law

Institute at Washington, DC, May 19, 1978: with Repox:te.r's Commentary. b,KF1439 .A77 1980,Federal Securities Code : Adopted by the American Law Instit1.1te at Nashington, DC:, Ma.y 19, 1. 978 : with Reporter's Commentary. b, KF1439 . lA.77, Feder.aJ Secu:r.it ies Code : Subm:',.tted by the Counc:'...J. to the Members of the 1\mer:i.can Law Inst.itute for. Di.scus.si.on at the F'i.fty .. L.ft:b

Annual Meeting on May 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1978 : Proposed Official Draft. b, KF1439 .AT!, ff'Jderal Securities Cod'.:: : Submitted by the Council to the Members of the American Law Institute for Discussion at the Fifty·· fifth

Annual Meeting on May 16, 17, 18, and 19, 1978 : Proposed Official Draft. b,KF143'3 .A77 Supp.,Federal Securities Code : Supplement to Proposed Oi:ficia1. D.raf:t. b,KF1439 .A77 SUPPL.,Federal Securities Code : Supplement to Proposed Official D:raft. b, ri:J:1436 .5 .F39, Federal Securities Law Securities : Laws, Regulations, Forms, SupplE.!m ,,/ ,,,.

Conference Report (to

Conference Report (to

arch,KF27 .A3 19B2a,Frrtures Trading Act of 1982

Conference Report (to

AC ,;;nd OpU.ons wcrld. b,PERIODICALS,Futures and Options World. b, PERIODICALS, Futures 2,nd Options World.

b,PERIODICALS,Futures and Options Wcrld. b,PERIODICALS,Futures and Options World. b, PERIODICALS, F\itur.e~> .;;nd Options World. b,PERIOOICALS,Futures and Options World.

b,PERICDlCALS,Futures and Options World. b,PERIODICALS,Futures and Options World. b,PERIODICALS,Futures and Options World. PERIODICALS, F11t u.res and Opt ions ~vor 1 d. per, PFHIODICALS, Futur·e~; and Opt ions ~-Jor-Jd. per, PERICDICl~LS, r~utures and Options Wor.ld. per,PERIODICALS,Futures and Options World. per, PERIODICALS, Futures and Option.l Qua1.ity Management Resource Guide & Directory.

h,K3943 .M4,lnternational Trade Regulation. b,K3943 .M4,International Trade Regulation. b, HE'1411 .1555 1981, Internati.cnal Trade,

Industrial.ization, and the New

International Economic Order. b, KF4H3. C48 867 2.0 lJ.., Inte.r.nat iona.1 ci vi.1 .U.t:'•. ga.t.i.on in United States

courts I b, HD27S7. 5 . IA3 2000, International corn:modi ty rna.i:·k0:.ts and the ro}e of cartels I b, HF.'1428 . B87 1993, Tnternaticna1 commod.ity pol.icy : a quantitat :i.ve anai.ysi.s I b, EG604 6 . C5735 2001, Tnterna.ti.onaJ. commod.i ty t:radi.ng : physica.l and derivative markets I b,HG4551 .IS 1989,International conference on black box automated trading systems : November 7--8, 1989 World Trade Center New Yo:rk arch,HD9560.4 .P43 2010,International crude oil market handbook. ref,HG151 .C54 1999,International dictionary of banking and finance I ref,HG151 .8274 2000,Tnterno.tional dictionary of finance I b,K3941 .L69 2008,International economic law i ref,HG4529 .1584 2000,lnternational encyclopedia of technical analysis I b,HD9502 .A2 D335 2004, International energy ma.rkets understanding pricinq, policies, and profits I b, HC.~3851 1986,International financial markets ! b,HG4538 2000,International 1nvestment~; I 2008,International J..aw ; b, KZ3275 b,HG3881 .J33 1996, International moneta.ry cooperation since Bretton Woods '


I h,HG3815 .G72 1996,International money : postwar trends and theories I b,HG6024.A3 I57 1994,International regulation of derivative markets, products and financial intermediaries, I b,HG6024.A3 !57 1997,International regulation of derivative markets, products and financial intermediaries, I h,Klll4 .S7.5 1999,International securities law : a contemporary and cornparative an.alysis / b, Kl331 .Al3 155 2001, International. securities markets : the j_rnpact of globalization & technology I b,Kl331.Al3 155 2002,International securities markets, 2002 : addressing cross-border legal & business challenges I b,Kll14.5 .I58 1999,International survey of investment adviser regulation

I b, KDZ260

. N33 1999, Tnternaticna.1 tr a.de .in firnrnd.al services

: the NAFTA

provisi.o.ns I

h, HG602·1 .A3 ~% no .103 198.5, Int:e:rnational trade with forward-futures market under exchange rate and price uncertainty I b, Kl.114 . 157 1988, Inter.nationalization of the Secur.iti.es Markets : Report of trH.:: ~~ta ff of the U . .S. Securities atnd Exchange Commission to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and the House Committe on gnergy and ..... b,Kll14 .I57 1988,Internationalization of the Securities Markets : Report of the Staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to the Senate

Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and the House Committ:e on Ene r:gy , United States SE~nat0:., Cne Hundx:edtt: Congress, Second Session. b, KE'26 .B39 1988i ARCHIVE, Legislative Rec:om.mend.:;,tions Concerning the

Stock Market Break of October 19, 1987 : Hearing before the Committee on Bankinq, Housing, and Urban Affair.. Futures Statistics.

b, HG4530 .t.1249 2010, Mor.e money than God : hedge funds and the

mak:',.ng of a

new elite i b, HG20,10 . S'/3 1991, Mortgage Lending and Investing : Underf;;tanding Risks in a Changing Market.

b,HG4534 .LS V.5,Mortgage and Asset Securitization. b,HG5095 .F33 1992,Mortgage and Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets.

b, HG4 655 . D28 l.994, Mortgage .. Hacked Securiti.es : lnve:strnent 7-rna.lysis J\dvanced




b,HG4655 .M65 1987,Mortgage-Backed Securities

New Strategies,



b,HG4655 .0282


Securities Workbook.

b,HG4655 .£'333 2011,Mortgage-backed securities

products, structui:ing,

and analytical techniques ! b, KE'8875 . i:-133 l.998, Motions practice : before the Merit Systems Protection Board ~nd the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission I b,JF12B .L44 2003,Motivation, agency, and public policy : of knights and knaves, pawns and queens / b,HG4910 .C52 1987,Mugged on Wall Street : an Insider Shows You Hew to Protect Yourself from the Financial Pros. b, KFJ 085 . A73 C4$ NO. 208, Multiple Deli.very Points Procedures. b, KF 10 85 . lA.7 3 C4 5 NO. 20 8, Mu1 t ip.i.e De !:'..very Points Procedures.

b,HG6024.A3 M855 2011,Multiscale stochastic volatility for equity, interest rate, and credit derivatives I b,HG4726 .F33 1995,M:unicipal Bond Portfolio Management. b, EG4726 . G'/3 l 995, Hunicipal Derivative Securities : Uses and Valuation. b, HG4 930 .t-187 1998/99 REF, Hut ual Funds, Closed-End Fund;;;, Unit Investment Trust Sponsors .. b, HG4930 .G738 200.S,Mutual fund industry handbc;ok : £> comprehe.nsivE~ g1..d.de for investment professionals I b,HG 6024 .U6 M9 2008,My word is my bond : voices from inside the Chicago Board of Tr.35 1988,Nomination of Wendy L. Gr App.topri Trading .35 1988i, Overs::Lght heari.ngs--matters re1ating to the October a



