Chamber Flash - Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce

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Oct 21, 2016 - 660-747-3168 or email Suzanne Taylor at .... Lotspeich Automotive, Inc. Marco. Michael .... Email marketi
Chamber Flash Creating opportunities that drive commerce and promote business.

Upcoming Events

October 21, 2016

Welcome Alan Flinton Lawton Publication Senior Account Executive

UCM HOMECOMING Saturday, October 22nd Parade 9 AM Mules vs. Washburn Walton Stadium, 1 PM Ribbon Cutting Sweet Dreams Doghouse Tuesday, October 25th 2 PM 5 NW 750th Rd. Chamber University Cyber Security Threats Wednesday, October 26th, 11:45—1 PM—JMCR Candidate Forum Thursday, October 27th, 6 PM 107 Ming—White Rose Pavilion WIN Networking Luncheon “Achieve Your Potential” Friday, October 28th, 11:45 AM-1 PM 107 W. Pine St.—Heroes Ribbon Cutting Steak ‘n Shake Friday, October 28tth 3 PM 575 S. Holden—UCM Elliott Student Union FREE One-On-One Business Consultation Monday, October 31st By Appt Only—JMCR

For additional information please contact the Chamber office at 660-747-3168 or call Alan directly at [email protected].

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Downtown Trick-or-Treat Come visit us at the Chamber! Monday, October 31st, 4-6 PM

Inside this issue:

Chamber Leads Exchange Group Tuesday, November 1st, 8 AM—JMCR Member Relations Committee Wednesday, November 2nd, 4 PM—JMCR ELECTION DAY—GO VOTE! Tuesday, November 8th DOL PRESENTATION for Chamber Members Tuesday, November 8th, 5:15 PM—JMCR Business After Hours Tony’s Restaurant Thursday, November 10th, 5:30 PM 717 S. Maguire St.

Alan is in Warrensburg to offer a wonderful advertising opportunity in the 2017-2018 Warrensburg Chamber guidebook. The guidebook is one of the Chamber’s most requested publications and is shared with all current and prospective Chamber members plus it can be found throughout our community. In the past the busy Chamber staff distributed over 5000 publications in a two year period of time to prospective developers, visitors or new families relocating to the Warrensburg area. We are proud to be partnering with Lawton Publishing to produce this important Chamber publication both in hardcopy and electronic form that is housed on the Chamber website.

Ribbon Cuttings / Open House


Thank you!—Renewed Memberships


Member News


New Chamber Benefits Chamber Info, Chamber Board and Staff Featured Chamber Sponsors

20-23 24 25

For all events RSVP to [email protected] or 660-747-3168.


Please note our reservation policy: No-shows to charged events will be billed.

Upcoming Chamber Happenings… Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Steak N’ Shake

Sweet Dreams Doghouse

Friday, October 28th, 3 PM

Tuesday, October 25th, 2 PM 5 NW 750th Rd, Warrensburg

575 S. Holden UCM Elliott Student Union Bldg Warrensburg

Refreshments served! RSVP [email protected]

Refreshments served!

Chamber University

RSVP [email protected]

Cyber Security Threats Join us for a presentation by LammTech on the latest cyber security threats that can impact businesses both large and small – what to look for and how to prepare!

Wednesday, October 26th, 11:45 AM—1PM Jack Moore Community Room RSVP to [email protected] or 660-747-3168.

You Are Invited To Candidate Forum The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce Governmental Relations Committee is hosting a Candidate Forum Thursday, October 27th at 6 PM White Rose Pavilion, 107 Ming Street, Warrensburg Candidates for the State Senate, State Representative, County Commissioner - Eastern & Western Districts, have all been invited. At 7:30 PM Johnson County Clerk Diane Thompson will present and explain the constitutional amendments on the November ballot.

