Change Of Chief Executive Officer And Appointment Of Director

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Jun 29, 2012 ... (a) the resignation of Mr Ho Chee Hwee Simon as Chief Executive ... The detailed template announcement(s), pursuant to Rule 704(7) of the ...
(Constituted in the Republic of Singapore pursuant to a trust deed dated 29 October 2001 (as amended))



CapitaMall Trust Management Limited (the “Company”), as manager of CapitaMall Trust (“CMT”), wishes to announce the following changes:


the resignation of Mr Ho Chee Hwee Simon as Chief Executive Officer of the Company with effect from 1 July 2012; and


the appointment of Mr Tan Wee Yan, Wilson, as Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Company with effect from 1 July 2012.

Mr Ho has relinquished his role as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company to assume a new role as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CapitaMalls Asia Limited (“CMA”). He will continue to be a Director and a member of the Investment Committee of the Company. Mr Tan has been the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Company with effect from 4 February 2012. Following the aforesaid changes, the composition of the Board of Directors of the Company, will comprise the following Directors:

Board of Directors Mr James Koh Cher Siang (Chairman, Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr Liew Mun Leong (Deputy Chairman, Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr Lim Tse Ghow Olivier (Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr Lim Beng Chee (Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr Ho Chee Hwee Simon (Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr James Glen Service (Independent Non-Executive Director) Mr David Wong Chin Huat (Independent Non-Executive Director) Mr S. Chandra Das (Independent Non-Executive Director) Mr Richard Rokmat Magnus (Independent Non-Executive Director) Maj-Gen (NS) Ng Chee Khern (Independent Non-Executive Director) Mr Kee Teck Koon (Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr Tan Kian Chew (Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director) Mr Tan Wee Yan, Wilson (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director) The detailed template announcement(s), pursuant to Rule 704(7) of the Listing Manual, in relation to the appointment of Mr Tan and resignation of Mr Ho are being released separately to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.

By Order of the Board CapitaMall Trust Management Limited (Company registration no. 200106159R) As manager of CapitaMall Trust Kannan Malini Company Secretary 29 June 2012