19 market break : hearings before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, second session ... March 17 and April 27, 1988. b,KF26 .A35 1988i,Oversight hearings--matters relating to the October 19 market break : hear::Lngs before the Committee on .Agr.iculture, Nutrition,

and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, second session ... March 17 and April 27, J.988. b, K.F26 ....1\.35 .l9B8i, Overs.igh.t hearings·""""·n-tatters re.latir1g to tt~e October- 19 rna:rket break : hearings bef:ox:e the cownittee on Agric:ultur.e, Nutri t;Lon, and Forestry, United States Senate, One Hundredth Congress, second session ... Man;h J 7 and April 27, 1988. a:rch, KF26 .A3534 J. 984d, Ove:rs1.ght on Matters Re.lat.i.ng to the Commodity F.·utures TradJ.ng Comm.iss.ion : Hear:i.ng before the Subcomrn.ittee on Agricultu:ral Research and General Legislation of the committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. arch, fG:'26 . A3534 1980, Oversight on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission : Heciring before the Subcommittee on Agricultural Research and General Legislation of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Fo:restry united states senate, b, KF2 6 .A3534 1980, Oversight on the Commodity F1..1tures Trading Commission ~ Hearing before the Subcornrrittee on Agricultural Resee,rch a.nd Gener2,l Legislation of the Corrunittee on Aqriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate, b, KF26 . A3534 l 980, Overs i(;ht on tth~ Cmnmodi ty .Futun~.s Tradi.:ng Commis.s.i.on : Hec:.:ring before the Subco1nrn.".. tte>:: on .2'~gr1-cultural Research and Genera.J.. Legisl.ati.on of the Comm.ittee on AgrJ.culture, Nutrj.tion, and Forestry

United States Senate, arch,KF26 .A3534 1980,Cversight on the Commodity Futures Trading Comrrti~>sion : n:: Commit.tee on l\.g:r.icu.l.turE~, Nut :rit ion, and Forestry United States Senate, arch,KF26 .h3534 1980,0versight on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission : Hearing before the Subcommittee on Agricultural Research and General Legislation of the Corrrmitt.ee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry United States Senate, arch,KF26 .A3534 1980,0versight on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission : Hearing before th•~ Subcommittee on i\g:ricultural Research and General Legislation of the Corm:nittee on Agriculture, Nut:ri ti on, and Forestry United States Senate, b, KF26 ..Z\.3534 1980,0versight on the Commodity Futures T.rc~ding Commission ! Hearing before the Subcornmittee on Agr::Lcultural Research n-Eng1.ish, Eng1.ish-Ge:rman I ref,PC 1640 .095 2006,0xford-Paravia : il dizionario inglese italiano, italiano inglese I ref, PL 4187 .E5 094 2004, O.xford-R::Lver Books English-Thai jj_ctionary I b,HG5980.7 .A3 P33 1991,Pacific-Basin Capital Markets Research. b, HG5980. 7 .A3 P 33 J..~190, Pacific-Basin Ca.p.i.taJ .Markets Research. b,HG5980.7 .A3 233 J.990,P.ac.ific-.. Ba.sin Capital Na.rket.s


b,HB3722 .P36 2009,Panic : the story of modern financial insanity I b,KF1657 .C7 P3,Parallel Grand Jury and Administrative Agency Investigat :i.ons. b,HG389l.5 .W46 1987,Passing the Buck : Banks, Governments, and Third ~Jor l.d

Debt .

b,HG6024 .U6 H29 1937,Past and present theory regarding futures tcading I b,HG 6049 .R63 2008,Past, present & futures : Chicago Mercantile Exchange / b,KF2980 .F67 1993,Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks. b,HG4910 .G4 1'390,Patterns in Intra.day Stock Market Volatility : Past and

Present. b,HF5549.5 .M63 F'58,l?atterns of High Performance : Discovering the Ways People Work Best. b,HG 6015 .R55 2002,Patterns of speculation: a study in observ. .A52 A33,P ke and F scher Admin strat ve Law, Third Series.

b,KF540l .A52 b,KF.5401 .A52 b, K.F:'540l. . A52 b,KF5401 .A52

A33,Pike A3.3,Pike A33, Pike A33,Pike

and and a.nd and

Fischer Fischer Fischer Fischer

b, KF540l ..1152 A33, Pi.ke and F1.sche:r.

b,KF540l b,KF.5401 b, KE'5401 b,KF54Dl

.A.52 .A.52 .A52 .A52

Administrative Law, Third Administrative LStw, Third Admin::Lstrative Law, Third Administrative Law, Third .~dmini.strati.ve

A33,Pike and Fischer Administrative A3.3,Pike and Fischer Administrative A33, P::Lke a.nd F'i.scher Administrat:'Lve A33,Pike and Fischer Administrative


Series. Series. Series.

Law, Third Series. Law, Third Series.

Law, Third Series. Law, Third Series. Law, Third Series.

b, KF54.0l ..i;.52 A33, Pi.ke and Fischer Admini.st.r.at.ive Law, Third Series. b, KF5401 . A52 A33, pj.J~e and Fi.sc:be:r Administrat:Lve Law, l'h.i.:rd Seri.es. b, KF.'5401. . i'\52 J\33, Pik.

b,KF540l .A52 A33,Pik.e and Fischer Administrative Law, Third Series. b, KF.'54 Ol . A52 A33, Pike and Fischer Admini.stra.t i.ve Law, Third Series. b, KF540l ..1152 A33, Pi.ke and F1.sche:r.

b, KF540:l. b, KE'541H b,KF540l b,KE'540l b,KF540l b,KF540l b, KF.'5401. b,KF540l b,KF540l b, ri:F540l b,KF540l

. A52 .A.52 .AS2 .A52 .A52 .A52 . i'\52 .A52 .A52 .A52 .A52

A33, Pi.ke il\33, Pike A33,Pik.e A33,Pike A33,Pike A33,Pike A33, PH.::ct .:Lng the Reg:i ::>t :ration of Associated Persons . .b, KF 8915 . L3Tl 2004, Quest ions from the .bench I b,KF879.528 .Q56 2010,Quinn's Uniform Commercial Code Commentary and Law I


b, KFS79 528 ~,_;i'.)r: 20J. GI Qu.:i.nn s Uniform Commercial Di.gest b, KF879 $28 .Q56 2009, Quinn ' s uniform Commercial Digest b, KF879. 528 .Q56 2009, Quinn s Uniform Commercial Digest . b, KF879 528 ~056 .2009, Quj_nn s Uniform Comme.r.cia1 Digest b, KF879. 528 • \,!vO 2010, Quinn I s Uniform Commercial Digest b, KF879 . 528 .Q56 2011, Q·uinn I s Uniform c;ornrne re i al Digest b, KF.'879. 528 .Q.56 2011, Quinn J s Dn.iform Commercial Digest b, KF879. 528 .Q56 2011 , Quinn s Uniform Commercial Digest . • b, KE'879. 528 • l'\t::;;;'_" \;.v' 0 2CJ.O, I"> v.uinn s Uniform Co1n,"nercia1 Digest . I s Uniform Comme.r.c i. a.1 b, KFB79 528 Q56 20l.O, "'>£u1.nn Digest b, KF' 879. 528 . QS6 1. 991 Cum. Suppl. 2007-.. 2, Quinn's Commentary and Law Digest. ~t:;,