Chamber Members In honor of the Warrensburg Chamber, City of Warrensburg, and Johnson County President Ambrose is providing stadium food vouches for Warrensburg Chamber Members and their families. Saturday, October 29th, 1 PM Mules vs. Bronchos Audrey J. Walton Stadium The favor of a reply is requested by October 26th E-mail [email protected] or call 660-543-4378

For more information contact the Chamber at 660-747-3168 or email Suzanne Taylor at [email protected]

Department of Labor Overtime Rules Change Join us for a presentation by HR Director, Greg McCullough on an overview of what the new FSLA law will mean to business owners and manager. Tuesday, November 8th, 5:15PM Jack Moore Community Room RSVP to [email protected] or 660-747-3168. 2

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Alpine Boarding and Grooming located at 1600 E. Hale Lake Rd., Warrensburg, MO. Chamber Member Rick Squric welcomed Major Casey Renfrow, council member Robin Allen and guests for attending. Steven and Camilla have done a wonderful job in making this business a grooming and boarding clinic. Steven spoke about how they found the business while living overseas and traveled back to the US and is happy to be here. The facility is for dogs and cats, with a capacity of boarding over 80 dogs and 50 cats, as well as offering bathing and grooming for both. Anchoring the ribbon is Mayor Casey Renfrow and Chamber Ambassador Susan Kraus as Camilla prepares to cut the ribbon. For more information you can call 660-747-2413 or visit this facebook page at alpineboarding/ 3

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Cricket Wireless located at 303 Hawthorne Blvd Ste C, Warrensburg, MO. Jeremy VanWey, Thrivent Financial welcomed everyone in attendance and is so excited to have them in our community as they offer even more choices of coverage in our area. Analyce ZepataBarnes spoke about what they offer their guests, with plans ranging from only $25 to $65 a month, to include unlimited plans which allow customers to enjoy unlimited talk. Come visit and let the staff tell you more about their plans and services! Anchoring the ribbon are Ambassadors Scott Crist and Joe Warren as Analyce prepares to cut the ribbon. For more information you can call 660-262-4113 or visit their website at 4

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Johnson County Republican Central Committee Santa Fe Trails Ste. 5, Warrensburg, MO. Chamber Member Relations committee member Cassandra Williamson welcomed Representatives Denny Hoskins, Dean Dohrman, Johnson County Sheriff Scott Munsterman, Johnson County Treasurer Heather Reynolds, Johnson County Clerk Diane Thompson and all those who attended. Violet Corbett spoke about how hard they are working to help all their candidates and is looking forward to this years elections. Anchoring the ribbon is Chamber Ambassadors Jim and Ann Houx as Denny Hoskins prepares to cut the ribbon. For more information you can call 660-563-2937. 5

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for MC Sports located at 354 Hawthorne Blvd, Warrensburg, MO. Jeremy VanWey, Thrivent Financial welcomed everyone in attendance to include Mayor Casey Renfrow, Chamber Ambassadors, council members Robin Allen, Danielle Johnston and guests. We are excited to have MC Sports in our community, bringing even more variety for different sporting occasions. Ron Summers, Store Manager talked about all the items they offer and introduced his staff. Ben Jackson, District Manager spoke about how great it is being in a community this size and that “We sell fun, it’s not a need you have to have, it’s a want and we want you to have fun.” Anchoring the ribbon are Chamber Ambassadors Sharri Carter and Joe Warren as Ron prepares to cut the ribbon. For more information you can call 800-626-1762 or visit their website at 6

Pack N Mail Open House

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce joined Pack ’N’ Mail’s open house and customer appreciation day located at 540 E Young Ave Ste A, Warrensburg, MO. Chamber Member Relations committee member Cassandra Williamson welcomed everyone in attendance to include Mayor Casey Renfrow and guests. CONGRATULATIONS to Steve Long and his staff at Pack’N’Mail for the upgrade to your printing business and being named as one of the top 100 FedEx shippers in the nation. It was a fun day visiting the #11 Denny Hamlin FedEx race car and having delicious pulled pork lunch provided by the Elks Club. For more information you can call 660-747-2799 or visit their website 7

