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Thymidine phosphorylase (TP) is another angiogenic factor that appears to be important in human cancer. This migratory rather than mitogenic angiogenic factor ...
Chapter 3 Assessing Tumor Angiogenesis in Histological Samples Stephen B. Fox Abstract Tumor neovascularization acquires vessels through a number of processes, including angiogenesis, vasculogenesis, vascular remodelling, intussusception, and possibly vascular mimicry in certain tumors. The end result of the tumor vasculature has been quantified by counting the number of immunohistochemically identified microvessels in areas of maximal vascularity so-called hot spots. Other techniques have been developed, such as Chalkley counting and the use of image analysis systems that are robust and reproducible as well as more objective. Many of the molecular pathways that govern tumor neovascularization have been identified, and many reagents are now available to study these tissue sections. These include angiogenic growth factors and their receptors, cell adhesion molecules, proteases, and markers of activated, proliferating, cytokine-stimulated, or angiogenic vessels, such as CD105. It is also possible to differentiate quiescent from active vessels. Other reagents that can identify proteins involved in microenvironmental influences such as hypoxia have also been generated. Although the histological assessment of tumor vascularity is used mostly in the research context, it may also have clinical applications if appropriate methodology and trained observers perform the studies. Key words: Angiogenic factors, Chalkley counts, hypoxia, microvessel density, tumor angiogenesis, vascular grading.

1. Introduction Although it has been recognised for many centuries that tumors are more vascular than their normal counterpart, it is only since Folkman’s hypothesis on anti-angiogenesis (1) that a more quantitative method for measuring the blood vasculature in tissue sections has been pursued. Folkman and colleagues recognised that quantitation of the tumor vasculature might play an important a role in predicting tumor behaviour and patient management

S. Martin and C. Murray (eds.), Methods in Molecular Biology, Angiogenesis Protocols, Second edition, Vol. 467 © Humana Press, a part of Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-241-0_3




and therefore developed a microscopic angiogenesis grading system designated the MAGS score. The score was calculated by measuring vessel number, endothelial cell hyperplasia, and cytology in tinctorially stained tissue sections (2). It was designed to be an objective method for quantifying tumor angiogenesis that would yield important information on the relationship to other clinicopathological tumor characteristics and aid the testing of anti-angiogenic therapies. However, although it was possible to classify tumors into “endothelial poor” or “rich,” the technical limitations of sample selection, inter- and intra-observer variation, and conceptual biological problems were such that the technique could not be easily applied. Interest in grading tumor angiogenesis was rekindled in the 1980s and 1990s with the advent of non-specific endothelial markers (3–5), but it has been only more recently with the advent of more specific endothelial markers that quantitation studies have been performed. Most investigators have highlighted endothelium using immunohistochemistry and based quantification on a method developed by Weidner et al (6). This method highlights the tumor vasculature with immunohistochemistry and counts individual vessels in the most vascular areas (so-called hot spots) of the tumor. These studies have shown that an increased microvessel density is a powerful prognostic tool in many human tumor types (reviewed in ref. 7). Nevertheless, due to limitations in capillary identification and quantitation, not all investigators have been able to confirm a relationship between tumor vascularity and prognosis (reviewed in ref. 8). This chapter briefly discusses the considerations in quantifying tumor angiogenesis by microvessel quantitation in tissue sections and gives the current optimal protocol for assessment. Since an increased understanding of how tumors acquire a neovasculature has emerged over the last few years along with the identification of the molecules involved in these processes, I also discuss pathways involved in tumor neovascularization and the microenvironmental influences (e.g., hypoxia) that profoundly affect the vascular program. 1.1. Mechanisms of Tumor Neovascularization