Code Commentary ar1c.i. La.w

Code Cornm;-:;ntary a" nodity Futures Trading Comrn.ission : Report of the c:orrmitt_ee on Agriculture, N-utrition, and Fo.rest:ry, lJnlt~~;(i States SE-)natE-) 1 tc Accompar1y S. 2391. arch, KF31 . l>.35 l 978, Reauthor·:l. zation of th~~ Cornmod.i.ty Futures Trac:Unq Commiss.i.on : I~epo:rt of the Cornmi_ttee on Agricu.ltu:re, Nut:ri ti.on, and Forestry, United States Ser'h:>te, to r~ccompany S. 2391. b, KF3l .A.35 1978, Reauthorization of the Comrnodity Futures Trading c;omrrtission : Report of t~ne Cormnitt:ee on Agriculture, N'ut:ritio·n, and

Forestry, United States Sencite, to Accompany S. 2391. arch, KF31 .A35 1978, Reauthorization of the Com:modj_ty Futures Trading Commission : Report of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, United States Senate, to Accompany S. 2391. arch, KF31 .A35 1978, Reauthoi:ization of the Com,"!lodity Futures Trading Cornrnission ; Report (>f the c;orrmitt~ee 011 A9ricultur:e~ Nutr:itior1, ~~n,.344 6 2005, Reauthorization of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission : hf;aring before th. b, KE'8961 .F.44 2000,Reference manual on sc.i.enti.fic evi.d.ence I b, KF26 .A35 l997h, Reform of U1Va:LJ. Street new architecture of global finance I I

thz:: Dodd·· Frank Act and the the Dodd.. Frank l-\Ct and the

b,HG181 .R357 2011,Regulating Wall new architecture of global finance b,HG181 .R357 2011,Regulating Wall new architectu~e of global finance


the Dodd-Frank Act and the


Street !

the Dodd-Frank Act and the

b, HG455l .R384 2012, Regulating compet:'•. tion in stock m.:n·kets


:measures to pr:omote fairness and t.ranspa:rency through investor protection and crisis prevention I b, KE'1085 .R27 l.977, Regu.lating the Gra.i.n Gambler a.ad Hi.s Successors. b,KF2093 .R.gr.eement s : an Tnve.stigati.on :c.nto the Breakdown of Tnte:rnat.ional Cornmodi.ty Agreements. b, HE'l428 . R.33 1995, Ri:;;e and Derd.se cf Cc;rnmodi ty AgreE~rnents : an Investigation into the Break.down of International Cormnodity Agreements. b,HG6041 .W97,Risk Arbitrage II. b,HG3821 .L58,Risk Aversion and the Effectiveness of Sterilized Foreign E.xchanqe ME'.'.rket Intervention. b, HG6024 .i'\3 S74 19SB,Risk Aversion ,~nd the Inte:rtempc;.ra.J Behavior: .;;f: l~sset Prices. b,HD61 .R57 1997,Risk Management for Financial Institutions : Advances in

Measurement and Control. b,EG6024 .A3 R57 1992,Risk. Management with Derivatives. b,RG6024.A3 W6 no.185 1989,Risk Premia in Futures and Asset Markets. b,QA29B .V67 2008,R.1.sk '.:"lna.1-ysis = a guantitc:.tive quide I b,HB539 .E924 1987,Risk and Rational Expectations : an Empirical Study of 0

the Term Structure of Inte::::est Rates. b,Klll4 .D35 1996,Risk and Regulation in Global Securities Markets. b,HG,1661 .W48 1996,Risk and R of the Commod:i.ty ~


Futures Tr.ad:Lng Comm.i.ssi.on Act of 197 4.. b, KFl085 . A316 $42 J.978, Secti.on by Sect:.i.on /l.na:Ly.si.s of the Commodj,,ty

Futures Trading comm:L:;;sion Act of 1974. b, KF1085 .A316 S42 1978, Section by S'.::ction l-\nalysis of the Com,-nodit y Futures Trading Comrrcission Act: of 19'i'4. b,KF1085 .A316 S42 1978,Section by Section Analysis of the Commodity Futures Tr;::-.ding Commission ?.ct of 197 4. b,KF.'1085 .i'\316 S42. 1978,Sect:Lon by section Ana1.ys:is of the c;ornmcd it y Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974. b,KF1085 .A318 S42 1990,Section-by-Section Analysis of tlle r-'utu:res Trading Act of 1982. b,KF1085 .A318 S42 1990,Secticn-by-Section Analy.::.Lr Product::;: Mark!?.ts, .Models, and Pol:i.cy.

b,Z675 .A2 I66 1998,Special Libraries : a Cataloging Guide. b,HG602l .J65 1989 Suppl. 1993,Special Release on the Futures Trading Practices 1\ct of 1992 .. b,HD9006 .S31 2001,Special procedures to encourage and facilitate bona fide hedging by agricultural producers : as required by Section 4p of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 I b,HD9006 .331 2001,Special procedures to encourage and facilitate bona fide hedging by agricultural producers : as required by Section 4p of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act: of 2000 I

b, KF:'240 . S6, ~;pec.ialized Lega.1 Resea.rcb. b,HG6047 .G7 178 1938,Speculation Versus Hedging in Country Elevator Opera.ti.on. h,HG6024.A3 W6 no.181 1988,Speculation and price volatility I b, HG60,16 . B373 1985, Specul and s tati;.to r.y const:ruction I b,KF425 .S25,Statutes and statutory construction ! b, KF42~.i . E'76 2002, Statutory interpretation : the search for legislative intent b,HG492 .5 .M39 1992,Stealing the Market : How the Giant Brokerage Firms, with Hep from the SEC, Stole the Stock Market from Investors. b, HF1017 . B37 1999, Stochastic .fi.nancial mod.Ed.s for elect :ricty d.erivat.i.v!:~s b, E3141 . .M344 l.98.2, Stochastic methods in economi.cs and finance I b,HG4515.2 .S'"f6 1991,Stochastic models and option values : applications to resources, environment, and investment problems I b, HG60-13 . I.665 1985, Stock Ind9 .072 W3, The Econo1nic~; of F:Lor.ida' s Fco.::r Imports and Exports : an Econometric study. b, HG382l .Ir74 1989, The Economics of Foreign Exchanqe : a Practical Market Approach. h,HG6046 .S674 1987,The Economics of Futures Markets. b,HG6046 .S674 1987,The Economics of Futures Markets. b,HG6046 .S674 1987,The Economics of Futures Markets. b, HG6046 .E25 1978, The Economics of Futures Trading : RN~dings Select.sd, Edited, and Introduced. b,HG4530 .E26 1990,The Economics of Mutual Fund Markets : Competition versus Regulation. b,HD9560.5 .J8 1990,The Economics of Natural Gas Pricing, Planning and PoliGy. b,HD2763 .C68 1986,The Economics of Public Utility Regulation. b,HD3612 .U88 1986,The Economics oi Hegulating Industry. b,HB173 .L2413 1989,Tbe Economic;;; of Uncertainty and Information. b, HD9030. 5 . G83 1978, The Economics of World Gr.ain Tr~::diz> cf the united States Congr:E~ss. b,HD38.4 .P56 1993,'I'he End of Bureaucracy & the Rise of the Intelligent Organization. b, HG6024 .A3 E7 1993, The Equity Derivatives Ha.ndbook. b,ED2755.5 .D65 1989,The Ethics of International Business. b,RG38Bl .E3 1969,The Euro-Bond Market. b,HG3897 .Sl7 1990,The Eurocurrency Market Handbook. b, EG60.24 .A3 E97 2001 !02, 'The Euromoney deri.vati ves & r.isk management handbook. b, KJE67'H • E33 19911, The European Internal Market Jinnipeg.