Thank You! We appreciate all our members who have renewed their memberships so far this month: (If you do not see your name, we may have not received it in the mail yet) Action Realty Co. AdvoCare, Independent Distributor Melissa Air Design Heating & Cooling Aldi Inc. All Pro Electrical Allergy & Asthma Consultants Arwood’s Furniture & Mattress B&L Towing Bill Brenner Bi-Lo Country Mart Bob Russell Casey’s General Store Central Missouri Community Credit Union CHV Certified Public Accountants Committee to Elect Houx Complete Foot and Ankle Center Connections Counseling & Training Days Inn Delores Hudson Dugan’s Paint & Flooring Centers Early Childhood Opportunity Center Edward Jones – Alan Bradt Equity Bank Eyecare Specialties Finnane-Robison Dental LLC First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Fox Heating & Cooling LLC Gillum & Gillum, CPA, LLC Ginny McTighe Glasscock Jewelry Corner GNC Great Clips Happy Days Dream Cars Harmony Gardens Heiman’s TrueValue Home Locators, Inc IHOP InSight Eyecare John Yost Johnson County Community Health Key Solutions King’s Chef Buffet Lotspeich Automotive, Inc. Marco Michael Taylor Mike Keith Insurance, Inc Missouri American Water Co.

Momma Hoppers Cleaning Service Nightwatch Security & Telephone O&M Enterprises, Inc. One Body Massage Therapy Penmac Staffing Agency Riback Supply Company Rib Crib Richter Excavating & Plumbing, LLC Sacred Heart Catholic Church and Preschool Show-Me Christian Youth Home Show-Me Realty Inc. – Don Hillsman Show-Me Realty Inc. – Bob Roby Show-Me Regional Landfill Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters Sodexo Services Sonic Drive In Sue Dodson SueAnn Carter Survival Adult Abuse Center, Inc Sweeny-Phillips & Holdren Funeral Home Teresa Colster CPA, LLC The Daily Star-Journal The Market Street Edition Timbers Therapeutic Massage TnT Rentals, LLC Turner House Arts, LLC United Rentals W&S Door and Window Co. Warrensburg Animal Hospital Warrensburg Booster Club Warrensburg Chrysler Dodge Jeep Warrensburg Collision Warrensburg Community Band Warrensburg Ford Warrensburg Main Street Inc. Warrensburg Manor Care Center Warrensburg R-VI School District Warrensburg Senior Center Welling Law Office West Central Electric Cooperative, In. Western Missouri Title Company William Bernier WILS West-Central Independent Living Solutions World Finance Corporation Youth Excited About Sports (YES) 8

Welcome New Chamber Member! We’re proud to announce our newest Chamber Member!

WEEKLY POSITIVE NETWORKING TIP+ No. 665 October 19, 2016 By Gayle Hallgren-Rezac, Judy Thomspson, Darcy Rezac YOUR BEST DORMAN TIES Research published in MIT Sloan showed that reconnecting with our “dormant ties” (people we haven’t touched based with in at least three years) can be much more beneficial than we ever imagined.

The Music Studio of Warrensburg-provides high quality instruction in music for students of all ages! Lessons are available for Piano, voice, & all instruments! We also offer group lessons in music theory, have Kindermusik classes available, and all offer a weekly "music is fun" time open to anyone on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m.

Earlier this year, these researchers delved deeper to learn “how managers should tap into their vast networks—specifically, how to decide with whom to reconnect”. As reported in their article, "How to Reconnect for Maximum Impact" this is what they found: Choose people you think will be more likely to help you. You will end up having a more meaningful conversation with them versus a nice ‘how are you doing’ chat.

We have a variety of instructors available from persons with graduate degrees in music education to apprentice teachers.

Step outside your comfort zone and reach out to “higher status people” or perhaps those who you don’t know very well as they tend to have more novel insights and ideas.

For more information you can contact the owner, James Duncan at 660-362-1575 or visit their website at

If possible, meet face-to-face. People found it more valuable than a phone conversation.