The hypothesis presented by Judah Folkman that tumors are angiogenesis dependent (9) is likely only to be partly the case, with the tumors using a variety of mechanisms to establish a blood supply. A non-angiogenic mechanism of tumor growth that occurs in lung carcinomas (10) and in secondary breast cancer metastasis to the lung (11) is where tumor cells fill the existing structure within the lung (i.e., the alveolar spaces), whether primary or metastastic, without destroying the underlying architecture, with the tumor using the established blood vessels rather than generating new vessels as occurs during angiogenesis. Thus, there is no associated stromal desmoplasia, and unlike many solid tumors that are more vascular than their normal tissue counterpart, these

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tumors have a similar vascularity as normal lung. A similar cooption model has also been described in a brain tumor model by which early in development the tumor uses the existing blood vessels without eliciting an angiogenic response (12, 13). The cooption model is also likely to occur in other tumor types, such as colorectal hepatic metastases (14). Thus, in some circumstances tumors are able to “parasitise” the normal stroma and sinusoidal vasculature for their metabolic needs. Vasculogenesis, the de novo generation of blood vessels from endothelial progenitors, is another method exploited by tumors to generate neovessels. This has been reported in animal models and in some human tumors, such as inflammatory sub-type breast tumors (15–19). The importance of this method of tumor vascularisation may be more relevant in early tumor development since inhibition of stem cells or endothelial cell precursor mobilisation prevents xenografts from inducing the initial angiogenic response (20). Although currently there is a paucity of evidence, it has also been suggested that intussusception contributes to the establishment of a tumor blood supply. This is the process by which larger vessels within a tumor are divided by columns of tumor cells splitting an individual large vessel into two or more channels. Unlike conventional sprouting angiogenesis, endothelial cell proliferation is not a feature (21, 22). This may be part of vascular remodelling, which may be the dominant mechanism in the establishment of the tumor vascular bed (23–25). Another somewhat contentious mechanism of neovascularisation that has been reported for aggressive ocular melanomas and ovarian tumors (26) is vascular mimicry. The neoplastic cells rather than endothelial cells line the blood vessels and conduct the blood (27, 28). The tumor cells acquire both the morphology and phenotype of endothelium and co-express some vascular markers. Partial lining of the blood vessels by tumor cells has been known for many years (29) and more recently was reported in animal models using advanced techniques (30), but in our experience using morphology and double immunohistochemistry, this is not frequently observed in the common solid tumors (unpublished data).

2. Materials 1. Silane-coated or charged microscope slides (e.g., Superfrost Plus®). 2. Dry incubator/oven at 37°C for 30 minutes or overnight. 3. Xylene or xylene substitute (e.g., Citroclear, Histolene).



4. Graded alcohols (100%, 90%, and 70% ethanol). 5. 5% H2O2 in PBS or methanol (methanol and 30% hydrogen peroxide). 6. IHC running buffer: Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or Tris-buffered saline (TBS). 7. Tris EDTA buffer, pH 9.0. 8. Microwave oven or pressure cooker. 9. Antibodies to CD31 (JC70; Dako M0823) or CD34 (QBEND10; Dako M7165). 10. Detection system: Streptavidin biotin kit or Chain polymer detection systems. 11. Chromogens: Diaminobenzidine, 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole (AEC), and or 5-Bromo-4-Chloro-3-Indolyl Phosphate/ Nitro Blue Tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT). 12. Permanent mountant for DAB or aqueous mountant (for alcohol-soluble chromogens, e.g., new fuchsin, BCIP/NBT). 13. Microscope coverslips. 14. Chalkley graticule (25 dot).

3. Methods 3.1. Highlighting the Vasculature in Tissue Sections

It should be emphasised that time should be devoted to optimisation and validation of the immunohistochemical staining procedure since quality staining with little background greatly facilitates assessment. Consideration should be given to antibody clone choice, antigen retrieval methods, primary antibody titration, and the choice of detection system. Some chromogens form alcohol-soluble end products (e.g., AEC and BCIP/NBT), and care must be taken to use an aqueous mountant with these products. Many histopathology laboratories are well versed in immunohistochemistry, necessitating only minor adjustments to the in-house protocol. The preferred immunohistochemical protocols that are employed in our laboratory are outlined next.