b,HG6047 .?6 047 1970,The Extent and Price Effects of Floor Trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange Potato Futures Market.

b,HG6049 .C26 1968,The Extent of Price Risk in Spreads between Futures. b, K7 4 8 5 . I 58 1987, The Ext.rate r.-r .i.t oria.:t. Appl. i cat ion of Nati ona 1 Laws. b,KF1085 .E89 1977,The E.xt:rater:rit.orial Implications of the Commodity

Exchanqr::: Act b,KE'1085 .E89 l.977, T!1e Extra.territorial .Implications of the Commodity Exch,~ngz::


b, KF1085 .E89 1977 r The Extraterritorial Impl:',.cat.i.ons of the Commodity gxc~tlange


b, KF.'1085 .E89 19'77 Exchange Act



Ext i:·o. t:.er :ri t.o~ ial Implications (: f: tte commodity

b, KE'1085 .E89 1977, The E.xt:rater:ritorial Implications of the Comrrtodi t y Excl:v.m90 Act . 1. .Impl.ications of the Commodity b, K.F:'1085 .E89 1977 I Tf1e E•.x~ r a t err J. tor ia Exchange l~ct b, KF1085 .E89 1977, The Extraterritorial Impl:',.cat.i.ons of the Commodity Exchange


b,HG6047 .R9 M44 1942,The Factors Which Affected the Trading and the Price of Chicago Rye F~tures in January and February, 1942. b,KF3030.1 .P37 1985,The Fair Use Privilege in Copyright Law. b, HG604 6 . R4 3 1975, The Fastest Ga.me in Town : Tr.·ading Corrn:nod.i.ty Futu r.es. b, HG2565 .N44 l.983, 'The F'ed : Ins.ide the Fede:ra:L Rese.i~ve, the Secret Power Center that controls the American Economy. b, KF5407 .AS F3 1947, The Federal Administrative Proced1..1re Act and the Proceec:U.ngs o.f an Inst.i tute Conducted by the New York University, February 1-8, 1947. b,HJ2051 .H47 1991,The Federal Budget: a Guide to Process and Principal Adrninist.rat.i ve A(JErncies;

Publications b, HA37 . U55 .ES5 1991, The Federal Statistical So1..1rc,_:: : ~vhere to Find Agency Experts & Personnel . .b,HG176.'? .P3'"f 1995,The Fin.cmcial Enqineer. b,HG181 .F67 1'397,The Financial Services Revolution : Understanding the Changing .Role c:;;f: Bank:;;, Mutual funds, zn:d Insurance Cc;rnpanie:;;. b,HG186 .G7 R64 1987,The Financial System Today. b,HG3880 .M33 1997 REF,The Financial Times A-Z of International Finance the Essenti 0-./ 1990 REF,The New """"r· b, .M.t.:::; E363 1990 REF,The New b, .AE5 .E363 J.990 REF,The New b,AE5 .E363 1990 REF,The New b, ?>.ES E363 ~t.990 REF,The New h, ltE5 E ~ c·.J ..,/".l 1990 REF,The New """"r· b, .M.t.:::; .E363 1990 REF,The New b, AE5 .E363 .1990 REF, The New b, AE5 .E363 1990 REF,The New b, 7'.ES E363 ~t.990 REF, The New E363 1990 REF,The New b, Jl~.E b, lYE .E363 1990 REF,The New b, AE E363 1990 HEE',The New r ..\







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Britannica. Britannica. Britannica. Britannica.

Britannica. Britannica. Britannica. Britannica. Britannic:.RCHIVES), Tr.ad(~ in Gra.1.n Futures. b, HG6047 . ~\6 T7, T:rade in Woo.J. Tep Futures

b, KF3l 80 . K36 l 991, Trademark law : a practitioner's guiae / b,HG4928.5 .W45 1990,Trader.s : the Jobs, the Products, the Markets. b,HG6047 .26 T72 1959,Traders in Maine Potato Futures, October 30, 1959. b,HG6047 .W6 T72 1958,Traders' Positions in Wool and Wool Top Futures, November 28, 1958. b,HG 6024 .A3 D377 2006,Traders, guns & money : knowns and unknowns in the dazzling world of derivativ·es / b,HG4551 .G65,Trading : Inside the World's Leading Stock Exchanges. drch,HG4910 .T7 1990,Tr&ding Analysis of Oct.ober 13 and 16, 1989: a Report b, HC~tl 910 . T.7 1990,Trad.inq Analys.i s o.r October l.3 and 16, b,HG4910 .T.7 1990,T:r.ading Analysis of October 13 and J.6,

J 989 1989

.T7 1990, Trading Analysis of October 13 and 16, 'T''"i 1990,Tradinq An.alysis cf Oct~ober 13 ar1tt "'..2,!Jnited b,KF62 2000 .A2,United b, ri:F62 2000 .A2, United b, KF62 2000 . 'P.2, United b, KF62 2000 • }\..2, United b, KF62 2000 . l\2, United b, KF62 2000 • P..2, Un.i ted b, KF62 2000 .A2, United b, KF62 2000 . 'P.2, United b, KF62 2000 .A2, Uni.t.ed b, KF52 2000 . l\2, United b, KE'62 2000 . l\2, Un.i ted. b, KF62. 2000 .l"l.2, United 20()0 .. P~21 United b, yr.· "r: r.,.., :::'.)~ b, KF62 1994 .A2,Unit.ed b, KF62 1994 .A2, United b, KF62 .1994 • P..2, Un.i ted b, KF62. 1994 . l"l.2, united :::'.)£.. b, f.'"G'",., 1994 .. ~~L: I United b, KE'62 1994 .I1..2, tlnit:ed b, KF62 1994 .A2, Unit~ed b, K.F:'62 l.994 .A2,United b, KF.'62 l.994 .A2,United b, KF62 1994 . A2, United o~


'/; / )


Stat:es Code

States Code. States Code. Stat:es Code Stat~es


States States States States

Code, Code. Code. Code. Code. Code. Code. Code. Code. Code.


States States States States StatE~S

States Code. St:ates Code

States Cod.e. States Code. StatE~S Code. States Code. St:a·t~;s


St.i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court:

at .... b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports


at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

Adjudged :'Ln the Supreme Court

at: ....

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at ....

b, KF101 at ....


United States Reports


.A212,United States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in




Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the S1.1preme Court

at .... b, KF101 at ....

. P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.ses A~djudged .i.n th.e Supre1ne Cou.rt

b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu> at .... b, KF101 .A212, United

~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports


~).i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at .... b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports at: .... b,KF101

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court: Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

.A212,United States Reports

at .... b, KF101 at ....


United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court


.A212,United States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the S1.1preme Court

at .... . P..212, uni.ted States Reports at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu>

b, KF101

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court

at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



~).i.djudged ;Ln tte



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court:

at .... b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports

Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt

at .... b, KF101 at: ....

. P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 at ....


United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court


.A212,United States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the S1.1preme Court

at .... b, KF101 at ....

. P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court

b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu> at .... b, KF101 .A212, United

~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



~).i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court:

b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports


at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

Adjudged :'Ln the Supreme Court

at: ....

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 .!~212, United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States B.eport.s at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases


in the S1.1preme Court

at .... . P..212, uni.ted States Reports at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu>

b, KF101

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court

at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports


~).i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged i.n the Supreme Court



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at .... b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court: Case~:;

Adjudged :'Ln the Supreme Court

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

at: ....