Jay & Jill Pattiz- Pampered Pet Sitting attended Pet Sitter World Educational Conference & Expo in San Diego. This one of many conferences, workshops, and webinars they have attended in the last 16 years. Professional Pet Sitters and industry experts from all over United States and Canada attended this event. A wide range of educational sessions, learning labs and workshops were offered. Session topics included: Fearful Dogs, Cat Bonding Techniques, Sacred-y Cats, Healthy Business Website, Ask Dr. Marty Becker-America’s Vet, Costly Pet Business Insurance Claims, Pet Fist Aid & CPR, Feline Mind: Cat Secrets Revealed, Effective Facebook Advertising, Watch Your Back-Handling Pets the Proper Way, Root of Pet Dental Health, , Holistic Pet Care, Pet Memorial Service. Pampered Pet Sitting is committed to providing the Best Care possible for it’s client's pets. Attending Pet Sitter World Educational Conference & Expo helps us achieve this goal by expanding our expertise, learning innovative pet care techniques, as well the opportunity to network with fellow pet care professionals. More information about Pampered Pet Sitting and it's professional services call 660-747-3554, website: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1. POSITIVITY—Early risers are known for their positivity, determination, problem solving abilities and an optimistic mentality. Their willingness to solve problems is what helps them leap, whilst we are still fast asleep zzzz… 2. BREAKFAST—Breakfast is the MOST important meal of the day! Without a decent breakfast your body will run with little to no energy. 3. PLANNING—The morning is the perfect time to review your to-do list. Plan your day ahead, how are you working towards your goals? Use this time to visualize todays tasks. A positive outlook will help you complete your goals to their potential. 4. EXERCISE—Kickstart your day! The morning is the perfect time to get out there and workout. A morning workout helps boost brain endorphins giving you a positive mood...even if you did wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Exercising before work helps boost creativity, energy and productivity as well as helping lower stress levels. Remember: you can boost your mood and general health by just setting that alarm clock a little earlier.

Rose Leadem Entrepreneur Staff Online Editorial Assistant

How you wake up can often dictate how the rest of your day will go. That’s why it’s important to approach every day with a strong and optimistic routine.

5. SLEEP– Sleeps plays a vital role in your general well being. Whilst asleep your brain and body is fixing itself from the rigours of day to day life. The quality of your sleep will affect how you are feeling the next day! As well as affecting how you learn, work, think and react.

How do you think the most successful people in the world start their days? Definitely not by sleeping in or rolling out of bed. 6. UNCLUTTER– Everything that you own should have it’s place. Is it necessary, functional or just Waking up early with a positive mindset is the first plain beautiful? “It is not a daily increase, but a daily step to a healthy morning routine. If you often feel decrease. Hack away at the essentials.” - Bruce Lee like there’s not enough time in the day, extra early hours will help you get more done. People such as 7. MOTIVATION– A good start to the day is half the Richard Branson and Olympian Jessica Ennis Hill battle and will give you motivation to stay ahead of start their days by eating a healthy breakfast, your competition, or even widen your lead! planning out their days and exercising. 8. QUIET– The earlier you wake up the quieter the world is. This makes morning the perfect time for tasks that require concentration or focus.

Check out’s 8 steps to learn more successful morning secrets. 19

You’ve been asking……...

Find the Office Depot direct ordering portal on the Chamber website at 20 21

Looking for an easy gift? Look no further!

Gift Certificates Available!

The Chamber has Gift Certificates with over 50 local Chamber

participants in denominations of $5, $10, $20 & $50.

Click here to read all about it!

Click here to find out more

Call the Chamber office today at 660 747-3168 or click on the certificate to find out more!

Interested in increasing your brand awareness? There are many benefits of Chamber Sponsorship! Call the Chamber today for more information at 660-747-3168

other by offering members-only discounts to other current Chamber members. Show your M2M card to receive these great deals! Our Member 2 Member Discount Program is designed to encourage Chamber business members to support each

LOOKING You do not have to be a Chamber Member to attend!

Contact the Chamber office if you need a M2M card. To see a list of participating members CLICK HERE

Next group:

Tuesday Nov 1st 8 AM

If you refer 4 New Member to become a part of our Chamber, your next year’s membership is FREE! To find out more information Click Here


LEADS? Come build relationships and make connections at the

Chamber Leads Exchange Group! Two meetings each month: First Tuesday at 8 AM

In the Jack Moore

Third Thursday at 4 PM Location TBD

Chamber of Commerce 22

Member Services Small Business & Technology Development Centers Funded by the Small Business Administration, the SBTDCs assists businesses with marketing, strategic planning, one-on-one business consultation, financial analysis planning, and a series of hands on development programs for entrepreneurs. The Chamber works to bring these services to your attention, and Chamber members receive a discount on training classes. Contact Jeff Samborski with the Jackson County SBTDC at 816-252-5051 or [email protected], or Kelly Dyer with the Missouri Chamber SBTDC at 573-634-3511 or [email protected].