3.1.1. Staining Procedure

1. Cut 4-µ formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections of the representative tumor block onto silane-coated or -charged slides. 2. Dry at 37°C overnight in an incubator. 3. Dewax using citroclear (HD Supplies) or xylene for 15 min before passing through graded alcohols (100%, 90%, and 70% ethanol) into water. 4. Place in IHC running buffer for 5 min.

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5. Perform antigen retrieval as required and apply primary antibody at room temperature as outlined in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Antibodies used for highlighting endothelium in tumors Antibody

Antigen retrieval




CD31 (monoclonal)

2 mins pressure cooker 10 mM citrate Tris EDTA buffer, PH 9.0

JC70a; Dako (M0823)


30 min

CD34 (monoclonal)

2 mins pressure cooker Tris EDTA buffer, PH 9.0

QBEND10: Dako (M7165)


30 min

6. Block endogenous peroxidase if using a horseradish peroxidase (HRP) detection system. Incubate the slides in 3% to 5% hydrogen peroxide in PBS or methanol for 10 min (methanol is gentler on sections that show poor adhesion to the slides). 7. Rinse three times in IHC running buffer for 5 min. 8. Apply the appropriate detection system as outlined next. Ensure that the detection system takes into account the type of primary antibody (i.e., whether mouse monoclonal or rabbit polyclonal or rabbit monoclonal). 3.1.2. Detection Systems

The choice of detection system will depend on the type of primary antibody and the sensitivity required for the assay.

3.1.3. Chain PolymerConjugated Technology

Chain polymer-conjugated technology is a new type of detection system that uses an inert dextran backbone that has been labelled with multiple copies of HRP to enhance the detection system. Most major antibody suppliers now offer these detection systems (e.g., Dako Envision or Envision+, SuperPicTure Zymed, Biocare, BioGenex). The main advantage these systems over older biotin-based detection systems is that there is no possibility of binding with endogenous tissue biotin. These detection kits give good sensitivity and are more rapid than the alkaline phosphatase-anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) technique as they only require a single step for detection. Although some antibodies come already attached to the polymer, allowing a single-step staining method, many antibodies are not available and thus utilize a two-step method in which a primary antibody is followed by a mouse- or rabbitlabelled dextran–HRP complex. The sensitivity results from the conjugate having hundreds of enzyme molecules and multiple secondary anti-mouse (or -rabbit) antibody molecules per backbone. The chromogen 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) forms a brown,



insoluble end product when it is oxidised in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Other chromogens may also be used with these kits, such as AEC, which forms a red alcohol-soluble precipitate. Some kits contain all the necessary reagents for each step, including blocking if required. If double immunohistochemical staining is considered (see below 4.3 and 4.4) the technology allows for discrimination using different secondary reagents and substrates. 1. Wash the slides in IHC running buffer after the primary antibody incubation. 2. Incubate the sections with the polymer solution for 30 min. 3. Rinse the sections three times with IHC running buffer. 4. Apply the chromogen substrate (e.g., DAB) for 10 min. 5. Rinse in tap water for 2–3 min. 6. Counterstain, then wash off excess in running tap water. 7. Mount in aqueous mountant if using an alcohol-soluble chromogen. Otherwise, dehydrate in graded alcohols, then clear in xylene and mount with permanent mountant. 3.1.4. StreptABC (Avidin– Biotin Complex)