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 .!~212, United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States B.eport.s at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases


in the S1.1preme Court

at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Cases J.l..djudged .in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu> at ....

b, KF101 .A212, Gnited ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the

b, KF101 at .... b, ri:J:!Ol at .... b,KF101 at .... b,KF101 at ....

.A212, united States Reports


.A212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

.A212,United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

.A212,United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b, KF101 .A212, United States Report.'S at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b, KF101 ..A.212, Un.i.t!?.d Stat!:~s Reports at .... b, KF101 .Z.\212., United States Reports at ....


b,KF101 .A212,United States Report.s at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports

~).i.djudged ;Ln tte



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court:

b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports

Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt

at .... . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 .!~212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b, KF101 at: ....

at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the S1.1preme Court

at .... b, KF101

. P..212, uni.ted States Reports

at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court


at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court


~).i.djudged ;Ln tte



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court:

b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports

Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt

at .... . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 .!~212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudqed in the Supreme Court

b, KF101 at: ....

at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KF101

. P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court

at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu> at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the S1.1preme Court

at .... b, ri:J:!Ol .A212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at ....

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at .... b, KFlGl ..A.212, \Jni.t!?.d



Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt l~d judgE~d

:in the



at .... b, KF101 .Z.\212., United States Reports at ....

Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b,KF101 .A212,United States Report.s at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at ....

b, KF101 .A212, :;nited States Report~s at .... b,KFJOl .A212,Un.i.ted States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Report.s at .... b, KE'101 .A212, United States Reports


b, KF101

Cases J.l..djudged i.n the Supreme Court

at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



~).i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court:

b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports

Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt

at .... . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 .!~212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b, KF101 at: ....

at .... b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



in the S1.1preme Court

at .... b, KF101

. P..212, uni.ted States Reports

at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court


at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports



~).i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at .... b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports at: .... b,KF101

at .... b, KF101 at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court: Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

.A212,United States Reports .!~212,

United States Reports

.A212,United at .... b, KF101 .A212, United at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United b,KF101

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States B.eport.s

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports


States Reports

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court


in the S1.1preme Court

States Reporu>

at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United at .... b, ri:J:!Ol .A212, United at .... b,KF101 .A212,United at .... b,KF101 .A212,United at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited

States Reports



States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports


at .... b, KFlGl ..A.212, \Jni.t!?.d



~).i.djudged ;Ln tte



b,KE'101 .A212,U:nited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b, K.F:'l01 .A212, United States Reports at .... b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports at: ....

Cases _Acljudged :Lrl th.e Supreme Co11rt

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b, KF101 .!~212, United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States B.eport.s at ....

Cases Adjudqed in the Supreme Court

b, KF101 .A212, United States Reports


Ca.se s A~d j"udged .i.n t h.e S"UP re1ne co·u.r.t

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court l'~dj1.idged

in the S1.1preme Court

at .... . P..212, uni.ted States Reports at .... b, KE'l01 .A212, United States Reporu>

b, KF101

Cases A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court

at ....

b, KF101 .A212, United ~)tates Heports at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited States Reports at ....

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court (~ases

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt

b, KF101 .A212, United at .... b, ri:J:!Ol .A212, United at .... b,KF101 .A212,United at .... b,KF101 .A212,United at .... b,KF101 .A212,Dnited

States Reports



States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

States Reports


at .... b, KFlGl ..A.212, \Jni.t!?.d



in the S1.1preme Court

Adjudged in the Suprerne Co11rt l~d judgE~d

:in the



at .... b, KF101 .Z.\212., United States Reports at ....

Adjudged in the Supreme Court

b,KF101 .A212,United States Report.s at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at ....

b,KF101 .A212,United States Reports at .... b,KFJOl .A212,Un.i.ted States Reports at .... b,KF101 .A212,United States Report.s at ....

Cases Adjudqed in the Supr:!::me Court

b, KE'101 .A212, United States Reports

Cases Adjudged i.n the Supreme Court

Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court

at .... b, KF101 ..P..212, uni.ted States Repo.r.ts at ....

Cases A.djudged .in the Supreme Cou.r.t

b,KF'lOl .A212,United states Re9or.ts

cases J>.i.djudged ;Ln tte

at ....



b, KE'101 .A212, United States Reports dt . b, K.F:'l01 .. A212, Un.ited. Sta.tes Reports at . b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports

Cases Adjudged in the Sup:ren1e Court:

(;ases Adjudged in the Supreme Court Ca.ses A.djudged i.n the Supreme Court


b, KF101 .A212,United States Reports


at b, KF101 . r~212, United States Reports at b, KE'lCJl .A212,United States B.eport.s at . b, KF101 #l\212, Urlited States Reports



b, KF101 . P..212, uni.ted States Reports



b, KE'l01 .A2.12, urnteo States Reporu> at b, KE'101 .A212,Gnited ~~tat:es Heports -·-


c;lutl.cn:;; ... and. Rec:rg,~nizat:Lon Ple.n, l\rnendment to the Constitution, and Proclamations.

b, K.F50 .. U52, lJnited States Statutes at Large : c;ontaining the Laws and

Concurrent Resolutions ... cmd Reorqani zat ion Plan, Amendment to the Const.itution, and Proclamations.

b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concu:r:rent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Plan, Amendment to the c;onstittrtion, and P:roclarr;.at:ions.

b,KF50 .US2,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reo.rganizati.on P1a.n, Amendment to the

Constitution, and Proclamations. . U52, United States Statutes at La :rge : Conta:L:rd.ng the Laws and Concurrent Eesolut.i.ons ... and Reo.rganizati.on Pla.n, £.\mendment to the Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and

b, KF 50

Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Plan, Amendment to the Const:Ltt:ti.on, and P:r.oclamat.i.ons. b, K.F50 .. U52, Uni.ted States Statutes at I.!a:rge : Contaj. ni.ng the l.;aws a.nd Concucrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Plan, Amendment to the Constitution., and Proclarr1ations.

b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... .cmd Reorganization Plan, Aruend.11ent to the Constitution, and Proclamations# b, KF.'50 .U52., Dn:Lted States Statutes d.t Lai:·ge :

Concurrent Resolutions ... and Heorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b, ri:J:"50 . U52, United States Statutes at Lar:ge : Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KF50 .US2,United States Statutes at Large :


the I,aws and. Plan, l\:rnendment to the

Containing the Laws .:;md Plan, Amendment to the

Containing the Laws and Concurrent Re sol ut.ions ... and Reorga.n1zation Plan, i".mendrnent to the

Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KFSO .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concur.rc;lutl.cn:;; •.. and. Rec:rg,~nizat:Lon Ple.n, Amendment to the Constitution, and Proclamations.

b, K.F50 .. U52, lJnited States Statutes at Large : c;ontaining the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorqanization Plan, Amendment to the Const.itution, and Proclamations.

b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concu:r:rent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Plan, Amendment to the c;onstittrtion, and P:roclarr;.at:io:ns. b,KF50 .US2,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reo.rganizati.on P1a.n, Amendment to the