Constant Contact’s Chamber Program provides their effective marketing tools, for FREE! Included benefits:

Want a great way to save on all your office supplies? Stop by the Chamber office to pick up an Office Depot Store Purchasing Card OR

 Email marketing for up to 5,000 contacts (discounted

thereafter)  Event, survey, and social marketing tools  Custom branded email templates  Support and advice from award winning coaches and

click the National Chamber Program logo above for information on how you can

local marketing experts  Product discounts - up to 25% off!


Contact the Chamber for more information!

is a live online resource presented in simple language and designed to help you manage your most important resource — your employees! Chamber members have exclusive access to this great resource at Forgot your log in information? Call the Chamber office at 660-747-3168 and we’ll provide it. Don’t forget you can also sign up to receive updates.

The Jack Moore Community Room is available to rent for meetings, seminars, or other events. Chamber members receive a significantly reduced rental rate. The room includes a kitchenette with a sink and refrigerator, is wheelchair accessible, and bathroom facilities are available in the depot waiting area.

New Overtime Regulations Webinar and Other FLSA Issues Click Here to watch The You Tube video

Call the Chamber office to make a reservation. New Chamber members receive a free marketing consultation, a one-time Buy 1, Get 2 Free advertisement deal, and a free 6-month subscription. Contact the Advertising Director for information. 23

Board of Directors 2016 – 2017 Scott Patrick, Chair Warrensburg R-VI School District P.O. Box 638, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-7823 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Casey Lund, Chair Emeritus Warrensburg Collision 220 West Young St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 429-2011 Fax: (660) 429– 6405 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Sharri Carter, Chair Elect Johnson County Community Health Services 723 PCA Rd., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-6121 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Steve Fox, Secretary Fox Heating & Cooling LLC 448 E. Gay St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-2992 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018 Jeff Florida, Treasurer F&C Bank P.O. Box 157, Holden, MO 64040 (660) 732-5516 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018 Scott Crist Western Missouri Medical Center 403 Burkarth Rd., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-2500 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Jeff Franklin J.W. FRANKLIN CO. 123 E. Gay St., Ste.ES-V, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-9854 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018

Jeff Huffman University of Central Missouri, Military & Veteran Services Elliott Union 117, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 543-8039 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Dan Jensen University of Central Missouri, Management Department Dockery 400 G, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 543-8039 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Susan Kraus WILS West-Central Independent Living Solutions 601 N. Ridgeview Dr., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 422-7883 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Melissa Livengood AdvoCare, Independent Distributor 454 NW 900th Rd., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-3381 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Joe Warren The Daily Star-Journal P.O. Box 68, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-8123 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018 Suzanne Taylor, Executive Director Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce 100 S. Holden St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-3168, Ext 224 [email protected]

Chamber Staff Suzanne Taylor, Executive Director [email protected] Leanne Larson, Office Manager [email protected] Brooke Samack, Communications Coordinator [email protected] Amanda Mankin, Member Relations Coordinator [email protected]

Mission The Greater Warrensburg Area Chamber of Commerce create opportunities that drive commerce and promote business.

Purpose The Greater Warrensburg Area Chamber of Commerce is a community that supports business, values education and empowers leaders

The Chamber Flash is a twice-monthly email publication, out on the FIRST and THIRD Fridays of each month. It’s a great way for Chamber members to share information about their businesses! It also keeps members up to date with member benefits, networking events and other activities. Space in the Chamber Flash is an included member benefit for Chamber members only. E-mail your print ready ad in JPG format to [email protected] by noon Wednesday for Friday publication. You must resubmit your flyer each week you would like it published. Non-members, upon their request, receive this publication as a courtesy service.

The Chamber Flash is compiled and written by Communications Coordinator Brooke Samack.

Get Connected. Stay Connected.

Andie Sumpter, Chamber Intern [email protected] 24

Interested in membership or sponsorship? Contact Amanda Mankin at [email protected] or at the Chamber Office, 660-747-3168 ext. 222 or email [email protected].

Please share the Chamber Flash with your staff, colleagues,

Thank You To Our Featured Sponsors

Thank You To Our Friends of the Chamber




Click on each logo for information about the state and national Chambers of Commerce: 25