The StreptABC (avidin–biotin complex) method uses the high affinity of streptavidin for biotin. It requires sequential application of a biotinylated secondary antibody followed by a tertiary antibody complex of streptavidin–biotin–HRP. The open sites on the streptavidin complex bind to the biotin on the secondary antibody. StreptABC kits may come prediluted, ready-to-use reagents or may require titration of the secondary antibody. Ensure that the secondary antibody is appropriate for the primary antibody. A blocking step for endogenous biotin may be required if background binding is observed. Commercial kits are available for this purpose. 1. Apply the secondary antibody for 15 to 30 min. 2. Wash the slides in IHC running buffer. 3. Apply the streptavidin complex for 15 to 30 min. 4. Rinse the sections three times with IHC running buffer. 5. Apply the chromogen substrate for 5 to 10 min. 6. Rinse the slides in tap water and counterstain if desired. 7. Mount in aqueous mountant if using an alcohol-soluble chromogen. Otherwise, dehydrate in graded alcohols, then clear in xylene and mount with permanent mountant.

3.1.5. Alkaline Phosphatase-Anti-alkaline Phosphatase

The APAAP method uses a soluble enzyme anti-enzyme antibody complex (calf intestinal APAAP) to act on new fuschin substrate. The primary and final antibody complex is bridged by excess rabbit anti-mouse antibody that binds to the primary mouse antibody with one Fab, leaving a Fab site free to bind the

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tertiary complex. Repeated rounds of application with secondary and tertiary antibodies amplify the staining intensity. The enzyme hydrolyses the naphthol esters in the substrate to phenols, which couple to colourless diazonium salts in the chromogen to produce a red colour. Endogenous alkaline phosphatase is inhibited by the addition of 5 mM levamisole, which does not inhibit calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase. 1. Apply the secondary antibody for 30 min. 2. Wash the slides in IHC running buffer. 3. Apply the tertiary complex for 30 min. 4. Wash the slides in IHC running buffer and apply chromogen for 20 mins. 5. Wash the slides in running tap water and counterstain if required. 6. Mount in aqueous mountant if using an alcohol-soluble chromogen. Otherwise, dehydrate in graded alcohols, then clear in xylene and mount with permanent mountant. 3.2. Assessment of Tumor Blood Vascularity

Confirm satisfactory staining using normal entrapped vasculature as internal positive control. An optional parallel negative control section using an immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) isotype antibody may be used. The three hot spot areas containing the maximum number of discrete microvessels should be identified by scanning the entire tumor at low power (×40 and ×100) (Fig. 3.1). This is the most subjective step of the procedure. It has been demonstrated that the experience of the observer determines the success of identifying the relevant hot spots (31). Poor selection will in turn lead to an inability to classify patients into different prognostic groups. Therefore, it is recommended that inexperienced

Fig. 3.1. The tumor is scanned at low power (×40–100) (centre), and the three areas that contain the highest number of discrete microvessels are selected.



observers spend time in a laboratory where a period of training can be undertaken. Ideally, comparisons between hot spots chosen by an experienced investigator and trainee should be performed and continued on different series until there is more than 90% agreement. Training can be completed by assessing sections from a series that already contains prognostic information (32). Inexperienced observers tend to be drawn to areas with dilated vascular channels, often within the sclerotic body of the tumor. These central areas together with necrotic tumor should be ignored. Vascular lumina or erythrocytes are not a requirement to be considered a countable vessel; indeed, many of the microvessels have a collapsed configuration. Although the hot spot areas can occur anywhere within the tumor, they are generally at the tumor periphery, making it important to include the normal tumor interface in the representative area to be assessed. Vessels outside the tumor margin by one ×200–250 field diameter and immediately adjacent to benign tissues should not be counted. The procedure takes 2–5 min. 3.3. Chalkley Counting

Once selected, a 25-point Chalkley point eyepiece graticule (33) at ×200–250 should then be oriented over each hot spot region so that the maximum number of graticule points are on or within areas of highlighted vessels (Fig. 3.2). Particular care should be

Fig. 3.2. The areas of tumor containing the highest number of discrete microvessels are examined at high power (×200–250), and the Chalkley graticule is then rotated in the eyepiece so that the maximum number of graticule dots coincide with the vessels or their lumens. This number is then recorded.

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taken in the occasional case (