Constitution, and Proclamations. . U52, Un.ited States Statutes at La.:rge : Concurrent Eesolut.i.ons ... and Reo.rganizati.on Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Const:Ltt:ti.on, and P:r.oclamat.i.ons. b, K.F50 .. U52, Un ..t.ted States Statutes at I.!a:rge : Concui::r0nt Resc;lution:;; •.. and Reo:rganizat;Lon Constitution., and Proclarr1ations. b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Concurrent Resolutions ... .cmd Reorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b, KF.'50 .U52., Dn;Lted States Statutes d.t Lai:·ge : Concurrent Resolutions ... and Heorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b, ri:J:"50 . U52, United States Statutes at Lar:ge : Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KF50 .US2,United States Statutes at Large : Concurrent Resolut.ions ... and Reorga.n1zation Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KFSO .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Concur.rc;lut ions • . . and Rec:rg,~ni za t :Lon P le.n, Amendment to the Constitution, and Proclamations.

b, K.F50 .. U52, lJnited States Statutes at Large : c;ontaining the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... cmd Reorqani zat ion Plan, Amendment to the Const.itution, and Proclamations.

b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concu:r:rent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Plan, Amendment to the c;onstittrtion, and P:roclarr;.at:io:ns.

b,KF50 .US2,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reo.rganizati.on P1a.n, Amendment to the

Constitution, and Proclamations. b, KF50 . U52, Un.ited States Statutes at La.:rge : Conta:Lning the Laws and Concurrent Eesolut.i.ons ... and Reo.rganizati.on Pla.n, £.\mendment to the

Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Plan, Amendment to the Const:Ltt:ti.on, and P:r.oclamat.i.ons. b, K.F50 .. U52, Un ..t.ted States Statutes at I.!a:rge : Contaj.. ni.ng the l.;aws a.nd

Concui::r0nt Resc;lution:;; ... and Reo:rganizat;Lon Plan, Amendment to the Constitution., and Proclarr1ations.

b,KF50 .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions ... .cmd Reorganization Plan, Aruend.11ent to the Constitution, and Proclamations.

b, KF.'50 .U52., Dn;Lted States Statutes d.t Lai:·ge : Concurrent Resolutions ... and Heorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b, ri:J:"50 . U52, United States Statutes at Lar:ge : Concurrent Resolutions ... and Reorganization Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KF50 .US2,United States Statutes at Large : Concurrent Resolut.ions ... and Reorga.n1zation Constitution, and Proclamations. b,KFSO .U52,United States Statutes at Large : Concur.riest's Bankruptcy Reporter. b, KF'lSl5 • i'\2 W47,

b,KF1515 b,KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KFl515 b, KE'l515 b, KF1515 b, KE'l515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF.'1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, I:'i:Fl515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515 b, KE'l515 b, KF1515 b, KF1515


Bankx:u9tcy Repo:r.tex:.

.A2 YJ47,\..;Jest's Bankruptcy Reporter. .A2 W47,West 1 s Bankruptcy Reporter. • •11.2 iti4 7, West ' s Bankruptcy Repo:r.ter .A2 W47, ~'>Jest f s Bankruptcy .B..epcrter .. A2 ~"J47, west ' s BanY..ruptcy Re9or.t0r , .1\2 irJ4 7, West s Bank.n.1ptcy R'.::porter .A2 W4'7 , t~est I s Bank.rtxptcy Eeporter .A2 ~'ij4 7 1 West ' s Bankruptcy Reporter . A2 W47, i~est r s Bankruptcy Reporter . .i'\2 W47, west I s Bankx:uptcy Repo rte x: , .A2 irJ4 7, \.;Jest Jest I s b, KE'lS15 .. A2 ~"J47, west $ b, KF1515 .1\2 irJ4 7, West ' s b, KE'l515 .A2 W4'7 , t~est I ,, b, KF1515 .A2 ~'ij4 7 West ' s b, KF1515 . A2 W47, i~est I s b, KF'lSl5 .i'\2 W47, west $ b, KF1515 .A2 irJ4 7, \.;Jest ' s b, KF1515 .A2 W47, t~est I 3 b, ri:Fl515 .A2 ~v4 7 r West ' s b, KF1515 .A2 W47, West I s b, KF1515 .A2 VJ47 I i~E-)St I s b, KF1515 .A2 irJ4 7, W!:~St ' r:} b, KF1515 .J\2 W47, West I s b, KF1515 .A2 ~'ij4 7 West ' s b, KF1515 . A2 W47, i~est I s b, KF1515 .A2 W47, i~E-)St r s b, KF1515 .A.2 irJ47, W!?.st ' ~} b, KE'1515 • 1';2 i"J47 West I s b, KF1515 .!... 2 ~'447 'I West ' s b, KF1515 ~l~2 iti4 7, West ' s b, KF1515 .A2 W47, West I ,,c• b, KF1515 .A2 'tJ 11 '"! I West. s b, KF1515 .J\2 W47, West I s b, KF1515 .1. . 2 ~'44 7 I west I $ b, KF1515 .A2 itJ4 7, West ' s b, KE'1515 .A2 VJ4 7 I West I ,,c• b, KF1515 .A2 W!l'"! I West .$ b, K.F:'l 51 5 .A2 W47, West • s b, KFJSE A2 N47, Nest I s b, KF1515 • •112 iti47, West ' s b, KF1515 .A2 VJ4 7 I West I ,,c• b, KF1515 .A2 'tJ 11 '"! I West. s b, KE'151 5 .A2 W47, t"Jest • s b, KF1515 .A2 N47, ~\est I b, KF1515 • ,i;.2 ~·J47, West ' s b, KE'1515 .~\2 VJ4 7, ~.oJest I s b, KF'lSl5 .i'\2 W47 I west $ b, KF1515 .A2 irJ47, \.;Jest ' s I













Bankruptcy Repon:er B~~nl. . ruE'tcy Ref:: .f:eder.o.1 practice digest 4th.

practic'.:: digest 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,Weat's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF 127 . W484, West's feder:,ctl practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,V'Jf'JSt's f1?deral

b,KF 127 .W484 2007 v. 6,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF'l27 .W484,West's federal practice di9est 4th.

b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,West•s federal practice digest 4th. b, ri:F 127 . W484, West's feder:,:;tl practice digest 4th. b,KF 127 . W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF 127 . W484, West's fecfr,'.\ral practice digE-~st 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .~J484,t"1est's federal practice d.i.gest 4th. b,KF127 . W484, We;;;t ' s federal practice di9est 4th. b,KF127 . Vl484, ~AJest 's federal pract_ic:e digest 4th. h,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF127 . W484, i•Jest' s federal pract.ice digest 4th. b,KF12'7 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th.

b,KF12.7 .W484,West 1 s federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th.

b, KE'127 . W484, ~vest's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF12'7 .WtJ84,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, K.F:' L~7. ~'11484, West's federa.1 practi.ce d::Lgest 4th.

b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF127 . W484., West's .f.ede.r.a.l pr act.ice digest 4th. b, KE' 127. ~.-J484, West's federal practice digest •1th.

b,KF 127. W484,West's federal p::::actice digest 4th. b,KE'127 .W484,t"1est's federal practice di.gest 4th.

b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF127 . W484, West's .fede.r.a.l pr.act.ice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,t•Jest's federal pract.ice di.gest 4th. b, KF'l27 . W484, 1;;test 's federal practice d;L9est 4th.

b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th.

b, KE'127 . W484, i•Jest' s federal practice digest 4th.

b,KF 127. W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, K.F:' L~7. ~'11484, West's federa.1 practi.ce d::Lgest 4th. b, KF127 . ~1484, West 1 s federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484.,West's feder.a1 practice digest 4th. b, KF127 . W484, i•Jest' s federal pract.ice digest 4th.

b, KF12'7 . W484, West's feder b, KF 127. W484, \.'~est• s

b, KF 127 . W484, West's federal practice digest '1th. b,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. h,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF 127 . W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF 127 . W484, West• s feder,::l pr act: ic;;:; digest 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KE' 127 ~:.J484, West'"" federal prac-cice digest 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th.

b,KF J27 b, KF 127. b,KF 127 b, KE' 127 b,KF 127 b, K.F:' b,KF 127 b, KF ~L27 b, KE' 127 b,KF 127 b, KE' b,KF 127 b, KF ~L27

W484,West•.s federal practice digest 4th. W4l34, West• s .W484,West's ~\484, West:'"' .W484,West's W484,West's

federal practic f:ede i:·o.1 pract :Lee digest 4th. b, KF 127 . vJ484, West Is federal pr act ice digest 4th.

b,KF 127 . W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. ~t.27 .W484, West's f.ede:raJ. practice di.gest 4th. b, KF 127 .W484, West 1 s federa.1 practi.ce d:i.gest 4th.

b, KF

b, KE' 127 . ~\484, ~'Yest'~> b, KF 127 . W484, ~vest• s b,K~ 127 .W484,Weat's b, KF 127 . W484, West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's b, KF' 127 . W4 84, west'~> b, KF 127 . W484, \.'~est• s b,K~ 127 .W484,West's b, ri:F 127 . W484, West's b, KF 127 . W1184 1 West's b,K~ 127 .W484,West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's b,KF L27 .W484,West's b, KF 127 . W484, West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's h,KF 127 .W484,West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's b, KF 127 . W484, West• s b,KF 127 .W484,West's b, KE' 127 .~:.J484, West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's b,KF L27 .W484,West's b,KF 127 .W4l34,West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's b, KE' 127 . t\484, West's b,KF 127 .W484,West's

f:eder.o.1 practice digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th.

federal practice digest 4th. feder.ctl practice digest 4th.

federal practice digest 4th. f:ede i:·o.1 pract :Lei:~ digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th.

federal feder.:;tl federal federal federal federal

practice digest practice digest practice digest practice digest practice digest practice digest

4th. 4th.

4th. 4th. 4th. 4th.

feder.ctl practice digest 4th.

federal practice digest 4th. federal prac~1ce digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th. feder,::l pr act: ic;;:; digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th. federal prac-cice digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th. federal practice digest 4th. federal practic f:ede i:·o.1 9ract :Lee digest 4th b, KF 127 . W484, \.'~est• s federal practice digest 4th.


b,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice di.gest 4th . b, KF ~t.27. W484, West's b, KF 127 . W484, West 1 s b, KE' 127. ~\484, ~-vest'~> b, KF 127 . W484, ~vest• s

di.gest 4th. d:i.ge.st 4th. digest 4th digest 4th. b,KF121 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF127 . W484, We;;;t 's federal practice di9est 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF' 127 . W4 84, west'~> .f:ede i:·o.1 9ract :Lee digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, ri:Fl27 . W484, We;;;t Is federal practice di9est. 4th. b,KF 127 .W1184 1 West's federal practice digest 4th . f{;:dE-)ral p.ract iCE~ d:i.g€st 4th . b, KF 127 • Wt1 84 I t.-Vest ' b,KF J. 27 ~\484 I \.'~est • s federa.l. practJ. (~e dige~rt 4th. b,KF - ' ) / ~\484 , West l .s federal p:ractj.. ce digest 4th. b, KF 127 W484 , West I s feder:etl ,practice digest 4th b,KF 127 .W484 , i..Yest I s federal practice digest 4th. h,KF 127 .W484,West's federal practice d~aest 4th. b, KF127 . W484, West's .federal pr act i.cE~ di~f~!!st 4th. b,KF 127 .W484,West•s federal practice digest 4th. fede:raJ. fede:ra.1 .f:eder.o.1 federal

practice practi.ce practice practice




-'~ I

b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b,KF127 .W484,West's federal practice digest 4th. b, KF127 . W484, i•Jest' s federal pract.ice b, KF12'7 . W484, West's feder b, KF105 • r·4 irJ;:..::~>t • s 'j . b, KE'105 r.~44 , West I b, KFlOS .F44, ~vest f $ b, KFlO.S .F44, itiest • s b, KF105 . F'44, We.st 1 " b, KFlO:j .F41, V'~est • ~j b, KF105 F.·44 , West ' s b, KF105 .F44, ~vest • $ b, KFlO.S .F44, itJest • s b, KE'105 .. ·F'44, VJest 1 s b, KFlO:j . Ft; 4, West • s b, K.F:'105 F44, VJest I s b, KFJ05 F4 o.rter b, KF105 . F411, West ' s feeler al reporter b, KF105 .F4,1,West 1 .fed{;:.ra1 ro.rter b, KF105 . F411, West ' s feeler al reporter b, KF105 .F4,1,West 1 .fed{;:.ra1 ro.rter b, KF105 . F411, West ' s feeler al reporter b, KF105 .F4,1,West 1 .fed{;:.ra1 r b, KF105 • r·4 irJ;:..::~>t • s 'j . b, KE'105 r.~44 , West I b, KFlOS .F44, ~vest f $ b, KFlO.S .F44, itiest • s b, KF105 . F'44, We.st 1 " b, KFlO:j .F41, V'~est • ~j b, KF105 F.·44 , West ' s b, KF105 .F44, ~vest • $ b, KFlO.S .F44, itJest • s b, KE'105 .. ·F'44, VJest 1 s b, KFlO:j . Ft; 4, West • s b, K.F:'105 F44, VJest I s b, KFJ05 F4 b, KF105 • r·4 irJ;:..::~>t • s 'j . b, KE'105 r.~44 , West I b, KFlOS .F44, ~vest f $ b, KFlO.S .F44, itiest • s b, KF105 . F'44, We.st 1 " b, KFlO:j .F41, V'~est • ~j b, KF105 F.·44 , West ' s b, KF105 .F44, ~vest • $ b, KFlO.S .F44, itJest • s b, KE'105 .. ·F'44, VJest 1 s b, KFlO:j . Ft; 4, West • s b, K.F:'105 F44, VJest I s b, KFJ05 F4 o.rter b, KF105 . F411, West ' s feeler al reporter b, KF105 .F4,1,West 1 .fed{;:.ra1 rt • s b, KE'l20 r.~42, West I f.ede :r al. supp1ement 2d seri.es b, KF120 .. F'"' '::..::::, ~vest f $ federal supplement 2d series b, KF120 #F42, itiest • s federal supplement 2d series b, KF120 .. F'42, We.st 1 " federal supplement 2d series b, KF120 . F42., V'~est • ~j federal s UE'Pl erner1t 2d series b, KF120 F.'42, West ' s federal supplement 2d series ,._, ~vest • $ federal supplement 2d series b, KF12.0 .. Fe? b, KF120 .F42, itJest • s federal supplement 2d series b, KE'120 .. ·F'42, VJest 1 s federal supplement 2d series b, KF120 .FtJ2, West • s feder:~~l supplement 2d series b, K.F:'l20 F42, VJest I s federaJ_ ~:;upplement 2d series b, KFJ2Q F42, Nest f s federal. suppJt $ legal forms ! b, KF1384 .A65 W47, \;Jest s legal forms I I I I








2d SE~.rit-1!3 2d series

2d series 2d series

b, KE'1384 .A65 i•147, West I s legal forms !

b, KF1384 •• 0-.1 W47, \!'Jest s b, K.F:'1384 .A65 ii-147,West s b, KF1384 . ?~65 W47,West 1 s b, KF1384 • ,J;.65 W47,West s b, KF138·1 . l~.65 i•J47,West s b, KF1384 .•A./o,,~ W47,West s b, KE'1384 .A65 trJ47,West s b, KF1384 .A65 W47,West 1 s b, KF1384 • ,i;.65 W47,West s b, KE'1384 .~\65 1'J47,West s b, KF.'1384 .i'\6S W47, l'Je~>t $ b, KF1384 .A65 W47, \;Jest s ';'\ ;-·c.::., b, KFJ384 .no .... W47, Wt $ b, KF1384 .A65 W47, \;Jest s b,KF1384 .A65 W47,West I s b, ri:F1384 .A65 W47,West s b, KF1384 .A65 W47,West s b, KF1384 .A6S ~·J47 I tJ€,'.\.St IS b, KFl384 .A65 W47, Vie st s b, KF1384 .,~65 )J47,West 0 b, KF1384 .A65 W47,West ;;; b, KF1384 ~A65 W47,West .s b, KF1384 .A6S W47 I W er i:n nd.l p:r.ccech;.r0. 2002,Wharton's crim nal procedure. I I


I I l




b, KE'9219 . ~\43

b, KF9219 b, K.F:'9219 b, KF.'9660 b, KF9660

.W43 • ~..J43

• Wiheat. b,HG4910 .S37 1985,Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or, A Good Hard Look at ~1Va11 Street. b,HD30.35 .B76 1982 HEF,Where to Find Business Information : a Worldwide

Guide fo.r Everyone Who Needs the Answers tc Business Questions. b, KF5338 . W4 7 b, K.F53JB . ~~4 7 b, HV6769 . s93 b, HV679l . 085 b, EV679l . 086 b,KF9350 .A93 b,KF9350 .A93 b, KF'93SO .i'\93

2004, Wl'd.stJ.eb.low:',.ng : the l.aw of reta.:t.iatory discharge I 2004, ~~hi.stleblow.ing : the 1a.w of retaliatory di.sc:t1a~cge I 1983, Wh;Lte Col Lu Cdrne : the uncut version.

1977, White Collar Crirrl'.::s : Defense Stratf'Jgies. 1978, ~'IJhite 2001,White 2001,White 2001, Wh;Lte

Collar Crimes, l 978. collcir cr:ime / collar crime /

ccLL.H cnrne / b,KF9350 .W43 1990,White collar crime business and regulatory offenses ! b, HV679l . W45 1977, White--Collar Crime Offenses in Business, Politics, and the Professions.

b,RV6791 .846,White-Collar Crime : a 20th-Century Crisis. b,HV6769 .~\48 :L982,Wh:ite-CcLla.r Crime; an ?'>genda for Res!:~arch. b, EG60.24 .J\3 F697 1996, ~Jho Buys and Who Sells OptJ.ons : the Ro:Le and Pricing of Options in an Economy with Background Risk. b,HG6024 .A3 F7 1994,Who Buys and Who Sells Options : the Role of Options in a Genc,~ral Equ.1.li.bri urn Medel wi t.h Background Risk. b, HB235 .lJ€ C56, WhoJ.esale Commodity Prices in the United. States, J700.1861. b, HG6047 . ?6 ~T63 1973, \'~hose Markets? : the Case fer t1aine Potato Futures. b,HG46Sl .A24,Why Are Convertible Bonds Called 'Late?' : Test of th"'

Signalling Hypothesis. b,HB3722 .S66 2003,Why stock markets crash : critical events in complex financial systems I

b,HG 4910 .E93 2003,Why the bubble burst : us stock market performance since 1982 I b, HE'l 002 . 37 5 19 95 REE', Wiley's English-German, German ·-English Business Dictiondry. b, HE'1002 . .K323 1996 REF, WiJ.ey • s EngJ..ish-Span.ish, Span:'Lsh-Engl.ish Business

Dictionary. b, KFB5 . W55 REF, Wi. ll.i arn-Scot.t Guide to the Adm.inistrat ive Regu:tat:Lons ot the States & Territories. " . b,HG6046 .G34 1983, Winner Tcikes All a Privateer s 1..:1Ul.Cle to Conunodi t: y 1~rading .. h,HG6046 (~34 1983, Winner Takes All '~ Pri vatlords and Phr-ases. ref, Kfl56 31671.2, Word:;; and Phrases ref, KF156 . 'iiJ67 l2, \..;Jo:rds and Phrases.

ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and ref,Ref KF156 .W6112,Words ref,KF156 .W6712,Words a.nd r:ef, Kf'l.56 . W67 l2, ~"iords and

Phrases. and Phrases. Phrases.

Phrases .

.r.ef,KF156 .W67l2,Wo:r.ds and Phr.·ases.

ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .~·J6'll2,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .W67l2,Words a.nd Phrases. ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .W61l2,Words and Ph:r.ases.

ref,KF156 ref, Kfl56 ref,KF156 ref,KF156

.W6712,Words and 316712, Word:;; and .W6712,Words and .W6712,Words and

Phrases. Phrases. Phrases. Phrases .

.r.ef,KF156 .W67l2,Wo:r.ds and Phrnses.

ref,KF156 ref, KY 15 6 ref,KF156 ref,KF156 ref,KF1S6 ref,KF156 ref, Kfl56 ref,KF156 ref,KF156 ref,KF1S6 ref,KF156 ref,KF156 ref,KF156 ref,KF156 ref,KF1S6 ref,KF156 ref,KF156

.W6712,Words and Phrases. .1'16712, wo r.·d:;; and Phrases. .\116712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. 316712, Word:;; and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .\:16712,Wor:ds and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .VJ67L2,Words and Phr"'.lS(~S. ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .W67l2,Wor:ds and Phrases. b,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. b,KF156 .W6712,Wo:rds and Pru:ases. ref,KF156 .~·J6'll2,Words and Phrases. b,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. b, KF156 . W67l2, Words and


b,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .W6712, Words and Phrases ref, KF156 . W6Tl2, Words and Phrases. ref, KF156 .. VJ6712, t"Jorc..is a.nd Phrases. ref, KFE6 .. t..16712, Words and Phra.ses .r.ef, KF156 .W67l2, Wo:r.ds and Pln·ases. ref,KF156 .W6712, Words and Phrases ref, KF156 . ~·J6'll2, Words and Phrases . ref, KF156 .W67l2,Words a.nd Phrases. ref,KF156 .. t..16712, ~fords and Phrases ref, KF156 .W61l2, Words and Ph:r.ases.

ref, KF156 .W67l.2, ~'>lords and Phrases. b, KF'lS6 . W6712, wo:rds and Ph:rasi~s. ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases.

ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. b,K.F:'156 .W6712,Words and Phr:-ases. r:ef, KF.'1.56 • W67 l2, ~"iords and Phrases . .r.ef,KF156 .W67l2,Wo:r.ds and Phr.·ases.

ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .~·J6'712,Words and Phrases. ref,KF156 .W67l2,Words a.nd Phrases. ref,KF156 .W6712,Words and Phrases. b, HG6024 ..~.3 v/665 no. 68-72, Working Paper. Seri.es (Columbi.a University.

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CoJum.bi.a b,EG6024 Columbia b, HG6024

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b, EG6024 .A3 W665 Columbia Eus:i.n:: petroleum Lndustry out 1ook. b,HD9561 .056 2004-2008,Wcrldwide petroleum industry outlook. b, HD956l . 056 1998--2002, Worldwide petroleum industry out look. b, HD956l . 056 1999-2003, Worldwide petroleum indu.